FINE GROCERIES HOUSEKEEPERS! Find no difficulty in securing whut they require for their tu IiU'ci ut our store. Conner Grocery, Ccr.trc and White Sts. HOW THEY WERE BROUGHT. JUugn m.'cnt Trains IIun Over the l'cnn- sylvuulii Sysitlni. One of the most important anil successful features in connection with tho dedicatory exeruscj of the World's Fair grounds, and one which fully lllnstiates tlio wonderful progress which our country has made within tbo last half century, was the movement made by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany of the cabinet officers, tho supremo court justices, and the diplomatic corps from "Washing tun to this city and back. It rcquir cd three special trains to perform this func tion, and Vice President Frank Thomson, to whom the ' rcdit of the achievement is due, made requihitiun on the Pullman Palace Car C' for the finest equipment which famous ear builders could produce. The result was a 1 1 iple section train such as has never glided otr the rails In any country. A crew of twenty-five persons, including stewards, cooks, w.iiteiB, porters, maids, elec tro ns ami machinists, in addition to the usual quota of trainmen, was required to in- jsiire proprr si rvice, lhe outlit rosciniiled in a somewhat lessened degree tho personal equipment of an ocean greyhound, of which the trams were a duplicate on land. These trains were provided and tendered for the use of the distinguished guests of C'hirago by Vice President Thomson. They were rim from Washington to Chicago as tactions of the regular "Chicago Limited," of winch they were duplicates, and they con formed to the regular schedulo of that train, ,Witli the thorough organization of the Penn sylvania Uailroad Company and its splendid system they came through the entiro dis tance, on the s cial schedule tlnio arranged for tlum, without accident or delay of any lind, and this in the faco of an extraordin arily Increased passenger traffic. Tho great line Is m such excellent physical condition, Bo well protected by the safeguards of mod ern invention, and so perfectly managed by a corps of men who bavo been educated and trained under the eyes of its high officials, that a movement o( this kind, extraordinary as it may appear to the public, was cfl'ected without interfering in any manner with tho routine of every day traffic. It is sufc to say that while no other coun try in the world would be able to movo the entire organization of its government a dis tance of om thousand miles, so thcro is no other railroad company which could grapple with hut h a problem and solve it with tho fuse, t.i the persons in interest and the credit to Itsi If Unit has distinguished this achieve ment of tbc Pennsylvania Itailroail. It re flects th utmost credit on Vice President Thomson, who planned, and I is associates, who executed the brilliant feat of railroad ion, iiud holds out a bright promise of equally successful work when tho re sources of tins line will bo drawn moii next year to furnish adequate transportation facil ities to the hosts who will visit tho world's jrrcatet fair -Chicago Herald. To voto the full Kcpiibllcun tickr Jilnco a i russ mail; in tlio Mmtr- t the riRlit 1,1 tin.- word Jtejiublicui thus: REPUBLICAN X wherever t!n- word Ucpulillcuu hp pears on the ofllclal ballot. Nothing could he simpler, Flro Alarm Holes. Tbo following- list shows tho location ot , tho alarm boxes of tho Shenandoah Fire Department: LOCUTION. 15 Coal and Dowers streets. 16 Bowers and Centre streets. U llrtdgc and Centre streets, R Main and Centra streets. St Main and Poplar streets. 35 Main and Coal streets 4i Gilbert and Centre street. it Gilbert and Cherry street. t-Chestnut and Coat streets. To send an alarm open the box, pull down the hook once and let go. When an alarm is Beat In the tire bell will sound the number ot the box and repeat the alarm four times. HOW TO LOCATE ALAltMB. It the alarm Is sounded from box 15 tbo tire bell will Btrlke one, then pause and strike five -which will Indicate that tho are Is In the vicinity ot No. 11 box. Every alarm Is repeated lour times. The Plnco to do. Shenandoah people visiting the county . . eeat (surnamed Potteville) all call in the .Academy Ituxtuurant. Hither J. F. Coouoy, the proprietor, greets you with a smile, or Jdi -"iai brother, M. A. Cooney, welcomes yon. It is tho resort for all gentlemen from north of the mountain. B-Stl-tc A singlo trial of Pr. Henry Baxter's Man drake Hitters will convince any one troubled with coBtivi'iiess, torpid liver or any kindred diseases of their curative properties. They only cost cents por bottle. lm A bad oojgti or cold ells lor a good remedy -Uie cure lor H. F. r Coughs, Colds, Im U'h'P" and Consumption, h perioet and per n.inrut cure Is IHn-'Imi, the-worst eas s f ield to lull hIIiik propei t us. ITJiK S6 cent.. 'ii-Tuial sold at i. p 11. Jiirlln'sUrus Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the name Lkhsio & Co., Alhland, Pa., Is printed en every sack. 3-3-3taw Couching Loads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsuiu will stop the cough at once. Fine photos, 00c per dozen, at Keagey's. "loo" To-night. This evening J. L. Tempest's great sensa tional drama, " Joo, " will bo produced at tho Palnco Theatre, Glrnrdvlllo, by Jennlo Tempest and the Honest Eube Stock Com pany. Tho play is not now in this section, but It has been greatly improved and Is much stronger and better than upon any previous production. This production will be made with 8,000 feet of now scenery depicting many beautiful and thrilling scenes, among them the ship burning on the Delaware, Hudson river by moonlight and a great storm scene. Mr. Tempest's company has been strengthened to meet all the lm provetneiita of the play and the production will be a magnificent one. Special music will be rendered by the Decker Bros.' superb orchestra. A Common Seme ltemotly. Ill the matter of curatives what you want is something that will do its work while you continue to do yours a remedy that will give you no inconvenience nor interfere with your business. Sueh a remedy is Alloock',, Porous Plasters. These plasters are not an experiment ; they havo been in uso for over thirty years, and their valuo has been at' tested by tho highest medical authorities, as well as by testimonials from those who havo used them. They require no cliango of diet and nro not affected by wet or cold. Their action does not interfere with labor or bust. ness; you can toil and yet bo cured while hard at work. They uro so pure that tho youngest, tho oldest, tho most delicato por son of either sex am use them with great benefit. Beware of imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentations. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or oxplana tiou induce you to accept a substitute. Jn Ohlen Times Peoplo overlooked the importance of per maneut beneficial elfects and wero satisfied with transiont action, but now that it is gen erally known that Syrup of Figs will per manently cure habitual constiation, well informed jicoplo will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally Injure the system. Spectacles to suit all eyes, at Portz's book and stationery store, No. 21 North Main street. 4-27-ti Pllpp or lie liuirrlioUls Permanently cured withoutknifo orligature. No danger or suffering. No delay from bus iness while under treatment. Patients who aro responsible need not pay until well. A perfect euro, guaranteed. Send for circular. It. HEED, M. 1)., 120 South 13th St., Philadelphia. Refers, by pqrmission, to the editor of the Evening Herald. , tf "Then Baby was sick, wo gave her Costorls. Vhen she was a Child, she cried for Castorht Vhen she became Bliss, she clung lo Castoruv Vbca she had Children, she gave them Castor!, Typo l'or Sale. Wo havo 200 pounds minion, more oi loss, which wo will soil cheap for cash, hav ing no further uso for tho same. Apply at Uukald office. AGAIN AT HIS, WORK. " PrpKlilmit llurrlxili Attnrl Willi Visor 11m Mux of Arcuiuiihitfil JlUlMIK'. Washington, Nov. 1. Tho President was at his desk nt the White Houso again ut lib usual hour in the morning and at tacked with vigor the Immense mass of business that lmd accumulated during his enforced absence. His only culler was Attorney-General Miller. The result of the Attorney-General's interview was that tho President granted pardons to Amanda Jones, con victed ot making a false voucher in a pension case and sentenced April 7, to three mouths' imprisonment in Buchanan County Jail (Mo.) and to pay a tine of $300; and to Walker Deavers, convicted of perjury In a pension case and sen tenced April 11, 18112, to thirteen months hard labor in bloux l'alls penitentiary, North Dakota. Tho last named convict Is over eighty years of ago. Collltablu rhllllrs Admitted to Hall. POTTSVIM.E, Pa., Nov. lr Constable Isaac P. Phillips of Honeybrook, who shot and killed Justice ot the Peace Michael O'Donnell, during a political quarrel on the 20th Inst., has been ad mitted to $.,600 bail on a writ ot habeas corpus. NvVS OF THE DAY. The Inms case is being continued la Pittsburg. The offleinl cholera figures In Hamburg are 17, J7 oases ami 7,010 deaths. The Cunadimi Paciflo's steamer Japan bus broken the trans-Pacific record. Two new oases ot smallpox were dis covered in New York qity yesterday. A peculiar disease, resembling iholero, Is killing off the dogs about Marysvllle, Ohio. Gov. McKlnley addressed nn audience of 1, GOO people at the Collingwood Opera nout, j'ougliKeepsle, Ci. Y., yesterday. By proclamation Issued yesterday Pre' blent Harrison bus extended the benefit! of the American Copyright act to Italy, The "Karly Birds" Burlesque Company Is struudeU nt Providence, It. I. The company was billed to appear iu Hoe-has- ter last evening. Policeman White of Taooma is one of the heirs of his uuole, Morgan A. White. of New York State, who leaves a fortune estimated at JS.UUU.UW. Miss Emma (J. Sickles, at the head of the Department ot Indian Affairs In the World's Fair auxiliary, has lelt Chicago tor tue lutiian .territory. A. D. Burling, u raisin grower and khipper of Vn-im, ('!., lias filed a peti tion in the iJuppi iur Court asking to bo deolured an luoiveiit debtor. The Yorktuwn has sailed from San Francisco to Join Admiral Uberurdi'a &juadron in South American waters and accompany it to New York. An attempt was made lust night to wreck a Baltimore & train ut Pur kersburg, W. Ya. Two turs were thrown off the truck, but no one wug killed. Coming Event. Nov. 1 Supper under the auspices of tho English Baptist chinch in Bobbins' opera houso. Nov. 10. Supper in Bobbins' opera houso under tho auspices of the Trinity Itoformcd church. Nov. 23 Sovonth annual ball of tho Wash ington Beneficial Society in Bobbins' hall. Nov. 21 Supper in Bobbins' opera house, ander tho auspices of Women's Bolief Corps; benefit of Soldiers' Monument. Dec. 0 Grand supper under tho auspices of the Y. P. A. in Bobbin' opera house. Deo. HI and 17. Drnmmer Boy; or Spy of ihlloli, in Ferguson's theatre, under the luspices of W. Camp No. BOG, P. O. S. of A Kleelrlo Kallwny Change. Hereafter the electric railway cars will leave tho corner of Main and Centre streets at 5:30 a. in., daily, and overy 25 minutes thereafter until midnight, at which hour the last oar will leave. Benefit to All. Arc you prepared for the stormy -weather? It brings slop and mud ; and this is time of year that you want good and substantial Shoes' to stand the wear and tear. We have just such shoes for both old and young, at prices to suit all. It will pay you to call and examine our stock and be con vinced of what we say. 121 Norih Mam Street. VOTE FOR FOR THE LEGISLATURE, . "Honesty in Public Office." YOTB POB JAMES B. LM. OF SHENANDOAH, FOB DIRECTOR OF THE POOR. VOTE IFOIR, WILLIAM DERF OP SHENANDOAH, FOB Director of the Poor. VOTE FOR FAME OK SHENANDOAH, FOH THE LEGISLATURE, (first district.) Scheider's Saloon and Restaurant, Loading Saloon in town 0'ntrn nnd m,Un Hit., (llicliert's old stand) First-class Eating Bar. Placet Whiskeys In the Market. 3D. ID. DYKE, Ot Ceutralla, U now prepared to take contracts for the Cleaning Out of Water Closets I And other out bulldlnm. I'rorapt, clean and lnuflrndve ork at rruaooatle prlcea. Oidera may be left at the Coiutnerilal Hotel, corner of Main and Coal atreats. SALOON AND RESTAURANT 36 IJnut Centre Htrcct. The boat beer, alee, porter, whiskies, brandies wloeu and tlneBt clgara always on band. WM. J. EVANB, Pro), PEOPLE'SSTORE 11 JAMES PATTERSON WANTS, &o. T7OH SALE. A good beating stovo. Apply 1 at tho HmiALD offlco. tf WANTED. Oood Canvasser; salary and oxpensoi from start; steady work; Rood chance for advancement. I1HOWN llltO. CO., Nurserymen, Itochoster, N. Y. 8-31-3m f ANTED. Ily a young lady of refinement, V the awiunlntnnce ot a gentleman of Influence, to assist her In procuring n position In a st'ire or offlco. Address Lizzie, this oflloe. WANTED. A medinin size second hand burglsr and lire proof-safe. Inquire at II EH ami office. WANTED. A gentleman of means to assist a lady financially embarrassed. Address M 11. A., IlKitALD office. A LADY, SI years of age, no Incumbrance, handsome, refined, worth a few thousands, wnnts to marry. Address, ' Marry,'' Whennn. doali pot office. froUND A large, llvo shep. Owner can ( t have same by applying to Thomas A. Evans, 31 East (Vnti'i nireui.unu pioviug propertynnu Paying oxpenses. 10 31-31 J ll1 ANTED. A good girl for general houso Vi work. Must come well recommended. Apply to A. T. Jones, 11 North Main street 10-iSMf 1TTANTED. Itellablo man here, and anBtbcr, W one to two hundred miles outside. Mi st vour. Stamn and references. Mourns,' care this paper. lo-sa-ot $f- to 315 per day at homo, selling Lightning f Plater and plating Jewelry, watches, tableware. &c. Plates tbo linost of Jewelry good as now, on all kinds of metal with gold, Bilvcror nickel. No experience. No capital, Everv bouse has goods needing plating. 10-25-2m H. It. DELNO & CO., Columbus, O LOST A Skyo terrier pup. about half grown body grey and black; logs nnd cars tan color; head and faco covered with long light hair. Name, "HEN" A liberal reward will be paid for his return or for Information lend ing to his recovery. L. A. Freeman, 27 East Oak street. 11-1-1 1 MINERS WANTED Good miners can find steady employment at our mlnes.sltuated ut Nlautlc, ilacon Coumy, III., a station on tho lino of tho Wabash railroad. Vein six foot, mine worked on the room and pillar system, and cohI Is mined by shooting from off tho solid. Mine has good roof, Is dry and freo from explosive gases. Niantic Coal Co., ia28-lm-d&w Niantic, 111. AGENTS WANTED ON HALARY or com mission, to handle tho new Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. Tho quickest nnd great est selling novelty ever produced. Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of paper. Works like magic. 200 to 500 per cent, profit. Oho agent's sales amounted to t020 In six days. Another 532 in tvo hours. Previous experience not necessary. For terms and full Particulars, address The Monroe Mf'g Co., La rosso. Wis. X439 5-21-ly C1 K PAYS for a homo lot nt May's Land-PJ-J lng, tho lino suburb of Atlantlo City; 5 squares from It. It.; commutation fare to Pbila., 25 cents; has court house, hotels, schools, churches, cotton, paper, clothing, cigar sash, brick, nnd lumbering mills, with finest water nowcr: lino driving, lislilni;. cunning, bathing, selling; city ana country combined; 35 houses built last year and not one empty; n safo and sure investment; H0 Invested will lncrcao ?2t01nt!monlhs; 3 mills built this year; lots lire 80 feet above ocean; 10 per cent, oil for cash; SlotsforJSn; tltlo insured. Send for circular. MAY'S LANDING IMPROVEMENT CO.. 058 Franklin St , l'nlladclphla. u-3u-2m JONATHAN H0USER, Eeal Estate Agent ! Ofllc'e 34 West Laurel Street, Slieumidouli, Pa.' PROPERTY FOR SALE: Farm of lSncrcs; house, born nnd other out buildings; prop' rty of D. II. Mummy, In tbo Catawissa valley ?1,B00. Farm of 88 H acres; house, barn, etc; property of II D. Rontschlor, In the C'atawissa val-loy-$U,600. JERGUSON'H THEATRE, r. j. fekodson, siANAaun. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th. Tho eminent actress and authoress, Charlotte M. Stanley ! In tho sensational comedy drama, "Only a Pauper" Introducing tho celebrated Electrocution Scene A superior company of fourteen artists. Sew and novel stage effects. Handsome and elaborate Bcencry. Kinging, dano lng, speo altles, etc. A truly great performance. Xrice8 25, 35 and 50c. Reserved seats on sale ut JCirlln's drugstore. ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN Buy their School Books, Slates, Pencils, School Bags, and, other school supplies at IF. CT. PORTZ'S North Dlnlu Street. The largest stock in townat the lowest prices. Headquarters for stationery of all kinds, wall paper una winaow suuues JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Christ, Oossler's old stand) HHliiniid Coul HtH.f hticiiiiudouli, Kent beer, ale and porter on tap The finest Brands of whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at- icnea. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stanc 17 HOUTH MAIN BTRBBST, fere be will be pleated to meet the we of bis Menus and the public in Everything in tho Drinking Line jyj 8. KISTLEU, M. D., rnraioJAN and svrokon, Omce-iai N. Jatdln street, Bbenandoah, Good News"t Just received 820,000 worth of Jlcn's and Boys' CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS. Also J10.000 worth of Men's, Ladies' and Children' Underwear. 15,000 wunhof Men s, Ladles', Children's BOOTS and SHOES Will bo sold nt cost and below cost till Jan. 1st. We Are Just Opening Up a full Ladies', Misses' CARPETS for Fall Trade. New styles nrrlvlng dally. T PRTPF,(S OLD RELIABLE, U. X X VXwlJ Oj NORTH MAIN STREET. lie has also tho largest assortment In tho countv. comprising the celebrated Anolln. otholin. Valley. Irving, Novelty, Now Urlcle, Cludorella, man, lllval, New Model, Old nnd Now Lehigh. XXoators and 3?" i-ii-m-acos, AH In good condlton and warranted or money refunded or exchanged. A line line of No. 7 New Adrnnce and Miners' Itcst Moves for Si3 each; No. l, SIO: good No. 1 becond-bnnd double beaters from tlO up, and moves and Itaneos from SO to J10. Every one warranted, and delivered and put up In any pun of the county within 20 inlks of Olrardvillo. Over 100 dillerentulzes und styles of Hccond-hand Heating Stoves to select from. Also a tine line of Single and Double Heaters, both round and square, at all prices. Roofing, Spouting, Jobbing, Plumbing and Gas-Fitting Promptly attended to nt the lowest market prico. Anthony Wayne and American Washljc Machines a specialty. Stove, heater and rangq repairing, promptly dono Delivered without extra charge. We Study to Please ! " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK. Fish, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, ic, 4a Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant The leading place In town. Has lately been entirely reno vated Everything new, clean and fresh. The tlnestliuoof Wines and Liquors I Cigars, &o., foreign and do mestic. Free lunch served ouch evening, lllg schooners of f resh,Hecr,Porter, Ale, &c. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. J. J, DOUOIIEIITY. Prop. Hess' Livery Stable, 118 N. Mnrket Alley. NEW BUGfilhS AND HARNESS, SAFE HORSES Finest turnouts in town. Would bo pleased to receive a sbaro of the public patronage. CENTS FOR A WINDOW SHADE. Others, ready to put up spring roller, for 25o, 3o, lie, 60e and upwards. Par ties desirinK only the sbadlnir or fix tures can be accommodated. C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardin Street. M. M. IITJHKE, ATTOHNF.Y-A T-LA W, SHENANDOAH, l'A. Offices Itoom 8, P. O. Uulldlng, Shenandoah, and Esterly Uulldlng, Pottsvlllo. ingmen I's Brigina 23 South Main Street. line of and Children's For liargalns In First-class Heaters and Furnaces, BOTH NEW and SECOND-HAND iTER GRIFF GIRARDVIIiLE, PA. lllack arrior. Gland Perfect, Master Work A full lino always In stock. Also first-class line A bat that Is not stylish a worthless There are a thousand reasons way you should not wear It, and not one reason why you should It usu ally costs as much as a stylish hit and Is cot worth a fraction ot the money. When you buy a hat buy a good one, and tf you really want good one, try our (3 hat. It will fill the bill. Tho same can be said of our Neckwear a One tie for l!0o, any style. Htrow hatajrom 60 up to 11.60. Nice line of summer shirts at 25o; a big drive In boys' waists from 20o to Wo; large line of trunks aud valises at lowest price; big bar gains In overalls and coats at 19 South Main St., Shenandoah. Silk and cashmere bats renovated and made as good us now at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. OPENING OF Dancing Schoo Robbing Opera Housa, SATURDAY EVENINGS. Schoppe Orchestra, 35 Pieces, T. J. O'HAREN'S COR. MAIN AND OAK STS. Everything In the tonsorlal line done in first class stylo. A lino bath room attached. Bargain Store P MS 44! ii it