In Season ! All kinds of Canned and Bottled Goods, Imported and Do mestic Cheese, Fine I Groceries, etc., for the summer and pic nic season at Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. HERB AND THERE. Interesting Items Concerning Different Sections of the Ileglon. All voters should bear in mind that Sept. S'.h is tho last day on which to bo legally registered. This is an important point to the voter and should not ha neglected Tho right of franchise is one of the greatest in tho world, and should bo carefully guarded. Voters should not fool away tho least point that may result in debarring thorn from depositing their ballots. Tho total shipments of anthracito coal from the three regions, "Wyoming, Lehigh and Schuylkill, for tho year 1892 np to Saturday, August 27th, is 26,143,781 tons, an increaso of 1,883,493 tons, compared with last year. Borough work on tho streets at Ashland has been suspended in anticipation ol the early commencement of eloctric railway work. Prof. Nathan M. Balliet, of Mahoning "Valley, has announced himself as a candi date for County Superintendent of Public Schools of this county, to be elected in May, 1883. Air. Balliet is a brother to ex County Superintendent Tnoraas SI. Balliet, now of Springfield, Alass., und until recently was a momber of the faculty of Ursinis College, Pa Mauch Chunk Times. AMERICAN HEROISM. Unassuming Men Who, in KmergencUi, Develop the Qualities or Martyrs. It Is not infrequently charged that Americans arc so sordid in sentiment,.' so eager and absorbed in the pursuit of . material gain, that they are incapable of heroism or sclf-sacriflce. Tho noblest daring, says tho Chicago Herald, recorded in verse or drama, in battle or mythology, does not supass that shown in Incidents recorded in tho dispatches of the Herald from tho flood district in Iowa. Men did not hesitato to tako tho chances of losing their own lives for tho saving of others, and a number have gone down with tho dead ly flood from whoso peril they vainly sought to rcscuo women and children. It is not so hard for tho human spirit, full of emotion and stirred to extraor dinary effort by Buddcn impulse on bat tlefield or in other scene of brilliant speetaclo or maddening excitement, to risk the loss of that which to every man is dearer than all else. It requires a sterner courage, a heart more deliber ate in self-sacrifice, to risk life for oth ers in a dismal river overflow, in rickety boat, with no skill against rushing waters, little endurance in tho chill of furious blizzaTds. Sorapared with tho glowing pcans that have handed down useless feats of fantastic chivalry, such talcs may bo called only dilapidated opics. The con ditions of their lives, tho circumstances of their death, do not appeal to grand iose diction. Often their very names nro unknown. Monuments do not com memorate their voluntary martyrdom. It is such men, obscure, uncelebrated, that prove when tho unespected mo ment comes that thero Is in them tho mettle of heroes. It is such sacrifices that vindieato tho political and social experiment of democracy. It is homely. natural, simple deeds liko these that prove manhood higher than caste, American greater than any other name left in tho world. Tho merit in these men's daring is that it was rational and not expectant of reward, ideal or ma terial. It is tho noblest tribute that man can pay to humanity. A TRACTION OOMPANT. A PERIPATETIC BARBER. "Two Old Cronies." If tho entertainment at tho Academy last night is a samplo of what Manager Stuart has in store for the people of Phila delphia, he is to bo complimentod. "Two Old Cronies" was one of tho best of its class over givon here, and but few bettor ploasod audiences have ever left the house at the close of any performance. Messrs. Kyan and Sheohan are a very original pair. Mtss Hart, as a dudess, was a little start'ing at first, but she had many friends at the close. Miss Hollywood's songs and dances woro warmly applauded. Elvira Pren celli's voice is magnificent. Frederick Oarberry has a very beautiful tenor voice. and "Will Ahem, in his silence and fun act, was all right. Tho rest ot tho company was up to tho standard in every respect, and tho scenic effects very fine. Philadel phia Press. "Two Old Cronies" will b produced at Ferguson's thoatro to-morrow evening. Coming Kvents. Nov. 23 Sovonlh annual ball of tho "Washington Beneficial Society in Kobbins' hall. Klectrlo ltalluuy Change. Hereafter tho electric railway cars will leavo tho corner of Main and Centre stroets At 0:30 a. m., daily, and every,'2o minutes Iheroaftor until midnight, at which hour tbo last car will leave. Buy Keystone flour, name Lkssio & Co., printed on every sack. Bo euro that the Ashland, Pa., is 3-3-3 taw A Fecullar Malno Industry That Ilaa Ita Advantages Many of tho Maine rural towns do not support a professional barber. Men early learn to shave themselves; and as to hair-cutting, thero is always somebody in town, who, with that neighborliness for wiich theso communities aro noted, is ready to trim your locks for you with all his heart and all his art. A writer for the Belfast Aire, on an outing, rc- cently fell in with ono of theso ama teur barbers and humorously described his accommodating ways: "Soon I was perched astride of a molasses hogshead with a mealbag about my neclt to pro tect it from tho fall of hair. I might say tho fall was great, or tho possibil ities of ono, from tho hogshead as I squirmed about on it to have tho light strike the head right so the gores would bo even. Ho was no mean barber, for ho scorned to receive any recompense. I wish all barbers were as charitable. After our cutting acquaintance 1 saw much of the barber. Ono tlmo ho was on tho schoolhouse steps cutting a man's hair; again I saw him hard at work on a man's head in the middle of his vegetable patch. The farmer was leaning against a bean-pole with his hoo in his hand evidently malting tho most of his luxurious ease. Anywhere and everywhere ho happened to catch his man tho enterprising barber would work. I was on tho shore ono day watching the fisherman at his salmon nets. Shortly a small skiff went out from a neighboring cove. In it was the barber, who rowed out to whero the fisherman was and was soon cutting las hair. Governor Pattlson to be Asked to Grant a Charter. Application will bo mado to Governor Pattlson on Monday, Sept. 2Ctb, for a chatter for tho "Schuylkill Traction Com pany" through Solicitor MacHenry Wit helm, E-q , of Ashland. The object of tho curt oration will bo purchasing, leasing, construction, and operation of motors and cables, or other machinery for supplying tho motive power of pa'senger railways, and necessary apparatus for supplying turns in this county. Tho incorporated capital of the now company Is $100,000, and it will bo Increased to ?CO0,O00. Mossrs. W. M. Tamal! and "W. A. Downey, oliotrlcal engineers for the new company, havo secured rooms in tbo Koiper block, Ashland, and expect to take up their permanent residence there within the next few weeks. The company represents unlimited capital, and will push tho work ot connecting the different towns through the Mahanoy Valley. The incorporators are J. F. Balloy, F. E Bailey, A A. Winters, O. E. "Winters, and J. H. Cofrode. Of these gentlemen it may be said briefly, The two .Baileys aro wealthy iron merchants, of Philadelphia J. F. Bailey, who will bo the president oi tho new company, being Capt. Bailey, of J. F. Bailey & Sons, Philadelphia. He is an old citizen of the Quaker City, and widely known throughout the state, eS' pecially to tho iron, steel and copper trado J. H. Cofrodo is alto a well known and wealthy citiz-n of Philadelphia, and has been engaged for many years in tho iron and stcol business as a manufacturer. A A "Winters, is Judge "Winters, of Dayton Ohio, President of the Chamber of Com tnorce, and tho head of ono of tho largest financial institutions in that slate. C. K. "Winters, who will bo the Treasurer of the now company, has been for yoars the business manager, and a heavy stockholder of a largo industry whoso works and ficlory aro located Springfield, Ohio, and general offices at Chicago, 111. Four pair men's seamless hoso for 25o. a the People's store. G-21-tf SOUPS. Best photographs and crayons at Diibbs' t . ... Vor Almost Nothing. Max Reese has Just received a large stock of tablets, writing paper, envolopos, etc., purchased at an Assignee's sale and is selling them at 60 por cent, lose than regular prices. Utah. The land of sunshine and flowers rich also in mineral and agricultural resouroes is best reached by the Itlo G rando Western Railway. See that your excursion tickets read both ways via that road, which offers choice of throe distinct routes and the most magnificent rail road seenery In the world. Send 26o to J. II, Dennett, Salt Lake City, for copy of Illustrated book, "Utah, a Veep Into the Mountain Walled Treasury of.the Gods." tf BIQ TREES IN FORMOSA. Speotaoles to suit all eyes, at Vorlz's book Hnd stationery store, 21 North Main street. 4-28-tf Coughing Leads to Consumption Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough at Best work done at Bronnan's steam laundry. Everything white and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed. YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE I Good horses, nice buggies and responsible drivers are the essential things for a pleasant drive, which can always be had at my stables, 12 and 14 North Pear alley, rear of Luberg's hardware store. Horses taken to board. Undertaking in all its branches attended to with promptness. EYAN J. DAYIUS. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Christ, Dossiers old stand) 91 u In nud Coul HtB., Hlicuandonli, Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest brands of whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at ached. They Rival tho Mammoth Ones of the Iteilwood Forest! In California In a Shanghai natlvo newspaper are the details of tho remarkable discovery in the southern part of the island of Formosa of treos that rival in uizo and beauty the giant redwood trees of Call- fornia. Ten ChinefcO merchants of Foochow organized tho exploring ex pedition. The vast forests there had never been penetrated by traders, but it was known that the .country was broken by hifth and rugged mountains that had very heavy timber. Tho ex pedition started from the Chinoso port of Sumalan. After seven days of hard travel it reached tho Hualin river. It found no roads, not oven iv trail, and in many caak tho members journeyed for hours along tho tracks of wild beasts through heavy timber. Many signs of natives were seen, but the savages were too timid to show themselves. Whether the party succeeded in establishing barter with them Is not recorded. In ono of tho great forests trees of enor mous size and height were found. Ten men, joining thoir outstretched arms, wore unablo to clasp the trunk near tho ground. Thoy estimated the hoight nt two hundred or more feet. Another peculiar tree bore red and white flowers as largo as an ordinary sieve. The forest life, from tho descriptions of tho Chinoso, roeombles that of tho Am' uzon. One Man's Statistics. A methodical man died in Berlin t few days ago aged 73. At the ago of 18 ho began keeping a record which he continued for 63 years, and then closed with tho words: Omnia tentavi, multa pcrspexl, nihil perfect. This booh showed that in 83 years ho had smoked 028,715 cigars, of which he hud received 4l),003 as presents, while for tho remaining 580,021 ho hod paid ubout 1 10,4&3. During tho samoporiod ho had had 85 pulrs of trousers made, 74 coats and waistcoats and 03 pairs of boots. Ho wore out 98 shirts and "fronts" and 820 collars. In tram fares ho spent not far from f 128. In fiftoen years, according to his bookkeeping, ho had drunk 38,780 glasses of Bavarian beer, of which, however, 31,301 were only small ones. For this beer anil 80,081 glasnes of cognac and spirits ho spent o,asu. lie gave tips amounting u tl,805. reparations for Speed and Economy for lilt, tUUHB, TIMELY TOPICS. What People Are Tnllitug About Theso Times. Cholera is born ol tilth, breeds In It.and travols In it. Thrrefora, If you want to avolJ it, keep clean. Don't make tbo mis take of scrubbing and bathing yourself too much. Too much bathing Is as enervating as the hot rays of th'o tun It is the fi th in cesspools, alleys, neglected cornors, foul service pipes In buildings, and the accuuiu latlon ol dirty rags and old paper. Those are tbo breeding places. Tho ball season is almost here aid tho printers bave gotten out somo very protly designs in ball tickets, invitations. &c. Every yoar there is marked improve ment in this direction, but how about the balls, &o.1 The treatment of cholera is simple In fact medicine does not seem to be ot as much importance as careful nursing.- Best and warmth aro tho chief remedies Strong medicines and heroio treatment do more harm than good. This probably a& counts for the success of tho Homeopaths during the lust visit of the plaguo in New. Orleans. Tho celebrated Dr. Mackpher' son, after treating thousand' of cases with remarkablo sucefss, was himself attacked ono night, but Instead of getting up and raising a luss about it be remained quietly in bed and took nothing but a little arrow root and brandy, with an occasional sip ot carbonic acid wator. In the last stags of tho dieeaso he was almo-t pulseless, but no ono disturbed blm and he came out of it all right. P1S1180NA1 The Finest Furniture TUB I) EST OR&ANSs PIANOS MOST rOl'ULAIt Sewing Machine -AT- WILLIAMSON'S No. 8 SoutU RZaln Street, Oldest and Most Reliable Dealers in this Section. We Are Just Opening Up a full line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's iwtow..; -T T DBTfF'Q OLD RELIABLE, rUch and wile, of Pottfville, T I t I ff II ,P, , 1 ' stot Mrs. Bartscb, of Bowers J m KJ JL JLVAVJ I KJ n NORTH MAIN STREET. In this see of progress not oven the art of cooking escapos improvement. Every department of the art boars tho imprint oi progress in economy and speed of prepara tion: Tho lovers ol soups and thoso who prepare them will bo interested in what is published below. An inspection of Frank Schmidt's store on Main street brought to th notice of a Herald reporter an exten sive line ot prepared eoupb that cost but littlo and can be placed upon the tablo at almost a moment's notice. Tbcro are tapioca, mock turtle and bouiliion, four pints of which can be mado at a cost of 20 centc. Then there are rice, farina, pea, bean, barley, julienna, lentel, potato and curry, four pints for 12 cents. All theso soups aro seasoned and ready for the table witb the exception of putting the ingredi onts into wiiter and boiling for about 30 rainutos. Another soup sold by Mr. Smith is a pea ingredient put up in a pack- ago shaped like a bologna. It comes from Germany and 12 plates of this soup can bo mado at a cost of 20 cents. It is a fine arti cle and is extonsivoly UBed in tho German army. This soup reminds us of an other German preparation, which is small and shaped like a cough drop, When in action the soldier carries a numbor ot these preparations in his pocket. Should be bo como woundod, or through any other cir- cutnstance, bo leit without food on tbo field, he resortB to the diminutive packago, which is made of a compound of the finest flour, suet and other ingredients, and which will sustain life for 21 hours. Otf to Muhanoy City, Shenandoah tent several immense train loads of people to Mahanoy City to-day lo take part and witness the America's Day and i oldlors' monument celebrations. Tho town was practically drained, and Maha noy City has not tbo el!ghet ground for complaint that our people did notpatronize it well to-day. Hundreds of people visited Mahanoy City yesterday and upon their return deolared that tho decorations wero the finest ever seen in section of the state. Many of tho decorations aro ex ceedingly costly and unique Aged 88 Years. George, Soegar, who lived with his daugh ter. Mrs. rjunim, on South While street, and who died on Friday last, was interred in tho Odd Fellows' cemetory this morn ing. He was born in Elwangen, Germany, and came to this country 88 years ago. He was In his 88th year. Elijah Hale, of "Wadesville, spent Sun dav in town. Supt. M. F. Schreffier, of Ashland, was in town to-day. Miss Ida Lewis left for Fort Oilnton to-day to take charge of a school there, Miss Gertrude Hutton, of Philadelphia, is the guest of her aunt Mrs. James Kerns. Mrs. J. L. "Williams, of Uhamokin, spending a lew Danl 1 BarUch were the gm streot, over Sunday John R. Jones, of North Jardin street, and his nephew, David, spent yesterday and to-day visiting friends at 'Wilkes Barre. Capt. Geo. W. Johnson and wifo, now of St. Clair, spent Saturday and Sunday with thoir son, 'Squire Elm or E. Johnson, at Lost Creek. Dr. J. O. Blddlo and wifo, who arrived from Glasgow on the City of Rome, on Saturday, passed through town yestorday, en route for Fountain Springs, Rov. M. U. Uavice, paBtorof theEnglith Lutheran church of town, returned from Milroy, Mifflin county, his old homo, where bo and his family had been spending their vacation Max Schmidt and daughter, who arrived on the cholera affected steamer Normania, on Saturday, are quarantined in New York bay, and will probably be detained there for 20 days, Rev. W. McNally, from Shenandoah, I'a., gave a vory interesting sermon to a full house, on Sunday. At the close of tho sermon there wero many handshakes, ana great many expressions of pleasuteatmeet ing once more thoir pastor who had labor ed so faithfully for them during a pastorate of threo years. On Monday evening he gave a highly interesting lecture on hi travels in Ireland, "What ho saw and some thingB ho didn't sec." A good sized audience were present and wore delighted with the lecture. Derry, N, II News, Ian. IW CARPETS for Pall Trade. New styles arriving daily. WANTS, &c. WANTED. A good girl for general house work Apply at tbo Herald office. ESIKA11LE PKOPEKTY FOK SALE. The Cnthcr property, on West Oak street, win do soia wnoie or in parts to suit tor sale, purchaser. Apply on tho premises. 4-13-02 lOR SALE. A 12-horse power upright boiler. In eood condition. Cheap. An- ply to Cambridge Coal Company, Shenandoah. D-SO--W salary and work; good JiUOS. CO., 8-31-3m ITTANTED.-Qood Canvassers Vt cxnenscs from start: stcadv - chance for advancement. BROWN Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y SALE. A good paying wall paper and 1 rjaintlni? business. Good stock on hand. The building In which tho business is located win aiso oe soia, wun ine Dusincss or separate. Apply to lylrs. Ann Llewellyn, Shenandoah. w-i-iw TJXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate ot Joseph Sjj Ucacham, late ot tho Borough ot Shen- anaoan, uecuabeu. inciters icsiamemary on said estate having been granted to tho under signed, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and thoso having legal claims against ine estate or Baia ae cedent, to present the sime without delay. nuiZiA m. iiEALiiAM, uxecuirix, T It. Bkddall. Attorney. Shenandoah, I'a., Aug. 16. 1802. S-17 oaw-Ot We Study to Please I Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GR0GERY LINE ALWAYS IN SfOCK. Fish, llutter and Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, &c, &c Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store ! (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. A GENTS WANTED ON SALARY or com- J. mission, to handle tho now Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The quickest and great est selling novelty ever produced. Erases ink thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion ot paper. Works like maglo. 200 to 600 per cent, profit. One agent's sales amounted to $620 In six days. Another S32 In two hours. Previous experience not necessary. For terms and full particulars, address The Monroe Mt'g Co., La Crosso. Wis. X439 B-24-ly Child Deud. The four-year-old daughter of Council man Gable, one of tbreo of his children that are down with diphtheria, died this morning. Throe pair ladies black hose (fust color?) for 26c , at tho People1 etoro. . C21tf HARVEST TWO Via the Chicago, Milwaukee K'y, EXCURSIONS m st. pui August 30, mid September 27. Where the grasses are kissed by the wand'rlng breeze, And tho fields are rich with the golden grain: Where the schooner ploughs through the prairie seas. To its destined port on the western plain) Where homes may never be sought In vain, And hope is tho tbrtttlest plant that grows; Where man may over his rights maintain, And land is as free as tho wind that blows. For further particulars apply to the nearest ticket agont, or addross John It. l'ott, District Passenger Agent, 480 Will lam Street, 'Willlamsport, Pa. tf lie Your Own Doctor. It wou't cost you one-half as much. Do not dolay. Send three' 2-cont stamps for postage, and wo will send you Dr. KauH man's great work, fine colored platos, from life, on disease, its cauteeand homo euro. Address A. P. Ordway & .Co., Boston, Mas. 2w lL?Ki BBBtaeaanaa u cssxssciexhs TO THE PUBLIC. THE -:- CAMBRIAN -:- HOUSE I AT Cor. Centre and Jnrdlii Sts., Is the place where you And fresh and btoch Ale, Draught JPortcr AND Lauer's Cetcbratod Lager Beer Always on tap .and tho best Rye Whisky, llrandy, Gin and Wines. The best 5-ent cigar In town. Milk and all kinds of temper anccdrlnks. BENJAMIN RICHARDS, Prop. Thero i nothlne like tbo RESTORATIVE NERVINE dlscovoroa By tno groat specialist, DR IV1IUK. euro im jiirvwua uuhkuwh, at tinn. siooDloBcnuos. Heuralcln. St. Vitus. Danoo.Fltsnnd Hyaterla. ilnny physicians ueoltln tbclr practice, and sav tbo results are wondorful. 7o bave hundreds of testimonials film thf ha from drmnrttta. "Wn lAva novor knoim anything llko It." Snow & Co., Byracuw, N. Y. "Kvory bottlo Bold brlags words of prnlso," J. a. Wolf.lllllKlalo.lllob. "Tho bost sollor we etor bad.'' Woodworth & Co., Port Wayne, Ind. "Nervine Bella hotter than anything wo over had." 11. F. WyattsCo., Concord, N. II. Trial bottle and book of testimonials rrceatdruggleU. DR. MILE3' MEDICAL CO., Elkhnrt.lnti. A hat that Is not stylish ia worthlnM. There are a thousand reasons wny you shoula rot wear It, and not one reason why you should It usu ally costB as much as a atyllsb hit and Is rot worth a traction of the money. When you buy a hat buy a good one, and It you really want a good one, try our K hat. It will fill the bill. i ne sumo can oe saia ot our Neckwear a nno tlO for 00. anv StvlQ. Htrnw ImtR f rnm Kn i,n in 81.&0. Nlco lino of summer shirts at 26c: a bin drive in boys' waists from 30o to 60o; large lino of trunks and valises at lowest price: big bar gains In overalls and coats at 19 South Main St., Shenandoah. Silk and cashmere hats renovated and made as good as new at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. jrjtERQUSON'a THEATRE. P. 3. IXIIQUSON, MANAGER. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 692 W. O, Anderson's unique comedlens In the greatest ot all farco comedies, "Two Old Cronies!" Under the management of , George S. Sydney. An outlro now company. Now songs, now (lancers. , Now im'ialo, new jokes. Now qunrtotte, now scenery The Qreat Serpentine Dance, The Greatest Production Ever Seer.. Prices, 25, 35 and 50c. Reserved scats on salo at Klrlln's drug Btoi f. ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN Buy their WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 BOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will be pleased to moot the wants of bis menus ana ine punno in Everything in tbo Drinking Lino. School Books, Slates, Pencils, ELLIS, The Tinsmith and Stove Sealer, has removed to the 33 WeHt Oi.Ic Ht., Mlieiinucloali, fi rVl nnl T?n fro. Where he will be pleased to meot all Ms old as uuluul fc 5 I well as many new customers as possible. and other school supplies at IF. O". IFOIRTZ'Sl Norlli Main Street. The lamest stock in town at the lowest nrlcos. Headquarters for stationery ot all kinds, nail paper ana winaow snuaes, Good work l fnlr nrfr.n. Rooting and Spouting neatly done. F1BE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com panics represented by 3D-A.-VI3D PATJST, 120 S. Jardin St., Shenanooah.Pa Hot Weather Bulletin. '' Ico Oronm, All Flavors, SlocSLct Wator, Pure Fruit Flavors. Confectionery. Etc. 27 Sotitli Dlnln 81rcct. X H. , M'GUIRE'S Snnriincr nnd NAsnri Second St., GERARD VILLE. uruuuo 01 ujgars always on nana, u 1.1111 u it mil m x:' 1 1 1 1 j r r 36 East Centre Street. The haat befcr. nlfft. nnrtflr. urtiUVIen wines una nnesi clears aiwavs on na WAl.M. IVANN. I