PROTECTION AT HOME. Major 31 cKinloy Speaks to lonn sjivauia Wool Growers. lie Point Out How tlio Sliccp Own ers of tlio Koyntono Ntuto Aro llonc fltetl by tliu Tariff. WAglllXdTON, Pa., Oct. 12. Nothing that 1ms lieen snltl in tills cam paign ha attracted so much attention from farmers in this section of tlie state ns Jtajor JIcKiuley's reference, in his re cent speech here to thetarilT on wool. This is a oij? vool growing district, and the great protection champion mnde a ten strike when he touched on this issue. "They tell u," said hu, "that wool ha Kone down in prico under tho tariff of 1800. Our Democratic friends attribute every fluctuation in the valuesof commodities to the tariff. If the price of an article goes up it is the tariff, and if it goes down it is the tariff. Wool is lower in the markets of the world. The kind of wool you farm ers of Washington county produce can be boiik'ht in London for Jlfteen cents a pound. An American manufacturer can KO to London, buy his cargo of wool at lo cente, brinu it to New York at a cost of about 1 cent for transportation, which makes IB cents, pay the duty of 11 Cent. Hllfl llHVH llln wnnl lit "Vmt' Vnrt.- at a total oost of 27 cento. So you must sell your wool, if at nil, at 27 cents per pound. ouppoe trie prico or wool in the markets ot the world fulls to 10 cents per poiuul.thcn it can be laid down in New York at 10 cents, plus 1 rent cost of transportation, plus 11 cento duty, or 32 cents, and ou farmers must take if you sell your wool 83 cents per pound. Let ool in the markets of the world drop to 5 cents per pound, then your importer will get his wool in New York at London price, 5 cents, plus transportation 1 cent, pins 11 cento, or a total of 17 cents per pound. Give American Wool a Show. "Then yon farmers must sell your wool, If at all, nt 17 cents per pound. Hut sup pose the dutj on wool is removed, and the Democrat party is committed to free wool, then an American manufacturer can go to London, buy his cargo of wool for the present price of 15 cents, pay his 1 cent per pound for transportation and deliver his wool in New York at 111 cents per pound. Then, if you sold your wool at all you must Bell it at 10 cents. Would you rather sell it for 27 cents under Hepublican protec tion or for 10 cents under Democratic frea trade? (Loud applause.) The Democratic party is committed to free wool by tho bill passed in the last congress. It ought to receive no fanner's vote. If you want free wool vote the Democratic ticket and for a revenue tariff; if you want our American wool producers to have a preference over foreign producers, vote tho Hepublican ticket and for a protective tariff." Tho Cost of Wildcat Itnnlcs. There is no longer, under the national banking system, the constant risk of loss through holding bills of broken banks. There is no longer the constant tax im- i)i ised upon every dealer, by reason of tho ugh rate of exchange charged on bills of banks in other states. The cost of these features of the state banking system to the peoplo of tills country cannot be esti mated, though it was the judgment of most experienced and competent observers many years ago tnat uio people iosi every CONSTABLE ZEIGLER'S CRIME. 11 If Shunting nt William lOplny nt Fottl. villi. SmliiEly UiJiiIIIIk11o. rorrsviLLB, Tn., Oct. 17. Mnrtln Zelg. ler, a ward constable and ox-sheriff of Schuylkill county, who shot William Kepley early yestenlay morning, and was committed to jail, has applied for a writ of habeas corpus on which u hearing will take place to-day. The shooting took place shortly after midnight. Kepley, his wife and brother-in-law wore on their way home, nnd when in tho neighborhood of Zelgler's house, met a party of intoxicated young men who insulted them, whereupon a quarrel ensued. Zeigler, hoaring the disturb, mice, ran out with his revolver, threaten ing to shoot some one if thoy did not move on. Kepley, it is said, made some remarks when Zaigler shot him, tho ball entering tho mouth and coming out at thu base of the brain, causing death in a few min utes. Zeigler is known hereabouts for his hasty temper and brutality, having a most unsavory record as an olllcor of the law. HOSMER CHALLENGES ROGERS. iin.l O'Connor Oflfer Ko lixcuse for Tlmlr lJefi-iil n f .Saturday. Onn.UA, Ont., Oct. 17. After tho double sculling match on Lako Couchi chlng, Saturday afternoon, between Geo. Hosmcr and Juke Gaudaur nnd Edward Hainan anil William U'Uonnor, for a stake of $2,500 and tho double scull championship of the world, which was won by Hosmer nnd Gaudaur, Hosuier issued a challedge to Ilogers, of Worces ter, Mass., for a thrce-mllo race for $500 a side. There is a goo l deal of speculation as to whether O'Connor and Gaudaur will bo matched. Ilanlau and O'Connor oiler no oxcuso for their defeat of Saturday. CLOSE OF THE BASEBALL SEASON. Cleveland und Huston to Settle tli World' CllHlllliiousliip Jow. The baseball season for 1892 is over nnd now all that remains is for Cleveland nnd Boston to settle the question of tho world's championship. Here is the position in which the clubs wound up: mm iit ct Cleveland ..K! 23 .6!I7 Boston uU Jtl ,U")8 Ilrookiyn...41 .11! .071 Plttsburir .4:t :U .."i.iS !hll.ilol'a..41:iii .Kit Sew Voru..lo J7 .519 mm Tvm! Chicaio....30 37 Clnclnnati.,38 37 Louisville- 33 42 Ualtimnro..28 40 St, Louis.,.--! 6 62 VVuBluliir'u.UJ j'J rre .513 .007 .44U .301 .:." .307 CHOLERA IN EUROPE. Only Thri.0 HeutliH at Jlitmburi: Yuster-iluy--UftinrlA from Cities. London. Oct. 17. The cholera report for yesterdny shows that three now cases nnd threo deaths were reported to the au thorities of Hamburg. In St. Petersburg, ten new case3 of cholera and three deaths from the dlsoaso were reported. Tho record for the whole ot Holland shows two new cases aud one death. Hilda-Pesth's record shows twenty-threa new cases aud ten deaths. NEWS OF THE DAY. The State Bank of Ainsworth, Neb., has been closed by an order of the Su- ycar a sum greater than 5 per cent, of the 1 preme Court, entire state bunk circulation. If in placo i xbo Danbury, Conn., Roman Catholic of a thousand millions of national cur- Church was despoiled by burglars of rency, without a dollar of loss, there were ,000 worth of property Saturday, now similar losses on a : like amount of M,n,Btar Llnco,n bome from Lo. state oatiK cire uauon, u.e i .. ,.u j. . - (loQ for Q tWQ mouths. vacatlon, He de- neonle of the United States would exceed 150,000,000 yearly, to say nothing of the incalculable inconvenience and constan lisk in all commercial transactions. clined to tnlk of homo or English politics. The Rev. John W. Belknap, one of the oldest members of the Troy Methodist Conference, is dead at Lansingburg, N. Y. Fifty tons of ginnt powder exploded on Capitol Hill, Leadville, Col., satur Sickles Had to Withdraw. rrAnoml linn Singles, thn crrim veteran ot "two wars," stands by his Chicago con- ' day night, scaring tho citizens and shak- vention declaration that more are 2j,ikju , ing mem up. Democratic soldiers in tho state of New The immense Illinois grain olovator at York who will vote against Cleveland, j Chicago burst Saturday uight, scattering tii neral Sickles, in an interview in the , 120,000 bushels of grain over the railroad .New York bun, says tnat in lfssi neaccoui- tracks auu into tue river, p mied Governor Hill in a stumping tour of the state nt the latter's solicitation, his part being to drnm up the Democratic old soldier laggards to the Cleveland sutler tent. He found, he bays, he oould make no iniprewtion upon them; that they be lieved Cleveland was inimical to them and that they preferred General Harrison. General Sickles desired to bo released from his engagements In the state, but Governor Hill induced him to continue the tour and speak on tiie gun end issues of the campaign, dropping the racket." old soldier Tho Tariff ami Tobacco. The McKiuley act has been of the great est benefit to the tobacco growers of the United State. It has released American planters from ruinous competition with the cheap labor of Sumatra, and has en abled them to obtain higher prices for their crop and to enlarge materially thu volume of production. Tobacco farming has become an important industry in Pennsylvania, New Kugland, New York and other states which have suffered from competition with western states in the production of breadstuff's. While the crop is a small one in comparison with tho main agricultural staples, it creates one of a minor class of industries which enable eastern farmers to make a living. It de ceived nji effective measure ot protection, nnd has received it from the hands ot He publican legislators. 8am Oosoplis Not netting on Grovcr. The Hon. Samuel Josephs, whom Presi dent Cleveland refused to appoint as mar shal for the First district ot Pennsylvania, because he couldn't present "a clean bill of health," lias been wearing his coat but toned over his pocket book ever since the betting begun on the national result. Al though the Hon. Joseph is the author ot the now famous parody on the baby song In -'Wang" of "Grover, Grover, Four More Years of Qrover," yet, singularly, his niuULy is not talking Uiat way. A Timely Query. Iftbe Mi-Km ley law has increased the price ot i ei i lung that is required to sus tain or make life comfortable, why is it that a thorough Investigation made by a committee of the United States senate le vcloin. the fact that the cost of living has decreased 3.4 pr cent, since the enuctiiient of the lawf New York Advertiser. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MR. WHITE GAME HIGH His Consent to Marry Cosl Widow Nagle $100,000. SHE NOWCHARGES HIM WITH FRAUD Wllttf, Who If) tliu CorreufnuUent of tlx J.nudoii "Itlustriitffl Nou-i,' Is Unuel Arret In New Toik To be Taken t Cheyonnr, AVyn., forTrlrtl. New York, Oct. 17. Churl os A. White, representative of the London "Illustrated News," who was arrested in this city Saturday oharged with the embezzlement of $50,000 by his wife, formerly Mrs. Nagle, who resides in Choyenne, Wyo., will be extradited to-day, He was re manded at his hearing yestenlay. White, in the first instance, was also charged by Jiis wifu with having kidnap ped her 10-year-old son, George H. Nagle, with ulterior designs upon his fortune. Telegraphic despatches wero sont Superin tendent Byruos by her attorneys that the lad was being secreted nt tho St. James Hotel In this city, and upon their subse quent corroboration by the Choyenne Chief of Police, two detectlvo3 wero de tailed upon tho case. When they called at the St. James for the lad, however, they learned that White had left for Rock Island. 111., and that the boy hud been sent to his mother. This was about n month ago, and nothing was heard In the matter until Saturday, when the sheriff of Cheyenne arrived with requisition papers nnd a warrant under which White was arrested ou tho embezzlement charge, White, it appears, met Mrs. Nagle, a wealthy widow, about a year ago, while both wero visiting Hot Springs. Tho acquaintance soon culminated in mar riage, and White, as Mrs. Naglo al leges, obtained from her by threats and duress $15,000 in cash and a promisory note for $70,000. In addition he embez zled from her $10,000 worth of stocks and bonds, nnd, immediately upon dis posing of these, fled. White, on the other hand, alleges that his matrimonial consent was purchased for $100,000, of which but $15,000 was paid in cash; tho balance was to be paid ns soon as tho widow could convert her securities. It was for tho purpose ot securing this balance, White says, that Mrs. Nagle gave him her note for $70,000 nnd ample collateral security. A bulletin of the manufacturing cen sus of Philadelphia for tho year 18'JO has been Issued by tho Census Bureau. It shows an increase in the actual iiuuual wages ill the decade 1880-00 from $1110 to .jk2!), or 52.80 per cent,, the greatest ho inr shown in any city. The trial of tho officials of tho defunct Australian Vl.uiklng company ou tho charge of couspiriug to publish false statements of the position of tho concern coucludoil Saturday at Syd.ley after a session of nine days. The jury acquitted Directors Scott, Nathey, Martin and Ilur loy, and disagreed In the case of Directors Abical. Nathan and McNamara. GODFREY-CHOYINSKI FIGHT. Kpeolal Tr.ilns Uelug Arranged for From lloatoti, lliirlforil uml J'lillnileliililii. New Yokk, Oct. 17. As the day ap proaches for thd fight between Georgo Godfrey, of Boston, and Joe Choynski, the California pugilist, the interest in creases and from tho present indications the attendance will be the largest that has yet witnessed u fistic contest under the management ot tho Conoy Island Athletic Club. The date fixed is Oct. 81. At this early day special trains are boing arranged for by the sporting fra ternity and others In Boston, Provideuco, Hartford, Philadelphia, Newark, and ad jacent cities. Applications for scats are pouring in from all sides. Botli men uro hard at work training for the fray. Tommy Warren Kills n Man. Waco, Tex., Oct. 10. Tommy Warren, ex-featherweight champion, entered tho I St. Charles saloon, where Skecter Root, n young gambler, and two women were 'drinking yesterday afternoon, aud opened lire with a revolver, apparently I endeavoring to lilt Root;. One of his buf 1 lets entered tho body of Clement Stoval, causing death. Warren disappeared after the shooting, nnd has not yet been caught. l'ostnl .Not Alxorlicl lly V, V. Chicago, Oct. 17. Rumors have been current for the past two days that the Western Union Telegraph Company had absorbed the Postal Company. Officials ot both companies pronounce the rumors absurd, and assert that they have not the slightest foundation. The monument erected by tho Mary- , land Historical Society to commemorate I the defeat of Cornwallis was dedicated on 1 the battle ground of Guilford House, N. C, Saturday. Court WAS GREYE drowned? The sons of Millionaire Culbortson, ot Cincinnati, who were disinherited be cause thuv raced horses, have been Bet tied with for $100,000 each. George A. Mcllhonny, Presldont ot tho Washington Gaslight company aud a prominent business man, known through out the country, is dead in Washington. Hampton C. Williams, one of tho old est dry coods merchants in Elizabeth, N. J., died there Saturday, auod Si. He was an ex-alderman and n prominent Mason. Elliott Hunt Pendleton, oue of Cin cinnati's most prominent citizens, and a brother of the late Gerge H. Pendleton, Minister to Germany, is dead ut Cincin nati. Cardinal Gibbons will leave Baltimore to-day for Chicago, where he is to deliver the closing prayer at the dedicatory ex ercises ot the Columbian Exposition on Friday, Oct. 21. William Rushler, a workman at the Crown Point Iron Company's mine at Ilammondsvllle, Ind., fell "50 feet to the bottom of the shaft and was nianglod be yond recocnitlon. And, If So, )lil Ho Wullt Olr the Filcrlm While Asleep. New York, Oct. 17. Mystery sur rounds tho disappearance, on tho night of Saturday, Oct. 8, of Otis Qreye, known in Now York us a promoter of several Southern enterprises aud speculations. Qreye left New York on the steamer Pil grim of the Fall River Line at 4:80 p. m. Saturday. Nothing further was seen of him on the trip. At Fall River his stateroom was en tered and and found to be vacant. Thn berth had apparently been occupied, but only for n short time. Groye's clothing and underwear wero lying on a chair be side the berth. In tho pockets ot his clothes wero found his ticket, a wallet containing certificates ot stock and a small amount ot money. So far as can bo learned now the only property missing is $150 in greenbacks. Groyo was a bouambulist and it is thought ho may have fallen overboard i whilo walking in his sleep. Murder and suicide uro also suggested. DEATH OF JUDGE SEYMOUR. Doubting Suffering Women I JlcKlnloy Law Jtcsult. Albany, Wis., follows Kan Claire, Sioux City and Minneapolis In erecting a large linen mill. This inspires the Democratic press to utter Sioux war whoops against the encroachment of the robber barons on northwest hunting grounds. Chicago Tribune. MANY SUCH HERE. Alive lo tho Interests of our lady renders, wo pub lish Mrs. Simpson's letter to Dr. Kennedy, Dear Sir : I was nn In valid for yeais, suffering from kidney trouble nnd fcmnlo weakness. Phy dcians prescrilwd for me and 1 took various rein edies, but benefit resulted. Our dally puper noticed the success of Dr. Duvld Kennedy's Fmorllo Itomeily, of Iton dout, N. Y., in cases similar to my own. I purchased it. The lint bottle taken In small doses, but very regular, improved mo wonderfully. 5iy complexion cleared, nppotito improved, Bleep was Bound and refresh liig.uml a litt le further uo entirely cured inc. Thtre never was n medicine for woman-kind, like Favorito Itemcdy. With all my heart, let me urge them to use It. Relief will be the result.' Jilts. S. P. SiursoN, Turner, 111. Hucli a frank, candid statement leaves the im print of truth upon its face. The best proof of the value of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite llemcdy, is the good it lias done. What reason then foi one miller, ing, or half sick, to remain bo. He Had Itecn on tliu Coimoctlou t Suprouia lleitcli Three Yuui's. Litchfield, Conn., Oct, 17. Judge Edwnrd Woodruff Seymour of the Su preme Court is dead here from acute bruin fevor. He was taken sick on Fri day with what nppeard to bo u sick head ache and blllious attack. He came of a family which has been prominent lu public uffalrs in the State of Connecticut for nearly 200 years. His father was Chiet Justice or the bupreino Court and one of his relatives was Unltou Statos Senator from Connecticut, 1821-33. He was born in Utcutleld, Aug. au, 1832, and graduatod from Yalo with the famous class of 1833, which included nmong its merabors Hon. Wayne Mao Veagh, Isaao II. Bromley and others of national reputation. He was appointed to tue supreme Bmi eh in 1RS1). Good Old Fashioned Gingerbread. 1 cup molasses, 1 teaapoonful n5, 1 " Fusur, I cinnamon, 1 ' liuUri. 1 Uititpspoonful elnger, 1 pjourorbutteriullk. 2fffgii. Alout 6 cups of tiour worlc In four, theiy odd cautlou&ly. fctltlmtti sugar, moliases and sptce IngOtier to a llgut creim. Worm 6llKlrf!y on rnnca Ileal egf well, tlieu nrfa to the warmed mix. tue,mlll,('i3!8oda,nnd last Hour. Heat viry hardsftr 10 minutes and bake at oice liviouf or small tins. -USE WILL CURE YOU. It Oumi Cia,Oearln,EoreTLroat.OrcBp,Influ, Whooslor tough. Brouchlui mi Asthma. A erui .n for Contamption I i rjU.f U t.lTf ncid tct. oj. mom.. Yoa will . ellint after Uklae th. fil.t d. S.U f JOHN K. COYJJE, Attontj-at-Uw and Real Estate Ageit, Office B44jkU'i Halloing, Shenandoah, F THE NEW SHORTENING, Instead of BUTTER. It will make the cake better, and impart a rich, delicate flavor, the same as in our Grandmother's Gingerbread. Gottolene is a vegetable pro duct ; new to the world, yet already famous as a perfect, wholesome and economical substitute for lard and butter in all kinds of cooking. Onetrial will convince you of the su perior merits of Cottolene. Your grocer has it N. K. FAIRBANKS. CO.. Bole Manufacturers, CHICAGO, and 138 N. Delaware Ave., Phlla. and HEADING JUL SYSTEM. Lehigh Valley Division. AltHAKOEUmvt Of PA86EN OP'.I THA1NS. MAY 15, 1693. . i i . i-1 H I ?. enn. "aven Junctlon.Mauch Cliunlt, Vit ."'?;"""", wnito llall, Catasauqua, Allentown, Hethlchcm, Knston, Philadelphia, Uazleton, W eathcrly, Quakako Junction, Del- . "2ol3 , .liL1"0 c'ty at B B7 9-8 a m., 12.52. 3.10, 6.29 p, m. ror iGW Ynrlr. K K7 O HQ n , 111 Kn am 5.20 p. m. ' " hi... lla"eton, WIlkcs-Barre, White Haven, rittston, Laceyville. Towanda, Sayro, Waverly, Tn ' "u'-"1-8"! niagara rails ana ino west, v.i. a. ui., io.iu p. m., no connection tor uoencs ier. Dunalo or Ktaeara Falls). 8.03 n. m. FOr UlilVldfyrn. nnlawn.n W.ln. flnn ottuuunuurK, o.ot a. m., D.20 p. m. For Lambcrtville nnd Trenton, 9.08 a. m. For Tnnkhannock, 10.41 a. m.. 3.10. 8 03 n. m. For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and Lvons, 10.41 a. m.. 8.03 n. m. 1 or Jonnosvillo, Lovlston and Heaver Meadow, iUO, 8.08 a. tn., 12.62. 5.20 p. ra. For Audetirlcd, Uazleton, Stockton and Lum ber Yard, 5.67, 7.40, 8.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, ForScranton, 6.57, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., S.10, 5.211 p. m. Vnv Tln,lnVt.A.l. 1.. Tt-t ... jt - "uuvuinun,ucuuU uiu lull UUU X1 rUl'lUUU, 0.67, 7.40, 9.0S, 10.41 a. m 12.62, 3.10, 5.28 p. m. -For Ashland, Olrardville nnd Lost Creek, 4.27, .iu, o.Di, a. m., I.W, I.W, 1.1U, 8.35, 8.10, 8.14 p. m. For Haven Hun, Contralla, Mount Carmol and Shnmokin, 8.53. 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.00 p. in. For Yatesvllie, Park Placo, Mahanoy City and Delano. 6.57. 7.40. B.08. 10.41 n. m.. 1" K9 .t in K M i 03, 9.24, 10.27 p. m. Trains will leavo Sharaokln at 7.55, 11.65 a. m., 2.10, 4.30, p. in. and arrive at Shenandoah at 9.06 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.28 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.60, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 ll. m., 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 6.20, 8.03 p. m. Leavo PottBvIllo for Shenandoah, 0.00, 7.40, B.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32,3.00, 6.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30 l 111. Leavo Shenandoah for HaKletnn. 5.57. 7.40. o.os. First National BANK THEATRE BUILDING, Sliciinncloalt, Pemia. CAPITAL, . W. LEISENIUNO, President. P. J. FEKQUSON, Vice President, R. LEISENKING, Cashier. S. W. YOST, Assistant Cashier. Open Daily From .9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. u. m., is.a:, a.w, a so, b.ih p. m. , , , , .,1 Leave Uazleton for Shenandoah, 7.30, 9.15 interest rCtlU Oil OdVMaS UerJSIX. 11.00 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 5.80,7.05, 7.60 p. m. I " SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Ashland, nimrdvllln nnd T.nst ureou, 7.i, 8.40 a. m., 12.30. 2.45 n. m. t or vaiesvil e. I'arK l'lace. Mahanov CItv. Dolano, Hazleton, lllnclt Creek Junction, Ponn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, llothlehem, Easton and New York, 8.10 a. m., For PhiledelDhla and New York. 2.55 n m For Yatesvllie, Park Place, Mahanoy City and uuiauu, en', 1 1. co a. m.,, 4.4U u.v j p. ra. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30 a. ra., i.oa, 4.S7 p. in. Leavo Shenandoah for Pnttsvllln. S60. R.40. 0.30 a.m., 12.30 2.45 p.m. boavo I'ottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40 a.m., i.3d, D.iap. m. I A. SWEIGA11D. Gen. Mftr. C.G.HANCOCK, Opn. Pass AgW PhUadelnbJii; Pa, A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. oA A. South liethlehem, Pa. MANHOOD RESTORED. I'OANATIVOi" B Wondorful Spanish llftuedyi is sold with & Written Guarantee to cure all Nervous Dis eases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power II en da che. Wakefulness, Lost Man h ooO , Nervousness, Las- i-tt..n nil ftrnlna ana BoforOAftOr Use.lloss of rower of tho "f hotaphedfromllfe. I qcMratlr. 0u Id eierllon, youthful Indiscretions, or tho "cesslTB irnrn...n ftttmtii.ant.. which ultimately lead to InHrui'lty, Consumption and Inianity- l'ut up in convenient form to carry in rocket, lrlce tl n rackEe, or 6 for 5. With erery 5 oraer we bitb a written suorantee to cure or refund the money, bent by mall to any atfdrera. Circular frw In r'aln envelope. Mention this paper. Address, MADRID CncMluAL tiU., Erancn umce ior u. o. a, MS Dcaiboru Btrcet, CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE IN SHENANDOAH. PA.. BY C. H. Haeenbuch, Druggist, N. E. Cor. Main aad Lloyd Sis. pENNSYLVANIA ItAILKOAD. SCnUTLKII.I DIVISION. NOVEMBER 15, 1891. Trains will leave Shonandoah after tho above date for Wlfrgan's, GUberton, Frackville, Now uasiie, nt. umir, I'ousvine, iiamuurg, itcaain, Pottstown, Phconlxvlllc, Norrtstown and Phil adelphia (11 road street station) at 6:00 and 11:15 a. m. ana 4:10 p. m. on weeuaays. For potts vllle and Intermediate stations 0:10 a, in. SUNDAYS. For WItrean's. OUborton. Frackville. New Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:00, B:40a.m. and 3:10 n. m. For Hamburg. Rcadlnc. Potts town, jncenixvuic, iNorrisiown, l'nnaueipnia at 6:00, 9:40 a. ra., 3:10 p. m. Trains leave Frackville for Hhenandoah at 10:40a.m. nnd 12:14, 5:01, 7:42 and 10:09 p.m. sunaays, 11:13 a. m. nnan:iu p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shonandoah at 10:15, 11:13 a. m and 4:40,7:15 nnd 9:42 p. m. Sundays at 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m. L.oavo riniaueipma (uroaa street siationi ior Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 6 57 and 8 35 a m. 4 10 ana 7 uo n m woeK aavs. uu sunat.vs leavo at 0 50 a m. For Pottsvllle, 9 23 a m. For New York at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 6 35, 0 50, 7 30, 8 20, 8.30, v ou, 11 00, 11 14, 11 35 a m, 12 ou noon aimitoa cx- ress 1 uo nna luipmi iz 44, 1 so, 1 4u, 2 uu, 3 zu, 00, 4 02, 5 00, 0 00, 8 20, 0 50, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p 12 Ot nlcht. Sundays at 3 20. 4 05. 4 40. 5 36. 8 12, 8 SO, 9 60 11 35 a m and 12 44, 1 40, 2 30, 4 02 (iimtica 4 ou o 28, o 2u, u ou, 7 13 ana 0 is p m ana 12 01 nlcht. For Sea Girt. Lone Branch and In termediate stations 8 20 nnd 11 14 a m, and 4 00 pmweejtaays. For uammoro ana wasmng. ton 3 ou, 7 2U. 031, v iu. luzu, 11 is a m, 12 30 turn' ited express, 1 30, 3 46,) 4 41, 6 57,7 40 p m 12 03 nlcht. For Freehold only 6 00 n m week davs. or uaitimore oniyai 2 02, 4 ui, aus ana iisu p Sundays at3 50. 7 20. 9 10, 11 18 a tn, 4 41, 6 67 4U p m, 12 iu nignu isaiumore only duo, ji 3u m. For Richmond 720am. 130nm and 12 03 nlcht. UundavB. 7 20 a m. 12 03 nlcht. Trains will leave uarrisoure tor i'lusDurg and tho West every day at 12 25 and 310 nm and limited 3 00) and 3 40 o in. Wav for Al- loona at o 10 am ana 4 iu p m every aay. r or 1 Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 20 a m every day ana iu 2u p m weoK aays. xnillia IV1U1UUVD UIIUUIJ IUI . lllll.UliSUUt I Elmira, Canandaigua, llocnester, liunaio ana n n,, o, Niugara Falls at 6 10 a m, and 1 35 p mweek rOfS, UdOgeS, LdpS, flOgaICtS, &C. JWFINEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES.-W Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited. Sundays only. woeit uays. c. 11. pnon, Gen'l Manager JPfl ClilfihesterU EnKlWb, Diamond Ilrand. rENNYROYflLPILLS art, uwiij ruiitii. ladies, ui nuniii Krand Iu lleul and Gold meUlllo Iioih, wald vttb blue rtlUo. Tbo n other Rtfutt ditngtrout iyl(i(u dirii and tmltatioA. At DrUffKiit. or i tuiji fur partlcnlari, tetiimoaUU n4 'IMter for TM&tJ"inUUr, by return HulL lO.OOO TeattaionUl. Jn'am J'aftr, Ifhtter Chemical Ou.,MdUon Cnoarfc To Bye STast Colors USE : PEERLESS : DYES Address for sample card, 11L3IZIIA, X. Y. Hess' Livery Stable 118 N. Mnrlcet Alley. NEW BUGGIES AND DAIINESS, SAFE HOUSES Finest turnouts In town. Would he pleased to receive a share ot the PUD110 patronage. TEPH.3ES J3 32 3STT FniiE! Dcautlful book containing tho latest vocal mu sio, full shcet-musto plates, handsome cover, In eluding the following gems, unabridged: Afterwards, 40 I've Worked 8 Hours, 40 Uaby's Fast Asleep 40 I Whistle and Wait, 40 rvimrndeH. 50 Love's Golden Dream 40 God Bless Our Land 25 Old Organ Hlower, 40 Go, Pretty Itoso, ou uur L,ast wauz iu Guard the Flag, 40 Over tho Moonlit Sea, 40 In Old Madrid, 60 Sweet Katie Connor, 40 Mary and John, 40 Thai is Liovo. u Wo glvo this hook to lntroduco to you KROUT'S BAKING POWDER And Idiom's Flavoring: Extkaots, Unsurpassed for PURITY and STRENGTH Your irrocer will give you n circular contain ing additional Premium List with full particu lars now 10 get mem ireu. ALBERT KROUT, Chemist, Phila. ABRAiv5 HEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA., Manufacturers ot fSocieftj (Joodg 1 Of Every Description. LVS. Erie and Intermediate points at 6 10 am dally For Lock Haven at 5 10 and 9 58 a m dally, 1 35, and 6 SO p m week days For Kenovo at 6 10 a m, 1 35 and 6 30 n m week days, and 5 10 a m on FC For Kane at 6 10 a m, 1 35 p ml J. It. WOOD. Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt R. 98 LYE (patented) Dtker Ljr, Ublot ft qd powdr mil pMk4 Id acan vtth rttuovsbl ltd, the eootDti &r Iwy ready for uw, Wilt mK Ue bett pot fumej Hard &iu la SOialouKti without boiling. IT tS THE BEST for cleansing waits pip, (JlBinreotlnj !!, oloauu, HthlD( bulUoa, jiklati irt( eta. PBNNA. SALT M'P'Q CO. Ueu. Ag ., VhUu.,Ia. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where hi will ha pleaiedto meet the wants ui tils mends ana the public in a.m.4a8TmcrandC bla' veek 7'" ByerytMufl ia the Drinking Line. T. J. O'HABEN'S T)HILADELPIIIA & HEADING U. i TIUB TABLE IN ISFFISm MAY ID, IB!;. Trnlns leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Philadelphia, week days. z.ue, D.Z3, a. m., 12.1M, i:.-i9, a.oj p. m. aunaa 2.08, 7.18 a. m. For Now York via Mauch Chunk Em f to n w. to in . ntiuiv wijii, u.o. 1.10 11. 111.. .....m, a.-so p. in. ' or Keaaing ana j'nnaaeipnia, weois aays, 08, 8.23. T.1B, 10.08 a. In.,12.23,2.48, 6.63 p. m. &un dav. 2.08. V.48 a. in.. 4.23 n. m For Harrlsburg, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m.t 2.4 b, o.m p. m. For Allentown, week days, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2.48 n. m. U. JU., Id. A3, ., i.zj n. m. wook uavs. 2.08. 5.23. a. In.. 12,33. 2.48. 6.53 D. m. Sun day, 2.08, 7.48 a. m., 4.23 p. in. Additional for Alananoy uity, woea uays, u.on p. in. For Wllllamsnort. Sunhurv and Lewlshun?. I week days, 3.23, 6.23, 7.18. 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 6.58 p m. Aunuay, u. m., o.uo p. m. For Mahanoy Piano, woek days, 2.08, 3.23, 6.53, 7.18, 10,08, 11.28 a. m., 12.33, 1.33, 2.48, 5.53, 6.48, 9.83 p. m. punuay, s.uo, j.m, v.ia a. m., a.iu, 4.f p. m. l' or uiruruvute, i luippanannocic station 1, weekdays, 2.08, 3.23, 5.23, 7.18, 10.08. 11.28 a. m. t M 1 'CJ JU K HI A KB fl . ti..An ana 3.23. 7.48 a. m.. 8.03. 4.30 n. in. For Asniana ana snamoxm. wseK aays, 3.S3, d.m,, ii.c a, m.t i.oj, D.oo, v.zs p, m, ouU' day, 3.-s. 7.40 a. m.. 3 113 p. m. TRAINS FOB SHENANDOAH: Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, I a. m i.ou, .uu, (.ou p. m., nignt. Sun day. 6.00 n. in.. 12.15 nkrht. Lsavo New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4.30, 8.45 a. m 1.00, 3.45 p. m. Sunday, 7.00 a. m. I r ni,nl)kllaJBlnl.ln I ,n ,nM. I UU" , " A UII.UUI UU1U, YtUUI, Uu)D,t.ll IU.W , UI. 4.00, 6.00 p. m.. from ilroad and CallowhlU and 8.35a. m., 11.30 p. m. from l?thandarcen streets. Sunday, 9.06 a in., 11.30 o. m , frem 9th and Green. Leave Heading, week days, l.bS, 7.10, 10.05, 11.50 a. m., 5.55, 7.57 p. in Sunday, 1.35, 10.43 a. m. Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m., I 12.00, u,u p. in. sunuay,, v.uu a. m.. -.uo p. m. Leavo Tartaaua. week davs. 3.20. 8.48. 11.28 a. m., 1.21,7.18, 9.18 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m., 2.60 p. m. Leave Mahanoy city, week days, 3.40. 9.18, 11.47 a. m., 1.51, 7.42, 9.44 p. m. Sunday, 3.48, 8.17 a. m., a.M p. m. Leave Muhanov Plane, weok dtvs. 2.40. 4.00. 6.30, 9.35, 11.69 a. m., 1.06, 2.03, 6.30, 6.30, 7.67, 10.K p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.uu, u.-7 a. m., J.37, &.ui p. m. Leave Qtrardvlllo, (Happuhaunook Station), weeks days. 2.47, 4.07, 6.36, 1141 a. ra., 12.05, 2.12, o.s, 0.32, c.u3, iu.09 p. m. aunaay, is.47, 4.17, b.m, a. m.. n. m. Leave Wllllamtort, week days, 3.00, 9.43, 11.65 a. in., 3.S6, ll.lSp. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m. I). & O. H. R., through trains leave Girard SALOON AND RESTAURANT ....... .. ... .-... , , , , ... .... . , 3 b 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.66, 6.42. 7.13 p. m. Sunday, 0 o),, a. in.. a.oo, o.a, i.u y. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. COR. MAIN AND OAK STS. Everything In the tonsorlal line done In first- class stylo. A tine bath room attached. CQQ North Fourth Ntrret, below Green, 1'hIU OuU aclphlu TUu ouh pi.vikim able to curt wbvrt fei moat Jutlj cvlcbrato pbjiiolaui fall. . VBsea n tn vnsa asaa hi rs Q U M Bks tim Warn All efftMU of youthful lndloritloD (both aeiea), lllood Pol aoo, Ruaalnga, MlrieurtK HydtweltS Uleera 1'Mlnful Hwellliiga. Dmplea. l'oor Memory liaibfulnaii d4 lblllt) lUllt'Ttta worst caatw at on , curei Iraib uaw-a la tolildajg. Twuitr iKjuart'eipDrlcnce. Sout 4 eta. la itampi for ltooW Truth, expontus furia of Quaolfn it la a true frlood lo obi, jimug and uidille-aied, and the- r mien. pJaliug aarrlace. Thouauuda who oomt) fr a i 'in, ct amloattoQ prououDoa Lr. 1 heel tttecruatuut all J'h) ali-laiia. Dr. TbtittlottrMeaaaatoataooneuiuocao. 'ft i m la i.r rcter neaa. Houn. UUil; KTwtuK, fl t , Wt-ii i nnd Hat ur dayaTablufi.iltolO. Hl'lU I AL 1IOI Its for iluimcroua tii4lfttfrruael pally, lotwl, MaiurJm, im i Hutuidtr tvaolima ottly, to 1.80 1 Huodaj". V la U, U nte or call. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf and -ioutu street wharf, for Atlantic City. Weekdays Express, 9 00 am. 2 00, 8 00, 4 00, 6 00 p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 4 15, 6 30, 630pm Sundays Express, 8 CO, 9 00, 10 30 a in. Ac commodation. 8 00 a m and 1 45 1) m. Returning loave Atlantic City depot, Atlantlo ana Aruansas avenues, weexaays express, 7 w, n ou, v w u m una am, oau p m. Accommodation, 4 10, 6 50. 8 10 a m, and 4 p in. Bundays Kxpress, 4 00, 600, 800, p m, Accommodation. 7 80 a m ana 5 05 d in. a a. hancooic. aen'l rtsi-r Agt i. -a. nivsiuAau, ucm manager 36 UuHt Centre Street. The best beer, ales, porter, whiskies, brandies , .imsuu4uuii vicars always on uauu, W&I.'J. EVANH, Prop. FIRE INSURANCE. largest and. oldest reliable purely caiu com. panlei represented by 3D .AVIED FAUST, 120 S. JaroinSl, Slicnanooah,Paj