The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 26, 1892, Image 2

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    - 1 W1T"
Cleveland's Pension Vetoes
Now Torment Him.
Old Soldiers Ciin Never Forget
His Hostility to Tliem.
Hp A'clncd Many Moro Pension mils
TIiiiu All Hie Other Piohiilcti ts
from AVnslilnuton Down, AVlille
Harrison Hns Yet to Oust Aside n
blnlu Veteran's Claim.
Wabiuxotos, Oct. 10.
The pension vetoes of Grover Cleveland
fire rising up like Banquo's ghost to cuii
Vmn lilm. The fnllnro to put n soldier on
the Democratic ticket at the CIiIcako con
vent ion is now one of the confessed weak
nesses of the tickot, and Democratic stales
jiicn are loiul in their protests against thN
political Muniler. This, too, with the cop
perhead tendencies of the man whose title
of "general" carried him through the
thickest of the vice presidential contest, already weakened and sapped the
fetrcngthof Cleveland.
The pathway of Cleveland during his
four years as president was strewn with
p. uMnn vetoes. Tears like dew were on
bnt li sides of the pathwidows' tears, too.
Cleveland blasted and mined hopes nf
many broken down veterans atid sent fam
ilies to the poor houses.
Keoorrts Contrasted.
It Is a pleasing and striking contrast to
review the record, public expressions anil
personal sympathy of President Harrison
tor the Union soldier, as distinguished
from the hatred nnd contempt borne them
by Grover Cleveland. A volume might be
written on the subject, but so far as of
ficial acts arc concerned, the record of
both may be summed up in just three
significant items, namely:
Unci pension bills vetoed by nil
tlio presidents from Washing
ton to Cleveland were - - -The
pension bills vetoed by
Grover Cleveland were - - - !:i I
The pension bills vetoed by Benjamin
Harrison were ........ o
Harrison Always the Bold iers' 1-YleiKl
Moreover, President Harrison, by his
kmdly, modest, sincere, personal sympathy
for the soldier has certainly been faithful
tn the example and pledge of Lincoln and
true to the best and most patriotic im
pulses of the American people. He has
alwass been the consistent friend of the
fc'ildier. willing to aid him and his cause,
v tiling and anxious to see the country pro
v de for his needs, or the needs of his
widow and orplinns.and proud to call even
tl.e humblest private in the ranks his com
rade. Let Cleveland and the southern Detno
cmcy carp, if they will, about expensive
1 nslon legislation. Patriotic people be
lieve nnd know (and will indorse an ad
ministration that enforces the idea) that
whatever this great government may give
the soldiers who survived the war Is but a
(.mall recompense for the noble service
they rendered their country, the sufferings
they endured, and the multitude of perils
they encountered.
Polioy of the Republican Party.
The lJepublican party has always be
lieved (and faithfully lived up to the be
lief) that the Union soldier lias the right
to feel thathis country should at least be
just to him, not by way of charity, but
in strict justice, and this recognition and
reward can now only he extended to him
by fair and liberal pension laws. The-,e
are favored and vigorously supported b;
President Harrison and as strenuously
and bitterly opposed by Grover Cleveland.
Every soldier who wore the blue nnd did
bis duty during the rebellion, and every
. ieud of the soldier, then and now. can
r"rtnittly see, in such n controversy, for
whom ids vote must bo cast next No
vember. The majority of the people will
not fail to indorse that gallant soldier and
fciatesman, Benjamin Harrison.
To vnto tlio full Republican ticket
lilnco u ci-ohh murk In the square to
iie rijfht of the word llepiibllcan,
1 Iiiih:
wherever tlio word Hepiibllcnn ap
pear on tho official ballot. Nolhinu
could ho simpler.
No Interest in the Tollers.
No administration in Washington ever
excelled that of Grover Cleveland in social
extravagance and luxury, Cleveland's in
timates nnd counsellors nnd pillars are a'
nabobs and millionaires. Behind him an
vast trusts and corporations. He rides in
the yacht of a Wall street millionaire, Mr.
Benedict, to and from Gray Gabion and
New York. There is no affinity between
he nnd the poor man, the man in overhauls
who works on the gravel train. The De
mocracy is largely of the toiling masses,
nnd Cleveland lias no interest m them as
against the welfare of the blue blooded
aristocrats whom he made rich through
the interest mouey earned by tho surplus
lie found when ho got possession of the
A Hrond Amorloun President.
President Harrison hns madi- a great,
broad American president. Ho lias taught
the nations of the earth to respect the Hag
of the United States. Under cieveian. vt
administration any "two for a cent" na
tion could insult this great and glorioun
ronntrv with impunity and safety, In-
lined, mi notorious was our apathy in de
fense of our rights abroad that Italy and
i-ven little Chile Hot the notion that they
lould thrash the Yankee and started out
tudo it. President Jlarruoira vmuncan
blood gut hot aud he cleared the gundeclu
.. TT..J 01nnnn. -lVt HTftm"
jurucuuu. uiimirvwioiiiMu, "iw, ...
Ttavor.1 a tintnririlia todv to British in
tenU as secretary of state, we would
lmve b 80 compelled to have swallowed the
insult oi itaiy aim untie.
Nailed to it I'roo Trade Cross.
It is a fact admitted by everybody and
denied tiy nobody that Cleveland "libeled"
hoth himself aud his party in '88 by his
tarlll reform message nnu nissiuuuorn an
to a noliov that rewarded the mug
wuiup aud denied the child of Democrac) .
ii i.u ..invention in '88 he attempted t
umirm away from his massage, but they
nuiiivl him to the cross and his own im-di
cine killed him. At the Chicago eonw n
tiou this year I'levelaud desired to
4hu tariff, but the tariff reform and fn
. i wnuldn t have it. nnu azaiu
thev nailed hi"1 to the cross. And alter
4h November election it wltl be seen that
be 1 UU nailed there.
Protestant Episcopal Conven
tion Adjourns.
Among Tlieftn In tlio Mnrrlngo nnd 1)1
voire Cmiuti 111 nut I mi fit HUliopt ltnail
log nf the I'lmtrjra! Littler-- Mfisftuce of
Sympathy to Mr. Ilarrlnon,
BALTiJtonn, Oct. 20. With the reading
of the pastoral letter tho Episcopal con
vention concluded its work last night.
Much routine business was disposed of,
but ono important question, with which
the House of Bishops had struggled for a
week, was not acted upon by tho House
sf Deputies because of lack of time. This
was the marriago aud divorce canon. No
further action will be taken in the mat
ter until the next convention meets.
A report was submitted by tho Com
mittee on Church Unity, which, after
referring to tho action of the Presbyter
ian Assembly, concludes that it has rea
son to be encouraged at the progress made
mid asks to be continued.
The president of tho Houso of Deputies
was directed, on behalf of the conven
tion, to send a mosbaga of condolence to
President Harrison.
The Rev. F. B. Graves was elected
Bishop of China, vice Dr. Samuel R. H.
Hoyt, declined. The Rev. William R
Thomas, of Highland Valley, N. Y., was
elected Bishop of Michigan, vico Dr.
Joseph II. Johnson, declined.
The pastoral letter was rend last night
by Bishop Thompson of Mississippi, be
fore an audience that filled every part of
Emanuel Church. It began by congratu
lating the Church on tho adoption of the
revised prayer book, which all the clergy
are called upon to use strictly according
to its rubrics, Then follows reference to
the progress made by the Church in be
half of Christian unity. Care is adviBed
in opening tho door of tho priesthood, so
that only those properly fitted to perform
tho duties are allowed to eutor. Thou
cci tu 03 a rap at the emotional preacher
and a protest ngaiuat tho growing ten
dency toward a short tenure of the pas
toral oilice. Tho marriage and divorco
question is commented upon at length,
Tho letter says in part:
"It is with sad foreboding that all
Christian people mustsee how the sanctity
and permanency of the marriage bond
has been outraged and broken by tho law
less legislation of so many of our States.
Tho Church of God can have no regard
for such legislation. She has set herself
in her own legislation to record hor sol
emn protest against a tendoncy which in
our judgment, enlightened by tho Word
of UchI and tho guidance of the Holy
Spirit, can lead only to tho ruin of the
civil state aud tho destruction of all
religion and purity of living among
"We arc convinced that much if not
all tho looseness with which the marriage
bond is treated in legislation and prac
tice is due to the first falsehood, which
considers the individual as the unit of
human society,
and dnimnds therefore '
that the motive of all civil arrangements No permits for deer shooting in On
shall lie the pleasure and contentment of ; tario will be issued to residents of the
the individual. As a matter o historical '. United States this season, owing to the
lactlas wen as ot scientinc ueterminaiiou,
the family is a unit, and the well-being
of the Individual can be rightly sought
only in nnd through tho well-being of
the family."
One Killed unil two Fatally at
l;nvlt ilin, l'u.
Hazletox. Pa.. Oct. UG. Anthony
Glrard was instantly killed, and Vincent
Carrelloso aud Frank Passlolo fatally ,
injured, tho latter having both of his
eyes blown out, in addition to his face
being frightfully lacerated, and tho
former had an arm torn from its socket,
bv the premature explosion of a blast in
a cut at Bock Glen, on the Pennsylvania
railroad last evening.
In their hurry to finish the day's work,
the mon used the iron bar, which stamps
tho giant powder, too heavily, nnd sot
oil the blast. I
The body of Qlrard was picked up 200
feet away after it had been blown high
into the air.
Mrs. and Miss Kempton.
But a Mother's Love Surmounts
all Ditficulties. Her Darling
Child Cured ol Bright' s Disease
by Dr. Kennedy's Favorite
My daughter had BrigU't Ditfase. Her
anklet, ftet and tye were terribly tirollen.
litur of our bent pltyticiaiit attend
ed her but her life B B was despaired of.
A mother's lovo surmounts alldllllcultleg,
ami I detnrmlned tn trv Br. Datid Ken-
nedy't Favorite lUmtdy, made lit Itou-
Uont, JN. y.
mnMiaU AOAYS determin
td upon this course for one by ono tho
well known symplovn of the uiteuu ten
hur. Words Mi to exontt my oraiitudt.
nnd I cannot too rarnrttln reevmmeiul this
great roedi fJ 2 OKCX cille- Hor
recovery fi IIaV was entire
ly duo to Fatorite Itemed, which was the
only medicine U'ken after her case was
abandoned by phyticiau. Mrs. Lauiia
A. Kbmiton, West Iiulland, Vermont.
Con you not see that such an earnest
and out spoken statement as tlio above
comes from the heart and Is sincere ?
And does it not show how valuable this
great medicine becomes to those who are
in need 7
To Bye
Sfast Colors
Address for sample card, HLXXUA, If, T,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
JSrlgnmlugo Wih-h Than lSver Heforfr
llobbrri "Stmul In" Willi OIHcial.
Catania, Oct. 20. A reign of terroi
hns been introduced by brigands through
out Sicily despite the activity of govern-
ment police soldiery. Inhabitants of the
smaller towns are in n state of constant
alarm. At night tho streets ate infested
with highwaymen, and innunierablt
burglaries are committed in broad day
light. At, Alderno, 17 miles from this city,
theft and burglary havo multiplied three
fold, and several murders for money have
taken place within the last three weeks.
No arrests havo been made, as the
brigands are sheltered by men who are
The wealthy families of Bronte and
Paterno receive menacing letters dally.
Conspicuous mon of business aro so
threatened with kidnapping, assassina
tion or highway robbery in case they do
not at once surrender largo sums, that
few vdnture out at night without a
At liiancaville at Bclpasso the people
have been so intimidated that at night
the streets are completely deserted and
every house of any pretensions is guarded
by special watchmen.
Diphtheria is epidemic in Toronto.
Four cases of smallpox were discovered
in .New York city yestorday.
II. J. Coon & Co., Chicago grain brok
ers, have suspended; liabilities, $20,000.
The bricklayers' unions of Boston will
establish an eight-hour work day on
Nov. 1.
Fierce forest fires aro raging in differ
ent parts of Berks, Lehigh, and Schuylkill
counties, Pa,
Harrisburg, Pa., is in danger of a
water famine. Forest fires are raging in
the mountains near by.
Gon. Marquoso, with 500 infantry, was
defeated inau engagement with the Yaqui
Indians near Solinaripa, Mexico.
United States District Judgo Blodgett,
of Chicago, has confirmed the statement
that his resignation is in tho hands of the
Henry M. Winter, a member of the
Brooklyn, N. Y., Board of Education, is
dead at his home in that city of apoplexy,
8ed 45
big demand for permits.
Gabriel Max, tho artist, has finished a
picture which will be sold for the benefit
of the Hamburg poor. The name of the
picture Is "Mourning Hamburg."
Thomas P. Cross, a well-known citizen
of Spring Valley, N. Y., fell from a bicy
cle yesterday, while coasting, and ro
I colved injuries which will result fatally.
While the police guard has been with-
drawn from tho United States Consulate
n T'rce Kivers, Quebec, members of the
lamiiy ot uonsui smitii aro liisuuou
when they appear on tho street.
Nearly two hundred Mexicans, who
composed the so-called revolutionary
army ot Genoral Catarina Garza on the
lower Rio Grande border about a year
ago, are now awaiting trial in San Anto
nio, Texas.
Asabel Thornburg, lacking only two
months of being one huudreu years old
died Monday night in Muucie, lad. Ha
left soveu children, forty-olght grand
children, 111 great-grandchildren and
seventeen gruat-great-grnudchlldruu.
Greenwood's silk factory at Stillburn,
ItocKlaud county, -N. Y., caught fire ye:
terday, nnd was totally destroyed, with
its contents. Loss, $17,000; partly in
sured. Tho fire was caused by the explo
sion of a lamp.
Rev. Drs. Johu Hall and Robert Booth
have withdrawn from the Union Theo
logical Seminary Hoard ot Directors. The
action was taken because tho Seminary
abrogated the compact with the Presby
terian General Assembly.
A court of inquiry has been orderad to
convene at Maro Island Navy Yard, Cali
fornia, on Nov. 3, to inquire into the
grounding ot tho U. b. b. Mohican in
Pugot Sound, lhe vessel when grounded
wau commauded by Captain 1L A John
The United States grand jury at El
Paso, Tex., returued indictment against
Collector of Customs Webster Flanagan,
Special Deputy Collector W. Finn, and
Ah Joke, a Uliiuamau. for aiding or as
sisting Chinese to outer the United States
The body ot the man found asphyxi
ated at the Manhattan house, Atlantlo
City, N. J., has been identified as that ot
Hicks P. Garrett, sou aud heir of Enos
Garrett, who killed himself in Westches
ter, N. Y., about a year ago, aud left a
large estate.
Wuutlier I'oruvuiit.
WAsmtiaTOtf, I). 0 Oot. SO. For Now
ling-laud; Generally fair, oxcopt probably
local showers Id Vermont; northwesterly
winds; cooler In emtern Mjiutohuietts.
For Bostern Aew York, Haiterii l'euniylva-
nla, Nei Jersey mil Deiawuro; Ueuerally fulr
oxoent probably suowerson the Now Jersey
ooont: northwesterly winds.
Pur Western Sur l'orki Pair weather In
the Interior; light local showers ut lake sta
tions: continued sold northwesterly win.
For Western I'eninjivauiu: Fair woathor,
cool northwesterly winds.
Keit Toiik. Oou IW, Sluuuf a call fair
I4a5 ler cent
uuNUiuuiniNo raices.
c.s. St. r loo
u.ti. -u. r nuti
L.d. u, c li u
diwto iluasor. lUt
Ueluwmre, iAOuuwjiuia a Wentern UJ
hxie , Mi
LrM uraiarraa -.,..t,.wv,.t,. IfclU
l-'iirest l'lrun Nuul Atiuiirj' Turk.
Ahbuuy Paiik, N. J., Oct. 20. Tho con
tinued drought lias been the causa of dis
astrous forest lires Wlilch are now raging
just north and west of here. Tho woods
adjoining Kdgemere have been on fire sev
erat days and a largo forco of men have
been called out to light tho names.
Valuable timber land has been dostroved
and ti a less a ram comes shortly the dam
ago will bo mucli greater.
Unlvi-mliy t.jimislon Conteifnco.
PiiiLADEt-riHA, Oct. "0. The commit
tee of the American Soolety for the ex
tension of university teaching has fixed
tho meeting fur the second National Con
ference for Dec. 20 and 30 in Philadel
phia. Delegates will be present from tho
leading colleges and universities. Dr. li.
Q. lloulton, leador of the English exten
sion movement, will give an address.
KrHiitl Aftrr Itclug;
NEWAnK. N. J., Oct. SO. A man named
Harry Hamilton, who is engaged ns a
laborer on the Or mge sewer, was arrested
veslerdiy for assaulting a 13-year-old
girl, bui wmie 1'elug taken to the ctiunty
jail Mil ci i i' i hi inr.k.n. hi s escape from
Ule c.j.r ''- -i oi Him has since
tieeu a is. . i i
fio orte"i"fnj causes
more dysbepsa rtiaa
e vjj fi orfe n
is s we.t , aleart,
anc( other invb'icis
can. eat food QooKsd
Without unjbieasant
br ALL cooking purposes
iZCE'ff, than 3nf other
jiorteniTjfie re fore j
use CottoLENE.
Made only by
CHICAGO, and 13S H. Delaware Ave., I'blJa.
"Honesty in Public Office."
Director of the Poor.
ffae Y
It & I
Lehigh Valloy Division.
MAY 15, 1892.
Tlnaannrrrt l-ilna l&nnn Gtian
jntloah forPenn Haven Junction.Mnucli Cliunlt,
eingmon, siaungtoiiiWhito Hull. Cntnsauqua,
Allcntown, Uotlilehom, Huston, Philadelphia,
Hazleton, Woatherly, Quaktike Junction, Del-
','??n5'.iIa,mnoy cy n 5.57, 9.08 0 m.,
lFu, 3.10, 5.if3 p. Da.
For Now York, 8.57, 9.08 a. m., 12.52, 3.10,
5.20 p. m.
ror nazioton, Wllkos-ilnrrc, Whito Hiiven,
Plttston, Lacoy villo, Towonda, Sayre. Waverly,
f'lnj'ra, Rochester, Niagara Fulls and tho Woet,
. lUtt t'lu P ni., no connection tor ltocnes
ten buffalo or Niagara Falls), 8.03 p. m.
I'Or Uclvldnrf. llMiwvnrn Wnlni- (3nn nnd
Stroudsburg, 6.6" a. in., 5.M p. m.
jjouiuuriviiio nnu -x ronton, v.vo a. m.
For Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 8 03 p. m.
For Auburn. Ithaca, tlnnnvu and I.vnna. 10.41
i. m., 8.03 p. m.
For Jennos vllle, Lovlston andBeavor Meadow,
f.40, 9.08 a. m., 12.52, 5.20 p. ra.
For Audenriod. Hozleton. Stockton and Lum
ber Yard. 5.67. T.40. fl.ns. in it a m . ia s-2.
a.u p. in.
i' oracranton,5.57, 9.08, 10.11 a. m., 3.10, 6.20 p.
For Ilazlfihrnnk. .tftililn. riHflnn and TiVfrfitand.
7.oi, i.iu, w.ijo, n. m., rua, 3.iu, 6.o p. ni.
.40, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.10, 4.10, 0.36, 8.10, 9.H
i. m.
Ul tM.,1,11 l.UU. ICUU UlllV, lUUUIlt UttllUVlUUU
ihnmokln, 8.52. 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.00 p. m.
For Yatosvllfn. Parle l'laee. lnhftnnvflitvar.d
T.-n- 1,nnn T).. r..,t lit n u 1 A
Uellino. B.S7. 7.40. 9.Q8. 10.41 a m.. 12.S" 3.10. 6.23.
i.0i. 9.24. 10.27 n. m.
iTuins win leave suamouinnt 7.03, ii.naa. m.,
2.10, 4.30, p. m, and arrlvo at Shonandoah at
3.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.28 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pnttsville. 5.50. 7.40.
n.uo, a. ra., iz.ta, a.w, 4.iu, 0.1:0, s.tKf p. in.
wnvv i-oiisviiio ior nonanaoau. o.w. v.iu.
K.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.S0, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30
i,eave snenanaoan ror iiaileton, 0.57, 7.4U, v.w.
iv.ti u. in., iz.oz, J.10,, e.tu p. m.
Louve Hazloton for Shenandoah, 7.30, 0.15
11.00 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 5.30, 7.03, 7.58 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland. Girard villo and Last
ureeic, t.xu, v.wa. m., iu.30, p. in.
ror naiesviiie, I'arn fiace. aiananov uiir,
Delano. Hazleton. Dlaek Creek Junction, l'oun
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
iioinienem, KU8toa ana new York, B.4U a. in,
12.30 p. m.
r or l-nuaaeinnia ana now yorit . 2.B6 u m.
For Yatesville. Park Place. Mahacov City and
Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 2.55, 4.40 0.P1 p. m.
Leave Hazloton for Shenandoah. 8.30, 11 30
a. ra.. 1.O0, 4.37 p. m.
Leavo Shenandoah for Pottsvillc, 5.50, 8.40,
Leave Potlsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
u.m.,1.00, p. m.
I A. SWEIQAHD, Oen. Mgr.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gon. Pass Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa,
Houth Bethlehem. Pa.
scnnrr.KiLL division.
NOVEWIffilt 15, 1891.
Trains will loave Shenandoah after tho nhnve
date for Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackville, Now
Castle, Ht. Clair, Pottsvillc, Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstown, Phoenixvllle, Norrlstown and Phil
adelphia (Broad streot station) at 8:00 and 11:45
a. m. and 4:15 p. in. on weekdays. For Potts
villo and intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
For Wfecran's. Gllberton. Frackville. New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsville at 0:(KI, 0:40 a. m.
and 3:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Hooding, Potts
town, Phoenixvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 0:40 a. m., 3: 10 p. m.
Trains leave i- nicitviiio ior "iiennmioiti at
10:40a.m. nnd 12:14, 5:01, 7:42 and 10:09 p.m.
nundays, 11:13 a. m. and 6:40 p. m.
Leavo Fottsvillo for Shenandoah at 10:15,
11:48a. m and4:10,7:15aud0:42p. m. Sundays
ut 10:40 u. m. and 5:15 p. m.
Loave Philadelphia inroad streot station) for
Pottsville nnd Hhenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a in,
4 10 and 7 00 p m week days. On Sundays leave
at 6 50 a m. For Pottsville, 9 23 a m. For New
York at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35, 0 50, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30,
9 50, 11 00, 11 14, 11 35am, 12 00 noon (limited ox
press 1 00 and 4 50 p m) 1244, 135, 1 40, 2 30, 3 20,
4 00, 4 02, 6 00, 6 00. 6 20, 6 50, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p
m, 12 01 night. Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35,
8 12. 8 30, 9 50 11 35 a m and 12 44, 1 40, 2 80, 4 02
(limited 4 50) 5 28, 0 20, 0 50, 7 13 and 812pm and
12 01 ultrht. For Sea Girt. Lone Ilranch and In
termediate stations 8 20 and 1114 am. and 4 00
p m weekdays. For Ualtlmorc and Wnshlng
ton 3 BO, 7 20, 8 31, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18 a m, 12 35 (lim
ited express, 1 30, 3 46,) 4 41, 6 57, 7 40 p m 12 03
night. For Freehold only 5 00 p in week days.
For Baltimore only at 2 02, 401,6 O8and 1130 p
m. Sundays at 3 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 a m, 4 41, 6 57
7 40 p m, 12 03 night. Baltimore only 5 08, 11 30
p m. r or uicnmona lainm, tuup in ana lu us
night. Hundays, 7 20 am, 12 03 night.
Trains will leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg
and the West every day at 12 25 and 3 10 am
and (limited 3 00) and 3 10 p m. Wiy tor Al
toona at 8 15 am and 110 pm every day. For
Pittsburg and Altoona at 1120 a m everyday
and 10 20 p m week days.
Trains will leave Sunbury for IVilllamsport,
Elmlra. Canandalgua. Rochester. Buffalo and
Niagara Falls at 5 10 a m, and 1 35 p m week
days, ForElrairact5S0 pm week days. For
Erie and intermediate points at 5 10 a m dally
For Lock Haven at 6 10 and 0 60 a m dally, 1 35,
and 5 30 p m week days For Itenovo at 5 10 a
m, 1 35 and 5 30pm week days, and 5 10 a ra on
Sundays only. For Kane at 5 10 a m, 1 35 p m
week days.
C. II. Pnoit, J. R. Wood,
Gen'l Manager) Uen'l Pass g'r Agt
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Phlladolnhla. week davs.
2.08, 5.23, 10.08 a. m., 12.33 2. 18, 6.53 p. m. Sunday,
z.m, 7.40 a. m. r or k ew yoi-k via Maucn ununa,
week days, 5.23, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2.48 p. in.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
2.08, 5.23, 7.18, 10.08 a. m.,12.23, S.48,6.53 p. m. Sun
day, 2.08, 7.48 a. m., 4.23 p. m
For Ilarrlsburg, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a.m.,
2.48, 5.53 p. m.
For Allentown, week days, 7.18 a. m iz.xi,
2.48 p. m.
For Pottsville, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m., 12.33,
2.48, 5.53 p. in. Sunday, 2.03, 7.48 a. m., 4.33 p. m.
For Tamaqun nnd Mahanoy City, week days,
2.08, 5.23, 7.18,10.08 a. m.,12,33, 2.48, 5.63 p. m. Sun
day, 2.08, 7.49 a. m., 4.23 p. m. Additional for
xviunanoy uuy, woeii uays, o.oa p. m.
r-or Lancaster anu uoiumDiu, weeic aays, 7.10
m., 2.48 p. m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lowlsburg.
week days, 3.23, 5.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m 1.33, 6.68
p m. Sunday, 3.23 a. m., 3.03 p. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.08. S.23. 5.63.
7.18, 10,08, 11.28 a. m., 12.33, 1.33, 2.48, 5 53, 6.48, 0.33
p. m. &unaay, s.uo, 7,40 a. m, p. m.
For Glrara vllle, ( Happahannock Station),
week days, 2.08, 3.23. 5.23, 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. m.
12.33,1.33, 2.43, 5.53, 0.58, 0.33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, u. 111., o.vj, i.ou p. m.
1' or Asmana ana Hhamokin. week aays, a.23.
5.38, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 6.58, V.23 p. m. Sun
day, 3.23. 7.48 a. m., 8 03 p. m.
xitAiiNn ui aiiiiMArwiajAii:
Leave Now York via Philadelphia, week davs.
7.45 a. in., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p, m., 12.15 night Sun-
uay, o.w p. m., itf.ionignt.
Lsave New York via Mauch Chunk, woek days,
4.30. 8.45 a. m.. 1.00. 3.45 n. in. Sundav. 7.00 a. m.
Leavo Philadelphia, woek days, 4.10, 10.00 a. m.
4.00, 6.00 p. in., from 11 road and Callowhlll and
8.35 a. m., 11.30 p. m. from 9th andGreen streets.
Sunday, 9.05 a m., 11.30 o. m , frcm 9th and
Leave ueadlne. week davs. 1.5S.7.10. 10.05. 11.50
a. m., 0.00, 7.B7 p. m sunaay, i.aa, iu.4 a. m.
Leave Pottsville, week days. 2.40, 7.40 a. m.
12.30, 0,11 p. in. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a, m., 2.05 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 1 1.28 a.
m., 1.21,7.13, 9.18 p. in. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. in.,
z.w ti. m.
Leave Mananoy oity,
woek davs. 3.40. 9.18.
11.47 a. m.. 1.51. 7.42. 9.11 v. m.
aunaay, ts.17
u. m.. 3.20 n. tn.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week dys, .40, 4.00,
0.30, 0.35, 11.69 a. m., 1.05, 2.06, 6.20, 6.26, 7.57. 10.00
p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a. m., 3.37, 6.01 p, m.
Leave uiraravuie, (itappanannoou, & union),
b.'li, 0.32, S.U3. 10.06 p. m. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.3J,
a. m.. 3.41. a.07 n. in.
Leave wiuiamsport, week aays, 3.ou, v.n,
m.,3.36, 11.15 p. ra. Sunday, 11.15 p. in.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
B. & O. H. IL, through trains leave Girard
Avenue station, i'hlladelnhla. (P. &. K. It. It.) at
3 65, 8.01, 11.37 a. in., 3.66, 5.42. 7.13 p. in. Sunday,
a 00, au, ii.i u. m., o.-tA, 7.U p. m,
Loave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
ana nouin street waarr, ror Atlantlo city.
AVeeUdays Eipress, 9 00 a m, 2 00, 3 00, 4 00,
5 00 p. m. Accommodation, 800 am, 415, 6 30,
6 30nm
Hundays Kxpress. 8 00. 9 00, 10 30 a m. Ao-
cnmmndiittnn s (HI u ,n unit 4 4S n m.
lleturning leavo Atlantlo City depot, Atlantlo
7 00. 8 00. 0 (HI a m nnd SIS. & 30 n m.
Accommodation, 4 10, 6 50, 8 10 a in, and 4 30
p m.
Hundays Kxpreas, 4 00, 6 00, 8 00, p m.
Accommodation. 7 30 a m and 5 05 p m,
a. a. H ANCOCIC, Gen'l Paas'r Agt
L:A, BWKIGAUD, Oca'l Manager
First National
Blteiimulonli, Pcuua,
. W LEISENRING, President.
P. J. FERQUdON, Vico President,
J, R. LEISENRING, Cashier.
S. W. Y03T, Assistant Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 3.
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
" thft
Wonderful Span tab
Jlemedy, Is BOldwltli
Vritton Cuarantoe
to euro nil Nervous
east s, euch as W'calc
Mcmoryt I)5S of Urain
Tower, Headache,
WftkcfulncflB, Lost Man
bootl, Nervousness, Loj
eitude, all drains aod
loss of power of the
Generative Organs in
nllrior R. caused BY
over-exertion, youthful lndlscretlons,or the excessive
aae of tobacco, opium, or Btlmuhinti. which ultimately
lead to Infirmity, Consumption nnd Inpanity. rut up
in convenient form to carrr In the vest pocket. Price
f l a pncltace, or 6 for t6. With every 5 order e Rive a
uwrlttnn friinrnntAA
money. Mt-tit by mull to any address.
In plain envelop. Mention this paper. .
roniee to uuiw ui y 11
Circular frea
MADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch Otflce for 0. 8. A.
358 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL.
C. H. Hagenbuch, Druggist, N. E. Cor. Main and
Lloyd Sts.
Beautiful book containing tho latest vocal mu
sio, full sheot-musio platos, handsome cover, In
eluding the following gems, unabridged;
Afterwards, 40 I'vo 'Worked 8 "ours, 40
IUby's Fast Asleep 40 I Whistle and Wa t, 40
Comrades, 50 Love's Golden meant 40
God Bloss Our Land 25 Old Organ Blower, 40
Go, Pretty Roso, 50 Our Last Waltz 40
Guard tho Flag, 40 Over tho Moonlit Sea, 40
in uiu Mauria, ou sweet ivuwu xuuuur,
Mary and Johu, 40 That Is Lovo. 40
Wo give this book to introduco to you
And Krtoui's Flavoring Extracts,
Ptwurpaijetf'orPiTnrPanil STRENGTH
Your grocer will give you a circular contain
ing additional Premium List with full particu
lars how to get them tree.
ALBERT KR0UT, Chomist, Phila.
Manufacturers of
Of Every Description.
Flags, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &c.
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited.
S EV1S' 98 LYE
The lrop( mtl rurilLjni). 0bH
other Lye, i lining Boo powdi-r ftni pMk4
laKcao wtthrernofftble lid, ta content art
Iwayii retdf 'or ne. Wilt mute th but por
funiM Hird BM la'iQvntuute without falinf,
IT IS THE BERT fcr olcanilai: wtta plpe,
dtilnfltetlag InUi, oloeeia, wuhlng twtUet
(klfiU, treoii, etc
P3NNA. 8ALT M'lT'fJ Ca
Geo. Ag.s,, Phila., Pa.
Sporting and Musical Resort !
Host Wlnos. Llauors. Beers. Ales and lineal
brands of Cigars always on hand.
Saloon : and : Restaurant,
Flrst-elass Laeer Deer. Ale. Porter and Tem
perance Drinks aud Cigars. Fine old Wines
and Liquors always on hand
CQQ North Fourth Sln-tt, brlow Own. I'hll.
SjtSO drlphlu. Tut oolv ,l,)tloiua H w ui "k"
bQMMl Jiuilj wlbrttel pbytlcUui fall.
HI mtctt cryonlhful iDdlientlon (lolli "" w?iA,l'?,l
un.ttui.lap.litrMurr. "J-J.''lllr'rfti.u "lit
for " 11....1. Trulh." MM.10B r '".' I?"11! 7 . "."
Iru. friend l oil, io" "arUTi r . . . .
!loAH.priiuiio.Ur lliieUMf';c' l l'tl ;
lip Th.lfliiruaUitiioouBeWtii. f lii " iLilB pf refer-
aeolwiwl HI'Kt'AL IltintS for doi.Bero.ii
32 North Main Street,
For a Good, Cheap Meal
Largest and oldest reliable rarely cash ooio.
pantos represented by
120 S. Jarain St, Shenanooah,Pa
Doforo &Mlor Uso.j
FhotoCTBphcd from life. I