The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 26, 1892, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
11 C. JOr Ml, Editor and 1 Ml I utter.
rjf. J. irAtKIXS, T.oeal Editor.
TheBVEXiya 1IKRALD hat larger cir
culation in Shenandoah thnn any tther paper
tmaluhed, Jtonks open t all.
DaiIiTi per year, S3 00
Wdhelt, per year l 50
Entered at the PostofHceat Shenandoah, la.
for transmission through tho malis
as seroud class mall mutter.
The Illinois Steel Company pro
poses to shut down Its Bteel rail plant
at South Chicago on December 15, be.
cause of uncertainty about the tarltr,
and 3,600 men will be thrown out of
employment. Chicago's majority for
"tarliT reform" will cost the working
men there a large sum of money.
A paper and pulp mill at Wadding
ton, N. Y., which had been planned
by New York capitalists, has been
abandoned. A lumber and pulp mills
to cost $100,000, which was to have
been erected at Tupper Lake, has been
, postponed iudellnltely all on account
of "tarlll reform."
The Minnesota Populists are in a
row over the conduct of their can vast
this fall, when the party catt 42.003
votes in that State. As a result of
the disagreement it is said that tho
party will be disrupted and the voters
will go back to their old political al
liances. Governor Russell, of Massachu
setts, owes IiIh re-election itfeeniB not
to any upheaval of political sentiment
such as the reform ers aud dreamers
jove to talk about, but simply to pop
ular ignorance of the new ballot law,
and to carelessness In complying with
its requirements. In a word, Governor
Russell continues in ofilce, not because
he people want him, but simply be
cause they failed to take proper care
in arranging their votes against him.
A monster meeting is sson to be
held In Montreal to discuss the ques
tion of annexation to the United
States, which the Liberal press ha3
recently been urging with renewed
vigor. There Is little doubt of the
general sentiment In favor of annexa
tion on Canada's part, aud it seems
as if the time for joining forces with
her neighbors on tills side of the bor
der were bound logically to come.
Our own anxiety to hasten such s
consummation Is less than hers, but
if she will accomplish needed reforms
mid make her conditions conform
somewhat to ours she will find Uncle
Sam more than ready to meet her half
way with an outstretched hand of
Theke are are some capitalists who
have been predluting that that prohib
ition community which was establish
ed at ITurriman, East Tenuossee,
would And that some other quality
than an absolute prohibition of alco
hol Is necesary to make such an un
dertaking financially successful. One
year's service as president of the oom-
pauy Hatlsfled Thomas L. Jantw of
that, and whilo Mr. Wagualls Is re
garded as good a business man ub he
is Prohibitionist, yet he confesses
that under his presidency the com
pany lias been obliged to pass Its divi
dend. If It gets into tuore serious
trouble It will only fulfil a prophesy of
the man hired to run a fine hotel
He set a good table and he got himself
Into trouble on that account, for some
of tho directors were there at dinner
one day and discovered on the bill of
fare "Roast ham with ohampaguo
Bauce." Champagne sauce caused a
terrible commotion. The directors
were indignant. It was a violation of
tho artloles of the corporation, thoy
euid.und the hotel manager became
indlgnautas well, throw up his job
and predicted that prohibition which
went bo fur as to prohibit the only
tuuoe lit to serve with roast ham
would bo likely to ruin the enterprise.
"I suffered tor two years from a bad cough
and pain In my cheat. I tried a number of
remedies, but Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup was the
only one that effected a cure. 1. J. Murphy,
Ashley, 1'a."
Type For Bale,
'We have 200 pounds minion, more or
imt, which we will tell chop for cub, hav
hf no further use for tte. euuu Apply t
)bsLlx. M&e.
X'eebls Ilolih of the Pnpo.
Home, Nov. 20. The low condition of
the Pope's health is earning much specu.
latlon ns to his probable successor. Car
dinal Zlgllnrl Is belle yed at present as
the likeliest candidate.
Actor Curtl. an Trial Again.
SjlK FnANCisco, Not. 2(5. The second
trial of M. B. Curtis (Sam'l ot Posen) for
the murder of Policeman "Grant on the
night of faep. 11, 1891, began In Judge
Murphy's court ye.t.rday. No import-
ub testimony was given.
A Ilrporler ImostlKiites several public
rccmuim'tnlHtlons, nml finds
Storu Word of Prattle spoken than Pub
lished. The strong letters of recommendation
nud experiences which have so frequently
appeared in tlio various daily papers,
excited the curiosity of the Editor of tlio
Albany Argus Determined toknowns to
the genuineness of tlio published docu
ments, placed the matter in the hands of
one of their rcporteis, ' Mr. Hubert A.
Male, the veteran foreman of VnuSlykc fc
Morton's Tobacco Factory, on Broadway,
Albany, N. Y., was lirst called upon, and
shown the following :
"About tea years ago I had a Brent deal ot
trouble with stone in the hLidder, and I bad to
submit to an operation. Hut tho old trouble re
apiiearcd and I feared that another operation
would lio necessary. A friend suggested that
I try Dr. Knnrdys Favorite Remedy, of lion
dmit. N. Y., after using tho medicine a short
while, I tound it was doing mo good. I contin
ued Its use and am happy to fay it entirely
cured me. 1 take It whenever I feel a little out
of sorts, and itslwnys does tne pood, llutfor
kidney or urinary trouble of any kind 1 am a
proof of its curative powers.
3Ir. 31alo said every word was true and
and ha would not be without that valu
able preparation.
Jlr. F. C. Brink, of Pouglikeepsio.N.V.,
whoso famous . experiunco published,
as "A Hcrap of Paper." IMckinir
a scrap or paper
up in the street one
day. found it con
tained Dr. Ken
nedy's Fa vo ri te
Remedy advertise
ment, and us it par
ticularly hit his
case, bought the
medicine and found
the help he had
jrr.r.c. ltrlnii. uccn praying lor.
In answer as to the truth of the article,
Jlr. Brink said he was always pleased to
say a good word for Favorite llcinedy.
nud referred the writer to the following
letter lately published in the I'oughktep
sie Eagle.
aentl"men : Receiving many letters from all
over tho country, asking as to the truth of an
advertisement piintt-d In your palter, girlwrmy
experience with Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
ltmedy, I wish to say it was a pleasure to
Rive that recommendation to Dr. Kennedy, and
when I said I was cured of catarrh of the Mad
der and chionlc kldnry disease, 1 wrote simply
the truth. ,
Foryearsheforelused this valuablo medicine,
I suffered from urinary troubles, pain in my
back and ft nervous, sleepless condition, yet
before I had taken the fourth bottle Iwascured,
sound anil well. I have replied to theto letters
and am willing to do similar service to those
afllicied. llut 1 mr.ko this public statement
hoping it mav leach the eye ofthe suflerer, and
save me personal correspondence, foratmyngo
letter wilting is note easy.
Yours truly,
21 Thompson Street. T. C. ISsikk.
Mr. Peter Lawler, chief engineer of
Mesf-rs. Crane &, Co s PapcrMill, Dulton,
Mass., said :
"I don't look much like a dead man. but I was
Dretty near one. For fllteen veais 1 suffered
pains in my siue. my
urine was subject to
violent btoppnges, and
often tinged with
blood. 1 lost flesh,
appetlto, and strength.
1 consulti'd several
physicians who tald 1
was miller lug from
gravel and inlUm
atiou of the ktiUieys
and that I could live
but a phort time. Mr.
joun npeuc.T oi i'iuh- .'
Held, learning ot my Mjl.
condition, said " don't Sir. leter l.u ler.
bother with tho doctors, tnko Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite ltemedy and ho cured." I at
once sent for tho same, and had taken only port
of the bottle, when two pieces of stone pasted
my bladder, and now amtnthely well. (Sistlve
nna and rbetimetlstn trouble nie no more, and 1
feel like a new man. Thanks cntu cly to Ir.-
Jienneuy s lavorue Jtemeuy,
Mr. E. D. Parsons, head book-keeper
Wuole&ulo Dry Goods House of S. J.
ivrnom b uo.,
Rochester, N. Y
had a similar ex
perience. Seized
oneday with pain hi
his back, next carao
sloppago of urine.
Mcdicnl advise was
bought, ami prono-
, uncoil it stone In the
bladder. In writ
ing to a friend ho
Sir, V. I). Parnous, euys :
" I suffered beyond words to describe. None
of the means taken produced any benefit, until
I began the use of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite ltem
edy which dissolved the stone, the symptoms
began to yield, the pain ceased and from this
time my recovery was complete. Can I after
this experience speak too highly of that which
saved uiy life f "
"I can speak In hlpbor praise than I
have written," nra the words of every per
son I talked with, which proves tho great
popularity of this remedy, possotcblng
what no oilier medicine has, tho
power to save life. It can be used with
safety by all ages.
Tho worst cases of nervous prostration,
sleeplessness, headaches and dlgestlvo
troubles, yield to Its curative power. Bait
rheum, eczema, rheumatism, scrofula, or
any diense arising from impure blood,
are banished by this brain, ncrvo and
blood tonie, Dr. David Kennedy's Favor
tto Remedy.
olkar Ljt. lilt-lug Uu eowter tad ttck
id uu WHO rriwnUif Ita. VO OODtCOH Ifl
klwkjra read? for ue. Will rati lb bt por
fumad Hud Sobb Id WiulnuUrtirifJWwtMUn
dUlnfatlQf tlnka, olowli. iMng Wula
JReal Estate Agent !
Olllco-34 West Laurel Street,
Slicimuctonli, Pa.
Farm of 15 acres; house, barn and other out
buildings) property of 1). IL Mummy, In
the Calawtssa valley l,6oa.
yrm oi 83 K tares) bouse, barn, eto.) property
ot H. I), ltentsehler, la tfae UatsvUiw vl-
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Qcorgo Kohlor and several of his friends,
of Qlrardvillc, spent Sunday with us. Mr.
Kohlor is ono of Mlncrsvillo's old boys.
Charles Vouderheidcr, of rottsvllle, Sun
dayed with us last week.
Jllss Tlllio Gelst, of roltsville, was seen
among our many visitors on Sunday last..
The guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mcrklo.
Mrs. Kuohn and Mrs. John C. Clemens, of
town, left Monday morning for Norristown,
to appear on tho Itotlicrinel case.
Mrs. John Shis3lcr aud her two sons, ac
companied by her father, left Mouday morn
ing for Denver, Col., to join her husband
llicie. Ho aud his brother nro in business
thcro and are doing splendidly.
Tho Boston Comic Opera Company, who
spent tlio latter part of last week with us,
went away well pleased with tho crowded
houses thoy received whilo hero. Tiiey left
for Mahanoy City on Sunday morning. Miss
Bestrico Goulde was tho star of tlio troupe.
Edward Thomas, of Blackwood, removed
to Minersvillo with his family.
On Tuesday John Welsh, of Primrose, lost
a daughter by death in tlio second year of her
ago. Her funeral took placo on Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Tho "Thirteen Club" held their semi
monthly hop on Thursday evening last. It
was largely attended.
Our borough will ho divided into four
wards. It is asked by tlio petitioners that
tho wards have two members cacli in tlio
School Board and three cacli In tho Town
Quito a number of young men from
Thomaston and Heckschcrvillo wcro detect
ed in taking troughs and planks from Thom
aston colliery to build loafing shanties for
themselves, ages from 18 to 21 years. C. & I.
Policeman John Dcitricli arrested seven of
tho culprits and they settled tho case by
paying tho fine. Others Bhould take warn
ing and not meddle witli company property
or they will ho dealt witli according to law.
Samuel Adams, who but recently removed
to Blackwood, returned yesterday with his
family and household goods to mako his home
hero again.
William Bausch and Ocorgo Folford will
shoot at seven birds each on Thursday next
and tho winner will rcccivo a small purso
raUed for tlio occasion.
Harry Martin, who is woll known hero by
our young people, was ouo of tho men
rescued from Hazel Dell colliery. Ho spcut
his boyhood days hero. Much pleasure is
expressed at his happy deliverance from so
fearful a death.
"The Merry Cobbler" will h givcu at tho
Mountaineer hall, on Monday night.
A month's mind was celebrated on Thurs-
dy morning at 10 o'clock to tho memory of
tho lato John B. Brcnuan, of Meckysburg, at
St. Kyrau's church, Hcckscherville, of which
church tho deceased was ono of tho original
members. His son, Rev. James ilrcnnan
will bo tho colchrato, assisted by tho rector,
Eov. J. O. Wynne, and other clergy.
Tho Independent Hose Company are
receiving a largo number of donations for
their fair to he held during tho holidays at
tho Mountaineer hall, The ladies are untir
lug in their efforts to mako it a grand
In tho caso between Albert Weist and his
wife at Norristowu yesterday tho husband
was sentenced to pay for tho support of his
wife. Some of our people who had been
subpocned as witnesses testified that Wcitt
was a common drunkard, which is denied by
his friends, who hold he is and always has
been an industrious young man. They can
not account for such swearing.
Oscar Achenbach has removed into tho
Telford property, on Sunbury street.
Dick Powers, of Kcnova, is hero looking
after tho interests of his many friends.
Tliomas Boran received n slight Injury to
his right hand yesterday by being struck
with a piece of rock at the Phoculz Park
The Argcl Sodality of St. Vincent do Paul's
church, hut recently organized, already num
bers over elghty-flvo little children. The
Kov. J, J. Itoonoy is tho director.
Georgo Achenbach, of New Yoik, visited
his mother tho past fow days.
The Tharme of breakinsr lamr
chimneys is abroad in the laud.
There are two sorts of chim
neys; brittle and tough. Ninety
nine in a hundred are brittle.
The worst are imported from
uermany. une uest are JUac
beth's "Pearl-top"& "Pearl-glass."
Two sorts as to workman
ship; fine and coarse. The
fine are Macbeth's "Pearl-top"
and " Pearl-Elass." The coarse
are rough and out of propor
tion; misnts ana missnapon;
they do not make a good
draft; they smoke.
Two sorts as to glass; trans
parent and gray. "Pearl-top"
and " Pearl-glass " are clear, fine
and tough not tough against
accident toucrh atrainst heat.
Call for "Pearl-top" or
" X'earl-glass emmueys.
rittaburirh, Pa, Quo. A. Macbeth Co.
O -llllln HHMIlrf MiUmiHiM, ita,
Thn Annnpnli Cnrintu unit Their FrUttctl
Arrive for To-flny's Gnrar,
West Point, K Y., Nor. 20. The An
napolis Naval Academy Football team,
which will battle with tho West Poinl
Army team to-day, arrived here lasl
. The great army nnd navy contest is tht
all-absorbing topic here.
About thirty-five cadets, including
substitutes, the manager of the team and
senior cadet officers, accompanied by sev
eral ladies, compose the visiting party.
The Wast Pointers and naval cadets
bare each secured a game, and tho com ing
contest will decide the superiority of
the two teams. Mr. Crosby, of Yale, who
has trained the Annapolis cadets, is ot
the opinion that they will surely win.
Georgians Kxnralnlne Kitlr Matters.
CniCAOo, Nov. 20. A party of repre
sentatives of the Georgia Legislature,
headed by Gov. Northen, and accompan
ied by several newspaper men, are mak
ing personal observation of tho progress
made in World's Fair matters up to dato,
in order to report tho same to tha Legis
lature with a view to obtaining: an ap
propriation for Georgia's exhibits.
Tllfl Election Cnumil be Held.
Trenton, N. J., Nov. 20. Justlca
Reed, of the Court of Errors, has decided
that the proposed election in Commercial
township, Cumberland county, to vote on
the question of fixing the license feo at
$5,000, cannot be held.
in jour fain t'ly ?
fio oneth!n$ causes
more dysjejbsa ffiaa
ffe n e vj horten in q
is 3 we,t, clean.,
and fi.ltljfu.L .
J)Y$ PEP fs
and other invalids
can. eat ood QooKed
Without unjbieasant
br AlLcookincj purposes
if I's'pUtjwEEfE
fiZEf than any otAer
jWtemiijTjSe re fore
use. CottdLENE.
Mado only by
CHICAGO, aad 138 II. Delaware Ave., l'hlla.
IN. H. Downs' Elixir!
lias stood tho tot t for SIXTY TEAJtS
and has proved itself tho best remedy i
a known for tho euro or Contumptlon,
iCouol'i, Coldt, Whooping Cough, and
faKXtniff Jfiirlu young or oiu.
Trice J5o., Mo., and tl.00 per bottle.
( niltST, JOHHDOH 4 10SS, Pnji., 8ullErlo, vt.
Everything In tho tonsorial line done la first
Class style, a lino uaiu room auueneu.
27 TB CMehfitr' Enclltli niauioad rirsnA.
Pennyroyal pills
-"Tv ItrltftnylBitXOnlj Otnuinu A
UAfi, Wyi rtilltlil. I.ADIC, kit
Drujilit fur CJc ( i itnglUk DU-.
mu,nd Urami lu 1U4 ud Gold utuUi1
boiei, atwl wiib blue ribbon. Tk
nunthrr. Jlefuta danatrout uLititu.
iiuttM amli imittitUtAM At Irutli(i nr Mod Am-
la tUmps fur varttcsliri, iHUotoDt&U ui
"UtUtf fur K.dlfUI.tdr, lj rrturm
&UIU JO.OOO TmUujooIiU. amt Juiftr.
lehcUr CncinlC4 C,lltlln Syusr
36 Bant Centre Street.
The best beer, ales, porter, wMakiea, brsndlee
winoM anu uoeat csgars wways on Dana.
ffae yOU
Lehigh Valley Division.
i11il.lra(:It0 oal UfPl1 clusivoly,"insurlng
cleanliness ana comfort
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
i, 5? ll1?.en. Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lo
hlghton, Slatington, White Hall, Catasaunua,
Allcntown, licthlehcm, Easton, Philadelphia
llazleton, Weatherly, Quakako Junction, Del-
? ??ottS(JnlIa!;anoy cfty t 0.01, no, 9.0s a m.,
I.b2, 3.10. 6.1.7 p. m.
For New York, 6V4, B.os a. m 12.52, 3.10,
d. J7 p. m.
tjiF.or. Hofleton, Wllkos-Darro, White Haven,
PIttston, Laceyvllle. Towanda, Sayro, Wavcrly,
f'ln"n. Kochester, Niagara Falls and the West,
10.41 a. m., (3.10 p. m., no connection for Uochos
tcr, Buffalo or Niagara Falls), 8.03 p. m.
r llelvldcre, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, 0.04 a. m., 6.S7 p. m.
For Lambertvillo and Trenton, 3.08 a. m.
For Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 8 03 p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and Lyons, 10.41
a. in., 8.03 p. m.
. orJ,sanc8vllle Leviston and Beaver Meadow,
7.40, 9.08 a. m., 5.27, 8.03 p. m.
For Audenried, Hazloton, Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, e.OI, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, aiO,
6.27 p. m.
For Scranton, 0.04, 9.08, 10.41 a, m., S.10, 5.27 p.
For Ilazlebrook, Jeddo. Drlf ton and Frcoland,
fl.01, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. in., 12.62, 3.10, 6.27 p. m.
For Ashland, Girurdvillo and Lost Creek, 4.27,
7.40, 8.62, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.10, 9.15
p. ra,
For Itaven Run, Contrails, Mount Carmol nnd
Shamokin, 8.52. 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.07 p. m.
For Yatesvlllo, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 6.57, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a m., 12.62, 3.10, 5.20,
3.03,9.24,10.27 p.m.
Trains will lcavcShamokin at 7.65, 11.55 a. m.,
2.10, 4.30, p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at
9.05 a. m 12.62, 3.10, 6.27 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 6.60, 7.40,
9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 4.10, 5.27, 8.03 p. m.
Leavo Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.a'j,
9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. in., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30
p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for llazleton, 0 01, 7.40, 9.08,
10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10. 5.27, 8.03 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.30, 9.15
11.06 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 6.80, 7.10, 7.50 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, Glrardvlllo and Lost
Creek, 7.29, 9.40 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. ra.
For Yatesvllle, Park Placo, Mahanoy City,
Delano, Hazleton, lllack Creek Junction, Pcnn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Hethlehem, ISaston and New York, 8.40 a. m.,
2.55 p. m.
For Philadelphia and Now York, 12.30 p m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Placo, Mahacoy City and
Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 2.55, 4.40 6.P1 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30
a. ra.. 1.05, 4.37 p. m.
Leavo Shenandoah for Pottsvlllo. 5.50. R.40.
9.30 a.m., 12.302.45 p.m.
Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
a.m.,1.35,5.l5p. m.
i a. HtvEiuAKU, uen. Mgr.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa,
Houth llctblchcm. Pa.
NOVEM11ER 16, 1891.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
date for Wiggan's, Gilberton, Frackvllle, Now
Castle, Bt. Clair, Pottsvlllo, Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstown, Phoenlicvllle, Norristown and Phil
adelphia (Uroad street station) at 8:00 and 11:45
a. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weokdays. For Potts
vlllo and intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
For Wicean's. Gilberton. Frackvllle. Vow
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsville at 0:00, 9:40 a.m.
and3:i0p. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town, Pha-nijcvillo, Norristown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leavo Frackvllle for Rhenandoah at
10:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:01, 7:42 and 10:09 p.m.
bundays, 11:13 a. ra. and 5:40 p. m.
t.cave I'ousviuo lor sncnanuoan at iu:ia,
11:48 a. m and 4:10.7:15 and 0:1' ri. m. Sundavs
at 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m.
L,eavo i-Duaocipnia turoaa sireet station) lor
Pottsville and Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a m,
4 10 and 7 00 p m week days. On Sundays leave
at 6 50 a m. For Pottsvlllo, 9 23 a m. For Now
Yorkat3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 6 35, 0 60, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30,
9 60, 1100, 11 14. 1135 a m, 12 00 noon (limited ex
press 1 00 and 4 60 p ra) 12 41, 1 35, 1 40, 2 30, 3 20,
4 00, 4 02, 5 00, 0 00, 0 20, 0 60, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p
m, 12 01 night. Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35,
8 12. 8 30, 9 50. 11 S a m and 12 44, 1 40, 2 30, 4 02
uiumeu wj o so, o su, o ou, t la una mspm ana
12 01 nleht. For Sea Girt. Loner II ranch and In.
tormedia to stations 8 20 and 1114 am, and 4 00
p m weokdays. For Baltimore and Washing
ton 3 60, 7 20, 831, 9 10, 1020, II 18am, 12 3.1 (lim
ited express, 1 30, 3 40,) 4 41, 0 67, 7 40 p m 12 03
night. For Freehold only 5 00 p m week days.
Forl3altlmoroonlynt2 02, 4 01, 5 08 and 1130 p
ra. Sundays at 3 60, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 a m, 4 41, 0 67
7 40 p m, 12 03 night. Baltimore only 5 08, 1130
p ra. j or uicnmona i aj a m, i au p m ana vim
night. Hundays, 7 20 a m, 12 03 night.
Trains will leavo Harrlsburc for Plttsburz
and tho West overy day at 12 25 and 3 10 a ra
nnd (limited 3 00) and 3 40 n m. WavforAl-
toonaat815 am and 4 10 p m every day. For
Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 20 a m every day
unu luwpui ween uuys.
Trains will leave Sunbury for Wllliamsport,
Elmlra. CanandalKua. Rochester. Buffalo and
Nlairara Falls at 6 10 a m. and 1 35 d m week
nays, i'or uimira at o so p ra week aays. i' or
irio ana inicrmeuiate points ai o 10 am aauy
For Lock Haven at 5 10 and 9 50 a m dailv. 1 35.
and 5 30 p m week days For Renovo at 5 10 a
m, 1 35 and 6 30 p m week days, and 5 10 a ra on
Sundays only. For Kano at 5 10 a m, 1 35 p m
ween uays.
O. II. Puun, J. R. Wood,
Gcn'l Manager Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt
Trains leavo Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Phlladelnhla. week da vs.
2.08,5.23,7.18,10.08 a.m.,,5.53 p.m. Sunday
2.08, 7.40 n. m. For Now York vio Mauch Chunk,
week aays, 7. 18 a. m., i2.x, 2.4a p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
2.08, 5.23, 7.18. 10.08 a. m.,12.33, 2.48, 5.53 p. ra. Sun
day, 2.08, 7.40 a. ra., 4.28 .p.'m
For Harrlsburc. week days. 2.
7.18 a. m.,
2.48. 6.53 11. m.
For Allentown, week aays, 7.18 a. m., 12.33,
p. m.
For Pottsville. week days. 2.08. 7.18 a. m.. 12.33,
2.48. 5.53 n. ra. Sunday. 2.08. 7.40 a. in.. 4.28 rj. m.
1' or'ramaquaana Aiananoy ulty, week aays,
2.08. 5.23. a. m.. 12.13. 2.48. 5.53 n. m. Sun
day, 2.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.28 p. ra. Additional for
Mahanoy City, week days, 6.58 p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.18
u. 111., -.10 p. iu.
i'or wuuamsport, sunDury ana i.ewisDurg,
week days. 3.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 0.58 pm.
Sunday. 8.23 a. m.. 3.03 n. m.
7.18, 10,08, 11.28 a. m., 12.33, 1.33, 2.486.53, 0.58, 9.3J
p. m. nuuuuv, is.uo, 0.1. i.w a, m., a.wt 4.2a p. m,
i'or uiraruviue, ( itappanannock station),
week days, 2.08, 3.23. 5.23. 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. m. 2.48. 6.63. 6.68. 9.33 n. m. Sundav. 2.08.
for Asniana ana snamokin. week days, 3.23,
5.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 0.58, 9.33 p, in. Sun-
aay, 7.40 a. m., a.ira p. m.
Leave New York via Phlladelnhla. week days-
7.45 o. m 1.30, 4 00. 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Sun'
aay, o.wp. m., nigat.
Lsavo New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
4.00, 8.45 a. ra., 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m.
4.00, 6.00 p. m., from llroad and Callowhlll and
8.35 a. m., 11.30 p. m. from 9th and Green streets.
Sunday, 9.05 a. m., 11.30 o. m , frem 9th and
Leave Reading, week days, l.M.7.10, 10.05, 11.50
a. m., d.dd, 7.dy p. ra ounuay, i.u, iu.o u. in.
Leave Pottsville, week days. 2.40, 7.40 a. m.
12.30. 6.11 d. m Sunday. 2.40. 7.00 a. ra.. 2.05 n. m
Leave THtmaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.43, 11.2:1 a,
m., 1.21, 7.15, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m.,
s.du p, ra.
Leavo Mahanov Citv. week days. 3.45. 9.18
11.47 O. m., l.Dl, 7.42, v.oi p,
, m. Sunday, 3.40, 8.12
a. ra., 3.m p. m,
T o.irro Mnhannn Diana wsnlf Antra 9 J1 M tv
fl.30,9.35.10. 40.11.69 a.m.,,,7.57,l0.l6
p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a. m., 8.37, 6.01 p. m.
Leave Glrurdville, (Rappahannock Station),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.3d, 8.41 10. HI a. m., 12.05,
2.12, i.ll, 6.26,6.32,8.03, la 18 p. m. Sunday,2.47,
4.07. 8.83. a. m., 3.41, 8.07 p, ra.
Leave Wllliamsport, week days, 8.00, 9.50, 12 00
a. m.,3.35, 11.16 p. ra. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
II. & O. R. It., through trains leavo Glrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. It. R.) at
3 5, 8.01, 11.27 a. in., 3.56, 6.42, 7.10 p. m. Sunday,
3 60, 8.02, 11.27 u. m., 8.56, 5.42, 7.16 p. ro.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
and rtouth street wharf, for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a m, 2 00. i 00, 5 00,
p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 6 45, 6 30 p m.
Bundays Express, 900, am. Accommoda
tion, 8 u) a m and i 30 p m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, Atlantlo
and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express,
700,7 45,9 00a m and 4 00 pm
Accommodation, 8 10 a m and 4 SO p m.
Bundays Express, 4 00 p m.
Accommodation. 7 30 a m and 4 30 p m.
0. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l tss'r Aft.
L A, HWjaQARD, Qea'l Manager
First National
Slicuaiicloali, Pcuun.
W LEISENRING, President.
P. J. FERaU80N, Vice President,
R. LEIiJENRING, Cashier.
S. VV, YOST, Assistant Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 3.
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
' We Study to Please I "
Old Stand. New Goods
Fish, Butter and Eggs,
Flour and Feed,
Potatoes, Green Truck,
Hay and Straw, Ac, Ac!
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store I
(Muldoon's old stand)
Deautltul book containing the latest vocal mu
sic, full shect-muslo plates, handsome cover, In
ciuaing me lonowing gems, unaortagea:
Afterwards, 40 I'vo Worked 8 lours, 40
Haby's Fast Asleep 40 I Whistle and Wa t, 40
Comrades, 50 Love's Golden in earn 40
God Bless Our Land 25 Old Organ Blower, 40
Go, Pretty Rose, 50 Our Last Waltz 40
Guard the Flag, 40 Over the Moonlit Sea, 40
in uiu raaunui do aweei iiaue uonnor, w
Mary and John, 40 That is Love, 40
Wo glvo this book to Introduce to you
And Krout's Flavouiko Extracts,
Unmrpaised for PURITY and HTJIENQTH
Your croccr will irivo vou a circular contain
ing additional Premium List with full particu
lars now to get incm ireo.
ALBERT KR0DT, Chomist, Pbila.
Manufacturers of
Of Every Description.
Flags, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &c.
Wrlto for catalogues. Correspondence solicited.
Sporting and Musical Resort !
uest wines, liquors, iioors, Aies &oa nnest
brands of Clears aiwava on hand.
Saloon : and : Restaurant
First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tem
perance Drinks aud Cigars. Fine old Wines
and Liquors always on hand.
II. 0. FOLMER, Prop
TOQ North Fourth Rlrx't, below Greta, FMU.
JJ U dcltulo. 'fbt oulr pbilclm atli ui our wber
k UMt jusiljr oUttirtted pbaloUnB rail.
AH efftou of youthful ladUoretlon (both kim, lllood Pot.
on, Ruouiog., htrl,-tures Hydrocele, Uleerm Piilnrul
Hw-lll,iie I'ltupleo Poor Memory, Uuhrulusu io4
Debility, helL.T..woritouaalouoe, ouro. n-Mh ewe. la 4
tolod.yi. Twealv.ilx year." eiperlCDoo. Send 4 ew. lo .tuopt
fbr ' Hook Trulb," (storing trur form of It 1. 1.
Iruo frt.ud to old, yoooc nnd Dilddlo-ueI, nnd tboae oonlom i
plulng mnrrUik TlioUMndn vlio oonio for n ulnnUna ex-
kailonUon fironoanee Dr. Tbwl tn.Krentoel of nil l'bynk-liinitf-pr.
Tbcet ouree cue. tnnt no on. it enn. Tbouiuia. of rt Ul
enoo. Uour.,StoS; Evening., 6 to 9; Wmtnelev nnd Sntnr
diy.Tmlng.,tolO. HI'IX'IAI. IIIIUIM for duiiceroun
and never cu.eol bally, lotolt Hnturd.y., 1(1 bolt, Sulurdny
tenlng.ouly, 6 to T-Wt Suodaya. 9 to U. wrlworcnU.
82 North Main Street,
For a Good, Cheap Meal
Uugetland oldest reliable purely cah com.
paulos repreaeuted by
120 S. JaromSL, Shenanaoah.Pa.
jyj- s. kistlerTm.
' rjiraioiAN and auBoeoN,
OSlMvlW N. Jsrdln street, Stecinloih. P