FINE GROCERIES HOUSEKEEPERS! Find no difficulty in securing what they require for their ta bles at our store. Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. CKNTItALIA. Miss Mnggio E. O'Connor left yesterday for rottsvlllc. Jliss Lizzie Kelly, who was visiting friends in St. Clair, has returned. Mr. C. Q. Murphy is erecting a new build ing in place of tho one which was torn down tho day of tho fire. . Frank Webster, who for the last few weeks lias been suffering from injuries received at -the Logan colliery, died Thursday morning. Tho funeral will take placo on Saturday from Ills homo on Ccutro street. Ho was a quiet young man and lias many friends who mourn Ills loss. lie leaves a wifo and one child. The sympathy of tho community is with tho family of the deceased. November 18th, 1SU2. In Olden Times Tcoplo overlooked tho importance of per manent beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action, but now that it is gen erally known that Syrup of Figs will per manently euro habitual constipation, well informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injuro tho system. Coming Krents. Nov. 23 Seventh annual ball of the Wash ington Beneficial Society in Bobbins' hall. Nov. 24 Supper in Iiobbins' opera house, under tho auspices of Women's Kcllef Corps; benefit of Soldiers' Monument. Dec. 0 Grand supper under the auspices of tho Y. 1 A. in Iiobbins' opera house. Dec. 10 and 17. Drummer Iloy; or Spy of Bhiloh, in Ferguson's theatre, under the auspices of W. Camp No. 200, I. 0. S. of A. Dec. 22. Grand fair, Columbia IIoso & team Fire Engiuo Co.; Ferguson's frout hall. Spectacles to suit all eyes, nt Portz's book and stationery store, No. 21 North Main street, 4-27-tl Klcctrlo lttilluay lttilletln. Hereafter tho electric railway cars will leavo the corner of Cherry and Main strcots at 5:30 a.m. dally and every 20 minutes thereafter nntil midnight, nt which hour the last car will leave for Girardville. On Mon day, November 7th, 1692, tho faro for any length of rido between Shenandoah and Girardvlllo will be reduced to five (5) cents. Found Out. The best anil earnest way to get rid ot a Cough or did that may develop Into con sumption Is to Invest 2i renin In a bottlo 01 Pun-Tina, the urnit remedy fr Coughs, Cold. 1m Grippe, Throatand l.ung Disorders. Trial bottles iree at P. P. 1). Klrliu's drug store. Coughing: Loads to Consumption Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough at once. Type For Sale. We have 200 pounds minion, moro oi less, which wo will sell cheap for cash, hav ing no further use for tho camo. Apply at Heuald office. A Blngle trial of Dr. Henry Baxter's Man drake Bitters will convince any one troubled with costivcuofa, torpid liver or any kindred diseases of their curative properties. They only cost 25 cents per bottle. lm TweHe PhotoA for 50c. By sending us your cabinet, together with CO cent, we will finish you onu dozen photos. 11-2-lf W, A. Keaoev. (Juotutlous from Grent Men. My success is owing to liberal advertising. Eobtrt Bomtr. The Toad to fortune is through printer's ink J'. 1'. llamum. Constant advertising brought me all I own, nnd he wlio luvekU one dollar in business should invest ono dollar in advottlsing that business. A. T. Stewart. Advertising is to business what steam is to machinery the grand propelling power. Macaulay. I would as soon think of doing business without clerks as without advertising. John Wanamaltr. In tho earliest years of our 'business we kept ourselves in tho keenest of poverty that we might use our money in advertising an article we felt sangulno would ono day acquire us reputation nnd a fortune. Dr. Jlottetttr, iht Bitttri Millionaire. Piles or Hemorrhoids Permanently cured without kuifo orltgalure. No danger or suilerlng. No delay from bus iness while under treatment. Patients who are responsible need not pay until well. A perfect cure guaranteed. Send for circular. K. REED, M. D., 180 South 13th S(., Philadelphia. Refers, by permission, to the editor of the Xvenino IIeuai.I). tf Downs' Elixir will oure any cough or cold, no matter of how long standing. lm When Baby was sick, to gare her Castornv When she as a Child, sho cried for Custoria, yffhea she became. Miss, she clung to distorts, When (ha had Children, she gave them Castoris. Wanted. Girls for general housework. Call at Max Reese's intelligence office. 11-l tf FKACKVII.L15. Luko Fisher, owner of tho maiblo works at Schuylkill Ilaven, has put a fine stone in the Lutheran ccmctory hero for U. K. Reich, tho shoe denier. "Ten Nights in a Barroom" at tho now Park thtatro Friday evening proved an ox' ccllcht performance. Tho Annlo Mitchell Company produced It. Saturday evening "Monte Cristo" will Ibo produced. The prices are 10, 20 and 30 cents. Thomas Reed spent Friday nt Pottsvlllo. A. S. Seaman also spent tho day there John Lnwlor, driver for Alcxender Scott, represented Frackvlllo at tho Pottsvlllo Democratic demonstration Thursday night. Crystlo Cnstlo, No. 150, Knights of the Mystlo Chain, of Frackville, gathered at Kerns' opera houso at 5 o clock Friday even ing, and made merry around a banquet board until 10 o'clock. After that everybody had a social time, daucing Uio dreamy waltz nnd rippling quadrille ADAMSDALK. Mrs. Geo. Hoy and family attendod the funeral of Mrs. Hoy's father, Daniel Miller, near Orwlgtfiurg, on Thursday. James Whclan and Michael Gaffney, of Landlugville, were town visitors on Wednes day. James B. Hickman, of Philadelphia, was iu town on Tuesday. Mrs. John Walters, of Tuscarora, was visiting friends in town during tho past week. Rev. H. A. Wollcr, of Orwigsburg, spent a short time in town last week. Wm. Fritz moved to town last week. Tho Edison phonograph attracted a largo crowd in tho school houso at Landlugville. A number of young men from hero took It in. i-nn:i)KNsituit(i. H. W. Confehr is on tho sick list with fever. William F. Kreckcr, of Allentown, is visit- iug his mother. Prof. W. M. Faussct will mako tho presen tation speech at Summit Station on tho 21th lust, when tho camps of tho P. O. S. of A. will present flags to the schools of Wayne. A. Birmick, ono of our saddlers, moved to Auburn on Tuesday. Rev. Smoll preached Ills sixth annual re view sermon to a good nudienco on Sunday afternoon. Tho following is his statistical report for tho year just closed: Preached 120 sermons, officiated at 30 funerals, b iptized 47 persons, confirmed 13, admitted by certificate C, officiated at 17 weddiugs, had 1-187 communicants, mado 373 pastoral calls, which is exceedingly well done considering the territory his members aro scattered over. He has opened a catechumen class of 13 members which meets every Tuesday. Cattlo sales and election are over, now let us settle down to business again. The next will bo Wayuo township's big day, when the schools will bo presented with flags by the P. O. S. of A., and a big demonstration will bo given by tho camps, school children of this district and other lodges. Remember this will bo a patriotic affair where all should take a hand In and teach tho young a good patriotic lesson. Reuben Deitrich visited his brother who is ill at Heading. Mrs John Straub has a good farm to reutja good chanco for a good man. CKKSSOXA. Miss Ida Hower, of Lebanon, spent a few days with friends in town this week. Jliss Grace Stodd, of Pottsvlllo, was tho guest of Miss Lena Wagner on Sunday. Miss Barbara Fisher, of Pottsvlllo, was tho guest of tho Misses Forney on Sunday. Henry Snyder, engineer on the shifting eugiuo at the scales, is on the sick list. Albert Burton, of Wilmington, Del., for merly a resident of this place, spent a few days with his brother, Isaac Burton, this week. P. S. Bergcr left on Monday morning for a six weeks' trip to western Pennsylvania and Ohio selling shoos for his firm, Berger, Brown & Co., at Schuylkill Haven. Mrs. R. U. Jones, wife of trainmaster Jones, witli her son Ramsey, spent Sunday nt Minersvlllo. George Barret, a prominent member ot the M. E. church nt Minersville, drove his pastor, Rev. Eli Plckorsglll, to this place on Sunday morning. Rev. Pickcrsgill occupied tho pul pit in tho M. E. church here. Ho had ex changed pulpits with Rev H. II Casgavunt who drove to Minersvlllo and served the people at that place. Miss Editit Cassavant spent Sunday at PottBville the guest of her friend, Mrs. Ray mond. Our leading barber, Joe Hornberger, trans acted business at Pottsvlllo on Woduesday. , Mrs. Harry Allison, of Palo Alto, tho wife of one of the victims of Monday's explosion, is a sister to Mrs. J. H. Moore, Mrs. Sarah Strauch, Mrs, Amos Bartolet, Mrs. Daniel Wagner and George Berger. They attended Mr. Allison's funeral from his Into homo on Thursday afternoon. Robert Ash, who formerly kept a storo on Raltroal street, is in town again. Ho has built a new homo a few doors below whoro his old stand was and will embark in the store business again. The Place to do, Shenandoah people visiting the county teat (surnamed Pottsvlllo) all call in the Academy Restaurant. Either J. F, Cooney, the proprietor, greets you with a smile, oi his genial brother, M. A. Cooney, welcomes you. It is the resort for all gentlemen from north of tho mountain, 8-21-to "Your're another." "Who is ? " "You are." 'Ah I" "Ah I" "Ah I" "Ahl" (Aiul then they uparated.) Angry Father "Uuvi was it, young man, that 1 found you kissing my daughter In the hall last night?" Young Man I suppose, sir, because you happened to bo around just at the right tltne." The gift of the gab is a oeautlful thing ; It launches the thought on a powerful wing. So fill your oration as full as you can, But don't slop over, my dear young man. OHUROH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Where and When Services Will be Con. ducted To-morrow. Trinity .Reformed church. Rev. Robert O'Uoylo, pastor. Services to-morrow aMOn. m. and 6:80 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Everybody welcome English Lutheran church, M. II. Havlce, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30. p. m, Sunday school at 1:80 p. m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7. WelshllaptiBtchurch. Preaching services nt 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. by tho pubtor, Itov. D. I. Evans. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Everybody welcome, Ebenozer Evangelical church, Rev. R. M. I.lch tcnwalner, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a. m. In German, and 6:30 p. m. in English. Sunday school at 1 :30 p. m. Allure heartily invited to attend. Salvation Army, corner Main and Oak streets, F. and 11. Kingshind, Captains. .Services all day, comn:cncliigflt" and 3 and 8 p, in. .Meetings will bo held every night dur ing the week excepting Monday night. Presbyterian church. Preaching services at 10:80 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Christian Endoavor Society will.mcet on Tuesday ovonlng at 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday ovcnlng at 7:30. All aro cordially Invited. First Methodist Episcopal church, Rcr, Wm. Powlck, pastor. Divine worship at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Morning, special servlco for children and young people who will furplsh the music. Evening subject: "Nothing but leaves." rtunday school nt 't p. m, Epworth League at 5:45 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30 on Thursday evening. Strangers and others ore always wclcqme. English Baptist church, South Jardin street, Rev. II. 0. James, pastor. Preaching nt 10:30 a. m, nnd 0:30 p. m. Morning subject: The Touch ot Faith, Evening subject: Satan a Homeless Vagabond. Sabbath school nt 2 p. m., Deacon John Dunn, Superintendent. Non Monday evening at 7 o'clock tho B. Y. P. U. will meet. General prayer mooting on Wed nesday evening at 7 .o'clock. Everybody wel come Primitive Methodist church, Rev. J. Proude, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 n. m. and 6:30 p. m. Morning subject: "Cause and Ef feet." Evening subject: "Casting Lots." Thadksgiving sermon. Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 5:45 p. m. every Sabbath. Class meetings Tuesday and Thurs day evenings nt 7 o'clock, and Sunday nt 9:30 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. All seats tree. Any one not having a church homo Is cordially Invited to como here. All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street, near Main. Evening sermon by Rev. E. Rokc, Mah- anoy City. Sunday school nt 3 p. m. AU seats free and everybody made heartily wel- Frcsh Morris River Covo Oysters received dally at Coslett's. 9-22-tf ' -THE GREAT- Mexican Medicine Co. Has opened a branch office In EM BUILDING, 8 EAST CEMRE 8! SHENANDOAH, ' In order to Introduce their wonderful remedies forallploed diseases. 'J hey will remain hero for a short time only, and durlre tbelr short stay will sell $1.00 Bottles of Mexican Blood Tonic Por 25 Ots. In order to ndvertlso tho medicine. They guar antee that aftir a fair trial the medicine does not do n represented, you can rnturn the bot tle to our office and wo will refund your money. For those who cat not afford to buy a bottle of the Woo- Tonic wo will give sample doses freo everyday. We cordially invi'o all to call at our office. All questions will bo cheerfully awercd. Tho company also handles several other well known remedies. Including the Mexican Pain Killer, re.i ving headache in very few minutep, and curing all kinds of aches and pains: and .Mexican Here Ointment, a guaranteed euro for piles and all skin uiseascs. Headaches cured freo at tho office. ll-ll-Ot New Laundry ! JOE and FRANK C. LEE Will open a Jl Saturday, November 19th, 29 W. CENTRE STKEET, In Robbins' Building. Fair Dealing;. Low Prices. Wilt oollect and deliver. CHAS. ZALLA Rospectfully notifies his friends that ho will open a new storo ut Corner Jardin and Oak Streets, Whero he will keep a full stock of Green Groceries, Clgtr.', Tobacco and Candy. Poul. try and all kinds of gamolu Beaton. Oystors zxrci HPiisla.. Open Monday, November 21. jpEKQUSON'S THEATRE. V. 3. KEItaUSON, MANAGER, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25. Farewell tour of tho great sensational actor JAMES H.WALLICK In his greatest of all great successes, "The Bandit ing!" Bring the occasion of Its 2,83 1 perform ance by Mr. Wulllck, una Introducing his f rmous acting horses, Raider, Charger, Texas and Pete. Next season Mr. Walllck In bis latest stnkutlon, 'Texas." Prices, 25, 35 ami 50 Ccutb. ' Reserved seats on sale at Klrlln's drug store 1 UUNDRY JLlLLlJhJU WANTS, &o. FOR RENT. Large store room at Lansford Good location. Main street. Apply to Jos; Tanner, Summit mil, Pa. U-17-3t WANTED. Good Canvasser: salary nnd expenses from start; steady work) good cbanco for advancement. IlltOWN 11KOS. CO., Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. 8-31-8m FOR SALE. A good heating stove. Apply atthoJlEBAUiofllco. tf POU SALE Two horses, good wagon, one WANTED. girl for general housework: In fmnll family. Good girls only need apply Apply at HEitALuomjo. lt.i5-lw FOR SALE CHEAP. One of Chambers & Co's copying presses, the present owner having no use for it; being good ns new. Call at IIehald office. JTISTRAYED or stolen, from tho offlco of Dr, U D. W. Williams, a liver nnd white spaniel flog ubout ten months old. Answers to the name of "fprlggins" Any one harboring him aft-r seeing this notlco will bq dealt with ac cording to law. A suitable reward will bo paid for Its return. Il-i01w t K to $16 per day at homo, selling Lightning f " .-.v. i.inu0 jrwcuj. wuii-ucb. .v yiuuux ji-weiry, watcnes good as new, on all Finds of metal with gold, silver or nickel. No experience. No capital. ci.y 10 25-2n Every houso has Roods needlnc nlntinrr. Il OK o T f If Til. T ...1 .... ... ,i . jv. uLunj a uu.f woxumDus, J A GENTS WANTED ON (SALARY tor com J3l mission, to handle the new. Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The quickest and great est selling novelty ever produced. Erases ink thoroughly in two' seconds, -No abrasion of paper. W orks like maglo. 200 to 500 per cent, prpllt. Ono agent's sales amounted to 1620 In six days. ' Ahother f33 in two hours. Previous experience not necessary. For terms and full particulars, address The Monroo Mf'g Co., Ln Cros30. yis. X439 6-24-ly MINERS WANTED Good miners can find steady employment nt our mines situated ut Nlanttc, Macon Coumy, 111., n station on tho lino of tho Wabash railroad. Vein six foot, mlno Worked on tho roorri and tiillar htoipiti. and coil is mined by shooting from off the solid. Mlno has trood roof, is drv nnd frpn trom nxploslvo gases. IMIANTIO UOAt, CO., 10-28-lm-d&w Niantlc. 111. fl"J C PAYS for h home lot at May's Land tpxis ine, ihn fine suburb of Atlantic Citv: 5 squares from 11. It.: commutation faretol'hila.. 25 cents; uns court house, hotels, schools, churches, cotton, paper, clothing, cigar sash, brick, and lumbering mills, with finest water power; line driving, fishing, gunning, bathing, selling;. city and country combined; 35 houses built last year and not one cmntv: a safo and sure investment; JflO invested will increase $21 u in 0 months ; 3 mills buflt this year; lots are 80 feet abovo ocean; 10 per cent, off for cash; 2 lots for J25; title insured. Send for circular. MAI'S I.ANU1NU IMPKUVEMJSNT CO., 1358 t rauklln St., Pnlludelphla. 0-30-2m Benefit to All. Are you prepared for the stormy weather? It brings slop and mud ; and this is time of year that you want good and substantial Shoes to stand the wear and tear. We have just such shoes for both old and young-, at prices to suit all. It will pay you to call and examine our stock and be con vinced of what we say. Dl EOPLE'SSTORE 121 North Mam Street. FERGUSON'S THEATRE. r. J. FEROUSON, MANAGER. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26. The comic novelty event. Awako from your "itip van Winnie ana participate. Nothing but fun. MILLER BROTHERS' Pantomimic Comedy, " KAJANKA V OHO I Nights In New York, Boston I QfiO OUU and Chicago. dUU The Famous Now York Quartette. wonuenui Kurnpean Kovcitog, Cornnlla Acrobats. Mariposa Dancers. Tho Funny Frogs. Azany.The Clown. Prices, 25, 50 and 75c. Reserved seats on salo at Klrlln's drugstore. A RARE CHANCE! Two Heaters, One Range I And a lot of Household Furniture -FOR SALE CHEAP.- MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK I Apply at W) South Vhtle Striet. PUBLIC SALE or rj:itsoxAT, l'ltOi-jsitrv. nnn mll nnrth of Lnlmnlrin fKoRt nfiihnnnv Junction), on Saturday, Dec. 17, 1892 At 10 o'clock a. m ot valuable real estate. The Eroperty consists of a grist mill, dwelling bouse, am und outbuildings. There aro 26 acres, moro or loss; m splunuld fruit orchard in bear lnc novi-r-faillnK woll and snrluKS. The loca tion Is very desirable; good markets near, such us Mahauoy City, Shenandoah,, ilazle ton, efc. Terms of Sale Ton per cent, down on day of puroluse: 40 per cent, wittiln three months, and tnu Dnianco can remain on mortgage. i or iur ther particulars upply at tho Hkuai.p offlco. U-lO-tS Mil 8. KLLKN I1EISER. PHOTOGRAPHER DABB lias nurchssed tho host unDaratua tn thn mnr. kot, and la noyv prepared to tako every style of photographs, views of buildings, machinery and all kin s of outdoor work a specialty. Each purchaser of one dozen cabinets nt M.60 Is pre sented with a large crayon rce. This offer Is f:ooa until April i, itsta. copying ana enlarg pg Work done at short notloe and low prices. DABB, N. White St., DrlcgSof: nidg. jusi opened at j f v- 25SotithMainSt. oEFF S DoUBLE STORE. J FULI line of Dry Goods, Under wear, Notions, Hosiery, Blankets, Comforts, Boots and Shoes, which must be sold be before January 4th, 1892. AT OUR OLD STAND, No. 23 South Main St., we will keep a full stock of Men's, Boys and Children's Clothing, Hats, Caps,' Gents' Furnish ing Goods. Call and secure bargains. SEPP?S, 23 and 2? SOUTH MAIN STREET, We Are Just Opening Up a full Ladies', Misses' CARPETS New styles T T PRTPF,(S OLD RELIABLE, U- U JL XVXvyJLj Vj, NORTH MAIN STREET. lie has nlso tho largest assortment in the county, comprising the celebrated Anoflo rtfcoii Vaflev. Irvine. Noveltv. New llrldo. Cinderella, lilnck YVnrrlnr. nPn,S vZitZ-i PM?.,-y!P,?,JP man. Rival, Now Model, Old and New Lehigh. Second-hand Stoires 1 Hontoi-H axtdL iFnriincos, All ln good condlton and warranted or money refunded or exchanged. A fine Hnn nf Advnnce and Miners- Host Stoves for 113 each; No. f, !16; good No. 1 secondhand doublf ThtiS from $10 up, nnd Stoves and Ranges from ? to JfU. Every one warranted, and I delivered l and S! up in any part of tho county within SO miles ot Girardville. ueiivcrta ana put Over 100 different sizes and styles of Hecond-hand lleattng Stoves to select from Ain . flno line of Slnglo nnd Double Heaters, both round and square, at all prices. " a Roofing, Spouting, Jobbing, Plumbing and Gas-Fittinq Promptly attended to at the lowest morket price. Anthony Wayne and American w,i Machines a specialty, Stove, heater and range repairing promptly done Delivered withm.t extra charge. mmuui EYE EXAMI NATION. oun EYE SPECIALIST wm be m SHENANDOAH, Wednesday, Nov. 23 At tho FERGUSON HOUSE, front 8 30, V M to 5 I". M. Pereons who have li.':ul,irhe or whose eyes art cuiihi: .ilHivimfort shoultl mil uton our HprclalUt. and tm-y ulll rerpive lnlpillgcut and skUUul at tenth))) Nil CKAUt.ll f examliiH your eyea Lvery pair of glues orde rod ts guurnnteed to b sAtUfiictory. QUEEIfy & CO. pcuIUtsiukd 0t tclmiN, JOIU 01IKSTNUT8T., 1'IIILA. DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant Tho loading place ln town, lias lately been entirely reno vated Everything new, clean und fresh. Tho finest line of Wines and Liquors ! Cigars, &o., foreign and do mestic. Freo lunch served each evening. Dig schooners ot f resh,Ueer,l'orter, Ale, &c OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. J. J, DOUGIIEItTY, Prop. Hess' Livery Stable, xzS N. Market Alley. NEW BUGGIES AND HARNESS, SAFE HOUSES Finest turnouts In town, Would be pleased to receive a share of the public patronage. CENTS FOR A WINDOW SHADE. Others, ready to put up spring roller, for 25o, 85o, 45o, 60c and upwards, par ties deslrlnc only the shading or fix tures can be accommodated. C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardin Street. DO YOU WANT A GOOD ARTICLE OF COAL? If so, send in your orders to HENRY WARNICK, 3t West Coal Htret. All orders for coal or for haullne of all kinds promptly attended to. Orders can be left at me stores oi a. u. uroost. Mouth jarain street, and Joseph pall, NpnhIan btreet. 11-19-lm line of and Children's for Fall Trade. arrivlug dally. For Bargains In First-class Heaters and Furnaces, BOTH MEW anil SECOND-HAND GIRARDVILLE, PA. A full lino always ln stock. Also urst-class line ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN Buy their School Books, Slates, Pencils, School Bags, and other school supplies at IF1. CT. PORTZ'S Nortli Main Street. Tho largest stock In town at the lowest prices. Headquarters for stationery of all kinds, wall paper and window shades Scheider's Saloon and Restaurant Leading Saloon ln town Centre and Vhtte HU (Ulckert's old stand) First-class Eating Bar. Finest Whiskeys in tho Market WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Wnsreha will bo pleased to meet the wants or bis friend and the publlo la Everything in tho Drinking Line. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Christ, Bossier's old stand) tlalit and Coal HtH Hlicuaudonli. liest beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest 0 rands of whiskeys and cigars. I'ool room at tcned. J- 11. HUKKK, ATTOHNET-AT-LA.W, BUENANDOAn, FA. Offices Room 8, P. O. Ilulldlng.Whenandoafc, and Ksterly Hull ding, I'ottoTllle. lira, him ! PETER GRIFFITHS