w tj t i year will ue dzu.i w uuu nusiiuis, wuiuu, JtLVCninff JnlCr3.1Cl. allowing for 8,000,000 bushels Increase .i .. . 1 in t in domestic cousuuipuuu, win n-tivc about 140,000,000 bushels lor export. The yield of corn Is estimated at 1,720,000,000 bushels, or 400,000,000 bushelB less than last year, which will leave little or nothing for expjrt. Oats Is placed nt 044,000.000 bushels, a marked decrease. FOBLIBHED DAILY, BUND AY EXCEPTED JT. C BOTISlt, Editor and I'ubltsher. ll'Jf. J. trATJtrXS, Zocal Editor, ALL THE NF.WS FOR ONE CENT rheEYXltlNQ HERALD has a larger cir culation tu. oAenandoaA than any other paper published, Book ojxti to all. subscription rates: Daily, per year .........S3 00 Wciilt. rer vear ... . 1 50 Entered at the Postofllce, at Shenandoah, Ps. for transmission throngh the malls as seeond class mall matter. r OUR CANDIDATES: TOK FHE6IDENT, UENJAMIN HARRISON, or INDIANA. FOI VICE PllESUlENT, WHITELAW HEID, . Ol'NEWYOllK. Republican State Ticket. JUDGE OF SUPKEME CODBT, JUDQE JOHN DEAN. OONGUESSMEN-AT-LAItQE, MA J. ALEXANDER MCDOWELL, GENERAL WILLIAM LILLY. County Ticket. JUDGE, RICHARD H. KOCH. CONG HESS. HON. CHARLES N. BRUMM. DISTWOr ATTOIINET, Ji HARRY JAMES. COnONEIl, DR. L. A. FLEXER. DIHECTOIt or TUB roon, JAMES II. LESSIC. 29Tn SENATORIAL DI8TMCT, LUTHER R. KEEPER. 1ST LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT, JOHNJ.COYLE. iniUD LEGISLATIVE DISTIIIOT, JOHN Y. KERSHNER. TU LEGISLATIVE DISTIUCT. UEORGE W. KENNEDY BAMUELA. LOSCH. SAMUEL S. COOPER. A New York Inventor is said to be working on a machine which promises a vast relief to strtet car people. It Is to be on the principle of the mail bag catcher on postal care, and will gently pick up a woman who 1b standing on the corner exchanging lltial adieus with her friend, and gently but firmly place her on the car, without the slightest injury to her clothes or her temper, though she may still have 16 more "Good bye, dears; come and see me soon 1" still lingering unsaid in her sye'etn. Guaranteed Dure. VT authorise our advertised druggist U wll Dr. King's Now Discovery for an inmption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with c Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as dl- reoted, giving it a fair trial, and experience to benefit, you may return the bottle and SATe your money refunded. We could sot make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery eould be relied 'en. It never disappoint. Trial bottles free at O. H. Hagenbuch'a drug store. Large siae 60a and f 1.00. STRIKERS STILL GROWLING- CONFESSES HIS MISTAKE. A contemporary says rue poor switchmen who put their confidence In the wisdom of Grand Master Sweeney find that he was not the man for the position. To-day he confesses his mistake in having ordered the strike and allows his men to go back to their old situations if they can get them. It is easy for those having oiithoritv like Sweeney to throw hundreds of men out of work. But we are' glad to see that the heads of other railroad organizations do not regard a strike ns the only way of healing a grievance, and do not think a strike should be ordered for every cause, and so positively refused to al low their sympathy for the switchmen to extend to the length of a strike. A strike imy be right at times, but It ought never to be ordered except as a last resort, for the most weighty rea Bond, and after continued eflorts to procure relief by other means. Mr. Sweeney puts the principal cause of the failure of the strike on the soldiers. What had the soldiers to do with it? They did not do the work of the switchmen. Their Bole duty was to suppress that which Mr. Sweeney hluisalf said he was opposed to, namely, acts of violence' and de structlon of nronertv. The acts of outrage with which the strike was lnagurated Mr. Sweeney said were not the work of the striking switchmen and were condemned by him. Why then, should be put any blame on tho soldiers if, as he Bald no acts of vio lence were contemplated by the strikers? They were present solely and only to preserve order, an object which every law-abiding citizen in tho state must applaud AOTINO SUPERINTENDENT COBIl, of the Philadelphia Mint, has received an etching of tho head of Christopher I Columbus from Washington, to be used by tho engravers in designing t,hol souvenir half-dollar. It will be sent to the Mint Bureau at the earliest moment. It has been found difficult to secure a representative likeness of the great discoverer. The head re presents that of a man past forty years of uge. It has u high forehead : tho I features are Grecian, and the counte nance is that of a man absorbed In BOino great enterprise. The etching is by Foclllon, from Suardo's Columbus, and has been copied from the orlglual painting in possession of Dr. deOrchl, of Oomo. T.lils portrait was always reputed to be a true original, Both the French und American writers believe this to be the only authentic I portrait. , Grand Matter Sweeney Denounced Lack awanna Men Go Out Again. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 27. Tho striken are still very angry with Sweeney who has gone, it is said, to Chicago. A por. tlon, at least, of the men have earnest convictions that the movement i might Tiave been successful if they had held out longer, and they are very outspoken in their denunciations of their leador, accus ing him of having sold out to the rail' roads. "Why, we had the strike practically won." suld a switchman this morning. "All we wanted was time. We only had the roads tied up in Buffalo and vicinity. We could have extended the strike from the Atlantic to the Pacific" 'What authority had Sweeney to call oil the stilkol " Interjected another. I "He did not order It except to sign tho order for the strike when tho roads were read to co out. The strike was ordered bv the local lodses. and should have coo tinned until the local lodges declared the cause lost. Sweeney took upon himself an authority that did not belong to him, The strike was settled probably to his satisfaction, but not to the satisfaction of the men. Tho men may liavo some thlnu to sav about this." A number or the Rochester anu ruts burg striking switchmen callod upon Sunt. Bartlett during tho morning and naked to bo re-instated. They were told that there was no use of their applying. as not one of thera should ever again be employed on the road. The Superintend ent Is quoted as saying that the company made every consideration possible to the men and had treated thera fairly In every particular. They were determined to tie up the road, and now tho road would tie them up. The Lackawanna switenmen went, on strike again yesterday. Several members of the crews at the foot of Main street were refused re-employmont, and as the men had agreed not to go back unless all of their number were put at worK, tne n men wh6 had already gone back quit work about 5 o'clock. A settlement was quickly arrived at, and shortly after the night crews were ready for duty it was stated that the men would resume theli old places. The men immediately wont to work. TO STAY THE BLACK DEATH NEWS OF THE DAY. Prompt Action By the Inter- National Health Board. NO ABATEMENT OF THE DISEASE . IN MAMBURG- Til pre UNn Panic In, London Only Two Heaths Hsve Occurred Forty-ISIght New Cases nt Havre Great Alarm nt Montreal Extraordinary Precautions Being; Taken to Prevent tile Scouge from Spreading Indianapolis, Aug. 27. A conference of the Executive Committee of the Inter national Association of State Boards of Health lias begun hero, to take steps to prevent the entrance of cholera Into this country. Dr. J. N. McCormack of Ken tucky, president of tbo association; Dr. C. O. Probst of Ohio, Dr. II. B. Baker of Michigan and Dr. O. N. Motcnlf of Indi ana are present. Tho committee decided to appoint what is to bo known as the Quarantine Inspection Commission, which will bo Instructed to visit tho qunrnntlno stations of the United States, Canada and Mexico, inspect the stntlons and report upon their condition to the International Conference of tho State Boards of Health. The committee began telegraphing over the United States to find men qualified who would accept positions on the com mission, and a communication was re ceived from the Illinois Health Commis sion suggesting the expediency of memor ializing President Harrison, praying that he issue a proclamation prohibiting immigration pending the prevalence of Asiatic cholera in Europe, signatures to bo Becurcd from boards of Trade and other similar organizations, from Repre sentatives, Senators, Members of Congress Bnd other Influential citizens. To sus pend immigration, it was added, Is to make the prevalence of cholera in Amer ica impossible. NO ABATEMENT IN HAMBURG. Xmlls nation Against Authorities for Sup pressing the News. Hamburo, Aug. 27. There aro reported SOS fresh cases of cholera and 88 deaths. The weather is much cooler. In tho vicinity of the harbor the disease shows no sign of abating. Forty private companies ore at work disinfecting dwellings In the city and su burbs. General indignation is felt toward the authorities because thoy suppressed for thrco weeks tho fact that cholcru was spreading In the city. In Altoua the water supply Is falling. It Is reported that in Pineneberg and Kiel several cases of cholera have been discov ered. The suspension has been ordered of all traffio on the Hussion frontier, except at Eydtkuhmen and Prostken. A multitude of intending emigrants have been stopped at points on the frontier, and driven back to Russia. In the two stations named, travelers and baggage undergo rigid In spection and disinfection. Prof. Esmarch, of Kiel, and Dr. Glasser, have charge of the sunitary service on the frontier. NO PANIC IN LONDON. l'oul J'lay Suspected, New Haven, Conn., Aug. 27. The body of James Mahoney of this city, which was found.iii thewaternear Orange street bridge early in the morning, shows evidences of foul play. Mahoney, In com pany with a companion, attended Charter Oak races, returning to this city at 0 p. m. Mahoney and his companion sepa rated about 10 o'clock, according to the latter, for home. There are two wounds on Mahoiiey's head, but no symptoms of drowning. ' Ilul Two Deaths Have Occurred Vessels Hot Allowed to Land. London, Aug. 27. The Hamburg- American steamship Columbia will not proceed to Hamburg. She is unloading here and will start for Hew iork. to-day, The steamship Normandio, of the Ham burg-American line will not be allowed to land here. It is said, although she de dined to take aboard -100 emigrants who applied for passage. London is alarmed, although there have been only two cases here. There is no panic yet, as the .health officials have' given assurance that .their barriers will prove effectual nguinst future entry of the disease from lniected ports. The North German Lloyd steamship line has given notice that no emigrants from Russia will be carried in the steerage St. Petkiisiiuro, Aug. 27. Yesterday, according to tho ollicliil returns, there were 7,oo new cases of cholera against V,ii4J the day previous. Cora A. Matson has been appointed a fourth-class postmaster at Florodavills. N. Y. The International Pcoco Congress has voted to hold Its next meeting in Chicago in 1893. It Is announced that a large distillery will soon be established In Chicago as a rival of tho Whiskey Trust. The rJorporttto existence of tho Lehigh Nntionnl Hank of Bethlehem, Pa., has been extended to Sept. 0, 1012. Gen. John Bldwell, Prohibition candi date fop President, has writton a letter in which ho accepts the nomination. George Wlthors, a notod horseman of Columbus, lnd., bad his skull crushed In a drunken brawl at Greensbury, lnd. The people of Ogden, Utah, are exer cised over a report that City Treasurer Helf rich is a defaulter to the amount of $15,000. Constantino S. Erdman has been nomi nated for Congress by the Domocrats In the Ninth Congressional district of Penn sylvania. Richard Babcock is under arrest at Pat erson, N. J., charged with abducting Liz zionnd Mnry CI life, daughter of a Pa tor son silk manufacturer. Berry Turner, the desperado and moun tain killer, has been sentenced at Plno vllle, Ky., to 20 years in tho penitentiary at hard labor. Three fishing schooners, Lizzie M.Stnn wood, Mascot and M. A. Barton, dragged their anchors nnd went ashore at Rocky Keck, near Gloucester, Mass., during the night. The Mississippi State Farmers' Alliance at Starkvllle, Miss., denounced tho 40 cents mileage received by Senators, and demanded tbnt a reduction be made to S cents a milo. The Assistant Secretary of tho Navy bns announced the selection of the United States steamer Enterprise as the nautical training ship for tho Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A syndicate of New York and Phila delphia capitalists are trying to securo the passage of a bill which will give them the right to build an elevated rail road irt Boston. A dispatch from Rome savs that the Congregation of the Propaganda has asked the French government to protost to Great Britain against the closing of too Catholic schools In Manitoba. Thursday night in the Northwest Leg islature at Winnipeg, a want of confi dence vote was carried against the Gov- erntiientby ono voto. Premier Paultnln will thus be compelled to retiro and anew Government formed. The smuggling schooner Halcyon has left Victoria with a cargo of opium val ued at syo.UUU. It is supposed hcrdojti nation is some place on the California coast. The authorities are looking for her. Michael F. Dwyer of Nerv York has sold Potomac, the noted son or St. Blaise and Susquehanna, "winner of the Futurity otukes oi isuu anu other valuablo races to S". Sanford & Sons, the well-known breeders of thoroughbreds. George Hoey, an actor in "My Jack" company, and son o ex-President Hoey of the Adams Express Company, was or- resteu yesterday in Albany bv a Troy do tectlve for swindling the American House In lroy out of a small sum of monoy. William iv. vnnaerout has given con tracts to the Herroshoffs's, of Bristol, R, lor two new yachts, to bo ready for next season. A largo stoam yacht, which is to be the finest in the world for speed and comfort, It Is said, Willi be ono o them. Thieves oporntod successfully at the Now Grand Hotel, near Pine Hill, N. Y. in the Catalans, early yesterday morn ing. They securod from $2,500 to $3,000 and escaped. The rooms of sover.il guests were entered and their valuables taken. KEADMJU. SYSTEM Lehigh Valley Division. ARRANGEMENT Of PASSES Om TRAINS. MAY 15, 1892. "naoahforPenn Haven Junction.Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Ilothlchem, Huston, Philadelphia, iHbiviuui fjuLiinri v. I in n lrn rc .i inPiinn 1101. unound Mahanov nltv nt. brt i in urw n. m.. s-ftS. 3.10.6, p. m. i-or wew York. 5.67, 9.08 a. m., 12.62, 8.10, I'Vr lfnflnlnn Wtt1.- T HtUit TT i lltston, Laceyvillo, Townmla, Sayre. Waverly blmira, Uochcster. Niapara Fulls and tho West ter. Huffalo or Niagara Falls), 8.03 p. ra. Mruudsburg, ft.67 a. m., 5 30 p. m. i Or LambcrtVillo uml Trnnlnn. a OR n. m. lOr TllnlfllQlinnnl, in.l 4in nMh n ""Auburn, Ithaca, Qeneva'and Lvons', 11U1 m., 8.U1 p. m. For JeatlOAVlllo r.avl.lnn.n nvarMAntB tV m' "-""i " P. m. I-Or AUdPnWnri Hn.l.lni. Ct.l.n rA T.i.n,. Yardi 6-87, 7.40, B.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.63, 3.10, v or iicranton, 6.67, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 6.28 p. Col. Hreckeurltlga 11 nominate. Lexington-, Ky., Aug. 27. Col. W. O. P. Breckinridge has been oftlcially declared the Democratic nominee for Congresa from the Ahland district, no candidate having appeared against him. UUoaaaaaaa IM'assagj-rrrfflraaa Thb New York Product) Exchange eetlmatM that the wheat crop this Statistics show that one la rorn bin a weak or diseased lleurt. Tho t)r-t sy mptcmifl are short brrntb, oppression, fluttering, rulnt and bunsry spells.pnln In ulde.tueu smotuerloir, wollon ankle, tlrwsy (anil Uenth.Jfu' which Kit. Mll.ha' VlIV 111IAKT i t'IlH Is a marvelous remedy. "1 baro born troubled with heart disease lor years, cjt lelt pulse was tarj noalc, eould at tines scarcely feci It, tho smallest exclteiuent would always weaken tnr nerves and bosri aud a fear of Impending death starrd mo In the f aoa (or hours. Jilt. MILKM Nl'.ItVINU and KV.W 1IUAKT C II It I) Is the only medicine that has proved ot any bene fit arjd cured merU It. Dyer, Cloverdale, ltd. lr. allies' Liver rills are a sure remedy (or MIUuusnM and Torpid Liver, fio llosea lea cents. Clna Ixxtfc on Heart Disease, wits wonderful cures Fre at druggists, or addresa BR. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Incb A llaltlmora X.I Nailed Baltimore, Aug. 27. The dispatch sent out trom naitimore mat cbolera bad been found on a European steamer in Chesapeake nay Is without foundation The Dresden arrived in port via New York last evening with six bundred Immi grants, having passed Quarantine with a clean bill of health. No other vessels have- come in. To lSxHlulne Hamburg; llnrracks. Haiiuuiio, Aug. 27. The military au thoritles have ordered n rigorous sanitary examination ot the barracks, and in con tenuenco of the danger wbicb threatens the city, the Governor will not go away for his usual holiday. Five prisoners escaped from the county jail nt Lima, O., Thursday night by knocking down Turnkey Fink. Frank Tnylor jumped down tho embankment in front of the snerllt s uoUse und broke bis leg and was captured. The others es caped. Charles L. Hoyt, a prominent figure In sporting circles in Findlay, O., has left for parts Unknown, leaving behind him. it is alleged, between $7,000 and $8,000 worth of forged mortgages, etc. Nine years ago through marriage he caino into an estate valued at $100,000, of which only about iiO,UW remains, the other $75,000 having been spent in extravagant living. Btandlnii of the Clubs. Per rat National Bank, THEATRB IIUILHXKO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $ 100,000.00 For HflZlfihrnnlr InAAn Tittnr. V.anlnnrf fv V', 1 , - m" '--"""i 3.10, ..o p. m. 48, 8.5J, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, l.iO, 4.10, 8-35, 8.10, 9. W For Raven Run. rfemratta HVnnnt Pnm.l nn Shamokin, 8.52. 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.0(3 p. m. For Yatesville, Park IMaco, Mahanov City and peno, 6.67, 7.40, 9.98. 10.11 a m., 18.52, 3.10, 5.29, g rains win leavp Shamokin at 7.55, 11.55 a. m., 10, 4.30. C. m. nnd nrrlrn nt Khpnanilnflh nt 05 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 6.88 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvtlle, 5.50, 7.40, uo, 1u.11 u. m., 1S.0Z, 3.iu, 4.10, B.oa p. m. Leave l'ottsvillo for Shenandoah, 0.00. 7.40, m, iu.is, 11.4a a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9. '. m. Leave Shenandoah for irnxletnn. K.K7. 7.40. a OS. 10.41 a. m., 12.52. 3.10. 6 26. 8.03 n. m uto xiuziuion iqr ancnanuoan, 7.3U, v. id i.uo a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 5.S0, 7.05, 7.58 p. m. SUNDAY TKAINS. Trains leave for Ashland. CJImrd villa and Lost I ureuK, y.sk, v.w a. m., iz.au, 2.45 p. m. r or Yatesville. faru l'larfi. Mahnnnv nitv. Delano, Ilazlcton, Black Creek Junction, l'cnn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Ilothlchem, Huston and Now York, 8.40 a. m., p. m. i'or I'nu&acinma ana .New Ynrir. z.bs n m. For Yatesville. Park Place. Mahanov Cltv and Delano, 8.40, 11,33 a. m., 12.30, 3.55, 4.40 6.01 p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah. 8.30. 11.30 a. m., 1.05, 4.37 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for PpttsviUe, 5.50, 8.40, 30 a. m.. 12.30 2.45 n. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah. 8.30. 10.40L U.U1IIHIM.MIU (li 111. i a. BwtiiuAiw, uen. mrt. C. O. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt. Philadelphia, Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. O. P. A. Houth llethlehem. Pa. H. 19. Leisennng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier, 9 W. Yost. Ass' t Cashier. Open Daily Front 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! Paid 011 Biwlnifg nepoBlta. EYE EXAMINATION. PENNSYLVANIA RAlLaQAD, ScnnTLKIU, D1TISIOW. NOVEMBER 15. 1891. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above date for WIggan's, Gllbcrton, Frackvlllo, New flfltln Ht. fTlmr. IntfKiHn TTntnrtfirf.. TriMlrtfnir. Pottstown. Phoenixvllle. Norrlstown and Phil adelphia (liroad streqt station) at 6:00 aad 11:45 a. m. ana 4:ia p. m. on weeKaays. r or potts vllle and intermediate stations 9:10 a. m. SUNDAYS. For Wigean's. Gllbcrton. Fracltville. Now Castle, St. Clair. Pottsvllle at 6:00, 9:10 a.m. and 3:10 p. m. For Hamburg, Heading, Potts town, Phoenixvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at6:00. 9:40 a. m.. 2:10 n. m. Trains leave j- racKvuio ror tncnanaoaa at 10:40a.m. and 12:14. 5:04. 7:42 and I0:0n. m. bundavs. 11:11 a. m. and 5t40 n. m.. icave x'oiisvino ror anenanaoaa at iu:io. 11:48 a. m and4:40,7:lSand9:42p. m. Sundays at 10:40 a. m. and 6:15 n. m. Leave Philadelphia inroad street station) for pottsviuo ana nnenanaoan at s 57 ana b 3o a m, 4 10 and 7 00 o m week days. On Sundays leave at u du a xn. i-or i'oiisine, usiam. i-'or imow Yorkat3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35. 6 60, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30, 0 50, 11 00, 11 14, 11 35 a m, 12 00 noon (limited ex press l uu ana inupmi r-44. i 1 -iu, X3u, a xu, 00, 4 02,600, 600, 0 20, 650,713, 8 12 and 10 00 p 812.830,950 U3J a m and 12 44,1 40,8 30,4 02 tiimiteu 4 w) o j3s, o 'm. u eiu, 7 13 ana si.pm ana 12 01 night. For Sea Girt. Long Branch and In- termcdlato stations 8 20 and 11 14 a m, and 4 00 imweeuaays. ror mmimoro ana washing on 3 50. 7 20. 8 31. 9 10. 10 20. 11 18 a m. 12 35 (lim ited express, 1 30, 3 46.) 4 41, 6 57, 7 40 p m 12 03 night For Freehold only 5 00 p m week days. ForHaltimoroonlyat2 02,4 01,5 08and 11 30 p m. Sundays at 3 50. 7 20. 0 10. 11 18 a m. 4 41. 6 57 7 40 p m, 12 03 night, Haltlmoro only 5 08, 11 30 p m. i or uicnmona laiam, 1 au p m ana iz uj nr. Hunaavs-7 :aja m. l'uinicnt. rains will leave Harrlsburg for Pittsburg night. Trains will leave Harrlsburg f nnd the West every day at 13 25 and 3 10 am and (limited 3 00) and 3 40 n m. War for Al- toona at 8 15 am and i 10 p m every day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 30 a m every day ana luajpm weea aays. Ulmlra, Canandatgua, Rochester, liudalo and Niagara I aus ai oiu a m, ana i jo p m.weea aays, for uimira cissu pm weeK aays. i-or Krle and intermediate points at 5 10 a m di T.. r Tin, ran nfRin on.l OUm rinl and 5 30 p m week days For Ronovo at 5 10 a m. 1 35 and 6 30 n m week days, and 5 10 a ra on Sundays only. For Kane at 5 10 a m, 1 35 p m r . C.pjrl.bt, lSM." Our EYE SPECIALIST win be in SHENANDOAH, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31st, At the FERGUSON HOUSE, frnm R!U1 A. M. tn F. V. horaona who bava headache oc whose erfi aro causing discomfort should call upon our Hpeclallst, and tney vtllt receive Intelligent and skillful at tention Nil ClIAltCH to examine your eyea. Every pair of glosses oraerod w Etiaranteta to do Biuisiacujry, , QUEEN CO. Oculists mid Opllcluns, , 1010 CHK3TNUT Sr., PnrxA. MANHOOD RESTORED. "8ANATIVO," the Wonderful Spsntih Itctnetly, Is sold with a Written Guarantee to cars all Nervous bis eases, such, as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Headache. Wakefulness, Lost Han hood, Nervousncss,Las sltude, all drains and loss of power or the Generative Organs In .1 vnK,.l lnl.rMtlnnji. nE the eXCCSfllTS die of tobacco, opium, or stimulants, which ultimately lead to Infirmity, Consumption and Insanity! Put up In convenient form to carry In the Test pocket Price tl a packaje, or e for S. With every 3 order weclte a written euuruinoci 10 uuid v. y, V" . moner. sent br mall to any addreu. Circular tne in plain envelope. Mention this paper. Address, MADH1U CHtWICAL UU Brancti omce ror u.o, S6S Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE IN SHENANDOAH. PA.. I1Y C. II. Hagenbuch, Druggist, N. E. Cor. Main and uoyd bts. SHENANDOAH BOILER WORKS! Before & After Use, Photographed irom lire. week days. C. II. Iugh, Qen'l Manager J. II. Wood. Oen'l Pass's'r Agt It. -nHILADELPHIA & READING K. TtME TABtB IN RFFCOX MAT 15, 1802. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For Now York via Philadelphia, week days, Won rt Cleveland,. 'JO 10 Urooklyn...20 IS l'hlladora -SO 111 Now Vorl..18 15 lloston 1U Id littsnurir..lS 17 Pn Ct iron rid (Tt .722 Louisville ..18 17 .514 .55(1 Clnclunuti..7 18 Am .5j6 tlaltlinoru..l0 18 .471 Mo Cinoairn....lf) lb ,437 .513 St LOUIS.. .12 24 .333 .514 YVashniK'n.ll 25 ,30o 2.08, 6.23, 10.08 a. m., 12.332.18, 5.53 p. nt Sunday, 2.08, 7.46 a. m. For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 5.23, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2.48 p. m. For Keadtng and Philadelphia, week days, 2.us, B.ia, 7. in, iu.ua a. m.,i.ss, 2.49,0.03 p. m, aun day, 2.08, 7.48 a. in., 4.23 p. m For Harrlsburg, week days, 2.03, 7.18 a.m., I 2.48,5.53 p.m. ' For Allentown, week days, 7.13 a. m., 12.33, p, m. Korth Emrrtck Street, If ear 0al, blienandoah,ra. Of all kinds promptly attended to. Special attention given to STEAM FITTING, &C W. E. Smith & Son. LEWIS 98 LYE (pAtBSTED) Tbttronpel huipurtstlftaAt, TTbUI otker Lje. llbL'tog m bat powder tad puk4 la a eta with rtiuQt-tbi ild the eoatmu tr ftlwkjri redr for uw. Will ratkt ta bimt por fumed IHM Soup to SOtnlDQtei without boUt, IT IB THP BEST for eleasilar wmii pip, dliiBftotlng kloki, cloH'U, atblo( botU PENNA. SALT MT'fl 00. Geu. Ag.s.,l1hlia.,Ps. 2 08. 5.S3. a. m.. 12.33. 2.48. 6.53 n. m. Sun day, 2.08, 7.48 a. m., 4.2:) p. ra. Additional for MfihuniwfMtv. week davH. fl.58 n. m. I f or Lancaster anu uoiumoia, wecK uays, .10 1 a. m., 2.48 p. m. t for vv llliuiiiouui QUllUUIJ UUU UO.IBUUip,. I week days, 3.23, 5.23, 7.18. 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 8.53 p m. sunuay, s.si a, m., s.ui p. in. tVeathsr Vorecast. For Mahanov Plane, week days, 2.08, 3.23, 5.53, bought and everything nertainine to tho nroper 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. ra., 12.33, 1.33, 2.48, 5 M, 6.48, 8.33 heating ot your houses should have your atten. Wasiiinotok. D. 0., Aug. 20. For Eastern New York, Eastern I'ennsylvuuia and Now Jersoys Fulr, precoiled by showers. In East ern Pennsylvania, cooler, followed by rising temperature, northwesterly winds. For Western Now York and Western Penn sylvania: I'alr, preceded by showers, slightly warmer, northwesterly winds. For Now England: Showers clouting, war mer, southeasterly winds. Only One Way to liular Austria. Dresden, Aug, 27. Notice has been received from the Austrian frontier that all pcoplo going to Aitstrin sliiill bo al lowed to enter only by way of Bodenbnch, where a thorough disinfection of all pas sengers will be made. PreTentlvrs Measure In Kiel, KlKL, Aug. 27. Extensive measures aro being taken for the proper quarantin ing of all steamships from Hamburg and Hussia. Party-Right New Cases at Havre. Pahib, Aug. 27. In Havre 48 fresh cattx of cholera and 21 deaths aro re ported. Idaho Itlntars oil the Ituck. C(kcb d'Alknb Cut, Idaho, Aug. 37. JUe United States Urnnd Jury has begun its work of investigating the riots In the Couur d'Aleue mines. Charles Sweeney, one of the owners of the Emma and Last Chance, was the principal witness exam ined. (Several other residents ot Cotur d'Alene were also before the Jury. A week may elapse before the trials beglu. The men Indicted will be brought down the mines as thsy are tried. Niow Yoitir. aiAiticiii's. ,Nfnr Yonc. Aug 20, Money in call easy s t IHaS lcr ceuu BONUS CMISINO PRICES. D.8. 2s. r 100 U.S. 4s, r 110U U.S. 4s. 0 , , llSJi BTUOKS OLOSINO. Delaware&IIudsoc ' LIS lleluwure. LugKuwunua li V intern 15714 Erie L'7, Brie uroierred Uu Lskg Hhore , ,,. lUfl ew Jersey Oentrol laitj Heading ,. , Stfli Wettarn union ugtl New York Central mil GRAIN MAIIKBT. Wheiit No. 2. ted winter. S1H: Aug, 8yt: 0?D?S?o.'a. mixed. 07 Aug, 00)i Sept., oais-.N'i). 2, mixed. 40H: Auf., ill Sspt, 40. rnouous MAUKWC. UOITKH Crwimery. StgtJ( l'enn. extras a'Hiu.a'Jl 0 Creamery, weslorii. firsts 21 ca'tio Citwiuerj , western, sooouds lu cuvo 0 stuie iiuiry. n. f. tuus, omrus 18 cuiu 0 CnEESi State factuiy, full cream. lunar., UWasDJlo Btute luciory, lull sreain. tine.,... UUa.tt 04 State luuuny, eomuiun iv fair...., 7iu.a 8io ICOOS-" Bute and Venn, osw laid, choice. HOtlg.a 3lo Southern, new laid, fair to voou,, o.altvia Western, new laid, oriue..., I7W0jl7M Buck tggs, Muyiwd, per auwa,,.H eui Oct ready for the cold vcntlicr. Stoves should bo overhauled, new ones Sunday. 2.08. 3.23, 7.48 a, m.. 3.03. 4.23 D. m. For Glrardvllle, ( Kappahannock Station), p.m. ( ltannahannock week davs. 2.08. 3.23. 5.23. 7.18. 10.08. 11.28 a. m,, 2.48, 5.53. 8.58, 0.33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 7.40 a. ra., B.uj, s.ou p. in. For Ashland and Shamokin. week days, 3.23, 5.23, 7.18, 11.2S a. m., 1.33, a58, 9.23 p. m. San- day, 3.23. 7.46 a. m , 3 03 p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH: Leave Now York via Philadelphia, week days, 7.45 a. tn., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. in., 12.15 night. Sun- L.save New York via Mauoh Chunk, week days, 1.;), 8.4b a. m., l.uo, s.ss p. m, unoay, v.uu a. m. 4.U), 8.00 p. in., frcm liroad and Callawhlll and 8.35 a. m., 11.30 p, m. from f th and Oreon streets. Sunday, 9.06 a m., 11.30 a. m , frem 8th and Oreen. Leave iteaamg, week days, i.bs,7.io, lo.us, 11.au a. m., 5.55, 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.35, 10.48 a. m. Leave 1-Q.iisiniie, weeK aays, i.v a. m., V.m. u, 1 1 p. zn. aunuay, s.su, i.w a. m., s.uo p. m, Leave Tamaaua. week days. 3.20. 8.48. 11.28 a m.. 1.21,7.13, 9.18 p. ra. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m., N. WHITE STREET, s.BJ p. m. i.fuiva ainnannv ijiit. wgbk uava. a.tu. u.10. 11.17 a. ra., 1.51, 7.42, 9.41 p. m. Sunday, 3.48, 8.17 a. m., 3.'j n. m. tlon now. I am nrenared to attend to all calls with promptness and my charges are most reasonaDie. Hoofs and spouting should be looked after now. Don't delay until the rush comes. WM, R. PRATT, 331 SOUTH JAHD1N STREET, SHENANDOAH. Saloon and JVb. US Restaurant Leave Mahanov Plane, weok d vs, 2.10. 4 00. e.3U, v.aft, 11.59 a. m., i.uo, z.m, o.ai, a.'j, 7.07, iu.i p m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a. ra,, 3.37, 5.01 p. m. Leavo uiraraviue. (itappununuucn aiuiioni, weeks davs. 2.17. 4.07. 6.30. 9.41 a. tn.. 12 05. 2.12. 5.28, 6.32. 8.03. 10.03 p. in. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.33, a. m., a.41, D.U7 p. in. Leave Wllllamsport. week days, 3.00, 0.15, 11.55 a. tn., 3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m. For llaltlmore, Washington nnd the West via D. & O. It It., through trains leave Olrard Avenue station, pnuaneipnii 3 55. 8.01. 11.27 a. in.. 3.58. 5.12. 3 55, 8.02, 11.27 a. m., 3.58, 5.4 7.18 p. m. .alON. ihia, (P. & U. n. R.) at 7.13 p.m. Sunday, ATLANTIC Cfi'Y DIVI Leave Philadelphia, ClMwtnut street wharf and loulli street wnarr, lor Atlantic City. Weekdays Express, 5 15 excursion afcl. 8 00, 9 00, 10 la um, luu taturaay only 1 901. 3 00, 70 minute llyer 3lj, 4 IX), 5 00, 0 00 p. Accommodation. 800am. 4 15. 5 30. 6 30 n m Hundays ISxpross, 6 15, 7 00, 7 30, 8 00, 8 30, 9 00. 9 30, 10 30 a m-. 4 30 p m. Aocominodatlan, 8 00 a m and 4 45 n m. Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, Atlantis ana Arkansas avenues, weevaay 7 uu. ; su, 800,9 00, 10 00 a m and 815, 4 00, 5 30 Excur sion 00)1. 0 SO. 7 3l. 0 30 n m. Accommodation, 4 10, 5 50, a 10 a m, and 4 SQ p m, . 1 , . , I M m j M W t. a IM nuuuuyb r.a ureas, a vu. w. a w. o uu, o ou, 7 00, 7 30, 8 00, 9 so p m. Accommodation, 7 30 a m ana d uo pm. O, O. HANCOCK, Oen'l Pass r Agt. a. a, o w UAitu, uea i manager First-class Lager Beer. Ale, Porter and Tem peranoe urinas auu uigars. j- iuo oiu Wines and Liquors always on hand. H. O. FOLMER, Prop Call around and ipend a pleasant hour. H. A, HEFNER, 8 North Jardw St., Shenandoah WAGONS aud CARRIAGES In all the latest atvletl. nt thA flnent mklrAin' uoBinaisain mo woria ror tne moner. ea&miaoi tsetured by the Cook Wagon Company. 1