Evening Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY, SUNDAY EXCEPTED It C. JIO VWl, Hlor hh1 IVHhMr. irjf". .r. KfXS, Looal XMtor. ALL TH E NEWS FOR ONE CENT TheMVRXl'va H KHALI) hot a larger cir culation In Shrnaniloali (Ann any tlAer paper published, Sook4 open to mil. subscription rates: DAltT.per year W 00 Wjcekly, per year, 1 GO Entered at the FcMtoffloe, at Shenandoah, Pa. for transmission through the malls as ond oIam mall matter. REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOH FIIHS1HBNT. UENJAMIN HARRISON. Or INDIANA. FOR VICE PHBB1HBNT, W1HTKLAW HHID, OF NEW fOllK. Republican State Ticket. JUDCIE OP BUPI1BMB COTJIIT, JUDGE JOHN DEAN. CONailfcSMHN-AT-LAItaB, MA J. ALEXANDER MCDOWELL, '4BNHRAL WILLIAM LILLY. County Ticket. JUDGE, RICHARD II. KOCH. oomvtm. HON, 0HARL1S8 N. DROMM PISTHtOr ATTORKBT, J. HARKY JAMES. COHONBR, DR. L. A. FLEXER. DiiiBOTon or tub iooh, JAMDS D. LESSIG. 29rn 8HNATOHIAI. DISTHIOT, LUTHER 11. REEFER. 1ST LEGISLATIVE DISTMCT, JOHN J. COYLE. THIRD LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT, JOHN W. KERSHNER. 4Tn LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. GEORGE W. KENNEDY SAMUEL A. LOSCH. SAMUEL S. COOPER. A OBNTBB SHOT. When Mr. Blaiue made u point on the vote of Irish citizens in ills Ophir Farm speech he hit the bull's eye squarely. Mr. Jlurke Oochrnn ap pears to see the point when he says that Mr. Blaiue seems to think that the Irish vote is determined by prejudice and not by sober judgment. Wo do not know what Mr. Blaine thinks about the motion of the Irish vote, but the general public knows that the Democratic leaders always intend to wield the Irish vote for the Aggrandizement of Democratic leuders, and not for any good that it might do for Ireland and the Irish. The facts are that the policy of England in dealing with Ireland is to make the Irish people dependent on English manufacturers. Under British free trade Ireland has become a pauper country, without manufacturers, without skilled labor, except in a nar row line of production, and wholly dependent on England for almost everything except food. The popula tlon of Ireland has decreased nearly iifty per cent, within the memory of living men. Nobody believes this could have been had Ireland been al lowed to build up great local indus tries unhindered. The bulk of the Iiish vote goes to the Democratic party, ns everybody knows, and the Democratic party is known to have declared for the same tariff policy that has reduced Irelaud to pauperlhm. Free trade in America is intended to enrich English pro. ducers. If, after this, Irish voters con tinue to howl about the English op pression and then vote to perpetrate It, we wish Mr. Burke Cochran much joy of his demagogism. But there must be a limit to human folly some where, and we locate it where Irish and Tammany demagogues gabble about English tyranny in one breath and exhort Irish voters to perpetrate that tyranny in the next breath. There is no law against men making asses of themselves, but the business does not strike men of common benee as exactly mauly. MEAN. It remains to bo seen vhothor President Harrison's eyes, nude red and sore by weeping over bis wife's severe aftUellons, will prevent him from gaung on the glare of torehlighted political procession, aid thereby force him to remain In the White House. This paragraph, from the Slar Independent, of Harrlsburg, is sub mitted to every geutleman Irrespective of his political views, with the quo tlou, what kind of a soul must the man have who wrote It? When political rancor leads a man to mock another's grief, It may be seriously doubted whether he has a soul at all. If lie bos, he will find that a pill box will afford ample room for Its exercise Mid development. IRISH-AMERICANS, RBAD. Hon. Ilobert B. Itotevelt, Who was niinlsUr to Holland, by appointment of Grover Cleveland when he whs President, now the treasurer of the National Democratic Committee. If you want to know how bigoted he is rend the following sentence made by him: "The inhabitants of the Emerald Isle are certainly a magnificent race, especially when their biographer wants to run for Alderman; and if they did not lie, steal, cheat, rob and - 1 -- l .1 I. 1.. 41 1 iiiuiutT, get utuuii, iieijuiu Lin-m selves, quarrel and fight, they would be almost as good as other nations." Just what is going to bo done in tlie West in regard to train robbing, Is one of the puzzling questions of the hour. The extermination of the Dal tou gang would, It was thought, havo had a discouraging effect upon men inclined to that kind of outlawry, but such lias not been the case, as is evi denced by the holding up ami ribbing of a Kansas train hi' a small gang of scoundrels. The evil Is evidently spreading. One discomfiture, like that administered to the Daltons, not being sufficient, It will have to be followed up by others of an equally exterminating character. A STARTLING FACT. Sixteen Per Cent, or Lire Insurance Applicants Rejected on Account of Diseased Kidneys. The Trouble Comes From Lack of Care. Dr. Lambert th general medical direc tor of the Equitable Life Insuraneo Com pany, N. Y., said : " Wo reject sixteen per cent, of the applica tions made to us lor insurance, anil I have saved tne entire exitense of tins medical depart ment, by the lejection alone of applicants who had disea&pd kidneys, niut v,'bo died within two years after 1 rejected them." This appalling statement coming ns it does, from such high medical authority, should have the attention of our citizens. There is no reason to day, why people should allow kidney disease to get such a hold on them. Nature sends her warning in the slight pain in the back, poor circulation of the blood, sediment in the urine. When any of these symptoms appear. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy bUoulil he laUen in Btnall doses at ouce, and thus drive llic poison out of the blood and restoro the kidneys to healthy action. To our knowledge this is tlio only inedl cino that surely and effectually cures this almost universal couipluint. AVe note tlio happy recovery of Mr. Oscar Lambert, or Jerico, 3Io., whoso case has been talked of iu the papers the world over. Oscar Lambert. Quoting from Ms letter. "Ineglected tuo first symptoms until I found myself in lied with a complicated (Unease of tbn kidneys. No mortal ever suffered more and lived. My phvsiclan ialkl to helptne. I then used Dr. Wavid Kennedy's Favorite Hemedy, made at Rondout, N. V. It relieved toy kidueys almotfnimeliately,andfna few weeks I wan clear of a'l pain, and entirely oured, 1 owe my present leaiooflilo to Favorite Remedy." It Is used and recommended for what it accomplishes. Writes Jlrs. A. J. F. Manchester, from Providence, U. J. " I began using Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Item' exly for kidney lieae, when Doctors failed to relieve me. 16 drove a bad humor out of my blood, cured my kidney trouble, and I am truth ful wbeul say Itgaveumy life." Wm. Huston tlio iwpular West Shore R. R. engineer, camu out in an open letter stating how he had suilered with kidney disease. Physicians treatment, and the use of various preparations failed to benotlt him. Dr. David Ken nedy's Favprito Remedy, was procured and it tnadu him well. Favorito Remedy has had moro frco ad vertising in (he columns of the dally papers, than anything-we know of, flora tlio fact that It does as is promised. " cures disease." Dr. Kennedy's Favorito Remedy possesses marvelous strength giving qualities, that render it eepcclaly, valuable to tlio nged or infirm. For a general all around tonic, and to cure any disease arising from an impure condition of the blood, it has no equal. Druggists nro telling more of It than all others combined. To Bye Sast Colors USE : PEERLESS : DYES I Address for sample cord, VLMIllA, If. Y. Vwti't ftr Ckirh4ttf$ XaO Ma wnj r4 In Utnl od UoU pUi:W I hoi), iW with blui ribbon. Tab " UUT fur- ritdltt," in Utttr, br reUra Pennyroyal pills A 9 11 T.T Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Assoujireof pure THE READING DISASTER Mystery Surrounds the Cause of the Wreck. RESPONSIBLE PARTY NOT rvNOWN, The l)nl Number Seven, Two Are fit. tally Hurt, biuI Moro Than Twuuty Are Injured, Some Serlouly.. Coroner's In. quvst to be Held ut KorrJitown. Philadelphia, Oct. 25. There is con siderable mystery connected with the awful disaster of yesterday on the Read ing railroad near the West Itunayuuk tunnel. General Superintendent liou zano says that the train dospatcher at Poncoyil bud been notillotl to give tlio freight train orders to wait there until the south-bound express had passed. The freight did wait at Penooyd until the accommodation had passed,, as was the usual custom, but then pulled out. Whether or not the train despatcher delivered the order for the freight to wait for the express is not known, but it is thought ho did not. Tlio Sunday rush of coal trains hud blocked the south bound track, and all trains were running over the north-bound truck. The coroner's jury, which will begin the inquest at Norrlstown as soon as matters can bo arranged, will fix tho re sponsibility, and until then it is be lieved the person responsible will not be directly known. A correct list of the dead is: Uoymo.v, Jamks T,, ISO years old, Read ing. Devine, SlArtOAncT, CO years. Miners ville. IlKim, David S., 59 years, of Harris burg, memoir of the Legislature from Dauphin county, and a Republican can didate for re-election from the Harris burg district., Kilhain. Jaisob, 3(5 years, of TnmaquB, fireman on freight train. Shekf, Jon.v, aged 10, nowsboy, Read ing. Unknown Wojias, 21 years old, sup posed to be Anniu Atkinson, of Mluera ville. Welch, Thomas, SOyoars, Auburn, Pa., fireman on express. , The fatally injured are: Thomas Kltzpatrick, Auburn, Pa., en ginecr of express; fructured skull and concussion of the brain; at St. Timothy's hospital. S. D. Rhodes, Fhconlxvillo; jaw frac tured und concussion of brain, s The injured, who were taken to St. Timothy's Hospital, Roxborougb, are:' William H. Pecker, aged 02, Pottstown, Pa., leg broken. Joseph K, Purlleld, 29, Renova, Pa., scalp lacerated. James II. Chlllson, 27, Readlug, con tused leg and lacerated head. M. D. Cowden, 40, Hurrisburg, con tused leg. Ella Devine, 27, Philadelphia, luxation of thigh, Wm, H. Kmbrey, !i3, Reading, lacer ated scalp, wound severe J. Clayton Epler, baggageman, Potts vllle, 27, concussion of skull, face cut. Hiram (Jottschild, 42, Reading, com pound fracture of both legs, right leg amputated. Rev. Charles Hare, 31, Phoenixvlllo, ankle sprained. William ilalsey, UU, Allontown, leg Crushed. Annie Kemp, 33, Hamburg, Pu., leg fractured. iloritz O. Leppert, Phoanixville, both legs broken. Airs. Leppert, 02, wife of the above, lesr broken. A. C. Print 7., 27, Readinir, conductor of express train, fructured thigh. Alary H I'reuymun, m, rottstown. contusion of anklo. . ' Annie K. Maw, 45, Rending, broken leg. Mrs. Mury Teei, 50, Vuliey Forge, leg fractured. Dr. Joseph E. Wright, 30, Phcenixville. both legs crushed. . John li wyucoop, l'ort Kennedy, hand crushed, ufterw.rd amputated. Utuer Injured were brought to tuls city aud cared for. Tho horrible occurrence is told in de tail us follows! The wreck of the Shamokln express three-quarters of a mile north of the West Manayunlc tunnel, with its attend ant list of dead and wounded, tho burn ing of cars, the hours and hours of pain aud suuering to wulcu the injured and Imprisoned passengers were suutecteu, together with tbe details of tho unceasing labor of tho rescuers in the face of utmost overwhelming difficulties makes n most uppalling tale, the like of which this vicinity has not known for years. The express train which loft Shumokln atO o'clock in the morning was composed of an engine, a buggage car, smoking oar, four duy couches aud the Pullman parlor car "Crestahne" tho latter being attached at Reading. It was from Harrlsburg. A singular fact is that all of the parlor car occupants escaped injury. Thomas Fitzpatrick was at the lever of the express and Thomas Welsh was the fireman, Harry C. Printz was tho con ductor. Otflujgtothe accumulation of freight and coal trains on the south-bound track, Conductor Prints had raoeived orders to take the north-hound trnok from Wust ConshoUookeu to Vut Fulls, aud Itruor unt ot any Impending danger he did so and tho train rushed along ut tho rate of about forty miles an hour. At Puuooyd, a train mude up of empty coal and freight cars drawn by engluo Ho. OSS, and manned by hiugineer Chas. bellig ami Fireman Bernard Uullaghtr, remained on a side track until the uc- coinmodation had passed, and theu. In accordance with its usual oustora, pulled out for Bridgeport at the rate of lo miles au hour. As the freight emerged from tbe West Manavunk tunuel the express was little more than a tulle away, and the trains wore rusblau toward out iiiothar on. tho Bakir same tracK, tnmr comoinca speed Delng 45 miles on hour. At n point directly opposite Shaw mount, which is on tho other side of the Schuylkill river, the railroad makes a wide curve around the base of u steep hill, which seems to hang suspended over the track. Just before tbe express rounded the curve and came iu sight of this spot, the engineer souudod ids whistle, aud a mo ment later, as the train dashed around the turn, au answering scream ot alarm sounded from the lreight, which now canio full upon the sight of the engineer and fireman on tbo express. The trains camo together with fearful force. Tho wreck took fire, but the flames were extinguished by the Msnayunk fire department. The south-lwund track was cleared by afternoon, but the north-bound track was blocked all dnv. Conductor 'Jeorge W. Hamilton of the express stated that he had orders that the track Tas clear from Conshohocken to Wost Fulls. The empty coal cars burned fteely as thoy were piled up one above the other. Ilrakemnti Kilraiu was 23 years of nge. He was single, but supported his mother nud two other relatives. The coolest man in the wreck was Dr. Wright. Ho was wedged in by the seats md although suffering from broken bones, he coolly gave directions to those who were trying to extricate him. Theie were several narrow escapes. Rev J. Madison Kane of the KUrst Bap tist Church of Phoenixvllle escaped uninjured although two people In front ot him were killed, J'. H. Furnam of 2500 North Twelfth street and Bert Hagenbuch of Mahaney City had just left the smoker and taken seats in the rear car. The man who took Furnam's seat was killed and the man who took Hngen hitch's seat was badly injured. ! Joseph W. Erwin and Col. Williams, L. Durant of Coireyvillo, W. T. Torrel, assistant master car builder of the Read ing railroad, and William Scratchord of Gorniantown were among the passengers who escaped Injury. Superintendent Whitcame of the main lino was In his observation car "Ariel" when the crash c.nr.e and gave personal attention to relievi-yr tlio distressed. -- se. ttCOT;iCoHi,Coartj,nr"'rBroit,Cronp,Iriflnua, Whoopiar Ccafrb. iJroncbiUs n4 Asthma. A rtl arc fof Consumption la m iujji, id iiirt rtlUf la advanerd tffta. Uiouonoo. Toe will ae Ow Unt effect after tnkinr tho firat toj W I atalaii terjwaera. Ltrg boiue- -nu tail Sun. VOTE FOR FOR THE LEGISLATURE, "Honesty in Public Office." "VOTZE! zehoir, IAMBS B. LESSIG. OP SHENANDOAH, FOB DIRECTOR OF THE POOR "VOTIE FOB OF SHKNANDOAH, Director of the Poor. VOTE FOE A do YSttA iiPr DELPHI JOHN J.COYLE ill Lli JAMES PATTERSON OF SHENANDOAH, FOR THE LEGISLATURE, (FIRST DISTRICT.) READING JUl SHES; l,eldgh Valley Division. , AIUUKOEMEN OF PASSU!) OKTl TRAINS. MAT IB, 18M. .-! .i . Passenger trains leave Shen infloab forPenn Haven Junollon.Mauch Chunlt Leblffbton, Slatingtonvbltc Hall. Catasauqua. Mlentown, llollilehem, ISaston, PbllaJolphla llazleton, VVoatherly, Qualtake Junction, Del ,'.?2o"3 ,R;aIinny Ci'y at 7.40, .08 a m. fri fts, 3.10. p. m. . For Now York, 6.87, 0.08 a. m., 12.82, 3.10, 1.(1 p. m. For Hajleton, WIlUos-Bnrro, While Haven I'lttston, Laceyvlllo, Towunda, Sayro, Woverly Wmira, Uochester, Niagara Falls and tho West 1 ? Pv (3-'0p. m., no connection for llocnes .cr. lluftalo or Niagara Falls), 8.03 p. m. I or Helvldere, Delaware Water Gap anc struudsburg, 8.67 n. m., B.S6 p. m. For Latnbertville and Trenton, 3.08 a. m. For Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 8 03 p. m. 1 or Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and Lyons, 10.41 i. m.. 8.03 p.m. . EH2anosv,ll- Lovlston and Ucaver Meadow '.40, 0.08 a, m., 12.82, 8.20 p. m. . Ftr,Audenriea, Hozlcton, Stockton and Lum ucr Yard, 5.57, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m 12.52, 3.10 5.2u p. in. For Scrunton, 6.67, 0.08, 10.41 a. m 3.10, 5.2J p. For Ilnilebrook, Jeddo, Drlfton and Freeland. i.67, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 5.26 p. m. . K0T. A6hland, Glrardvillo and Lost Creek, 4.27. f.46,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.10, 9.14 p. m. For Raven Run, Centralla, Mount Cnrmel ani! Sbnmoldn, 8.62. 10.15 a. m 1.40, 4.40, 8.00 p. m. For Yatesvllle, I'ark I'laco, Mahanoy City and Delano, 5.67, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a m 12.52, 3.10, 5.20, 8.03, 0.21, 10.27 p. m. Trains will leave Shamokin at 7.55, 11.55 a. m., i.10, 4.30, p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at I. 05 a. m., 12.82, 3.10, 8.20 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.50, 7.40, i.08, 10.11 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 8.20, 8.03 p. in. Loavo l'ottsvillo for Shenandoah, 8.00, 7.40 105, 10.15, 11.48 U. in., 12.32, 3.00, 5 20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30 p.m. Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 6.57, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.82, 3.10, 5 20, 8.03 p. m. Leavo Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.30, 9.15 II. 00 a. m., 12.45. 3.10, 5.30, 7.05, 7.53 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains loave for ABhland, Glrardvillo and Lost Creek, 7.2, 9.40 a. m., 12.30, 2.44 p. m. For Yatesvllle, Fark I'lace, Mabanoy City Delano, Hazleton, Dlack Creek Junction, Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allontown, llcthlcbcm, Easton and New York, 8.40 a. m., 12.30 p. m. For Philadelphia and New York, 2.55 p m. For Yatosvillc, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delano. 8.40. 11.35 a. m.. 12.30. !1R5. 4.4(1 1! 01 n. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30 a. m.. 1.05, 4.37 p. m. Leave Shenandoah tor Pottsvllle, 5.50, 8.40, 9.30 a. m., 12.30 2.45 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40 u.ui.,i.oo, o.io n. in. I A. SWEIGARD. Gon. Mgr. C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Puss Agt. Philadelphia, Fa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. G. P. A. (South Uethlehem, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SCHDVLKIIJ. DIVISION. NOVEMUER 15, 1891 Trains will leavo Shenandoah after the uhnvo date for Wiggan's, Gilberton, Frackvlilo, Now cusuo, rai. i;inir, i-oiisvine, iiamDurg, iieaaing, Pottstown. Phcenixville. Norrlstown and Phi. ndelphln (llroad street station) at 8:01 and 11:45 n. m. ana to p. m. on woeKaays. i ori'ottS' vllle and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m. SUNDAYS. For Wlgran's, Gilberton, Frackville, Now Castlo, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 0:00, 9:40 a. m. and 3:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts town, Phcenixville, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at 6:00, 9: 10 a.m., 3: 10 p. m. Trains leave Frackville for fhenandoah at 10:40a.m. and 12:14. 6:04, 7:42 and 10:09 p.m. cuuuuys, uiiiiu. m. uuu d:u p. m. Leave Pnttflvilln fnr Shennnflnfih nt. in1fi. 11:48 a. m und 4:40,7:15 and 9:1L-p. in. Sundays at 10:40 a. m. and 6:15 x. m. Leave Philadelphia (llroad street station) for Pottsvllle and Khcnandoah at 5 57 und 8 35 a m, 4 10 and 7 00 p m vi eelc days. On Sundays leave at 6 60 a in. For Pottsvllle, 9 23 a m. For New YorKat 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 6 33, 6 60, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30, 9 60, 1100, 11 14. 11 35 am, 12 00 noon (limited ex- J,. WW . U Ulll ,J ,,4 I. If, 1 IWi 4 U, H OU, O iuU, 00, 4 02, 5 00, 8 00, 6 20, 0 50, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p m, 12 CI night. Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35, 812. 8 30, 9 60 1135 a m and 12 44, 1 40, 2 30,4 02 (umuea t ouj o , o ,"u, o au, 7 13 ana uupm ana 12 01 ulcht. For Sea Girt. Lonz IJranch and In termediate stations 8 20 and 1114 am, and 4 00 p m wceitaays. ior naiumore ana vvasmng. ton 3 60. 7 20. 8 31.9 10. 1020. 11 18 am. 12 35 (lim ited express, 1 30. 340,) 4 41, 667,740 p m 12 03 night. For Freehold only 5 00 p in week days. Forlaltlmoreonlyat2 02,4 01,S08and 11 30 p m. Sundavs at 3 50. 7 20. 9 10. 11 18 a m. 4 41. 8 87 7 40 pm, 12 03 night. Daltimore only 6 08, 1130 p in. r or mcmnunu , v a m, mup m una lg uj night. Hundays. 7 20 a m, 12 03 night, Trains will leave Harrlsburg for Pittsburg and the West every day at 12 25 and 3 10 a m and (limited 3 00) and 3 40 p m. Way for Al toona at 8 15 am and 410pm every day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at U20 a m every day unu luwpin wcuk uuys. Trains win leave sunoury lor wiummaport, Elinira. Canandalcua. Rochester, lluffalo and Niagara Falls at 6 10 a m, and 135 p m week aays. r or uimira ax oao p m weeK aays, i('or une anu lniermeoiaie points aiaiu a m oanv For Lock Haven at 6 10 and 9 68 a m dailv. 1 35. and 6 30 p m week days For Rcnoyo at 510 a in, (35 and 5 30 p m week days, and 6 10 am on Sundays only. For Kano at 5 10 am, 1 35 p m ivecKuays. a. H. Puoil. J. R. WOOD. uen'i Manager) uen'i rass'g'r Agt PHILADELPHIA & READING It. R. TIUK TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 15, 1892. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Phlladelnhla. week davs .08. 6.23. 10.08 a. m.. 12.33 2.48. 6.63 t. m. Sundav, 2.08. 7.46 a. m. For New York via Mauch Chunk, ween aays, 5.23, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2.48 p. m. ior ncaawa ana i-nnnueinnia. wock aavs, 08, 6.23, 7.18, 10.08 a. m., 12.23, 2.48,6.53 p. m. Sun day, 2.08, 7.48 u. in., 4.23 p. m I'or iiarnsourg, weeit days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m. .45, o.iw p. m. For Allentown. week davs. 7.18 a. m.. 12.33, 48 p. m. For Pottsvllle, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2.48, 6.83 p, m. Sunday, 2.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.23 p. m. Forl"amaquaand Mahanoy City, week days, 2.08. 5.23, 7.18,10.08 a. in.,12,33. 2.48. 8.53 n. m. Sun day, 2.08, 7.46 a. m., 4.23 p. m. Additional lor Aiananov uiiv. weeK uuvs. o.oa n. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.18 a. m., 2.48 p. in. i'or w uiiamspon, aunDury una LewisDurg, week days, 3.23, 8.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 6.68 p m. Sunday, 3.23 a. m., 3.0.'l p. m. For Muhanov Plane, week davs. 2.08. 3.23. 6.63. 7.18, 10,08, 11 28 a. m., 12.33. 1 33, i48, 5 53, 6.48, 9.33 p. m. Dunuay, s.uo, 7.40 a. m., s.(, 4.23 p. m, For Glrardvillo, (Rappahannock Station), weekdays, 2.08, 3.23, 6.23. 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. m. 12.33,1.83, 3.48, 5.53, 6.58, 9.33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 3.23. 7.48 a. m.. 3.03. 4.30 n. m ' ror Asniana ana snamoKtn. week days, S.23, '.23. r.18. 11.28 a. m.. 1.33. 6.68. 9.23 n. m. Sun! 'l UAlINa I' Ull alil'.NANlJOAlf ! Leave New York via l'hiladelnhta. wnekdnM. 7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.15 night. Sun day, 8.00 p. m., 12.15 night Lsave Ne w York via JIauch Chunk, week days, 4.30, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 3.45 p. m. Sunday, 7.00 a. m, w . M,,KUk ijiuu, ncciw UUD, t.ll, IU.W tt. (U. 4.00, 8.00 p. m., frcm llroad and Callowhill and 8.35 a. m 11.30 p, m, from 9th and Green streota. aunuay, v.u a m,, ii.so u. m , Irom vtb ana Green. Leave Readlug, week days, 1.55,7.10, 10,05, 11.50 u. m., o.oo. i.oi p. m aunaay, i.ss, iu.4s a. in. Leave Pottsvllle. week clavs. 2.40. 7.40 a. m 12.30, 6,Ilp. in. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 2,05 p. m, Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.29 a. m., i.si, (.id, v.ie p. m: aunuay, s.su, 7.u u. in. 2.60 p. m. Leave Mahanov Cltv. week davs. S 40. 9.18. 11.47 a. m., 1.51,7.42,9.44 p.m. Sunday, 3,46, 8.17 a. m 3.30 p. m. Leavo Mahanoy Plane, week dtys, 2.40, 4.00, 0,30, 9.35, 11.69 a. in., 1.05, 2.08, 6.20, 6.26, 7.67. 10.00 p. in. aunaay, s.iu, i.uu, a.xi a, in., a.si, b.ui p. m. ieave uiraruvnie, (iiappanannocu atation), weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 8.36, 9.41 u. m., 12.05, 2.12, 6.36, 6.32, 8.03, 10.06 p. m, Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.33, a. in.. 3.41. 5.07 n. m. Leave Wllllumsport, week days, 3.00, 9.45, 11.65 a. m., 3.85, 11.15 p. in. Sunday, ll 15 p, m. For Baltimore, Washington and the West via D. & O. R. R.. throunb trains leave (llmnl Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & R. It R.) at bod, o.ui, ii.?i u. in., a.oo, i.l. 7.13 p. m. aunaay, a do, o.vi, ii.ti u. m., a.DO, o.l, 7.1S p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf apu noum sireoi waarr, tor Atlantic Ulty. r Weekdays Express, 900 am. 200, 300, 4 00, owy. iu. Auuiiuiuuuaiigii, o uu m, la, u OSOnm Hundays Kxpres3, 800, 9 00, 10 30 a m. Ac commodation. 8 00 a in and 4 45 D m. Returning leave Atlantle City depot, Atlantlo ana Amanitas avenues, woeaaays i.xpreaa, 7 uu, s uu, y uu a m ana a it, a au p m. Accommodation, 4 10, 6 60, 8 10 a m, and 4 p m, Bunfiays Express, 4 00, 6 00, 8 00, p m. Accommodation. 7 SO a m ana 6 08 d m. O. G. IIANOOOK, Gen'J t'asj'r Agt. aniuAiiu, uca i manager First National THEATRH BUILDING, SUcunncIonli, Pontin. CAPITAL,- V. W LEISENHING, Presldont. P. J. FERGUSON, Vice President, . It. LEISENRINO, Cashier. S. W. YOST, Assistant Oashioc, Open Daily . From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. Interest Paid on Savings Deposit. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SAIIATIVO." tin Wonderful Spanish Itemed?, Is Bold with a Wrltton Guarantee, to cure nil Keivoun Dis eases, such as Weak Memory, Loss 6f Brsia Power, Headache, Wakefulness, LostMan hood, Nervousness, Las situde, all drains and loss of power of the Generative Oigans In Before & After Uso, Photographed from life. eitner sex, caused ut over-exertion, youthful Indiscretions, or the eicessiva ase oi louacco, opium, or siimuiani, wiiu-n uiiii7 lead l( Inflrmlty, Consumption and Insanity, l'ut up In convenient form to carry In the vest rocket. Trlc 1 a pnekase, or 0 for $5. With every 15 order we live a written gunrsnioe 10 euro ur imm u moner. Sent by mall to any address, circular free n plain envelope, iueuuuii mm pui-n. nuun MADRID CIIUIICM. CO.. Branch Office for u. a. A. 35S Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL, Von RAI.R IN SHENANDOAH. PA.. BY C. II. Hagenbuch, Druggist, N, E. Cor. Main and Lloyd bis. lV?SPa? 3T in Tl U eautlfulbook containlne tho latest vocal mu Sic, full sheet-music plates, handsome cover, In ciuaing mo lonowing gems, ununnugeu; Afterwards, 40 I've AVorked 8 "ours, 40 Uaby's Fast Asleep 40 I Whistle and Wa t, 40 Comrades, 60 Love's Golden uieam 40 God Bless Our Land 25 Old Orean Illower. 40 Go, Pretty Rose, 60 Our Last Waltz 40 uuara me 1' lag, 4U uvcr me mooniu aea, u In Old Madrid, 50 Sweot ICatie Connor, 40 Mary and John, 40 That Is Love. 40 We give this book to introduce to you KROUT'S BAKING POWDER And Kuout's Flavoring Extkaots, t7niurp(iMd for 1'URZTYand STRKXQTH Your crocer will (five vou a circular contain ing additional Premium List with full particu lars how to get them free. ALBERT KU0UT, Chemist, Phila. ABRAlVi HEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA Manufacturers of pociBu- oodrll Of fevery1 Description; FlcigSy Badges, Caps, Regattas, &c. a-FINEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES.-W Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited. IE WIS 98 LYE IQWDEEED HID PEEFtniH) (PATBNTliD) ' Tba ttronttn mi purett hj miila. tfetrk otker LB.ltiMlnt m hat rowddr and rwk4 la ao with romorable ill, tha eoDUati r lwvn Mif tor a Will toaie the ftoitpor furuad Hard Suap la Wtulnutei without hottix. IT IH TMK BKHT tor ukauatug iuU tils Iti recti o a: claks clot;tt wtihlnf boUia (klou, lrei,to, PENN A, HALT M'F'fl CO, Gen. Ag .., Pblla., Pa. H. J, M'GUIRE'S Sporting and Musical Resort ! Second St., GIRARDVILLE. Rest Wines. Llauors. Deers. Ales and finest brandsbt Cigars alrrays on hand. FOlLiMElR'S Saloon': and : Restaurant, 115 N. WHITE STREET. Ff rat-'cluBs Lncer Deer. Ale. Porter and Tem perance Drinks um! Cigars. Fine old Wines and Liquors always on band. 538 North Fourth Mrcct, below firecn, Phlla delpblU' Thti oalv ptijruoiaa nbU lo cur wher Ki i(Kt Justlj ccieoftt4 pbjmiclaui UU. ill effect or jouthfal adlontloa (bulb seiea), Itlood lol on, Ruonlnfi, HtHrture, lljrdrvcfle Ulcerm I'ftluftil Kwfllliifxit, l'lmplea, Voor Miaurj Uaahulueu ao4 lc lilllty, HUti(ea wut eaiM at oooe , cum frwb caaei lo I toll) !). TweDtr-tlxTcara'eicricoc. BeuA 4 la itamiia fwr 'IiouL Truih, uptuint nwf Unmet Quackwy n U a true hitad to old, young aad mlddleigd, and tlions e initra 4atlajc tnarrlace. Thouanda wtw ooms fur i.tiiut)o n- aailuathui prgavuooe vt, 1 awi toe ireaiu. oi an i-nran iana. Vr. Tbeel oorte earn taat do one le cao. TbuuMuav of rftr eaeee. Houn, 9to8f Ki'low, w 9 , M , MneMUr and 8atur dyevjDn,eW0. HI'IX'IAL IIUUH4 Tor duiiKfruuA Mild aevvr cuaeal Uallr, XV to ; Haturdayi, lu lo j( Uaturdar uioi4ai, t u IJ4iHuBda;a, 9 to li. Write or MU. GO TO,THi; COFFEE HOUSE 32 North Mulu Btreet, For a Good, Cheap Meal MUB. CONNICK IN CHARGE. FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable; purely cash com. paules represented by 120 S. JarainSt, Shenanooah,Pai