The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 24, 1892, Image 3

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    - W i
Both tlio method and results when
Byrup of Figa ia tuken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and nets
fently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
liver nnd Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures hahitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho tnsto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, pro"1!'1 a
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and liavo mado it tho most
nonulnr remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
nnd 1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for nny one who
V.13UUS 10 iry u. xo not accept any
iBUtmuE, icr NEW YORK, N.Y.
6!cU Ilea Jacho and rellovoalt tho trouble!! tncf
dent to a bilious state of tho system, Buoh ad
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness:, Distress after
eating, I'aln In tbo 81do, &c Wblla tholr moat
remarkable euccees has been shown lu curing
toeaaache, yet Carter's IUUo Liver Tina ara
otpiaily valnablo In Constipation, curing and pro
venting this annoying complain t.whllo thoy also
correct alldisordora of tlioBtomacli.stimulalotha
rver and regulate tho bowels. Even If theyonlj
(Aefcothey would boalmostiufceleestofliOBWha
Suffer from this dip trussing complaint; but f ortu
.Xi&tely thelrgoodnossdot 3 notond horo,and tho&Qt
whooncetrythomvrlll find those llttlopllla valu
able In Romany ways that tuoy wul not bo wit
QUns to do without them. But after allalck head
'is the bane of so many Uvea that hero la whora
T7omaieour great boast, uur r-uucuroiiwana
Others do not.
Carters Lltuo Liver I'liia are very Bman ana
very easy to take, One or two pills mako a doso.
'Thoy are strictly vegetable and do not grlpo or
jmrge, but by their gentlo action pleasoaU who
usethem. InvialsatSScentsj ilvefor$l. Sold
1 by druggists every Vi hero, or soot by maU.
CARTER mrnifiiME CO.. New York!
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used In the
preparation of
tt-Mri is absolutely
pure and soluble.
It has more than three times
I the strength of Cocoa mixed
with Starch. Arrowroot or
' fiuorar. and Is far more eco
nomical, costing less man one cent a cup.
It Is UcHcIoub, nourishing, and easily
Sold by Ororers eTerywhirs. v
J7. BASER & CO., Dorchester, Hats.
Sporting and Musical Resort
Best Wines, Liquors, Beers, Ales and finest
uruuus oi uigars uiwuya uu oaou,
niinTlinr We, the undersigned, were
nur i unc ??" 6 xviijpv?&
Philadelphia. Pa., 8. Jones Philips, Kenne
OTuaro,ra, x. a. ivreiiz, niaungion, ra, so,
II. Kmall. Mount Alto. Pa.: Hev. 8. II. Biier-
mer. Munburr,tl'a.: B. J. Bollett, 211 8. 12th
hu. (leaning, ra.j wm. Ulx, 182S Montrose at.,
WlllarlAlnVlla. It T. TtntnA OHO U1. U 1!..
m. . . . . V 1 J I. u, LHJ.J .111. nbillKRU1
ing, Pa.; George and Vl. Uuricart, 439.1-ocuat
du, xvcnuiiiK, x . ocuuur circular
Hess' Livery Stable
xiS N. Mnrlcct Alley.
Finest turnouts In town.
'Would he pleased to receive a Bhare of the
yuunu patronage.
Act on a new principle
i-egaiato me uver, euinaca
and uov7ela through tin
nerves. Vu. Mais' firm
speedily cure biliousness,
torpid liver and constlpa
uon. bmaiiOEt, muuesi,
oureetl QOdoBeB.SD ctfl.
riaxnules free at rirukurtsta.
Br. lulu Del Co., ElUut, lai.
jyj" 8. ICISTLEIt, M. D.,
rnraioiAN and burgeon.
Office 130 Jardla street, Shenandoah, rp
Somcrby's Enemies Bitterly
Denounce His Election.
The Malcontents Would Ilutlier llnvo the
All'.ilrs lift ho Institution Kuiualn In the
IlnniUuf tha Coult OHlcers of tilt) Ilf
oigutilEml Order,
Baltimore, Sep. 14. Tho election of
''reemnn B. Somerby for Supremo Justice
of the Order of Iron Hall at the reorgani
zation convention hero Is bitterly com
mented upon by bis enemies. After the
election Mr. Somerby made a short speech
thnnklng tho delegates for the renewed
xpresslon of their confidence in him. lie
then offered his resignation of the ofllco
to which ho bad just been elected, Baying
ho did not wish to continuo In the posi
tion and all be bad desired was n vindi
cation of bis administration of tho affairs
of the Order. This, be taid, bad been
given him by bis re-election as Supreme
The meeting decided not to accept b!
resignation, and therein Mr. Someruy s
enemies again found causo ;for tlio state
ment that the convention was pacKou
with his friends, whilo the others were
excluded from participation in its pro-
ceediiiKS. Tho lntter claim that only a
fraction more than half of the oiu policy
holders were reurese nted at the meeting.
Thev lulmlt that additional tnousnnuB
want the Order reorganized, but they will
bavo no part of Somerby and the other
sunreme officers and loaders. The mal
contents nrefer to have the affairs of the
Wrecked Institution temaln in tbo custody
of the court instead of again placing
tbem iu the hands of tho wreckers.
Mr. Somberby, however, succeeded in
having bis plan submitted by tho reor
gnnlzation committee and adopted by tho
convention. It is substantially a scheme
to have the members of the Iron Hall
to hold on to their old certificates, take
out new ones in tho now organization and
pay ussesments until tho court turns ovor
tho funds to tno nuw organization, pro
vided it can be induced so to act.
The other officers elected are J. Albert
Clark, Exeter, N. H., Past Supreme Com
mander; A, U. Hoamer. Supreme Ac
countant; Joseph Harris, Supremo
Cashier; Dr. C. II. Baker of Philadelphia,
Sutiremo Medical Director. Somerby.
liosmer and Harris aro oliicers 01 tho old
Tbo financial plan of the new order is
to pay $1,000 iu beven years for about
S10U; or SoUU In seven year lor about
f 225. Old members going into tho new
concern sign a warrant giving tbo Su
preme Accountant tho powor to draw
lrom tho receiver of tbo old Iron Hall
the amount due tbem, which is trans
ferred into what is explained to be tho
reservo fund of the now order. Old mem
bers will receive now certificates dated at
the time of their ontrancu into tho old
They will have to pay a certain percent
age, about $120 on $1,000. Of this
amount they will pay one-sixth in cath.
give a note for the remainder, which
will ho doducted from the amount of the
certificate when paid .at maturity. Tho
one-sixth cash paymeut goes Into the re-
servo fund.
The new officers will be required to
give heavy bonds, is proposed to
engage the services of an expert account
ant, not a member of the Ordor, to ex
amine monthly all accounts and file a re
port for publication. Several of the new
olllcer3 qf the concorn, after the plan was
adopted, could not definitely explain how
It could he worked out.
The amounts paid to members by the
recolver and turned ovor into the new
concern wlll( ot course, be credited to the
accounts of tho respective members. The
assessments will be $250 each, two
month, and a third will bo levied the first
month on every new member to help to
pay off the claims of members which will
mature in a year or two. I ho members
who have been iu the old Iron Hall five
or six years Will be survivors in the new
Iron Hall.
Orders lamed by tha Philadelphia &
Keudlnc; Cuiupuny.
Pottsvillk, Pa., Sep. 24. In view o
the fact that accidents aro liablo to occur
at their mines throughout the region at
any hour, day or night, the Philadelphia
& Heading Coal and Iron Company
have Issued orders compelling all Inside
and outside foremen and machinists to
take up their residence in the immediate
vicinity ot the colliery at which they are
This step is taken so that competent
meu aro promptly on hand in caso any
thing serious occurs requiring immediate
attention, nnd it will atiect a largo num
ber ot employes who, in preference to be
lug deprived of tho privileges of tow
life, 1iure boen daily traveling from 10 to
JiO miles by cur or carriage to their work
ing Land Curporatlim Formed.
Deuvkh, Col., Sep. 24. A giant
poration bas just been formed iu Deuver
with btephan W. Dorsey at tho head
which in to bo known as the American
Lund & Canal Company, with a capital
biook ox sb.uuu.uuu. The company Is In
reality a consolidation of a largo number
of big concerns. The proviso is made
that the capital stock of the corporation
may be increased to $ 1U,UUU,UU0 It the dl
rectors chooso to do so. (
Lawyer guyle. Denlen the Stury.
Providence, R, I., Sep. 24. Lycurgus
Eayles, said to bo tho luwyer to whom
Lizzie Borden is alleged to bavo applied
lor liuorniuHou asio iuu uistrimttlon of
her fathers estnto iu tlio event of bis
death, says that there Is not a word of
truth iu tho ntory so fnr as he was con
cerued; that be uover baw Lizzie Borden
to talk with, uud that be wns not in Fall
IJiver during tho preliminary hoarlng.
Mr. Uuri-itoti About Ihu Hame.
Washington. Sep. 24. Mrs. Harrison
is about the Mime; indeed, there bas boen
no chauge niuou arrival, except that her
spirits are hettur. bhitilecns but little
Her nervous prostratiou is quite marked
to-day. The difficulty of assimilating
solid food coutiuues. Sbo la able to
take only a llttlo liquid nourishment.
Gen. lluitcd Worto,
Pekkskill, N. Yv Sep. 24. Oeneral
nutted a condition Is slightly worse. Both
Uuiperuturu and pulsb have fallen, and
the -patient is nervous ana restless.
Elr John Gnrnt'n Klnvninnut Thrrntent tin
CltHdrttnno Gnvernmant.
Loiroox, Sep. 21. A new danger
threatens Mr. Gladstone's government
In tho movement beaded by Sir John
faldon Gorst, recently Lord Salisbury's
Financial Secretary to tbo Treasury, to
form a party to advocato dealing with
nodal legislation or, in other words, with
the labor questions, In proforence to
Irish homo rulo, which the Premier in
sists on putting to tho front to the virtual
exclusion, for n long time, of definite ac
tion on matters of far more Importance
to Ureat Britain, and of far rnoro Interest
to the people.
Mori- than 00 of thendvanccd Conserva
tives and Unionists have already prom
ised adherence to such n party and its
programme, and tho importance ot
Uorst's leadership In such a crusade can
not be overestimated. Ho Is one of tho
most clever men on the Conservative side
ot the Houe of Commons, and is so gen
uinely devoted to the cause of the work-
ingmen that he constantly courted the
resentment of his chief while in office by
urging upon the Salisbury Cabinet tho
claims of labor, which be frequently did
ut Mines most inopportune to tlio plans of
tno Administration.
Although, of course party intrigues
rather than sincerity in tho causo of tho
poor is charged as the basis of the move
ment, and may bavo some to do with It
n tho adhesion of some unionists to bir
John's scheme, nevertheless it may servo
to attract a good many maloontents from
tho Liberal majority.
Itpjolcliig at the Kudlni; of the Granite
Clittnrs' Ntrlkn at Itarre, Vt.
Bauhe, Vt Sep. 24. The last net In
the trouble of tho granite industry oc
curred here when tho representatives of
the Union and the Association signed the
bill ot prices and agreement, thus ending
a long and bitter contest of five months'
duration. The dealers hold a long sos-
winn to fltsmiKR fchn wisdom nf hntrlntiintr
work before a settlement was made else- 1 weeKs, and they are so thoroughly satu
wbere. but finally deoided to do so, aud ' rat"l ,vith tue dlsoase that no dislnfoc
the bill wus signed. I tion, the Health Board say, oould rouder
It Is understood that tho Association
agrees to have Barclay Brothers' lujunc-
tion removed, and nil sheds will rosunio '
.work as union vards -Monday. Union 1
cutters aro happy over the outcome of
the strugglo and look upou the settle
ment as a partial victory.
Men will be set to work rapidly, lead
ing dealers notifying the trade to
send orders so that stock can be quarried
before winter. Barclay Brothers aud Mc
Donald & Son of Qulncy have purchased
the Dirigo Granite Company's valuublo
dark quarry. Real estate owners and the
general publip aro pleased at tho settle
ment of tbo longest mid most costly, la
bor trouble over known hero.
Ills Display of Diamond Will Sururlso
ISvm-ybmly 111 Cllln.i!Ei In '03.
Sajt Francisco, Sept. 24. Arnot Reld,
managing editor of tho "StraltB Times,"
Singapore, Is in this city on his way to
Chicago as special commissioner to the
World 8 Fair for the Straits Settlements
and Malaysia. He lays the Sultan of
Jolioru will erect n typical Malay houso
nt the World's Fair, lu wnlch25 Malays,
men aud women, will bo sent to reside.
They will be engaged In tho manufacture
of gold and silver ornaments, aud iu tho
various callings of their race.
The Sultan, better known as Maharajah
ofJohoro, will attend the opening of tho
exhibition in person. His display of dia
monds will be unrivaled. .Merchants' of
the Straits Settlements nnd native States
will exhibit a quantity of tin, gam
boge, pepper, dye stuffs, India rubber,
rattan aud other Straits produce.
An American Mmrlinnt Who CrUlclied
rresident Dluz's Adintnliitrittiou.
Montkiiey, Mex., Sep. 24. There la
considerable feeling expressed among the
Americans here over tho action of tha
General Government in expelling from
the Republic U. C. Hogue, an American
merchant ot this city.
Mr. Hogue has seen fit to criticise
President Diaz's administration, and the
authorities regard his action as coming
within tbo meaning of the law relating to
pernicious foreigners, and he was expelled
on that ground.
Mr. Hogue came here from tho United
States several years ago, and has many
friends in this part ot tho Republic.
Ills Fnref t Fires lu Colorado,
Denveh, Col., Sep. 24. Great forest
fires are devastating the country In
Wostern Colorado iu the vicinity of New
castle, and already thousands of ncros
have boen burned over. The latost esti
mate places the loss at $200,000 and the
fires are still raging. The fires are said
to have been started by luoendiaries, nnd
the timber Is vory dry and no means are
at baud for checking the llamas.
Gov. Ktissvll Rot to Speak iu tho West,
Qrukkfikld, Mats., Sep. 2-1. Gov.
Russell i much itnnoyod ut the untrue
reports that he U to do some campaign
speaking while In tho West next mouth.
To a reporter he aald that he w .ingoing to
Chicago to represent the State at the
dedication ot tha Columbian Exposition
buildings. He may innke one speech nt
Chicago In connection with the dedica
tion. rt rilllue Strikers' IMuees.
Davbwpoim", In., Sep. 34. There is
pmctlcMlly nothing new iu the strike sit
uation of tlio liurliugton, Cedar Iiaplds
& Northern Railway telegraphers. Sunt.
Williams says that no dlitloulty Is exper
ienced iu Ailing the strlkora' places with
new operators, and there is therefore no
sign of a compromise. All trains aro
running on schedule tiinn.
Another Liberal Klected.
Londox, Sept. 24. The election In
South Iveeds yesterday of a member of
Parliament lu the place ot Sir Lyou Piny
fair, who has been elevated to tho peer
age, rtauited in tbo victory of J. Lawson
Walton, Liberal, over Reglunl O. Neville,
Conservative. Tho vote wan 4,414 Lib
eral, uguiust 8,400 Conservative.
Twu Kuiparors to 3Ieot,
Vienna, Sep. S4. A Berlin telegram
announces that the Emperor William will
visit the Emperor of Austria In Vienna,
on Oct. 10, after attending the grand
ducal wedding at Weimar on the 8th.
Hamburg's Plan to Prevent An
other Cholera Epidemic.
llcllevf ilTlmt in Two YVoeln th Placno
"Will ba Virtually Kztlnut Columbia- and
the Quaruutlue Agaluit American
I'ortl Situation in Maw York liny.
Hamburo, Sep. 24. Tho weather re
mains cool rtiid damp. There is no Oust,
and the air is kept clear by strong winds.
Should such favorable conditions continuo
for two weeks moro, physicians say, the
end of tho period would find tbo plague
virtually extinct for the fnll nnd winter
The number of fresh cases to-day bag
been 330, or GO.fewor than yesterdny; tho
number of deaths 141, or 15 fewor than
yesterday. The intermeuts have num
bered 241, or 50 less than yesterday. Tho
hospitals contain 2,593 patients, or 184
less than yesterday. Tho majority of the
patients In the hospitals are now convales
cent. By next Monday, when tho sudden dim
inution of fresh oases will bogln to bo
apparent, the number ot patients prob
ably will bavo sunk to 1,200 or 1,500, as
hundreds will be discharged us curod
within tho next two days.
Tho Board of Health lias been author
ized to destroy many houses In the sub
urbs which have suffered most from the
plague. The houses named for destruc
tion are tenements which have no ado
quate means of ventilation nnd have no
sanitary conveniences. All of them have
been occupied by laborers' families,
whose members have died oil like, sheep
during the plague.
Seven houses iu Barmbeck and three
in Horn have lost two-thirds of their oc
cupants through cholera iu tho last three
'uem saie.
After the disappearance of the disease
many other tenemout bouses will be ex-
amined with a view to tearing them
with a view to
down. These measures are deemed neces
Bury to insure tho city immunity from 1
a return of tho epidemic next year. 1
Tho precautious taken by the authorities
aro so obtrusive to sight and smell as to
throw a stranger Into a hypochondriacal
state. Violations of the sanitary regula-'
tions are punished by a fine if tho offender
is poor, and by imprisonment if rich.
The cholera will prove a boon to Ham
burg nnd other largo cities if it leads to
the better housing ot tho poor. Although
they canuot be compared "with Hamburg,
the older parts of Berlin aro deplorably
overcrowded. One caso in point is a sin
gle building which is occupied by 250
tenants, mostly families. . j
Thirty-six smaller dwellings open off
onto one passage. The windows in tlieso
wretched- structures are often Btuffed
with rags and papers iustead of being
supplied with glass. The average size of
tho room Is 16 feet by 10. Some fami
lies, iu which there are five children, have
only one bed. Tho condition of these
dwellings baffles description. They are
full of dirt and vermin, aud veritable hot
beds, of disease.
In the country districts tho state of af
fairs is often worse. Cases aro on record
of four families, consisting of 22 persons,
occupying n single small room, divided
off into sections for the use ot the differ
ent families by chalk lines. All married
servants on an estate are housed in one
Tho figures in Antwerp up to dato are
189 cases and 03 deaths. -
"Why the Concord Was Ordered to Atpln
wall Trouble Feared.
Washinoton, Sep. 24. The Navy De
partment, in explaining the order to Ad
miral Walker to send tho gunbont Con
cord to Aspinwall from La Quayro, Vene
Euela, states that they do not fear any
trouble there, but that she will be on I
band should anything occur. Consul
Stmms has notified the Department that
there is a good deal of complaint on ac
count of the quarantine orders against
tho United States.
The inhabitants of the republic of Co
lombia think the regulations too strict
and claim that trado is paralyzed, and
that it it continues there will bo trouble.
Tho Navy Department, however, does not
fear any such outbreak, but, ns Commo
dore Ramsey said to-day:
"Wo bavo not bad a vossel there for
some time nnd think it may be good to
send one, so the Concord was ordered to
tho Isthmus. The Navy Department has
three war vcssols near by If any trouble
should occur, for the Chicago nnd Kear- I
sage are at Venezuelan ports, distant '
about a day's sail."
Minister I'aobeco, nt Guatemala, cables
the State Department that that country
has established a strict quarantine against
all American ports.
Flro Islultd Almost Deserted.
Fhie Island, N. Y., Sep. 24. Fire Isl
and closely rusembles the proverbial ban
quet hall deaerted. Chambermaids, sol
diers and policemen hold full sway here
at present. Manager Wall has no intima
tion iw to when he may expect any other
guest. Dr. Vought accompanied tlio Wyo
ming's passengers, who have gone to the
city in the Cepheug. Dr. Seward, who Is
now iu chnrgti here, is entirely satistled
with the sanitary condition ot tbo island.
ZVn More llxilet Seut to Siberia.
Oobssa, Sep. 25. Orders have been
given to cento sending exiles to Siberia
for the present, us cholera is prevalent
along the route. Many exiles have been
stricken this summer, and tho exile par
ties are believed to have been an impor
tant factor in the spread of the disease.
Since last April 0,705 exiles have been sent
to Siberia from southern Russia.
Situation ut Lousr Quuruntlno.
Quarantine, Sop. 24. Dr. Walser'a
report from Lower Quarantine is tliut
tliuro are no now cholera ousos and no
deaths on tbo island, or detained vessels.
The Itugla's oliicers have been released
from quHrnutlue nnd taken to their ves
sel in the upper bay.
Tho IMhkuo ut'Crucow.
Viiwna, Sep. 24. Seventeen fresh
cases ot Ablatio obolera and two deaths
axe reported from Craoow to-day. The
dhteaisf is raid tolmvo spread lu the gar
tttoa, bt'tull detail uu withheld.
Conscientious Scruples nnd the Panic In
the N-w York Srnagocue.
Nkw YonK, Sop. 24. It is said thai
tho panic at Ludlow strcot yesterday,
which resultod In tho doath of four per
sons, nnd tho injuring of many others,
several of whom will die, might hari
been averted by little effort. Some of
the less orthodox worshippers say that
the fire could have been extinguished
in a moment if tho oldor memborB of tho
congregation had not had conscientious
scruples about putting out a fire on a
holiday. To do so they considered a
desecration ot the day.
The complete- list of the injured is ni
Isaao Walozlus, superintendent of the
synagogue; Internally Injured.
Albert Wolf, aged 24, suffering from
nervous shock and slight injuries.
Hachael BackowitB, widow, aged 00,
fractured skull; fatally hurt.
Tillle Stilllker, nged 17, badly bruised.
Herman Cohen, 15 years of age, ribs
crushed, internally hurt.
Mrs. Rebecca Frledland, aged 4U, frac
tured skull: fatal.
Miss Ida Cohou, agod 21, skull fractured.
Julius Alluau, uged 0, badly bruised, leg
broken; will die.
Rachael Borusk, aged 27, fractured
skull; Injury fatal.
Mrs. Annie Cohen, widow, aged 63,
fractured skull; fatally hurt.
Simon Greenborg, uged 25, fractured
skull; fatally hurt.
Mrs. Louise Cohen, mother of Ida Co
hen; Internally injured.
The dead aro Mrs. Joseph Beck, 44;
Naomi Rosenthal, 80; Jacob Boyuin. 50,
and an unknown woman, aged about 80.
Figures ltecardlnc tha Number Who At'
tended theKncampment.
Washington, Sep. 24. The Grand Ar
my Encampment brought to this city
more people than have ever before been
assembled here. Tho crowds at Clove
lands or Harrison's inauguration were
not nearly so large, nor did the throng
at the triennial conclave of Knights
lemplar compare with it.
Tho Baltimore & Ohio Railroad alone
brought 150,000 people to the city, and
there were brought to tho Pennsylvania
Railroad station 155, 000, of whom 25,000
to uu.uuu came by the way of the Chesa
poako & Ohio and Richmond & Danville
ruiiroaus. a few thousand others cama
by boats and wagons. The number of
accidents reported bas been surprisingly
The city cored for this Immenso crowd
easily and well. Kilty thousand veter
ans were f urnished free quarters by the
citizens, and all other persons who came
were able to find comfortable lodging nnd
abundant food at low rates. A temporary
hospital wob provided for visitors, and
each day many emergency cases were at
tended to. berioua cases, however,
were very lew.
Venezuelan Ofllcluls May Not J'ursao th
Souih Portland.
New York, Sep. 24. The report that
the Venezuelan (Consul has sent a 1,000
ton oighleen-knot yaoht to head oft and
seize tbo South Portland, which, it Is al
leged, is carrying guns and ammunition
to the Venezuelan insurrectionists, is de
nied. It Is eald that noithor tho Nour
mahal nor the Atalanta oan make 18
knots an hour, nnd there is not a yaoht
of that size on this coast is capable of
making it. Tho gonoral opinion among
shipping men now seems to be that the
South Portland will go on her way un
molested. dMAst!
It is said that negotiations are pending
for tbo chartering of tho Albert Dumols
nnd the Golden Fleece. Tho 'Golden
Fleece, It Is said can be hired for $100 a
day through the Hughes Yacht Agency.
The other vessels which aro lying at the
battery aro quite fa.t, and have been en
gaged in the fruit trade.
A Prominent German Stabbed Another
Man Killed for Ileveuire.
Wilkesdaiwe, Pa., Sop. 24. Nicholas
He! el, a prominent Gorman ot Hazleton,
was stabbed 11 times by three drunken
men last night, and died almost instant
ly. The murderers, whose names could
not be ascertained, were arrested.
BJMlchael Wrich of Sticklln, Pa., who
was murdered here yesterday nnd his
body plaoed on tbo the railroad track,
some months ago stole $300 from a fol
low boarder and fled to Jnrsey City. He
was arrested ami brought back, but only
$100 of the stolen money was recover oi
He was released on ball.
It Is now believed that tho friends of
the man who lost the monoy lay in wait
for Wrich and murdoredbim.
To Kua the Iltimburir Company.
BniDOEPnitv, Conn., Sep. 24. Judge
Alfred B. Beers, John M. Hawley aud
David F. Read, ot this oity, will shortly
institute civil suits for damages against
the Hamburg-American Paoket line,
due to their detention aud the exposure
and privation to which they were sub
jected on tho memorable trip ot tho Nor
inannin. The Bridgeport gentlemen base
their claim upon tho fact that they were
informed when they secured passage that
no steerage passengers would be admit
ted to tha Normanula ou that trip. They
will claim $10,000 each.
Tho Arms Spirited Away.
Homestead, Pa., Sep. 24. Detective?
who have been trying to looate tho arms
taken from the Pinkertons on the day ot
the riot, July 0, traced the weapons to a I
t-oiil mine near Mluhall station, above I
hero. The detectives made a raid on the
mine but the expected arms were not to
be found. They learned that the arms
were removed a day or two ago. They
claim to know the parties Implicated In
their removul aud a sensation is promised
Secretary Hlklns Itecorerlnr-,
Washington Sep. 34. Seoretnry El
kins will return to Washington on Mon
day. Advioes received by his private sec
retary do not indicate that Secretary 121
kius at any time has been seriously ill.
He left here suffering from a bilious at
tack which became aggravated by his ac
tive participation in tha AVest Virginia
campaign, but b&s since yielded to treat
ment. lSnsllsh View of the Ir.ui-h Tariff.
London, Sep. 24. In commenting upon
the effects of tha Freuch tariff, tho "Daily
News" says that the prloe ot every article
of common consumption in Francs, sars
fruit, has been incrsaied lino tha tor UK
Want into opetsus.
Statistics hoir that ono In pom hni n tronkr
or dlaeaeed Heart. Tho lirt prroptoms are abort
iirnatb. opprcBMon. nutterinir, faint ana
hun err npeltMinln tn Ide, then mot tiering-,
swollen Qnklf, dropsy (and .Icath.l for
ntileb 1K. Sill. EH' NKW IIEAltT CUKE
Is a marvelous rpuu-dr. "I bavo been tronbled
with heart dlnenfo for TiMr, nir loft pnlso was
very weak, could at tinea Boi.rrely feci It, tbo
amallest oxeltement would always weaken mr
n'Tvcsandlwmrtunda fear of Impondinit Ueatu
Rt-irednK-lnthofacofor bourn. UK. MII.I'.H'
la Uj'i only medicine that bas proved of any beno-
Stnnd cured roe. h. M. Dyer, Cloverdalo, Md.
)r. Allies Xdver Plunaro n suro remudr for
Blllouaneaa nnd Torpid Liver. GO Doses
$A centa. Flno book on Heart Dleease, with
wonderful cures n-ee at druggists, or address
win be in SHENANDOAH,
Wednesday, Sept. 28,
from 8 30 A M 10 & P. M.
rersons who have lii-ailufiie or whose eyes aro
muslliB discomfort Miuul.l J-iill upon our Spe'lallst,
unrt tney will rnecne lntellijrtnt and skillful ftt-li-ntlon
NO ('II ltfill l- xam!m- your-el.
livery pair of glussv oroeivd N guaranteed to bo
Ocultsta nnd Opticians,
lOW I lll.,rMIHI
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing,
Jhappett Hands, Wounds, Burns, Eta
Bemoves and Frovonts Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wateti
The success of this Great Cough Care ft
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell It on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue
cessfully stand. That it may become known,
the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, arc
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home
in the United States and Canada. O If you have
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
it will cure you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, andrehei
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for
SHILOH'S CURE, Price lo cts., co cts. and
$l.oo. If your Lungs are sore or Back lamtf
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts.
For sale by C. H. Hageiibuob.
Cures Scrofula
Mrs. 13. J. Itowell, Medford, Mass., povs lu r
mother has boeucuredof Scrofula bytlieu-cf
four bottles of (fWittt after hav
much other tre J,naTjI atment,and Ik u.iT
reduced to qui mm-mA tea low condni u
of health, as it was thought she could not li t .
Cured my llttlo boy of heredit rv
Serofulu, which appeared all o er
"" Ins faee. l or a yearl bad em n
up all hopeot his recovery, when Anally 1 v .t
Induced to use ffSKSpHD A few hottleit
ured him, nnd lclTig!ll no gymptimi-of
the m&sae remain.
Maiueriille, Mi-,3.
Our book on UUm I an I ski it Di.i -..-s in ule.1 fr
bwlfT 'Ji'ELU'le to . Au.11. 1 1
Till tars vllbout ras4Ulss sll VTssVotss rsisltlsc frtst
sitrtssstloB otbitlQ, st-rvs faro,,, (ihiki or IsalaoretUB
ks astusl sxssB.tluo, drslai, lotscs, DtrTeus dsbllil.,
Umussi. IsDguor. rbaurasU.m klds.f , llvtr sod blsdd.r sia
pUtata, Isms, lumott-o. selsus. ssssrsl Ul-b, sits, sis.
TblstlsetrldbsH coBtsIss Hesd.rrul lupreBtcsU OTsr o4
otssrs, sad f U s surisal tust U IbiUbUj fall br lbs ws&rsf
er furrslt SS,UOU.UO, sad will cor til of tbs above
i sr so per. TboBatbdi bsre bwa-surtdfey this inintleBd
mviBUOB sun ail otser rera.aies isura, in. we sirs sib
drsda ortt.MmooUli lo Ibis sad e.trr other auto.
Our powarfBl Irapre'ed BttmilC SI BPKVS0I1T Is tie)
irealeatboea ersr etsred week maa: HIltvlIilllM. SILTS.
Il.ellb sot (le-oniee Slreoilk tUlUlUlD hHUN
Dels. Sead far lsrs ll'catrsted terapbleu, seeled, tree)
it aisll. Addr.ia
. h AiVDsiiv miiUOTZiia 00,.
1 No. OIO Broadwny. NEW YOIUCj