The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 24, 1892, Image 4

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    In Season 1
All kinds of Canned
and Bottled Goods,
Imported and do
mestic Cheese, Fino
Groceries, etc., for
tho summer and pic
nic season at
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
Half Hates vln tho Illinois Central Aug. 30,
Sept. 87 ami Oct. SGth, 1H03.
The Central Route will Bell excursion tickets
to the Agricultural Regions ot tho V'est,South
west and South, at ono fare for tho round trip,
from stations on Us lines north of Cairo, on
August 30th and September 27th. A third ex
cursion will be run to tho South and Southwest
on October 25th. Your local ticket ogent will
give you full particulars In regard to these
Harvest Excursions; arrangements can also bo
made In this connection to visit tho desirable
Railroad Lands for salo by tho Illinois Central
In Southern Illinois on obtaining special per
mission to do so by addressing tho Company's
Land Commissioner at Chicago, Mr. E. P,
Skene. In addition, a few weeks before tho
first excursion date, your local ticket agent will
be ablo to furnish you with a speolal Folder,
Issued by tho Illinois Central, which will give
you particulars of theso Harvest Excursions in
such form as will cnablo you to plan your
journey at home. Should you not be within
call of a railroad ticket agent, nddross A. II,
Hanson, G. P. A., Illinois Central It. It., Chlca
co. 111. 8-l-5t
Lane's Family Medicine
Hoves tho bowels each day. .Most poopk
need to use it.
Four pair men's seamloes hose for 25c,
at tho Peoplo's storo. ' 6-21-tf
Coming KventB.
Sept. 27 Grand concert in ForRUSon's
theatre undor the auspices of Llanorch'Yr
Ewijr Lodge, No. 41, Truo American
Sept. 28 Select fall assembly of "Ou
Club" in Bobbins' opera house.
Oct. 18lluzir and supper in Bobbins
opora boueo, under the auspices of All
Saints' Parish Auxiliary Society.
Oct. 20 Second annual ball of Brother
hood of Bilroad Trainmen in Bobbins'
opera house.
Nov. 1. Supper UDdor tho auspices of
the English Baptist church in Bobbins'
opera houso.
Nov. 23 Seventh nnnual ball of tho
Washington Baneflcial Society in Bobbins'
Nov. 21 Suppor in Bobbins' opora
houso, under auspices of "Womons' Belief
Corps j benoilt of Soldiers' Monument.
Spectacles to suit all oyea, at Portz's
book and stationery store, 21 North Main
street. ( 4-28-tf
A Sunset.
O Great Salt Lake is but one of tho match
less epcctaclot) to be seen -In Utah. A new
book "Utah, a Peep into a Mountain Walled
Treasury of the Gods," Is now; issued and can
bo had postpaid by sending 25 cents to J. II,
liennett, Halt Lake City. It is expected that
the Knights Templar and others visiting
Colorado the coming season will -extend their
trip to Utah, via the Itio Grando Westorn
Itallroad in both directions. That road affords
cbolco of three distinct routes and the most
magnificent scenery In tho world, Equipment
unequalcd in tho West. Two trains dally
across tho continent. tf
Coughing Leads to Consumption
Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough at
A UrcHt Stock.
Fivo thousandlnovels, tho latest and best
issued, Belling at',25 conts other places, for
ealo at Max Hmo'b for 10 ccntB. Tho
finest playing cards; in tho market 6 cent,
per pack.
Buy Keyttme flour. Bo sure that the
name Lkmici & Co., Ashland, Pa., Is
printed on every sack. 3-3-3taw
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, sho cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she'clung to Castorla.
When she hod Children, she gavo them Castorl
Infants' shoos 25c. per pair, at the
People's stpro, 121 North Main street,
Shonandoah. C-21-tf
Best work done at Brennan's steam
laundry. Everything while and spotlesi.
Loco curtains n epocialty. All work
Good horses, 'trice buggies
and responsible drivers are the
essential things for a pleasant
drive, which can always be had
at my stables, 12 and 14 North
Jf ear alley, rear oi LUberg
hardware store. Horses taken
to board. Undertaking in al
its branches attended to with
(Christ, Uoasler'fl old stand)
Slain mid Conl HtH.i Hlicnniielouli
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest
brands of whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at-itched.
Some of tlio Topics That l'coiile are Tnlk.
liiB About To'ilny.
Col. 31. i Fowler Is always Interesting
company, m hti lund ot miormation novor
rcIs down lo low point. When in Dnnvcr
several weeks aeo ho met Kd. Shlndel,
formerly of Tnmaqua, and who was one ot
tho pionoors of tho Pike's I'cak gold
hunlore. Ed. was well to do at ono time.
Altor sinking his wealth In Colorado hf is
to-day a poor man and is now poddlinu
linwaro. lie married a charming young
lady in his rirosueroui days. Sho was the
aiuhter of a once prominent coal operator
of Pennsylvania. Such is fato.
Mr. Fowlor also met Detective Mo
Pailan while in Denver and was treated
royally by him. McParlan inquired bs
to the wolfaro of many Schuylkill county
boys. In speaking of tho Mollle Maguire
murdors ho told Mr. Fowler that John P
Jones' life could havo boon saved if certain
police had attonded to thoir business, as
the filet rs wore notified in lime that Jones
had been picked out lor a victim.
In 18G1 Col. Fowler, in company with
his cousin, N. D. Fowlor, and two others,
visittd Washington. In ordering dinner
tho" Colonel called for chickon. Aftor
waiting some time ho hoard a commotion
in the back yard. Upon making inquiries
as to the causo ho learned that tho chicken
had objected to being killed and cookod
and that II he desired to dine on "chick"
ho would havo to wait until a shoriff't
Dosse could get tho fowl within tho doad
lino: The Colonel counter mandod the
At tho inauguration of Lincoln on March
4th, 1801, thoipokesman of tho Now York
Bepublican delegation sfked Andrew
Johnson, tho newly olected Vico President,
his opinion of James Buchanan, lie ro.
plied that "ho novor Bpent ammunition on
dead ducks." Col. Fowler hoard this con
versation and is worth recording since it
has boon asserted, and is belioved to this
day by many, that this remark was intended
for the late lion. John W. Kornoy.
Bcforo tho wsr Col. Fowlor was captain
of ono of tho best cavalry companies in the
st'ile, connectod with tho militia. It com
prised some of tho leading citizens of
Tamaqua. Col, Fowler tondorod the
services of tho company to Simon Cam
oron, but the offer was declined, on the
ground that it would tske too long to drill
tho horses and otborwico prepare the com
pany for active service. Tarasqua had
three infantry oompanies, tho German
Light Infantry, Coptain Beck: Scott
Kiflof, Captain Lobo, and Jackson Guards,
Captain Uiggins, nnd tho services of all
wero accepted. They servod threo months.
A story is told of tho German Light In
fantry. During a parade on battalion day
tho company appeared in white breeches.
Tho manoouvros took place on Dutch Hill.
Thero was always plenty of boor an tap on
such days. On ono occasion somo one put
croton oil in tho beer and the result was
most disastrous.
Pencil Point.
What tho Ilazletou "1'lnln Speaker"
Thinks of It.
Among tho finest bands in the city yes
terday was tho Shonandoah band. They
acquitted tbemsolyr s in a very satisfactory
manner. In tho lino of march tho muelo
was oncbanting, whilo their efforts in con
cert mueic alter tho parade was ovor
highly appreciated by all who happonod to
bo fortunato enough to hoar them, Tho
following is the roster of tho band : Grant
Hind, Shenandoah, Pa,, loador, Jacob
Schoppe; John Schoppo, Peter Schoppe,
Harvey Waters, John W. Curtin, Harry
Schoppo, William Metcalf, Henry Wilcom,
William Schoppe, William Daddow, Ben
jamin Daddow, Frank Balshanick, Joseph
Moms, John Bustotfield, Patrick Mc
Minus, Edward Morris, Warron J. Portz,
John Davis, Charles Schoppo, James
Morgan, Josoph Schoppe, Charles U,
Goiso, Lewis Hallner and Fred. Haflner.
Tho band rondered tho following pieces at
tho Elk headquarters: Selection from
Martha, (Flotow); Cosmopolitan Overture,
Prendevillo, Spanish Beview, Descriptive
Piece, Egmont, Beolkoven.
Tho band then visited tho Plain Speaker
office and in Iront of tho same rendered the
Noble Guard March," J, 0. Heed; Creino
do La Oremo overture, Glaus; Nebuchad
nezzer, Vordl.
Under the f.lon'a l'mv,
This monster melodramatic spectacle will
be produced at Forgusou's theatre on Wed
needay ovening, 28th Inst., under the man
agemont of George Peck, with a strong
cast, magnificent scenery, and introducing
Col. E. D. Boono, tho great lion tamer, and
his charming wifo, Milli Oarlotta, together
with their sovon giant Nubian Hons. All
the paraphernalia used in this production
la carried in tho company's own privato
baggage car. Tho lions aro exhibited in
tho third act; which takos place in a circus
mensgorlo, and their performance is given
in & massive steel cage, fourteen feet high,
thirty feet in diameter and weighing 0,000
pounds. Tho largo African lion, "Com
modore," Is also In the last act. Their
performance Is a triumph of tho trainer's
skill. Seven huge, shaggy lions frolicking
in their steel-encircled den, liko children,
playing seo-eaw, leaping, riding bicycles,
wrestling, forming pyramids, riding
chariots, with all but human intelligence.
Colonel Boono Is accompanied in the den
by two enormous boar hounds, presented to
him by Prince Bismarck,
Tho following letters remain uncalled for In
the Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa., post
office, September.SI, 189S:
Freodraau G. Thcdam R. D. (2)
Parties oalllug for advertised letters should
please say "advertised." Che cent will be
charged on all advertised letters.
a a boteu, r. it
Where nnd When Services Will lie Con
ducted To-morrow.
There will bo no services In tho English Lu
theran church to-morrow, owing to the absenco
of the pastor.
Welsh Congregational church. Preaching ser
vices at 10 a. m. and C p. m. by Itcv, Davlcs, of
Wllkes-Uarro. Sunday school at S p.m.
Klieneter Kvangolleal church, Iiev. It. M. I.lch-
tonwalner, pastor. Scrvlcos to-morrow at 10 a,
m. in German, and 0:30 p. m. In English. Sunday
school at 1:30 p. m. All aro heartily invited to
Salvation Army, corner Main and Oak strcots,
P. and 11. Klngsland, Captains. Bcrvlces all
dy, commencing at 7 and 11 a. m. and 3 and 8
p. m. Meetings will bo held overy night dur
ing the week excepting Monday night.
All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street, near
Main, Itcv. Floyd E. West, rector. Services a
follows: Morning prayer, litany and sermon,
10:30. Evening prayer and sermon, or ad
dress, 6:30. Sunday school at 2 p. m. The
rector officiates nnd preaches morning nnd
evening. All seats free and everybody made
heartily welcome.
Primitive Methodist church, Itev. J. Proudo,
pastor. Scrvlcos to-morrow at 10:30 a. in. and
6:30 p. m. Sabbath school at S p. m. Christian
Endeavor nt 5:45 p. m. every Sabbath. Morn
lng subject: "A Doublo Witness." Evening
subject: "Sorrow Its Causo and Cure." Class
meetings Tuesday nnd Thursday evenings atT
o'clock.and Sunday nt 9:30 a. m. Prayer meet
ing Thursday nt 7 p. m. All seats frco. Any
ono not having a church homo is cordially In
vltcd to como here.
First Mothodlst Episcopal church, Itev. Wm
Powlclt, pastor. Dlvlno worship at 10:30 n. m
and 0:30 p. m. Morning subject: "The Art of
Contentment," Evening subject : "The
Groat Encampment." Sunday school at 8 p.
m. Epworth League at 5:45 p. m. Prayer
meeting at 7:30 on Thursday evening. Stran
gers and others aro always welcome.
Prosbyterlau church, Itev. Wm. McNally, pas.
tor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30
p. m. In lecturo rpom. Sunday school at 2 p. m.
Christian Endeavor Society will meet on Tues
day ovcnlng at 7:30. Prayer meeting on ThurS'
day evening at 7:30. All aro cordially Invited.
Something Klcli.
An attractive propri.mmo for the con
csrt to bo held in Ferguson's theatre on
Tuesday evening, next, under tho auspicof
of the Ivorito lodge of town, has just been
issued. Tho objoct of the concert is to
make up lor a heavy loss sustained by the
lodge in holding the eisteddfod here last
Christmas. The programme is made up o(
a cboico solcction of vocal and instru
mental pieces and is very pleasing. Tho
Shonandoah Malo Party, Gilborton Party,
Prof. P. T. Evans, Miss Annie Wynno, of
Mahanoy City, Miss Helen Piico, Misses
Maggio Jones, Edith Morgan and Butb
Williams, and Messrs. William Edwards,
John Knight, Edwnrd Morgan, Bonjamin
ilaskey and Master Edward Jones will
tako part in the concort. Tho price of
admission tor this excellent treat will be
but 25 cents.
Experience of un Ex-Champion.
Athlothes and men who tuko ordinary
outdoor exercise such as walking, running,
bicyclo riding, jumping, swimming, tennis.
etc., are often tho subjects of acu to troubles.
Tho experience of an ox-campion walker
will bo of interest to all who are afflicted
Harry Brooks writes:
"No. 324 E..19lh St., Now York, Apr. 2,'8G
"Numerous statements relative to tho
merits of different plasters having been
brought to my attention, I take this op
portunity tostato that I havo usod Allcock's
Porous Plasters for over 20 years and pre
fer them to any othpr kind. I would
furthermore state that I was very sick with
catarrh of the kidnoys, and attribute m j
recovery entirely to Allcock's Porous
Jtung I Jiang; 1 I Hung I I 1
Is beard the gun ot the sportsman. Get
your outfit together and join their ranks.
Tickets ut reduced rates are on mlo via the
Nickel Plato. t.nov-11
For Almost Nothing.
Max Beosohus justreceivod a large stock
jf tablets, writing paper, envelopes, etc.,
purchased at an Assignee's tale And is
jelling them at 00 per cent, less than
regular prices.
Illeiritl Hunting.
Mike Lenatowicz, a Polish resident of
the First ward, was arrested last night for
illegal hunting, Ha was charged with
shooting rabbits on tho mountain near the'
stono crusher and when Constable Toomoy
arrested him ho was carrying a dead rabbit.
The man pleaded ignorance of the law,
but was obliged to pay f 10.00, fino and
Whooploff Cough. Bronebitli od Aithma, A ctrthU
irt fr Co&tumptioa to Bin surli, kul t iur rtiUf in
kdTtnetd tage. Uiuttonca. You will the ex
slltnt effect lifter taking the tint doM. Stllk
Of Ccntralla, is now prepared to tako contracts
ror tno
Cleaning Out of Water Closets
And olhor outbuildings. Prompt, cloan and
Inoffensive work at reasonablejprlces. Orders
maybe left at tho Commercial Hotel, corner of
Aiain anu woui siroeis.
Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com
paules represented by
120 S. JaroinSL, Shenanooah.Pa
Our Directory.
sjjs Jin Fogtf oppieE
Ofnco hours 'from 7:30 a.
m. to 7:30 p. m. Money
Order and Registry De
partment open from 8:00
a. ra. to 7:00 p. m.
Followini? InaKRhndnln nf
tho arrlvat and departure of mall trains. Mall
matter for despatch must bo In tho oftlco thirty
minutes before tho time given below:
Destination. Departure.
P.M. A.M.
1:40 4:24
8:00 9:08
1:40 9:45
1:25 8:63
1:25 9:03
1:25 9:08
2:29 9:60
8:18 9:50
2:20 9:56
8:18 9:60
2:20 9:68
A. M. IN M.
7:20 12:62
9:08 3:08
11:30 8:00
9:08 3:08
7:20 700
7:20 2:66
11:30 6;20
7:20 2:60
11:30 2:60
7:20 2:50
I Phlla., Western )
! and V
( Southern States )
( Now York and East-1
crn States and
( points on L. V. It. It, )
Asland. J-
j Glrardvlllo.
(Haven Ilun, Centra-)
J 11a, Mt Camel and V
( Bhamokln. )
j Pottsville. J-
Mahanoy City, j-
JMahanoyPlane,Lostl 11:30
I urecic ana nnait. )
Fracltvlllo. V
Carriers make a central collection at 6:00 a.
m. and 7:00 p. m., and a general delivery at 7:15
a. m. and 3:15 n. m. Additional deliveries and
collections aro made In the business part of
luwh ut u. m. anu :yu p. m,
Fire Alnnn lloxeg.
The following list shows the location ot
tho alarm boxes of tho Shonandoah Fire
15 Coal and Bowers streets.
16 Bowers nnd Ccntro streets.
21 Drldgo and Ccntre'strcets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
34 Main and Poplar streets.
35 Main and Coal strcots,
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
62 Chestnut and Coal streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pull down
the hook once and let go. When an alarm Is
sent In tho fire bell will sound tho number of
the box and repeat the alarm four times.
If tho alarm Is sounded from box 15 the fire
bell will striko ono, then pause nnd strike Ave
which will Indicate that the fire is In the
vicinity of No. 15 box. Every alarm is repeated
four times.
Tho Cather property, on West Oak street,
for sale. Will bo sold whole or In parts to suit
purchaser. Appiy on ine premises. i-iz-iu
WANTED. A good salesman for this terrl,
torv. Good tuv to rlcht cartv with satis
factory reference. Annlv to Chns. J. Pouce.
General Manager, Chattanooga, Term. 9-21-lm
WANTED. Good Canvasser: salary nnd
expenses from start; steady work; good
chance for advancement. HUOWN BROS. CO..
Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. 8-31-3m
LOST. A gold-hinge bracelet, on tho public
read between Shenandoah nnd Mahanoy
uny r inuer pieaso return to mis omco. man
onoy uity papers pieaso copy. u-f-at
PROPOSALS will bo received until noon of
Monday, October 3, 1892. for 160 tons of
chestnut, 60 tons of stovo and 25 tons of egg
coal uenverea i. o. d., on any or the three rail'
rouu siaings. ncnuymni jiaven.
9-23-tf Schuylkill County Almshouse
nSTOAYED.-From tho nrerrlises of Wlllinm
Vj Ivuzmcrczlk, a red cow, with two whltoblnd
legs, tan uppea wim wnuo, wniio star in
forehead, and ropo on horns. Sullablo reward
ror return oi same.
William Kazmkhczik.
9-20-lw 300 S. West street.
mission, to handle the new Patent Cheml'
cal Ink llrnslne Pencil. Tho quickest and great
est selling novelty ever prooucea. erases inu
thorouirblv In two seconds. No abrasion of
paper. Works Ulco magic 200 to 600 per cent,
prollt. Ono agent's stiles amounted to M20 In
six days. Another t32 In two hours. Previous
experience not necoseary. For terms and full
particulars, address Tho Monroe Ul'g Co., La
Crosse. Wis. x430 5-24-ly
The event of tho season. George Peck's mon
ster meioaramatio spectacle,
Under the Lion's Paw
With a strong coBt, tons of special scenery,
and Introducing In tho .
Blcnnjrcric Scene
Col, E. I). Roone and Mllll Cdrlotta,
and their
Frolicking like children, in a masslvo steel
cage, playing at seo saw, piaying oau, rolling
noons, drawing chariots, sklnnlne rone, savins
prayers, forming pyramids, and many other
ucis wiiu uuiuuii mieujguiicu,
Prices, 25, 50 untl 75 Cts.
Reserved seats on salo at Klrlln's drug store.
Robblns' Opera House,
Schoppe Orchestra, 15 Pieces,
Buy their
School Books,
Slates, Pencils,
School Bags,
and other school supplies at
North Mnln Street.
The largest stock in town at tha lnvafit nricea.
Headquarters for stationery of all kinds, wall
pupvr uuu winuuw suuucs
We Are Just Opening
Up a full
Ladies', Misses'
New styles
Publishes all the News.
The Herald is the evening newspaper of the Shenan
doah Valley. It
and foreign news
cellent advertising
ceived in all neigh
villages. by mail or
day of publication,
the people in this
hood, the best place
vertisement is in the Herald. Advertise ! Subscribe I
Great Advertising Medium.
We Study to Please I "
Old Stand. New Goods
Flab, Butter and Egga,
Flour and Feed,
Potatoes, Green Truck,
Hay and Straw, &c, &o
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store
(Muldoon'a old stand)
Hot Weather Bulletin.
All Flavors,
23oca.x Water,
Puro Fruit Flavors.
HEJx'ortca., OetlsLois.
Confectionery, Eto,
27 Soutli BInlu Street.
line of
and Children's
for Fall Trade.
arriving dally.
publishes all local
and is hence an ex
medium. It is re
boring towns and
train on the same
If you wish to reach
town or neighbor
to plant your ad
1 .
A hat that la not styllah a worthless. There ,
are a thousand reasons why you ehould not wear
It, and not one reason why you should. It U8U
nllvMi. .... II, ). . 1. .n,
worth a fraction of the money. When you tuy 1
A. tint Vttiir n rrrrA nno anil ff irftn vaallv wnnl ft
good one, try our 12 hat. It will fill the but. !
The same can be said of our Neckwear a fine-;
tie for 200, any Btyle. Btraw hata f rora to up t
11. M. Nice line of summer ahlrts at 25c aMK ;
drive In boys' waists from 20o to 60o; largvme
of trunks and valises at lowest price; b g buf
gains In overalls and coats at j
xg South Main St., Shcnandoah.-
Sllk and cashmere hats renovated art) tzzi&"
as gooa as now at short notice, oau.- ta "
guaranteed or money refunded.
Atlorncy-ai-hw and Real Estate Agent,
Office Heddall'EUulldtng, Shenandoah,