ONE Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figa ia taken; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the tos'.o, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Boweb, cleauses tlio sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy ot its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto nnd ac ceptable to tbo stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tbo most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mado it tlio most nonular remedy known. Syrup of Figa ia for salo in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug ciste. Any reliable druggist who way not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly lor any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISC CAU LOUtSVlUE, Kt Aff W YORK, W.V. fJck Heaflacho and relieve all tuetroublss met. lont to a billons eUteof tbo system, Buoh an Xllzzlness, N&uscb. Drowsiness, Distress afte? eating, l'atn In tbo H1J0, &o. WbUa their most j-emuksule success has uoonehowalacuitBg , HoaSache, yet Carter's LUtlj TJver Mia an equally valuar.10 in Constipation, curing and pre venting tbtsftBDoylngcoiaplalnt.wlillothfyalsa eoiroetaUdIsordGisoftnoBtomach,stlraulatethj jorandrulatnthebowolB. Uvea IT Uiayonlj tared (Acblh9YWortcllnlmos'prleoloMtothosowna I Buffer from tils uutrefulng complaint; but fortu Tutolythcirg odne. h1 t, notou 'Vro.sTici those -vmooncoiry luein win uuu uiunk, iuuu yum vaiu nrilainsorL.anv va- a that thur will not ba WIT- to do without thom. EutafteraLUlolchoail (lathe bane of so many Uvea that heru Is wbera tremakeourgroatboaat. Our pilla euro ltwhlla otberadonot, Carter's Llttta Liver Mbiare very email antl very easy to take, Ono or two pills make a dose. They are BtrioUy vecotabla and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentla action pleasoall who nsethem. InvlalaatSScenta; flvafortl. 8313 Dy druggists evsrywnere, or soat By man. CARTER nnrfiictliE CO.. New Ynrlti SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE..SMALL PRICE Unlike tiie Dutch Process No Alkalies Otlier Chemicals are used In tha preparation of W. BAKER & CO.'S BreakfastCoco tvlilch ie absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times theetrenoth of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or I ftucar. and In far morn awn. nomicai, coumj less man one cent a cup. It Is delicious, nourishing, and easily uiucsjud. Sold hyOrorers ererywhsrs.x W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Haw, H. J, M'GUIRE'S Sporting and Musical Resort Second St., GIRARDVILLE. Best Wines, Liquors, Beers, Ales and finest utnuua vi iyiura noways uu uuuu, niimriinP the uncierewnea, were Hun UK L ffiWffisi'OT"!? Philadelphia,!'., H.Jones 1'lilllps, Kennet rviuarc, i n.: x. A., jireitz, Hiiungiou, ra.; J1., M. Kmall, Mount Alto. fa.! Itev. 8. II. riher mer. buubury,il'a.s 1). J. Dellett. 2118.12th Mt.. ueaaini;, ra.; wm.uix, l'.M Montrose Ht., tl, 1 1 T . nnn,. QVl I." 1 LJ . I . Ing, Pa.; George and Ph. Burttart, 438 Locust HU, Heading-, Pa, Bend for circular Hess' Livery Stable xi8 N. Market Alley. SEW BUGGIES AND HARNESS, SAFE HOUSES Finest turnouts In town. Would be pleased to receive a share of the Ljuuuv patronage. HERE 3 LI "EI, FILL1 Act on a new nrlnclDla- resplato tha liter, elomach uau utroeuj mrvvun tits n;rti. Un. Mais' Fnu twulilu cure blllouanetis. torpid liver and consiipj- uon. emauost, muaooi, t)r.lilartlCo.,EllUrt;ia, jyj S. KISTLEU, M. D., raraiajAN and aunasotr. Oflleo 1W K. Jardln street, Shenandoah, CARTER'S BjtVER ilPl mm NO SIGNS OF CHOLERA Mew York Officially Declared to Be Free from the Dread Disease. NO DEATHS REPORTED FOR SIX DAY3 Mot I'.vrn it Suspected Casr, Haw Unit the Nil 1 11 iu of tlis Conerty Olrl'i Ailment Is Known A Death From th 1'lnz-ue In Nuvr Jersny No Trouble KxpeoUtl from X'lre IftluuiteraTlie Auivrleun Consul Aiitl Customs luwpector ul Colon lle- buked No Quurutlne at Cliurleston. New Yomc, Sep. 1 9. The city Is Tree from cholera. No deaths resulting from that disease tiavo occurred since Septem ber 18, and there are no suspected cases In tlio metropolis at tha present time. "With no deaths for six says and no suspected cases reported, " said Secretary Emmons Clark of the Health Board this morning, "we feel justified iu Btntlng that cholera has becu stamped out of tbo city." Tlio official report iu tho case of Peter Cullahau dispose of tho last deaths sup posed to have resulted from cholera. Callahan was attended by Dr. John U. Gillespie of No. 310 East 55th street, who gave the cause of tho man's death as diarrhoea and exhaustion." Tha Board of Health having oflicially sustained this report, no room for doubt is left iu this case. Several branches of business are suffer ing more or less on account of the disease. Fruit and vegetable merchants are not doing more than one third of the busi ness usual at this season of the year. I ha retail dry goods stores and other branches of shopping are missing many ot their out of towu customers. The rumor that tho Health Board doc tors had made a grout mistake in diag nosing the cuse of Mary Connerty, tho Reception Hospital patient, and that tha youuir woman was enctento und that Asiatic cholera bad nothing to tlo with her case, created considerable amusement among tho medical proiexslon. The 0 new doctors added to Dr. Mor ris's observation squud, bringing tha number up. to 75, are now at work. With tliu making of each infected house a special police patrol beat in tho precinct In which it Is located, a number or police men are relieved otthisduty,nnd the ordi nary work of tenement inspection and dunning whicli they direct can go on. Tiie Board of Health has instructed the banitnry superintendent to rigidly enforco tho section of the sanitary louo which provides that no bunulus or baskets of soiled linen shall bo carried on street curs. The-report of vital statistics for the past woek shows that there had been 708 deaths, a death rate of 21.48 per 1,000. Of tho deaths four were from cholera and ninety-eight from diarrhoea! diseases, The number ot deaths during tho previous week was 7151, a death rate of U.iii per l.UUU. The concensus of opinion from tha Health authorities yesterday was that tho health of the city was first class. While the danger of cholera Isuotyet over: they expect no epidemic. They do expect sporadic oases, but these can be readily attended to. " Even the cholera cannot materially lessen the number of people who flock to these shores. Curing the past week there were landed in this port 4,053 cabin and 3,031 steerage passongers. Usually the number of stcerugo passengers is four times iu excess ot the cabin passengers. Three weeks ago tho Moravia, the first cholera ship, arrived in port, and although six other steamers have brought the dread disease as far as the lower bay, and nearly one huudred vessels have come in with passengers who have passed through countries In which tho plagua has gained a foothold, at no time since the first arrival has the outlook been so bright as at present. The experience of the past- fortnight will undoubtedly go far to allay the general alarm that is felt at tho approach of Aslutic cholera, and to show that science has at last triumphed over what has been tha terror of nations for years. As all ships containing steerage from Hamburg are in port, and all steamship lines have agreed to bring no more steer age until the cholera ceases to be epidemia In h.urope, Dr. Jenkins declares that the worst is not only over, but that he docs not look for any mora cholera ships. Only one new case has been reported during tha post twelve hours.' This was on tho Bohemia. The passengers now'belng detained nt the different quarautino camps are be coming restless to get away. They greatly annoy, nnd in many instances abuse, the Health Officers during their visits, pleading or demanding to know how much longer they aro to bo detained. CHOLERA IN NEW JERSEY. Now llrunsulrk Gmutly Uxclteil Over a Genuine Cawf. New Bbusbwick, Sep. 10. This city Is greatly excited over a case ot oholera in John stroot, a thickly settled part of the city. James Carr, 83 years of age, who residefl with bis mother at No, 13 John street, was attacked at 4 o'clock yesterday morning with severe cramps. Dr. A. V. N. Baldwin, who was im mediately called, pronounced the ctuu to have all the symptoms ot Asiatic cholera, and his opinion was later con firmed by Dr. II. P. Baldwin, president ot the Board of Health, nUo Drs. Clark and Donohue. Carr died at 7:80 last even ing. The body will be examined by a repre sentative ot Dr. Cyrus . Edson, ot New York, and will be buried in uutiseptio blaukets. The house was thoroughly fumigated and disinfected. Two policemen are sta tioned near the house and will not allow unyone to go iu or leave. Carr was the captain ot a boat running between New York and this city A special meeting of physicians und citizens was called to pro vide means to fight the kcourue. Dr. Edson, ot New York, has been sent tor. Advised that tlia Crisis Is Over. Loon Lake House, N. Y., Sep. 10. The President last night received a dls patoli from Secretary Foster ot the Treas ury Department, saying that the crisis in the cholera bltuatlou was passed and that the disease wus well under control. ClioWris BuieuilliiE at Crsooir, Viinni, Sep. 10. The cholera la spreading in Cracow. Twelve mora dsatha are reported. VIGILANCE EVERYWHERE. Precautions Ml Mntiy rlMoci to Kacp Oai Hie OrpAil cf)urire. Chicago, Sep. 10. Chicago Is to have a more perfect system for the inspection of immigrants than is now in vogue in any city in the world. If curried out as is now outlined, a large sanitary station, comprised of an immigrant's hotel, baggage warehouse, and fumigat ing plant, four or five hospitals, for vari ous contngious and infectious diseases, nnd surrounded by twenty acres of ground will be established Just outsldo the limits of Chicago. l'oHLANn, Me.. Sep. 10 At Vanceboro, on tho boundary line of Malno & New lirunswlok, tho Maine Central itailroad Company is erecting a building for the use of travelers who may be ill or under suspicion of having the cholera. Tho company has issued an imperative order lor tne tnorougu cleansing and iminloct lng of all its stations and other buildings. Boston, Sep. 10. The State Board of Health is sending out to railroad and other corporations all over Mamachusotts a circular calling attention to tho neces sity ot maintaining cleanliness iu water closets, depot restaurants, railroad cars, etc. Quesnstown. Sen. 10. Dr. Hodges. Health Olllcer nt this port, has been or dered to board, outsldo the harbor, all ships arriving from New York and in case Ickness bo found on board, to give tho captain a choice batween quarantine here or nt Liverpool. Kinqsio.v, Sep. 10. In view of the reports of cholera In New York, it has been ordered that all vossels arriving In Jamaica from any port of the United fatates be subject to quarantine for period in the discretion of the authorities. Ottawa, Sop. 10. An extra of tha "Conada Oar-ette" has been issuod con taining the proclamation of a quarantine on tho Canadiau border against passen gers and merchandise from the city ot Now York. Columbus, O., Sep. 10. On account of the cholera scare all railway managers have been notified that no more immi grants will be allowed to euter Ohio without certificates. ARRESTED AT COLON. The U. S. Inspector JulUd for Violating the Quarantine. Panama, Sop. 10. The Prefect of Po lice in Colon yesterday stopped United States Consul Ashby nnd United States Inspector of Customs Vopliam near tho Colon docks, and in the presence of a crowd chnrgod them witli violating tho quarantine which bad been placed upon the steamship Newport. Tho Prefect spoke very sharply to Mr; Ashby, admonishing him that his con duct was beyond excuse and threatening him with deportation as punishment for his contempt of the authorities and tho Governor's proclamation. Mr. Vopham was taken to Jail, but was released at 8:80 in the evening. The condition of buslno in Colon is without precedent in receut years. Hun dreds ot men who have found work nt the docks have been deprived of employment by the exclusion ot ships from Europe nnd tho United States. The utmost des titution prevails among the families ot these men and serious disorders are threatened. Iu response to u renuost for help one hundred soldiers and police were seut from Panama yesterday to suppress dis turbances in Uolon. Trade has been so decreased by the cholera panic in Colon that tbero has been for a week little railway business between that city and Panama, and yes terday tho service was reduced to ono train a day. LANDED AT FIRE ISLAND. Wynmlus's I'atsencers Pleased with Their Full Itnort, Fire Island, Sept. 10. It Is apparent this morning that the alarm of Capt. Cochran that the "baymon" would assist tho Sheriff in attempting to gain Imme diate possession of the island was un founded. There has been no sign pt them so far, and the Wyoming's passen gers have been landed without trouble. the landing was effected from the Ce- pheus shortly after 1 o'clock, and tbo Wyoming's 70 passengers of the first cabin and 204 ot the second cabin will remain here until Dr. Jenkins says they may continue their homeward journey. Tho trip from quarantine was made with out startling incident and the passengers are pleased with the quarters. The troops now here have been rein forced by a detachment from the Thir teenth regiment, Brooklyn, SOAPSUDS FOR CHOLERA. Dr. Klruer's Ouer Treatment Very huroessrul. Paws, Sept. 10. Dr. Elmer Loo writes from St. Petersburg to a friend in Paris that he has Interested the Busstan physi cians In his "irrigation treatment" of cholera to such nn extent that the privil ege ot treating all patients in tho import ant hospitals has been accorded him. Dr. Loo says that of all the patients whose bowels havo been washed out by his soapsuda none lias died. He it confi dent that repeated irrigation is the only sure way tb troat cholera. RESCINDED THE ORDER. Naw Yurk Vessels Will Not llu Quaran tined at Cliurlestnu, S. C Chableston, Sep. 10. The Board of Health has rescinded the order requiring New York steamers to be quarantined for five days. All that will be required ot vessels having clean bills of health will be daylight inspection and fumigation if necossary. The Algonquin from New York arrived yesterday, and under these regulations was ullowed to come to her dock. It was resolved to call upon the State Board ot Health to establish a land quarantine. There is no truth in the report that a cate of cholora h ad occurred here. Summer llesldents Afraid to ltuturn. Newj'obt, R. 1., Sep. 10. As tha result ot the cholera scare in New Y'ork several of the more prominent summer residents who belong in that city will remain here until all danger is over. The Newport Artillery for tho same reason have aband oned their proposed trip to New York, An Appeal for Stricken llauiburc. Niw York, Sep. 10. An appeal has been Issued by Germans in this city call ing for aid tor the stricken city ot Ham burg, Germany. The appeal is signed by many prominent and wealthy Germans residing In this city. THE BIG ENCAMPMENT Formal Opening of the G. Reunion at the Na tional Capital. A. R. CITY FAST FILLING WITH VISITORS. Clioler Sourt flavlnc Its KlTeet on the Attendance The Decorutlou Mast lHuborate President llarrlson CauDOt lie Present The Great Parade To -me.- ronr- PrticriuuniA of Kvents. Wasiiinotov, Sep. 10. Every train tht enters tho city is eluiply packed with vet erans and visitors who have coma to bo present at the 26th annual Encampmont of the Qmud Army of the Itepubllc. Tha city presents a mora attractive appear ance than over before in its history. The first thing to attract tbo attention ot the incoming Grand Army visitors is tho waving Stars and Stripes. No mat ter whicli way they move the glorious em blem of the United States and bunting of all colors meet their eyes. The decorations all over the city are elaborate and artistic, business houses and privato dwellings being well orna mented. The government buildings, how ever, show tho most prominent speoi mens ot the decorator's art. Tho State, War and Navy building is elaborately decorated with tho national Hag arranged in many artistic ways. The Executive Mansion is handsomely decorated. From the roof of the porta cochcre hang festoons ot bunting, while from tha shield in the centre, rod, white and blue streamers are drawn to the base ot the supporting pillars, on each ot which is a shield bearing an emblem of one ot tho army corps. The numerous columns ot tho Treasury look very bright, each being wrapped with a large United States flag. Each apex of tbo cornices bears a military de vice outlined in electric lights, and at either entrance stnnds a column dritped In the national colors. Tho Department ot Justioo is prettily decorated, numerous flags being festooned on its front. Another very handsome bit of decora tion is seen in the Pension Hall, where the Grand Army encampment is to be entertained Thursday night. This build- lug, while from the exterior one of tho ugliest ever designed by architects, is very handsome within and susceptible of very effective decorations. Tho building Incloses an immense court, roofed over with skylights and Bide lights, with a fountain in the centre and rows of im mense columns on the four sides of a square supporting the balconies above. These columns rise to the roof, where they are joined by small arches. Thesu columns below the first balcony are each decorated with a shield surroundod by flags, and a similar decoration is placod about each column from balcony to bul- cony. Tho shields on the first floor bear the names of prominent officers ot the war, and above the first balcony tho names of famous battles. Across tho front of the balconies, connecting the cen tral figures of the decorations, are fee- , toous of red, white and blue. j No decoratious extend across Penn sylvania avenue, tbo purpose being to leave that broad street clear from all ob structions to the view. But at the cross ings of each side street where it enters Pennsylvania avenue there are hung elaborate decorations of flags nnd shields. The public buildings aro draped from column to column and across the win dows with Immense American flags, nud some bit ot redr white and blue is dis played from every available spot along the great puhlio thoroughfare. Wires have been strung on both sides of Penn sylvania avenuo from the Capitol to Washington Circle, past the White House, nud at short intervals electrlo lights will illuminate the surroundings. The grand stands for the President and the Commander-ln Chief of the Grand Army are of artistic design nnd are very elaborately and beautifully decorated. The stand for tha Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Araiy is In front of the War Department, and is larger and more mas sive in appearance than that provided for the President, In a modified way it rep regents a fortress, with embattlements. The structure is in a solid color, having the appearance of heavy grey Btone, and the decoration of flags is hung about it In such a manner as to distinguish tha decorations from the structuro, making the effect more artistic and impressive. There will also be shields, pennants and emblems. Indications are apparent to-day that the number of visitors to the Encamp ment will not be quite so large as wus an ticipated, but there will be enough here to easily make good the claim ot the committees that It will be the largest re union of old soldiers and their friends held in this couutry since the war, Tho falling off .in the attendance Is a crlbed to the fear ot danger from run ning the gauntlet ot cholera In Now York, as it Is most noticeable from the North and East. This morning occurred tho parade pro ceding the dedication ot Grand Army Place. It was reviewed by the Vice President and other officials. The programme tor the remainder of the day is: 12:80 p. m. Dedication of Grand Army Place (White lot), with addresses by Vice Presldont Morton und Grand Commander iu Chief Pulmer, 2 p. m. Meeting of Department Com manders; meeting of Board of Directors National Women's Belief Corps. S p. m. Drill by National Fenclbles, prize wluuers at tho Omaha encamp ment. 7 p. m. Meeting of Council of Admin istration. 8 p. m. Camp lira of Sheridan posts, O. A. B.j reunion ot tho Twelfth, Four teenth and Twenty-second Corps and quartermasters. 8:80 to 11:80 p. m. Reception to W. O. It., ladies of the G, A, It,, and other or ganizations ot patrlotla women, by the ladies of the Department ot the Potomac, beaded by Mrs, John A. Logan. For this affair the rotunda ot tho Capitol hs been gorgeously decorated. The wry k ot the encampment that Is, the business which brings them togathar each yeat: will bo doue on Wednesday and Thursday, but the great day, the great celebration ot the occasion, will be to-morrow and to-morrow night. From 10 o'clock in tlio morning until the sunlight fades a line ot veterans will inarch down Pennsylvania avenue from the Capitol past the White House iu grand review. They will inarch iu double lino, and rep resent im nearly as well fed and well dressed peaceful veterans can the scene ruueted at the grand review ut the close f the war. With flags' nnd patrlotla emblems on every hand, with hundreds of bands and drum corps and trumpeters playing martial airs, the veterans, bear ing ilags, some ot which wero riddled nnd torn in battle, will follow the line of march of the grand review. As they pass the southeast corner of the Treasury they will bo greeted by the voices of n thou sand children singing patriotic airs. To-morrow night will be the grand fire works display. This will occur in tho Monument Grounds near tbo Washington Monument. In addition to the usual display of bombs and rockets there will bo representation of shells bursting as in battle, a salvo of bombs like artillery and three very elaborate set pieces. In one of the set pieces will appear the national Capitol in a glow of light, beneath which will bo inscribed in letters of fire "Wash ington Welcomes tho Nation's Heroes. " Another will represent portraits ot Grant, Sherman and Sheridan, with tho eagle holding branches ot laurel over their heads. The third piece will repre sent a sailor and n soldier shaking hands over n stand of colors draped over cannon, with G. A. It, emblazoned over their bonds, nnd u monitor and fort belching volumes of fire and stnoko in the background. At tho samo time rockets and Iloman candles nud red lights will bo burnt In all parts of the city. On Wednesday will bi tho meeting ot the encampment at Albaugh's Opera House, the convention ot tho Woman's Belief Corps, parade ot the Union Vatcrnu Legion and a largo number of corps meetings during the day. On Thursday thero will be any number ot camp fires, conventions and receptions. But tho features ot tho day will bo the reoeptlon ot the encampment in tho Pension Office Building in the evening. On Friday there'' will bo ex cursions to Mount Vernon and elsewhere, camp fires, reunions and receptions. THE CRISIS PASSED. Frobabla that Mrs. Harrison Can Soon Tlo Iteinoved From Loan Lako. Loon Lake, N. Y.,Sep. 10. The criti cal period in Mrs. Harrison's illness has passed and there are no signs of a re newal of the dangerous complications that brought her so near to death's door a few days ago. She has not improved so much, however, that all danger is past, for there is yot the main disease to com bat. Dr. Gardner told a reporter this morn ing that tho crisis was over, and that the patient could now be treated without the great danger threatened by the accumula tion of the w it -ry substance In the oavlty . of tbo pleura. " rliis danger," said Dr. Gardner, "has pn- -U and there are no signs of a renewal of tho substanco, thus removing tliu necessity for another opera tion." Tlio three operations which the pbysi claus mado to draw off tho fatal fluid were successful, but, In each case, tho patient suffered somewhat from shock, i and the physicians are apprehensive ot a reappearance of the fluid. Now, that the crisis is over, the advisa bility of removing Mrs. Harrison from hero is being considered. She is exceed ingly anxious to be taken to Washington, and it is believed by Dr. Gardner that with a partial renewal of strength his patient may be safely removed from Ioou Lake within u week or two. TO A CALIFORNIA JUDGE. TVhltvluw Itehl's Nleru Soon to lis Mar- , lied ul Ophlr lfttrul. CEDAnviLLE, O., Sep. 10. Friends of Whitelaw Reid hero aro just in re-1 celpt of the following invitation: I "Mr. and Mrs. Whitelaw Held request ' the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their niece, Miss Ella Spencer Held, to Judge Ralph Chandler Harrison, ou Thursday, Sep. 27, at 12:30 o clock, at Onhir Furin. Rye, N. V. Miss Reid has lately returned from a protracted visit to tha Pacific coast, where she met Judga Harrison. Her en gagement was kept a secret until the oc casion ot Mr. Raid's recent visit to his mother at Cedarville. Mls3 Reid has beon a member of her uncle's household for several years, being his favorite niece. He has been extremely devoted to her, partly dua to the fact that she is a crinnle. Judge Harrison Is a native of Callfor- nia, where he occupies a high standard in the opinions of his acquaintances. He ia u middle aged man and bis fiance years ot age. is 23 Cnlorsil l'reucliar Worklue Wanders. Wilkksdarius, Pa., Sept. 19. Rer. John Warmau, a colored minister, is creating a beusatlon here by many alleged mi... et infirm unrl nlflf nnnnln f.rnwna cures ot infirm and sick people, with every kind ot physical ailment gather In his church. He lays his hands on the afllicted and then offers up a prayer. It Is said that two men who were oripples for twenty years throw away their crutches and walked away. Paralyzed women have been restored to health and other wondorful euros have been effected by the minister. Death of u Kaaley Patient. WniTK Plains, N. Y Sep. 19.- John M. Utirtts, '.!'.! years old, n graduate of tho White Plains Keeley Iustltuta is dead, in I the Middletown Iusano Asylum, where be was committed1 ou Sunday last as insane, llurtls was well known at White Plains, and moved in high social circles. Ha formerly resided at Scardale, where he married a daughter of Mr. Geo. Willets, a wealthy farmer. He was associated an ix partner with his cousin in a large coal and feed business at Larchmont-on-the-Sound. llrowneU In Ijkr Michigan. CmoAQO, Sep. 19. By the capsizing of a rowboat in the lake, near the foot of 10th street, in the afternoon, three peo- ! pie were drowned. It is believed that ) one of them was Joseph Zeller, a car re- 5alrer, whose homo was at Matteson, 111. 'he other two were women. None of the bodies have been recovered and tho Identi ty of tha women has not been learned. 8lr Aucustus Harris's Naw Prams, London, Sep. 19. The presentation at the Drury Ijuio Theater ot Sir Augustus Harris's Hurting drumu suggested by tho hobbling of the Duke ot Westminster's Ormo last spring, was well received. Tho villlan of the pluy Is thwarted in his pur pose to pn:,m the first favorite for the Orund National und by mistake poisons bis own horse, the second tavorlte. AdmltTrin Our. l-'lowur Contributed. Nw Yohk, Sep. 10. At Democratic headquarters it is admitted that Oov. ' Flower hud contributed a check to tha campaign fund but the exact amount I would not be stated. DR. MILES ($lj$ Stftsaa fcOHaBBeWKsB ill amwwmm .4.3 mmmusss i I, mro Is nothing like tho RE3TORATIVE rir.JiVINE dioovcrod by tbo great sp- latlst, K.MICES, to euie all nervous diseases, as Koadache, tho Rluoe. Nervous Proatru 'cn, SIcepleesnosGf fiouralgln, St. Vitus t't noo.ri'iJtindHyaterla. M.mj- pl-y'Mana i -o It In tlelr practice, and say the rep Uti are ' Wo U.vvo hundreds of teM i I Is i.j vo iromdrupt'lsts. Vo hnvenoTerlii -urn -t i!n: Mi" It " Snow & Cn., Byncu-ic, I' V. "vt -y li'tt'lo jM brings word? of prntse,'' .l.ij. v "1', lt'ilsd-ilc, Utah. "Theprst soller wo c.or .lad " Woodvjorth Co., Tort Way: , I V .- "vln'i sl a totter than anything no evrr ',i 7 1. F. Wralt t Co., C., NT II. '. rial , wine end book of testimonlulsCreoatdrugKlsts. UH. MI4.E6 MEDICAL CO., ElkDart.lnd. iraiAJL HGTiTLE FUSES. EYE EXAMI NATION. . - --. t'iM. our EYE SPEOSALEST wm bo m SHENANDOAH, Wednesday, Sept. 28, At the FERGUSON HOUSE, Trom 8 30 A. M to 5 I. Jr. Persona who bnvo hotyluolie or whose eyea aro cnUHttii discomfort nhould full upon our Specialist, and tney will receive tiuelligent ami BlclllfulaU ipntion IS j) CIlAUliH to examine your ejeti. livery pule of gltuuteM oriierml Is guamntetil K ba satlsfitctory. QUEES1 & CO- Oculists mid Opticians, 10IO C'lltlTSUTHr., I'lIII-A., Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Ohapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc Removes and Prevents Dandruff. mm Russian soap. I -peciallv Adapted for Use in Hard Watei SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION The success of this Great Cough Cure It without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pen Hive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc cessfully stand, i nat it may Decome known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, ore placing a sample uollie free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use il, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and rebel . f , A .1 - is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price lo cts., W cts. and $1,00. If your Lungs are sore or Rack lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts. For sale by O. H. Hagenbuch. mmm mi mmm A troubbsome skin disease caused me to scratch for ten montli?-,ai uirad by a few day use of j3j 3W.FTSPEC!FIC 'wa cured ftoTOOyearsairoof White Swc'i ng - lirbyiiUaaBSfStSflauilliuvel'a.l - .:iit(in s vt re jajStCJK t,,rn ' i-i . y.m prominent 1 hvsu-laus atitm H.irt fulled, UK 8. B. b. ilkllha wolk. PAUL. V. KIRKPATR1CK. Jolinson Citj. Tin t 4UfcO on Hlo ii 1 1 ' 11 in--' afcc--s iin ! 1 fnr ( VU V 1I-EI II Itl t PMI'WV, R rm. sANDEirs IATEST PATENTS. -vt WITH UICIII' BtST IMPftaYEMENTS. MAOHtTIC SUSPEHSGtr. Will tflrs without Brtlets all VftitstM rcialtlss frrar OforUltllSB I brain. Bur. forcal, or iDdtMrtlUa. a affxuil cxtsu.itoa. draipi, loaaa, ua.toui Sal uil, alaaa. laamvaa. Usguar, rnuuiutn-m. kldsax, llftr sod tuaddar eaia. llaibta, lama back,, , latloa, teoaral 111 batUB, tla. Taiaclactrlebart eonulua lloadirful lavra.aatrala gfr all olhtra, sod gtfoa a ei-rraul thai la IbiUdiIj fall br tha vaaraf araa forMI SS.IIOO.UO, and will fnr all of tba abovs 4laaa aaiaraauav. Tbouaanda bava tno aaradb tbla narvalaaa IsvaslioD afiar all eiliar rjmadlea failed, aad a-ifUs saa . . . t.t n ihl. nit ..... Oik .tit,. Our paaaifal Crrg.d LLOTUIC lit lt SORT Is. O ' aw.l.,! boob a..r olarad wt.k mat.. HI Ik w I. HILL BUTS. Ilaallb aad ltaras Slrtajta UCiSiSIIlSU la SO ta 10 DiTS. Stad far Urt tUcalraUd faaipalau, saaltd, Cra ''aasAivxiaarsT iiTjiocraia oo,. No.BIO Broadway, NEW VOItaC ymp IMSOiP mmm belt