THE EYENING HERALD VOL. VH.--NO. 267. SHEN AND O AH. PA.. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1892. ONE CENT. IP or. IT WAS AWEAR RALLY ! CLOSING- DEMONSTRATION OP THE DEMOCRATS. TIE BEPDBLKJAN RALLY A. MEETING IN FERGUSON'S THEATRE TO-NIGHT. And be convlnoed that SEEMED TO LACK ENTHUSIASM 28 South Main St. IlEADqrAllTEItS ron THE FIRING OF THE FINAL GUN. Trlmmlnes, Ladles' and Children's Shades and Shadings, Carpets and Oil Cloth WITY fifty cent storm serges will compare fa jyl vorablywlth 90o goods sold In Phlladel '1 phla and other cities. I am selling an all- wool ilablt Cloth, worth 50o, for 30a per yard, I havo tho best GOo Corset In the region. Plain Flannels, worth 26c. sold hero for 20c per yard-, 4-i wide Muslin old for 6o per yard; tho best Gray Flannel sold for lBo per yard, and a Good Flannel at 12o per yard. A good Blanket for 70c a pair. Everything a Decided Bargain. GENTS' Natural Wool Suits, worth fB.60, Fold now for2. Comfortables and Dlankels cheap. Como at onco ana secure good values at old reliable stand, 28 South Main street, next door to Grand Union Tea Store. 50LID and plated Silver ware, Gold and Silver Watches, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goods, Banquet,Parlor and Piano Lamps.unique in design with 75 and 250 candle power burners. All goods superior in finish and quality with rock bottom prices that withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly at Holdermaris Jewelry Store, The most progressive establishment In the county. Corner Main ana Lloyd Streets. JOHN F. PLOPPERT'S Bakery t and : Confectionery, No. 0 East Centre Street. Ice cream all the year 'round. Open Bundays. I am now making a superior quality of CJtEAM BIIEAD, something now. You want to try It; you'll use no other it you do. Piatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe Wyatt's) 19 and 21 West Oak'.Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. U&r stocked with the best beer, porter, ales, whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars. Eating bur attached. Cordial Invitation to all. FOR Two Cars Choice White Oats Two Cars Choice White Orts One One COATS One Car Choice Mixed Middlings One Car Choice Mixed Middlings i "'is One Car No. 1 Timothy Hay , One Car No. 1 Timothy Hay; Now Fishing Creek Buckwheat Now Fishing Creek Buckwheat Old Time Graham Flour Old Time Graham Flour AT KEITER'S Havo laid In tho supply of Comforts -AND Blankets And are prepared to meet the demands. A Ten-day Sale will close out this lot: 100 pairs 10-4 Gray Blankets, at 7Sc a pair. 100 pairs 10-i Gray lllankets. at 87c a pair. 100 pairs 10-4 Artie Gray lllankets, Jl.SBapalr. 100 pairs 10-4 Ulverton 4-lb- Gray Dlankets, at II.37H a pair. 100 pairs 10-4 Ulverton 5-lb. Gray Blankets, at 1,02K a pair. 100 pairs 10-4 Ulverton 6-lb. Gray Dlankots, at PI 00 a pair. 100 pairs 11-4 Gray lllankets, at N.23 a pair. 100 pairs 1 1-4 Cxtra Gray lllankets, (2.75 a pair. 100 pairs 11-4 very ' " 13 S3 a pair. 100 pairs 11-1 " " " $3.S7K a pair. White Blankets: 600 pairs, ranging In prlco from 75c to J1&50 a pair. S00 pairs Crib niankets. 300 well-mado Comforts, from 60c to ta.50 each. Would ask special attention to our Down Comforts, espec ially those in this sale. The Comfort offered at $6.50 are known to he sold at S10.50 a pair. The above is not an ex ageration in number. Visit us and examine our line of cover lets before purchasing. Headquarters for Blankets, Comforts ami 'Woolen Goods. DIVES, FOMEROY t STEWART POTTSVIUUE, PA. C. GEO. MILLET!, Manager. 25 CTS. PER YARD ron OIL CLOTH. Others for 33, 43, 50o and upwards. Parties having carpet rags should send them and have mem maao into a ursi-ciass carpet. Carpet Store, W South Jardm St. SALE. Car Fancy Whito Middlings Car Fancy White Middlings One Car Yellow Corn One Car Yollow Corn One Car Pure Chops Ono Car Pure Chops Flour Flour New Rye Flour Now Ryo Flour Tho Attendance Was Not What Had Boen Expocted, Whloh Was Probably Duo to the Ltito Oponlngr. HE Democrats closed their campaign in town Saturday night by holding a rally in Fer guson's theatre Tho attendanco was not near as largo as was ox- rectcl1, aUll0U8h 1ult0 u uumuur weio pruscm. Tho lateness of tho hour at which the meet ing started (8:30) and the cold weather might havo had something to do with tho attend anco. It was not pleasant weather for tho peoplo to stand upon tho streets nnd no doubt a largo number went to their homes before tho mooting started. C. J, Quinn called thomecting to order and when nominations for Chairman were called almost overy tenth man in tho audience seemed to have a favorite. J. J. Franey was selected and before introducing tho spoakors ho made what sorao of the auditors declared was "a rattling address" against Hon. John W. Ryon. Mr. Franey certainly mndo no bones about tho matter and mado a stroug appeal for Judge rershlng, tho regulation Democratic candidate. Congressman Reilly was tho principal speaker of tho evening. IIo spoko over an hour and dovoted most of his timo to a dis cussion of tho tariff question. IIo mado but slight reference to his opponent lion. C. N. Brumm and said his reason for not accepting that gentleman's challenge for a joint debate wero that he had other engagements at the time and ho wished to manage his own cam' paign. The next and last speaker was Frothono' tary S. C. Kirk, who confined his address to a discussion of tho county ticket and strongly urged tho election of tho regular Democratic tleket. By tho time Mr. Kirk concluded his address the hour had grown so lato that comparatively few people remained in tho hall, and to say tho least tho meeting wits far less enthusiastic than it should have been for a closing rally in a Democratic town. A BUGABOO. llcwaro of the "Patriotic I-cnsuo" Scnro Cxoiv, To;day, just on tho ovo of tho election, this town and tho surrounding districts wero flooded with circulars purporting to havo been issued from "Iloadquartors Patriotic League" and raising tho question ,of non sectarian schools in an argument favoring the election of James Patterson to the Legis lature. The circular is only part of a teheme to de feat J. J. Coyle, the regular Republican nomi nee. The circular hat been compiled, printed and distributed at the expenu of the Democratic campaigit fund. It i3 repudiated by tho honest Bepublican voters of this town, who can seo and know that it is ono of tho last desporato measures of tho Democratic party to 'detract Republi can strength from John J. Coylo and thus incrcaso tho chances of Eeilly, tho Demo' cratic candidate. Beware of talos concerning Coylo. Tho Democrats are resorting to schemes of all kinds to hurt him and praiso Fattorson, not that they wish to elect tha latter, hut to in. crease Rellly's chances. A Complaint. Editor Hkeald: I wish to call tho at tentionof the Schuylkill Traction Company that Its orders are not being carried out and the public is suffering much Inconvenience as a result. Tho company announces that its last car leaves tho corner of Main and Cherry streets. The other night tho last car ran down to tho corner of Main nnd Lloyd streets and then started back for Qirardvillo, despite tho fact that people were waiting for it at Centre, Oak and Cherry streets. Ily running after tho car, and through tho kind ness of the polico, who caused the motor man to put'ou brakes, some of these peoplo man aged to get on boaid, but a number were left behind and were obliged to stay in town over night with friends and it hotels. It is not my intention to causo tho dlschargo of any employe. My object in writing is to induce the company to make a reprimand and tako steps to see that such a thing docs not occur again. Left- Send us Your Cublneta. Twelve .photos of yourself for DO cents. Send cabinet with order. , If. E. Wkikel, (Hoffman's old stand), 11-2-tf 201 W. Centre St. 1M l-"SV JOHN J. COYLE, Republican Candidate fop Legislature in tho First District. PROM OUR NEIGHBOR. What the l'coplt) of Mahanoy City are Doing. Mahanoy City, Nov. 5. The high tido of politics has subsided, From present indica tions Messrs. Brumm and Koch will receive largo majorities here and John J. Coyle will overwhelmingly defeat his oppontnt, not withstanding the fact that a few disgruntled politicians aro strenuously, although ineffec tually, exerting themselves to prevent his rr-olection. No candldato ever placed on tho Republican ticket is more entitled to tho cntiie support of his party than is tho bright, intelligent, energetic and invlnclblo Coyle. Mr. Coyle's work in tie First ward ii simply marvelous and, although falso rumors and accusations are being employedby prejduiced political bosses to detract tho appreciation of his many admirers, ho will receivo from this town a surplus vote that will overcome those who are disposed to barken unto tho counsel of the ungodly. Tho worklngmen will give him hearty support. They havo recognized in him a man qualified to represent their intorests and a speaker better than nino tenths of the lawyers in Schuylkill county. Tho Young Men's Republican club intended to go to Hazlcton Friday night, but tho in' clement weathor prevented them. Tho club will go to Wllkos-Barro on Monday night, however. The Water Company has restricted tho use of water attbo Vulcan colliery to two inoh daily. Tho sentiinsnt in favor of puhlio water works has lod tho Borough Council to tako action nnd a committee has been an pointed to make preparations to submit to tho people at a special olection tho question as to whether or not publio wator works shall bo established. It is thought tho works can be constructed for $130,000. Tho other candidates create very littlo dis cussion. All agree that J. Harry James will be our next District Attorney. James Madonfort is visiting relatives in Akron, Ohio. Abo. Lattimore and Joseph Scligmau havo returned from tho Alleghonios with a pretty fawn. Mrs. J. Trewella is lying seriously ill with an inflammatory affliction. Mrs. Qeorgo W. Stitzcr received a paralytic stroke on Thursday evening and will hardly recover. Mr. Patterson, the Prohibition candl dato, is said to bo claiming that he is an inde pendent Republican. Don't let him decoivo you, IIo Is really an assistant Domocrat, and if Reilly should bo elected you may expect to seo him unmask on Wednesday. After the Election Mora attention will be paid to other mat' ters. People will shako hands and try to forget they ever difforcd. Tho fellows who will lose bets will bo sorry they did not bet tho other way. Tho wife will expect her husband to ro' main home at nights for tho rest of tho winter. Thoso who havo been sawing wood and saying littlo will do all tho crowing. Tho "I-told-you-ss's" will be numerous and make themselves conspicuous. ltnwiire 1 lleware 1 1 A circular has been sent to every Proteitant Republican in this district requesting them to vote for Patterson for tho Legislature against Coylo, on account of tho school question. Don't take any stock in it. It is a Democratic dodgo. In Oliltii Times People overlooked tho importance of per manent beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action, but now that it is gen erally known that Syrup of Figs will per manently cure habitual constipation, well informed peoplo will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure tho system. A VOTE for Patterson is half a vote for John J. Reilly. A single trial of Dr. Hcury Baxtor's Man drake Bitters will convince any ono troubled with .oostiveness, torpid liver or any kindred diseases of their curativo properties. They only cost 96 cents per bottle. lm , , vtauteu. Girls for goncral housework. Call nt Max Reese's intelligence office. ll-Mf j Wuuteil. GIRARD VILLE GLEANINGS. Newsy Letter from a AVlilo Awaku Cor respondent We havo many huntsmen hero and somo of them have met with very good success. J. F. Barnhard, C. W. Wagner, James Davis and Elmer Heckler, watchman at tho Girard Estate reservoirs, spent yesterday hunting at Girard Manor. They returned in the oven iug with eight quail, flvo pheasants, two rabbits, a squirrel and an owl. Tho Methodist Episcopal Sunday school is making arrangements to hold a Thanksgiv ing supper on tho 21th nnd 25th i list, in Armory Hnll,and expects to giv o its friends a pleasant time. Glrardvillo h also suffering for want of water and is on an allowanco of four or five hours n day. Yesterday tho water was cut off at 11a. in. and tho gas works and Eberlo & Class overall factory wa3 thrown idlo in consequence. E. F. James, of tho firm of James & Wildo, proprietors of tho Hazleton steam laundry, paid a visit to his agent, J. B. Abranis, of town. Tho Boston Comic Opera Company, with a cast of thirty-five people, will bo the nttrae tion at tho Palaco theatre for three nights be ginning November 10th. Tho engagement will open with tho "Mascot;" Friday night, "Bohemian Girl;" Saturday matinee, 'Tina' foio;" Saturday night, "Nanon." Tho prices will be ID, 2G, 85 and 60 cents. Tho theatre will no doubt bo crowded each perform' anco. u. Nov. Cth, 1603. A votb for Harrison, Brumm and Coyle is a voto for protection aud prospeiityj a vote for Cleveland and tho two Keilly's is a voto for free trade, industrial depression and low wages. Which do you want 1 RAILWAY TID-BITS. Synopsis of Movements In Klectrlo Hull. huj Matter), Hereatter the faro from Shenandoah to Girardvillo will bo five cents. Two now cars arrived on Saturday. They were transferred from tho Lehigh Valley flat cars to tho electric tracks at tho Cherry street siding. Objections to tho trestles at tho St. Nicholas crossings havo been withdrawn by the P. & R. company. The Mahanoy City peoplo aro anxious for tho road t that place to bo openel and tho amusement managers pin their faith on tho prospects. Thoy will not bo disappointed. Tho nowspapors say there is a groat scramblo for positions on tho Mahanoy City branch. Tho oloctric road to he built from Mauch Chunk to Lehk'hton and Wcissnort will eventually be oxtended to Slatiugton. Ih time there will bo a direct electric railway route between Mauch Chunk and Bethlehem. Twelve thousand cubic foet of masonrv will bo required for the now power houso for tho Carbon county electric railway. It is rumored that work on tho Tnmaoua Lansford elcctrio road will commence in tho spring. Tho Switchback railroad at Mauch Chunk has suspended operations for tho winter. It tho Reading Railroad Comnanv re-onens the Schuylkill canal, which will probably bo uono to renove tuo overtaxed road, Schuyl kill Haven and Port Clinton will again bo lively towns. Discard your political prejudices for a day and voto for your own interests and advance ment to-morrow. Illectrlo Hallway ltullrtln. Hcieaftortho electric railway cars will leave the cornor of Cherry and Main streets at 5:30 a. m. daily aud every 20 minutes thereafter until midnight, at which hour the last car will leavo for Girardvillo. On Mon day, November 7th, 1692, tho faro for any length r ride between Shenandoah and Glrardvllle will be reduced to five (5) cents. Tn TfllA MlA ft.ll Tli.....fillnAm lnlrn. place a cross mark In the snunro to thn rtrrtit. .if thn ,.n.,l It..... .1.11...... thus: REPUBLICAN X AVliorovor the word KepiiLilleuu an pears on tho ofllolul ballot. Manv things which are advertised possess no y.3 luej but who would say that Pr. Uull's aremea"? age. U ,S ,h0 Hon. Charles N. Brumm, the Cham. plon of the Workingmen and Protootlon, will Speak in Fertruson's Thaatro. jjMMS 0-NIOIIT tho last gun IB!- "e Republican cam lJWi ralgn will be fired. Hon. Chae, N. Brumm, the Republican candl dato for Congress, and John J. Coyle, the Re publican candidate for Legislature, will bo present at the meeting, which will be held in Ferguson's theatre, and try to convince the peoplo why they and tho whole Republican ticket should be elected iu preference to tha Democratic party. All voters who wish to hear a fsir, honest and intelligent discussion of the Istues of tho day, national and local, should not fail to attend this meeting. Mr. Brumm is the workingman's champion and ono of the most able speakers in the country. Ho comes here to-night upon the earnest solicitation of workiugmcn who were unable to hoar all he had to say when last here. Remember that tho meeting will be held ia Ferguson's theatre to-night, at 7:30 o'clock. John J. Coylo, an able, intelligent young man who will make an admlrablo represen tative of tho peoplo in tho Legislature, will also mako an address. FAIR WARNING, Tu I'ollco nro Tlireiiter.'tng- to Make u ltalU. For several months thoro have been un savory rumors concerning a place on West 0.ik street and while people havo been quite liberal in expressing their views on tho matter thoy have been quito unable to re spond to tho call of timo when the nuthori ties asked for proof upon which to baso some action. Now, hgweyejrljour for action seems to havo arrived and it is expected that thore will bo a sensation ero long. Tho police say that oases of tho kind in which this ranks are vory difficult to handle as it is hard to got proof and tho right kind of proof, hut through patient and careful work they havo succeeded in gleaning suffi cient evidence to warrant action of some kind and unless tho parties complained of de sist there will be a raid. Chief of Polico Davis and two of his as sistants said last night: "Tho erisis has como and we cannot hold off much longer. It is only on account of the respectability of tha families of tho men who are mixed up in the matter that we have hold off until now, but if thoy do not heed tho warning wo give and immediately desist wo will havo to act, let tho consequences ho what they may to tho innocent or guilty. If you want to voto intelligently to morrow, go and hear Brumm to-night. Collee's Anuuucement. Phillip Coffee has purchased a large stock of staplo groceries and now is tho time for dealers and private families to securo bar gains. The stock must be sold at onco. Bring your cans along for two quarts of vinegar for 5 cents; tho best molasses GO cents a gallon; host rico 5 cents per pound; ono pound of Minors' Extra tobacco 23 cents; frosh prunes; 7 pounds of tea, seven different kinds. 75 cents, worth GO cents per pound; tomatoes, 3 cans for 25 cents. Don't forget tho place, Fhilip Coffoo's, Post Office building, corner of Oak and Main streets. 11-7-lui Attention1, Jr. (), U. A, M. A special meeting of Major Jouulngs Council, No. 367, Jr. O. U. A. M., will be hold in Bobbins' hall this evening, at 6:30 p. ni., to colebrate its third anniversary. A cordial invitation is oxtonded to all members and their wives or swoethoarts. Sunner from 0:30 to 8:50 o'clock. Entortaiumcnt after supper. Tickets, 35 cents. W. J. Jacobs, Secretary Committee. Campaign llets. After the Democratic meeting Saturday night W. D. Seltzor, Esq, bet $100 even with Senator Monaghan and his brother that Harrison will be re-elected and $30 oven that District Attorney Koch will bo elected Judge. Vote for Ii. H. Koch for Judge. The Flace to:Oo. Shenandoah peoplo visiting the county seat (surnamed Pottsvillo) all call iu the Academy Restaurant. Either J, F. Cooney, tho proprietor, greets you with a smile, or his feniul brother, M. A. Cooney. welcomes you. It Is tho resort for all gentlemen from north of tho mountain. S-Sl-te Coughlnc Loads to Conaninptlou, Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once.