Evening Herald. I'UIllilSltHD DAILY, SUNDAY KXCRl'THI 11 C It Ot Jill, JMltnr unci 'nhlUihr. XT3I. .. irAlKJXS, iMVal JMUor .UU THE NEWS FOR ONE CENT 1-htJSrXXIXG JlKKAI.DImta Utryerdr cut Mm in Shennndoah thm any other paper puliheU, Jtookt open to all. SUBSCRIPTION rates: AiLT.ptr year ... IB ' w MtKiiT, pet year, 1 tu Un rd t the Pontoflloe, at Shenandoah, Pa. for transmission through the mails u seeoud class mall matter. Wiuu Tammany rule Oloveland? It in said tlmt the new Governor of Illinois la old gold (AltjjeltU.) Trfu uext. Legislature will be He publican by over a two-third major ity. t t We .will le permitted to eat our Tliaukagivlng turkey under President Harrison. "Dioic" Ciiokrr, of New York, is spoken of forSeeretary of War; under Cleveland. ., jfJg; Tiikke was a landslide in New York, but it was not the kind we were looking for. Ugh! It should have suowed before; per haps, then, wo might have hue a different result to announce. Who knows? Alooir is expected from lietiruaenta-tlve-elect C.iyle and we cau assure his constituents that they wlirnot"bTcITs appointed. General Slooum would not eat crow. Will he be disciplined? Gen eral Sickles swallowed the unsavory morsel and was elected to Cmgress T HK Republicans will lose a United States Senator in New York and gain one in Delaware. It is a game of six ofone and half a dozen of the other. WHAT HE THINKS. "S.; M'S" of the Philadelphia Star, has this to say "ontlie recent Republican rout on Tuesday : "What is the explanation? With outgoing into details the answer is that the people wish to have the McKlnloy tariff bill repealed. What they desire in its stead Is a matter of conjecture. The solid South wauts free trade. It holds a big hand in the Cleveland deal, and it generally rakes in what it reaches for. "At any rate the result, if it means auything, means that the McKinley bill has to go. It is evident that the workingmen do not want it. What they wisli to have lu its stead does not concern Republicans. "Cleveland is a free trader. I would not bo putting it too strong by Baying that he is a rank free trader. The people who elected- him are over whelmingly in favor of free silver. Ctevelaud is dead against it. The dickering will come in when he usks C ingress for free trade nnd they ask him for free silver. "What will Cleveland do about pensions? Hit one whenever the opportunity oltars. The great bulk of tho voters who supported him halo the beneliclury of a pension, and their representatives In Congross would never vote a dollar for the cause If it were not for the fact that political considerations in certain .sections demand It. But as things go, the pension business Is a small matter, The old soldier Is not In It. Harrison was a soldier and Cleveland sent substitute to the war. Stevenson was u copperhead. "The ex-con federates are on top again. They are a clever people, how over. They will cheat at elections but that doesn't make any difference when you are a Democrat, "Harrison has given the country a splendid administration. He ough not to have uccepted a re-nominnlion Mr. Blaine could have beaten Cleve land, Blaine predicted when the MoKlnley bill was sprung in Congress that it would wreck the Republican party. "Even If the Senate should not be Democratic by n clear majority, there will be enough Republicans in the body to vote with the Democrats to make a revision of the tarlfl an ab solute fact. "What a luoky man Cleveland is. He has a right to have the big head, "I'reparo yourselves for four years of the Baby Ruth twaddle lu the news papers." A Straw Shows which way the wind blows and so does the amount of travel on the Nickel Plate chow that the new train service has made that line more popular than over. Bates, however, still remain as low as via any other tine, t-nov-10 OANADIAN COMMENTS- IIiit thu IJntulnlnn Irtpnr lleirurd CldTe 1hiii1'i4 jsictttnu, I Tonoirro, Nov. 10. The "Matr" com mentlng on the result of the Presidential election, says it look ns it the vast majority of Americans rosnrtl the policy of protection us legislative robbery. The "Globe" sayn it is a pooitlvo proof that in spit of tho tremendous Influ ences of a privileged oImm, which la mak ing millions annually out of the existing protective polloy, the principle of freeing commerce from its withering shaoklei ' has Ht length commended Itself to the in telligence of the people i , The "Empire" ttayB tho result matters very little to Canada anil that there ii nothing to show that so fur as fiscal ohaugea affecting Canada nre concerned, any radical departure from the present condition of affairs is in serious oontem- I plation. ' I The "World" sys Cleveland's admin istration in its foreign relations will cer tainly not be so hottilu to Great Britain I bb Mr. Harrison's was, under t.he aus- pices of Mr. Blaine, and that It Is poasi- ble it may be disposed to establish re ciprocal trade relations with Canada lie- ueficent to both countries. Ottawa, Nov. 10. The "Citizen," government, says of the result ot the Presidential election: "We may be i grateful at the prospect of a diminution , of the rtutiei now levieB on Cana dian goods. Apart from the ooinmeroial aapect of thu situation, the Demooruts oamiot be more uufriendly to Canada than the government of Mr. Harrison, und we may hope for an improvement in turn respect. AS GERMANS VIEW IT. -. llnrllu J'rr Comment. Kesrtit That riirlpt .limit ItMir... Bnu.v, Nov. 10. Host of tho news papers comment upon the American Presidential election, which has been observed in this city with exceptional interest. The "Tageblntt" says that the election was the most imnortant election ever held in the United States, and that its results should oausa general satisfaction uotuln i-uropo antl America. the "Hoemen Courier" thinks that tlin election of Cleveland is a guarantee that tho system of extreme protection will not he carried to further lengths. Regret Is expressed that the annaront approach of a change in tho American tarlu could not have been anticipated by tho countries invited to oxhtbit at Chi cago next year, as the fear of still further increase in the tariff has kept the manufacturers of most countries from preparing to send their wares to tho worm's .Fair. The necessity of the retlrcmant of William Walter Pholpsis tho only source ot regret connected with the defeat of Mr. Harrison. Mr. Phelps has been the most popular Minister from the United States that Berlin has received in nmny years, and he has been distinguished by numerous exceptional courtesies from the Emperor. VOTE BY STATES. STATES. Alilbanm Arknnstrs , California , ., WJUAl .. coouu .. 7UO0 Colorado Connecticut .! 5(147 I'UUU Delaware , Florida Georgia Idnho , Illinois , Indiana .. 1000 .. 3UUO ..100 OX) lo'two 600 2 000 Iowa loom Kansas 100U0 .... Kentuoky 30 000 Louslana 30 000 Jlalno 14 000 .... ilarvlAinl 12 000 Maseicliusctts 5000 .... Michigan Jlinnesolu SOOO .... Mississippi 201)10 Missouri IT 000 Montana 1000 .... Nobnuska Nevada SOOO 1000 New llammh re 1800 New Jerm-y 0 730 SOW LOrK S, iW3 North Curollna 20 000 North Dakota ltixi .... Ohio a 000 .... Oregon Pennsylvania 7 000 .... Hliode Islund 2U00 .... Houtli Carolina 20000 South Dakota 1000 l two Teiinesoo tnuu 'J'oxas 180 000 .... rmont 8010 Virginia 300il .... Washington 1 1)00 West Viirfim.i SUM .... Wisooii'iu 10000 .... Wyoming 1 ti .... r.iocior eunafu oy uiiiKrwumnoia. From Merchant cr! lifter THE SArtfE GL&D Cr.V, "IT MADE ME WELL" Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of liondout, N. Y., the talk of the Country, Jlr. W. P. Johnson, the kiullnr; r-cr-chant of Gftlnsvillt;, N. Y., said to dnv. that " 1 luivc t-i li over ISO doz. f Dr. Kennedy's Fuvor ito Remedy, nnd have never hud t bottle returned or a fault found v. illi it. Olio of my customers pdd Ms doctor $ol mid was then no better, took a bottle of Favorito Remedy upon my recommenda tion, and It did him more good Hum the physicians long treatment. Ho then bought six bottles of urn and was n well man long before they were used up." Hitch words os these must impress tho sick or ailing one. Three years ago I was troubled with Brinlit's l'i fuse. The best Doctors said I could not live tnree months. 1 theu commenced uing Dr. Keu- uuuy a lurome iieaieuy aau l am now Wf u. V. h. Buvia, lllrmluglmin, Ccnn. T was afflicted with a tumor s:ro lue over mv right eye. Eminem physicians said there was uo help lor me. i negan at. that tune to use Dr. Kennedy's Favorite ltemedv and the tumor en tirely dissappearut and Favorite ltemedy saved my fife. W. M. Paokes, Portlandrille. N. Y. If it were not for Dr. Kenneily's Favorite Hem- our i iuiuk i buoiuu uie iruui constipation, r uv orlto Itemed y gives lue an appetite, produce. rerrethlug sleep, nnu curtxl me ot a nervous affection I had for years. It Is a tonic, and I Mas. Julia A. Yufle, Kingston, N V. Are you a vlutlm of any kidney or bladder ainicuity 7 I ry nr. henneuys ravonte Ileuieily at once us it cured ine when about to give up oil nope. . u uoiKK, j'ougUKtepsie, n, Y. stomach, painful weight In the ubdoniea after eaung, paipiuuion ot tun neart. snort ureaih, hpodaclie. conBtlnation. drowRlnesa. lossofano- tlte 1 Then loose no time but take lir Kennedy s Favonte ltemedy It Is the discovery of a ptiy sldan who has used it for vears in lua tiriTAta practice, and It has by many thousand tests been proven capanie o ooinguituutuciaunea lor it. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Lntest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOWTEQf PURE ON TRIAL FOR HERESY Dr. Briggs Before the New York Presbytery. HE MAKES SEVERAL OBJECTIONS. ContrliilK Tlinr. the I'lorn-nutlne Commit tal. IIhk Ni l'oivcr to Itrliig New Churi; After Action Had Hesii Taken on Old OrifM TliNw Allocutions. New York, Nov. 10. What is hoped will be the final trial nnd settlement of tho charges of heresy brought by the' Presbyterian Church In the United , States agHinst Prof. Charles A. Briggs, of Union Theological Seminary, Is now being conducted before thu Presbytery of New York in the old Scotch Presbyterian Church lu West fourteenth street. .aiier nie prayer opening tne trial, tne Moderator asked for the charges, but wus Interrupted by Dr. Briggs, who asked leaveHo luterpose several objections. In a short address ho outlined the line the prosecution had taken in regard to the old charges and contended that the prosecuting committee had no power to now bring these new ones. Col. J. J. McCook, counsel for the prosecuting committee, answered tho ob jections very technically, but deplored tho fact that ho was compelled to argue with the defendant. Dr. Briggs, when Col. McCook had fin ished, aroso to reply, but was checked by liav. 1 nontax iiootu, who in ado the point of order that the discussion was Irregular. Dr. Driggs claimed that he hau only been able to statu his objections, while tho prosecuting committee had been al lowed to answer them and say several other tilings whioh he could controvert by quotations from theological law. Tho request to allow him to answer tho prosecution was denied by the Moderator, and, on Dr. Briggs' appeal from this de cision, tho Moderator was sustained 73 to C8. Tho amended charges and specifications agnlnst Dr. Briggs were theu read. As revised, and a little more explicit and with more attention to detail than the old charges, thoy occupy 35 pages of a good sized book, but cover the same ground as the old charges. Thoy were compiled by and signed by the full prose cuting committee, consisting ot Dr. Birch, chairman; J. J. Lrfiuipe, D. v., 1L Sample, D. v.. John b. btcvenson ana J. J. McCook, The reading occupied the remainder of the day's session. After the charges were reaa Dr. liriggs said: "These are now issues and charges very different from the former charges. The order of General Assembly gives the power to amend the charges without changing their nature. I had my answer to the first charges ready, out these are so different that I will have to revise my I answer. I may also demur to the utneuded charges. I reserve that right nna shall decide upon my course duriug the ten days allowed me to prepare my answer." I DEATH OF MARLBOROUGH. Found lifeless In lll lied ut lllcuholui KSIi . PttlllC!, Lonuox, Nov. 0. Georce Charles Spencer Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, , was this morning found dead in his bed in Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, lie was ! 48 yearn of age. The news caused great excitement In club and society circles. Although the Duku had not been in good health for a lung time, his sudden death caused great surprise, and shared public interest almost equally with the American election. The Duke retired Tuesday evening, as usual, and when a servant went to his apartment, in tho mnrniug, to assist in his toilet, he .found his master dead, The cause of death has not yet bean ascertained. George Charles Spencer Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, Marquis of Bland ford, Earl of Sunderland, Karl of Marl borough, Baron Spenoerof Wormleighto and Baron Churchill, of San-lridge, all in England, Prince of the Holy Roman Em pire, and Prince ot Miude.lhe.lm, in Suabia, wus born May 13, 1814, and in 1809 was married to Lady Albertha Frances Anne Hamilton, sixth daughter of James, the first Duke of Abercoru, antl thoy have a son, Charles BJchard John, born November 13, 1871. This son now becomes Duke ot Marlborough. They also have three daughters. Lady Albertha secured a ulvorce from the Duke in 1883 on account of her hus band's infidelity. The Duke remained unmarried until June 20. 1888. when he was married by Mayor Hewitt at tho City Hall, New York, to Lilly Warren Uammersloy, the wealthy widow of Louis Hammersley, and daughter o( Cicaro Price, a commo dore in the United States Nuvv. Would you rather buy lamp- chimneys, one a week the year round, or one that lasts till some accident breaks it ? Common glass may break or not the minute you light your lamp ; if not, the first draft may break it; if not, it may break from a mere whim. Tough glass chimneys, Mac beth's Pearl-top " or " Pearl glass," almost never break from Heat, not one in a hundred. Where can you get it? and what does it cost ? Your dealer knows whore and how much. Tt costs more than common glass; and may be, he thinks tough glass isn't good for his business. Pittsburgh, Pa. Geo. A, Macbetu Co, sag lewder Int(i,r Won 31 flniiifN. Nnw YoHK, Nov. 10. Laeker com pleted his engagement tit the Manhattan Cbess Club last night by defeating Dol niar, his last opponent. Lasker won all his mutchev Ilia grand to till is 21 won, 2 lost, 1 drawn. NEWS OF THE DAY. George it. Applttou, 60 years old, A wealthy ruuljer dealer of Boston and Haverhill, Mhss., committed suioide at tho Narragansett hotel at Pruvldenoe last nluht by taking laudanum. Three fishermen who wete sitting on th Bay bridge ott the Centrol Railroad of New Jersey t noon yesterday fishing, were struck by a train and thrown into tne water. Two, Thomas Holmes and Thomas Keating, of Jersey City Jrowned, but George Boiss, also of were Jerey uity, was rescued. W outlier WAS1IINC1TOV. D. C, fcnrecu.t. Nov. 10.Vot New Pno-tanH Know f llrnln r Intxi rain? tn,.r. tflitt tr 30rthwe8terly winds, slightly warmer. l'or ISastern Pennsylvania, New Jerssy, Del- iwaro and Maryland: llaln, followed by fair, northeasterly winds, wanner. Fur Kasi.urn New ork: Snow turning Into rain, followed by clearing, northeasterly s-indfl, slightly warmer. For Western vv Voi'lti Generally cloudy, with showers: much colder followod by clear weather; Houthe.istoily vinds. For Western IVnnsytv.iuu: Light showers; ,oolcr. soiithcattoilv witils, olmiiKing uotth trly with ulo.iri.ig wuathar. 'i Frrt. BRIGHT "P UCW AND ntV .;Oll,JU.AlUW IS BtTfUH. My fliKrtnr fvs 11 r.Oin it till? on tho Ktonuich i.mt una kHln", s ..ii , tu v :tn lu... tv .i drink Is mart IT m "r,', . vlid 1 uiwpttriMt l-n um s , ast y m t u - ... . U allhy, thin la nr. "S.-try W. H. Downs' Elixir! WILL CURB THAT AND STOP THAT Was stood tho tent for SIXTY TEAItS and has proved itself tho host remedy i known for tho euro of Consumption, ) , Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, atul ' all l.ung litsrases in young or om. I'rico 25c, 80o., and $1.00 per Dottle. rm n Bticnvwucnr t' . ..... . . ..n ti..n. T?nl.M V, n u L. u .sun UE1IEY, .031(3511 O iiUtu, -t., ELMIRA OF ALL At iNFAST ?Drut? LSPLORS 1LPLLS Orlclittsl uiidOnlr 0nuln& AfC IllHKW frlllsfcU. LADIES, Ilk Pru'gut ivr oicAe'fer iiitfttiA vta-. wond Brand in lied and Gold mettlMo poiei, OAlail with bLut) libboo. Tfiko nanlhrr. Refutt danaeroui luLittfu (ion and imitation.: Al Druggii ti, or lend 4a, la iLtunpt for inutJouUr, tottJmoalaU An4 "Keller for T,nAlerH in tetter, by rf turn lJalL 1 1r.UUO THttmonlftli. Nam or. CMrticatpp Chemical (JuMndUon Nautir. JONATHAN HOUSER, Heal Estate Agent Ofllco-31 West Laurel Street, SliciiaudoaU, Pa. PROPERTY FOR SALE: Farm ot It acres; house, barn and other out buildings! property of 1) II, Mummy, in the Catawissa valley $1,600. Farm of 834 acres; house, barn, etc.; property of 11 D. uentscaier, in ine catawissa vai loy-W,60O. j ElVIS' 98 LYE (patented) ThilronguaadiuielLjiQft'I. Cnlttt ther t,jn, Itbvlus tttu mwJai- mad rAckt lu UOAU Willi reuuAbl ild, tb COMfDtl fi Lwjr rflidy tur ue. rill tnAKt the Utt por funifld IHrd Bop la 40 tut oa Mi without ItoiliuM IT IS TrlU BKHT for oloMtlDf will, pipe dlitoftoiiDg ilakt, oIomu, Dkihlog Uluh pfclLU, trei,W. PBNNA. SALT M'P'O Ott (eu. Ag.n.rPhlla.,Pa. JOHN R. COYLE, Allorney-it-Liw tnd Real Eiiite igeai, Omoer-Ueddsll't Uulldinr, Shentndaos, Pa J pi pP' Thf NEXT MC-.M'VO f nl IlEiDlNOJUl SYSTEM. LohighVBlley Division. ABHANOBMENT OP PAMBN art IKAIWS. .m a V ta torn Anthracite eo 1 use - oluslv'ely, Insuring cloacllness und comfo. ; i'SHsenger trains leave Shenandonh for Penti llavon Junction, Mouoh Chunk, Lo- hlghton. Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqim, Allentown, Hctnlehem, Baston, IHIlaaellihla, Hazleton, Weatherly, Qunkake Janotlon, Del- ?o5'J,vIftiinoi' "y " S-W. 7., 9.08 a m.. U!.n2. 3.10. p. m. Kor New York, 5.57, 8.08 n. m., llfie, 3.10. S.88 p. m. ?;or. 1Ift;'eton, Wllltes-Barre, White Haven I' ttston, Laceyvillo. Towanda, Sayre, Wnverly Klmira, ltoohester, Niagara Palls and tho West 10.41 a. m., (g.io p. m., no connection tor Heches tor, UuHalo or Niagara Falls), 8.08 p. m. l or Iielvidere, Delaware Water Qsp and Strourtsburg, S.S7 a. m. , 5.86 p. m. For Lmbertvillc'and Trenton, S.08 rt. m. For Tunkbannook, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 8 08 p. m. I' or Auburn, Ithaca, Genova and Lyons, 10.41 a. m.. 8.08 p. m. . SI Jnesvllle, Lcvlston and Beaver Meadow 7.40, 9.08 a. m., 12.68. 5.1i6 p. m. For Audenrled. Hazleton, Stockton and Lntn ber Yard, 6.67, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 1S.6S, 3.10, 5,26 p. ta, ror Soranton, 5.67, .08, 10.41 a, m., 8.10, 5.S0 n tn. , i'or Hariebrook, Jeddo, Drlfton and Freeland 5.67. 7.40. 0.08. 10.41 am l ss Bin km h . Kl ,u,1d' Olrardvllle and Lost Croek, 4.S7 7.4", S.IK, 10.16 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.86, 8.10, V.H For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Oartriel and Shamokln, 8.68, 10. 16 a. m 1.40, 4.40, 8.08 p. m. For Yatcsvtlle, Park Place, MahanoyOlty am) Delano. 10 41a in.. 12.62. i.03, 9.24. 10.27 p. m. Trains win leave anamokin at li t a. ra.. 10. 4.3(. r. in. and arrive at Shenandoah al 0.06 a. m., 12.62, 8.10, 6.26 p. in. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllls, 5.D0, 7.40. K.ue, iu.4i a. m., lt.w. 3.10. 4.10. 6.20. 8.0s d. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.0O, 7,40 9.06, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.82, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 5.57, 7.40, 9.08, 10.11 a. m., 12.63, 3.10, 5 26, 8.03 p. m. Leavo Hazleton for Shonandoah, 7.30, 9.15 11.06 a. m 12.46, 3.10, 5.80, 7.05, 7.5a p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains loave for Ashland, Glrardvllle and Last Creek, 7.29, 9.40 a. in., 12.30, 2.45 p. m. For Yatosvlllo, Park Plaoe, Mshanoy City Dolano, Hazleton, Illaok Creek Junction, Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, liothlchem, Caston nnd New York, 8.40 a. m., 12.30 p. m. For Philadelphia and Now York, 2.65 p m. For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahacoy City and Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m 12.30, 2.55, 4.40 6.01 p. m Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.3U, 11. Si a. tn 1,05, 4.37 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for rottsvlllc. 5.60. 8.40. 9.30n. m.. 12.30 2.45 p. ra. Leave I'ottsville for Shenandoah. 8.30. 10.40 a.m., 1.0, 0.10 p. in. 1 a. HWBiuAiiu, ucn. Mirr. C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass Agt. Philadelphia, Pa, A. W. NONNKMACHKK, Asst, O.P. A. Houth llethlehcm. Pa. ENNSYLVANIA HAILUOAD. SOHnTLKILL DIVISION. NOVEMUlilt 15, 1891. Trains will leave Shenandoah after tho above date for Wlsgan's, Gllbertbn, Frackvillo, Now Castle, Ht. Clair, Pottsvillo, Hamburg, Reading, Pottstown, Phcnnlxvllle. Norrlstown and Phil adelphia (ISroad strcot station) at 6:00 and 11:45 u. m. ana 4:10 p. m. on wcenaays. ForFotts- vino anu lntcrmeaiato stations u: 111 a. m. SUNDAYS. For Wleean's. Gllbcrton. Frackvllle. New Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvillo at 6:00, 9:40 a.m. and 3:10 n. m. For Hamburg. Rcadlnir. Potts town, Phccnlxville, Norrlstown, 1'hlladclphla at 6:00, 9:40 u. m., 3:10 p. m. Trains leavo j) racKvuio ror nenanaoah at 10:40a.m. nnd 12:14. 6:04. 7:12 and 10:09 n. m. bunuays, 11:1a a. ra. ana d:4u p. m. Licave i'ottsville ror bnenanaoan at 10:15, 11:48a. m and 4:40,7:15 and 0:n p. ra. Sundays at 10:40 a. ra. and 5:15 p. ra. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for Pottsvillo and Bhenandoah at 5 67 and 8 35 am, 4 10 and 7 00 p m week days. On Sundays leave at 6 60 a m. For Pottsvillo, 9 23 a m. For Now Yorkut3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35, 6 50, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30, 950, 110(1, 11 14. 1135am, 12 00 noon (limited ex press 1 06 and 4 50 n ra) 12 41. 1 35. 1 40. 2 30. 3 20. 4 00, 4 02, 5 00, 8 00. 0 20, 0 50, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p 8 12. 8 30,9 50 11 35 a m and 1241, 1 40,230,402 liimueu 4 ov) o o m, u oo, u anu aiz p m ana 12 01 nlKht, For Sea Girt. Long Uranch nnd In termediate stations 8 20 and 1114 am, and 4 00 pm weekdays. For ualtlmoro and washing, ton 3 50. 7 20. 8 31,9 10, 1020. 11 18 am. 12 35 (lim ited exnrcss. 1 30. 3 46.) 4 41. 6 57. 7 40 n m 12 03 night. For Freehold only 5 00 p m week days. For Baltimore onlyat 2 02, 4 01, 5 08 and 11 30 p m. Sundays ut 3 60, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 am, 4 41, 8 57 7 40 p m, 12 03 night. Ualtlmoro only 5 08, 11 30 p m. For Richmond 7 20 a m, 1 30 p m and 12 03 night. Hundays, 7 20 a in, 12 03 night. Trains will leave Harrlsburg for Pittsburg and the West every day at 12 25 and 3 10 a m and (limited 3 00) and 3 40 p m. Way for Al- toonn at 8 15 am and 1 10 p ra every day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at f 120 a m everyday unu lu i i) m weejt uuvs. Trains will loave Sunbury for Wllllamsport, Elmlra, Canandalgua, Rochester, lludalo and Niagara Falls at 5 10 a m, and 1 35 p m week aays. r- or ttimirn ai oisu p m weeit aays. i(or Erie and Intermediate points at 5 10 am dallv 1.1.... r M1. Il.n.n K if nA i KH n O! and 5 30 p m weok days For Renovo at 5 10 a ra, 1 35 and 6 30 p m week days, and 5 10 a ra on Sundays only. For Kane at 5 10 a m, 1 35 p m weok davs. C. H. Pnan, J. R. Wood. Gen'l Manager! Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt PHILADELPHIA & READING R. R. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAT 15, 1892. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For Now York via Philadelphia, weok davs. 2.08, 5.23, 10.08 a. m., 12.33. 2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sunday, -.uo, i.io a. m. l-'ornow i ovk iviaucn ununa, For Readlntr and Phlladelnhla. week davs. .us, n.f, y.is, tu.ua . ra.,1.', z.9, d.dj p, m. bun1 uav, s.uo, 4.iO a. m., p. For Harrlsburg, wceV 2.48. 5.53 D. m. days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m. i'or Allentown, weoa uays, y.id a. m., 2.48 n. in. For I'ottsville, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, D.ru p. m. nunuuy, s.uo, v.iu a. m., 4.1 p. ra. I' or'ramaciia ana Mananoy uttv, woeu days. 88. 6.23. a. m.,12,33. 2,48. 5.53 n. m. Sun. day, 2.08, 7.48 a. m., 4.23 p. m. Additional for iuananoy uiiy, weeit uuys, d.do p. ra. For Lanoaster and Columbia, week days, 7.18 a. m., 2.48 p. m, For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg, weok days, 3.23, 5.23, 7.18. 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 6.58 p ra. ounuay, o.u u, ra., o.iu p. ra. For Mananoy Plane, week days, 2.08. 3.23. 5.63, 7.18, 10,08, 11.28 a. ra., 12.33, 1.33, 2.48, 5.63, 6.48, 9.33 p. in. Sunday, 2.08, s.23, 7.40 a. m., 3.03, 4.23 p. m, For mraruviue, ( jcappannnnoclt station), weeaaays, 3.ua, o.'m. y.io, iu.ub, ii.a a. : 12.33,1.33, 2.48, 5.53, 6.58, 9.31 p. m. Sunday, 2.1 8.23. 7.46 a. m.. 3 03. 4.30 d. m. For Ashland and Shamokln. week days. 3.23, 5.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. in., 1.33, 6.68, 9.23 p. ra. Sun day, 7.40 a. m., a tu p. m. TRATM1J liYM? BltHWAMnO & TT . Leave New York via Phlladelnhla. waok davs. 7.45 o. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 ntght. Sun1 dav. 6.00 n. m.. 12.15 nleht. Lsavo New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4,30, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 3.45 p. in. Sunday, 7.00 a. in, . nkll.A.I.M. ...Anl. Anna A ,7, 1 ft tV -n 4.00, 8.00 p. m., from llroad and Cullowhlll and 8.35 a. in., 11.30 p. m. from 9th and Green streets. Sunday, 9.05 a in., 11.30 o. m , from 9th and Green. Leave Reading, week days, 1.55,7.10, 10.05, 11.50 a. ra., d.do, 7.D7 p. m ounuay, i.;w, iu.ii a. ra, Leave Pottsvllle. week davs. 2.40. 7.40 a. 12.30. (1,1 In, in Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m 2.05 p. m, Leave Tamanua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.28 a. m i.si,7.ia, v.ie p. ra, sunaay, 3.jj, i.u a. m, 2.50 n. m. Louvo Malianoy City, week days, 3.40, 9.18, 11.47 a. m 1.51, 7.6, 9.41 p. m. Sunday, 3.46, 8.17 a. m , 3.20 p. ra. L.oave mananoy rtano, wecK arys, .iu, i.uu, 1.30, 9.35, 11.59 a. m., 1.05, 2.06, 5.21, 6.26, 7.57, 10.00 0. n. in. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a. m., 3.37, 5.01 p. m. Leavo Glrardvllle, (Rappahannock Station) weoas ua; reoksdays, 2.47. 4.07, 8.36. 9.41 a. m., 12.05, 2.12, ).26, 6.33, 8.03, 10.06 p, m. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.33, i. ra., 3.41, 5.07 p.m. 6. Leave Vllllamsport. weok days, 3.00, 9.15, 11.55 a. in., 3.35, U.15p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m. For Haltltnore.'Wnshlngton and the Wost via 11. & O. IL it., through trains leave Glrard Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & R. R. R.j at a on, b.ui, ii.-' a. in., a.m, o.ii. 7.13 p. ra. Sunday, a ii.it a. iu., o.oq, d.is, 7.13 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut strcot wharf ana ooutn street wnari, lor Atiantto uuy. Weekdays Kxpross, 0 00 a m. 2 00, 8 00, 4 00, 5 00 p, in. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 4 15, 6 30, flSllnm Hundays Express, 8 06, 9 00, 10 30 a m. Ac commodation, 8 00 a m and 4 45 p m. Iteturnlng leave Atlantlo City depot, Atlantlo ana Arkansas avenues, tveenuays express, 7 UL 8 00. 0 110 a. m and 8 15. 6 SO D m. Accommodation, 4 10, 6 60, 8 10 a ra, and 4 80 Sundays Kiproas, 4 00, 0 00, 8 00, p m, Accommodation. 7 30 a m and 5 05 D m. O. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l Pass'r Agt. l, A. BvvciuAau, ueu i uaaoger First National THDATRI3 BUILDING, BUcunndonli, Pcnim. CAPITAL, . W LISISKNRING, President. P, J. FURQtJSON, Vice President, R. LBI3BNRING, Cashier. S. SV. Y03T, Assistant Cashier. Open Daily From 9 to 3. 3 PER CEHT. - Merest Paid on Savings Deposit ' We Study to Please I " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE ALWAYS IN SrOCK. Fish, Uuttcr and Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, Ac, &ol Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store I (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. DO YOU WANT RELIEF? KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY Will promptly rtlieYa tlte most dis tretIu auH of Acntu or Chronic IUieu mat ib m or Gout, lty etrictly observing the directions, it will curojou perman ently . Uullke the cumeroui rrt'Ptri.tIoiii that fleoei thpcouutrj.thla oii'dlcftia is tpcclfio for tb Tarlout toxin f ri.tumatlmu onlr. tud notla any teuiii a "euro all " Oo btittle will make a wtUractorr liuDrt lfn oa the iTtm. nA la coo nation Ub thu U, ooj.Idcw ho lufcrer tbat tha tiropt'r remurty has hinn rouud. Yod are earueatly tf qn'-iW'l to t at tbe merit cf KItOUX'S JtliluUilATIO KEMBDr, at lti Taluablo proptrtfei ars eudoried by huodredi f tM moat f ait rtnn teatlinonlali, Ooiy vcgctiMt Ingredlenta, rrtnarkafclf for their enratH rowcri, tst uai"! In the in ai ularlnie of KUUUT'B U11P.UITAT1U ftKWKDY $1X3 For B.Uo. 6 Ecf.Ii:, :.C0. rills, 25 Cts. Sox. If vour turultveni-r d"u not keep It, eeud f 1,25 to th tui&ulactureri and yon reorlre ft tr mall. ALH15KT ItltOLT, 3C37 Market Street, 1'lillaU'a, Fa. A8RAM KEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA., Manufacturers of Of Every Description. Fags, Baages, Caps, Regalias, &c. WFINESI GOODS-LOWEST PRICES.-W Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited. H. T. H'GUIHE'S Sporting and Musical Resort ! Socond St., GIR1RDVILLE. Dest Wines, Llauors. Deers. Ales and finest brands of Cigars always on hand. FOLMERS Saloon?: and : Restaurant 115 N. WHITE STREET. First-Man Lairer Ueer. Alo. Porter and Tem perance Drinks aiid Cigars. Fine old "VVlnea ana liquors always on nana. CQQ North Fourth Ptret, below Green VhUtu UUO tlelplilu. Tin oulr ptiyilcUa abla la euro wbnrc (ia uoftt JuiUj oi'lobrated pbyMclam fail. All effect of youtliful lodlaon-tloD (both icifi), HIod Pol aon( KutiDiQgt. htrUlurea, Ilyitro4ele. L'lcerm rulnful hwelllnca. 11 ia plea, 1'oor Memory , Babfuloau and Debility Itellcvea womcu. at once, eurea freab caw lu A tolUla;a. TweatT-iixyean'eiierltDo, Bud i cti.ln tainii for Hunk Truth, eipoilog L-rt-ry form or Quackery, it U a true friend to old, young and mlddlo-ajed, aad tboto contem. (ilattiic marriage. ThouauiiiJa wbo oome fur a n:lenilSo x auluatloo vroooaooo Ur. Tbtel tbe greats t of all 1'k rait lane. Dr. Tboel cure oatee toat do ooe ele can. Thousand! or rfr CDcee, Uoun, 0 to 8) KvcuIdm, 6 to V i Weducsdar and 8atur dayeveuinga.etolO. Hl'lU IAL IUHH for danneroua aiidaevereeaaeel belly. lOtol, Baturdaye, lowS; buturday heolugeouly.titolOt Huadayi, 9 to IX, Wrlworoalt, TO J THE COFFEE HOUSE 32 North Main Street, For a Good, Cheap Meal MRS. CONNICK IN CHARGE" FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely cash oom. panles represented by IF.A.TTST, 120 S. JaramSl, Shena -cooA.a. Jr- S. KISTIiER, M. D., " rnraioiAN and aunoBOif, 03M-W N. Jtrala street, Baensndoib, F rap