FINE GROCERIES HOUSEKEEPERS! Find no difiiculty in struring what they ri quire for their ta blcfj at our store. Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. AVI liter Time Table, Tn iix t.ti U year the train service of the V.c.1 i A, I'lroad's various Hues is readjusted to mu t the eviijeiicies of the seasons and the t'Vi r Inci'i d-iug demands of travul. Esch succr ivc change of this sort is marked by greater or less improvement in the con veniences nffonled the public, both in the ar rangement of the tiainsand in the quicken ing oftlir r transit. The autumn and NYint r tunc table on tho Heading's Unas goes into t ?i rt on Sunday, 13lh inst. There are no ronsidi'iinus changes to be noted, but the nllght alt nitions are all in the direction of furnishing bettor service to the Heading pat . 't!s. The new time table can be obtained at I. ii i lcki t offices on and after the 12th iust In Olden Timet I'eonlc o rlooked the importance of per manent beneficial effects and were satisfied with tiansient action, but now that it is geir cral'y known that Syrup of Figs will per manently cure habitual constijiatiou, well informed people will not buy other laxatives, win. h jet tor a time, but Dually injure the syBto i, LANDS FOR SALE l!y Dm Illinois Central 1!. It. Co., lit Low 1'rlccB mid on Kasy Turin, In South ern llllllolH. The best farm country in the world for cither lariie or small farms, gardens, fruits, orchards, dairying, raising stock or (.beep. A greater variety of crops, with n greater profit, can be grown on a less amount of lands in this country than can be raised in tiny other portion of this state. Don't go elsewhere to buy lands for farms until you too Southern Illinois. All sales made ex clusively by the Land Commissioner, 1. 0. It. It. Co. Special inducements and facilities offered by the Illinois Central Itailroad Company to go and examine these lauds. For full doS' cription and map, and any information, ad' dress or call upon E. I. Skene, Land Com' missioner I. C. R. It. Co., 73 Michigan Avo. Chicago, 111. 11-5-Ct A Uoo! Chance, A man having hotel experience can secure a, hotel in one of the best placesln Schuylkill county that is doing a good business, but can bo made a better paying place if properly lonductcd. The business has suffered through the illness of the tenant, who must ret ii from business. The hotel is an cxr-' Ieut one for summer and winter boardc r-,. The owner will sell the place clic.ip .iud on easy terms, or will rent to tho riL'Ut party. Sale preferred. Address 'Huii 1," ItERALB office, Shenandoah, l'a. Coming; Kvents. Nov lii. Slipper in Kobbins' opera house nndt r the auspioee of the Trinity ltformed Chllivh Nov 23 Seventh annual ball of the Wash ington IVnefieial Society in llobblus' hall. Nov. 21 Supper in Bobbins' ojicra house, under the auspices of Women's Itelief Cor); benifitof Soldiers' Monument. Pec. U (Jrand supper under the auspices of the Y. 1. A. in llobbins' opera bouse. Dec. 10 and 17. Drummer Hoy; or Spy of fihiloh, in Feigiwou'g theatre, under the auspices of V. Camp No. 206, 1". 0. S. of A. Spectacles to suit all oyes, at RortK's book and stationery fctorc, No. 21 North Main street. 4-27-M T-Hiie'it 1'auilly Mmllclne Moves the bowels each day. Meet people need to use It, Piles or llemorrlinlds I'ermanently cured without knifu or ligature. H o danger or siitl'ering. No delay fiom bus iness while under treatment. Patients who are resiionsible need not pay until well. A perfect cure, guaranteed. Send fur circular, R. REED, M. D., 129 South 13th St., Philadelphia. Refers, by permission, to the editor of the Evening IIkbald. tf A Happy Man Is lie n ho uses Ked Klaa Oil fur Hhenm .linn. ciralula, Tootliaebe uud uhroulo paliu. It's a it n.idy whleU ouies every time. Try it, 86 ciins. i e i nag un jiwiu ai i. i; v. Kir lln'x Drugritoro. Downs' Elixir will cure any cough or cold, no matter of how long standing. lm uo not suppose that because H is reeoni mended for animaU that Arnica and Oil J.lnlruent isau olfeusive itreparation. It will not stain alothing or the fairest skin, lm 1 tried a bottle or Ha) valion Oil on a wound nnd was cured within several days. I ever had such a good remedy ae Salvation Oil In my 1IUUUB. 41 B. J . 1. 1WWIW, MIUlUJtt, io. Buy Heytiont flour. He sure that tlie name Lemio &. Co., Ashland, Pa., Is printed en every sack. 3-3-Staw Then Baby was attic, we gave her Castoria. fVhuu she was a Child, alie oried for Castorla. Hlunt she became Miss, site clung to Castarls. When slie had Children, she gare them Cattorib A Ureut Block. Five thousand novels, the latest and. best Issued, iellli)fat 25 cents tether places, for sale at Max Reese's for 10 cents. The finest playing cards InJUiemarket.6 cents per pack. LETEER FROM MEXICO. What H Kmldent of Slisimtidonli Hnys ol tlio Country. Richard Knight, a resident of this town, writes tho following letter to tho Hkuald from Hatopllas, Mexico, whore he is filling mi engagement lu the intuiest of capitalists who are developing silver mines : ElHTUK IIkralik Again I am lu this (God's forsaken) country and it appears to uie worse tlmti I have ever seen it. The stores are finer and lietter stocked than they were ten or twelve years ago, but that amounts to nothing when there are no cus tomers. Three years ago Batopilas had a population of 0,000 and to-day there are scarcely 2,500 peopl" here. I will tell you briefly one of the causes for this change. A little over two years ago, when I was on my way home, I met the conductor, or principal frcightar, of one Shepherd, on the road to with a package of shinpuuten supposed to be worth $50,000 which he in tended to circulate in payment for services rendered by workmen. These shlnplasters, when exchanged for other money, were discounted 25 per cent., so that tho working mcti who received them found that although the piece of pHper purported to represent "un peso" (one dollar) was really worth hut 75 cents. This state of aflUire caused the men to quit work and seek a living in places where they could get a dollar for a dollar's woith of work and receive money that would not lose 25 per cent, of its value on tho way home. The Sauto Domingo noW mines, about nine miles north of Ratopilas, has all the men it requires and is doing well. It does not use shinplasters. It sends to the mint in Chihuahua irom $50,000 to $100,000 in mild bullion monthly. Tbero is auotber gold mine near it called tho Oroch. Con siderable money has been spent in prospect ing and nuttinii tin a little mill to test the quality of the oro and the owners believe that with a littlo economy the property can bo made a laying one. A company has been formed to operate it mid plans have been made for a new town near the mine to bo known as New Australia. The tido of im migialion is moving up stream mil I would not be surprifcfd if inside of two yoars the new town would have a population of G.000. R. C. Knight. THEATRIC AIi NOTES. Plays Hooked for Production lit IVren son's Tiieiitre. Tho lovers of Tennyson will be delighted to hear that a superb dramatization of his immortal poem, "Enoch Ardeu,'- with tho illustrious English actor, Mr. Clias. J. Steven sou, in tho titlo role, will appear at Fergu son's tbeatio this evening. This will bo tho most artistic production the pieco has over had in America, and beyond a doubt the himso will be crowded. Of this excellent actor's work in tho piece tho Montreal Blar says : "In stepping into tho shoos of the lato Edwin Adams, who was tho far-famed Enoch Ardcn of a decade now past, Mr. Stevenson lias laid out for himself a large amount of work, hut after viewing his per formance last night wo must say that tho part as lost nothing in his bands. It was never played better." "SATP I'ASIIA." The Shnckfoul Opera Company which will make its first appearance in this town to-morrow evening, at Eergnsou's theatre, includes several well known artists in its ranks. Miss Klolse Mot timer, the prima donna, is spoken f by tho piese of Huifalo and Philadelphia as being secoud only to Lillian Russell and iinille D'Arvllle. Vincent Graham, the in itone, is said to have u beautiful baritone voice of great range and ower, and to be an actor of moio than 'ordinary ability, lleari Lament, the tenor, is known as one of the best dramatic tenors on the American stage, The opera which will be piesented is Stall l's Said Pasha," which abounds in inuny jests, ludicrous situations and catchy music. The costuming will bo a feature. " UNDKBdllOUND." On Thursday ovenlug next, Nov. 17th, Underground," tho great mining play, will ba seen at the theatre. Tho play is ouoof tho great successes of tho present season Everywhere tho company has appeared in the ooul regions tho houses havo been fluid to the doors and the press have been unanimous n its praise. It is a play that pleases all classes. THE POSTMASTBB8HIP. A Number of ApplloHiits Already lu the I'lelil. Speculation it already running high on the postmasteithlp and notwithstanding soveral mouths must elapse after the inauguration liefoie the new administration will be able to give consideration to post offices in towns the sise of yhenaudoah a number of people have already made arrangements to make appllca tioD for the position. Among those who wish to succeed Postmaster Iloyer is ex-Council man F. J. Port, lie will be backed very strongly. 'Squire J. J. Monaghan U said to be willing to relinquish his duties as Justice of tho Paaoe to handle the malls for Uncle Sam and tome of ills friends say that he has com meueed laying his wires. There are 01 burs In the 'squire's oiicle of friends who say that he lus aspirations for one of the prominent county offices aud they believe that he would prefer tbe satisfaction of those aspirations to the post 11 lllce. P. P. D. Klrlln is said to be willing to get behind the letter boxes once again. If he should succeed John 0. Seltsvr will probably be his ussittant. Druggist (', II. Ilagenbucli Is another Democrat who thinks bo would mako u good P. M. Ho has Intimated that ho will bo candidate. Charles J. Qulnn is spoken of as a proha hie candidate. Ills friends suy that if ho goes Into the fight ho will present a strong! petition cndotMHl by many of the nio-t prominent and inlluentlul Democrats in the county. Vive candidates Is pretty good for a start. The contest should bo a lively one. Tweltp Photos for Stic. By sending us your cabinet, together with W) cents, wo will finish you one dozen photos. 11-S-tf YV, A, Eeaqey. T.octuro Till livening. Rev. R. 13. Williams, of Slatlngton, will lecture In the Welsh Calvanlstlc church, on missionary work, tills evening. The members of tho church aro respectfully requested to bring their children. A Bingle trial of Dr. Henry Baxter's Man drake Hitters will convince any one troubled with eostiveneiis, torpid liver or any kindred diseases of their curative properties. They only coet 85 cents per iKittle. lm Fresh Morris River Cove Oysters received dally at Coslett's. ' 8-82-tf New Laundry I FRANK G. X.j35!S Wtll open a CHINESE LAUNDRY Tuesday, November 15th, 29 W. OENTfffi STREET, In Itobbtns' Building. pEItOUSON'S THISATRE. P. J. FUHGDSOS, MANAOKll. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1892 Opera Go'g -&3 -ABLTI JSE?S 33 SAID PASHA" Elegant Costumes. Superb Ccxj any. Prices, 25, 50 nxul 75 Cents, Hoserved seats on sale at Kirlln's drug store. J? .IKUGUSON'S THEATRE. p. j, i'unauso.v, manager. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, '92, So nlo production of the great comedy drama, UNDERGROUND' story of tho fines by Daniel L. Hart. A great cast headed by Mr. frMiilc Karrirjrton. 1333 32: Tbc BurninK Culm The Coal Hreakcr uy ftlooniigiit The Cnvo-in tind Explosion in tho Klines, The most realistic efleots evor produced. X'riecs, 25, 50 and 75c. Reserved seats on salo at Kirlln's drugstore. Robbms' Optra House, Thursday, Friday Saturday Kight November 10, 11 and 12. YOUNG- SAMSON!! The strongest man on earth, will pull ngalnt Itobblus' double team, besidts specialties. Admission, 15 and xo Cents Doors open at 7, performance at 8. SAFES! SAFES! FARRELL & CO. HEBBIKG'S PATENT CHAMPiOH Ain the hast safes made. Used bv all the load. ing banks and firms. Addioss, and I will call. E. A. OVIATT. Ferguson House, Hbenaudoah, Farrell & Co.'B Traveling Agei t. Has removed to Bill Jones' old stanc 17 BOOTH MAIN STREET, Wnero be will be pleased to meet the wanU uf bis trlenas ana the public in BverviUiug iu the Drinking Line JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT (Christ, Bossier's old stand) tfaluaiitl C011I HtH., Hlieuuuctonii Heat beer, ale and porter on tan. Tbe Uncut nranas of whiskeys ana cigara. I'ool room at' tohed ID. ID. JDIZTTZ'B, Of Centralla, is now prepared to take contracts ior me Cleaning Out of Water Closets And other out buildings. Prompt, clean and Inoffensive worlt at reasonable prices. Orders may un leu at (tie commercial ilotel, corner main anu uoai sircsts. SALOON AND RESTAURANT 36 KneU Centre Htrcct. The best beer, ales, porter, whiskies, brandies wines unu nnest cigars always on nana. WM. J. EVANS, Prop. WANTS, &o. XrANTHD. Hood Canvasser: salarv am V expenses from start; steady norki aoot chance for advancement. IIHOWN UUOs. CO Nurserymen, Ilochesier, N. Y. tuil-8n IriOK SALB. A good heating store. Applj J at tho nnnALiiofflco. tf WANTED. Atonoe, BttheHEnAMJ office y one or two Kjod dots, to learn tho print- in r trade. U- ANTED. Ily a young lady ot refinement ' the ncaunlntance of a gentleman ol influence, to assist Her in procuring a uosttioi in a si re or ofllce. AddresB Lizzie, this offloi w ANTED. A medlnm size second nam. buruWr and tire proof safe. Inquire tti kralji offloe. WANTED A gentleman of mean to assist a lady Hnaneially embarrassed. Addresi- A LADY. SI years of age, no inonmDrance. handsome, refined, worth a few thousands u'nniu In marrv. AfldrflftH. 4 Marrv.' tthtnSD doali pot offloe. 17OK SAt,B-CHEAP. One ot Chambers & r (in'R onnvlra nresses. the nresent owner having no use tor ft; being good as new Call at UBHAi.11 omce. WANTED. Reliable man here, and another, one to two hundred miles outside. WW Drat rear, stamp ana reieiences. muiiine, rare this paper. lu-w ot OAKDURI WANTED - A few rood board- J ers wanted t No 13ft West Line street. 'erms: 817.60 ncr month, or W.60 pur Wfcok, Including ashing and mending. '4-XW - lUAB lllliltlJ. $j- to lf per day at home, selling Mguining f)' Plater and plating Jewelry, watches, tableware, Ac. 1'lntes tho finest ot It-welrr good as new, on all Hinds of metal with gold, sliver or nickel. No experience. No capital. Kverv house has goods needing piaung 10 2tV2m II. K. DELNO & CO., I olumbus, O MINERS WANT13D Good miners can una steaoy employment at our lnlnes.sttuated ot Nlnntlc, Macon Couniy, III., a station on the line of the Wntmsh rauroan. vein six 1001. mine worked on the room and pillar system, and cod is mtned by shooting from ofl tna solid. Mine has good roof, Is dry and free from explosive gases. NlANlIO COAL Co., Niantlc, 111. 10 38-lm-d&w A GENTS WANTED ON SALARY or com A tnlsninn. tt handle tho now Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The quickest and great- BBl hUIllUK iHl"HJ UVCI IllWUllu. iuoibjup thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of paper. Works like magic. SOO to 600 per cent. npntlt firm fl.crent'R MUPM Amounted tO W30 in six days. Another tSt in two hours. Previous experience not necessary. For terms una full nartlculars. address The Monroe Mf'g Co., La Orosse. Wis. X4S0 6-Sl ly mi r- iAVSfnr luimo lot at Mav's Land- CIO tng, the line suburb ot Atlantio City; 5 squares from 11. It.; commutation laro to rnna., 2S cent; has court house, hotels, schools, chut ches. cotton, naoer. clothlnc. ciitar sai"h, brick, nnd lumbering mills, with tlnest water wiwer: fine drivlne. flshine. euDnlnc. bathing, selling; city and country combined; 33 houses built last year and pot 0110 empty; a safe and sure tnveptmcnt: $60 Invested will increase $ao in 0 months; 3 mills built ibis year; lots arc bu rent .move ocean; lu per cent, on jor eiien; MAY'S LANDING IMPROVEMENT CO.. 058 I'rankltn St . PnllaOelphla. iMiran 2sTOTIO!Ej ! Office or the ) ScmJYI.KIl.Ii THACTJOK COSII'AKT. f All morthnnls and storekeepers oro hereby notllicd th. t this company will not bo responsi ble for goods delivered uniobs Ihc Mime havo ucen orueicu Dy an oracer 01 mo company, upon pnnica iorin uieu ior mat purpose. v. 11. Vaiinall, November 3, 1892. General Manager. Benefit to All. Are you prepared for the stormy weather? It brings slop aud mud ; and this is time of year that you want good aud substantial Shoes' to stand the wear and tear. We have just such shoes for both old and young-, at prices to suit all. It will pay yxm to call and examine our stock and be con vinced of what we say. PEOPLE'S STORE 121 North Mam Street CairSC EYE EXAIN!!- rrtE. NATION. oun EYE SPECIALIST win bo in SHENANDOAH, Wednesday, Nov. 23, At the FERGUSON HOUSE, from S 30 A M to 5 P M. Persons w !o nave n, mi.u in or whose syes arc cuuhIiiu disci imforihlitiul 1 1' ill uion our HpeclaJIst una tLy will reiM'ivu ii'-'t'l Ui nl and skillful at 14 rwj IK la 11 n nttiiiiim nnr ui. &Mtry pair of glaasus on.t'i,l U guaranteed to be BiiiiHiHi'uiry QUEEN GO- OciilUli. unit Out U-ltiliM. JOIU C'lliatNUTBT., i'UlIJt. OFHOE OF TUB On account of the long drought tho Shenan doah Water and Gas Company given notice to Its consumors that there must be no more waste of tho water supplied by tbe company. This not I co Is especially directed to people who use garden hose and wash show windows, pave ments, carriages, etc. Water will bo run Into the pipes, commencing Sunday, October 10th, only between tbe hours of 7 to 0 u. m. and from 4 to 6 p. m. This rule will remain in force until the next rain. watchman will be stationed at a slop at Fow ler's lumber yard, on East Coal street, to turn on tbe water at a moment's notice In case the fire alarm is sounded. Ily order of the company, is. 33. nnss, 10-SSw Superintendent. GOOCl NCWS "For Workingmen Just received t20,0(X) worth of Men's nnd Boys' c: LOTHING AND OVERCOATS. Abo $10,000 worth of Mcn'H. Ladles' and Children's Underwear. i",,000 north of Men s, Ladles', Children's BOOTS and SHOES Will be sold at cost and below cost till Jan. 1st We Are Just Opening Up a full Ladies', Misses' CARPETS for Fall Trade. Now styles arriving dally. U . JL 1UJJJ ITnlmmilRn Ihfi lnrirpRt iiRflnrlment In the counlv. comnrlslncr the celebrated Anollo. Othello. Vallov. IriiiK, Novelty. New Urido, Cimlerella, Ulacli Warrion, Grand Perfect, ilnsler AVorlt man, llival, Kow Model, Old ana New Lehigh. A full line nlw nys in stock. Also lirst-cUiss lino All in good condlton and warranted or money refunded or exchanged. A fine lino of No. 7 New Advanco and Miners' ltest stoves for tis each! No. f, H0; good No. 1 econd-hond doublo heaters from I0 pp. and Stoves and Itanaes from Kl to (II). Every ono warranted.'.and dolivored and put up in any part of the county within 20 milts of Girardville. T.Kn .11, t- . . q .......... . . L' .. 1. .. llMllnn U , . w... BAlnA . , luw Ulliereill niKCB UllU nijion ui rcwiuu-iwimiunnue wiutco lucnicv, iiuiu, AIHJ tine line of Single and Double litnters, both round and square, at all prices. Roofing, Spouimg, Jobbing, I'rorantlv attended to at tho lowest market price." Anthony Wayne and American Washlnc Machines a specialty, Stove, beater and range extra oliarge. E EUGUSON'H TI1EATHE. l'. j. rBnousoN, managbb. THURSDAY, NOV'BER 10. Tho dramatlo event of tho season. Grand revival of Tennyson's beautiful romance 01 mo son, "Enoch Arden I" With Its wealth of seen1 o grandeur, dramatized ai a presented oy CHARLES J. STEVENSON 1 And a perfect company, under the management oi sir. ucorge ri. aummure. Marino Band and Orchestral Composed of sixteen accomplished musicians in costly naval uniforms. Prices, 25, 50 Hiitl 75c. Iteservcd seats on sale atKlrlln's drugstore, DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant The leidlng place In town, lias lately been entirely reno vated Everything new, oleon and fresh. The tlnest line of Wines and Liquors I Cigars, &c, foreign and do mestic Free lusah nerved -ouch ovenirg. Dig schooners ot lresh,lleer,Porter, Ale, &c. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. J. J, DOUGHERTY, l'rop. Hess' Livery Stable, 11S N. fllarjcct Alley. NEW BUGtilES AND IUIINESS, SAFE HOUSES Finest turnouts in town. Would be pleased to receive a share ot tbe publ lo putronuge. t ff CENTS F011 A WINDOW SHADE. BBl Others, ready to put un sprinc roller. H for c, Sic, ihc, Mc und upurds. 1'ar- ties aesinng only the shading or tlx turcs can be accommodated. C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardm Street. M, M. I1UIIKE, A TTOHNJSr-A T-LA TF, SIIXNANDOAU, FA. Offices Room 8, P. O. IJulldlng, JHhenandoan, am4 juuwiiy iiuuiuut;, x uiuivuio, Seff's Orloina 'art Store 23 South Main Siroot. line of and Children's OLD RELIABLE, UJ . NORTH MAIN STREET. For Ilargatns in First-class Heaters and Furnaces, BOTH M anil SECOND-HAND PETER GRIFFITHS GIRARDVHiXiE, PA. Plumbing and Gas-Fitting lepalrlng promptly donot BelUeied without ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN Buy their School Books, Slates, Pencils," School Bags, and other school supplies at Kortli .ItXaiti' Street. The largest stock In town at tbe lowest prices. Headquarters for stationery of ull kinds, wall paper aud window shades Scheider's Saloon and Restaurant Leading Saloon in town Onflr anil 1I7WM fH., (Ulckert'8 old stand) First-class Eating Bar. Finest Whiskoys in the Market. OPENING OF lancing School! Robblns" Opera House, SATURDAY EVENINGS. Schoppe Orchestra,'! Pieces, T. J. O'HABEN'S COR. MAIN AND OAK STS. Everything In the tonsorlal line done In.flrsv class style. A fine bath room attached, oro, Mm I - L