Both tbo method and results when Byrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taito, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pieasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in Its action and truly beneficial In its cflbcts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made- it tho most popular remeJy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 1 bottlos by all leading drug giste. Any rcliablo druggist -who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SM FRANCISQ OAL. U2UISVIUE, K1 NEW YORK. ll.Y. Blck Iloaiacho and rolleveaU tho troubles Incf. dent to a bilious etato of tho system, such an Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Tain in tho Side, &c. While their most reinirliablo success has boon shown la curing t ileiSachs, yot Cartcr'a Uttlo Liver ttrs equally aluablo in Constipation, curing and pro. Tenting thisannoyinncomplalnt.'whllo they alaa correct all disorders oithostoiaachUmulate the t'.ver and xogulato tho bowels. Even If the; only (Aclia they would be almoatprlceleas to thoso who 1 euf ter from this distressing complaint! but f ortu natoly thelrgoodness docs noteud here,and thosa who once try them will and these lltUo pills vara. ble In bo many wayo that they will not bo wil ling to do without them. Hut after ollalck hoa4 11 (la the bano of bo many lives that hero Is vrhera liremalteourgrcatboast. Oar piUa euro It nulls others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to tale. One or two pills mate. a dona. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action ploasoall who use thorn. In vlalsat25 cents; live for tl. Sold by druggists everywhere, or cent by malL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yorkl SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL FRIGE Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, llack or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction. a; cents. SHILOH'S VITALIZE?. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chuttnnoom, Tonn., says : "SlMoh'sVitallzer SAVED MY LIFE. I cfinUlerUthebestremeduforailehiUtatcdmieten I evtrused." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney troublo It excels. Price 76 eta. HILOH'S CATARRH Havo you Catarrh? Try this ltcmedy. Itwlll relievwand Cure you. Price 60 cts. This In-, lector for its successful treatment if urnlshod irco. Shiloh's lteraedles are Bold by ua on a guarantee to give satlsf action. For sale by 0. H. Hagenbueh. tmtohed im months A troublesomj skin disease caus-d i- to scratcli for ten months, ant! u 2; cured by a few days' use of j M. II. Wou k. Uppj. Marlbotu, r u 8WIFT'PECIFIC ' -Tasoured some years ajro of TVhlie flwr'ii i, i . logUyusingEffi?;amliavelM l .1' e; 1 ,iMm of ro IfyjjtffeftjJ turn of tho 1.1 1 1-0. Many prominent physicians attcin m mo ..nil lailed, but B. H. 8. Ufil tho work. PAUL. W. KIRKrATRICK, Johnton City, Ten ,. ' 1 .itiM on Blood and Skin VJiteaau a uiallt.-l frw. MiiV Swii-r specific Coui-anv, kv1. AtUma, Ga.l, Xm. SAWDEN'S LATEST PATENTS. CCST fUFRSVEMCHTS. WITH tttCTKS' MACHETIB SUSPIKSBST. Will tors without nedldaa all Vfaitiwaa rtioltlm rrai. .,!. loacfUrtlD, .rv. for..., ..,.." " J"fr.U .1 11111, l.t, a.ri.ui drtllllr il.ii el.luta, list back, lumbago, aeLtic., taaar.l .il ttila tl.clile .oaulu. lH.d.rliU,;UU".U or., ,O00.u0, .04 .III cur. .11 of lb. ibor, SEE a .r oo par. Thpu..od. b... bate eor.4 by tbla m.rt.".M Intaotion tfur oil olb.r r.m.dl.. f.ll.d, ,ii weilia hu dr.da of lo.tlm.oUI. Is tbla ons or.rr oibar .1.1. Oor pow.rfol lmpro.04 aLLlTllil l klt tuilIT la lb iM.1.11 boon ...r.B.r.d w..k m.o; Him Itl.lliLL BllTB. !' BlrtoUk GUAIUVflhU I. SO to t if H.B"ddr. U,uu h mATi3Jirr anauaaoTOiio 00,, Me CPwodwav. NEW vortk CARTERS IPiTTlE ' fN Mlfa. CURE, J THE LATEST FIGURES Cleveland's Plurality in the Electoral College Will Be at Least 206. OHIO AND CALIFORNIA CLAIMED BY THE DEMOCRATS. ItKSUI.T MOUIITI'UI. IX HOTII STATUS AVenvor, Third larty Onmllilntc, Has as Votes no I'm- ami Cliiims 3fure IU l'urtj AVill Prulmbly Hold tlio Italunce o I'uWMr In tile United Stutds Selultti- Deiuiirritts IIuvo Alimit 100 SlHj.irilj In the llonte (if Itiireftontutlves Imtui.! Kfiturns litim States and Ctiunllas. New YonK, Oct. 10. The latest re turns do not materiully aliauge the result as first nntiounoed. Mr. CIbvbIhihI is eleoted to tho Presi lenoy, having oarrietl the boIUI South and great numlier o hitherto doubtful States, as in shown lu the table printed bi'low. The surprise of the dsy are'tho pol Dility that he may have rjarrled the Stati of Ohio, and the strengthening of tin possibility that he may have carried Cal ifornia. Kansas gives her vote to tho People's party. Indlaua, Illinois, and Wisconsin are safe for the Democratic oaudldate. The Legislatures elected In tho various States have changed from Republican to Democratic in such numbers that the Democrats will probably have a small working majority in tho United State Senate, In tho IIouso the Democratic majority will not bo far from 100. The mujorlty in New York State is 47,889 for Cleveland. In New York city it Is 75,848. The Assembly is Democratic by 10 ma jority, THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE. Tallin Showing Stain Tiitxo for Ilniiulill. I'ttno, DeiuiiilruU and I'atiple I'al'tr. Aluuama n n Arkuiifiij 88 Cullforum 0 8 Colorado ( Connecticut e Ilelawaro 8 3 Florida 4 Ueomm n 13 luiino , a - 3 Illinois 24 24 Indiana , 15 10 Iowa 13 13 Kanias 10 10 Kentucky 8 13 Louisiana 8 8 Mulnc 6 0 Maryland 88 Mussichusetts 15 1.1 Wlcliisran 14 8 i Minnesota n (j Mississippi , 9 9 Jllswuri 17 17 Montana ;. 33 Nebraska 8 Novada 8 3 row Haniiishlrc 4 4 ow Joi-sdy lu io New York M 30 North Carolina ,11 11 North Dakota ,3 3 Ohio 23 a Oregon 4 3 . 1'unniylvnula ft; ft; llhodo Island 4 4 South Carolina i) 0 Mouth Uavotu 4 i Jcnnesseo , 12 12 Texas 15 15 Vermont ,', 4 4 Virirlnla 12 13 Wajhlnrton 4 i West Virginia 0 8 Wisconsin 12 12 Wjomin? 3 3 Total 4U I5T2C0" Necessary for choice 223 22 THESE WERE BIG BETS. Some of tlm ntonuy lhat Will Nun Cllaneu IIhiiiIn, Nkw York, Nov. 10. The men who made bets on tho results ot the election ure now looking nrouud for tho stake holders. Michael Dywer Is said to have won $75, 000. He put up about $180,000 at big ouaa to win, Joseph J. O'Donohuo won over $22,000. Edward Murphy, jr.. wins about $10,000. Edward Kearney will bo $33,000 bettor off when he collects his bets. Subtvay commissioner Walter Storm captures i;,ouuv. uoo&rauKer J, Mahouey made $25,000. Eddie Talcott wins $5,000; LouU Bell, $5,000; Tom I'ulton, about $50,000; Ed Stokes, $5,000; William J. Thompson, $80,000; l'at Duffy of New Orleans, $80, 000 from President Walbaum of Gutton bers; II. A. Hart, $15,000. Dave Martin lost about $50,000; Book maker Wheelock, $55,000; llillv Edwards, about $200,000 he held as ttake money, mid Bookmaker Fred Lowe about $12,500. CONGRATULATING THE WINNER. Mr. Cloveland Ileoulvtia a Party of I'ruin illollt DfUinoruU. New York, Nov. 10. Several gentle, men from the Democratto National Head quarters went up to see Mr. Cleveland at his residence, booh after the result of the election was known, to congratulate him ou hU viotory. There were In the party Chairman Will iam F. Harrlty, Don M. Dickinson, Charles S. Falrchlld, William O. Whitnev. O. fi. Baldwin, Henry Vlllard and others. Mr. Hnd Mrs. Cleveland came out upon the portico and Mr. Cleveland niude u short speech .in acknowledL'oniRiit nf f).,. congratulations. Mr. Cleveland said:-- "This Seems to ba th lirmi. fnr ..InU lng. We have earned a grand viotory. I attribute It to the rank 11ml fil ni h,- ty and to the splendid management of the aiiuuat vouiiiutteo. " Illlaols. CllICAOO. Nov. 0. Thrl inter rAtnrn. ,U not materially affect the Democratic vic tory in the bUte oi Illinois on national and State tickets. Conservative man ot all partlM now generally agree that the Deiuooratlo Dluralltr in Illinois will ba apparently 10,000. "I ITl STATES. M t r I I l THE NEXT HOUSE. PENNSYLVANIA. 1 .,- " ' It Will bn luinoratlo by n Tnrt;oi Worklnc itlKjiirliy. WASlimoTOtf, Nov. 10. The best pos sible compilation of tho election returns for ConKreeetnen, made up from the latest roturns, Is presented below. The returns, as yet, of course, are very Incomplete, and changes will have to he made In the .figures on both sides, as the later reports will probably show the de feat ot a number of Congressmen now said to be elcctod, and vice versa. The figures, however, clearly tndloate that the next Houno of ltepresentntlves will bo Democratic by a lurge working majority, which will doubtless finally be found to be somewhere between, 00 and 60. According to the present compilation, there will bo 224 Democrats, 123 Repub licans, and 7 1 bird party men lu the next Houge, with 2 additions yet to bo made to complete the quota of !V50 memliers. There were in tho Inst House 280 Demo crats, 88 Republicans and 0 Independents, or 882 members in all. The result is a relative gain for the Republicans, ns com pared with the trnraeuduous landslide of two years ago, so Iliac the Republicans will need more than two aisles in tho national legislative chamber for their members. But though the Democrats have lost a number ot memliers, as compared with the present House, their majority is cer tainly large enough for all praotlca.1 pur poses. The strength of the Independent will be pretty nearly the same lu the next House us lu this, but they will miss the presence of their two most aggressive rep resentatives, Tom Watson of Georgia and Jerry Simpson of Kansas. "Honest John Davis," of Kansas, will be tho leading Third party man in tho next House. CONQRBSflMBX ELKCTED. STATES. Alabama Arkansas Calitornla Colorado Connecticut Delaware Vlotidu (lecirirla Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa , Kansas Kentucky lxiuisiauu Maine Muryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Mnntunti Nebrusk Nevada Now Hampshire ... New Jersey Now York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Uhode Island , South Curolina South Dakota , Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming , 1 .. 10 12 10 3 0 a 3 .. 7 1 it 1 .. 3 3 .. 3 5 13 21 1 8 1 .. 11 10 3U 10 1 8 13 10 3 e Total 123 221 7 This mukosn not Iiopublican gain of 33; net nuiucin- Alliance gain 1, NEW JERSEY. riuralltiei for Cleveland and YVrts LffffUlatar aud ConjrreaiuiAn. Trenton, Nov. 10. Returns up to this morning show that Cleveland has curried the State of New Jersey by 7,14U, and that Werts, Democrat, for Goveraor, has been elected by a plurality of 4,000. The uxt Legislature willstaud as fol lows: Senate Republicans, 4; Demoorats, 17; House Democrats, 50; Republicans, 25; The Democratic majority on Joint bal lot will be 31 which leaves a net Renub Hcan gain of 4. The candidates for Congress olected in New Jersey aro as follows, with their es timated pluralities: District. Majority. 1 H. C. Loudcnslager, Rep., 3,000 2 John J. Gardner, Rep., 2,500 8 J. A. Oelssenhalner, Dam., 3,000 4 Johnson Cornish, Dein., 2,000 5 Cornelius Cadmus, Dem,, (100 C Thomas D. English, Dem., 400 7 George B. Fielder, Dem., 4,000. 8 John T. Dunn, Dem., , 800 Vote by counties: I j2L COUKT1ES. Atlantlo Iteriren Uurllnirton . Camden Capo May,,,. Cumberland Hutox Olouoester .. Hudson Hunterdon , Mercer Mlddlefex ... Monmouth ., Morris Ocean l'ussalc Halem Somerset .... Sussex ,. Union Warren 311 new ioo l'ria 6'6fti 1655 ii.y titi 1511 lasa law "tm mo 1013 12U0 16(1 W im Gl 1113 Total Clovulaiid's plurality. 0C15 111341 OHIO. llesult in Doubt Dumoorats Made Ureal (lulna lu ihr Interior. Cleveland, O., Nov. 10. Returns de velop surprising Democratic gains in the interior counties. There is no disguising tho fact that the result is in doubt, and that Ohio's electoral vote may be cast for Cleveland and Stovenson. At present, Harrison has a margin ot 700, but there nre several counties yet to hear from. Chairmen Farley, of the Democratto executive committee, hus ar rived here, and says he couiideutly ex peats that the State has gone Democratic, lie does not actually claim It so far. The outcome will not bo known to-day. Neliruka, Omaha, Nov. 0. Republicans have probably eleoted the Governor and entire State ticket lu Nebraska, but returns are slow, and the plurality will be small Weaverltes claim the State by a small plurality. Brynu, Dem., for Congress, will not have over 000 majority. WUcuiin. Milwaukee, Nov 10. Democratic Chairman Wall says Cleveland and Peck are eleoted by about 18,000. Returns are incomplete but will not make any mater l at uiuurauga lu tae rssuit. Harrison's riiirnlltr,OTr TJ.orio ItrpnK llcttnn Ottlli On CnrtKt'.Rftliirn. I'lilLAiiELrMlA, Nor. 0. Harrison's plurality In Pennsylvania is 74,758, his majority in Philadelphia being 3e,552. Tho Congressional delegation inoludes 18 Republicans and 10 Democrats, au in crease of one Republican, as follows: First district, Henry H. Bingham, Rep.; 2, Charles O. Nelll, Rep.; 3, Win, JicAieer, Dem. j 4, Jotin 15. Ileyburn, Rep.; 5, A. C. Hormen, Rop.j C. Johu B. Robinson, Rep.; 7, K. W. Hallowell, Dem.; 8, Wm. D. Mutchler, Dem.; 9, C. J. trdman, Dem.; 10, Marriott Broslut, Rep.; 11, J. A. Soranton, Rep.; 12, Wm. H. llines, Dem.; 18, James B. Rellly, Dem.; 14, Wm. Brislin, Dem.; 15, M. B. Wright, Rep.; 10, A. O. Hopkins, Rep., 17, S. I. Wolverton, Dem.; 18, T. M. Mahon, Rep.; lit, F. E. Beltzhoover, Dem.; ZU, Joseph D. Illoks, Hep.; 31, D. B. Heiner. Ren.: 22. John Dalzell. Reo.i 23, W. A. Stone, Rep.; 24, K F. Aoheson, nep.; zo, T. W. i'lillllps, Hep.: BO, T. U Flood, Rep.; 27, C. W. Stone, Rep.; S8, George F. Kerbbs, Dem. William Lilly, Rep. and Alexandei McDowell, Rep, are the Congressman- at large. Tho following is the vote by countlo s: cowrriKs, Adiims 4X Allegheny 200OO Armstrong 1 00) Beaver , ljo Bedford 400 Berks Ulair 1800 Bradford 4 QUO Bucks Butler : , . 1 29) Cambria Cameron 200 Carbou Centre Chester 4 0U0 Clarion Clearfield Clinton Columbia Cruwf ord 2 000 Cumberland Dauphin 3 OK) Delaware 3 500 Bit Krlo 2 300 I ujotte Forest sou Franklin fUO Fulton Greene Huntingdon 1 200 Indiana 2 310 Jefferson , 000 Juniata Lackawanna Lunca.tcr 11 000 Ijiwrenco 2 Ml) Lebanon.,, 2000 U-hUb Luzerne Lyeomlntf McKcun, 1 100 Mercer 1 500 Mifflin 200 Monroe Montgomery cno Montour Northampton Nort huhibcrtand Ferry COO Philadelphia 301100 Pike I'otter SCO Schuylkill Snyder 2 Hi) Somerset , 2 'Ml Sullivan Susquehanna 1 500 Tioga 3 100 Union 800 Venango 800 Warron 1 400 Washington 1 wo Wayne Westmoreland Wyoming York Total 113 100 Harrison's Plurality , 8 IK "i 'eOc 'aw x i(V 100C ua 220C 10UC '66c 'ioc 325 ltsoc 178 2UC 2200 1200 1000 20U0 iYo 073 lCCO 'ioo 00 400 2110 3072 38 847 .74 703 ka are still incomplete owing to new election law and poor accounting. Fig ures so far recolved Indicate that Weaver will tarry the State by about 2,000. On Governor the result is very doubt ful. Crounse (Rep.) will not get as largo a vote as expected, and Norton (Dem.) developos unexpected strength. Van Wyck (Independent) not so strong among laboring classes In Omaha as expected. For Congress, the Democrats have probably elected three members, Indc pendents two and Republicans one. The Legislature will be about 45 per cent. Republican, 40 Independent and 20 per cent. Democratic. CONNECTICUT. Cleveland lias Ovur 5,000 Mnrrts Elected Governor Senate a Tie. Hartford, Nov. 10. Nothing In tho later returns recolved changes the result hero materially. Cleveland's plurality is 0,Ui7. The report that sufficient Prohibition and scattering votes were cast to prevent Morris' election is not confirmed by the unit oi tne oiuclal returns, more thau half of which are In. The State Senate is a tie. The ITouse shows a Republican majority of 14. Lewis Sperry, Dem., is re-elected to Con gress from the first district by 5l7. James P. Plggott, Dem., is elected in the second district by 2,840. Charles M. Russell Ren. Is re-elected In the third district by 527, a falling off of 405 votes from two years ago. Robert E. Deforest, Dem., Is re-elected from the fourth dis trict by 2,001. The State Senate is a tie and the Republicans have about 20 majority In the Houso, COUXTIES. Kali field Hurtford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven Now London Tolland Windham Total Cleveland's plurality.. 2 431 00 Kl 1631 id 40 71)4 1701) Virginia. Cuaklottkhvillk, Nov. 10. A little more than two-thirds of the State heard from gives Cleveland a plurality of 28,100 with indications of un increase in com plete returns to 85,000, Tyler (Dem.) for Congress lu Seoond district has a plu rality of at least 0,000; Demoorats claim that Eps will pull through with ma jority ot about 500. It so the entire dele gation will be Democratic. t lo-t-a. Des Moinwi, Nov. 10. Tho returns so tar reoelved Indicate a Ropubllcau plu rality ot 22,000 in Iowa on electors. The State ticket runs a little behind. Tin. Republicans elect Congressmen in ten oi the eleven distriots. Walter I. Hayes of the Seoond district Is the only Democrat eleoted. The People's party vote will reach 35,000 and the Prohibition ot 8,000. Moutaua. Helxna, Nov & -The Republloani claim the State by 5,000 plurality. They will elsot the Congressman by a small margin. . I in t w YUPlrS' I Litest OorreWrcl Rctnrnx Olvo the State tt Clevel nil by ll,4rfl. New York, Nov. 9. Latest corrector returns Hhoiv that Cleveland has car l ied the State by 47,888 plurality. Full retnrns from all the districts Ii this city give Qilroy for Mayor a plurality over KliMtein of 70,848. 1 be Inew York. Stale Legislature will be Demcratic hy fourteen or sixteen or joint ballot, thus ensuring the electioi of a Detmicat to succeed United State; Senator Kratik lllscock. The Assembly will probably be mad 1 up of seventy Demoorats and fifty-eigh Republicans. In thii county every one of the thlrtj 'sf.muiyirjen was eleoteil by the Demo 'Hie following Congressmen are electee Iro.n iew York Stale: DtmnmUtt James W. Covert. John H. Clancy. Jos. C. Ilendnck. Wm. J. Coombs. John H. (iraliam. Thomas F. Wagner 1'iiiiiklln Bartlert. hVlwaitl J. Diinphi T. .1. Campbell. Daniel E. Sickles. A. J. Cummitigs. W. 11. Coekran. J. Do Witt Warn John It. rellows. Afcbhel 1'. Fitch. William r.ynn. Henry U. Bacon, I. II, HI. V; vlli. Si. XII. xin. XIV. gv. Svir. xrm. XIX. XX. XXI. xxn. XXJII. XXIV. xxv. XXVI. xxvn xxm. XXIX. xxx. xxxi. Jacob Lcfevre Charles H. Unifies ChB' les Tracy. Schmerhuru , N. M. Curtis J. M. Weaver. C. A. Chicking. J. S. Sherman. a. w. ltay. J.J. Jklden. 8. B. Pavne . C. . W. Olllett. J. Wadgwoi'th. J. Vun Vtiorlils. XXXII. n. N. rnnWnsui. XXXIH Charles Daniels XXXIV W. 11. Hooker. The only districts In which the result B3 stated in the above table U doubtlul ii the Eighteenth, where the Democrats claln: that Cox is elected. The vote by counties is: COUXTIES. Albnnv 13Ml Allegheny 2 240 Biooruo 2 0W Cattaraugus 2 boo Cuyupra 200 Chautauqua 5110 Cbuuiuug J43 Chenango im CI i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 372 Columbi Uortlari' 1 225 Delaware l'tiij) Dutclitfet 372 I-,rlc Kox 1810 Fninkilu smi Fulton ami Hamilton ;w (enifa-e 1 01C fircene 41 1 llerklmi-r 614 .leffuson 2li4il Kings Ixjwis &o Livingston 1 212 Madison 2 278 Monroe 3700 Montgomery sou Now Vork Niagara 4 Oneida 70s OnonJagu 3 861 Ontario Orange 080 Orlciins sstt Oswego 3312 Otsego 722 Piitmim 'gifj Queens ltuuNsihior ,, llichmond Itockhtnd St. Luwrenie 741c grti-atogu.. 1&37 Schncctady Schoharte Schuyler uxi Seneca Steuben 2209 Sullolk I" 7u) f-iillivun 200 iftoea,--, I asm Tompkins 1 410 Ulster Warron 'iiy Washington 2 lt?l Wayne 2220 Wostehester , Wyoming 1 4.18 J-atcs i4(ij 12UJ 9UU 1UC 32fX 40 sunt UK 601 1271 3T. 203! Totals.. 73101 120 Cleveland's plurality 47 asi MASSACHUSETTS. flv,ltlsll Ite-Klected by a almull I'lur ullty. Boston-, Nov. 0. Gov. Russell (Dem has been re-elected Governor of Massa chusetts by a plurality of about 2,000. Incomplete returns gave Harrison, Rep. 181,316; Cleveland, Dem., 122,017; Bid well, Pro., 4,483. For Governor, Russell, Dem., 124,050; Haile, Rep., 110,245; Ham lin, Pro., 4,210. For Lieutenant-Gov ernor, Carrol, Dem., got 109,42-1; Wul cott, Rep., 109,071. Harrison's plurality Is between 5,000 and 10,000. Returns from the Congressional dis tricts indicate a gain of four Congress men for the Republicans. General Draper defeats George Wil liams In tho Eleventh district. Gillett in the Second, Walker in the Third, Cogswell lu the Sixth. Lodga in the Seventh, Morso In the Twolfth and Randall in the Thirteenth, all Republi cans, aro elected. In the Tenth McEttlck, Ind. Dem., is eleoted, and lu the Fourth Apsley, Rep., is thought to have defeated Coolldge. Crosby, Dem., and Stevens, Dem., are probably elected in the First and Fifth district, and the Eighth district is claimed by both McCall and Andrew, with the chances uppparently In favor of McCull, Rep. Another Krouril fimasliril, Stockton, Col., Nov, 10. The eastern stallion Kremlein, who u. few days ugo wretted the record from Stamboul, had the record taken away from him by the latter yesterday nfternoon, Stamboul go. ing a mile In 2:08 flat. Stamboul went away after scoring three tines, and made the first quarter In 32 1-4; second quartet in 80:35; the time at three-quarter post was 1:811; he came down the fast quarter strong and game without the whip in 33 Foconds, making the mile In 2:05. Hie Liugu Trial. Caudkn, N. J., Nov. 10. There was a slim attendance nt the Lingo trial yester day. The most important wltuoks was Mrs. Mllllo Hlnes, who testified that she saw Lingo in the bush lot, where the body of Mrs. Miller was found, that Ills overalls were slightly torn, aud that ha limped. She also told of identifying Lingo afterward In the Camden jail. Held fur I'lnbezzlaiuenr. Yoiik, Nov. 10. - Confidential New t.tiv, iiui. au, vouiiueniiat Clerk Simon Pevy of the James E. Ward Ss Co, Steamship company, at 118 Wall street, was held ye.terday lu 10,000 ball I ior iszaminntton at tne Tombs Police, Court by Justice Bradv on a oharaa of I having embtstlsd about 110.000 from his auDlovsrs durlair tka nut ft.B nan. Tbo Araerleim peool" nre mpj, -nro or norTouswroct'.a'1! tn. lul Lob it remedy: Alyl'ui slum; 1 'a.. Hwoarsthutsrht'n ti unrn vims Donto, Dr. If. vi' C.t'in 4rylnocured blm. r..).K.M I Un.lncl .3. D.TuTlnr, r I. it.ii-mx Tlnrd2J pounds frmul i: lr;Mi. .11 t r. uf Mslul.i.lnil , t k r.l Ir.nBadnf.andniuch i' k' .'.,, d ache, and nervous m. 1, : ninisiycrs, oroowyn. Hch ,nj 'i.iuurau Ul 1IW1III'7 OI I1T1 nd fino I t uiuaglstB Thisrei.icily cuiitiun l!if,rt',Hotl'iVlef'i-?c". cs XBIAL mint ISA? SHENANDOAH Employment A$a:,cy ! VAX REESE, Agent. ALWAYS RELIABLE. Help alwavs on hand for families, restaurants,ao. COOKS. HOUSE GIRLS. Chambermaids. Nurie Girls, Waiters, Drivers, Maids, &c 14 West Centre Street, SHEHAHDOAH, PA. (Ferguson House Block.) Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cure a Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Eto. Removes and, Prevento Dandruff. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei the Dutch Process No Alkalies OB Other Chemicals are need In the preparation of W. UAKEIt & CO.'S BreaHastCocoa tchtch U abtolutely ture and soluble. ZtbaBtnorethnnthrcetlmtM the strength ot Cocoa mixed With Starch. Arrnwrnnt: ' StKr&r. nml 4 fir mnrn ofn- nomlcal, cotting less than one cent a cup. It la delicious, nourishing, and EAsixr BIOESTEl). - Sold hyCrorera eTerynhert.t W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mail. RUPTURE We. the nnderslffned. vun entirely ourert 01 rui ture by IJr. J. B. MVP ti Ar-h nt . Phlladelnhta. Pa.. K. .r,s Phlilna k.nnJ Square, I'a.: T. A. Kreltz, alatluglou, Pa.; E. w.rman, iiouni Alio, i'a.: liov. 8. 11. Bher mer. Hiiuburv.ii'a.: 1). J.nelipti ?I4H . ih St., Iteadlnir, Pa.; Win. llx, ll) MontroneHt,, Philadelphia; II. L. Horo, ;WH Elm ist . Head ing, Ia.; Oeoree and Ph. HurSart, 439 Locust Ht., Keadlng, Pa. 8eud for olrcular AtX on a new ptinclpls rceolate the lUer, etoinacli ami bowehi through (At 1 .r'v$ Ue. KitEa Viua cpicaUy cure biliousness, to'vid livsr and cmstlpa foi. rmalteat. rolldot. eevsti Updcies.'JOcts. f j. jiob fart at (it.tnifiBtfl. Hr. B'lti B(.J. Co., ULillt,lit, El ITe Ofier Tou a HtmtdJ whteh Xnure Safety to Zlfe of Mother and Child. " MOTHER'S FRIEND " Jtobs Confinement of Ut rain, Horror andlilik. Afttrcainffonebottleof " Mother's Friend" t uttered but llltle mlu,od did nut experience I list wawkneiu afterward usual In sueh ctaws. Jira, AssiaOiBiilLamr1Uo.,Jan.i!thilsl. fen' bv expreia, charges prspald, ou receipt ot prloe. tuo per bottlo. Uook to Motlera aSSStnS. IillADVIULD KKUUIaATOtt CO., ATLANTA. GA. BOLD Ok ALL UEUQUISTt, I M m a a ALit-N I iS WA N I H IJ ....... Salary and exnenses nald. Address W tT.1 HMlTjl CO Geneva Nursery Qcnnva N V. Miavnsneq 1W0. y i a Unlike munu