The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 15, 1892, Image 3

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    Both tlio method and resulta when
Syrup of Figs is taken ;vit is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevors and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figa is the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac
ceptable to the. stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agreeablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo mado it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Q f3 year of the most successful Quarterly
X ever published.
PAPERS in North America have complimented
this publication during its first year, and uni
versally concede that its numbers afford the
brightest and most entertaining reading that
can be had.
Published tst day of September, December,
March and June.
Ask Newsdealer for it, or send the price,
BO cents, in stamps or postal note to
21 West 23d St., New York.
KT This brilliant Quarterly Is net made up
from the current year's issuesof Town Tones,
put contains the best stories, sketches, bur
lesques, poems, witticisms, etc., from the tack
numiert of that unique journal, admittedly
the enspest, raciest, most complete, and to all
rtlKN ANI WomiiN the most interest
ing weekly ever issued.
Subscription Price:
Tyro Topic, per yew, - Jl.eo
Tsltj Fran Tows Tcplcs, per year, 2.03
Tta txo tlnttei, ... 5,00
Town Tones seat 3 months on trial for
SI. 00.
N. B. Previous Nos. of "Taies" will bo
promptly forwarded, postpaid, on receipt of
bo cents each.
BaiToei Slxop,
Everything In tho tonsorlal lino done In flrst
elass stylo. A Uno bath room attached.
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used in the
preparation or
which is absolutely
pure and soluble
It has more than three time
the strenath of Cocoa mixed
with Starch, Arrowroot or
Suirar. and is far mora eco
nomical, costing lets man one cent a cup.
It is delicious, nourishing, and icasilt
Sold by Orocers ererywhsrs.
LW. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mau.
Sporting and Musical Resort !
Dost Wines, Liquors, Beers, Alea and finest
brands of Cigars always oa band.
nilnTllfir We, the undersigned, were
Kllr I IIKr entirely onrtd of rupture by
UUI I UllU Or. J.d. Mayer, -31 ArchHt..
Pnlladelnhta, Pa., H.Jones 1'lit'lpa, Kennel
Square, Pa.; T. A.. Kreltz, Hlntlngton, Pa.; K.
MHmall, Mount Alto, Pa.: ltev. B. II. Slier,
roer, Huubury.iPa.; D. J. Dellett. 214 . 12tn
St.. Headlnir, Pa.; Wm.Dlx, 1821 Montrose BL,
Philadelphia; 11. It. Uowe, 809 Kim Bt,, Head
ing, Pa.; (leorce and Ph. Human, 439 Locust
BU, Heading, Pa, Bend for circular
Hess' Livery Stable,
Ii8 N. Marlcct Alley.
Finest turnouts in town.
Would be pleased to receive a share of the
publlo patronage.
Act on a new principle
regahue the liter, stomach
and bowels through thi
tunes. Da. Hans' 1'rrrn
speedily curs bUionsness,
torpid liver and constlpi
tlon. Hmalleat, ralldcet,
Borestl OOdOBea.aScte.
bsmpleg lice, at druitidsts,
jy B. KISTLEB, M. D.,
raraioiAn and burgeon.
Offlce 1W M, Jardls street, Bhenandokh, tPa
!I3 SSI!
New York's Health Board Con
fident of Keeping Chol
era in Check.
l)r. Jviihlni Altonltlied at the Develop
inn nt of the I'lncue, and Ho Sals lie
Caunot Imaclne lion it Knteied the
nietrolxilU Koriuminla'fl JnsseucerH
May be I'l-ned To.Ilay Stormy Voynso of
the PeKdsus Another Ilifectoil Ship in
Port Pu n I c In Prices Aftor the Health
jloard'n Ki-imrlA New Chf on the
bcnmlla Scourso Steadily Aliatlim In
Quarantine, Sep. 14. Viewed from
tho Health Ofllcer's ofllctal residence this
morning tho cholera scare Is not tho
pleasant picture of progress In stamping
out tho disease which has existed for tho
past few days. Tho report that actual
cases of Asiatic cholera havo existed In
New York the Inst week, in , spite of tho
dally ofllclal hulletins to the contrary,
spreads a wet blanket over tho doctor's
keeping the scourge from passing tho
ocean gateway.
The flash ot discouragement which
sprend o'er tho face of tho Health Ofllcor
when told of tho ofllclal admission mado
by the Now York Board of Health yes
terday uftornoon was certainly ' natural,
while his instant exclumation: "I don't
beltovo It got in by quarantine," simply
voiced the belief of nil who have been
stationed here and watched tho enforce
ment of quarantine regulations.
This Is the list of deaths to date in tho
order in which they aro said to have oc
curred: Charles JIcAvoy, died Sep. 0 at 879 10th
Sophia Wigman, died Sop. 10 nt 70S 11th
William Wigman, died two days after
his wifo.
Charlotte Beck, died Sep. 13 at 1,704 2d
avenue. .
Minnie Levi tiger, died Sep. 11 at 411
East 4(ith Btreet.
All these deaths were reported to tho
Board of Hoalth and investigated with
the utmost care. All of them were of a
suspicious character.
Nothing but the decision of the micro
scope was needed tocpmpletethe diagnos
is of Asiatic cholera, and that diagnosis
Prof. Biggs has'now made.
He communicated his decision to tho
Board of Health, and President Wilson
summoned President Martin ot the Polico
Board. After consultation behind' closed
doors tho cholera was announced.
Two physicians ot Dr. Morenu Morris's
stall are on duty in each of tho infected
houbos. Their orders aro never to leave
the house. One physician must always bo
Medical Commissioner of the Health
Board, Dr. Bryant,' said to-day:
"I do not think that tho dlseaso will bo
como epidemic. This, "he says,"is almost
assured from the fact that no suspicious
cases have occurred since Wednesday."
"There seems to be but little danger,"
'said he, "so far, and the public need not
be alarmed. Every precaution has been
taken by the Board of Health to combat
and crush the disease wherever it may ap
Dr. Edson of the Bureau of Contagious
Diseases is also of the opinion that there
will he no cholera epidemic here.
"I think its spread will be less than
typhus fever," said he. "As to where tho
cholera came from that is tho question
we are trying to solve. It is in the city,
and it must have come from some out
side source. It must havo passed somo
quarantine. I think within 24 hours wo
will have run down the direction from
which the disease came. There may bo
cases of sporadic cholera over the city, but
I think the disease will be speedily over
come." The Chamber ot Commorco up to 0
o'clock n. m,, reported that Treasurer
J. Pierpont Morgan had secured $03,230
in subscriptions to the Quarantine
Emergency lunid.
The details of the day here have been
few but important, viz. : The arrival ot
the tank steamers Heligoland, reporting
two deaths at sea; a new case on tho
Scitndia; the arrival of the State of Neva
da from Glasgow, tho first ship amenable
to the 20-day rule of the Treasury circu
lar, and Dr. Jenkins' statement that in
spite of cholera cases In the city there will
be no dimimutiou in the stringency of
quarantine regulations, sum up the inci
dents of yesterday.
To-day tho transfer service which began
with taking the Normannla's cabin pas
sengers to Fire Island is being continued
in earnest. The liugla's ouhin people will
bo placed on the New Hampshire, and the
Wyoming's onbiu will be taken to Firo
Island. If Camp Low. is ready before
night the steerage people of tho Norman
iiia, who have long been on Hotltnau Isl
and, will bo moved there as will also
those on tho Moravia, from whom en
couraging reports have beon received dally
of late.
The Normannla's cabin baggage, which,
is partly on the ship and partly on the
Stonlngton will be thoroughly disinfec
ted to day and sent to town us quickly as
possible, Steamer Wicland of the Ham
burg line will bo rolensed to-day, whilo
the ill-sturred Normannla will be moved
to Upper Quarantine where her car
go will be discharged into lighters. It
is tho Health Olticer's present intention
not to allow the Hamburg express
steamer to go to her dock.
Dr. Jenkins' statement that be will re
lease the Normannla's passengers now nt
tho Surf Hotel on Fire Island some time
to-day has thrown the unfortunate
people into n wild state of Joyful expec
tancy, and if anything should happen
that this promise could not bo fulfilled,
the disappointment could very likely ba
better imagined than described.
The unwilling guests ot the hotel are
making the best of their situation, but
tuey are anxious to pet uway und nothing
less can cheer up their drooping spirits.
The sufferings of the last night ant
day on board the Cepbeirs will live for
ever in the memories of those on board ot
The quarantine line at Fire Island is
drawn just to one side ot a hotel. TnU
hotel was tho headquarters of the bay
men. A number of the women on Fire Island
will bo removed to the floating hotel
which Mr. Iiaynrd Cutting offered to tho
Health ofllccrs and which was accepted
by them, as soon as It gets to the lauding
nt Firo Island. The hotel will accommo
date about fifty persons and will he more
comfortable thnn the Surf Hotel.
Several of tho passengers were seen and
talked to by a reporter. They described
the terrible experience they had had
aboard the steamboat and their suffering
while they were prisoners nboard tho
vessel. They told in pathetic words of n
uoman who Monday night gave birth to a
little child on board tho boat. ' Sovernl
other women were also shortly to give
birth to children, and their situation was
Some of tho female passengers and
children aro still suffering from the effects
of their terrible experience, but nono are
regarded as seriously 111.
The woman who gavo birth to a child
whilo on board of tho Cepheus is re
ported to bo doing well.
Everything possible is being done for
those who need medical attendance. Gov.
Flower has telegraphed to tho Quarantine
officials to spare no expense.
A. M. Palmer, Senator MoPherson and
Miss Lottie Collins, the English actress,
unite In saving that they would rather
meet death than pass through another
such experience.
Quito a clearing out of tho upper Quar
antine fleet took place shortly before
Among the vessels which were released
wore tho Netherlands Steamers Didam
and Mnasdam, which arrived here Tues
day; tho Red Star steamer Belenland,
which arrived on Monday from Ant
werp nnd tho National Lino steamer
England which arrived here during tho
morning from London.
The situation on tho pest ships now in
Lower Quarantine and on the islands
whore tho immigrants are being cared
for has shown little change in the past
twenty-four hours, and Dr. Jenkins Is
greatly pleased at the outlook.
Tho fact that but one case ot tho
plague has developed In several days
strengthens tho hope Mint tho worst has
been met and successfully repulsed.
i Dr. Walser, however, fears the effects
of the heavy early morning rains nnd the
extreme humidity oa the health of those
confined on tho ships and islands in the
lower bay, and while it does not neces
sarily mean an increase of cholera cases,
it is favorable to tho propagation of
cholera germs and may result in the
more ordinary sickness duo to confine
ment in crowded quarters.
The Pegasus, with tho men of the 69th
Regiment and tuo Nnvnl Reserve aboard,
returned to her aoek shortly beforo noou,
ttftera night's battle with n heavy sea and
southeast storm.
Much anxiety was felt throughout tho
night and morning when no news was re
ceived of the arrival of the boat at Firo
Island. It was very rough on the ocean,
and some fears were had that tho boat
might have met with nu accident.
Tho steamship companies of this city
are now paying a heavy penalty for
their carelessness with their steerage
pasxengers, as may bo seen from tho fact
that tho North German Lloyd steamship
Spree left this port yesterday for Bremen
with only ten llrst cabin and twenty-ilve
second cabin passengers. She carried no
steerage passengers.
The Hamburg-American liner Columbia
will sail for Southampton to-day without
a binglo passenger, cabin or steerage, and
also without a single ounce of freight.
The Oder Polluted riHgtlti Ueport from
Many Sections,
Uamburo, Sop. 15. Tho cholera epl-
doiulc continues to abato. Dr. Koch and
Dr. ,1'lttlnkofer urrlved from Berlin this
morning and attended a meeting ot the
City Council to give advice as regards the
purifying o the city. In Altona tho
cholera has declined until no apprehen
sion Is felt by the Health Board.
In consequence of the appearance of
cholera in Stettin, a sanitary commission
was appointed to examine the water of
the Oder. The river was found to be
thoroughly contaminated, and several
commissioners cannot understand
l0v tho city has escapod with so fow
cases, while using tho water. It is be
lieved that the infection was brought iu
by Hamburg steamers iu tlTe water bal
last, which was discharged by them be
fore loading at Stettin.
Pauis, Sep. 16. It Is roported from
Lille, Department of the North, that
Sara Bernhardt was last night obliged to
substitute "Camllle" for "Cleopatra" be
cause the dresses she was to have worn
in the lntter play were with-held by the
health authorities for disinfection.
London, Sep. IB. When the steamer
Holdemess arrived at Hull from Cron
stadt, Kussln, the cuptalu reported that
during the voyage two Art-men in the
crew had died of cholera. The steamer was
at once fumigated aud placed In quaran
tine. Amsterdam, Sep. 15. The cholera has
not spread in any part of Holland so far
us heard from, but occasional deaths
from the dlseu&o are reported at diil'eront
The Cholera Hum'.- Cuun u Iecline In Neii
York aiurkuts.
New Youk, Sep. 15. The trouble wltl
the inatket yesterday was all In the last
half hour, and was caused by the report
that Asiatic cholera had actually found a
foothold in tho city.- Its eltect was pan
icky, so far as the market was concerned.
1'rlces began to crumble, and did not
cease fulling until they gong sounded the
close. It was no more than had been ex
pected. Tho fear that such a visitation mlghl
take place has been one of the chief de
torrent factors lu the market ever silica
the arrival of the steamer Moravia, As it
was the general list fell oil' 1-2 to 1 1-S
under tho pressure caused by the fright.
New Yuik Mt-rcliiut t Cannot I'liinse of II
llt-cuiue of tliu Cliul.rn Sonre,
Kbyi'OUT, N. J., Sep. 15. Tho NeM
York produce commission merchants havi
notified the farmers throughout this sec
tion ot the country not to send any more
fruits or melons to them as they are un
able to dispose ot tho stuff on accouut ot
the cholera scare In the city.
Tho farmers have been holding bad
their fruits during the past week to eoint
extent, and uro now considerably worried
over the new state of affairs.
Their peaches, upples and pears are rot
ting, while their melons are becoming
worthless. Unless there will be a changt
for the better In a week or so they
Mrs. Harrison's Illness Likely
to Result Fatally.
The Tupping to Withdraw the Watery
Subfttatice lu the Lung Cavity Attended
Wllh Great Dancer Itusaell IlnrrUorj
and Mrs. BIcICen at the MednldeASltEM
Improvement Tills Mornlnir.
Loon Lake Houbtc, N. Y., Sep. 15.
The aixiety of tho President and his fam
ily over the critical condition of Mrs. Har
rison Is intense, und they make no at
tempt to conceal their great alarm at tin
situation. The physicians advise them to.
hope for tho best, hut offer no real en
couragement. They have, so It Is said,
quietly intimated to tho President the
strong probability of a fatal rosult.
Tho President is a most faithful com
panion, and rarelyleavos Mrs. Harrison's
bcdsldn. Tn fact., hn rnillir s1mro tlin
niireW rf ti, tvi.n,i wifi, n r,rnfn0.innni ,
Russell Harrison nnd Mrs. McKeo, thj
President's son and daughter, aro also in
constnnt attendance. The former was
summoned from Now York as soon as tho
disease took a dangerous turn.
Dr. Gardner made a careful exnmina-'
tlon ot Mrs. Hnrrisou late last night. Ho
found that tho accumulation of the wat
ery substanco In the lung cavity was not i
sufficient to justify another operation for 1
its withdrawal. "These toppings," Dr.
Gardner said, "are attended with great
danger on account of the weak condition
of Mrs. Harrison, and each time a punc
ture is madosho suffers from tho shock."
Her respiration this morningis less labored
and she is able to take small quantities
of liquid nourishment at intervals.
The grent danger lies in the watery ac
cumulation nnd constant watchfulness on
tho part of tho doctors Is required to pre
vent It from bringing about a fatul ter
mination. Tho accumulation has a ten
dency to smother the patient by filling
the air valves, und it nlso brings abnor
mal pressure to bear on tho heart.
Tho first operation of tapping was per
formed Sunday, and the second 24 hours
Following is tho bulletin which was
issued by Drs. Gardner, Doughty and
Trudeau, yesterday:
"Primary disease or tuberculosis ot
rightsido associated with nervous prostra
tion. Recent complication, sub-acuto
pleurisy, with rapid effusion ot water in
the right chest, necessitating two tap
pings, with some relief.
"Present coudltion critical, on account
of tendency to reproduction of fluid; re
moval to Washington at present impos
sible; prognostication us to immediate
future uncertain."
.liked That It be Taken Crura Cmtmly of
thfi CJerk u r the Court.
Boston, Sep. 15. Senator William E,
Chandler, Chairman of the Senate Bank
Investigating Committee, has written to.
Thomas P. Bealo, Receiver of the Maverick
National Bank, formally asking him ta
apply at once to the court for a revoca
tion of its order placing President Asu P.
Potter's trunk in tho keeping ot tha
clerk of the court.
Testimony is cited in proof that a
written engagement was entered into
between Mr. Potter and his counsel by
which Mr. Benle and Mr. Hutchlns are to
have at all times access to all tho papers
in the trunk. The committee do not un
derstand that any agreement made in be
half of the United States by which the
receiver and his counsel may examine
this trunk and its contents whilo tho
Comptroller or tho Currency nnd a com
mittee of Congress are excluded there
from. The Senator, therefore, asks Mr. Beale
to procure access to the trunk, and
allow an inspection ot its contents by tha
Diphtheria In Orunce County, N. IT.
Kinoston, N. Y., Sep. 15. Black diph
theria has made its appearance at Qard
norville, Orange county. A child of De
Witt Case lias died, and other members
of the family are prostrated with tho dis
ease. An epidemic is feared.
Dr. Talmage Coming: ITome.
LrVErtPOOL, Sep. 15. Rev. Dr. Talmage
and Mr. Louis Klopsch, who visited
Russia to distribute the cargo of the
"Christian Herald" relief steamship Leo
in the famine province, have just sallod
for New York on the steamer City of
rifty Sleu Only An. in ItBiualu at lliibr
Ion, I. I.
Babylon. L. I., Sep. 15, Col. Austen
received a dispatch last evening from
Gov. Flower stating that the Governor
did not see any particular reuson now for
keeping thetroops there, ntnl if Col. Aus
ten deemed It sate he oould withdraw the
troops at any time aud return to the
Shortly after all the troops wero or
dered homo with the exception of CO men
.from the liith Regiment. ,
Cholera Flcures from Ituiala.
Sr. PETEitsntmo, Sep. 15. Dlspatchei
from physlcinns who have visited Voro
nezh, Kusau, Samara and Snratoff state
I that in each city there are between 300
nnd GOO frobh oases, and between 100 and
300 deaths dally. In the Caucasus the
dally number of fresh cases Is 1 650: of
deaths 750.'
Sixty Is'ew Cases in Paris.
Pams, Sep. 15. There were CO fresh
cases of cholera iu this city yesterday and
44 deaths.
Havre, Sep. 15, Seven deaths from
cholera were reported yesterday and
cloven new cases.
llotlon l'ruviiioiiB a Floatlu Hospital.
' Boston, Sep. 15. The ferryboat Frank
lln, owned by the city, has been pro
visioned aud supplied with beds and will
bo ready at a moment's notice for use as a
cholera hospital, in cose tho disease
should be discovered la this city.
l'll Kepnrt from Ohio.
Ada, Ohio, Sep. 15. The report ot an
emigrant train being quarantined here
with ten cases of cholera aboard Is false.
There is not a case ot cholera In this
Proceedings of the Demooratlo State Con
vention at Trentun.
TnKNTO.v, Sep. 15. Whether George T.
WerU will stnnd by his letter and decline
the nomination for Governor so over
whelmingly tendered him is now the
When tho convention reassombled yes
terday afternoon, the Committee on Per
manent Organization reported as follows:
Chairman, Edward F. McDouald, Hud
son; Secretaries, Edward Shurp of War
ren, Mlchuel T. Barrett of Essex, James
Deshler of Middlesex and J. J. Matthews
of Union.
The aisles of tho theatre wore thronged
with spectators, and there was so much
crowding, pushlug und disorder that 20
delegates were appointed to act as ser-goants-at-arma
for tho purpose of preserv
ing order. They tailed utterly in their
efforts, and the greatest confusion pre
vailed. The platform was adopted as read. Tho
Committee on Credentials reported in fa
vor of the Gourley delegates from Pas
saic. Nominations being declarpd In order,
the first name presented was that of
George T. Werts by the chairman of the
Camden delegation. Judge Daly for
Hudson, nominated E. F. Young
Im,uhvi, wuuugu ,r. null, jipgtir, uuuu
nated Gon. IL A. Donnelly; Morris coun
ty nominated Augustus W. Cutler of
Mercer, through W. Holt Apgar, noml
This closed the list and tho first ballot
was taken. It rosulted in tho nomina
tion of Werts amid such confusion that
no figures wero kept, a dozeu counties go
ing to Werts beforo the result was an
nounced. Hudson county refused to vote for
Worts and, therefore, his nomination
could not bo made unanimous. Tho re
sult of the first and only ballot was:
Werts, 710; Young, 108. The Donnelly
and Cutler votes all went to Werts.
Before adjournment the following
Presidential electors were chosen: At
Largo Philip Baker, of Cumberland, and
Millard F. Ross, ot Middlesex.
First districts Charles Mann, of Cam-
aen: second district Thomas Urlckett,
Burlington; Third district James Desh
ler, Union; Fourth district Theodora
SImonson, Sussex; Fifth district James
G. Morgan, Hudson: Sixth district Ed
ward Balback, Essex; Seventh district
Col. E. A. Stevens; Eighth district-
Martin D. Cook, Hudson.
Hulle Nominated lor Governor and IVoI-
ooLt lu t Imitettaut-GoTeruor.
Boston, S,t 15 Tho programme of
the Hepublicaas in atato Convention was
carried out its outlined in these dis
patches. After tho appointment of the
committees Henry E. Turner, of Maiden,
made the report of tha permanent organi
zation. The Permanent Chairman, Hon.
Charles H. Allen, was received with ap
plause and cheers. When quiet was re
stored, he proceeded to deliver his ad
dress. Willlard Howland, of Chelsea, in a brief
speech, moved thesnomiuatlou by accla
mation of the Hon. William 'n. Hulle ot
Springfield for Governor, and the motion
passed unanimously.
The following Presidential electors wero
then chosen:
First district, Joseph Grlswold, Green
field: Secotid, George W. Johnson, Brook
fleld; Third, Edward D. Glasgow, Wors
ter; Fourth, James Phillips, jr., Fitch
burg; Sixth, Peter C. Smith, Andover;
Seventh, Ellsha S, Converse, Maiden; i
iMgiitu, i-xlward Ulevis, Somorville;
Ninth, J. A. Lamb, Boston; Tenth, John
Show, Surrey; Eleventh, John K. Ballard,
Dedham; Twelfth, B. S. Lovell, Wey
mouth; Thirteenth. John Slmpkins, Yar
mouth. The first ballot for Lieutenant-Governor
was; Thomas Hart of Boton,2; Sam
uel C. Darling ot Somerville, 89; Francis
W. Breed of Lynn, 151; John B. Adams
of Lynn, 411; Roger n. Wolcott of Bos
ton, 441, and there was no choice.
A second ballot was ordered taken.
Tho convention meantime renominated
William M. Ollin for Secretary of State,
Albert S Pillsbury for Attornoy-General,
John W. Kimball for Auditor, and Geo.
A. Narden for Treasurer and Receiver
General. The second ballot for Lieutenant-Governor
stood; Hart, 1; Darling, 2; J. B.
Adams, 473; Wolcott, 409. Necessary for
choice, 488.
Mr. Wolcott's nomination was made
The Republican Plurality Will be Aboat
12,008-The Legislature.
Lewiston, Me., Sep. 15. Returns from
449 towns, nearly the whole State, give
Cleaves, Rep., for Governor 05,408;
Johnson, Demi, 53,110; Hussey, Pro.,
8,180; Bateman.People's, 3,203, Republi
can plurality 12,058.
The remaining towns will not materi
ally alter this result.
So far as heard from the Republican s
have elected 111 Representatives nnd the
Democrats U4, with 5 districts to hear
Tho last Homo consisted of 110 Repub
licans and 41 Democrats.
Iron Hull KeillvlviiK.
Indianapolis, Sep. 15. The Iron Hall
resurrectionists, who have been in ses
sion hero si n co Monday, devoted tho day
to the consideration of changes In the
constitution, which will curtail the au
thority ot the Supreme officers in hand
ling the funds of the Order. The follow
ing officers wero elected: Supreme Justice,
Samuel E. Town of Philadelphia; Vice
Justice, H. S. Jones of Boston; Supremo
Accountant, W. F. Lauder of Iudianupo
lis; Supremo Cashier, Albert Cobb ot
Favors KstablUhment of State Parks,
Concord, N. H., Sep. 15. Austin
Corbin has written a letter to Senator
Chandler concerning thepreservatlon ot
New Hampshire forests, lis thinks the
State should have u dozen parks equal to
or larger than his own at Croydon and
bellovos they might be made to pay the
Interest on the cost. He says he will in
various ways contribute five per cent of
the coat of a State Purk up to $1,000,000.
The Alliance Ordered tti Honolulu.
San Francisco, Sep. 15. Orders have
been received at Mare Island Navy Yard
for the old cruiser Allianoo to start with
in ten days for Honolulu. As the Alli
ance arrived on Friday from China
shots In no shape for auothor long voy
age, aud it will be quick work to coal
nnd provision her in the time required.
She will replace tho Boston, now at Honolulu.
Tho American people arc rapidly becomlntr a
rscouf nervous wrecks.ana the Xi tluwlni?sui'Kr8ts
thebrstromcdy: Alphonso U.'uiptltnp, of llutlcr
Pa., pwears that when YM pun v. -ii uppentilis from
tit. Vitus Unnce. Dr. Miles' Croat Restorative
Nervine carod him. ilrn. J.I.. Miller.' f Vnlpar
also,ln(l.,J.I),or LoR-uspiirt, Intl., each
imlncdtn pounds rniuitakliurit. Mrs. 11. A. riortl
nor.ot Vl3tula,lnd.,tvn-;'40to60 couvul
Flinsanjr, and much hi uti, he, diziint'K, haclc
nrho, and nervoua pro-truiimi, by one buttle.
3: rue! Myera, Brooklyn. Mich . eayn hl dauftntcr
was .lured of Insanity ration years' etundlnu. Trial
bottleaanafinelinok f marvelous cures, FKliia
al ciruBKiata Thlsrcniedy cuntams no opiates.
Wednesday, Sept- 28,
from 8 30 A M to 5 P. M.
Person who havo hoiularhe or whoflfl eyes ro
causing (llsrorafurt fihouM call ujon our Specialist,
ana tney will receive lme'Hgent and Bklllful at
tention Nl CIIAKfJH to examine your eyes,
Kvcry pale of glatuHiH oriierorl Is guaranteed to bo
Ocullhts unit Opticians,
loio C'HiarsUT bt I'iiixa.
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watet
The success of this Great Cough Core b
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue
cessfully stand. That it may become known,
the Proprietors, nt an enormous expense, are
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home
in the United States and Canada. If you have
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, fox
it will cure you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and rebel
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for
SHILOH'S CURE, Price lo cts., Jo cts. and
$I.oo. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame,
use Shlloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts.
For sale by O. H. Hagenbuch.
For over twoyears my little girl's life
was made miserable by a case of Catarrh.
The discharge from tlie nose was lare,
constant and very offensive. Her ej cs
became inflamed, the lids swollen ami
very painful. After trying- various n-ni.--dies,
I gave her Br3KSK"BI The first bot
tle seemed to ffisHSgSS aggravate th
disease, but the symptoms soon abated,
and in a short time she was cured.
Du. L. 13. Bitciiev, Mackey, Ind.
Our Look on Illood anil Skin Dlseasns mailed
free. Bwmt Si-gcifio Co., Atlanta, Oa.
Will r vltfccut utdlclos all Wtltat malting ttvwt)
overttittloa of brlo. serve foren, tctwei or IntfUertlUft,
fti aaiu&l ibtuaiiou, dnina, louci, bi-tui d UU, Uo
Uuuwl. Uaguer. rlimutlia. kldntj, llvar iqI biadJtr ctt
pliluU, Urea bftti, lumbago. acUUoa,, lasaral lU-BatUb, tta
Tbla Itetrtc ta atmulua ttondorful lpratfMata ovar t
ottitra, id! gtvai a. Durrani that la tutUotly fait b tba aaf
rorfUM00.Ol, tD'l will aurafcUof tba tbovt dtaaa
l or no par. TbouimJa bv ben cnraO, ly tbtt sua.r daw
iQVaniloB riar all otbvr rtntdtaa lallad, and wtflT but
drada ItaattmtioUU la (bli and avtrr elkar auta.
Our cowarrm iiuprvd b-LKiTUlC MhVUMjKT la V
(rcattat too avtr aflarad waak. man; kKflC Wli'lULL BlLTta.
lUallh tad Vlcaruft 6trtna;lfc GtlUfikU li CO U U
DATS. Band fat Ur( l)".nriWl .tibUui, ataJtd, ttm
W mall. Addrtta
No.OlO Broadway NEW YORlfr
-Cmrt ,-H, IBM.