The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 03, 1892, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
X. O. BOTF.1t, FAltar nnd I Mlfcr.
WT. J. WA.TKIXS, Local Editor.
rheJCVU.IlNU IlKUALDhata larger cir
culation in titienaJoah tluin any other paper
pu&tlthed, llookt open to oil.
subscription rates:
DAILY, per year, - .......M 0"
Wkki,t, per year 1 60
Entered it ttin Pditofllce, nt Hhenaudoah, H.
for transmission through the mall
M soaond alatn mall mutler.
or nkw vohk.
Republican State Ticket.
County Ticket.
' ,1CD0K,
" niCnAItD II. KOCH.
bniKCToit or tub roon,
A MEMHRit of the Borough Council
atated the other evening that It was
"easy enough for the newspapers ti
cry clean up," but If the newspaper
men were to start out to find the pub
lic places that need cleaning they
would have very little time to work
on their paperB." The Herald to
day publishes tho result of a trip by
two newspaper men yesterday after
noon that took less than an hour's
A New York paper in Its desire to
advertise Iteelf sent Its city editor and
corps of reporters down to visit tho
cholera ship Moravia, but.fortunately,
the party iaa 'discovered in time uud
were pi-e'sted. If these men had
reached the ship they would have
. made their way. back to the city, may
bo carrying tho germs of the dreaded
disease. If they had been treated
right they would have been quaran
tined among the Moravia's passengers.
where they would have had plenty of
time to reflect on the wisdom of an
ntcrprlso that was so dangerous to
the public welfare.'
E. E. Meredith is .Cleveland's
candidate for Congress In a Virginia
distrlet. In a furious speech tho other
day Meredith declared thut three of
every four Union veterans now draw
ing pensions are not entitled to them
and that most of the women on the
pension rollB uro without character.
Gen. Dan. Sickles told tho Chicago
Democratic convention that if the
25,000 "Grand Army boys" in New
York stato not one could vote for
Cleveland. The Democratic leaders
have a hatred of our veterans, bitter
in its Intensity.
One good result which will prob
ably follow the cholera scare will be
the strong directlou of puhllo atten
tion to the necessity of doing some
thing to rescue our streams and wells
from becomlnc hot'bads of disease
germs. Pollutted water causes th
majority of. the typhoid fevers and
other Intestinal diseases from whloh
our people suffer. If cholera should
be allowed to gain a foothold here, It
will spread (solely amoug those who
take contaminated water Into their
stomachs. In some way we must
stop turning sewerage Intoour stream?
and If we can succeed In this we
ehall do more to promote the iimlth
and happiueHS of our people than by
any other siuglo thing.
Conservative bankers throughout
the United States, with scarcely un
exception, and without regard to their
political predilections, are absolutely
opposed to the plank lu the Democrat
ic platform which favors the removal
of the 10 per cent, tax on state bank
1-tMiUB. One of the moatsucceesful and
. i jit
eminent bankers', President J. Howard
King, ol tue Now York State Nat
ional Bunk, chartered and erected In
Albany in 18"3, sums up the entire
mutter In the statement that- "the
wholo Idea Is like a good counterfeit, Is
well calculated to deceive the unro
ilectlve," but, he says, "to effect the
Democratic platform Idea on this
luestlou would be to go back to tho
dark ages of finance." It Is a healthy
Igu that business men and bankers,
regardless ot party lines, are .placing
themselves openly on record ngalnst a
proposition to go back to the old wild
cat currency of the dark agea of bank
ing before the war.
. Little Girl's Exporlonco in a
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Truscott aro koopors
if the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach,
Uich.,and aro blessed with a daughtor.foc-
yoars old. Lat April sho whs taken dovrn
with Manic, followed with a dread. jl
ouh and turnine Into a Fevor. Dcctore
t homo and at Detroit troatod hor, but In
am, eho grew w irso rauidly, until sho wa?
moro "handful of bonos." Then she
tried Dr. King's' Nw Discovery and after
ho use of two and a half bottlos, wa9 com
pletely cured. They say Dr. King's New
Discovery is worth Its weight in gold, yet
you may got a trial botllo freo at 0. II.
llagonbuch's drug store.
Via tlio Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
ll'y, August 30, anil September 27.
Where the Brasses are kissed by the wand'rlng
And tho holds aro rich with tho trolden Brain:
Where tho schooner ploughs through tho
prairie seas.
To Its destined oort on tho western rilalni
Where homes may never bo sought In vain,
And hono Is tho thriftiest plant that crows:
Where man may ever his rights maintain,
Annianais us ireo as, we wina mat mows.
For further particulars apply to tho
nearest ticket agent, or address John It.
i'ott, District Passenger Afiont, 480 Will-
am Street, AVilliamsport, Pa. tf
The land ol sunshine and flowers rich also
In mineral and agricultural resources Is best
reached by the Rio Grando 'Western Railway.
See that your excursion tickets read both ways
via that road, which offers choice ot three
llstlnct routes and the most magnificent rail
road scenery In tho world. Send 25o to J. n.
Bennett, Salt Lake City, tor copy ot illustrated
book, "Utah, a Peep Into tho Mountain Walled
reasury of tho Gods." tf
Weather forecast.
Washington, D. C, Sop. 3. For Eastern
Now York, Eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey: Fair, warmer by Bunday, easterly
For Western Now York and Western Penn-
sylvanla : Fair weather, warmer, cast to south
For Now England: Fair, warmer by Sunday;
southerly winds.
Nrw York. Sep. S.'
Money la call easy
ut 8a3 per cent.
iiosds closino mice.
U.S. 2. r.,
U.S. 4. r.,
U.S. 4s. c.
rifluware& Hudson . -
Delaware. Lackawanna & Western 153)1 o
Erie Drctorrod IK,
Lake Snure
New Jersey central 129
Western Union ut
New York Central 10'JH
Whcut No. ". red winter. 79 : Sept., 80),,
KJUTu n li, . utunu. uo. ot?uu, ujs),
Uau-No. , lulled. 37(4. Aug., 40, Sept,
Creamery. State 3c Tcniu extras S3Vje.24
Creamery, western. Units carl
Creamery, western, suvonas cao
suieuairy, it. t. tuiM, extras IS cull
fatate lactoiy. full ereuin. fancv.. cm 04o
mate luctory. iuii riema. hub uio.a tf v
otate taetory, eouimun to full Me.a S)i
roos- i
Mmoanl I'cnn uw laid, ctioioe.!.! e.a
buutliern. new lulu, fair to Koud.. u.aHu
Wetotern, new laid, uriuie... .174o.alH o
uuck I'liifs. Muryiunu. per a
Statistics ebow that one In rotm has a weak
rdlaeoMjd Heart. ThaUtrmptomsorahor(
iratlt opirilon, fluticrlnir, Tulnt and
..--iry pelU..ulu In Ide.theitamoCherlnir.
Lwillen anUlcB. clror.A.v' land Urnth.l fur
Is a marvelous ronirdf. "1 bavo been troubled
with boart dleao Xur years, tny left puUo was
very weak, coul) at Imics snurccly feet It, tho
smallest exctteiuent Would always weaken tnr
nerve and heart od a f ear ol laipaudloit daatii
cured mo In the fuco for hours. IIt. SIICM"
NIIltVIMl unU NJ2W JIH.VHT curui
Is the only niodlcipe tout bus proved of any bene
afcmMi mired ma.L. 11. Dyer. Cloverdafo. id A.
r. Mllei 1-lverJ'lllsaro a sure rouedv for
lllousiieftK uud TurptU llviir. HO Jus
US real. Fine bouk i n Heart DlMiuif', wiUl
wonderful cuitt Frre a( drugguti.n, tr addruas
OR, WILES' MtuCAL CO., Elkliurt, Ind.
m dilfheatcr CndUh DUiMoa4 nrBfl.
B&rt. rHl&Ma. ladiis, 41k
S MMffuitrMJ la IU4 W4 nU 3lt'
$ W1M. Mftlftl Will, but rlhMt, TMh.
"HftlUf far lAdlcVtolMUr, fry rctara
VkUkMtor CkwiUfil OtMmAtw Sotm
New Orleans Fast Filling Up
. With Enthusiasts.
The Sulllvan-Mr AullfTfi-Dllon Combina
tion n lllir I'avorlte lnterpnt Centers In
the llattlo or the (limit Corbott'l
Cluincea With Ihn Cbainpton.
New Oih.kans, Sep. 8. As the time foi
tho big carnival of fists approaches the
interest increases, nnd tho city is fust
filling up with sporting men. The gen'
ral admission tickets which were put on
tale by tho Olympic Club yesterday nre
Inst being disposed of. liots on the
fights coutimio to improve, but tbey are
mostly on combinations.
Anotier bet of $4,500 to $3,000 on the
Corbott.Myer and Skelly combination was
made lust evening, nnd onq of $1,000 to
$100 on Sullivan, McAullffo nnd Dixon.
bet of $2,500 even on liver was nlso
innile nt tho pool room. The latter bas
$30,000 bet ngalnst tho Corbett, llyor and
Skelly combination, which has been such
u favorite here on account of tho big odds.
These bavo been reduced ftoui 20 to 1 to
13 to 1, with chances of a still greater re
duction If much more money Is put up.
In the betting on the men singly Cor
bett is an 8 to 5 shot, Sullivan ranges
from 3 to 5 to 1 to 2, McAulilTe pays 4 to
Jlycr Is even money, Skelly is 3 to 1
nnd Dixon is a 1 to 3 favorite.
The fights will take place in the fol
lowing order: Monday night, Myer vs.
JIcAulilTo; TucbUay ulght.i Dixon vs.
Skelly; Wednesday night, Sullivan vb.
The followers ot Sullivan's pugilistic
fortunes aro confident that their man
will go into the ring fit for the fight of
his life. Sullivan's quarters will be on
Itampurt street, near, the Young JIcn'B
Gymnastic Club, and tho big fellow will
have tho same rooms that lie, occupied
when he stopped hero just beforo the Kll-
raiu light. Dr. Finney of the Young
Men's Club has tendered tho champion
the hospitalities of the organization and
tho use of tlio gymnasium. The club as
a body declined to do this.
A telegram from Wow York now an-'
nounces that Corbett will rench here on
Tuesday morning. The reason stated for
thlet is that Corbett la afraid of the ma
laria, which bo contracted when be. was
here before. It U probable that the Cor
bett train will be divided into two sec
tions. Tho one with the passengers on
board will arrive on Monday, so as to
give them a chance to be prosent at tho
Myer-MoAulille fight, whilo the other.
containing Corbett and his trainers, will
arrive the subsequent day.
Chairman faalvant ot the committee
which will have charge of the holders of
JAMES J. ConncrT.
tickets has appointed 124 members ot the
club. This committee will have their
banda full soating tho multitude ot visl
All tho news received from BavSt.
Louis, the training quarters of Jack lie- j
Aunue aim jaciv DKeny, is 01 01 a most
favorable character. At the llay young
Skelly is looked on as a sure winner, and
although the city pool rooms are offering
U to 1 ut that roxort, huveral oven bets
have been made on Ills fight with the col
ored boy. The combination tip at their
quarters is "The three Jack lu a can
ter." Itoynolds, Skelly's backer, is booming
along his mail and covering beta otfvred.
Jack Dempsey was to liavo secondtxl Mo
AulilTe, but has telegraphed hU inability
to be at tho ring sldo. Uui T utlilll of
New York bus been ruquestad to tako
DeiiipMy'a place in the corner.
bkelly will lie wcondud by Urlflln, Rey
nolds, Jtobmson uud Carroll. McAublto
it nil rikelly will coma to New Orleans
Monday morning.
The Olympic Club soem worried about
1 lie biorlev that have gone out that the
Dixou-llght i unpopular hero because of
Dixon's color. They do not think thut
tbe color Hue should be brought into
question, and say that if Jackson should
challenge tbe winner (if the Sullivan
Corbett fight, or any other matt, their
club would offer a purse for tbe contest.
O'Jiourke, Dixon's manager, who has
bad quite a quarrel with Jimmy Carrol
u j. w
over the charge that Dixon frequently''
I fouls In i flghtjs.'o'irepi to'.'flhd a llirht
weight who will meet Carroll for $2,51)0
a Bide.
The Stilllvnn-Co.bctt fight is, of course,
the great topic of discussion. A sporting
man who Is known the country over and
who sawboth the pugilisms just before he
started from New York, sums up the con
dition of tho inon and tho situation like
"Sullivan's real weak spot is bis stom
ach. Here Is the spot which still lias su
perfluous fat lagging upoivit. As fat Is
less, elastic tliau hard' muscle, n blow
upon it will tell much more severoly thnn
upon tho latter substance. Knock-out
blows through the (lit ot the stomach nre
not unknown, though they do not often
occur, hut other things even, this seems
to be tliu best Bjiot for Corbett to attack
if he geU nu opening.
"Corbett lias the advantage of a fnr
better pair of logs than Sullivan. He
will therefore be nble to keep his feet
with much less cxhnustlon of bis muscu
lar powers. Ills neck, while not so well
defended by muscles as thut of Sullivan,
is stilt handsomely enough endowed. At
the sumo time, if Sullivan could get in
one of his terrible blows early In tlio fight
upon this part of Corbett's anatomy It is
likely thut tho contest would lie ended in
Sullivan's favor tliero and then.
"Corbett, judging from what his back
ers say, will adopt this line of battle. Ho
will keep away, or rather make a sprint
ing fight. If ho succeeds in doing this
ho will in nil probability win.
"From Sullivan In his prime bo would
not bo nblo to keep away under tho rules,
but Sulllvnn covered with fat and weak
in the wind is a different man, and makes
the contest moro doubtful.
"The fact that bo hits twice as hard as
Corbett is ids chief chance of victory.
If ho lands once or twice on tho Califor
nia a full right at any stage of the game
he will win,"
Tho special train bearing Sullivan and
his party is expected to nrrlvo Into to
night. Ills progress has been marked by
a bcrics of ovations..
Juck Clifford ntul Matthew F.iy, Home
steaders, Held for Murder.
PiTTsnuno, Sep. 8. df the eight addi
tional' arrests ot Homestead strikers
charged wltli the' several crimes of mur
der, riot and conspiracy by Secretary
Lovojoy of tho Carncglo Steel Company,
all but two of the number have been re
leased on ball. Jack Clifford and Mat
thew Foy were held on the charge of mur
der until the court fixes ball,
Clifford Is the man who gave the Pinker-
ton detectives Information, about the
Homestead Advisory Committee. It Is
supposed the Carnegie Company wants to
get Clifford out of the way of all influence
nnd keep him safe until the Homestead
cases are tried.
For this reason they had him locked un
rather than depend upon uucertaiu nnd
expensive surveillance, which tlioy would
bave hod to keep him under were ho to bo
at liberty.
Warrants are also out for the arrest of
Hugh O'Donnell, Hugh Ross and William
Foy on tho chargo of murder.
Spain Modify ins Her Deinnmlh nnd
cdlne; Amerlcau Clulmii.
Madiud, Sep. 2. Mr. McNutt, the spec
ial American representative, Is now at
San Sebastian pressing upon Senor Itob
lodo, Minister of tho Colonies, tho claims
made by Mr. Foster, tho United atntes
Secretary ot Stato, relative to tlio Com
mercial treaty between Spain and tho
United States.
At the outset of the negotiations Senor
Ilobledo held that the Introduction- into
Cuba of tho numerous articles that the
United States Government demanded
should be included in tho new treaty
would render all industry and commdrce
in Cubit impossible, honor Itobleuo is
now modifying Ills attitude, nnd Is dis
posed to concede part of tho Amcricau
claims. :
The Minister of the Colonies is ham
pered with fears of a conflict with Cuba,
The Nationalist-Unionist party lu the
island is nttncklng tbe government's
financial and tariff, policies, especially the
farming out of the Cuban customs and
the scheme for the conversion of bonds
Mrs. Ilnrrlnou Sufferer from Nervous
WABilisaTON, Sep. 8. The almost daily
publication ot accounts about Mrs. Har
rison's alarming condition of health was
brought to Private Secretary Ilalford's
attention this morning. He said:
"Mrs. Harrison's physical condition has
improved, but her nervous, condition has
not kept pace with physical improvement.
Her illness Is caused by overtaxing her
self in the performance of her official ant
domestic duties which left her suffering
from nervous prostration.
"It will take a long time for her to
thoroughly recover. She is taking no
medicates, and 1 simply awaiting the
recuperation which nnture sends. Sho
has no incurable disease that the Prual
dent or doctors are awnro of."
Nebraska Hank Collapses,
Cubtb, Neb., Sep. B. The Nebmsjta
Stato Hank of this city lias closed lt
doors. The bank Is capitalized at $30,
000 anil was recently reorganize!. GcorKo
I), Stephens, tlio former cashier, held the
controlliiij; lute rent. He left for Chtoaico
Auk. 23, and has not been seen since. Ills
whereabouts Is unknown,
I'lrtrrn Killed, Twnntr Hurt.
CoNSTANTiKorbK, Sep. 8- At l'nra yes
terday u new building collapsed, l-'ifteon
persons were killed nnd SO were hurt.
Twelve of tho killed were worklnp;mon,
nnd the other thrto were pwlostrlans who
worepasHiiiKHt tlis time of the collapse
of tho building.
ltosebury Nut Urged lly the Quebn.
I.ohdok, Sep. B. It Is nnnounevd tf
floitilly that the Qitetmdld notn riord,
uitfe tbe Karl of Itoiebery to aooept tliu
Foreign Ufliue. The Queen exprassed to
the liarl of Itoseliery neither directly nor
indireotly any preference n to hU relu
tuuw toward the Uladstonluii udtniuU
trution. lamina llnnlen Adinliilatrutilx.
Taunton, Ma., Sep. 0. In the Pro
linle Court Kiiium J. Ilonlmi was appoint
ed udnilnlstratiix of the estute of Andrew
J. Borden, with bond of 50,000, Her
sureties uro i'ratik L. Almy, Joseph A.
Bowen of Fall liiver, and Kruuk Stevens
of Swansea.
Lehigh galley Division.
MAY 15. IBD2.
Piinifif ( rrtltia Inn lin
Allcntown, Ilethlthem, tiuston, bhiludclphla,
Huzleton, Weatherly. Qunkalto Junction, Del-
,US lttLanoy cy at 7.40, 0.08 a m.,
12.62. 3.10. 6.23 p. m.
vot ow York, B.57. 9.08 a. m., 12.63, 3.10,
o p. ra.
P tlston, Laceyvllle, Towanda.Sayre. Waveily
m ?! ro' 'ocheslor, Niagara Falls and tbe Wen
: 27 l-'-,u P' m- no.connection ror itocncs
tcr, Huffalo jr flagaru Falls), 8.U3 p, m.
I1 or llclVidpra. IlMlitwur, Wnln. (Inn unii
Struudsburg, fi.57 a. m 6.S0 p. m. ,
"""wcrtviuo ana Trenton, a. m,
J or Tunkhaunock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, airj p. m.
I' or Auburn, Ithaca, Gcnova and Lvons, 10.41
. m.. B.03 p. m.
ForJennesvlllo, Levlstonnndllcavcr Meadow.
40, 9.08 a. m., 12.53, s.aj p. m.
For Audfnrffi1 Tfnvlntn,, Ctublnn nn T.m
bcr Yard, 6.57, 7.40, D.08, lli.41 a. rd., 12.62, 3.10.
Vor Scranton, 6.67, 8.08, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 6.S6 p.
ForIlazlehrnnb..Tn.iitn ririrtA., nnrl nv.inmi
6.67, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.53, 3.10, 5.26 p. m.
f.or Asniana, uirardvlllo and Lost Creek, 4.27,
.411,8.62, 10.15 a. m.. 1.00. 1.J0. 4.10. 0.35. 8.10. 9.14
p. m.
For Haven Itun, Centralln, Mount Carmcl and
Sbamouln, 8.52. 10.15 a.,m., 1.40. 4.40, 8.00 p. m.
For Yatosvlllo, Park l'laco, Maharioy City and
Delano, 6.67, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a m., 12.62, 3.10, 5.20,
i.m,, 10.27 p. m.
i rains win leave snamokln at 7.R5, u.5s a. m.,
10, 4.30. r.. tn. and arrli'n at Shnnaiidnah nt
.06 a. m., 12.52, .1.10, 6.20 p. m.
Loavo Shenandoah for l'ultavllli.. BSD. 7.4(1.
9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 4.10, 6.20, 8.03 p. m.
Leave PnttHvllln fnr Mhormmlivir. A Oil 7 40.
9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. Ul.. 12.82. 3.01). 6.20. 7.00. 7.15. 9.S0
p. m.
t.eave auenandonh for Hazloton, 5.57, 7.40, 9.08,
10.41 a. m.. 12.62, 3.10, 6 SB, 8.03 p. m.
Leave llazlcton for Shenandoah, 1.39, 9.15
11.00 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 6.80, 7.05, 7.6fl p. ro.
Trains leave for Ashland, Qlrardvlllo and Lost
Creek, 7.29, 9.40 n. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. tn.
x ur iiuesriuo, l-arn jt'iaco, iviananoy uiiy,
Delano. Ilnzleton. lllack Crenk Junctlnn. l'nnn
Haven. Junction, Mouch Chunk. Allentown,
nothlehcm, Eoston and Now York, 8.40 a, m.,
12.30 p. m.
i' Or I'nuaaclDhla and Now York. 2.55 d m.
Frt.Vnt..i.ll - !..,- 1. A
Delano, 8.40, 11 J5 a. m., 12.30, 2.55, 4.40 8.P". p. m.
uuuve iiazieton lor anenanaoan, b.m, ii.mj
. ro., l.os, 4.37 p. m.
Leavo Shenandoah for Pottavlllo, 5.50, 8.40,
30a.m.. l"Sn4Sn m
Leavo Pottavlllo for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
.ui.,i.oa, p. m.
I A. SWEIOAUD. (3en. Mjrr.
C. O.IIANCOCK.'Gcn. Pass AgL
Philadelphia, Pa.
Kouth Uethlchcm. Pa.
6cmnx,Kn,i division.
NOVJSMUEk 16, 1891.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abnva
dato for wlggan's, ailbertort, Frackvllle, Now
uastie, nt. uiair, -ottsviue, iiatnmirg, lteading,
Pottstown. Phoenixvllle. Norrlstown and Phil.
adelphia (llroad street station) at :00 and 11:45
u.m.unuia3p. m. on wcck aays. i-'orpoitfl'
vlllo and intermediate stations 9; 10 a. m.
For Wleean's. Qilborton. Frackvllle. Now
wasuu, ac laair,
1. UblOVlllU Ui. U.W. W Ul UL
and 3:10 n. m.
For Hamburg, Reading, Potts.
town, Phconlxvlllo, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 0:00, 9:40 a, m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leavo l' racKvnio ror nnenanaoah at
10:40a. m. and 12:14. 6:04. 7:42 and 10:ii9t. m.
ounuuys, una a. m. ana o:w p. m.
i.cave I'ottsviiio lor sncnanaoan at lu ia.
1:48a. m and4:40.7:15and9:42n.m. Sundavs
Ub u. iu. uuu 0.10 11. m.
Loavo Philadelphia (llroad street station) for
Pottsvlllo nnd Hbenandoah at 6 67 and 8 35 am,
4 10 and 7 00 p m week days. On Sundays loavo
at 0 50 a m. For Pottsvlllo, 9 23 a m. For New
York at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35, 0 50, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30,
9 60. 11 00. 11 14. 11 S3 a m. 12 00 noon (limited ex
press 1 ui) ana 4 00 p m) iz 44, 1 m, 1 4U, s 30, 3 20,
i 00, 4 02, 600, 6 00, 0 20, 6 60, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p
m, 12 01 night. Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40. 5 35
812.8 30,9 60 1135 n m and 12 44,1 40,2 30,4 02
(limited 4 60) 5 28, 6 20, 0 50, 7 13 and 8 12 p m aud
12 01 nlKht. For Sea Girt. Lone Ilrnnch and In
termediate stations 8 20 und 1114 um, and 4 00
pmwockaays. j'or uaitimore ana vvasning.
ton 3 50, 7 20, 8 31,910, 1020. 11 18 am. J3 35 (11 in.
lted express, 1 30.3 40,) 4 41, 6 57,7 40 p m 12 03
night i''or Froebold only 5 00 p m weok days,
Forllaltlmpre,onlyat202,401,508and 1130 p
m. Sundays at 3 50, 7 20, 910. 11 18 am, 4 41, 8 57
7 40 p m, 12 ! night. Ilnltlmore only 608, 1130
p m. ror iticnmona 7iara, lsup m and 12 U3
nleht. Hundavs. 7 20 nm. 12 03 nlL'ht.
Trains will leave Harrlsburg for Pittsburg1
and tho West every day at 12 25 and 310 am
and (limited 3 00) and 310 p m. Way for Al-
toona at a 10 a m.ana iu p m ovcry day. For
Pittsburg and Alioona at II 110 a m everyday
ami iu m p in weuK uuya,
IPMtn. mill Innirn UnnhiiH. am 1irllllnn.a-A.,
Elmlra, Canandalgua, Rochester, Buffalo and
Niagara Falls at 6 10 a m, and 135 p m week
aays, -or cimira et o au p m wook iays, por
Erie and Intermediate points at 5 10 nmdallv
For Lock Haven at 6 10 and 9 60 a m dally, 1 35,
and 8 SO n m week davs For Itonnvo at S 10 a
1 so ana au p m weea aays, anu 0 lua ra on
Sundays only,
For Kane ut 6 10 a ra, 1 35 p m
c IL Pnon,
uen'i Manager
Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt
Trains leave Shenandoah ns follows:
For Now York via Philadelphia, week davs.
2.08, 5.23, 10.08 a. m., 12.83 2.48, 6.63 p. ra. Sunday,
;.uo, a. m. lornow 1 ora via Aiaucn ununa,
week aays, 0.33, 7.1s a. m., ja.33, 2.48 p. m.
r or ueauinir ana I'niiaaeipma. week aay
.03,6.23,7.18, 10.08 a. m., 12.23, 2.48, 6.53 p. m. Su
lav. 2.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.23 p. ra
dav. 2.08. 7.40 a. m., 4.23 p.
For liarrlsbure. woek
days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m..
2.48. 5.63 n. m.
For AlleuUjwn, .week days,
7.18 a. m., 12.33,
.90 p. m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m., 12.33,
s.10, D.BJ p. ra. ounaay,, 7.40 a, m 4.23 p. m.
ForTamaq.iaand Mahanoy City, weekdays,
2.08, 5.23, 7.18,10.08 a. in., 12,33. 2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sun.
day, 2.08, 7.40 a. in., 4.21 p. m. Additional for
Wuhan oy City, weok days, 0.68 p, m,
For Lancaster und Columbia, woek days, 7.18
il m ! 4S n m f
For Wllllamsport. Sunbury and Lewlsburg,
weea uuys, a.i, 0.1a, 7.10. u.zs a. m., 1.33, 6..
p m. Sunday, 3.23 a. in., 3.03 p. m.
For Muhanoy Plane, woek days, 2.08, 3.23. 5.53,
7.18, 10,08, 11.2H a. m., 12.33, 1.33, 2.48, 5.61, 0.48, 9.83
p. m. sunuay, 2.U8, 3.2:1, 7.40 a. m., 3.03, 4.23 p. in.
For uirardvlllo. ( ItaODahannock Statlnn 1
weekdays, 2.08. 3.23. 5.83. 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. m
12.3J.1.33, 2.48, 5.53, 8.68, 9.33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08.
8.23. 7.46 a. m., 3.03. 4.30 p. m.
For Ashland und Sbamokln. weok days, 3.23,
5.28, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., I 33, 0.68, 9.28 p. ia. Sun'
uuy, i.-iu a. m.. a iu p. m
Leave Now York via Philadelphia, week days.
7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Sun-
Lsavo New York via Muuch Chunk, week days
4.80. 8.4"i a. m., 1.00, A p. m. Sunday, 7.00 a. m
Leave Philadelphia, week davs. 4.10. 10 00 a. in
4.00, 6.00 11. ra.. from llroad nnd n.lllnurlitll nnil
1 8.35 a. m., 11.30 p. m. fromKihundGreenstroota.
Suumuj, v.w m., ix.ou i m , ir.m win uuu
Leave Reading, week days, 1.S5.7.10, 10.05, 11.60
a. ui 0.00, .01 p. m sunaay, 1.3. iu.4 a. m.
Leave I'ottsvlllo, week days, t.40, 7.40 a. m,
1230. 6,11 p. m, Sundav. 2.40. 7.00 a.m.. 2.05 p. a
LaveTarcanuu, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.28 a
in. 1.21, 7.13, 9.18 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m.
2.60 p. m,
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.40, 9.18,
11.47 a. in., 1.61, 7.42, t.ii p, TO.- Sunday, 3.48, 8.17
a. in., s.ui n. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, weok di rs, 2 40, 4.00.
6.10, 9.36, 11.59 a. tn., 1,05, 2.00. 6.20, 8 20, 77, 10.00
p m, Sunday, 2. 40, 4.uu, v.27 a. m., 3.37, fi.01 p. m
Liuuve uiraruvuiB. KappunaunocK station
weeks days. 2.47, 4.07, 6.30, 9.41 a. m., IS. 05. 2.1!
6.20, 6.32, 8.03, 10.08 p, in. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.33,
a. m . S .41. R07 n m
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 3.00, 9.45, 11.55
a. m., 3.3. u.iop. in. ssunuay, 11.1a
For llaltlmoro, WashiOHtuti und I
15 n. m,
I tut) West via
11, & O. R. It., through trains leave Olrard
Avenuo station, Philadelphia, (P. & R. R. R.) at
a on, B.UI, a. ra.., .4. 7.13 p. m. Sunday,
u w, an, n. iu., iv, ... f, la u. ra,
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
... . , . . 1 nii.ii, it AiittDUV U1IT.
Weekdays-Expresx, 5 15 (.-xcursloq 6 it. 8 00,
DUO, 04"i am. 1 no uiurdavs only 1 801. 2 00,
stu, 7U minute tlver 3iJ, 4 no, 60),, 000 p.
Acoommodallnn, 8 U0 a in. 4 16. 5 30. 6JW 11 m
-unuays express, ft 15, 700, 7 3U, BOO, 8 30,
900, 9 30, IOlam,430p m
a v.t u iu uuu nan ui.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, Atlantic
and Arkunsns avenues. Weekdays 7 (10, 7 80,
8tio, h ui. moo a m and 8 16, 4 00, 6 80 ICxour
Slon 0 ail. 6 30, 7 30. 9 30 n m.
Accommodation, 4 10, 5 60, 8 10 a m, and 4 30
pm. - ,
Hundayfc Mxprogs. 3.W. IU). 60t). 6 00. 6 31).
7 00. 7 30, 8 00. 9 80 p ro. Accommodation, 7 SO
a in anu, 0 00 0 m.
0. 0. HANCOCK, QenU Fut'r AgU
I. A. BWIOARO, Gen'l Manager
:'irst National Bank,
Capital, $100,000.00
'. Hr. Leisenring, Pres.,,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier,
9 W. Yost. Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dully From 9 to 3.
Paid on Hfivtnics nepooltB.
Wonderful . Bpuiii
Iteincdy, In sold vltb
Written Guarantee
to cur. all HeiToua 1)1b-.
cases, each M Weak
Memory, Loss of Brain
1'ow.r, 'Headache.
hood, Nervou8new,IiOB
sltuile, all drains and
loss of power of tbe
Oeneratlvo OrjiM la
DoforoA. After Uso.
Photographed from lire,
over-rtIon, youtnrul inuiscrclions.or in xceiTi
aseortobneco, opium, or Biimuianm, which uihiiim;7
lead to Itillrinlty.ColnumriUon and Imanlty. rut up
IncoiiTenlentform to carry In thovfrt pociet. l rlcs
ft a packoce, or 6 for 5. With every 5 order weKin a
written Kuoranien 10 euro ui i. v"
mrtnav- ftpiit h. Tnnll tn-finT Address. Circular fm
In plain envelope. Mention Uilfl paper. Address.
MADRID CHEMICAL CD.. Branch Office for u, p, a
358 Dearborn Street, fjniOAGO, ILU "
vnn sat.k in RiiRMANnriAii. pa.. nY
C H. lUKcnbucb, Druggist, Jlt E..Cor., Mala and
i-ioya ats.
T3a 33 KTX"
HMMtlfnl hook cnntatnlni? tho latest vocal mil
sic, full sheet-music plates, handsome cover. In
eluding the following gems, unabridged:
Afterwards, 40 I've Worked 8 notrre, 40
llaby's Fust Asloep 40 I Whistle and Walt, 40
Comrades, 60 Love's Golden Dream 40
God llloss Our Land 25 Old Organ Illower, 40
Go, Pretty Rose, 50 Our Last Waits 40
uuara tno i lag, w uver tno moonuv ocn, u
In Old Madrid, 60 Sweet Katie Connor, 40
Mary and John, 40 That Is Lqyo, 40
We give this book to Introduce to you
riurp(MiedorPfflrrranI STRENGTH
Your irroter will clvo vou a circular contain
ing additional Premium List with full particu
lars how to get them f reo,
ALBERT KROUT, Chomist, Phila.
Manufacturers of'
Of Every Description.
Fags, Badges, Caps, Regalias, &c
1 I
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited.
Tht jfrowMt u4 tut$t m4 VaHVfc
otter Lft, Itbotog Ba powder fcodl pk4
!ackti With Yerdov-bl. 114, th oooUkHi j
tlwkjt rer for uwi. Will ak tht bmt por
fume. UtM Soap In SOrofnatsivtiJUml
IT IS THE JEST for l-.w titrm-.
pItiis. irw(, e,
DON'S? B3iYl
Get ready fnr the
cold wcatlier.
Stoves ' should be overhauled, new ones
bought and everything pertaining to tho proper
heating of your houses should bavo your atten
tion now. 1 am prepared 10 attena to an cans
with promptness and mv chargos are moot
reasonable. . i
icoors and spouting snouia no looaeu itcr
ow. Don't delay until the rush comes. 1
Saloon and
No. US
First-class Lager Fleer, Ale, Porter and Tenv
perunce Drinks a'.d Cigars. Fine old
wines ana i.iijuora always
on hand,
II. a FOLMER, Prop
Call u roil ml nnd epend a pleasant hour, j
8 North Jardin St., Shenandoah
tnnll Ihn !.., .... ... . J
bestnnlshln the'world for the money, a
lAPttirnil hv Ih. Pnnl. ur .n t-y '
Alturcty-it-Liw and Real Est&to km
Omoo li&damy.Uuliaing, heouaof