HUE GROCERIES HOUSEKEEPERS! Find no difficulty in securing what they require for their ta bles at our store. Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. Fire Alarm Itozes. The following list shows tho location ot tho alarm boxes of tho Shenandoah Firo Department: LOCATION. 15 Coal and Dowers streets. 15 Ilowers oid Centre streets. 24 Bridgo and Centre streets. 25 Main ana Centro streets. 34 Main and Poplar streets. 35 Main and Coal streets. 42 GUbort and Centro streets. 43 Gilbert and Cherry streets. 68 Chestnut and Coal streets. To send an alarm open tho box, pull down the hook once and let go. When an alarm te sent In tho Are bell will sound the number of the box and repeat tho alarm four times. HOW TO LOCATE ALAIIMS. It the alurm Is sounded from box 15 the Ore hell will strike one, then pause and strike fivo which will indicate that tho lire is in the vicinity of No. 15 box. Every alarm Is repeated four times. lu One l.lno. Plenty of rain wanted. Chestnuts plenty. Political pot boiling. Finish the olectric road. Hurry up paving tho strcots. Colds plentiful. Winter is coining. Look after tho fireplugs. Now prlvato letter boxes soon. New postago stamps in January. Heavy frost this morning. Light fall of rain yesterday. Mock election to-morrow evening. Get out your heavy overcoats. Produce markets well supplied. Wild gamo abundant. Campaign literature plenty. Housccleaning in earnest. Many paid taxes on Saturday. Tho Beading editors werejileascd. Election day nigh. Quinces scarce. Don't bet on the election. Two now doctors in town. Postal business increasing. Holidays coming. Teachers' institutcin December. Lane's I'm ally Medicine MoYcsthe bowels each day. Most peoplo need to use it. Comtag Events. Oct. 18 Bazar and supper in Bobbins' opera louse, under tho auspices of All Saints' Parish Auxilliary Society. Oct. 20 Second annual ball of Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen in Bobbins' opera Louse. Oct. 21 Sixth annual ball in Bobbins' opera house, under tho anspiccs of the Grant Cornet Band. Nov. 1 Supper under tho auspices of tho English Baptist church in Bobbins' opera house Nov. 23 Sovcnth annual ball of the Wash Ington Beneficial Society in Bobbins' hall, Nov. 21 Supper in Bobbins' opera house, under the auspices of Women's Belief Corps; beuoflt of Soldiors' Monument. A tiretit block. Fivo thousand novels, the latest and best issued, selling at 25 cents other places, for sale at Max Beeeo's for 10 cents. The finest playing cards in the market 5 cents per pack. A Voice Prom Florida. TJr. W. V. Ilvmim. f.lvo Oaft. Florida, savs lied Flair Oil Ii one ol tho most successful pain euro we sell. It's an unfailing remedy jor lmeumnusai, rueuraigia ana nprains, it a lag uii costs ao cents, ooiu m r. r. u, jurnn 8 arug store. Coughing I.oada to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When sho was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, 6ho gavo them Ctt3toria A bad coiigh or cold calls for a good remedy tha enra for It- For Couehf. Colds. Jji Grippe- and Consumption, a perfect and per nanent cure Is Pan-Tina, the worst cases yield to Us healing properties Costs 25 cents. Pan-Tina Is Bold at P. 1'. D. Klrlln's drug YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE! Good horses, -nice buggies and responsible drivers are the essential things for a pleasant drive, which can always be had at my stables, 13 and 14 JNort Pear alley, rear of Luberg' hardware store. Hbrsea taken to board. Undertaking in a its branches attended to with promptness. EYAN J. DAVIII8. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Christ, Iloasler's old stand) SInlu and Coal Bin., Hlieuniirtonli Best beer, ale and porter on tan. The finest brands ot whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at- ached. OBB'S OBSERVATIONS. What lie Sees ami Hears During Ills TrnvitH. .Tnin A. Rnlllvmi (not John h.. ploasonoto) itmnt tlin nast two weeks in town cloanlnR items for tlio political letters ho is writing for a syndicate. Ho left for Ills homo in a ilnvnr two In reflection. John A. is'a vigorous writer and talker. In reporting tho David Fisher and Ida Hoffman enso a few dayB ago the Herald failed to catch an interesting point, Tho ifo Fisher buried about threo weeks ngo was his fifth. Superintendent Freeman is distributing staffs for tho schools flags for use in tho Columbus Dav narade. All tho flags now spread upon tho wall in tho Bchool rooms aro to bo tacked unon tho staffs. The pupils in tho Lloyd street school building drill for the parade daring dinner hour on every school day. Itlsrcnortcdthatthcrois an old woman on West Centro street who entices toys for immoral purposes. The resolution adopted some tlmo ngo by the clergymen in town to the effect that Sun day funerals would bo discouraged seems to have fallen short of success. I am informed that a reprofentativo of a society for tho prevention of citielty to ani mals was in town last week and made ar rangements by which a representative is to be appointed to look after tho society's In terests in town. Upon a recent visit to tho Heuald sane turn "Jack" McCarthy, of tho llazlcton Sentinel, said ho had over fifty men on his staff and would havo a special wire from Hazleton to Philadelphia. His rapcr now announces that the Western Union Company is to build a new lino of telegraph between Hazleton and Pottsvillo. It will connect ith tho Beading line. At present all mes sages to Pottsvillo must go to Philadelphia and then go up on tho Reading wires, smell a niouso. I fear "Jack" attempted to deceive and uncousclously allowed tho an' nounccment of tho Western Union's intcn tons to crawl into tho columns of his paper, Jack ! O, Jack I why do you talk so much? And still no answers to the Jllrumm challenges is heard from tho Beilly camp, Whoro is Beilly at? The peoplo of Mahauoy City are allowed to draw upon tho water supply but two hours a day from 6 to 8 a. m, and the newspapers omplain that their work is greatly hampored by tho short supply. A brower is about to put on tho Schuylkill market a beverage to be known as "The Miner Beer." Wouldn't Meyerbeer be moro euphonious? Tho Lehigh Valley Eailroad Company has adopted a new stylo of smoke stack for its locomotives. It is a cast iron stack and docs not look as woll as the old style, hut will bo cheaper for tho company on account of not having any lining to wear out, Carl Yaekle, of Orwigsburg, has been awarded a contract to furnish 5,000 square feet of sod to beautify tho grounds around P. J. Ferguson's residence on South Whito street. "Jimmy" McHale, tho Philadelphia ex ponont of tho mauly art who is to meot William Gibson, of town, at Ashland on tho 17th lust., is in Ashland and will remain thcro until after the fight. Ono of tho papers of that placo says McHale is a gentle manly, unassuming young fellow, with very little of tho sport about him, and ho never touches intoxicating drink. Tho Malmnoy City choir of scTentyfive voices under Conductor Beeso Bosscr, will compete for tho $2,000, $1,000 nud $500 prizes at the World's fair. Tho choir has a hank account of $750. It won $350 of it at Lakc sido last August. Tho Hazleton City Council has passed an ordinanco prohibiting tho opening of barber shops on Sunday, under a penalty of not less than $10 nor moro than $25 together with the costs of suit. No ordinance is required in Shenandoah, as her barbers always re spect tho Sabbath. Tho time for holding the teachers' annual county institute is not far off but very llttlo is being said of it. County Superintendent Weiss is said to bo doing considerable work quietly, but if tho patronage of the public is depended upon to make it a success there will havo to bo moro blowing of horns. This is a presidential year and the heat of politics may Bhut tho Institute from thevlcw of many peoplo if tho advertising is not started early and Indulged in liberally. Tho chart for the salo of reserved seats for the production of "The Confederate Spy, or tho Bluo and Gray," which is to take place in December, for the benefit of tho soldiers' monument, will ho opened on October 10th, so as to give everybody ample timo to securo seats. An exchange says that Hon. C. N. Brumm uo longer wears long hair. No; but he car ries with him a pretty long and striking talo about Keilly's Congressional record. The Minors' Hospital Board of Trustees will meet to-morrow, instead of on tho 11th intt., as on tho latter dato tho members of the American Mining Instlluto will mako a tour of this region and tho trustees want to bo with them. The people must not be fooled by tho np- pearauon of theileepy looking old harto that hauls the Adams express wagon about town, Ho ran away thrice during tho past ten days and his market price is going up. The do- pot hands have become exceedingly proud of him. Ilnne? I Banc t I llane t 1 I Is heard tho gun of tho sportsman. Get your outfit together and join their ranks. Tickets at reduced rates are on sale via the Nickol Plato. t-uov-11 'News lludgct." Tho News Budget is tho title of a now weekly paper tho first number of which made its appearance on Saturday. Typographically, it is a hnndsoino looking sheet, and we wish its publishers, tho Hoes Brothers, every success In tholr undertaking. Tlio l'liico to do. Shenandoah pcorlo visiting the county scot (surnamed Pottsvillo) all call in tho Academy Bestaurant. Either J. F. Cooney, tho proprietor, greets you with a smllo, or his genial brother, M. 1A. Cooney, welcomes you. It is the resort for all gentlemen from north of the mountain. 8-21-te Frou-Frou." Madellno Mcrll is ono of the few stars that is not afraid to Burround herself with the best talent. Her company not only look.but act, their roles to perfection. Such stars and companies should ho encouraged to como to Shenandoah by being greeted by a packed house of our best theatre-goers. Many peo plo aro not familiar with tho play of ' Frou- Frou." It is a modern society drama, has had a run of over fivo hundred nights ot tho Theatre Francalsc, in Paris. It is Bern hardt principal play, and her favorite ono. Tho rolo of " Frou-Frou '' calls for most ovory human emotion, from tho highest comedy to tlio most dosperato emotion and tragedy. Any actress that can play " Frou-Frou " suc cessfully must of necessity bo a genius. At Ferguson's thcatro Thursday, October 13th. Hunting I Season Opened. For special rates to hunting territory, call upon agents of tho Nickel Date. tuovl2 tltcrury Notices. VERY YOUNO. Judge's Library for Septcmbor shows a very picturesque and happy little darky making a raid-day meal of tho ever-prosent watermolon. This number of tho Library will especially pleaso tho children. What number, in fact, docs not? And it is filled with all these oddities that tho great artists aro so skillful in depicting. Never was so much laughter put in pages for such a mod crato amount ns in Judge's Library. Every newsdealer handles it, and if ho docs not, ho cm mako no better investment than by sending ten cents to tho Judge Publishing Co., 110 Fifth Avenue, New York. HOME LIFE OF DICKENS. Tho series of reminiscent articles of "My Father as I Becall Him," by Mamio Dickens the oldost and favorite daughter of Charles Dickens, will begin in tho next issue of The Ladies' Home Journal by an entertaining narration of Dickens' ycrsonal habits, and an inner glimpse of his home life. 1 f Ml THE NEXT MORNING I fTEL BnlGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says it ncls gently on tho stomnch, liver and ktdnnvi, and Is a pleasant laxative. Thl. Urinlc in mailt from he i-b-,. una I-, prepared for use fr na Buy ono to-day. i..ine'-i Fr.ini) ly Jli-ilirlne In order to bt jlovea the lioweit encu clay, Valtny, thla ts ue .irv. VOTE FOR FOR THE LEGISLATURE, SHENANDOAH Employment Agency ! MAX REESE, Agent. ALWAYS RELIABLE. Help always on hand? for families, restaurants,&o. COOKS, HOUSE GIRLS, Chambermaids, Nurso Girls, Walters, Drivers, Maids, ic. 14 West Centre Street,' SHENANDOAH, PA. (Ferguson House Block.) GO TO THE COFFEE HOUSE 32 North Mnln Btrcet, For a Good, Cheap Meal MBS. CONNICK IN CHARGE. H. J, M'GUIBE'S Sporting and Musical Resort ! Second St., GIRARDVILLE. llest Wines, Liquors, Deers, Ales and finest uruuuo ui wtr uiwayn ua nuau. WANTS, &o. IriOR. SALE. A good heating stove. Apply ! at tho Herald office tf WANTED. Good Canvasser! salary nnd expensosfrom start; steady work; good chance for advancement. llltOWN llltOS. CO., Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. 8-31-3m A GENTS WANTED ON SALARY or com Y mission, to handlo tho now Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. Tho quickest and great nst selling novelty over producod. Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of ,iaper. works llko magic. 200 to BOO per cent profit. Ono agent's sales amounted to fK0 In ilx days. Another $32 In two hours. Previous expcricnco not necessary. For terms and full particulars, address The Monroo Mf'g Co., La Crosse. Wis. x439 5-34-ly AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In tho matter of the Estate of Henry Kapp, lato of the town ship of North Union, deceased. The under signed, an Auditor appointed by tho Orphans' Court of Schuylkill county, "to rostato, resettle and matte distribution ot the monies remaining in the hands of James K. Moser, Executor, &c., amongst tho parties legally entitled thereto," will attend to the dutlos of his appointment at his ofUco, "outh East corner ot Main and Oak streets, Hhcnandonh, l'a., on Friday, October 28 1892, nt 10 o'clock a. m., when and whero nil parties interested aro requested to present their claims or bo forever ftcr debarred from coming In upon said fund. (Money in hands of Executor, ts W5.04). 8. G. M. IIOLLorBTEH, Auditor. Shenandoah, Pa., Oct. 3, lb(. 10-5-law-3w tl K PAYS for a home lot at May's Land (pJLU ing, tho line suburb of Atlantic City; 0 squares from It. 11.; commutation faro to Phila., 2ft cents; has court house, hotels, schools, churches, cotton, paper, clothlnc clear sash. brick, and lumbering mills, with finest water power; lino driving, fishing, gunning, bathing, selling; city and country combined; 35 houses built last year and not ono empty; a safe and sure Investment; $50 Invested will Increase ftJlOinOmonlhs; :) mills built this year; lots aro Hurcct above ocean; iu per cent, ou ior casn; 2 lots for S2ft: title Insured. Send for circular. MAY'S LANDING IMPROVEMENT CO.. 058 Franklin St., fnlludelplila. v-w-zm OFFICE OF THE On account ot the long drought tho Shenan doah Water nnd Gas Company gives notice to Its consumers that theromustbono more waste of the water supplied by tho company. This notlcois especially directed to people who use garden hoso and wash show windows, pavo mcnts, carriages, etc. Tho water will be turned oft every evening, beginning on Wednesday, October 5th, at seven o'clock, and remain so until 7 a. m. This rulo will remain in forco until the next rain. A watchman will be stationed at a stop at Fow ler's lumber yard, on East Coal street, to turn on tho water at a moment's notice in case the fire alarm Is sounded. By order of tbo company, 10-3-lw Superintendent. DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant The leading place In town, lias lately been entirely reno vated Everything new, clean and fresh. The finest lino ot Wines and Liquors I Cigars, &c. foreign and do mestic. Free lunch served each evenirg. Dig Bchoonera of f resh.Ueer.Porter, Ale, &c. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. J. J, DOUGHERTY, Prop. 'ERGUSON'S THEATRE. r. 3. ixnatisoN, masaqeii. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, '92 Tho society event of tho theatrical season. Special engagement ot -"MADELINE MERLI. (American tour.) Tho young emotional actress In hcrspccial pro- "FROU-FBOU r As presented at the Theatre Francalse, Paris, ior over uvo uuuureu uiguia. Miss Merit is acknowledged to bo tho new uernnarat. v. 1: iww, No Advance In Prices. Reserved Beats on sale at Klrlin's drug store. ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN Buy their School Books, bjates, renens School Bags, and other school supplies at IF1. CT. PORTZ'g North Main Street. The larecst stock In town at the lowefittirices. Headquarters for stationery ol all kinds, wall paper aiiu wmuow emuies Saloon : and : Restaurant, 115 N. WHITE STREET. First-class Lager Deer, Alo, Porter and Tem perance Drinks a.d Cigars. Fine old Wines and Liquors always on hand. U. O. FOLMER, Prop Ifk CENTS FOR A WINDOW SHADE. 1 B Others, ready to put up spring roller, &JF tor 35c, 3.1c, 45c, COo and upwards. Par ties desiring only the shading or fix tures can bo accommodated. C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardm Street. Hess' Livery Stable xi8 IV. JHnrkct Alley. NEW BUGGIES AND BAHKESS, SAFE HOUSES Finest turnouts in town. Would he pleased to receive a share of the puouo patronage. We Are Just Opening Up a full Ladies', Misses' CARPETS for Fall Trade. New styles arriving dally. T T PRTfVs OLD RELIABLE, U . U . JL JLYJLvjJLj Oj north main; street. THE EVENING Publishes all the News. The Herald is the evening newspaper of the Shenan doah Valley. It and foreign news cellent advertising ceived in all neigh villages by mail or day of publication, the people in this hood, the best place vertisement is in the Herald. JC3L 3ES ID Great Advertising Medium. GREAT ADVER MED ' We Study to Please I " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK. Fish, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, 4c, 40 Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. OPENING OF Dancing School! Robbins' Opera House, SATURDAY EVENINGS. Schoppe Orchestra, 15 Pieces. line of and Children's publishes all local and is hence an ex medium. It is re boring towns and train on the same If you wish to reach town or neighbor to plant your ad Advertise ! Subscribe ! ISING U A hat that Is not stylish a worthless Thera aro a thousand reasons why you should cot wear It, and not one reason why you should It usu ally costs as much as a stylish hat and Is cot worth a fraction ot the money. When you fcuy a hat buy a good one, and It you really want a good one, try our CIS hat. It will till the bill. The same can be said of our Neckwear a flna tie for 20o, any style. tHraw hats from 60 up to 11.50. Nlco line of summer shirts at 26o ; a Dig drlvo In hoys' waists from 'J0c to 60c. large Una of trunks and valises at lowest prlcei big bar gains In overalls and coats at ig South Main St., Shenandoah. Silk and cashmere hats renovated and made as good as new at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. TOHN E. CoVlE, Atiornty-at-L&w &nd Real Estate Agect, Offlce-UeddoU'e.UulldlDg, Shenandoah, raj