Evening Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY, BL'NDAY EXCEPTED Jt C. HOT Hit. MtUar nt FahiUhtr. HV. ,r. irAIKlXS, J.tienl Ihlttor. ALLTHE NEWS FOR ONE CENT The KVJSlfl V0 HKKALD A tarter atr-i-ulaUm in tohmmdtah thnn any ther paper puWUhed, Book open ( nil. subscription rates: DAILY, per year, SB 00 Wxekly, per yer 1 SO Fi wrKt at toe HitatuQtee, at HhetmndOHh, Pa. for transmission throrujth Uie mall M seeond olaes mall matter. Foi President For Vice-President Renlamln Harrison Wblteltw Held REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOK l'HBMDSMT, JJKNJAMIN HAKR1BON, OF INDIANA, TOH VIO PKIBIMNT, WHITBLAW KRID, op New route Republican State Ticket. JUDQB OC SUrllBMB COUIIT, JUDGE JOHN DEAN. CON011B8SMK.V-AT-I.AHOE, MAJ. ALEXANPEP. MCDOWELL, 'tENEUAL WILLIAM LILLY. County Ticket. JUDOE, JRICIIAItD II. KOCH. CONOmiflr!, HON. CHAItLES N. BUUMM DIRHIIOt ATTORNEY, J. IIAUKY JAMES. COI10NEH, DR. L. A. FLEXElt. OlUIXJTOlt OK TIIH POOH, JAMES 1). LESSIG. aBTII BHNATOIIIAi. IHSTHIOT, MJTHEttB, KEKFHll, 1st i.naisr.ATiVE distiuot, JOHN J. CJYLE, TlIinD I.BOIRr.ATIVB DtflTllIOT, JOHN W. KEliSIINEU. ll LBOIBLATIVB IllBTHIOT. aEOItOE W. KENNEDY 8AMUEL A. LOSOH. SAMUEL S. COOPER. A SCRAP OP HISTORY. During the eight or ten years of Its existence in this county tho Prohibi tion party lias accomplished Just two thiugs. It lias made a few fragments of history and defeated a couple of de serving Republican candidates for im portant offices. Wlthoutrellecting on the motives of those who arc now, or who have been In tho past, identified with the Prohibition movement we cm say that it has been a tender to the Democratic machine. We call attention to this now for the purpose of warning the Republicans of this Legislative district, so that his tory may not repeat itself this year In 1887 John T. Sliocner was the Re publican candidate for Senator in this district, and M. C. Watson was tho Democratic uominoe. In that year tho Prohibitionists were particularly active, uud they nominated J. H, Kurtz for Senator. Mr. Kurtz was an estimable gentleman and, like almost nil other Prohibitionists, was formerly a Republican. Mr. Kurtz was alto well equipped for the ofllce to which he aspired, but he-never had a chance of election, for tho reason that the party with which he was identified had no strength. He was also popular, especially among ills former political associates, and many of them con eluded to glye him a complimentary vote, without stopping to think that the votes thoy cast for Mr, Kurtz might bo the ludlrect cause of the de feat of tho Republican candidate. Tho Thirtieth Benatorlal district has a normal Democratic majority of about 1,500 votts but that fact did not discourage Mr. Shooner. Immediately after the nomination he assumed tho task of overcoming It and two weeks before tho clow of tho campaign he had the light so far as his Democratic opponent was concerned. ISut Mr. Kurtz was muklng a canvass and it was known that lie would poll a few hundred votes possibly enough to defeat Shoeuer. Realizing this danger the Republican manugers tried to persuade Mr. Kurtz to withdraw from tho contest, but the ollort was un availing. "When the vote was counted, the day after election, It was found that Wut uon had polled 74 more votes than Bhoener, and that out of a total poll of About 12,000 Mr. Kurtz had received 3-10 votos. Nlne-tentliB of tho votes which Itlr. Kurtz rocalvetl woro tho votes of ItepubHeaUH or of Prohibi tionists who had formerly been Kepuh lloaim, and it is no exwggerntloii to shy that nini'tot'ii-twenUotlia of them would have voted for Shoenerlf Kurt a had not been a candidate. A large pureonUgo of Mr. Kurtz's voto wan complimentary, that is it cume from Republicans who volod lor him through friuidiihlp, and without atop ping to calculate the consequence. Had they realized the situation they would not have complimented Mr. Kurtz at such a cost to tho Republi can party, and Sh jeuer instead of Wat sou would have been the Senator. In tlieliiibt of tills experience why ehould any Republican endanger the success of his party candidate for the purpose of paying the compliment of a vote to a Prohibition oaudidate or trj any other independent candidate whose candidacy can accomplish no purpose other than the election of the Democratic) nominee? The situation in this Legislative district is precisely the guineas it was in the beuatorlal district sis years ago. 'J he district has a small Democratic majority, but Mr. Coyle lms made a canvass that lias overcome it, and he can only be de feated now by Republicans throwing away their votes on Mr. Patterson, tho Prohibition candidate. Mr. Coyle'rj superior ability and fitnesB for tho position is recognized by hundreds of Democratic voters whose support he will have on election day, and with the united support of the Republicans whose cindIduto lio is, lie will be elected by tho largest majority ever given to a candidate in this district. If you are a Republican and you bt- Ilevc in the principles of the Republi can party, vote for him, nnd don't let anybody Induce you to aid in the election of a Democratic representa tive by throwing away your vote on tho Prohibition candidate. BIr. Edward BIyors. Torturing Erysipelas. ONE OF THE WORST CASES EVER REPORTED. Mrs. Myers llnnd Amputated. Her Life Saved. Tho caw of Mrs. Edward Myers, of Athens. N Y., funiiihps an apt Illustration of a woman's power of endurance Thin lady had been treated lor months in the usual way for i:rjaiM-l of the hand, without benefit Not until her hand had become n maw of 0 BWfc llllirilieil anu tier me Mt-n- 1 H JiKircil of did she turn to nr. Ken. iirily, proprietor of I' A VOHI 'l l! JI5?,ni:V,Whell). ift , .,.,.(,. f,.rmc-,rwtlmt lie could Klive Iierlife, hut that it was iiiiixitblble to Mve M aula ny filiB received lil terrible JklJlMt-I Blntelllgeiiceiiulen.ae W?r W Baa Itu ,.neil to take ether. stipu lating merely to hold her husband's hand dur iiiK the operation, and underwent the painful piooBHg without movlug u muscle or uttering a pionn , , nr. iceiuipilv then rave I nvorlco jr. UII1 (I II wuicu uruve tue poisonou? uisease ouloi uer sys tem, cleansed the blood, and tre- venteil the return of the ttismiso. and she now lives una rejoioes in uer (treat m uveranor. ffnri nr. lCmntcilv been culled at any previous stage f the disease he would have at once iirii rilieil I'livorlfw ICemrily nnd iiirM, .ti i-m nuu u nub unir uwj to undergo this terrible ordeal, M it would have nartiil Iiur Ai-a vnn i-nA.ler troubled Willi DrVllllclns or anv ruplion of the skill, it maybe i;r)NIPVIIIW III US incipient bulge 1HF.1- Irllle villi II 11 moment, but us-lr. Ktmil)'H I'liriirllu llmiieil) , It will cure ) xi'r ii im DEATH TO ERYSIPELAS. IN. H. Downs' Elixir' WILL CURE THAT AND STOP THAT !,. atnn.1 Din In t for 8TXTV VHA11H f ruul has proved Itself tho best remedy J Known ror me euro ui iif.vi oouthi, Void; Whooping Cough, and tall hung JUttatf In young or old Trite 25c.. boo., and f i.ooper uouie, om n rwFDVWHERF. mm, ;oacov: & mm. t- Buiitrtw, vt. JOHN R. COYLE, Aiioroty-it-Liw and Ileal Ksftto Agent, omce UeddtU'i UaUdliK, Bkensadc4, V Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. l,, lewder I . ABSOUUTEUr PURE NEGLECTFUL OFFICER? Additional Details of the Wrecl of the Roumaniit. H0ULS ROBBING THE CORPSES lllhellc Story of Ibe Mm vIvulK of the 1)1 Hft(-It neeniK tilt. Offleel'S on Ills fiok utt Shut TIiaihibIvs luslile the llx ou le lli-ldso for l'rotectlmi from the Itulr IjitiON, Nov. 2. Cnpt. Hamilton sntl eutaiant Itooke, who were among th ntbe eavwl from the wreck o( the 1km- inia, in which 113 peraons perished, th complain bitterly of the stuto of the sWIp, and tlie failure of the xlilp's ofScera inform them that the vessel had etnmled and of the omission of the crew ahl them in lowering the boats. The Kuumanln was stemming Ave knots on she struck in sand CO yards from ii shore. The bhook was slight and thi tseugcrs wcro not Informed. At 1 loek in the morning tho ship urok idenly. An hour and- a half later a at noise in the hold from tho shifting ron bars, with the uoiso of the surl I of a heavy squall aroused Lieut. Itojoke, who left his cabin to usslst Id lowering a boat, when the vessel collupbcd. was washed ashore with a muss oi ickage. tpapt. Hamilton was aiding his wifo to pats throiiKh, a skylight, when lie was khed uwiiy. Ue was uuconuolous till found himself on tho slioru. Lieut, ike moved about naked on the sands till daybreak, when ho saw seven Luscitrs b cluster, ail badly injured, and near another injured Lnsour, who soon d. lie sent one Luucar northward, ile ho lilnibolf went boutuwurd in seurcb of a house. ftbout 1 in the afternoon ho met a flscil ird, who returned with him. The ltonnut was uftorwnid left ulono in u lie in the cliff while the guard went to Qtlidos to inform his superiors, ami did . return until the following duy. ut. Itooke, strolling about entiroly iced, met Citpt. Hamilton, who was in greatest grief, (apt. Hamilton soon met somebody from I'cniche, who took him to the hospi tal! onrt drawn by oxen nppearod on Saturday, and conveyod Lieut. Itooke uud thd Injured Lascars to I'eniche, utter twl) days aud nights in tho open air, dur iuil winch bands of euvugos pillaged the sttlamer's cargo, aud curried tons up the hilL. "he foregoing particulars were obtained la conversation during u journey to the sciine of the wreck with government olii chJls. Captain Hamilton tried to go on, buk tnluted, aud was lett behind, the coi respondent says: As wo traversed tho sands or u.irrun- chli the administrator of the district seib.ed ceverul men with sacks of stolon pritperty. We arrived at the wreck after a rlide of four liouri. 'The bow and stern portions were sepa- ratled by 101) yards. The wreck is only UUIyurds from the shore. Lieut. Kooitu romarKou tnat any plttcky man might have swam ashore with u rope and saved all on board. He belllevod that tho vessel was stranded tbilough the culpahlo neglect of two oill oerli who were on the lookout, but tbuy soil glit-protection from the rain, shutting tntlmstjlves limine tuo uox ou tue uriuge. lit savb lie did not see the captain on deitk when the steamer stranded, Vlt Is Keuorally admlttoii mat tlio itou inilniaKvus 15 to 20 miles out of her course. a'!l after passing Cnpe Koflagoa she mutt hate been steered straignt lnianu; tuen puilallel with the const in the direction of UHiM Uarvoeiro iigiituousu unui sue strlinded live miles from the former and eevlen miles from the latter, the cape wall lndlde a hay, aud bud she continued furlther she could scarcely have missed nnliilnc ou the rocks around Uarvoeiro. For throe miles nortuwaru tuu ueacu - . . . . . ... . is ciovered witli thousands of bales of cot ton! and woolen goods, barrels of beer, is of pistols, suwlug mucinous, eta Huiidrwla of tons have already been nil lanld. Twonty fiscal guards and troopi for ten I utiles of coast are quite lnsulllclent to itrevent plllauiug. t is auuouneeu tnat iu more ooaies havb washeil ashore somo distance north of tlie wreck." Tim udminlstrator of the Obldos dl trlol eontlnuwi to allow bodios to be ex- pould on the beach, declines to give pro- toot Ion to the wreckage, and refuse! to replhr to telegrams regarding the bodies was lied ushore. Al number of dead were carried to the boailli bv the tide last nUlit. The sol- dlerk are too few. and the liuuuu vui tur.U find pleuly of opportunity to rob tlie lFl)es. AT 1 t AKI tX.T MORNINU I Ff H RnihuT AMn "ii v nnw mi tuwirctAiori i Btl I til hlyl doctnr ki.th II 1 1 11 K- f ' on Hie Btom.u:h, 1 ill -in-unt Isxallve Thi. liwrLnUl. Ii)t, n dibiLI 1 mud" iT'in ' r'. t.11 I h inejiared for use .llrii.i 1. 1 1 AU nuy on UMlay liUiin I'uinllr h itou iiuirriN each tiny. 1J, 11M U BtCWttiUy. ) wild All 00 uur iiilii-k icku y !trdlcIno Id ordtr 10 L Mountain Fires Mill lUglnc. Haubuho, l'n., Nov. 2. The llrei on the ltluu .uountaiu east nnd wost of here are still ruicing, oausing u pull of smoke to hang over the surrounding country. Long trails o! Are may be seen creeping nlong the sides of the mountain, produc lua at tilnht weird scenes. Tho lire. In the vicinity of Molluo was extinguished by ham work niter ninny building? had been threatened. Ihousunds of acres have been devastated. MtiiHtiiMi Serluui at tVllheslmrre. Wilkubbabbb, Pa., Nov. 2. There are only 18 Inches of water in Crystal Spring reservoir, which supplies nearly half of this city with water. Unless ruin falls within the next 48 hours there will be a water famine. Nearly all Die creeks in the Lehigh valley have dried up and rail road companies have started to haul water for the use of locomotives. This Is the most severe drouth experienced hero for 42 years. J 4 cause ere is 1 i larex in JJOiEflE new shorrenmq 5 so vVoncerful Lflai- witK louseJfeebers. OTTOt-ENE is Pore, DfTuctTE, HE1LTM- fjn., .STiSY'NCr- none of the u np leas ant odor necessarily connected with lard .Qet trie jcnui'riii. "fhere iso real Subsfifute. Jludo only by N.K. FAIRBANK& CO., CHICAdO, and 138 N. Delaware Ave., Pbllada. KHGUSON'S TI1KATHE. 1. J. KEHCUSON, MANAOEll. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th. The eminent actress and authoress, Charlotte M. Stanley ! In the sensational comedy drama, "Only a Pauper" Introducing the celebratod Electrocution Scene A superior company of fourteen artists. Vow una novel stage eiieeis. iianusoine ana olaborato scenery. Hinging, danc ing, speolaltios, etc A truly great performance. Prices, as, 35 and 50c. Reserved seats on sale at Klrlln's drug store. ings Slcls: WITH PEERLESS DYES. Forty Fust Colors at Drug Stores. OKFI0K or THE On nooount of the long Oxought the Shenan doah Water und Oas Oonimny give notice to iu consumers that tlieremuatbenomorewaate oi the water supplied by the company. This aotiee Is especially dlreeted to people who use garden hose and waeh show windows, pave ments, carriages, etc Water will bo run Into the pipes, oommenolng Sunday, October lOln, only between the hour of 7 to 9 a. in. and from 4 to 0 p. in. This rule will remain In force until tho next rain. A watchman will be stationed at u slop at Fow lcr's lumber yard, on East Coul street, to turn on tho water at a moment's notice In case tbo flro alarm Is sounded. lly order of the company, IS. 3D. XX23J3JS, ItMWw Huperlntendcnt, tsn'f init r is no (Tie READING R. . SVSTEH LehlehValloy Division. ARRAROKMRKT or PABSBN- out THA1NS. MAY 15, 18W. P..u.u tMln.lon Chan nndonh forPnn TTna., i,,nn,nn xnni. m.Mi. u:uikuiuu, oiautigion.wnile Hall, Catasauqua, uoiuieoom, limlon, I'hllauelpnia, HazletOD. Wftltttiet-1 Oi,alrln .Innnllrin tll. . S ,B.I"ii8E0l' c"y ftt 8-B5'. 9-08 a m., i i.,u.if, p, in. For Naw Vni-lf R tsr n no 10 no 9 in 5.20 p. m. ' ' f or iiazieton, Willtefj-nnrro, Vfhtto Haven, i'.imira, Kocheetcr, Nil mil a m., 3.iop, m., no connection for Heches ler, Huffalo or IsflBrara l'alls). 8.08 n. m. l'or -lielvldere, Delawnro Water Gap and oirouusuurc, 6.B7 a. m., 6.20 p. m. For TimlierlvUln nn nM,nn atttn in For Tiinkhnnnock, 10.41 a. in., 3.10, 8 1 p. m. I' or Auburn, Ithaon, Oonova and Lyons, 10.41 a. m.. 8.0S n. m , For Jsanesvlllc.I.evistonnnaileavor Meadow, i.-tu, v,m u. m., ix ms, o.ai p. m. . For Audonried, HazletQii. Stockton and Lum per Yard, 5.67, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.5S, 3.10, 6.Sti p, m. ForScranton, 5.67, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 6.26 p. m. Forllajlebrook, Jeddo, Drlfton and Freoland, u.dj, i.iv, v.vo, iu.li a. rn nE.es, s.iu, a.wi p. m. 7.40, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.85, 8.10, 9.14 p. ni. For Haven rtun, Centratla, Mount Oarmel and Shamokln, 8.58. 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.08 p. m. For Yatesvllie, Park PiRoe, MahanoyCttyntd Delano, 5.67,7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a m.. 1)8.52, 3.10, 6.20, O.UJ, V fil, IV.TBi p. m. Trains will leave Shamokln at 7.55. 11.55 a. m., 2.10. 4.30. r. m. and arrive nt Hhennndnah at 9.06 a. m., 12.52, a. 10, 6.26 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for l'ottsvllle, 5.50, 7.40, v.ue, luii a. in., la.iw, 3.1U, 4. ju, n.se, s.us p. ill. r ........ ...... t.i.. . J m w .n miu x uivsviiie jur oouiniuuviui, u.iim, 9.06, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.82,1.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30 p.m. Leave Shenandoah for Haileton, 5.57, 7.40, 9.08, liana in it otn ion Kfne itun I SUNDAY TItAINS. Trains leave for Ashland. Glr&rdvllle and Last ureen, 7.2, u.-iua. m., 12.30,2. Hi p. m. ror xatesviue. I'artt 1'iace. aiauanov uiiv. Delano, Haileton, lllaok Creek Junction, Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Ilothlobem, litistou and New York, 8.40 a. m., js.au p. m. i'or I'uuaaeinnia ana new Yorir. 2.M n m. li"or Yatesvllie, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delano. 8.40. 11.35 a. m.. 12.30. 2.55. 4.40 CP 1 v. m. Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30 a. m 1.05, 4.37 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.50, 8.40, 9.30 a. m.. 12.30 2.45 n. m. Leavo Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40 a.m.,i,, 3.10 p. in. I A. 8WKIOA1U), Gen. Mcr. u. u. iiAisuuuii, uen. pass Agt. Philadelphia. Pa. A. W. NONNBMACHEIt. Asst. G. P. A. South Hothlchcm, Pa. )KNNSYLVANIA UAILHOAD. BCiiovr.Kn.i, nivisioN. NOVKMHKIt 15. 1891 Trains will leavo Shenandoah after the above date for Wiffgan's, Gilberton, Frackvlllo, New Castlo.Ht. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Jtcadlng, Pottstown, Phcentxvllle, Norrtstown and Phil adelphia (llroad street station) at 8:00 and 11:45 a. m. and 4 :15 p. m. on wcokdays. For Potts vllle and intermediate, stations 9:10 a. m. SUNDAYS. For VViggan's, Gilberton, Frackvllle, Now Gistle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:011, 9:40 a.m. nnd3:i0p. m. For Hamburg, Heading, Potts town, Pbnenlxvtlle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at 6:00. 9:40 a. in.. 3:10 n. m. Trains leavo Frackvlllo tor Hhonandoah at 10.-40.1. m. ana 12:14, &:oi, 7:42 and lo:09p. m, Hundays, 11:13 a. m. and 5:40 p. m. Leavo Pottsvillo fur Shenandoah nt 10:15, 11:48 a. m und4:40,7:15and9:42p. in. Sundays at 10:10 a. m. und 5:15 p. in. L,eave Philadelphia (llroad street station) for Pottsvillo and Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a m, 4 10 nnd 7 00 p in week days, On Sundays leavo at 6 60 a m. For Pottsvillo, 9 23 a m. For Now Yorkat3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35, 6 60, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30, 9 50. 11 Oil. 11 14. 11 35 a m. 12 00 noon (limited ex press 1 06 and 4 60 p m) 12 41, 1 35, 1 40, 2 30, 3 20, 4 00,4 02,5 00,6 00.0 20,6 50,7 13,8 12 and lOOOp m. 12 01 nlcht. Sundays at 3 20. 4 05. 4 40. 5 35. 8 12, 8 30, 9 50 11 35 a in and 12 44, 1 40, 2 30, 4 02 (limited 4 60) 5 28, 6 20, 0 60, 7 13 and 812pm and 12 01 nlKht. For Sea Girt, Lone Uranch and In termediate stations 8 20 and 1114 am, and 4 00 p in weekdays. For Haltlmoro ana washing, ton 3 50. 7 20. 8 31, 9 10, 1020. 11 18 am. 12 35 (lim ited express, I 30, 3 46,) 4 11, 657,740 P m 1203 night. For Freehold only 6 00 p m woek days. Foruaitimorooniyat2 02, 4 0l,6 03nna II so p m. Sundays ut3 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 a m, 4 41, 6 67 7 40 p m, 12 03 night. Ualtimoro only 5 08, 11 80 p m. r or uicnmonu laiam, i so p m ana is U3 nlcht. Sundays. 7 20 a m. 12 03 nlcht. Trains will leavo Hnrrisburg for Pittsburg and tho West every day at 12 25 and 310 am and (limited 3 00) and 3 40 p m. Way for Al toona at 8 15 am aud 4 10 p m every day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at It 20 a in everyday UUU 1U i II 111 vyuck uuys. IIWInI. ...In 1...,. -iirlillnMBnn. ii.uio.iiiic.il t?ui,uu.jr iui iiiiuuiajui b, Klralra, Canandalgua, Hochostcr, IJuBalo and Niagara Falls at 6 10 a in, and 1 35 p'm week uays. r or iimiru at p m wcck aays. r'or Krio and Intermediate points at 5 10 am dally For Lock Haven at 6 10 and 9 56 a m daily, 1 35, and 5 30 p m week days For Kcnovo at 5 10 a m, 85 and 6 30 p m week days, and 6 10 a m on Sundays only. For Kane at 6 10 a in, 1 35 p m weea aays. 0. H. Peon. J. K. Wood. uen'i Munager uon'i pnss'g'r Agt "PHILADELPHIA & READING It. It. TIME TABLE IN EKFEOT MAT 15, 1892. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Phlladelnhla. week dava. 2.08, 5.23, 10.08 n. m., 12.33 2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sunday, 5.U0. v.io a. m. i' or iyew xoi'K via Atauon uuuna, weeu nays, o.sa, 7.ia a. m., is.33, z.4 p. m. For Koadfnc and Phlladelnhla. week davs, 2.08,5.23,7.18,10.08a. m., 12.23, 2.48,5.53 p. m. Sun day. 2.08. 7.48 u. m.. 4.23 n. m For liarrlsburir. weolc days. 2.08. 7.18 a. m.. 2.40, D.U.1 p. m. For Allentown. wcok JTJZZLZ 2.08, 7.48 a. m., 4.23 p. m. 2.48 1). m. For Pottsvillo, week da 2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.23 p, nor Tamaqua ana Aiananoy uiiv, ween nays, 2.08. 5.33, a. in., 12.33, 2.48. 6.53 p. m. Sun day, 2.08, 7.40 a. m 4.23 p. m. Additional for Mahanoy City. wecK aays. 6.58 p. m. ror uancaster ana uoiumoia, weeit aays, 7.1 u. in., .io 11. ui. I'or wuilamsnort, sunbury and Lowlsbun wcok aays, o.sj, o.sa, 7.1s, 1 i.xfl a, m., i.as, 0.1 Xi in. ounuuy, t),M u. 111., a.VJ jj. m, For Hahanoy Plane, wcok days, 2.08, 3.33, 5.53, 7.18,10,08, 11.28a.m., 12.33, 1.33,2.18,6.53, 0.48, 9.83 p.m. Sunday, 2.08, 3.83, 7.40 a! m., 3.03, 4.S3 p. m. For Qirardvlllo. f Hannahannoclt Station). weekdays. 2.08. 3.23. 5.23. 7.18. 10.08. 11.28 a. m. 12.38,1.33, 2.48, 6.53, 8.58, 9.33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 3.23. 7 40 a. in. . 8.03. 4.30 n. m. For Ashland and Shamokln. week days, 3.28, d.m. v.iei, ii. ix a. m., i.d.i, 0.03, u.i p, m. ttun- aay, s.si. 7. to a. m., 3 oil p. m. 'iitAina iun aiiriivAmiuAiit Leave New York via Phlladelnhla. week davs. I 1.13 a. m., i.ou, .uu, f.nu p, ui., 1s.1t nignt. Sun day, e.OO p. in., 12.15 night. Lsavo Now York via Mauch Chunk, week days, f D.40 a. m., i.w, o.o p. m. aunuay, t.w a, m, I nnU.l)hM.,l.lnl,ln ...nn,. .,! UWlA. 4.00, 0.00 p. 111., from llroad and Callowblll and 8.35a. in., 11.30 n. in. from Vlh and Oreen streets. Sunday, 9.05 a m., 11.30 o. m , frem Oth and I Green. I Leave Heading, week days, 1.1.5,7.10, 10.05, 11.50 a. m., d.do, 7.01 p. m aunuay, 1.3.1, iu.40 a. m. Leavo pottsvll 0. week davs. 2.40. 7.40 a. m. 12 ao, 6,1 1 p. w. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., SM p. m. Leave Tamaoua, week days, 3 20. 8.48. 11.28 a. m., 1.21, 7.11, 9.18 p, ra. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. in., .du p. m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days. 3.40. 9.18. 11.47 a. m., LSI, 7.43, 9.44 p.m. Sunday, 3.46, 8.171 U. IU., !.OU O. IU. ' I ...... a U.kannH Dlnna ....... I. Ma a H ,f Ann 8.30, 9.86, 11 m a. m 1.05, 2.08, 5.20, 0.ia. 7.67, 10.00 p. m. &unaay, s.4u, t.uu, a.vi a. m., a 87, o.oi p. in. i.eave uiruravius, titantiauannocK Htation (ItapiHthannock Station), weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.3(1, 9,41 a. m.. 12.05, 2.1 iVS. 2.47. 4.07. 8.38. 9.4 a. m.. 12.05. 2.12. 6.28, 6.:k, 8.03, 10.08 p. m. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.38, a. in.. 3.-41. 5.07 d. m. Leave Wllllaiasport, week days, 3.00, 9.45, 11.56 a. in., a.w, ii. top. in. nunaay, it. is p. m. For Ualtlmore, Washington and the West via 11. & O. It. IL, through trains leave Qlrurd Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. It. It.) at a ae, b.ui, ii.si a. in., a.ne, b.vi. 7.13 p. m. Sunday, o uv, o., li.of la. ui., o.w, o., I. la p. in. a mr A onti, minv iiimurnu Leave I'hiladelpbla, Chestnut street wharf m ji4 oumi nunii, iui fvtiuiiu Uiiv, iwdokuiIvd ki rflMM. u u n m. aim. iii. mi. 6 00 p. m. I" ii.,iuno v w U iU. W, OW, Accommodation, 8 00 am, i 16, . : . - i a.. 1 8 30 lira Sundays Express, 8 00, 9 00, 10 30 a m. commodiitinn. ft 110 il m and 4 45 n in. Aol Hoturnlng leave Atlantic City depot, Atlantio and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express, 7 Ml. ft 110. 0 III n m nml S 15 5 Sil n m. Accommodation, 4 10, 5 50, 8 10 a m, und i 80 p ui. Sundays Express, 4 00, 8 00, 8 00, p m. AWUluuiUUiauuu, I oi a ui uuu a w v iu. O. . HANCOCK, Qen'l Posu'r AgL LCA. dYVjciuaku, uea'l Manager t First National THEA.TKK nUIDINO, Sttciiautluah, I'eiiiirs. CAPITAL, v. w LBI8ENKINQ, Presidont. P. J. FBItOUSON, Vice Prosldent, LEiailNIUNCJ, Cmhlcr. S. W. Y'OST, Assistant Cashlor. j. it. Open Daily From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. SHENANDOAH Employment Agency ! MAX REESE, Agent. ALWAYS RELIABLE. Help always on band for families, rostaurants,&c. COOKS. HOUSE GIRLS. Chambermaids, Nurso Girls, Walters, Drivers, Maids, &c 14 c West Centre Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. (Ferguson House Block.) DO YOU WANT RELIEF? KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY Will promptly relioTO the mot dl trt'dtitng carie vt Actitu or Citron Ic Hhet raatifliu vr Gout. Hy itrictly obaprylng ttie directions, it -Mrill curojou permau- eniijr Uiiltk lb numeroufi rrfparttlooa thit toot ip Cfttiutrr. ttila niedklu la ft ineolflo for th Tarlo'Ji furijia cf rbcuuittUm oulj, ka oat 1 ? Mj krh a "curtail" One boult wlllnnk a atlatftolorr InjyroiloD oo the iratem. and In connection Hti tho ylUf, coovloca tha ulTerrr thai the proper reraotly hat ben found. You are caracul; r ounted to utt lbs tue r It cf JUtOUX'S ltni;UMATIO ItEfllKDV, ai hi t unable propwuti are euaoriea by finoaraaa or im mot (tattering teaitmotiUli. only Tetabi JorrMloti, rrrnartatie lor tnnreoraiir , tiren, nra ohkI In lha matjufacture of KEOUT'8 BlIRIIMATKl IOMF.DY $1X0 For Bsttlo. 6 Settles, 55.C0. mis, 25 Cts. Soz. a your toftiitprf aoe am aco it, ttua to & njiDufiwiui'er, a6Jyoii m lit ratTeft by in tit. 3G37 Market btrert. VIiltAd'a, Vm, ABRAM HEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA Manufacturers of Of Every Description. Ffags, Baogcs, Caps, Regalias, &c. JnrFINEST QO0DS LOWEST PRICES.C Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited. H. I, M'GUIBE'S Sporting .and Musical Resort! Socond St., GIRARDVILLE. Ilest Wines. Llrjuors. Ileers. Ales and lineal brands of Cigars always on hand. . . . , Co 1 ftflTl flTlfl " H PTaiTTaVlt "0.100X1. . dliU . JBObiiUiaUU, 115 N. WHITE STREET. Flrst.cln.ss t,auer Boor. Ale. Porter and Tem perance Drinks ad Cigars, Fine old Wines and Ltquora always on hand. ii. w. i uuiaiiv, -rup COO North Fourth Hlrcot, below Oreen, Phll JOO delubtu. Tli. onl, ,lo.lciaa ablu to flurt wticio tlio luott Juollj ovluljrktol bbjralulaua tkll. in tffocU of romhfiil tullurcUoil tbolb oi-r.),lllood Pol. on, IIuuoln(., Hlrli lUM -, lljilrKlr, Ulcr I'alaful welling, I'lmvlca, Poor Sleiuor. ItabliilM- uut IKbllll), ItlliiiairtukUouo, oor lte.b ouoi lo t lo 10 dava. Twboiy al ytora' KPf rli ooa Baiid I CU. lo aUmpe lor " Hook Truth," wpoaloj ir hrm" Q"","' n " " true frlauil u uH. juun bd mlddla-BKed. and lbo.t aonttoj. tlalloi maiil.i.. Lou.mi1. wbo on for . lentid . uoluUoo vrooouooa Or. Tbl UiimlM l"hj.i;Ina. Dr. Ttul oiilM ium uu oo Thuu,i,a ul rrrcr- io. lion... lull "' ? V.?;.!,.r.i";'1l ""' day voolosa. eto 10. HPKCl A I. IIIIUItH for dunieerobB kiid uvt ranural DollJ. W lo I , Bauirdo. lo 10S , Iftlarda tlSrfJtJlod,a,tolI. WriuwotU TO THE - OOPFEE HOUSE 82 North.MivIn Btreot, I For a GOOCi.Unenp IVieai MItS. CONNIOIC IN OUAKOE. FIRE INSURANCE Largest and olden', reliable purely cash com. panles represented by DAVID PAXTST, 120 S. JaroinSL, Shenancoah,Pai 1 mam J jt JK.-t.-A.'.,' ai