In Season ! All kinds of Canned and Bottled Goods, Imported and Do mestic Cheese, Fine Groceries, etc., for the summer and pic nic season at Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. T. B. FIELDERS. THE NOTE BOOK. The New York "World's" Opinion ol Onr Former Townsman. Tho other representative of the World Who went especially to Hamburg for tbo Now York World is a brilliant typo of tho nowepapor reporter who tolls the avoratje American everything that ho knows, and is frequently abused by tho averajro American in return. If thero is any news in Hamburg or in that neighborhood Air, Thomas Fielders will get it into tho com posing room of tba Sunday World just about as soon as it happens over thero Half a dozsn stories could be told to prove that in the person of Mr. Fielders The World's staff of reporters is brilliantly lepri'sontod in Hamburg. One will do, A good many roportore on a certain occasion boardod a ship in the lower bay to get news of a wreck. "When the young men in the discharge of tbeir duty had propared their account of tho ovont which they were to describe, it plcasod some little whippor anappor in blue to order their tugboat nway and to forbid tho roportors to loavo the ship until tbo papors should have gone to press. Mr. rhonas Fielders, now in Hamburg for the World, made a polite bow to Mr. Whlppersnappor, buttoned up bis manuscript in his insido pocket and dived head first off tho rail of tho eteamor. It happened to be wintor 'and pretty cold, but Mr. Fielder's articlo got into tho com posing room all right and was printed on the following day. If thero is any nowe in Hamburg Mr. Fioldors will got it, and the mere fact that he will get tho cholera or break his neck in tho undertaking will not worry him at all- Throe pair ladies' black boso (fast colors) for 25c, at tho People's store. C-21-tf Jumbo. The pooplo north of tho in tbo county seat will advantage to visit Jumbo, in Pennsylvania. Mr. genial, pleasant and a mountain whon find it to their the largost man John Trout is good bellow all Some of tlie Topic Thut People Talking About To-day. To tho student oi human naturo the luncheon counter offers a fruitful field for observation and cogitation. The average man who hai monoy enough to command a fair sharo of the comforts of life, prides himself on boing rather fastidi ous about his victuals. Ho insists on cleanliness abovo all things. He becomes very indignant if at a rostaurant a plate is set before him that boars tho imprint of dirty finders. His knifo and fork must bear no trace of tho service thoy havo dono for tbe guost who last used them. His cup and saucer must be immaculate, or there will be trouble fjr somebody. And if ho should discover, in any way, that the cod set before him was something which had been previously handled and re jectod by othor patrons of the restaurant why, ho would tako a fit right ou, and whon ho recovered he would bring suit against tho proprietor, confident in the as. suranco tbat any jury which wasn't tarn pored with would award him heavy dam. aices, But whon he confronts a lunch countor all this fastidiousness vanishos. Ho sees dozens of bands pawing over the contents of various dishes, without any sensations of sriueamishness becoming apparent in his interior department. Ho calmly help himself and proceeds to consume it without boing in tho slightest dogrco disturbed by the reflection tbat tho particular morsol ho chose for tho jrati8cation of bis appetite had been touchod by many fingers somo probably greatly in need ot washing be- foro socuring it. If he uses a fork to help himself, it isn't likely to bo a clean fork that ho employs All this, the philosopher vfould bhji tends to show tbat tbo average man is more a creature of habit than of reason, and that what fastidiousness ho manifests is simply basod on custom, To the home-comor everything has a charmed appearance. S'iw you over a place in all your wander ings quite so boautiful, one-half so com fortable, ono-tentb so welcome, and one' hundredth part so dear as this plain-looking houfo, with the dusty doorsteps, tho cldso-barred shutters, an area lawn not six feet wide, and a lovely garden in the back yard. Tho very dog delighted to get homo, makes a rush for his kennel, a thou sand laughs to the mi mi to in his vibrant tail. With nervous otgnornois ho flutters hero and thero, investigating dismantled caches of half remembered bones, while now and thon a yelp of indignant remon strance announces tho discovery that much despised and intensely-hated cats havo had the outrageous effrontery to invado his domain during his absence. That Cover Considerable Ground In This Vicinity. Burn the garbage. Livello fair this week. Did you get rcgistorod? Tho schools aro well attonded. Tho stock ot ice is running low. ' Tho "appeals" aro over for this year. The "Growler" is tho name of a saloon on tho "KooKs." Tbo Shenandoah Business Oollego will re-open to-night. It would be good policy to have tho exoneration lists printed. Tho Heading fair last week drew, many Shenandoah ptoplo to tbat place. Tho "Old Homestead" would bo a drawing card for Manager Ferguson. Shonandoah will have its quota of elec tion booths in fact they aro already here. 'AVidow Murphy's Goat" will bo one of tho attractions at tho theatre this season. Alfred Kelcy is with tho company. The races at tho Orwigeburg fair last week aro said to havo been most oxciting. Shenandoah was woll roprosontod at the fair. LITTLE LOCALS Our AIM. i Directory. 7e re yust Opening jfa POptf OFFICE Shenandoah. Office hours from 7:30 a, ra. to 7:30 p. m. Money Order and Itcelstrv De partment open (rom 8:00 ! a, m. i0 7:uup, m. Up a full line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Followfnff is a schedule of I the arrival and departure ot mall trains. Malt I matter for despatch must bo in tho offlco thirty I minuted ueioro mo umo given dciow: Arrival, P.M. A.M. 1:40 4:24 2:20 8:04 9:08 8:18 1:40 8:00 1:23 1:25 1:25 2:23 0:45 9:08 9:68 9:08 9:03 9:68 Threo big days at Lavello Fair this year. 9-7-8t 1:40 2:28 8:18 1:40 2:28 8:18 2:28 8:18 9:56 2:26 9:66 9:66 9:50 Destination, ( Phila., Western 1 ond V ( Southern States) ( New York and East-1 em Htatosoud ( points on L. V. It. It. ) j Asland. j- Oirardvlllo. ( Raven Run, Centra-1 lia.Mt CarmelandV ( Hhamoltin. I ( ) ( Pottsville. Departure. A.M. P.M. On a HPGj 7:20 9:08 11:30 9:08 7:20 12:62 3:031 8:00 1 12:62 3:08 8:00 1:33 7;00 1:S5 7:00 1:40 7:00 CARPETS for Pall Trade. New styles arriving ilally. T T PRTPF'S OLD RELIABLE, U . U JL JLXV'J-J D, NORTH MAIN STREET. Mahanoy City. 2:68 6;20 2:50 1 PERSONAL. Miss Emma Koseler, of rottstown, is visitirg Miss Lulu Kester, of North West street. Miss Birdie liellis is seriously ill. She was very low yesterday, but was improved to-day. Alissos Mattie Trico and Bertha Foalef have gono to Fountain Springs and Gordon to visit friends. Miss Katie McGinn, of Lowell, Mass., is sponding a few weeks in town, tho guest of Mrs. David Price. M. D. Mastellor. of Heaver Valloy, waB a visitor to town to-day and made a ploas- ant call at tho Ukuald office. Miss Amelia Ferguson, who was visiting friends hero tho past two weeks, left for her home in Philadelphia on Saturday. Kev. D. I. Evans, who returned from Europe last week, yesterday again took chargo of tho pulpit in tho Welsh Baptist church. 7:20 11:30 7:20 9:08 11:30 (Mahanoy Plane, Lost! 11:30 I Creek and Shalt. I Frackville. 7:20 Carriers make a general collection at 6:00 a. in. and 7:00 1). m.. and a trcnenil dellverv at 7:15 a. m. and 3:15 p. m. Additional deliveries and collections aro made In the business part ol town ni iu:io a. m. anu s;uu p. ra 2:60 8:00 2:60 Fire Alarm lloxes. Tho following list shows the location oil tho alarm boxes of the Shenandoah Fire I Department: LOCATION. 15 Coal and Bowers streets. 16 Bowers and Ccntro streets. 24 Drldgo and Centre streets. 25 Main and Centre streets. 31 Main and Poplar streets. 85 Main and Coal streets, 42 Gilbert and Centre streets. 43 Gilbert and Cherry streets. 62 Chestnut and Coal streets. To send an alarm open the box, pull down I the hook once and let go. When an alarm Is sent In the t) re bell will sound tho number of I the box and repeat the alarm four times. HOW TO LOCATE AI.AHMS. K the alarm Is sounded from box 15 the fire bell will strike one, then pauso and strike Ave which will indicate, that tho fire Is in the vicinity of No. 15 box. Every alarm Is repeated four rimes. A Hustler. Thomas B. Fielders, who first made his debut as a newspaper writer on the vbn iva nrntALD during the Mollio Maguiro times, and who is well known throughout this region, hastened to Hamburg for the New Tork World and Friday last's paper gavo a three column cablo report of tho cholera situation thero. Mr. Fioldors plunged fearlessly into the hospitals and cemeteries. When Baby was rick, we gave her Costorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she bod Children, she gave them Castoritt Leg llroken. Daniel Leho, ot town, a blacksmith era, ployed at the Stoddart colliery, Gilberton, had his right leg brokon on Saturday even ng by a part of a line shaft failing on him, He was taken to tbe Minors' Hospital. around. Ho keeps tbo best of liquors, wines, boors and 'cigars. Also serves hot lunch from 9 to 12 o'clock every morning. His weight is 380 lbs. 9-l-2w 208 "W. Markot streot, Coming Events. Nov. 23 Seventh annual ball of the "Washington Beneficial Society in Kobbins' hall. A Suuset. O Great Salt Lako Is but one of tho match less spectacles to be seen dn Utah. A new book "Utah, a Peep Into a Mountain Walled Treasury of the Gods," Is nowj Issued and.can le had postpaid by sending 25 cents .to J. H. Uennett, Salt Lake City. It Is oxpectod that the Knights Templar and others visiting Colorado tho coming season will -oxtend their trip to Utah, via the Rio Grande Western Railroad in both directions. That road affords choice of three distinct routes and the most magninoent scenery In tho world, Equipment unequaled In the Wost. Two trains daily across tbe continent. tt Bust photographs and crayons at Dabbs For Almost Nothing. Max Reese has just received a largo stock of tablets, writing paper, envelop, etc, purchased at an Assignee's sain and is soiling them at 60 por cent, lets than regular prioea. , Utah. The land ot sunshine and flowors rich also In mineral and agricultural resources Is best reached by the Rio Grande Western Railway. Seo that your excursion tickets read both ways via that road, whloh offers choice of three dlstlnot routes and tbe most magninoent rail road soenary In the world. Send 36c, to J. II. Dennett, Salt Lake City, for copy of Illustrated book, "Utah, a Peep Into tho Mountain Walled Treasury of the Gods." tf Coughing Loads to Consumption Komp's Balsam will stop tho cough at once. Beet work done at Brennan's steam laundry. Everything white and spotless. lace curtains a specialty. All won guaranteed. YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE In tho greater house, with mveh tho same dismay, tne good who, loonsniy scoking for things eho does not wish to find, proclaims tbo invasion of tho moths. What a nervous tension in every heart, as tho good man, trying with most stupid transparence to veil his own oagorness undor a clumsy assumption of deliberation, jn!ock8 tho front door. Evorybody says, "Ob, pal we could havo had it open fifty times I" So could ho if ho wasn't so ongor to got in. AVhon it is openod just wide enough for one person to squeeze through at a time, the entire family mako a rush to march in abreast. The household flows through tho long deserted rooms liko a living torrent, a torrent and a half, or two torrents. Vainly does tho commander-in-chief en deavor, by word of command, and clutch of band, to rostrain tho bousebold troops. Thoy will bo a well-disciplined garrison in a day or two; just now they aro ruthloss invaders. It is her natural desire to have the first look in every room, to mako the first orderly investigation in ovory quarter. During tho summer months it is a com mon thing to have more than one light dress 'stained by the grass, Such .marks are oasily roraovod with alcohol. Put a little of tho liquid in a saucer and wet tba stained part with it, Bub well and the green will disappear. Pencil Toijits, Good horses, nice buggies and responsible drivers are the essential things for a pleasant drive, which can always be had ltich & Hugo' combination of horses, dogs and ponioe, at Lavollo Fair, Sept. 13, 14, 16 and 10. 9 7 8t Your Tteth. If they need tilling or extracting the best piece to have it done is Tbo Phila. Dental Kooms, 100 North Centre street, Foltsviilo, over Foster's shoo Btoro. Gold fillings will cost you from $1.00 up; Silver, Cement, or Gutta l'ercba, 75 cents; Amal gam, CO cents. A full set of tbe host teeth made, 8.00. Teotb extracted 25 cnts. Without pain, by the use of Gas, Vapor or Vitalizod Air, 60 cents. Our Vitalized Air hss no equal; made fresh every day and perfectly harmless. 9 7-2w Four pair men's seamless hose for 25o, at tho Peoplo's storo. G-2Mf Died. FABBY. On Saturday, 10th Inst., at Shenandoah, Pa., Jane, wife of David it tnvHMw 19 im1 14. TCnr-fri rarr' 8Kea oi years, runorai win isko at my stables, u ana jw JNortn Uc8 from tbo Ute re8ldoneo on Ea8t Lino jrca.1 miey, xtai uj. uuuci(; o street, Tuesday, 13th inst,, at 2 o'clock p, hardware store. Horses taken to board. Undertaking in all its branches attended to with promptness. EVAN J. DAYinS. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (ChrUt, Howler's old lAand) ainlu aucl Coal HtH., Hlieiiiuiclouli, Best beer, ale end porter on tap. Tbo finest brands of whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at- fcCUO'l. m interment in uaa f ollows cemetery, Friends and relatives respectfully invited to attend. It Notice to Taxpayers. Notice is hereby givnn that all delinquent 1891 taxpayers must pay the undersigned at once. Tbe School Hoard and Borough Uouncll are in noea oi monoy and ara forcing the undersigned to make his collco tions and returns, bonco It will become necessary to resort to extremo measures against delinquents who fall to respond to this notice. John F. Hiaains, Receiver of Taxes. Shenandoah, Sept. 8. 1892. 9-8-0t The Swltchlmrk. Trains will leave tho Bwltchback donot. Mauch Chunk, as follows . 8.40. 10.10. 11.37 a. m. and 1.00, 2.20, 3.45. 5.35 p. m. On Sundays, 1.60 and 3.25 p. m. Leave Summit mil; 8.40, m. and 12.35. 1.60. 3 20. 4.35. 6.15 D. m. days, 3.25 and 4.00 n. m. 11.10, Sun- Jnst Received, Now carpets and oil cloths at O. D. Fricko's carpet store. 9-10-lw Klectrlo Kullway Change. Hereafter tho electric railway cars will oavo the corner of Main and Contre streets it 6:30 a. m., daily, and evcry,'25 minutes .hereafter until midnight, at which hour tho last car will loavo. Greater attractions than ovor Lavolle Fair. at the 9-7-8t WANTS, &c. WANTED An apprentice for tho drug business. Apply ut 100 North Main street. 9-10-tf IJlOB SALE. A two-seated carriage, In go ; order, very cheap. Apply at J. J. Bobbin' ood DESIIIA11LE PKOPEIiTY FOIl SALE. The Gather property, on West Oak street. tor sale. Will be Bold whole or In parts to suit purchaser. Apply on tne premises. VITANTED. Good Canvasser; salary and V v expenses irom start; steauy worn is chauco for advancement. UIIOW Nurserymen, Kocbcster, N. i . cood uuos. co., e-aj-am TTIOH SALE. A livery outllt and stable. Also 1 1 tbo nronerties loeaieu at 3ia imhi uentro Rtraat. and at northeast corner Centre and Whlto streets. Apply to M. P. Conry, South Main street, nnenanuoaa, v-e-tn NOTICE, All persons ore horeby notified not to give any (foods to my wife, Mrs. Catharine Klleoyne, on my account, as sbo has left my bod and board and I will not be ro- Bponsiblo for any debts she may contract. Sbonandoah, Pa., Sept. 0, lmti. 8-IWt A Great Stock. Five thousand novels, tbe latest and best I issued, selling at;25 cents other places, for salo at Max I Iteese's for 10 cents. Tho finest playing cards! in '.tho market 6 cents per pack. Proposals for Coal. Tho underslcned Ileatlntr and Fuel Com mittee will receive proposals until Friday. I September 10, 1892, for furnishing coal from the & it, collieries xor tuo scnoois oi tne bnen nndoab school district for tbe current term. Tho commiueo reserves tbe right to reject any ur uii pruxJu&uis. itlAHK 1JU11I&K, A. J, GAIXAQIIElt, T. Lynch, William Tiiezise, i. ii. gable. 0-8-7t Committee PROPOSALS. Proposals will bo received by the under signed committee for the pointing, painting and nenclllnc of the Whlto street school build ing. All tbo work to be done under one con tract. Tho material to be used for tbo pointing to be the best Portland cement. The paint for the building to be tho bent Venetian red. Tho building to rccelvo two coats, Including tho exterior wood work. The penciling to bo done with tho best white load. Proposals to bo In hands of the committee by September 10, 1692, at 7 p. m. Tho committee roservos tho right to reject any or an mas. II. J. Muldoon, Chairman, MAHK HUllKK, JamubO'IIbaun, S. A. HtiUUALL, DANIEL OODKN, 0-10-Ot Committee ' We Study to Please I " EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Joseph Ueaebam, late of the Borough of Shen andoah, deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate having been grunted to the under signed, all persons Indebted to said estate aro requested to make payment, and those having legal claims against tbo estate of said de cedent, to present the sune without delay. ELIZA JM. 11EACHAM, Executrix. T. It. Deudall. Attorney. Shenandoah, Pa., Aug. 10, 1892. 8-17 oaw-Ct Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GR0GERY LINE AGENTS WANTED ON BALAItY or com mission, to handle tho new Putcnt Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The quickest and great est selling novelty ever produced. Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion ot paper. Works like magic. 200 to 500 per cent, prollt. One agent's sales amounted to 1620 In six days. Another 133 In two hours. Previous experience not necessary. For terms and full particulars, address Tbo Monroe Mf'e Co., La Crosse. Wis. X439 5-24-ly GRAND OPENING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBLR 131b, Roller Skaiiog Rink ! Bobbins' Opera House. Skating from 7 to 10:30 nvncrsxcj. H. I, M'GUIRE'S Sporting and Musical Resort ! Second St., GIRARDVILLE. Beat Wines. Llauora. Ileent. Al a.nrt flneai THE EVENING HERALD Publishes all the News. The Herald is the evening- newspaper doah Valley. It and , foreign news cellent advertising" ceived in all neigh villages by mail or day of publication, the people in this hood,' the best place 3E3E X-Sl ID vertisement is in the Herald. of the Shenan- publishes all local and is hence an ex medium. It is re boring towns and train on the same If you wish to reach town or neighbor to plant your ad- Advertise I Subscribe ! Gfeat Advertising Medium. GREAT ADVERTISING -TO THE PUHLIC- ALWAYS IN SrOCK. Flah.'Dutter ond Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, &o., &o Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEsT STREETS. ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN Buy their School Books, Slates, Pencils, School Bags, and other school supplies at IF1. T . PORTZ'S North Blnln Street. The larcast Btocic in town at thn InwAflt nrlrf s. I lleudquarters lor Btntlontry ol all kinds, wall i pujJLT UUU W1UUOW BflUUCB tdild THE -:- CAMBRIAN -;- HOUSE I AT Cor. Centre and Jnrtllxi Sts., Is the place where you find (resh and btocli Ale, Draught Porter Lauer'a Celebrated Lager Beer Always on tap and the best Rye Whisky, Urandy, Qln and Wlnos. The best 5-cent clear In town. Milk andt'all kinds ot temper ance drinks. 11ENJAMIN K1UHAKDB, Prop. Hot Weather Bulletin. ICO OXOClX33Ly All Flavors, J9oca.x Watoi, Pure Fruit Flavors. DBxoetc3., Oalies. Confectionery, Etc. WILS03ST -V. OTTO 27 South Mnln Street. FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely coin, com. parties represented by DAVID FATJST, 120 S. JaroinSt, Sfienanooah.Pa A hat that Is not stylish is worthless. There are a thousand reasons why you should not wear It, and not one reason why you should It usu ally costs as much as a stylish hat. and Is cot worth a traction ot the money. When you buy a hat buy a good one, and It you really want a good one, try our tt hat. It will till the bill. 1 The same can be said of our Neckwear a Una tie for SOo, any style. Htraw hats from 60 up V II. W. Nice line of summer shirts at 25i a big drive In boys' waists from 20o to Mo; large Una ot trunks and valises at lowest price; big bar gains in overalls and coats at 19 South Main St., Shenandoah. Silk and cashmere hats renovated and made as good as now at short notice. Sallbfauion guaranteed or monoy refunded. JOHN R. COYLE, ' AUorney-at-Law anil Red Estate Agent, Offlco UeddaU'g Dulldlng, Shenandoah, Fa