The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 16, 1892, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
H O, liOYEIt, Editor and mbUshrr.
?jr. J. WA1KIXH, Local Editor
TheEVLWiya HERALD has a larger dr
eulation in Shenandoah than any oilier papa
published, Hooks open to all.
Daily, per yeur .....3 0
Weeklt, per year - 1 61
Entered at the Foatofflce, at Bhenandonh, i'ft
(or transmission through tlio molls
as seeond class mall mutter.
What the Republican party waute
is to "get together." "Let it not hap
pen again" should be its motto.
In due time the wreck will tit
cleared nway and the Grand Old
Parly go Hying over the tracks as
Grovkk Clkvkland is 55 years 8
mouths and twenty-three titles old
but like the old mau in Hoyt'R
play, he feels just as young as he used
to be.
It la to be hoped Cleveland will call
an extra session of Congress so that
there will be no delay In carrying out
the Democratic programme.
The Democrats will strengthen
their position by admitting the terri
tories of Utah, Oklahoma, Arizona
and New Mexico as fctites. This
will give the Democrats six more
senators to the Republican? two.
Something will be attempted when
Congress meets to restrict Immigra
tion. Senator Chandler, of New
Humpahlre, has prepared a bill with
that end in view, providing that
emigrants make a three Jmouths
application to the United States
Consuls abroad.
The interview purported to have
taken place with President Harrison
la which he was reputed as saying
Senator Cameron was untrue to him,
now turns out to be a fake. When he
is ready to speak upon that subject he
will do so In his own way, and in one
that will be convincing to all.
In Washington they say Mr. Har
rlty did very well for a young man
inexperienced in National politics,
but the serious work was by Whitney
and Gorman. ! this notice to Mr.
Harrity not to be too brash in sticking
in his thumb to pull out a plum.
AN Indiana merchant, whilo driv
ing from Rome City to his home in
LaGrange, lost a wallet containing
eight thousand dollars. A lightning
rod agent fromKaiamazoo, Michigun,
chanced along aud found the money.
The Michigauder proceeded on his
way, aud it was over three months
before he heard of the owner, a!
though he made u diligent search for
him, When the LaGrange man got
possession of his lost treasure he said
nothing, but went straightway aud
began suit in the circuit court against
the lightning-rod agent for interest on
the money at tho rate of 8 per cent.,
setting up in his complaint that the
use of It was worth that amount.
The fact that Mr. Cleveland's suc
cess was a great British victory is
thoroughly understood by English
men everywhere. The British oillC'
ials at Baltimore who decorated two
English steamships with bunting in
honor of Cleveland's election were
only expressing the geuerai sentiment
of their countrymen. A special dis
patch from London to a free trade
newspaper says:
A popular belief is that tho McKfnley tariff
will be vitiated without further loss ot time.
and that Mr. Cleveland will inaugurate a vig
orous and healthy system ot free trade which
will rebound to toe immediate benefit of 1
British Industrie.
The London correspondent to
another New York paper, hostile to
Republicanism, declares:
There in no question that the result of tho
election in tbe United States 1 a source ot
unmitigated atlefaetlon to all Europe. A
bare victory for tbe Demooraoy would havo
exalted little Interest, but vast atgnlflcance Is
ascribed to the mousure of the Hepublloin
British importing housea In New
York city are already beiui; asked by
Democrats how the new Democratic
tarlll shall be framed in order to facii
late the entry of English goods into
the American market. The proprie
tors of Welsh tin plate worka who had
contemplated mov lug their establish-
meuts to this country have given u.
the idea and are preparing to sot
their planbi In operation again in
order to accumulate a stock of tin
plate to bo thrown into the American
market when the McKlnloy law Is
repealed. Great Rrltlan has won few
more notable commercial triumphs
than the election of Grover Cleveland.
Inquiring Child 'Tapa, why do people cry
at Aoddlnizs?"
Papa (abstractedly) "Most of 'em have
hoeii married themselves."
Tlio Nickel Plate will sell oxcursion tickets
on Novembor B3rd and 24th at special rates.
Liberal returning limits.
Hayseed "Givo mo a ticket."
Ticket Agent "For what place?"
Jake ilnyseed "That's none of your blank
On the Nickel Plato November 23rd and
21th. Spend Thanksgiving Day with your
friends or invito them to visit you.
Never sit on a tack uniess you wear a claw
hammer overcoat.
Always forgive your encralos especially
thoso you can't lick.
And tako advantage of the low rates on tho
Nickel Plato November 23rd and 2ith which
are authorized account Thanksgiving Day.
Tickets will bo good returning until Novem
bcr 23th.
Miss Lavmlow "Really. Mr. Squlrmley, I
do not think that you had better take me out.
You don't know what a perfect Jonah I am.
aud always will bo."
ilr. anmrmey iscoinga long-awaitou cnancoi
"Oh, Hiss Laym Clara let mo bo tho
Mtss Laymlov) 'This is very sudden, Sir.
Scmirinley. But I have no desire for a three
days' engagement."
Tho Nickel Plato management is pleased
to note tho substantial maimer in which the
public show their appreciation of tho im
proved train service on their lino. If you
havo not recently patronized that line, wo
cordially commend it to you. t-novl!)
Tier Sister's Intended. " Minnie, if you'll
come and sit on my knoo I'll givo you a nice
Minhte laecd uve) "ltd that what made
you give thither a diamond wing f"
a straw
Shows which way tho wind blows and so
does tho auiouut of travel on tho Nickel
Plato show that the new train service has
made that lino more popular than over.
Rates, however, still remain as low as with
any other lino. t-nov-19
&rran( Oh, Missl that Mr. Borem do bo
oouiin' hero again. There's no uso tellin'
him y'r not at homo, fur he'll just push past
mo an say he'll wait till yez do come back.
Miss Ileauti Then, for mercy's sake, tell
him plainly that I'm engaged. Do it in such
a way that ho'll conclude to leave.
bermnt l is, mum.
Mr. Borem (a minute later) Is Miss Bcanti
at home ?
Servant Yes, sor : but she do be oncaiied:
an' the felly she's ingaged to do bo waitln' in
tho parlor lur yea with a club.
Sar Companion Combln.
New Yohk, Nov. 10. The Dlebold-
Mosler-Dainon Safe company, a consoli
dation of 11 priucipal companies nnd
Ilrms which manufacture lire uuu burglar
proot vaults and safes, has been incor
porated in tho cilice of the Secretary of
State of New Jersey, with a capital of
$5,000,000. The consolidated companies,
whose properties are taken over by the
new corporation, havo lactones in New
York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Mary
laud and Ohio, nnd branches throughout
the count ly
ing Dry Dock ltmilcirul UHulesn.
Philadelphia, Nov. 10. The dry
dock at thu league Island isavy Yard
lias been rendered useless for weeks to
come by the bursting of the monster
water malu by which the dock is emp
tied. The dock wiw being put in roadl
neis for tho repair ot the oruUer New
York's running gear. Over 150 feet of
brick work was thrown 20 inches upwaid
Into the air.
Mrs. and Miss Kempton.
But a Mother's Love Surmounts
all Difficulties. Her Darling
Child Curod of Bright' s Disease
by Dr. Kennedy's Favorite
My daughter had Bright' Disease. ITer
anklet, feet and eyes were terribly suotlen.
Pour of our lest 1 ji'Vin attend-i-d
her but her life B H was despaired of.
A mother's love surmount alldllllculties,
and I determined to try Dr. IJariil Ken
nedy's Favorite Iiemeay, made at Bon
dout, N. Y.
amthaU ALWAYS dSffi
ed upon this course for one by one tho
well known symptoms of tho disease left
lur. Words aft to express my gratitude,
and I cannot too earnestly rerommend tiiia
great medi (f S I K? E Cl cilie- Her
recovery BVEiv? was entire,
ly duo to FUwte Ilemcdy, which was the
only medicine taken after her ease was
abandoned by tlio pJtyticiant. Mrs. Latjiia
A. Kempton. West Rutland, Vermont.
Can you not see that such an earnest
aud out spoken statement as tho above
comes from tho heart and is sincere t
And does it not show how valuable this
great medicine becomes to those who oro
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
National Assembly In Annual
Session at St. Louis.
He Thinks the Gutrn nl tile Nation
Should be Clod for Ten Yearn lis
Will Spunk l'oiltlvely on the Subject ol
Ilallot Ileforiu.
St. Louis, Nov. 10. Tho National As
sembly of , tho Kuischts of Labor mot in
annual session here yesterday. It is ex
pected that General Mastor Workman
Powderly will deliver his annual address
to-day. It is understood that ho will
speak very positively on the subject of
ballot reform, and probably will discuss
some other leading reform issues.
Tho only business transacted was con
sideration of the reports of minor com
mittees aud the Committee on Creden
tials. Quite a breeze was stirred up by some
of the members when It was discovered
thnt the hall that they were meeting ic
belonged to August Delebar, n man who
had fought tuo Knights for years. Some
of the delegates flatly refused to sit in
the hall, so a committee wus bent out to
find another hull.
In un iiitervlow Mr. Powderly said:
"There ought to be some legislation upon
the restriction of Immigration. We are
being overrun by a very undesirable class
of Europeans, and the sooner indiscrimi
nate immigration is stopped the butter
for tho laboring classes of this country.
"Senator Chandler's proposod bill will
require all persons desiring to come from
Europe to this country to make applica
tion to a United States Consul threu
months in ndvauce, but I think it better
to close the gates completely for ten
"Will you advocate that in the Knights
of Labor," wus asked.
"I have thought of so many plans on
the subject thut I am not prepared to say
what would be the best," was the evasive
reply. "We nro not opposed to good Im
migrants, and I have met. some, who were
intelligent nnd whom Hiked."
Mr. Powderly was asked if there was
any truth in tho statement that he would
retuse to servo again as General Master
Workman of thu Knights of Labor. He
"Ever since I flrst .became General
Master Workman ot the organization it
has been said at each election that I
would not accept the office again. Now
I don't say thut I would serve and I
caunot help what other people say about
it. I resiun because my present term is
up and I cannot, refuse to serve us I have
not beeu re-elected."
tin the J'lttsburg & Clllcucu
Neur Niivartn.
PiTTSBimo, Nov. 10. A Lima, O.,
special says:
A bad wreck ocurred at 0:30 o clock
last night ou the Pittsburg, Fort Wuyne
Si Chicago railroad at Nevada, 40 miles
east of this city. Tho mall and express
train, JNo. v, west iiounu, coinueu with
east bound freight No. 7-1 nt tho west end
ot Nevada siding.
The angint-ur and a brakeman of the
mail are fatally injured,
An unknown trump was mangled be
yond recognition, und several muil clerks
are reported injured.
Owing to the reticence of the local ofu
clals, it is li kiossible to get and
tun puriieuiaiH.
Five mail and express cars are piled un
on top of then-eight eng'tiir. The cause
of the wreck wa-i disobedience of orders
by the freight crew, who attempted to
make isevaua siulugou short time.
$98,000 "ifTTHE HOLE."
A Ills leflclt Unmltlii from Ntar Vurk'i
New Youk, Nov. 10. The Finance
Committee ot the Commute of One Hun
dred met tu tlio mayor's office yesterday
to settle the Columbus celebration ac
The cost ot the celebration is estimated
at $183,000, which, after all expeuses are
paid, would leave u dedcit ot more than
Comptroller Myers claims that all In
come from grand stands, programmes,
and the banquet about $70.000 must
be turned into the city troasury to offset
the amount of the bonds Issued by tbe
city. This would leave a deliolt ot over
Corporation Counsel Clark will be aiked
to give his opinion in tho matter.
Freidi Morris Tllvnr (Viva flTBtpN mmI.
daily at Coslett's. 0-22-tf
It Out Cold,Ooarbi,SoTftThrot,CrooptTftflneit,
Whooplsf Cough. Bronchi Ui o4 Attaint. 1 rttU
b far Cen sumption la 6rt stwea, ud urt rlUf In
Tneed tUga. Ummodm. You will t& ax
lUnnt fffiot itr UkUff tho rat do. Nil 7
Mlm ntrrwhwa. Lug awulu, M ot&U tva
Made No IndtctmeutH fur Ilrlbery.
Trenton, N. J., Nov. 10. Many poli
ticians of both partlos drow a sigh of re
Hot yesterday when it was announcer,
that the grand jury of the county had
adjourned nndiudicted nobody for bribery
at the polls on election day. Halt a
dozen prominent men were charged with
the offense. The grand jury spent twe
days iu investigating tbe complaints,
only to throw them out, however.
The tinrvln Trial.
PlTTSnuna, Nov. 10. The feature of
the Garvin case yesterday was tho testi
mony of the defendant himself, who tolc
ot tho events previous to the killing ol
his wife; of his intention to kill himself,
aud the testimony of Mr. Yost, who told
of Garvin's strange notions. Severn
wituespes testified to the defeudaut'i
good character.
i6 eat are
sfi7l better Wien
fbrihey am
from CfRElSE
ahd are eas'y d
ge.sted. or TrijinQj
njnd alt
(jpf-foLEHe is be"tt"er
Made only by
138 N. Delaware Ave., Philada.
N, H. Downs' Elixir
Das stood tho tra t for SIXTY YXA11S
fanfl has proved Itself tho beet remedy.
) known for tho euro of Consumplltm,
iCouahs, Colds, Whooping Cough, and
r all lima litsiases In young or old.
l'rice 2Sc, 6O0., and 1 .00 por bottle,
HIHBY, JOHtfSOll 4 LCSS, r?:jt., Sullsglw, Vt.
Everything in the tonsorlal line done Incurs!-
Class style, a une oam room aiiacacu.
CLIf hf itcr Diamond llranfl.
Orlji-tnM. miiXOnlT
Onl Genuine A
Arc. iJwava reliable ladi
Urui;lit f' r ChichtUtr t jmglt
mond Brand in I ted mutt Qold
r m.t.uioVViW
boxei, wdeJ with blut ribbon. Take
t loiw and Imitations, At Druulat. or isoo 4s.
i mtopi far Mrtwulsra, tmtBwnlua d4
1 HfJIef fur r.uillux.' in M(t. tr return
ChlfliMlfr CJituilCiil Cd..Uilton fianarai
foil by
I EWiS' 98 in
Tha JfronoMl &ud ous&f L mAn. TThIIu
otker ljt. itbrliif a, tisa tuwdtr ao4 pMkatf
a,ivvreaif loruae. Will ntkt lha btttfx
futul Il4rd Boap InMulautaa wllkoulboiUmg
it in 4 dim viibi ir oibbimiui wait pip
dlituftotlnf aloka, oloaaii, vaibo( bwUla
Allorney-al-Liw and Real Estate Ajest,
Office UedOalt't Uulldlni, Shenndho.. p
Lthigh Valley Division.
tin A V 1ft 1CQO
AntlirflCHn rn 1 1ieft4 nlnetfnli. thntilnn
cleanliness and comlu.-t
i-assenger trains leave Shenandoah for
I'onn Hnvnn .Iim.ilnn itrn,.At. r.,.....,. t a
hlghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua,
Allentown, llothlehcm, Easton, Philadelphia,
uaileton, W oatherly, Qualtako Junction, Del
i?onSany ot B-W. 7.10. 9-08 a m.
12.62, 3.10, 8.S3 p. m.
ror ow iorn, 6.67, B.08 a. m 12.R2, 3.10
u p. m.
Pnr Hnylntrtn Tirni. tj ,ri.t.-
l lttston, Lacey villo, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly
Llmira, Uochcster, Niagara Falls and the West
- ui., vo.ivi p, m., no connection ror Heches
tor, IJuffalo or Niagara Falls), 8.03 p. ra.
FOr UClVldPrf Or-lnunrn Wn.n. flnn nn
Stroudsburg, 6.67 a. m., 6.20 p. m.
u uauiuurivuio ana i ronton, v.w a. m.
For Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 8 03 p. m.
For Auburn. Ithaca, nnnnn th t inn
a. m.. 8.03 p. m.
. f'orJeanosvilie.Lievlstonana Beaver Meadow
7.40, 9.08 a. m., 12.62, 6.S6 p. m.
For Audonrled, Ilazleton, Stockton und Lum
bor Yard, 5.67, 7.10, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10
or scranton, 6.67, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 6.Be p
For Ilazlebrnnlr. Jnildn. ririftnn nnH pmai..,
1.67,7.40,9.08, 10.11 a. m 12.62, 3.10, 6.28 p. m.
For Ashland, Girardvlllo and Lost Creek, 4.27
.10,8.52, 10.15 a. m.. 1.00. 1.40. 4.10. 6.35. s in 0 1,
.w.M uuu, vuiiutiu, mouni unnnei unc
bhamokln, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.10, 4.40, 8.08 p. m.
i'-or l aiosviiio, l'ark l'lace, Mahanoy City arc
Delano, 5.57, 7.40, B.08, 10.41 a m., 12.52, 3.10; 6.28.
Trains will leave Shamnkln nt 7.KX. ll.KK n. m
1.10, 1.30, p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah ai
i.uo a. m.,, 3.iu, 5.28 p. ra.
ijuiivo aucnanaoan lor I'ottsvnie, o.ou, 7.4U
,08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10. 1.10, 5.26, 8.01 p. m.
Leave Pottsvlllo for siionntirtnitTi. a nn r. in
9.05, 10.15, 11.18 a.m., 12.32,3.00, 5.20,7,00, 7.15, 9.30
p. m.
i.cavo ononanaoan ror ilazleton, s.67, 7.40, B.08
10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10. 5 26, 8.03 p. m.
Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 7.38, 9.16
11.08 a. m., 12.15, 3.10, 5.80, 7.05, 7.68 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland. Girardvlllo nnd Lnsi
Creek, 7.29, 9.40 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m.
ror luiesviiie, -arK l'lace, Aiananoy uity
Delano. Ilazleton. Uluck Creek Junctlnn. Pnni
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown
Uothlcbcm, Easton and New York, 8.40 a. m.
p. m.
i-"or Phiiaueipuia ana New York, 2.65 p m.
Delano, 8.10, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 2.65, 4.40 6.01 p. m
Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah. 8.30. 11.31
a. m.. 1.05v4.37p. m.
30 a. m., 12.30 2.15 p. m.
Leave I'ottsville for Shenandoah. 8.30. 10.41
a.m.,1.35,5.15p. m.
i n. bwkiuauu, ucn. Jiur,
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa.
A. W. NONNEMACHEIt, Asst. G. P. A.
Mouth liethlehera. Pa.
NOVEMBER 15, 1891.
Trains will loavo Shenandoah after the above
date for WlRgan'a, GUberton, Frackvillo, New
Castio, 8t. Clair, Pottsvillc, Hamburg, Roadlng,
Pottstown. Phoonixvllle, Norrlstown and Phil
adelphia (Uroad street station) at tM aud 11:15
a. m. and 1:15 p. m. on weokdays. For Potts-
vino auu luicrmcuiaio siauons ;iu a. m.
For Wlciran's. GUberton. Fraekvllle. New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvlllo at 8:00, 9:10 a.m.
and 3: iO p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts-
lown, I'ucenixviue, iNornstown, I'nnaueipnia
at 0:00, 9:10 a. m 3:10 p. m.
Trains loavo Frackvillo for Shenandoah at
10:10a.m. and 12:11, 5:01, 7:12 and 10:09p.m.
bundays, 11:13a. m. nnd 6:40 p. m.
ijeuve I'oiiHviuo lor anenanaoan ai iu:io,
11:18a. m nnd 4:40. 7: 15 and 9:12n. m. Sundava
at 10:10 a. m. and 5:15 p. m.
L,eave I'nuaaoipnia (uroau street station) for
Pottsvllle nnd Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 33 a m,
4 10 and 7 00 p m week days. On Sundays leave
at 6 50 a m. For Pottsvllle, 9 23 a m. For New
York at 3 20, 4 05, 410, 635, 660, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30,
9 60, 11 ou, II 11, 11 35 a m, 12 00 noon (limited ex
press 1 08 and 1 60 p IB) 12 44, 1 35, 1 10, 2 SO, 3 20,
4 00,4 02,5 00,6 00,8 20,0 50,7 13,8 12 and 10 00 p
m. 12 01 night. Sundays at 3 20. 1 05. 4 10. 6 35.
8 12.8 30,0 60 11 35 a m and 1211,110,2 30,102
dimiicu i ou; a u -m, u ou, 7 14 ana h iz p m ana
12 01 night. For Sea Girt. Lone Iiranch and In
termediate stations 8 20 and 1111 am, and 4 00
p ra weokaays. ror iiammoro una wnsning
ton 3 50. 7 20. 8 31. 9 10. 10 20. 11 18 n m. 12 35 (11m-
lted oxpress, 1 30, 3 16,) 1 11, 0 57,7 10 p ra 12 03
mgnt. r or i- rccnoia oniy a uu p m week aays,
ForHaltlmoroonlyal2 02, 101, 5 08 and 1130 p
m. SundavBUt3 50.7 20. 9 10. 11 18 am. 4 41. 6 57
7 10 p m, 12 03 night, llaltimoro only 5 08, 11 30
p m. l or iticnmonu lajam, idupm aau iz UJ
night. Hundays, 7 20 a m, 12 03 night.
Trains will leavo Harrlsburg for Pittsburg
and the West every day at 12 25 and 310 urn
and (limited 3 00) and 310 p m. Way for Al-
loona at e io am ana uu pm every uay. i'-or
PlttsburB and Altoona at i!20 a m evervdav
ana luwpm weea unys.
A 1U1I13 VIJ1 1UU VO aUIIUUI IU1 , , ltlllktU3MJ t b,
Elmlra, Canandaigua, Rochester, Iluffalo and
Niagara Falls at 6 10 a m, and 1 35 p ra weolt
aays. v or i.imira aiaw p nvwcoK aays. or
Erie andintermedlato tiolnta at 6 10 amdailv
t r ii..,.nn n K in en m tnit.. , o
and 6 SO p m week days For Ronovo at 510 a
ra, 1 35 and 5 30 p m week days, nnd 5 10 a ra on
wceK aays.
u. 11. i'nfiii, j. it. wood.
Gcn'l ManagorJ Gen'l Pass c'r Agt
Trains leavo Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via 1'hlladelDhla. week davs.
2.08,6.23,7.18,10.08 a.m.,,5.63 p.m. Sunday
z.uo, 7.4a a. ra. roritew icora via maucu ununa,
week days, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2.18 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
z.uB, o-aii, 7.1B, a. ra.,i..&i,4iB,o.oj p. m. oua
duv. 2.08. 7.18 n. m.. 4.28 n Im
For Harrlsburg, weok days, 2.08, 7.18 a.m.,
2.18,5.53 p.m.
i1or Allentown, weea aays, .10 a. m.,,
4a n. m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m., 12.33,
L08. 5.23. a. m.. 12.33. 2.18. 5.53 n. m. Sun.
day, 2.08, 7.16 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Additional for
Aiananov iuv. weea uuvs. u.ob d. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.18
a. m 2.18 p. m.
For Willlamsport, Sunbury and Lewisburg,
weeK uays. o.m,, ii.-e a. m., i.&i, o.wj pm.
aunuay, u, in., o.uj p. m.
Dn.U.knnnvIl an. nu-l. O AO 4 in K -
u ...uuuuuj a i.ud, nuun iuij d, .iUu, . o.
7.18, 10,08, 11.28 a. m., 12.33, 1.33, 2.18, 5.5,1, 6.58, 9.83
p. m. aunuay, s.uo, 7,io a, ra., 3.U3, 4.s p. ra.
For Glrardville, (Rappahannock Station),
week days, 2.08, 8.23, 5.23. 7.18, 10.08. 11.28 a. ra,
12.33,1.33, 2.18, 5.63, 6.58, 9 33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08,
3.23. 7.16 a. m.. 3.03. 4.28 n. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln. week days, 3,23,
d.j,, u. m., i.iu, o.os, v.ijj p. m. oun-
aay, i.a, 7,4a a. m., s.ixs p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days
7.15 a. m 1.30, 1.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Sun'
day, 6.00 p. m., 12.15 night.
Lsave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
1.00, 8.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m,
"VU v J A. UJllkUCllJUlU. UUVD) l.lUi IV.W U, LU
4.00, 6.00 p. m., from Uroad and Callowhlll and
8.35 a. m 11.30 p. m. from Bth and Green streets,
Sunday, 9.05 a, m., 11.30 & m , from 9th and
Leave Reading, week days, l.b5,7.10, 10.05, 11.50
u. m., D.Do, 1.01 p. m sunaay,, iu.s a. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.10, 7.10 a. m.
12.30, 6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.10, 7.00 a. m., 2.05 p. m.
Loave Tanuiqua, week days, 3.20, 8.13, 11.23 a.
m.,, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.13 a.
2.60 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Cits, week days, 8.46, 9.18,
11.17 a. ra., 1.01, 7. is, y.01 1
f p, m. Sunday, 3.10, 8.12
a. m., a.u p. m.
T ........ .lnknnnM OIahh An a (tin . fw.
6.30,9.36,10 10,11.69 a. m.,l.u6, 2.06,5.30,6.26,7.57,10.10
p. m. Sunday, 2.10rn0, 8.27 a. m., 3.37, 5.01 p, m,
Leave Girardvlllo, (Rappahannock Station),
weeks days, 2.17, 1.07, 6.38, 9.11 10. 16 a. m., 12.05,
2.12, i.ll, 6.28, 6.3i, 8.08. 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 2.17,
1.07. 8.83. a. m.. 8.11. 5.07 n. m.
Leave WUHarasport. week days, 8.00, 9.60, 12 00
a. m., a.oo, 11.1011. m. aunuay, 11. id p, m.
For lUltimore, Washington and the Wost via
II. & O. R. It., through tralnB leave Glrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & R. R. R.) at
s cut, b.ui, 11.37 a. m., s.oo, 0.4 7.10 p. m. Sunday,
oov,o.ux, 1 1..-1 u. ra., d.oo, o.x, v.iu p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
anu iwum sirooi wuari, lor Atlantic uity.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 am, 2 00. 100, 6 00,
p. ra. Accoramouaiion, o w a ra, o in, 0 ou p ra,
Bundays Express, BOO, am. Accommoda
tlon. 8O0am and 4 SO n m.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, Atlantlo
ana Araansas avenues, vv eeauaya express.
1 uu, io, v uu a m una f uu p ra
Accommodation, 810am and 4 30 p m,
Hundayb Express, 4 00 p m.
Accommodation. 7 30 a m and 4 30 n m.
O. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l x'ass'r Agt.
1. a. nvvr.i.uAu, oca 1 juauager
First National
Slicnatidonli, Pcnna.
. Wf LEISENRING, Presidont.
P. J. FERGUSON, Vice President,
J. R. LEISENRING, Cashier.
S. W. YOST, Assistant Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 3.
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
" We Study to Please I "
Old Stand. New Goods
Fish, Hutter and Eggs,
Flour and Food,
Potatoes, Green Truck,
Hay and Straw, Ac, &e
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store !
(Muldoon's old stand)
Doauttful book containing tho latest vocal mu
slo, full shcet-muslo plates, handsome cover, In
eluding the following gems, unabridged:
Afterwards, 10 I've Worked 8 "ours, 10
Utthv'H Fust Anlaert 40 T Whlatln tint Wft t. 40 .
Comrades, 50 Love's Golden tiream 10 ,
Qod BlessOur LanU25 Old Organ Illower, 10
Go, Pretty Rose, 60 Our Last Waltz IC i
Guard the Flag, 10 Over the Moonlit Sea, lr I
in uia Maaria. ou sweet Katie Connor. i i
Mary and John, 10 That Is Love. 10 V
We give this book to Introduce to you l
VnsurpassedforPVllITYand STRENGTH
Your crrocer will elve vou a circular contain
ing additional Premium List with full particu
lars how to get them free.
ALBERT KR0UT, Chemist, Fbila.
Manufacturers ot
Of Every Description.
FagSf Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &c.
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited.
Sporting and Musical Resort!
Uest Wines, Liquors, Beers, Ales and finest
brands of Cigars always on hand.
Saloon : and : Restaurant
First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tem
perance Drinks ad Cigars. Fine old Wines
and Liquors always in hand.
H. O. FOLMER. Prop
COQ North Fourth Street, below Green 1'hlla.
JUU delphla. Tb only plijiloiao ablo to our wbert
tit mou JttiUj celebrated phrtlclaoi foil.
IU r ffecti of youthful lodliorotlon (both leiei), lllmtd Pol
on, Ituncing. Htrlctur' llyilrvocle Ulcer, I'alnful
Hurlilnir, 11 m pica, l'oor Jit em or j( fiubfuloau aal
Dvtltlty, fitsUvvei wurtteuua tt oum, ourei freib eui In 4
tolodj. Twenty-ill yeri'iier(cD0. Bead 4 cu.1d ituupt
for "Hook Troth, extwitng ?tt form of Quaokerj. It Uk
true frUud to old, rpuag and nitdilla-ned, and thon oootem
platioi marriage. Tlioiusnda who coroo fur a aaltDtlHo at
amlnatloD pronouno Dr. Tbwl tb c rcateal of all I'hyalclana.
Dr. TbMt ourca oaava mat uo one tut cao. Tbouuuda of rtitr
ucea. llourf, tfto9 EtrhIdn, 8 to 9: Waduaadar aod Batur
da; cTBsiDga, 0 to 10. hl'KC I AI, IKI I'liH for duniccroua
auilaeTcreCbaeal Dally, 10 toll Hturdaya, ItftoH, Haurdar
tinlDga o&ly. 6 to 7.80) BuQdajf, 9 to 13. Writs or oali.
32 North Main Street,
For a Good, Cheap Meal
Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com.
paules represented by
120 S. Jam m St., Shenandoah, Pa.
jy- B. KISTLER, M. D.,
omce-180 N. Jirdln street, ahenndoti, Fa.
a-- ' itjaaexdjatmi't