The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 27, 1892, Image 1

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VOL. VH.-NO. 206.
SOLID and plated Silver
ware, Gold and Silver
Watches, Diamonds, Precious
Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti
cal Goods, BanquotjParlor and
Piano Lamps,unique in design
with 75 and 260 candle power
burners. All goods superior
in finish and quality with rock
bottom prices.that withstand
all opposition victoriously.
Repair work executed neatly
and promptly at
Jewelry Store,
Tle most progressive establishment
In the comity.
Comer Mam ana Lloyd Streets.
Employment Agency I
Help always on hand for
families, restaurants.&c.
Chambermaids, Nurse Olrls,
Walters, Drivers, Maids, &c.
14 West Centre Street,
(Ferguson House Block.)
Saloon and Restaurant,
Leading Saloon In town.
Centra and Wliltn Stt.,
(Bkkert's old stand)
First-class Eating Bar.
Finest Whiskeys In the Market.
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street,
Dar stocked with the best beer, porter, ales,
whiskies, hrandies, wines, etc Finest cigars.
Eating bar attached. Cordial invitation to all.
32 North Mnln Street,
For a Good, Cheap Meal
rlhe first strictly fine Mackerel of thin season's catch.
White anil 1 at.
Our Strictly Pure CATAWRA WINE VINEGAR. Also
our pure Spiced Vinegar tor Pickling.
Our Strictly PURE LARD
Not adulterated lulth talloiv or cotton seed oil.
Our Sweet Mixed Pickles a genuine delicacy .
, 1 Our Chipped Beef and Summer Sausage.
Ward and dry, pure and good. Will not hurt the hands,
therefore cannot injure the clothes.
Our "DAISY" MINNESOIA I LOUR makes white
bread and no trouble to bake.
Our Directory.
Onico hours from 7:30 a.
m. to 7:30 p. m. Money
Order and Registry De
partment open from8:0U
u. m. to 7:00 p. m.
Following Is a schedule of
the arrival nnd departure of mall trains. Mall
matter for despatch must bo In tho office thirty
minutes beforo tho time given below:
V. M. A. M.
1:40 4:1
OR MJa h n
A. M. P. M.
7:20 12:52
9:08 3:08
11:30 8:00
0:03 3:08
7:20 7:00
7:20 2:56
11:30 6:20
7:20 2:60
11:30 2:60
7:20 2:60
hlla., Western
Southern States )
( New York and East-1
cm Htates and
points on Ii. V. It. It. J
( Raven Ilun, Centra-1
11a, Mt Carmel and
Bliamoltln. )
Mahanoy City.
j Mahanoy Plane, Lost I
1 Creek and Hhalt. I
Frackvllle. f
Carriers make a ireneral collection at 6:00 a.
m. and 7:00 p. m., and a general delivery at 7:15
a. m. and 3:15 p. m. Additional deliveries and
collections aro made In the business part of
town at iu:is a. m. ana x:w p. m.
Fire Alarm lloxes. "
Tbo following list shows tho location ot
the alarm boxes of the Shenandoah Fire
15-Coal and liowers streets.
15 Bowers and Centre streets.
24 Bridge and Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
34 Main and Poplar streets.
, 35 Main and Coal streets.
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
62 Chestnut and Coal streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pull down
tho hook once and let go. When an alarm Is
sent In the fire bell will sound the number of
the box and repeat the alarm four times.
If the alarm Is sounded from box 15 the fire
bell will strike one, then pause and strike five
which will indicate that tho fire Is In the
vicinity of No. 15 box. Every alarm Is repeated
four times.
(Yhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castorls,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she hod Children, she gave them CastoriA
The Switchback.
Trains will leavo tho Switchback depot,
Mauch Chunk, as follows.- 8.40, 10.10. 11,37a. m.
and 1.00, 2.20, 3.45. 5.35 p. m. On Sundays, 1.50
and 2.25 p. m. Leavo Summit Hill: 9.40, 11.10,
a. rn. and 12.35, 1.60, 3 20, 4.35, 0.15 p.m. Sun
days, 3.25 and 4.00 p. m.
A Great Stock.
Five thousand novels, the latest and host'
issued, selling at 25 conts othor places,' for
ealo at Max Recso's for 10 cents. The
flnost playing cards? in the market 6 cenU
por pack.
Carpets, Oil Olotii
Will be sold at reduced rates this
month to make room for tho Fall
At FRICKE'S.110 South Jardm St.
BUTTER Fresli To-day.
Some of tho Distinguished People
Who Will bo In Attendance.
How They Will be Enter
tainedThe Programme.
the most elaborate
character aro boinp
made for the cere
monies which aro to
attend the unveiling of
the soldiers' monu
ment at Mahanoy City
on Labor Day, Sep
tember 6th, Tho com
mittee has Just completed the official pro
gramme. It is hb follows :
Selection, Citizens' Cornet Band.
Prayer by Department Chaplain John W.
Sayres, Philadelphia.
Opening address, lion. James II. Rellly.
Presentation of monument In behalf of tbo
citizens and ladles of Mahanoy City by Oen.
D. II. Hastings.
TJnveilinc of monument bv John Hobbs and
John Cameron, one-armed veterans of Maha
noy City.
"Hallelujah Chorus" by the Mahanoy City
Choral Society, Keos Rosscr, conductor.
- cceptance of the monument In behalf of
Severn Post, No. 110, G. A. It., by Col. Thomas
j. Stewart, or wornstown.
Addross. Hon. C. N. llrumm.
Address by his Excellency, Governor Robert
Ilenedlction, ltev. H. A. Keiscr.
"America" by tho Mahanoy City Choral
Society and the assemblage.
The exorcises will commence at 0:45 a. m.
Oen J. 3. Oobin will bo the Chief
Tbo parade will movo at 2 p. m,
After the parado there will bo a dross
parade by the 8th Regiment, N. G. Pa., In
front of tho Mansion IIouso, when tho
ladies will present the regiment with a
handsome stand of colors valuod at $200.
Gov. Pattison will make the presentation.
The bost band in attondance will be
awarded tho right of line.
Among tho distinguished visitors will bo
ex Department Ojmmander, Col Goorge
G. Buyer, the present Department Com
mander and stuff, Col. J. A. M. Passmore,
Gen. Louis A 'Wagner, Gen "William
Lilly, Gen. Snowden and staff, Col. Keck,
ot Wilkea-Barro, and staff, Col. Case, of
tho 4th Regiment, nnd Col. Thomas J.
Hudson, of Pittsburg, Chief of Artillery,
Stato oi Pennsylvania.
A largo numbor of arches will bo spread
over the sheets. Work on them has
already commencod. The; will be located
as follows: At tho Mansion House four
arches will bo spread over tho streots.
Opposite tho store of Walbrldge and
Richardson thero will be a Gr.ndArmy
arch. It will be an Immense structure and
probably tho handsomest. On tbo next
squaro ibovo tho Hook nnd L.jddor com
pany will orcct two large pillars, twenty
feet high, upon which thoir truck will rest.
In front of tho Union National Bank thero
will be an arch orectod by the bank and D.
J. Cloary. Smith & Bro. will alio erect a
handsome arcb. 'Squire Coyle and party
will orcct a fcandsomo monument which
will correctly represont the monument to
be unveiled. It will bo SO 'feet high.
Further down, opposite the Ball and John
Smith placos thero will bo another arch
and another will cross tho street in front of
the Seligman and May propoities. Tbo
Uumano and Citizen fire companies will
also erect handsome arches In front of
their houses and Co. E, 8th Regt., will
orect ono In front of Its new armory. O.
D. Kaier, Mabanoy's patriotio and Influ
ential citizen, wU entertain Gov. PaitUon
at his Centre street residence and will erect
a beautiful arch in front of tbo rosldonce in
honor of the Governor. There will also be
an arch in front of tho Derrick House and
the Odd Follows will elaborately decorate
thoir hall on 'Mahanoy avtnue.
Gon. Gobiu and his staff will bo enter
tained by M. M MacMillan, E-q, at his
handsome residence on Mahanoy avenue.
Gon. Hastings and wlfo, Col. Thomas J.
Stowart and wife and Col. Buyer and wife
will arrive at Mahanoy City on Sunday
aftornoon and will be located at the Man
sion House.
Col, Magee and wife will arrive on
Saturday. Col. Magee will visit the target
range for the purpose of qualifying under
tho direction of Lieut. Brelz.
Col. Magee and staff will be entertained
by Quartermastor "W. F. Richardson,
The captain and line officers of tbo 8th
Regiment will be entertained by dpt.
Comrey, at bis Maha'noy avenue rosldence.
Frank F, Reod, who is chairman of the
monument committeo, Is a very active
worker and has tho asslstanco of an able
The decorations will bo very elaborate.
Professional decorators from Reading,
Uarrisburg and New York are upon the
ground. Duffy & Co., of St. Clair, also
have their men thero and Wallio Ualdo
man, of Mahanoy City, has secured con
tracts to decorato sixty business places
and residences.
A handsome sword and belt will be pro
sontod to tho captain of tho company who
presents tho largest number of men on
A handsome (word and bolt, given by
Heebcer & Co., of Port Carbon, will also
be presented to tho captain of the company
presenting the finest appearance In lino.
Theso prizes will bo awardod at the dress
parade, under the direction of Adjutant
Genoral W. W. Greenland, of Harris
burg, In tho ovenlng there will1 bo a grand
military and citizen' dress nreembly, undor
iho auspices ot Co. E, 8th Regiment, in tbo
handsome now armory. The armory is CO
by 125 feet. The music will bo furnishod
by Walbridgo's orchestra of fltteen pieces.
What People Are Talking About These
Wo agree with the Bloomsbur Daily
that it is really surprising when one learnt
what a largo number of our to'vn people
patronize peddlers and instalment men
They even buy groceries of theso peddlers
thinking they aro Rfttlng thom cheapor
than our homo merchants soil at, but in
this thoy aro mistaken for nine times outoi
tan the poddlors handle nothing but an
irforior quality ot goods', ratronlz"
The delegates to the Stato Camp, Sons ol
Amorica, from town, aie all home agair
and thoy are kept busy explaining what
has been accomplished this year. Mo re
quest was made to have tho Stato Camp
meet hero next year, so it went elsewhere.
Thore was no complaint of a scarcity ol
water in Shenandoah this year and this
speaks well for the resources ol tbo old
company, when nil tho towns in the county
suOerod during tho Into drouth.
Somo one ha3 said that Shenandoah has
not tho accommodations for the meeting of
a largo body, liko the Sons of Ameiica, for
instance. This Is a mistake, and that has
boen demonstrated a number of times.
A special officer of tho Pension Depart
ment was bore on Thursday looking after
some crookodncas. The party ho wan
looking for bad moved to Eomo other town.
We understand there is a great deal of this
kind of work going on in town and county
and it is only a question of tlmo whon all
will bo found out.
The Stato Camp, Sons of Amorica, is
getting to bo too wieldy a body and tho
representation could be cut down without
injury to the order.
Dr. Wm. J. Griffith, of Pittsburg, is in
Max Reese spent yesterday at Wilkes
Barro. Editor Hunt, of tho Frackvillo Item, was
in town this morning.
'Squiro Dengler and W. A. Cather were
in Pottsville yesterday.
J. S. Snyder, late Commissioners' clork,
was in town this afternoon.
Sergeant W. F. Richardson, of -Mahanoy
City, was In town yesterday.
Joseph Lohrolor left to-day for Nanticoke
whero ho has a position awaiting' him.
Rev. J, Proudo rcturnod from his eastern
trip last Thursday evening and will occupy
tbo pulpit of tho P. M. church to-morrow
morning and evening.
Talley Morgan, eon of John W. Morgan,
who has been visiting town tho put few
days, left again this afternoon. His wife
and son romain with his parents.
Harry Glenwrigbl, eon of mine superin
tendent Thomas Glenwright, ot Minors
ville,. Is visiting his grandparents, Mr. nnd
Mri. J. K, Kehler, ot North Main street.
That Cover Considerable Ground In Tills
Pay nt the collieries to-day.
A delightful party was held on West
Oak street Inst ovouing..
Steady work at tho collicrios is oxpected
next month.
Tho decision of Chancellor McGill on
the Reading deal does not worry our peo
ple Shenandoah will send a big crowd to
Mahanoy City on Labor Day.
The Girnrdvillo bund came to town to
day and played several tlno selections on
our streots.
Tho picnic season is nenring a cl jso. Al
most eyory Sunday school and society in
town, not counting private parties, had a
day out this year.
Tho faro to Washington, D, C, and re
turn, via Philadelphia & Reading and Bal
timore & Ohio rail road j, la 51 00.
Post 146, G. A. R., last evening decldod
to go to Mahanoy City on Labor Day In a
l'eucllluga From it Watchful Correspond
ent lovu the Vulloy.
In addition to tho purso preaonted Prof.
Evans last evening, each of the organists,
Miss Lizzie Jones, of Shenandoah, and Miss
Harriot Jones, of this place, recolvod ?5
Tho olectrlo road continues to bring new
pooplo hero. Scarcely a day passos that
we meet people who have never been here.
It Is rumored that a now breaker, much
larger than tbo present ono, Is to bo ertcted
here soon.
Mr. Wfttkins, of Girnrdvillo, made a
very comlo speech at tho presentation last
A great many Improvements havo boen
made hero this season.
Work on tho Pennsy branch is pro
gressing. B.
Pure and Wholesome Quality
Commonds to publlo approval the Call
fornla liquid laxatlvo remedy, Syrup of
Figs. Itjiepleasant to tho taste and by
acting'igently on the kidneys, llvor and
bowels to cleanse tho system effectually, it
promotes, the health and comfort of all
who uso It, and with millions it Is the best
and only remedy.
Threo pair ladies' black hoso (fast-colors)
tor 26c , at tho People's store. 0-21-tf
Fatal Accident at tho Kebloy
Run Colliery at Noon To-day.
Louis Ringholsor, a Minor,
the Victim.
HE viewer; appointed
to inquire Into the ad
visability of dividing
tho wards of town mot
again in the Kondrick
House this morning
and had a large num
ber of Republican and Democratic citizens
before them, who occupied considerable
time In makirg speeches, presenting fig
ures and explaining maps.
'Squire Monaghan and M. I'. Whltaker
were spokesmen for the Democrat). If tho
facts were just as they preaonted them the
viowors would havo had very littlo troublo
in deciding upon a report at once, but
when some of tho Republicans asked
questions regarding tho correctness of the
Democratic maps and figures thero was an
uproar and tho viowors had difficulty In
maintaining order. Some of tho Demo
crats wanted to muko affidavits, others
wanted to bet, and not a few seemed do
slroua of "scrapping it out." But there
was no blood shod. Ono thing is certain
tho sense of justico which seema to fit the
Democratic side of the houso is not, for
tunutely for tho country, what is strictly in
accordanco with equity. Tho Democratic
idea of justice seems to bo this : "Here
are our maps and figuros. They are cor
rect. Tho Republican statements t,re false.
Accept ours, or fight."
The viewers listened to the statements of
all sides patiently and tben took all papers
and maps. Thore will bo no more hear
ings until after the viewers report the mat'
ter to the court.
Louis Itlnghelser Meeta his Death ut the
Kchley Itun Colliery.
A fatal accident occurred in the mines of
tho Kohloy Run colliery at noon to-day,
Louis RIngheiser, a miner, was the victim.
A pioco of coal rushed down a chuto and
toro open the lower part of tbo man's
RIngheiser died at the colliery about an
hour al'tor tho accident' happened. Tho
remains were takon to tho homo of the
deceased in Ringtown thia afternoon.
Ringheiser loft a wife and child.
The Freo Heading Itooms Thrown Open
to tho Public.
The reading rooms of tho Shonandcah
Free Library Association were formally
opened to tho publio last night. Tho rooms
wero crowded to overflowing with ladies
and gentlemen who wero unanimous in
their praise of tho apartmonts. Somo ex
cellent music was rondered by tho choir of
the Methodist Episcopal church, under tho
leadership of J. J. Price, and appreciative
remarks were mado by Messrs. Ogdon,
Senior, Estw, Bailey, Revs O'Boylo, Llch-
tenwalner, Powick and otherj. A vote of
thanks was tendered tho Haverford Society
of Friends, through whose lib'Tality Uo
rooms have been furnished, and an appeal
was made to all presont to aid in Its Bupport
by contributing ono dollar; each and there
by bocoming an active?1 member. Tbo
rooms will bo open to the publio dally, ex
cept Sunday, from 7 to 10 p. m. Ladies
aro invited to avail themselvea of Its privi
leges as well as gentlemen.
Proved to ho the Heat.
Teatod nnd proved by over thirty years'
uso in all parts of the world, Allcock's
Porous Plasters have the Indoremont oi
the highest medical and chomical author
ities and millions of grateful patients who
have boen oured of distressing ailments
voluntarily testify to their merits,
Allcock's Porous Plasters are purely
vegetable. They are mild but effectivo,
sure and quick In their action, and ab
solutely harmless.
Beware of imitations, and do not bo de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for
Allcock's, and lot no solicitation or ex
planation Induce you to accept a substitute-
Infants' shoes 25c. per pair, at tho
Pooplo's storo, 121 North Main street,
Shenandoah. 6-21-tf
Foot ltaco,
A one hundred yard foot raco, for $100
a side, will take place at Mahanoy City
park on Labor Day, September 6th, bo
tweon William Morris, of town, and
Fahey's "Unknown."
Spectacles to suit all eyes, at Portz's
book and stationery storo, 21 North Main
stroot. 4-28-tf
Fine photos, GOo. per Keagoy'f
Local, County, fstuto ml National Themes
Brumm Is getting In his work. Ho baa
a united ptrty at hit back tbis year and
ought to win.
David Martin, of Pbilxd lphia, Senator
Quay's friend, is installed at Republican
headquarters In Now York City as at-
distant to Chairman Carter, nnd ex-Senator
Piatt has been n visitor at tho headquarters,
This doas nut look much like tho ''sulking"
in which, it has boon so freely predicted,
these experienced politicians would con
tinue to Indulge. In the Republican ranks
just now harmony is spollod with a big U.
Candidate Losslg, for Director of the
Poor, hus been doing some effectivo cam
paigning already. Ho is going to get there
with both feet.
A great deal of clerical work is being
done at the Republican county headquar
ters and in a fow days all tho preliminary
arrangements for a hot and effectivo cam
paign will he completed.
Squiro Coyle, Republican candidate for
the Logialature, is a bard worker and our
prediction is that ho will have tho largest
majority of any person ever elected to the
Legislature from this district.
J. H. James, Esq., expects to beat his
record of n former campaign when ho de
feated P. M. Dunn for the District At
torneyship. Harry is a hustler and isn't
leaving the grass grow under his feet. He
makes new friends whorever he goes oid
ones ho has plenty.
It is predicted that, under the new ballot
law the vote in this county will fall shjrt
between 1,000 and 2,000.
Senator Keefer has no fear of defeat this
yoar. His friends of the past Kill stick as
close to him as before.
Leader 1'hlllp T. Kvans, of tho Coinhlneil
Choir, Complimented,
Last evening the residents of Wm, Penn,
Lost Creek and Girardvillo, who are in
terested in tbe combined choir that com
peted at Lakeside on tho 16th Inst, under
the leadership of Prof. Philip T. Evans,
presonted the leader with a testimonial
purse. Tbo affair took place on the lawn
at tho residence of Superintendent Will
lam H. Lewis. The choir and Wm. Penn
band wero In attendance. T. R. Edwards,
of Lost Creek, was chairman of the as
semblage. Selections were rendered by
tho band and choir, Miss Annie Clino, of
Wm. Penn, gave n solo, and several par
ties gave r; citations. Superintendent
Lewis mado a few remarks, In which he
complimented Prof. Evans on his work
with tho united choir. He also said that
ho felt confident that the choir would prove
a prize winner next year. Superintendent
Lewis then presented Prof. Evans with a
tostimonial purso of $100 which bad been
raised by tho choir and its friends. Prof.
Evans attempted to acknowledge tho com
pliment, but was overcome, and Rav. Potts
made the acknowledgement for him. Re
freshments wore then served by the Indies
of the choir nnd the Jjnea family, of Lost
Creek, rendered sevoral selections that
elicited warm applause. Before loavlng
for their homrs all parties joined in sing
ing "Nearer My God to Thee."
Struck and Him Over by an Kugine Lait
John and Martin Lynch, brothers, were
struck by a P &R engine while walking
on the tracks noar Mahanoy City last even
ing. John, who Is a married man, had
ono leg cut off. Martin suftored the loss
of two leg, Tho unfortunato men havo
relatives in this town. Neither aro expect
ed to liyo.
Superintendent Freeman Makes an Oltlcial
Superintendent Freeman announces that
tho public schools will reopen on Wednes
day, Slatinst.
A meeting of teachers will be held In tho
High School room on Wednesday morning,
at 8 o'clock, sharp
Tbe superintendent will bo in his offlco
Monday and Tuesday, 27th and 28th intts.,
0 a. in., to isue tickets of admission to tbo
schools. Tho offioe will not be open on
Wednesday. 8 25-2t
Special Meeting.
A special meeting of MaJ. Jennlng's
Council No. 807, Jr. O. U. A. M., will bo
held In Mellol's ball, on Sunday morning,
at 11 o'clock, to make arrangements to
attend tho funeral of our late brothor,
Harry Whowell, which takes placo on
above dato at Girardvllle, at 1 o'clock.
Wm. J, Jamkb, Councilor,
Tuos. Sakoku, Seo'y. 8-20 -2t
Last Day.
Monday will bo absolutely the last day
for tho Roshon gallery In Shenandoah.
Beautiful cabinots as low as $1.00 per
dozen. Come, rain or shine, as this will be
positively your last chance.
O. S. RosnoK,
29 W. Centro street,
8 27-21 (Hoffman's old stand.)
More Jurymen,
The following citizens of Shenandoah
have been drawn as jurors to sorvo for tbo
week commencing September 2Cth;
Patrick Loftut, John Fooly, U, A. Acker,
Mlchaol Curley, Sr.
Lnno's Family Modiolno
Moves tbo bowels each day. Meet people
need to use It.
Boot photographs and crayons at Dabbs,