'f"-"'..'- ""n :Tifl?TT vrvr- ngmvw- FINE GROCERIES HOUSEKEEPERS ! Find no difficulty in securing what they require for their ta bles at our store. Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. 30LLD and plated Silver ware, Gold and Silver "Watches, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goods, Banquet,Parlor and Piano Lamps,uniquo in design with 75 and 250 candle power burners. All goods superior in finish and quality with rock bottom prices that withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly at Holdermans Jewelry Store, The most progressive establishment In the count'. Corner Main ana Lloyd Streets. Coming Kvents. Oct. 18 Bazar mid supper in Bobbins' opera bouse, under tho auspices of All Saints' Parish Auxilliary Society. Oct. 20 Second annual ball of Hrotherhood of Railroad Iraimucn in liobbins' opera house. Oct. 21 Sixth unnnal ball in Bobbins' opera house, under tho auspices of tho Grant Cornet Band. Nov. 1 Supper undor tho auspices of the English Baptist church in Bobbins' opera house. Nov. 23 Seventh annual ball of the Wash ington Beneficial Society in Bobbins' hall. Nov. 21 Supper in Bobbins' opera house, under tho auspices of Women's Belief Corps; benefit of Soldi ers' Monument. Dec. 1C and 17. Drummer Boy; or Spy of Shiloh, in Ferguson's theatre, under tho auspices of W. Camp No. 20G, P. O. S. of A Reduced Kates For Columbus Day via tho Pennsylvania Eallroad. In ordor that peoplo may take sdvantngo of tho coming holiday and tho celebration of Columbus Day, tho Pcnnsyl vania Bailroad will sell excursion tickets at a rate of two cents a milo from all stations on the main lino and branches, to bo good going Octobor 20th and 21st and returning October 22nd. .Speaks lor Itself. Vnder the management, of Edwin G. Maytura, general manager of tho Pottsville Ilomo M. A. Lifo Insuranco Company, in the past two years 7,000 policies have been issued. In that brief period tho company has paid over 8,000 in claims. Mr. Maytum's manage ment speaks for itself. IIimtliiK Shuoii Opened. For special rates to hunting territory, call upon agents of tho Nickel Plate. tnovlS JSiuiR t Knne ltone I I I Is heard the gun of tho sportsman. Get your outfit together and join their ranks. Tickets at reduced rates aro on salo via tho Nickel Plato. t-nov-11 Coughing Loads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. A bad co Jgh or cold calls lor a good remedy the euro lor It. For Coughs, Colds, La Grippe and Consumption, a perleot and per nunent cure la I'liu-l'lna, the worst casts yield to Its limlluu properties 'osts 25 cents. Pan-Tina U sold at P. P. D. Kirllu'sdrug store. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became HI33, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria A Voice From Florida. 15r. W. V. HvDiim. Live OaK. Florida, sa vs Red Flag Oil Is one of tho most successful Jialn cures we sell. It's an nnfAllIng remedy or Rheumatism, Neuralgia and epralns. ilea Mag oil costs -jo cents, ouia air. r. jj Klrlln's drug store. YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE! Good horses, -nice buggies and responsible drivers are the essential things for a pleasant drive, which can always be had t my stable3, 12 and 14 North Pear alley, rear of Luberg's hardware store. Horses taken to board. Undertaking in all .ts branches attended to with promptness. 15V AN J. DAVIBfl. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Christ, Bowler's old stand) SXalunucl Coal HIh., HlieiiuiiclonU Best beer, alo and porter on tap The finest brands of whiskey and cigars. Pool room at- acnc'i. OBE'S OBSERVATIONS. What He Sees nml 1 liars During Ills Travels. ' Will ilin Tvnrlr mi ilm imw water works go ahead?" Is a question that has been re peatedly aked since Council awarded tho contract to Quinn A Kerns. Tho question lias been put to mo and I am free to say that tho indications arc that tho work will go ahead. Tho contract to bo mono wm do a conditional one, conditional in this rospect! that should the borough be permanently ro strainod from proceeding with the project, flimiitfli nn rHinao of its own. the contractors aro not to call upon tho borough for damages for breach of contract. Messrs. yuinn cx Kerns seem content with tho condition and have hinted that they will proceed with tho work as soon as the contract is signed and ciwilfwl All il Mr. Oninn has intimated that pending and prospective suits havo no terrors for him. "Why," naid ho tuo otucr uay, "Mr. Bpber tells mo that ho now has a con tract under tho samo terms and thcro arc eight bu Its pending." Is there not some way by which tho street paving question can bo brought to somo dlfinito conclusion. Tho peoplo were In hopes that tho matter would be settled before this. If it drags much longer a season of cold weather may arrive and check tho work until spring; With nil duo tesncct to the Chief Burgess, I most respectfully Insist that nothing short of a Board of Health will serve this town's sanitary interests as they should be attended to. Tho Burgess cannot do all the worK re quired himself and he has admitted that the members of tho sanitary committee has business connections which will not allow them to give the tirao required for tho work. Thcro is no denying the fact that we havo an In of dinhthcria and scarlet fever In town, two of the most terriblo of contagious diseases, and to copo with it successfully wo must havo a Board of Health. Sovcr.il prominent mino officials stood nt the Pennsylvania station tho other morning and saw women and children straggling over tho railroad trestle near tho depot carrying upon their backs largo bag9 of coal they had picked from tho dirt banks. 'I ho sccno called forth many remarks from tho observers somo which wero couched in terms of pity. David W. Price, superintendent of tho Ashland district, enlightened tho other members of tho group by stating that Ashland has no such scenes. "Tho nearest Hungarian settlement to our place," ho said, "Is at Big Mino Bun." I am informed that Ashland on Saturday was put on a twelve-hour supply of water. One of tho gentlemen connected with the water works at that place told mo that but little water had been saved by tho two-hour rule. " You see," said he, "when people knew that tho water would bo cut off they would fill all tho tubs, barrels and pails they could lay hands on. They generally laid in a supply that would last two days with ordi nary uso and would have a largo supply on hand when tho water would bo turned on ; then they throw away tho stalo water and tho waste was as great as before. I notice in ono of our Ashland exchanges an amusing story told of a small boy of that place. Ho had been visiting at Shenandoah, and there, for tho first time, saw Uncle Sam's gray uniformed letter carriors. He canio homo ambitious to become a letter carrier himself, and secretly secured a bundle of old love letters that his mother had treasured Binco courtship days, and dis tributed them from houso to houso through tho neighborhood. Tho sequel is notrolated, but tho probability is that this bright youtii has no further aspirations in tho letter lino. OllE. Do not fail to attend tho grand ball to bo given by the Grant Band in Bobbins' opera house, on Columbus Day, Friday, Oct. 21st. 10-12-tf Coyle the Man. If tho Bepublicans support their ticket there is no doubt of its success on the 8th of November noxt. The Prohibition candl date, Mr. Patterson, Is making a vigorous fight, but why a Bepubllcan should desert his rarty nonilneo and support him is beyond human comprehension. Every Bepubllcan who intends to cast a vote for Patterson simply helps to defeat the Bepubllcan caudi date. The nominee of the Bepublicans is a man of unquestionable ability and is by far the ablest of all tho candidates for this office. Tri- Weekly Record. Fire Alarm lloxes. Tho following list shows tho location ot the alarm boxes of tho Shenandoah Firo Department: WOATION. 15 Coal and Bowers streets. 16 Bowers and Centre streets. 24 llridgo and Centre streets. 25 Main and Centre streets. 84 Main and Poplar streets. 35 Main and Coal streets. 42 Gilbert and Centre streets. 43 Gilbert and Cherry streets. 62 Chestnut and Coal streets. To send an alarm open the box, pull down tho hook once and let go. When an alarm Is sent in the Are bell will sound the number ot tho box and repeat the alarm four times. HOW TO LOCUTE ALARM B. If the alarm Is sounded from box 15 the Are bell will strike one, then pause and strike five which will Indicate that tho fire Is in the vicinity of No. 15 box. Every alarm is repeated four times. Jilectrlo Railway Change. Hereafter tho olcctrlo railway cars will leave tho corner of Main and Centre streets at 6:30 a. m., daily, and overy 9C minutes thereafter until midnight, at which hour the last car will leave. Spectacles to suit all oyes, at Porte's book and stationery store, No. 21 North Main street. 4-27-tf Buy Jityttane flour. Be sure that the name Lkwo & Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed on every suck. 3-3-3taw Fine photos. COc. per dozen, at Kesgey's. Our Directory. 3f!E POT OFFICE Shenandoah. Ofllco hours from 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Money Order and ltcglstry De partment open Jrom8:00 a, m. to";UJ p. m. Following Is n schedule ot tho arrival and departure ot mail trains. Mull matter for despatch must bo In the office thirty minutes beioro me time given Deiow: Arrival. P.M. A.M. 1:40 4:94 2:21) Destination. ( Phlla., Western 1 and Southern States) Departure. A. M. P. M. 7:20 12:62 0:08 11:30 8:uS 8:00 9:08 0;45 8:00 8:18 1:40 t New York and East- ind East-1 os and i. V. K. It. J 12:52 9:03 3:08 8:00 1:S5 7:20 7;00 1:35 7:oo 1:40 7:00 7120 2:5(! 11:30 6;20 7:20 2:50 9:08 11:30 11:30 2:50 6:00 7:20 2:50 8:06 i ern niaios ( points on L, 9:08 0:66 9:08 Asland. I Oirardvillo. 1:25 1:23 1:J5 2:20 It 10 2:20 8:18 1:40 2:20 8:18 2:26 8:18 2:28 i 0:08 9:56 ( Itavcn Bun, Centra-) 11a. Mt Carmol and V I Shamokln. ( PottSTlllO. 9:56 9:60 Mahanoy City. 9:66 1 Creek and Shalt. ( 0:56 i Fracltvillo. r Carriers make a general collection at 6:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m., and a general delivery at 7:16 a. m. and 3:15 p. m. Additional deliveries and collections aro made In the business part of town at 10:15 a. m. and 2:00 p. zn. At Stevens Point, Pa., on the Jefferson Division of the New York, Luke Erie & Western railroad yesterduy. in a wreck of n coal train, Brnkoman Bonnie of Carbon dale, was killed. ..ua Benefit to All. Are you prepared for the stormy weather? It brings slop and mud ; and this is time of year that you want good and substantial Shoes to stand the wear and tear. We have just such shoes for both old and young, at prices to suit all. It will pay you to call and examine our stock and be con vinccd of what we say. EOPLE'S STORE 121 North Mam Street. SHENANDOAH Employment Agency I MAX REESE, Agent. ALWAYS RELIABLE. Help always on hand for families, restaurants, c. COOKS. HOUSE GIRLS, Chambermaids, Nurse Girls, Walters, Drivers, Maids, &c 14 West Centre Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. (Ferguson Ilouse Block.) DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant The leading place in town. Has lately been entirely reno vated Every thing new, clean and fresh. Tho Unest line of Wines and Liquors I Cigars, &c, foreign and do mestic. Free lunch served each evening. Dig schooners of tresh.Becr.Porter, Ale, &c OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE, J. J, DOUGHERTY, Prop. ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN Buy their School Books, Slates, Pencils, School Bags, and other school supplies at IF. J". POSTZ'S Nortli Main Street. The larcest stock In town at tho lowestnricos. Headquarters for stationery of all kinds, wull paper uuu wmoow suaues FOLMER'S Saloon : and : Restaurant, 115 N. WHITE STREET. First-class Lager Beor. Ale. Porter and Tera peranco Drinks a--.il Clears. Fine old Wines ana Liquors always on nana. 11. C. FOLMEIt, Prop -GO TO THE- COFFEEHOUSE 82 North Muln Street, For a Good, Cheap Men MRS. CONNICIC IN CHARGE. WANTS, Scc. TIOIl SALE. A good heating stove. Apply fit thn tlr.llAT.ti nfflrn. if WANTED. Good Canvasser! salary and exnenses from Btart: Btcadvworlc: mod chanco for advancement. IIItoWN UROs, CO., nurserymen, ltocnesicr, x. B-3l-3m FOB HALE Two well-bred bay mares, nlcclv mated: 154 hands hfch: tlvo and six years olo i pleasant and foarlcss drivers. Can show 2:5(1 on road; If handlod, can show 2:40. Inquire of VV. F. Cnrty. Phlllpsburg, N J. AGENTS WANTED ON 8ALARY or com mission, to handle the now Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. Tho quickest and great est Belling novelty over produced. Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of paper. Works llko magic 200 to 600 per cent, profit. One agent's sales amounted to S020 In six days. Another 132 In tvo hours. Previous experience not necessary. For terms and full particulars, address Tho Monroo Mt'g Co., La Crosse, Wis. x439 5-Sl-ly AUDITOR'S NOTiCE.-In tho matter of tho Estate of Ilcnrv ltann. late of the town ship of North Union, deceased. The under signed, nn Auditor appointed by tho Orphans' Court of bchuylklll county, "to restate, resettle and niase distribution of tho monies remaining In tho hands ot James K. Moser, Executor, &a, amongst the parties legally entitled thereto," will attend to the duties of his appointment at his ofllco, "outh East corner of Main and Oak streets, r-henandoah, fa., on Friday, October 28 1892, nt 10 o'clock a. m.. when and where all parties interested are requested to present their claims or bo forever ftcr debarred from coming in upon said fund. (Money in nanus oi Kxccuior, 5J tsi.i.inj. B. li. Al. UOLLOrKTEH, AUOUOr. Bhcnandoah, Pa., Oct. 3, 1892. 10-5-law-3w (tl C PAYS for a home lot nt May's Land XJ Ine. tho line suburb of Atlantic Cltv: 5 squares from It. It. i commutation fare to Phila., 25 cents; has court house, hotels, schools, churches, cotton, paper, clothing, cigar sash, brick, and lumbering mills, with finest water power; line driving, llshlng, gunning, bathing, selling; city and country combined; 35 houses built last year and not one empty; a safo and sure Investment; $50 invested will Increase 0 In 0 months; 3 mills built this year; lots are 80 feet above ocean; 10 per cent, off for cash; 2 lots for 25; title Insured. Send for circular. MAY'S LANDING IMPROVEMENT CO., 658 Franklin St , Pnlladelphta. 9-30-2m office or TIIE On account of tt-o long drought the Shenan doah Water and Gas Company gives notice to Its consumers that thero must be no more waste of the water supplied by tho company. This notice Is especially directed to peoplo who use garden hose and wash show windows, pave ments, carriages, etc. Water will bo run into tho pipes, commencing Sunday, October 16th, only betwpen tho hours of 7 to 9 a. m. and from 4 to 0 p. m. This rule will remain in forco until tho next rain. A watchman will be stationed at a stop at Fow ler's lumber yard, on East Coal street, to turn on the water at a moment's notice in case the fire alarm is sounded. By order of tho company, 1. 13. IIES8, 10-3-2w Superintendent. Scheider's Saloon and Restaurant, Leading Saloon In town Otntre ami White Sts., (Dlckert's old stand) First-class Eating Bar. Finest Whiskeys in tho Market. "VOTE FOE NCI OF SHENANDOAH, FOR TIIE LEGISLATURE, (FIRST DISTRICT.) "Honesty in Public Office." VOTE POR JAMES B. USSIG OF SHENANDOAH, FOR DIRECTOR OF THE POOR. VOTE FOR ami i uuiinu FOR THE LEGISLATURE, YOTB FOR WILLIAM DERR OF SHENANDOAH, POE Director of the Poor. JAMES PATTERSON Good News For Workingmen Just received 20,000 worth of Men's and Doys CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS. Also 110,000 worth ot Itesr Goods ! Men's, Ladles' and Children's Underwear. J5.000 worth of Men's, Ladles', Children's BOOTS and SHOES Will bo sold nt coat and below cost till Jan. 1st. We Are Just Opening Up a full Ladies', Misses' CARPETS New styles T T PRTfF'S OLD RELIABLE. U U. X XVXvi-J O, NORTH Mjwtf STREET. IIo has also the Unrest assortment in the countv. comnrlstnc'the celebrated Anollo. Othello. Vallev. Irvine. Noveltv. New Bride. Cinderella. man, Rival, New Model, Old and New Leblgh. econd-Iiand Stores XXontors zvxicL ITxirxincos, All In good condlton and warranted, or money rofunded or exchanged. A lino lino of No. 7 New Advance and Miners' Rest Stoves for 813 each; No. 8, S10; good No. 1 second-hand doublo heaters from $10 up, and .Stoves and Ranges from M to (10. Every one warranted, and delivered and put up In any part of the county within 20 miles of Glrardvllle. Over 100 dltlorcnt sizes and styles of Hecond-hand Heating Stoves to select from. Also a fine lino of Single and Double Heaters, both round and square, at all prices. Roofing, Spouting, Jobbing, Promptly attended to at the lowest market prico. Anthony Wayne and American Washing Machines a specialty Stove, heater and range repairing promptly done. Delivered without extra charge. " We Study to Please I " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GR0GERY LINE ALWAYS IN SK)CK Fish, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Bay and Straw, &c, 4o Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store (Muldoon's old stand) Corner centre and west streets. pEROUSON'S THEATRE. - P. J. FERGUSON, MANAGER. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, '92 Tho young romantic Irish comedian, GEORGE H. TIMMONS In tho spectacular Irish comedy drama, " Fairies' Well I" Supported by William Cahlll and an excellent company oi players, mciuuing me luuiuua BILVmi JfKEE QVAIITETTE, A car load of special scenery, elaborate me chanical devices and illusions. New Music. Now Songs. New DaaceB, Priced, 5, 35 ud 5 Cts. Roserved seats on salo nt Klrlln's drug Btore. CENTS FOR A WINDOW SHADE Ill Others, ready 3, ready to put up spring roller, :, S5o, 45c, 60o and upwards. Par. islring only the shading or tlx- II for "5c. "I lino rinalritii turcs can bo accommodated :commouaivu. C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardm Street. M. M. BURKE, ATl'OIttfEY-A T-LA IF', f nENANDOAU. FA. Offices Room 8, P. O. Building, Bhcnandoah, ana usieny uuuaing, jroiuvwe. Seff's Original Bargain Store 23 South Main Street. line of and Children's for Pall Trade. arriving daily. For Bargains In First-class Heaters and Furnaces, BOTH NEW and SECOND-HAND OO TO PETER GRIFFITHS' GIRARDVILLE, PA. Black Warrior, Grand Perfect, Master Work A full lino always in stock. Also first-class line Plumbing and Gas-Fitting A hat that Is not stylish is worthless There are a thousand reasons wnyyou should not wear It, and not one reason why you should It usu ally costs as much as a stylish hat. and Is cot worth a fraction of the money. When you buy a hat buy a good one, and If you really want good one, try our 13 hat. It will flu the bllh Wtin eara in n V aaM nf nnp XT-Mrfi rL And tie for 20o, any style. Straw hats from 5o up to 11.60. Nice line of summer shirts at 25cs a big drive In boys' waists from 20o to Woi largo Una of trunks and valises at lowest price; big bar gains in overalls and coats at ig Soutfr Main St., Shenandoah. Silk and cashmere hats renovated and mads as good as new at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. OPENING OF DancingSchool Bobbins' Opera House, SATURDAY EVENINGS. Schoppe Orchestra, 15 Pieces, H. T, M'GUIRE'S Sporting and Musical Resort ! Socoud St., GIRARDVILLIL Rest Wines, Liquors, Hecrs, Ales and finest brands ot Cigars always on hand. As