The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 15, 1892, Image 3

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    Both tho method and results when
8yrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, mid nets
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Livjer and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agrccablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to aH and bavo mado it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in BOc
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliablo druggist who
may not bavo it on band will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Blck Headache and relieve all tbotrooblea inci
dent to a bilious elite of tho system, suoh aa
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, &o. While their moat
Ftusarfcablo success has been shown in curing t
Ecai&che. rot Carter's Utile Liver Fltlfl an
eqn&ily valuable in Constipation, curing and pro.
Tenting thlaannoylnEComplalnt.-nhllo they alia
correct all disorders of theBtomachtlmulatothQ
liver and regulate tho bowels. Even If Uioy onlj
fArAsthey would boalmoatprlcclcos to thosowha
I suffer from tils distressing complaint; but t ortu
xatel7thelrgoodne&3docsnotondhere,andtho6a vho once try them will find these little pills valu
able in so many ways that thojr will not bo wil
ling to do without them. But after allslcSs bead
lis tho bane of so many Uvea that hero la where
tvo make-our great boaat. Our pllla cum It while
others do not
Carter's Little Liver I'llla aro very Bmall and
tcry easy to tuie. One or two pills makes, dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, but by Uielr gontle action please all who
use them. In vials at IS cents-, live for $L Sold
by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail.
Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Boro
Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee.
For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous
Plaster will give great satisfaction. aj cents.
Sirs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says !
"ShUon's Vtfaliwr'Siirt'JJ MY LIVES 1
I evcrysed." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney
trouble it excels. Price 75 eta.
1 Have you Catarrh Try this Remedy. Itwltl
relieve and Cure you. Price CO cts. This In-.
Jector for Its successful treatment is furnished
free. Shiloh's Remedies aro sold by us on a
guarantee to give satisfaction.
For sale by O. H. Hageubueh.
, For renovating the entire system,
I eliminating nil Poisons from iho
lllooil. whether of scrofulous or
malarial origin, this preparation lias no equal.
"For eighteen months I had an
eating sore on my tongue, I wa
trcatitil liv liAKt. Wwvil iilivslnlimg.
ii.jtrtincu iiu reuut i mo sore p;rauiiaiiygnii
rie. I llnally took 8. 8. 8., and was entirely
.iid after using a fow bottles."
l. Hi jucj.EMonE, ttenuerson, Tex.
Treatlso on Wood and Skin Dis
eases mailed free.
Tub Swift SrEomo Co.,
Atlanta, (la.
Will eora without madlolsa ill Vtratsaaa calilni frn,
tiUtloaof ir.ia, urva lertM. tiaaaaaa or Udu'itllea
a ...i. tiUu.l, km o.t.ou.d.UUlr, alaap
.1, Imjuor. rb.uni.lUm. Mar, ll.r and bl.JJ.r cai
pi. Inn. lui bail, lumbwo selaUw, tanaral 111 L.. lib all
'i till . l..lrl tail coiu.lL, Wul'srful lVpro..i,l, it
a than, and Wa curraut tliat is 1qUMIj fall by tha
rs forfait lia.UOO.UO, D4 UUr. .Ilittb. ito,, il ...
Jaa ur aa par Tliauaaudi liava baD eur.d by till marvalau
i,riii'a after all tber remadlaa fallad, tad vs Kirs haai
dreda af laatlmaolala la ibla and avarr etkar atata.
Our pavarfl Impravad k.tM"ruiV MbPaisoKY la til
(laalait boaa crar eSarad waak uani rltrKmlllLLBkLls.
II. .lib aad tlnoraaa Slrtestb VUlliMEbD la SO ta tt
HilS. Bd far Urt IMrjlratad (aupblcu, aealad, bar
No e'OC-roadwoY. NEW VOrils
iver Warn
-Rnrsi r-.-s-
Mrs. Iverson Denlc3 the Soft
Tlie Southern Lmly Appurently Much Put
Out Over tho Kuuinr Sujs Shit Uiiulll
Kt ICuovr the Htutestuitu Should Bin
bUH Ilitn AeHlu.
Atlanta, Qa., Nov, 15. The report ol
Senator Hill's engagement to Mrs. Fun.
nie Iverson, ot Atlanta, is unequivocal!)
She met Senator Hill five years ago on
bis first visit to Atlanta at one ol the re
ceptions tendered him here. Tbo report
of their engagement wus circulated 8
short while after Mr. Hill's visit at thai
time, and tbc report bus been revived at
To ascertain tbe truth or falsity ot tho
rumors a reporter called upon Mrs. Iver
bon. Although somewhat indisposed by
constant nursing of one ot her little boys,
Mrs, Ivcrsou grunted the reporter an in
terview, and upon hearing tho object of
ii iB visit assured him In the most em
pliatlc manner tbut there was absolutely
no ground for tbo association ot her name
with that of the Now iork Senator.
"Why," said the lady, "I have never
met Senator Hill but once, and that was
but for a very brief period at a reception
In this city when i. in common with
many other Georgia ladles, was formally
presented. I um sure that 1 should not
know benntor Hill if 1 should meet him.
and I feel quite sure In asserting that he
would not know me.
"Tho publicity these rumors have ooca'
sioned is exceedingly embarrassing to mo
and I suppose they are equally so to
benator Hill. 1 have been so annoyed
ubout the mattor that It has become n
neccstlty for mo to decline to answer tbe
telephone. I really cannot conceive how
the story was star ted and I trust It may
be speedily dropped. When tho rumors
first reached me some tlnio ago, Mrs.
Barret culled on me in connection with
the matter and I then as now with great
burprise pronounced them entirely un
Mrs. Iverson Is justly regarded ns one
of the most beautiful women in tho
South, lit manner she resembles Mrs,
U rover Cleveland and as her friends here
claim, she tertainly has all the attributes
that go to inaklut: up an ideal Southern
It has been stated that Mrs, Iverson
met Senator Hill In New York during tho
winter and that he had thero paid her
marked attention. This statoment the
lady pronounced erroneous, reiterating
her statement that she had met the
Senator but once and that wus at the
reception given him lu this city hereto
fore mentioned.
Ittport of tlio Life uutf Reserve Assnolu-
tloll'rt Uecelvar.
Buffalo, N. v., Nov. 15. Receiver
Waterman has finished his examination
of tho books and affairs of tbo wrecked
Life and Reserve Association and presents
the results of his work to tho share and
policy holders. The total de licit, is
Tbe statement shows the $3,000 which
W. W. (Jnrlln is supposed to have bor
rowed from tho association Is without
security. It shows that $32,833.04 of the
reserve fund bus disappeared, which has
gone the receiver knows not wbero, nor
can lie even speciiy how the money has
ueen spent.
In view of the charges which buve
been made agnlust ex-Judge Harlan J,
Swift and tbe other olllcers of tbe asso
ciation, the report is highly interesting.
The order has 0,000 members all of
whom will be requested to vote on the
continuance or closing up of the wreckod
ltun Down by a hteumer.
Baltimore. Nov. 15. Tbe Pinnforo
was run down and sunk lu the Patnpsco
river early yesterday mornluir by the
steamer Tred Avou. Jessie Adams, one
or tiie crow, was urowneu. The captain
and the remainder of tbe crow, six men
in all, were pickod up by the steamers
lrtd Avon and Joppa, und taken to Cam
bridge, from which port they arrived In
Baltimore yesterday, when Uaptaln Koe
reported tbe accident. The Pinafore was
an oyster-dragging craft and was bound
for Baltimore with a cargo of bivalves
when the collision occurred.
llrcuk loHm Firm Cumhlne.
Pittbburq, Nov. 15, The Schoen
Pressed Steel Brake Ileum Company of
Pittsburg; the TJntvernl Brake Beam of
St. Louis; tho Michigan Railway Supply
Company of Detroit uud the Northwest
ern Railway Supply ot Chicago have
formed a combination to be known us the
Atnericau Brake Beam Company. II,
W. Oliver, of Pittsburg, is the tempor
ary president. Tbe main ofllca will be in
Chicago. The) incorporated capital is
Wullcer I lid Not ltiioiniuencl IMtrotr.
Boston, Nov. 15. The Washington da
sputch which charges Ivau Potrolt with
iurnlsbliig false information to the Gov
ernment with relation to tbo seal indus
try in Alaska, also stated that it was on
the recommendation of Gen, Francis A.
Walker that I'etroU wni selected to fur
nish the statistics. Gen. Walker Btutes
that be is quite positive that ho did not
recommend Petrol! to Gen, Porter.
Murcuret Mittlier Not Blurrlml,
1.08 Angeles, Cal., Nov. 15. Margaret
Mather w wen at her hotel by u re
porter und asked ubout her reported mar
riage to a Milwaukee brewer's son. Sho
said the report was absolutely without
fouudatlou, but tbut It wa no surprise
to her, as she hud already ixxm married
several time, uuoordlug to the stories cir
culated. Ilrlbair mill llillind Iiidlctxd.
Patbbson, N. J., Nov. 15. Alderman
John Hartley wua arraigned yesterday on
an ludiotinent found against him for
bribery. It is iiUegwl that nurtley re
ceived $200, from James Stoddard, a
brewer, for keouriug the appointment ot
George Cox on the police force. Oox und
Stoddard were ulko Indicted.
Hi Uasa Agulunt 1'erk Dlaiulaaeil,
Alb ant, N. Y , Nov. 15. Judsa Charle
has dismissed the case agulust Labor
Commissioner Peck and bis stenographer.
lhe Connecticut Murderer Slruecled Ie
liomtcdy ut Ills lCxeniitlon.
Nkw Haven, Nov. 15. Andrew Petrillo
was hanged in tho New llavon county
jail yesterday. The drop foil ut 10:4(
o'clock. At 10:55 tho body was cut down
and life pronounced extinct by the sur
geons In nttendauce.
Tho crime for which Petrillo wat
hanged was a cold-blooded promedltnted
murder. Ho was an inveterate &ambloi
and made a great deal of moneyrby suo.
cessful "monte throwing."
One of his victims was Michael Demeo,
his brother-in-law, who kept a saloon
on Lafayette street, this city. Petrillo won
money from him repeatedly before Demec
realized that be was being swindled.
He resolved to get even;and win som
of his money back, so he engaged a pro
fessional gambler from New York tt
come to this city and play "monte" with
Petrillo. The gambler came and Petrillc
fell into the trap.
The New Yorker was more skilful than
he was, and In one sitting won over $200
from him.
Petrillo afterwards learned of the
game Demeo had put upon him, and
demanded bis money back. Demeo re
fused, whereupon Petrillo swore Ven
geance. On Saturday night, April 18, 1801, Pe
trillo met his brother-in-law on a Btreel
corner near his saloon and again de
manded bis money back. Demeo again
refused, and Petrillo shot him through
the heart, killing him instantly.
Fully 800 people wore in tho jail yard
und witnessed the execution.
Petrillo awoke cheerful und joked with
tbe death watch, but when the sheriff
arrived to rend the death warrant, he
broke down and cried aloud.
While ho .was being bound he repeat
edly shouted police and struggled desper
ately. He kept up the cry of police until thi
trap was sprung.
The execution was a bungling job, the
culprit slowly strangling to death, moan
ing nt Intervals ot a few seconds until
life was extinct.
Tile Case Aualiut the Kingston llauk De
faulter Opened.
Kingston, N. Y., Nov. 15. Tho trial
of Matthew T. Trumpbour, one of the de
faulting officers of the Ulster County
Savings Institution, wns commenced yes
terday afternoon before Judge lursmnn,
of Troy. Tho court room was thronged
with spectators when the trial opened.
Tho present trial is on an indictment
against Trumpbour for perjury, in swear-
lug falsely to a report returned to the
state Banking Department us to the finan
cial condition of tho bank.
District-Attorney Vunderlyn and ex-Attorney-General
Schooumaker appear
for the People, and Hon. William Louns
berry nud D. M. DoWitt for the p.isouer.
An oxtra panel ot iiOO jurors was sum
moned, and the balance ot the day was
occupied in securing jurors, many being
disqualified for various reasons.
It is believed that the trial will occupy
the greater portion of the week.
At the conclusion ot the Trumpbour
trial tho indictment tor perjury against
Ustrander, another olllcor of the instltu
tion, will be tried.
Both ot tbe defendants were present in
court. Trumpbour has been confined in
jail for tho past two weeks, his bondsmen
baring surrendered him.
He looks to bo n physical wreck, and
his counsel endeavored to stave olf tbe
trial on the ground of Trumpbour'
physical and mental condition, but was
not successful.
A I,ud aud Ills Sistr Diatippeur on the
Wuy tu blliulliy School.
PllOVIDENCE, It. I., Nov. 15. John
Smith, uged 10, and his sister, aged 13,
are supposed to have been kidnapped in
this city Sunday.
They left homo to attend Sabbath
school, and no trace cau be found ot them
lu or ubout the city.
An unknown man wus seon with the
children near tho railroad depot.
A l!lg .Suit Aculust Lancaster.
Lebanon. Pa., Nov, 15. A suit will
soon be tried in the Lubunou county
court in which $100,000 is itivolvod. It
is brought by the Lancaster county com
missioners nguinst the City ot Lancaster
to recover $100,000 paid by the county
for dnmugus for opening streets la hut
city. Tbe snlt binges upon the construc
tion the oourt will place upon an act of
Assembly regulating the opening ot
Hail Ills Nose Kitten Off.
IIatebson, N. J., Nov. 15. In a politi
cal quarrel hero growing out ot tbe Demo
cratic parade ratifying the election ot
Cleveland and Steyeuson, Edward Riley,
City Hull Commissioner, had part of his
nose bitten off by Frederick Scbuatz.
Riley had attempted to knock u tlu
rooster olf ot Schatz's hat. Scbnatz wus
arrested and held to the grand Jury under
$1,000 ball, which he gave.
Tir.. Queens to Attend a Hull Fight.
Madiiid, Nov. 15. The Queens of
Spain uud Portugal will be present ut a
bull fight, on Wednesday. The Queen ot
Portugal is anxious to see a bull fight
uud the Duke of Veragua has promised
eight bulls ot his famous Audaluslan
breoi for the occasion. This is the first
time Queen Christina, of Spain, has at
tended such an entertainment since the
death of her husband.
T ruiuiiiail Mn-nx-ofi IVlll Die.
Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 15. William
M, Monroe, the trainman, who wus shot
ut Lyons yesterday, bus not yet regained
consciousness, uud his recovery is thought
impoaMible. Three men, who give their
iiuines its George White, Edwurd I-Tlrby,
uud George Stevens, are under arrest at
Lyons, suspected ot complicity in tbe
ThI uro of lUuldirg Couti-HtMis.
MlDDLWiOWB, N. Y., Nov. 15. Lindeey
Brothers, liulldlng contractors, have
fulled. Their liabilities are about $80,
000, aud the nominal assets are about the
tame. Tbe firm was haul, p rested by
creditors, though doing considerable
work, employing ubout 100 men.
SIurolK-sla-r BIarlyr to be Jluuorutl.
Conic, Nov, 15, The Fenian societies
are piepuriug for an imposing demonstra
tion in this city on Nov. 27, to celebrate
the memory oi the Munchester Martyrs,
Allen, Gould und Larkiu, who were
banned SO vears auo for comnllcitv In the
Feniau inovemeut of that time. ,fjJ2jj I
Hayti Again Threatened With
Interna. Disruption.
lUporlcd Uprising at Cape Hay tl. IVhlol
l'resldr-nt Hlppolyt lias Set Oul
tu NuppreMCabtimt Cnmposltlon tbi
Cause of the I'rrsant Trouble.
New Yonic, Nov. 15. Captain Sanson:
of the Atlas lino steamer Adirondack,
which has arrived from West India ports,
brings the news that war is again lmml
nent In Hayti.
Captain J. W. Sansonr reports that
when his vessel was lu port at Port-au-Prince
on Nov. 0, the place was fairly
boiling with excitement.
"Almost the entire population," ho
said, "was under arms, und President
lllppolyte was on the point of setting out
with a strong force for Cape Hayti, in
order to suppress a threatened uprising
there. I learned that tho causo of thi
hostile sentiment toward lllppolyte ut the
Cape is due to the dissatisfaction felt
among the leadors there over tho con
struction ot the President's Cabinet.
"Hippolyte is himself a mnn of the
North or Cape region, and it was through
the loyal support given him there that he
was enabled to descend upon Port-au-Prince
in the war with Legitime and
overthrow tbe latter's government.
Naturally, therefore, the leaders in the
North felt that they wore entitled to a
large representation in Hippolyte's Cabi
net. "At first tney hud nothing to complain
of, as tho President, it is said, gave the
portfolios ulniost exclusively to tho men
who hud helped him to conquer. Lat
terly, however, it is charged, ho has
filled vacancies ns they oocurrod with
men of tho South men who fought
against htm under the banner ot Legitime.
"Tho Cape Region has not only resented
this exclusion of their representatives
from among Hippolyte's advisers, but
has grown very jealous of what appears
to them to be a surrender on the part ot
Hippolyte to Southern influences. Hence
it is easily understood that they bestow
upon him the epithets of 'traitor,' 'rene
gade,' 'iugrute,' and tho like."
Imaginary Uvlls That Are lluaettlng u
I'oncliknepslu Couple.
PoDoiiKEErsiK, N. Y., Nov. 15. A sln
gulnr case of domestic nflllction lias been
discovered in this city. John Vaughn
and his wife, tenants In a cottage on
Tnlmadgo street owned by F. J. Allen ot
the Astor House, New York, are both
afllicted with a hallucination.
They imagiuo that ether and other
deadly gases are being blown Into their
homo by tbe children of the neighborhood
and that at night people pump tbe gases
into their house with Invisible pumps.
They have closed the windows and
doors of the house tightly and hide them
selves there constantly. The woman is
splendidly educated and nearly 50 years
oi age.
The husband fancies the same thing
and tney say tliey are hiding from what
seems to bo universal determination to
poison tbem both.
The case has created much interest in
medical circles us well us throughout
the city.
A Callfornlitu W'Un Says He Saw tile Aotm
l-'lro the I'atu Sliot.
San Francisco, Nov. 15. The second
trial of Maurice B. Curtis, the actor,
better known us "Sam'l of Posen," foi
the murder of Policeman Alexnnder
Grant, Sep. 11, 1801, was called yester
day In tbe criminul court, Judge Trout
A new witness has been found, J. W.
Cann, u resident of the interior of the
State, who says tbut be saw tbo soufilo
aud. Is positive that Curtis shot the police
man twice In succession. He explains
his failure to make himself known at the
time by saying ho had purchased u ticket
for the next morning's boat and did not
desire to bo detained in the city.
Charged With AUm-Ing Keturns.
Buffalo, Nov. 15. Officers have ar
rested Edward Duffy, a school teacher,
who was pool clerk at tho First district
of Cbeektowago on election day, on a
charge of forgery in the seoond degree, in
altering the returns from that distrlot.
The complaint on whloh ho wns arrested
is to th9 effect that he so changed the re
turns from his district that the majority
ot 7 which Mr. Qulnby, Republican cun
dldato for district-attorney, rightly hud,
was turned olf, and Mr. Blssel, his op
ponent, given u majority of 31,
Another Kxplanutlon of the Itoault.
Wasihnqton, Nov, 15, The latest ex
planation ot tne election is given by Mr.
Fred C. Walte, tho special expert of the
Cousus Bureau, in charge ot the statistics
ot true wealth. He says the election
went the way it did because a million
Republican farmers stayed at home last
Tuesday. All the other surprises of the
election seem to him to have been but the
following out of natural laws well estab
lished by statistics.
Fatal Acclriamt at a Jollification.
New Philadelphia, O., Nov. 15, In
telligence has readied here that during
the Democratic jollification meeting last
Saturday night Bakersville, sixteen
miles west of this city, by tbo bursting
ot a cannon a man whose name was not
knowu hail one leg torn off und piece
of the cannon struok Mrs. Ford, who
was looking out ot tbe window, aud
knocked berhead off.
A I-'llaTlUvn Mmv lleuil.
Buffalo, Nov. 15. Humphrey Smith,
oolored, is dead at his home ou Blue Hill
in the towu of Yorkshire, at the remark
able age ot 108. lie was born near llioli
inoud, Va., of slave parents, In 1784, but
eaoaped to tbe Nortu when young and
lived ou Grand Island for u number ot
years. Some 00 yt-ura ago ho moved to
Whllv's Hull Flxrcl at 81110,000.
Nkw York, .Nov. 15. -Judge LHoomba
has deoided to admit Charles A. White,
charged with t la iarcouyof 70 000 from
his wife in cn yeuue, Wyo , in $ilU0,0tK)
ball, ills counsel bald he could sucure
,be necessary bonds,
Tli. riollei Kxplnstnu nn the Iteadln
Nt-ur Mini) 1UIII Ilaren.
Pottsville, Pa., Nov. 15. The cause
of the boiler explosion on the Reading
near Schuylkill Haven, is a mystery thnt
Will be cleared up only by a thorough
The report of the explosion was hoard
several miles distant, and tho shock
caused the buildings in the neighborhood
to tremble, awakening tho occupants and
canning much excitement.
The residents of Schuylkill Haven
flocKed to the scene, and a sad sight met
tbelr gaze. Pinioned beneath a mass ot
broken machinery was Dobbins, aud his
groans und cries for relief were frightful.
The men set to work, and he was soon
liberated, placed ou an engine, and taken
to ids home.
The killed were!
William Cowey, engineer, of Port
William Moyeii, fireman, of Palo
Haiiry Allison, engineer, of Palo
Conductor Kendmck, of Port Carbon.
C. J. 0. Mackay, fireman, of Port Car
bon. Michael Dobbins, a brakoman, was
badly injured,
The engine bad just finished making n
shift and coupled up to a train. The
moment the steam was applied tbe explo
sion followed,
Cowey wns hurled agatust rocks und
every bone In bis body was crushed.
Moyer was hurled one hundred yards
away into a field.
The others lay near the wreck.
Tho engine was No. 503 aud belonged
to tbe freight trade.
On Sunday she was put on the coal
trade and at tbe time of tho acccideut was
on her way to Palo Alto.
The locomotive Is n complete wreck.
Cowey und Moyer belonged to unotber
crew und were deadheading it home to
Palo Alto.
The others belonged to the engine
which exploded.
The boiler was hurled 75 yard.
Somo of tho dead were horribly muti
Ills Litvorci-fl Wife Itenieinhereil to the
Lxlnut of $1300 u Yur,
Boston, Nov. 15. The will of the late
Charles E. Powers, whoso former wife is
in Denver seeking to have set aside tbe
divorce obtained In the State of Colorado
by Mr. i'mvers, Is ou file in tho Suffolk
County i . mate Court.
After giving the household furniture to
the testator, to his duughters it gives tho
residue of the estuto in trust to Linus M.
Child, John Goldthwnite, Marion Pow
ers Lowry and Florence Agues Powors
Harding, tho two last of whom are daugh
ters ot the deceased.
One clause is to pay from said income
to my dear friend and amanuensis, Fanuy
Sprague, of Hiugham, Muss,, $900 per
annum during her natural life, etc.
The next clause is to pay from said
income to my former wife Nellie Powers,
in consideration of our former relations
and because she is not entitled to any
dower of homestead rights or other rights
in my estate (by reason of her desertion
and refusal to llvo with me us a wife, I
having obtained u divorce from her on
said grounds) the sum of $300 per annum
during her natural life, otc.
The will Is dated Aug. 12, 1801 and in
contigencles Miss Sprague will get $10,
000 and in other contingencies $17,000.
Largo bequests are made to public In
stitutions in Boston, but on contingencies
never likely to occur.
fglt is understood that Mrs. Powers'
attempt to set uside the divorce will be
resisted, as her success would materially
diminish the amount going to the daugh-ters.
Mrs. Oruoe Lav 111 and Win Cliulivd Until
bhe Toll! -Where liar Money Was.
Siiamokin, Pa., Nov. 15. Mrs. John
Gruse died yesterday from shook and
Iniurios cuused bv John Zertin n lmnriW
who went into the room wbero she lay
sick Saturday night, nud choked hor un
til she told him wbero her money wus.
She hud ooncealed $110 under her pil
low. Zertloc took it und fled to the
Oflicluls ure in pursuit of the miscreant.
llaltluioro Ohio Humors.
Baltihohb, Nov. 15. There is consid
erable gossip on the Stock Exchange and
in rbe brokers' olllaes about the future of
the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. The re
turn from Europe of Robert Garrett Just
ut this time creates new rumors as to
how the stock holdings of the Garrett
family will be voted at the stookholdors'
meeting next Monday. Some promluent
financiers suggest that Mr. Garrett fav
ors u deal which would practically mean
u perpetuul solidification ot business in
terests. Suicide of a Voiiug lrucliHi(
Ouanoe, Muss., Nov. 15. Rev. G. II.
Harris, aired i!S, pastor of tbe Universal
1st Church, North Orunge, committed
suicide on Saturday night by shooting,
liu was unmarried aud lived alone. He
was not missed until his congregation
was seated In churoh Sunday forenoon.
A messenger found him dead in his study
with a revolver In his hand. Mr. Harris
was ordained last year. He wus u nutive
ot Pennsylvania.
Anarchy lu the Freuclt Army.
Paris, Nov, 15. Much anxiety has
been caused by an exhibition of anarchy
in the army. While troops were waiting
ut the Cumpelgue station u private in
sulted and struck nn oflicer, felling him
to tbe ground und crying, "Long Live
Anuroliy," "Down With tho Army und
Its Offloers. "
Oelolirntlon ut Addison, N, V.
Aunieon, N, Y., Nov. 15. The election
of Cleveland and Stevenson whs cele
brated by tbe Democrats ot Addison last
li ght. Several hundred men paraded tbe
Ktreets und relieved themselves of a lame
atuouut ot enthusiasm.
lire. I'rioe doing to Uiiglmid.
Thoy, N. Y., Nov. 15. Mrs. Oioera
Price, tbe mother ut the Duohaas of Marl
borough, sails for England to-day ou the
steamship MJtlo. She goes to visit
her daughter.
t llllHin Will Uplioiu Caprlvl.
Behmw, Nov. 15. Tt is said that tbe
t,.nu,.M 1.... na..M.l ft 1 ..I 11.., l.
ZVZ f .":.,.ir ' J ...a i. .
w. j ii mm iu
the event of tbe defeat ot tbe Military bill
Nervcus Prostration,
lemloxsiirss. Slr-L nml irrn
nomlnrlio, linrlinrlio, IizzlupH,Mor.
old 1'curN, Hot rinxhcN, Nervous
X'its1, Nt. VllnV Ilnucc, Opium
Habit, IirutilccniiCHs, dr., are cured
by Ir. JIIIIch ItcNtorntlvo rvlne.
It docs not contain opiates. Mrs. Bophla C.
tirownloo, DeLnnd, Fin,, suffered with Epilepsy
tor fx) years and tCBllncs to a coroplr'tocuro. Jacob
otre. Llla, Oregon, had been suffcrlnc with Ncrr
jub Prostration for four year, could not slcpp.
nothing hclpod him until hu used Or. Miles' Re
storative nervine) ho is now well. Kino books
Free dme-gists. Dr. Miles' Nervo and
-iver Pills, no dost-s for 55 cents ore tho best
-Greedy for biliousness. Torpid Liver, etc., etc
ST. Mllos' Medical Co.,Elkl iart,!nd.
Employment Agency
Help always on hand for
families, rostaurants.&c.
Chambermnids, Nurse Girls,
Walters, Drivers, Maids, &c
14 West Centre Street,
(Ferguson House Block.)
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chapped Bands, Wounds, Burns, Eto
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wates,
Unlike tiie Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are nsed In the
preparation ot
W. 1UKEII & co:s
trhich is absolutely
pure and soluble.
It hate more than three time
I the itrength ot Cocoa mixed,
with Starch, Arrowroot or
' Sutrar. Anil In fur mnrA tin
homtcal, costing tos than one cent a cup.
It Is delicious, nourishing, and basilt
Sold bjrOrorers eTorjnhsrs. v
W. BAKER &C0., Dorchester, Maw.
n 1 1 tT linr We the undersigned , were
HI II' I IIHI entirely cured oi rupture by
H U I I U 1 1 L. xir, J. 11, Mayer, 81 Arch 8tt
Philadelphia, I'a., H.Jones I'hlllps, Kennet
Square, Pa.; T. A. Kreltz, HUtlngton. Pa.; K.
HI. Small, Mount Alto, Pa.; Kev. 8. II. Bher.
trier, Bunhury.iPa.; D. J. Dellett, ail H. 12th
Bt. Iteadlne, Pa.; Win. Dlx, 1826 Montrose St.,
Philadelphia; il. h. Howe, Kim hi , Head.
Ing, Pa.; (Jeoive and Ph. Hurkart, 9 Locntt
Bt Heading, l a. Uend for circular
Act on a new principle
rogalate the lior, otomaca
and boHuut through tlt
nenwo Dn. Mileb' Paxa
cik-aily cure biliousness,
t'.ri-idllvfr and constipa
tion. Smallest, nitldeet,
crrest! SpUoBrB,25ctu
SinDpljB frie at ilrunnlsta,
Cr. BUtt Iti Co., ElUut, U&
A Mniiulvwlui'li
It used hy Wives
about to expei ience
the painful onh-al
attendant f) on
Child-birth, proies
an infallible niiet-i-iiu
for.anil oliriatt-s
the tortures orcon
fiunient, lwiunliu to both mother and
child- Mild by all
ilruKgists. Pent by
cxprew on receipt
ot price, jl.&i Wr
bottle, charges pro-
! Salary and expenses paid, Address VI &T-
. tuuTiiixi uenevo Nursery, uem'va, N Y
I Established 1819, .t.. 10-boow-4t
mil fist it