The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 27, 1892, Image 4

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    Iii Season !
AU kinds of Canned
and Bottled Goods,
Imported and Do-
Electrlo Note.
The work on the Alahanoy City-Mabv
noy Piano branch Is being pushed rapidly.
Theolectrio ro(),'on its completion to
Locust Dale, will bo cxtendoa to ait.
Carmel and Oentralia.
Several magnates of tho oloctrio railway
wore in town this morning on businoss
connectod with tho running of tho road
mnciin fllinpsn "Finn throunh our town. "Wo oxpocl to have"
UJV,i"'u u nu.,inio
Locut Dalo aurveyod on Monday," said
Mr. Wlbur F. Sadler, Sup't. of tho road,
to a Telegram reporter. "All tne raiif,
ties, pole, wires, etc., for trjis branch have
boon coniracted for," ha continuod, "and
wo ox pent to begin work very shortly."
Ashland Telegram.
A dozen new cars have boon ordered and
will be ready in time for the opening of tho
Mabanoy route.
Groceries, etc., for
the summer and pic
nic season at
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
The Clilcugo l'lre
The near approach ot tho World's Fair
awakens increased interost in Chicago and
her wondorful history. To-day Chicago is
probably tho finest ?ily in tho world, arch!
toctually, and all practically built within
twenty years. Tho most thrilling and
wondorful chapter in tho city's history
Coming Events.
Aug. 20 and 27 Ico cream festival, P.
11. school room, Shenandoah Y. V. A.
August 27 Picnic Ellongowan Oombina
tlon Drum Corps, Ellongowan Orove.
Atiir. 30 Ten cream fefctlvAl and bean
sourj lunch. Kobbins' onora house, benefit the ono tolling of the great flro and tbo ub
WidmoB' anil flrnhnno ffiiml. Pnat 140. Beouent robutldine. It reads liko a talo
O. A. R. lrorn Fairy Land. The now and magnifi
Aue. 31 Ico cream fostival. Kobbins' cent Oyclorama of the Chicago Fire just
nn, Jinnisn tlnnn Sofiinn Niv 1(1 .1. T. of ononed in that citv ebows in a most sur
n. &t.
Sept. 6. Picnio of St. Patrick s Band at
the Shonandoah Trotting Park,
Nov. 23 Sovonth annual ball of tho
Washington Boneficial Society in Kobbins'
Desorrlnsr Fralsa.
IT a desire to iy to our citliem, that foi
yean w haye been selling Dr. King's New
JJUeovery for Consumption, Dr. King's
JUwLlf Pills, Bucklen's Arnica S1t
cad JSUotrio Bitten, and kayt ntrni
kaadltd remedies that sell ai well, or thai
fcare (Wen such universal satisfaction.
tWe do not hesitate to guarantee them
every time, and we stand ready to refund
tte purchase price, if satisfactory result de
net follow their use. These remedies have
fwoa their great popularity purely on tnoii
jaerltn. O. H. Hagenbuch, Druggist.
prising manner tho city during the groat
lire, with its thousands of acres ot red-hot
ruins, thousands more of a surging sea of
flamo, and cpuntlpss thousands of panic
stricken people fleeing for their live?, is th
most erand. atf 'inspiring, and realistic
sceno ovor produced by man, Tho whol
effect is greatly intensified by tbo introduo
tion of novel mechanical and electrical de
vices, making tbo whole situation soem Ilk
reality. This rematkiblo exhibition
located upon Michigan avenue, near Madi'
son street, and will remain as a prominent
attraction during tho World's Fair. Ou
re&dors should mako a noto of this groat
work and not fail to visit it.
Klcctrlo Railway Chnngo.
Horoaftor tho oloctric railway cars will
loavo the corner of Main and Centre streets
at 6:30 a. m., daily, and evory25 minutes
thereafter until midnight, at which hour
. last enr will loavo.
Letter J.lit.
The following letters remain uncalled for In
the Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa., post
offlco, August 27, IBM:
IlrlEht Dr. N. K. McQullllen James
Wostcz Thomas
Parties calling for advertised letters should
please say "advertised." Ono cent will be
charged on all advertised letters.
II. C. IiOYEli, P. M,
Four pair men's seamless hoso for 25c.
ntltho People's storo. 6-21-tf
Interesting Items Concerning Different
Sections of the llcglou.
Tho Wilkos-Barro '.Record says that
William F. Keck, the condemned Lohigh
county murderer, objects to bolng bung on
tho "Mollle Maguiro scaffold," bocauio, ho
says, ho is "Dutch, not Irish." That's
rathor a peculiar objection. Wbon a man
has to be hanged it would soora to be im
material what kind of gallows bo is to be
banged upon, providing it bo ono that will
do its work effectually and without bung
Somo tramps who wore put to work on
Scranton's streets, struck and refusod to
work until they had found by experience
that even that altornaiivo is preferable to a
dungocn cdl. But why shouldn't tramps
striko against work. For what else are they
Defective drainage has produced a diph
theria epidemic in South Cboiter, Delaware
county, of suulcient seriousness to causotbe
directors to ordor the closing ot tho public
tchools. Tbo news of almost every suc
ceeding day givos somo such object lesson
of the vast importance of the scionco ot
pub.ic sanitation.
NTho coal consumption of the United
States has reached a figure of ono hundred
and filly millions of tons, within forty
millions of tbo combined output of Kng
land and Wales and Scotland, and it may
be fairly prophesied that in a few years will
even exceed it. Tho amount of capital
invested is enormous and millions of
people depend uppn it in one way or
another as a means of livelihood and
source of wealth. It is oxorcising the
greatest influence upon tho country and in
iU'arena some ot the knottiest problems
affecting capital and labor are working to a
solution. Now mines are over being
opened, but tho tonnage of tho old ones is
not appreciably affected, indicating that
tbo demand is keeping a lair pace with th
supply and that coal property Is increasing
its increments as other species of invest'
monts, and promises year by year
bocomo increasingly valuable. Whether it
be the coal, tho coal land owner, the jobber,
or tho retail dcalor, thty all have reabon to
look with coLfidence towards the future
and dopend upon it to strengthen and
consolidate) thoir interests and augment the
profits of their industry.
Buy Keystone flour,
namo Lksmcj & Co.,
printed on every sack.
Bo suro that the
Ashland, Pa., is
For Almost Nothing.
Max Reese has just received a large stock
of tablots, writing paper, envelopes, etc.,
purchased at an Assignee's ealo and is
oolling them at CO por cent. less than
regular prices.
Buoklon'a Arnica Salve.
Tho Best Salvo in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Khoum, Foyer
Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively iuroa Piles, or no payment roquired.
It is guaranteed to give porfoct satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 26 cents por
box. For sale by C. H. Uagonbuch.
Tho land of sunshlno and flowers rich also
in mineral and agricultural resources la best
reached by the Itlo Grande Western Railway.
See that your excursion tickets read both ways
via that road, which offers cholro of tbrco
distinct routes and tho most magntneent rail
road Bcenery In the world. Send S5o to J. II.
Dennett, Salt Lako City, for copy of Illustrated
book, "Utah, a Peep Into tho Mountain Walled
Treasury of tho Gods." tf
New York Item.
Said tlioclcrlt to his principal:
"There is a lady outsido who wishes
to bco you.'
"Is she, pretty?"
"O, yes."
Principal crocs out, and returning
after a few moments, says to the cleric:
'You aro a nico judge of pretty wom
en, you aro."
"Well, bow could I guess she waB
your wife," replied tho clerk. Tcxw
Col. Goro (of Louisville) It costs tho
people of the United States t250,000,OOJ
a year to bo born, and 1900,000,000 to get
Col. Blood (of tho same city) Getting
born is very expensive.
CoL Goro True, but it Is a necessary
expense. How could we got urunu n
we were not born flrst? Jury.
Gave Illm Away.
Von Illuiner Did Van Winkle's wlfi
tell you that ho came homo hilarious
the other night while you were up in
the country? I
Mrs. Von Blumcr Yes, she did.
Von Blumer (carelessly) She didn't
say anything else, did she?
"She said ho had just left you." N.
Y. Herald.
At the Summer.Kesort Hop.
Miss Luvly Do you know Mr. Stev
ens by sight? I loft tho veranda after
having a little flirtation with him just
a moment ugo and now I can't find him
Miss Waspish I saw a man hurrying
by with a great pink and white mark
on his coat lapel. Maybe that was ho.
Chicago Amrs.
A Suspicious ftymi'ton.
A young man recently called on Di
Perkins Soonover, of Harlem:
"Doctor, I am not feeling right. I
bollevo a change of climate would do
mo good."
"Of what bank aro you cashier?"
asked tho doctor, suspiciously. Texas
True Vonrteiy.
Lambeon I missed my new tennis
belt from my room yesterday, Mrs.
Grinder, and this morning you had
tripe for breakfast.
Mrs. Grinder (tho landlady, haught
ily) Well, sir, what of it?
Lambson Is there anything special
that you would lik me to get to-day?
I low He Wan Her.
"So yon have accepted Mr. Whiffet
after all?"
"Yes; I said I never would, but he Is
so thoughtful. Ho sent me a box ol
handkerchiefs just as my hay fever was
coming on." Chicago News.
Good horses, nice bugfjies ,"""B. lo ""V"00". ...
and responsible drivers are the JZ 7o7in th"
esBential things for a pleasant moon?
drive, which can alwavs be had Mrs, Highllfo (with emphasis) Be
at my Stables, 12 and 14 North cause he stays out all night-Chicago
Oriut Iteiluctlou lu llutcs,
To Denver, Col., Helena, Mont., Ogdon
and Salt Lako City, Utah. Ask Niekle
Plato agents for rates. lw-d&w
Where and When Services Will uw Cun
ducted To-morrow.
All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street, near
Main, Itev. Floyd 13. West, rector. Services as
follows: Morning prayer, litany and sermon,
10:30. Evening prayer and sermon, or ad
dress, 0:30. Sunday school nt 2 p. m. The
rector officiates and preaches morning and
evening. All scats free and everybody made
heartily welcome.
There will be no services in the Presbyterian
church to-morrow. Sunday school services
will bo resumed In tho lecture room of tho
church; also, tho usual evening week day
Trinity Reformed church, Rev. Robert
O'lloyle, pastor. Services to-morrow at 0 a. m.
and 0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
Everybody welcome.
English Lutheran church, M. II. Ilavlcc,
pastor. Services at 10:30 a. in. and 6:30 p. m.
Sunday school at 1:30 p. m Prayer meeting
Wednosday evening at 7:30.
Ebenezcr Evangelical church, Rev. R. M. I.ich
tcnwalncr, pastor. Services to-raorrow at 10 a,
m. in German, and 6:30 p. m. In English. Sunday
school at 1:30 p. m. All aro heartily Invited to
First Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Wm.
I'owick, pastor. Divine worship at 10:30 a.m.
and 0:30 p. m. Morning subject: "Justlllca
tlon by Works " Evening subject: "The
Pharisee and the Publican." Sunday school at
2 p.m. Epworth Leaguo at 5:45 p. m. Prayer
meeting at 7:30 on Thursday evening. Stran
gers and others are always welcome
Primitive Methodist church. Rev. J. Proudo,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and
6:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Christian
Endeavor ot 6:30 p. m. every Sabbath. Class
meetings Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7
o'clock, and Sunday nt 9:30a. m. Prayer meet
ing Thursday at 7 p. m. All scats frco. Any
ono not having a church homo is cordially In
vited ta como hero. Rev. J. Sutcltffo, of St,
Clair, will occupy tho pulpit to-morrow.
Where the Ilest nnd latest Come From.
Fashion is called a "fickle jade" and
yet noarly ovory stylo Is designated with
somo special object in view. Often the
manufacturer has created some now ma
terial which he intends to place before the
merchant; to mako tho best impression
possible ho has samples of tho now material
placed with somo of the best modlsls whose
pedal di signers will study tho goods, its
color and texture, and its combinations
with other colors and materials. While
experimenting with tho material tboy
creato somo now stylo to atttact attention;
theso designs aro reproduced in colored
plates and sent to all prominent dealers to
givo them an idea of tho valuo of tho new
material. If tbceo styles are liked thoy
bocomo the fashion
Sometimes a dress made for some leading
artist, who has to dross as well as act the
character in tho play, is olton so boBUtllul
or uniquo as to cauto a sensation, and It
immediately becomos all the rage.
Most large establishments in Paris have
spocial arti'ts who furnish them each month
with a cortain number of now styles suita
ble for the season and tbo new materials.
From these tho best are solcctod and tho
garment mado up accordingly.
1 he reason La Mode de raris, Album of
Fashion and La Couturiere give the earli
est stylos and thoso that are roliuble Is
becaUBO they are at the very fountain head
ot Fashion and know just what is going to
bo popular. "When you got a fashion
journal get one upon which you can
depend for corroct ideas of stylo and
matorial, for remember that if you wish to
show correct and good laeto yourtolf you
will need to study those styles which ore
artistic and reliable. If you wish to keep
up to the styles we advise you to subscribe
for La Mode de raris, $3 60 por year, or
7'art's Album of Fashion, $3.G0 per, year.
Thoso are the most artistic fashion journals
i-ublished. La Couturiere is a fine home
journal for $3 00 per year and La Mode is
only 81,50 per yoar. i
You can generally cetsinglo copies from
your nowtdealor, Vut do not allow bira to
givo .vou somo other journal for ono of
those. You can get them if you write to
tho publishers, Messrs. A. McDowell &
Co., 4 "West 14th Street, Now York.
The Place to Go,
Shenandoah people visiting tho county
seat (surnamert Poltsvillo) all call iir tho
Academy Eestsurant. Either J. F.
Coonoy. tho proprietor, greets you with a'l
smilo, or his genial brother, M. A. Coonoy,
welcomes you. It is tho resort for nil gen
tlemen from of the mountain. 8-2Mc
The Finest Furniture
Sewing Machine
No. 8 SoutU Mnlii Street,
Oldest and Most Reliable Dealers in tins Section.
TRU88EL8 from 60o up. Table and
Floor Oil Cloths and Lluoleums
from 25o up. Window Shades, Rugs,
MattB,Curtaln Poles, etc., nt low prices.
The best line ol Ijace Curtains ever
shown in town from $1.00 a pair up.
JtrANTED. A good girl for general house-
VV woru Apply at mo uehal,u omee.
Ciughlngr Leads to Coneumptlcii
Komp's Balsam will stop tho cough at
Yin the Chicago,
i'ii ul
MUuuukeo & St.
K'y. August 3U, and September 27.
"Whore the grasses are klsfccrt by tbo wand'rlng
And the llelds are rich with the golden grain:
"Where the schooner ploughs through the
Jralr1e seas,
esllned port on the western plain;
Where homes may never be souubt In vain.
And hope is the thriftiest plant that grows;
"Where man may ever his rights maintain,
And land Is as free as tbo wind thut blows.
For further particulars apply to tho
nearest ticket agent, or address John K.
Pott. Distriot Passenger Agent, 480 "Will
iam Street, 'Williamsport, Pa. tf
Best work done at Bronnan's steam
laundry. Everything white and spotless.
Lace curtains, a specialty. All wort
Additional Nuuies Added to the 1.1st of
Tiioso Who Are Cluing.
The list of tboso who are going to "Wash
ington next month, to witness tbo great
reunion of soldiers is growing. Up to
date the following names bavo been tontin
Chief Ilurgess Smith.
J. IC. P. Bclioifly ind wife.
Fiod. ilurkhart.
Philip D. Ilolmau.
David Morgan.
F. II. Hopkins, Sr.
John Kelper and wife.
David Howard.
Lawrenco Mnngam.
J. J. Doughorty.
William C. Klcbard.
Albert Hoover.
M. J. Seanlnn.
Joseph Foist.
Marshall Meyers.
"Wo will bo pleasod to add additional
namus to the above list. Send tbem in.
Pear alley, rear of Luberg's
hardware store. Horses taken
to board. Undertaking in all
its branches attended to with
1IYAN J. DAYins,
Cull It Colic.
Llttls Johnny ate an apple
That apple it was green.
Little Johnny's sleep is peaceful
Underneath the turf serene.
Chicago Mali
The Iterks County l'ulr.
To be held in the city ot Heading on So)
! tember Cth, 7th, 8th and Otb, promises to be
an unusually grand event this year. In
addition to tbo ether attractions there will
be a "Wild Western Exhibition" dally on
the race-course. The races will bo many
and exciting. In every department a fine
display is assured. Many distinguished
visitors will be in attendance. No city in
the state offers bettor opportunities for
on joy mop t than Heading. Excursion
tickets will bo told at all railroad stations at
low rates during the fair.
SALOON AND RESTAURANT. 't so at that Truth.
(Christ, Bossier's old stand)
ftfnluuitfi CoulBtM., Hlienandoiili
llcst beer- ale and porter on tap. The finest
brands of wbUkcys and cigars, Pool room at
The Synchronized Clock.
The "Western Union Telegraph Oompany
Is having a dozen or more of tho Synchro
nized self-winding clocks put up In town
Tnero are already a dozen subscribers for
tbo servico. By these clocks a uniform
time service will be furnished. Once a day
Operator Prank McDermott will sound
"time" on each of tbo clocks frm the
Caution lu the Nur.enr. headnuarters in the telecranh office. Tho
"And why. Jcunle. did you toll Willie ciock, wii i,0 corrected daily by tolcgraphio
you wouldn't be bis little wife?" , I time signals from tbo time service of the
1 - - llnotnn 4 hA. ufll tin mil nevf ufaaIt
When a Uoston novelist wants, to
malte his hero swear ho writes: "A
blank expression came Into his face,"
WANTS, &o.
7 ANTLD. An experienced girl as cook in I
I a lamuv ox mrec. appiv ai iqu jij-.iial.i
ofllce. 8-10-tf
WANTED. Salesman; salary from start,
iierrnfinpnt nlncfl. llrnwn Ilros. Co.. i
Nurservmcn. riocnester, n. x. d-j-h
The Cather property, on West Oak street,
for sale. Will be sold whole or In parts to suit
nurchaser. Apply on tne premises. -iz-sk
OR SALE. A 12-horse power upright
hnller. In rood condition. Cheap. Ap
ply to Cambridge Coal Company, Shenandoah.
" We Study to Please I "
Old Stand. New Goods
T70R SALE A good paying wall paper and
11 rmtnllnr. hiiRlnrns. Gnnd stock on hand.
1 no DUuaing in wmcu inu uuaiueao 10 iuvuiuu
win also ne sola, wiin me Dusiness or Buparuiu.
Annlv to Mrs. Ann Llewellyn, Shenandoah, lw
lSTRAYED From the premises of tho
I1! undersigned, a Kent cow with cream soots.
Lone tall und ono horn cracked. Kcv, ard of
&5 for return.
31 West Centre street, Shenandoah. 8-20-lw
A hat that is not stylish 13 worthless. There
are a thousand reasons why you should notwear
it, and not one reason why you should It usu
ally costs as much as a stylish hit. and is cot
worth a fraction of tho money. When you buy
a hat buy a good one, and if you really want a
rood one. trv our (2 hat. It will All tho bill.
loe same can oe sum 01 our rtucKweur u uuu
tie for 20a. anv stvle. Htraw hats from So up to
81.50. Nico lino of summer shirts ot 25oi a big
drive in boys' waists from 20o to Wo; large line
of trunks and valises at lowest price; big bar
gains in overalls and coats at
ig South Main St., Shenandoah.
Silk and cashmero hats renovated and made
as rood as new at short notice. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
Butter and Eggs,
Flour and Feed,
Potatoes, Green Truck,
Hay and Straw, Ac, AJ
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store !
(Muldoon'a old stand)
ttiOUND. A hound and bird bred doc. Has a
Jj black ear ond a white car with a low black
Bpots; white body and a black spot on forehead.
Owner can have same by paying expenses of
keenlnc and advertisement. Apply to Gcoroo
Taylor, BOO West Apple alloy, B-S2!-St
Cor. Centre and Jnrdln fit 8.,
Is tho place where you find fresh and
nvKniTTOTl'S NOTICE Estate of Joseph
X j Heacbam, late of the Borough of Shen
andoah, deceased. Letters testamentary on
buld estate having been granted to the under
Rii.nfd. nil nnrfinns Indebted to said estate are
requested to make payment, und those having sfnr.Js, Alf Ttvntifillt "PnvtfV
legal claims against tho estate of said de- OlVVIu JLIV, JJTUUyiU, J.uriLl
ceueni, 10 present iuu buiiu wuuuut ucmj.
54West Laurel Street, Shenandoah.
T n. Hkddall. Attornov.
Shenandoah, I'a., Aug. 16. 1893.
8-17 oaw-6t
mission, to handlo tho new Patent Chcml-
rail Ink Krasinc Pencil. Thoaulckest andirrout-
osc soiling novelty over prouueea. erases inn
thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of
nnnor. Works like made.
profit. One agent's sales amounted to MO) in
six days. Another (33 in tvo hours. Previous
experience not necessary, i-or terms anu run
Uuer'8 Celebrated Lager Beer
Always on tap and tho best Rye Whisky,
Brandv. Gin and Wines. The best 6-cent
Milk and all kinds of temper-
clear In town,
unco urinks.
liliNJAMIN JUUJiAKiJS, l'rop.
particulars, address The Monroe Mf'g Co., La . . . ,,,. .,, v,, . . .
Crosse, Wis. x439 j.ji,iy I largest and oldest reliable purely ean com.
panies representee: oy
r. j, j-EnaosoN, manaobu.
Special engagement. E. J, Hassan's great
comcay success,
"One of. the Finest."
720 S. JardinSt, Shenandoah, Pa
Depicting police life in New York. Played over
3.UOU times In all tho largo cities of
the United States.
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana
Where he will be pleased to meet the wants
or uis irienas ana tne pumio in
Everything in the Drinking Line.
FUN "Screams of Laughter FUN
PrlccH, 25, 35 and 50 Cts.
Reserved scats on Bale at Klrlln's drug store
Everything In the tonsorlnl lino dono In flrst-
ciass style, a line Dam room attached,
ELLIS, The Tinsmith anil Stove De&lcr,
has removed to the
33 Went Oak 8t., Hliciinudonli,
Where he will be pleased to meet all his old as
weu as many new customers as possmie.
ijona wnric : lair di-icb.
Roofing and Spouting neatly done.
SportiDg and Musical Resort!
Rest Wines, Liquors, Deers, Ales and finest
nrunus 01 uicam always on nanu.
Hess' Livery Stable,
118 X. JHnrlrct Alley.
Finest turnouts In town.
Would be pleased to receive a Bhare. ofjthe
jmun u pull uuugu.
36 Knst Centre Street.
The best beer, ales, porter, whiskies, brandies,
wiutB uuu uucBt tiurB uiwuys uu uanu.
WM,;J. EVANS, Prop.
FOR SALE. Farm, 100 acres, house and barn;
good water at the door; ono and a hall
nllles northeast of Torbert'a farm or cross
roads. JS.OOO.
Small farm, three acres, house and stahlo.
Crop In ground. tbUO. t
IIouso on Plum alloy, two stores, 11100.
House on West street, two stores, t800.
Pronertv on East Coal street: lot 3O1IHH
double block in front. 8,000.
Wall Paper ana
Window Shades
To close out stock for the season. When wen
advertiso bargains, wo mean lu ih ,
Norm Main Street.
Hot Weather Bulletin.
loo Oxr&txxxx,
All Flavors,
Soda 'Water,
Puro Fruit Flavors.
BroacL, Oakoe.
Confectionery, Etc
27 South Mntii Street.
Offlco-iao N. Jnrdln street, Shenandoah, Pj