The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 13, 1892, Image 4

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    In Season 1
All "kinds of Canned
4-and 2ottl?d 13MA,
imported an9"Dd-
mestic ' Cheese? Ifin'e
Groceries, etc., '' for
the summer and pid
nic season' &tM ' 1 '
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
Ser.ure Your Dates llcfore All the llest
Are Tnlcen
Thn follo7)InK dates are already taken up
for the season. Parties wishing to secure
a dsy should write or call on O. A. Keim
lanaKQr, Shonandoah, Pa. ;
liO. tf. A. M. No. 146 Bloomsburg.
lo Musical festival.
10 Trinity Reformed Sunday school,
17 Union Sunday school. Gordon.
18 Ueformed Sunday school Mahanoy
19 Church of Faith. Mahanov City.
20 Evangelical Sunday school, Shentin
24 Harmony Lodge, I. 0.0. F., Ta
25 Anniversary Phoenix Hose Com
cany. Shenandoah.
20 Picnic ot the Daughters ot Robckah
oi snenanaoan.
Strength and Health.
If you aro not feeling strong and healthy,
try Electrio'Bitters. If "La Grippe" has
left you weak and weary, use Electric Bit'
tors. This remedy acts directly on Liver,
Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those
oi gans to perform their functions. If you
aro afflicted with Sick Headache, you will
find speedy and permanent relief by taking
KloctrictlliUers. Ono trial will convince
you that this is the remedy you need
Large bottles onlySOc. at O.-- H, Hagon
touch's Drug Store.
Coming Events.
Aug, 13 and 15 Ico cream and cako fes
tival in Franoy's hall, under tho auspices
of tho Salvation Army.
August 18 Entertainment and icecream
festival, .Ellongowan school house ; benefit
of Ellengowan Drum Corps.
Aug. 20 and 27 Ico erf am festival, P,
II. school room, Shenandoah Y. P. A.
August 27 Picnic Ellengowan Combina-
tion Drum Corps, Ellengowan Grovo.
Aug. SO Ico cream festival and bean
coup lunch, Bobbins' opera bouse, benefit
"Widows' and Orphans, Fund, Post 140,
G. A. R.
Aug, 31 Ice cream festival, ltobbins'
opera bouso, Hope Section No. 10, J. T, of
H. & ir.. ,
Sept. 6. Picnio of St. Patrick s Band at
tho Shenandoah Trotting Park.
Buoklon's Arnica Salvo.
The liQSt Salve in tho world for Cuts,
Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itheum, Fever
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively, cures Piles, or no payment required.
It is guaranteed tQ give perfect satisfaction,
ot money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box, ,For Eale, by C. H. Hagenbuch.
Spectacles to suit all eyes, at Portz's
book and stationery storo, 21 North Main
stroet, 4'28"tf
Xlectrle ltullwuy Change,
Heroafter tho olectrio railway cars will
leavo the corner of Main and Centre streets
at 6:30 a. m., daily, and every! 25 minutes
thereafter until midnight, at which hour
u last car will leave.
Cool Hhnile
Can bo found at Yrmlllion, 0., and those
who wish to attend the camp meetings at
that place during July and August can
procure excursion tickets via the Nickel
Plato from Juno 2Ut to August. 23d at
special rates, t-aug 20
Buy Keystone Hour,
name Ljtssia & Co.,
printed on every sack,
Bo sure that the
Ashland, Pa., is
For Almost Kotlilng,
Max Reese has just received a large stock
of tablets, writing paper, envelopes, etc.,
purchased at an Assignee's sale and is
selling them at 60 per cent, less than
Tegular prices.
tireat Reduction In Hates,
To Denver, Col., Helena, Mont, Ogden
and Salt Lake City, Utah, Ask Nickle
Plato agents for rates, lw-d&w
Camp Meetings ut Vermillion, O,
Excursion tickets on sale via the Nickel
Plato from June 21st to August 23rd at
very low rates. Tickets good returning
until August 26th. taug20
Good horses, nice buggies
and responsible drivers are the
essential things for a pleasant
driye, which can always be had
atmy stables, 13 and 14 North
Pear alley, rear of Luberg's
hardware store, Horses taken
to board. Undertaking in all
its branches attended to with
J". Xi. PLATT'S,
" I (Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
10 and 21 West Oak Street.
Bar stocked with the best beer, porter, al
wniswes, brandies, wines, eta. Finest cigars.
Katlng burattached. Cordial Invitation to alL
How Shay Are flometlmn Taken In tfi
.... ... HaauctJXfttmf, -
Tho Jngenlous.and indigent tramp with'
hliTnuHUudo. oti iniftyt devitioi I to get h
drink wiitiout paying for 11 has boon tho
theme of many-a -good-story. The very
originality .the thirsty paupor plausible
schemes draws a smile from even those who
deplore-themoraUatlty of tho transaction
Not a few of you have heard tbo often-
told story of the tramp who plaintively
inquired if the bartondor would bavo the
heart to tako his' last cent for a drink, and
when ntho stonyhoaitod ono answered
'Certainly," ordered the beverage, drank
it and threw down. a. solitary copper with
tho remark: "Well, Is 1" Or that
other, and norhaps more familiar ono, of
the thirsty individual who, altor draining
his morning dram, asked If "Bill Blifflns
bad been arbund yot?" "Who's Bill
Blifflns?" asks tbo unsuspecting bartender.
"Why, don'Lyou knov him 7 Little man,
short In one leg. Walks like this," and
out of the ealopn limps the chuckling
tramp, leaving hiavictim in solitary rage
, These old tales and some that wore new,
at least to the roporter of this paper, wore
spun the other, evening at Schlofly'i ca'e,
on Main streot, where some of my friends
hnd enticed -mo with the seductive, bait.
"Billy" Williams, is responsible for the
story that follows:
"It was told to me by a Kansas City
bonitaco," said Williams, "and on his
shoulders bo the blame if it has a chestnutty
flavor. One morning, while his bartender
was absent, a- nervous-looking little chap
with shiny frock coat buttoned up to tbo
chin to conceal tho shirt that wasn'tvthere,
camo into tho saloon with a quicE and
businesvliko step. Rubbing his hands on
ergotically he said:
" 'Little of your best, in a hurry, land
"He took an allopathic dose, and dived
into a vest pockot for the money, when an
ideA seemed to strike him and ho removed
his hand and said :
"'Good-sized placo you have here,
landlord. What's tbo dimensions in feet ?
"Tho landlord wasn't exactly euro, but
thoui;ht tbny wore something like 30x70, as
n?nr as he could guess.
" 'Don't believp. it,' said tho inquisitive
gentleman, 'If you bought this property
at any such size you'vo been swindled.'
"The landlord didn't like that.
excited his German blood and ho hotly
told his mathematical customer that he
didn't know what he was talking about.
"'Don't eh? Well I'll just bet you a
case of wine that your blamed old shebang
isn't forty feet deep."
"The indignant proprietor saw a load
pipe cinch in this wager and snapped it up
on, the spot. The seedy chap pulled a ball
of twino out of his pocket and gave one end
to the landlord. The pair proceeded to the
rear of the proporty, and the man of figures
'Now, then, you hold the end here
while I measure,' and bo started off to
wards tho front o. tho house.
"When tho landlord grew tirod of wait
ing for the measurement to be announced
he came .forward, and untied the end of
string from the front door-knob. Other
wise ho might have been waiting yot."
Lanigan" Boyor said that reminded
him of a story told him when ho was out in
Texas to see his old friend, "Squire Will
rich, formerly of town, whoro at
barkeeper could not be taken in.
It happened in Texas while I was doing
some fine froecoeing. I forget the namo of
tho town, but thore was pnly one saloon
thore, so tho place couldn't have been very
imposing in size. Ope morning, while I
was in tbo place,' purchasing a cigar, a man
dressed like a workman, with his sloevcs
rolled up, rushed in and excitodly yolled
'A drink of whisky, for God's sake I I've
been bitten by a tarantula I'
"'Good gracious! said the bartender,
taking a toothpick from tho counter; 'you
don't tell mo. .When did it happon ?'
'"I was working on the railroad and it
crawlod out from under a tio,' gasped tbo
unfortunate sufferer. 'Woll, that's tough,'
murmured the other, softly chewing bis
" 'Yes, but, for hoaven's sake, hurry up,
or I'm a dead man,' implored the man.
'Doar me, where did it bite you?' inquired
tbo bartender, showing for tho first time
something like sympathy.
" 'On the wrist,1 exclaimed tho frenzied
man; 'but if you don't give mo that
whisky quick I will die right before your
'.' 'Is tho sun shining?' asked tbo man
behind tho bar, looking out the window.
"Yes, it is, but wbat's that got to do
with it?'
" 'Well, the biles are not nearly so bad
when the sun Is shining.'
" 'Good heavens, would you let a man
die just because his money is In bis othor
pants?' shrieked the poisonnd sufforor.
" 'Guess you'd bettor go back and get
your other pants,' said the saloonkoepor,
and the tarantula bitten man went out say.
ing ugly things, while the hard-heartod
dealer explained; 'I expect I will make a
mistake some day, and some fellow will die
right hero on tho floor, But tarantula bltos
h&ye been pretty, regular here, and none of
them have died on tho floor yU Guess I'll
keep on taking chances.' I would like to
see some of your smart tramps get tho bet
ter of that saloonkeeper."
A Little Girl's Experience in a
Mr. and Mrs. Loroq Tresco(t aro keepers
of the Goy, Lighthouse at Sand Beach,
Mich., and are blessed with a daughter,fpv
years old, Last April she was taker down
with Measlos, followed with a dread, j
cough and turning into a Fovor, Doctors
at home and at Detroit treated her, but In
vain, she grow worsojrapidly, until she was
a mero "handful pf bones." Tbon she
tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after
the use of two and a half bottles, was com
pletoly cured. They say Dr. King's Now
Dlscovory Is worth H weight in gold, yet
you may get a trial bottle freo at U. II,
Ilagenbueh's drug store.
Where and When Senrloea TO be Con.)
Trinity Reformed .church, met. Robert1
O'lloylc, pastor, Services tomorrow at 10 a. m. 1
and 6; 30 p, ,m.,.$unuiy-i school. At lv80 p. m.
Everybody welcome.
English Lutheran church, M. II. Havioe,
pastor. Services at 10:50 a. m. and' 0:30 p. m,
Sunday school at ,1:30 pi m. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening at 7:30.
,Ebcnezer Evangelical church, Rev. It. M. Lich-
tenwalner, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a.
m. In German, and 0:30 p. in. In English. Sunday
school at 1 :30 p. m. All aro heartily Invited to
attend. , .
All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street, near
Moln, Rev. Floyd K. West, rcotor. Services as
follows: Morning prayer and litany with read
ing and sermon,. 10:30. . Evening prayer and
Sermon, 6:30. Sunday school tot 2 p. m. The
rector officiates and preaches at tho morning
service on the second and fourth Sundays of
each month and at the evening service on the
first and third, a lay reader oOlciatlng In his ab
Primitive Methodist church. Rev. J. Proude,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and
0:30 p. m, Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Christian
Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. every Sabbath. Class
meetings Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7
o'clock, and Sunday at 9:30a. m. Prayer meet.
ing Thursday at 7 p. m. All seats free. Any
one not having a church home is cordially In
vited to come here.
Presbyterian church, Rev. Wm. McNally, pas
tor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a.m. and 6;
p. m. Morning, Rev. Messiah Mescoptan of
Turkey, will give an address brimming full of
facts regarding Mohammedanism and tho land
of tho Turk. Como and hear htm, Evening,
the pastor will preach on "The Cleansing
Blood." Sunday school at 2 p. m. Christian
Endeavor Society will meet on Tuesday even
ing ot 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday
evening at 7:30. All aro cordially Invited.
Welsh Congregational church, Rev. O. Enoch,
pastor. Preaching services at 10 a. m. and 0 p,
m. Sunday school at 2 p. ra. Morning subject:
"Eternal Ltfo and Its Possessors." Evening
subject: "An All-Important Question," At the
close of evening servlco, the Lord's supper
will be odminlstcrcd. Monday evening prayer
meeting at 7. Thursday evening at 7 class
meeting. Cordial welcome ta nil. Special
Invitation to non-church attendants.
English Daptlst church, South Jar din street,
Rev. II. G. James, pastor. Preaching at 10:30
a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. in.,
Deacon John Dunn, superintendent. Morning
subject: Lying to tho Holy Spirit and Its
Consequences. Evening subject: Earthly
Anliction and Heavenly Olory, (occasioned by
the death of the lato sister Powell.) Monday
evening at 7 o'clpck the II. Y. P. U, will
meot. Oenoral pruyer meeting on Wednesday
evening at 7 o'clock. Everybody welcome.
A llulltfazlng: Threat.
Certain llepublicaus of town borrowed
the registration books that were used by
the Democrats when before tho viewers on
the ward question tho othor day. List
nighteome of tho First ward Democrats
made a demand for the surrender of the
boobs under a pntalty of criminal prosecu
tion. As the books were borrowed, and
not stolen, it is hard to sea on what ground
a criminal action can be based. But do the
Democrats chorifh the idoa that tbe Ho
publicans have not. au equal right vith
them, to inspect these books? If they do
they aro badly mistaken. The Republi
cans are in the minority In town, but they
havo rights which the Democrats are bound
to respect.
Pure and Wholesome Quullty
Commends; to publio approval the Cali
fornia liquid laxalho remedy, Syrup of
Figs. It is-pleafant to the taste and by
acting gently on tho kidneys, liver and
bowels to cleanse thn s, stem effectually) it
promotea the. bet.uh and comfort of all
who use it, and with millions it,. is tho best
and only remody.
' Utah.
The land of sunshlnejand flowers rich also
in mineral and agricultural resources is best
reached by tho,Riojprando Western Railway,
See that your excursion tickets read both ways
Via that road, which offers choice of three
distinct routesand tbo moBt magnificent rail
road scenery in tho world. Send Sso to J. H,
Ilennott, Salt Lake City, for copy of Illustrated
book, '.'Utah, a Peep Into tho Mountain Walled
Treasury of the Gods." tf
SlcCreory Confers With Foster,
Washington, Aug. 18. Consul Mo
Creery was in conference with tbe Secre
tary ot State for a abort while durlug, tbo
morning, presumably in relation to tho
charges made against him of uilsconduot
during the Chilean trouble. It is under
stood, However, that nothing will be dono
Ju the matter until after tho Secretary's
return from Deer Park. If tin investiga
tion 1b decided on, Secretary Foster will
probably conduct it himself.
A Loug-Lost Art Discovered.
Quebec, Aug. 13. Local scientists say
that one of tbe most wonderful discover
ies of recent years Is that made by a poor
lilacicsmitn or this city, named Ferdi
nand AJlurd. It is the long lost .art
known to the pyramid builders of Egypt,
of hardening copper. Axes and other
edged tools made of hardened copper bavo
been exhibited by him, which In edge and
temper rlvul the best steel of the present.
Drowned In the Surf,
Atlantic Citv, N. J,, Aug. 13. Sam
uel lieed, a produce dealer living on Moor
street, I'uiiatieipuia, was drowned in tbe
surf at tho foot of Arkansas avenue. He
swam 800 yards from shore, when ha
threw up his hands and called for assist.
nuce. lieed was still allvo when brought
to the shore, but every effort to resusci
tate mm was without avail.
Fear of Another Revolution.
f an Ail a, Aug. 13. The report brought
nere irom Jipnuuras uy the steamship
Barracouta nine days ago is confirmed.
Gen, Lounrdo Nulla has bean comnlotolv
successful unci is holding his own in the
north. Gen. Bouilla is victorious In the
south, lucre are, however, fears of an
other revolution ami the overthrow of the
Nettletun Will Not Resign,
Wabuinoton. Aug. la. Assistant Sec
retary Nettleton left Washington last
evening lor Ills home In Minnesota. If
will be absent one month. Mr. Nettleton
says the statements Unit he will resign
areunfouuded, as he expect to resuino his
Unties attheexplrutiuu of his vuoutlou.
Lano'B Family Medicine
Moves the bowels each day. Most, people
n(ti to use 1L
For the Grout Musical Fentiral at Lmke-
jlde-Au(Tt J3.. M ....
The Philadelphia" abo. Heading RMIroad
Company has Issued circulars announcing
fteciartrJilrili2d'')xclirsronratr1'for tbi
great musical festival to be held at Lake),
side on the 16th Thc'r'ftlos'ro
Shamokln,' (1, Excelsior, 65' cent, Mt.
Carmol;"75, Alaska, 05, .Locust Gap, CO.
Gordon, 45, Ashland, Girardvllle, ShobanC
doabiand1 Mahandy Plane, 'S5,'Gflborton,
SO.-Sti- Nicholas, 25, ' Mabanoy ,C('ty, 20
Buck Mountain, 15, Pottsville, CO. New
Philadelphia, 49. Tamaqua, 2d. ! 1
Thetpeoial trains will bo tun as follows.
Leave Ashland 8:15 a m. and Shenandouh
at "8il5 a. mi, "stopping at all stations.
Leavo Bhsmbkin at 7145 a m., with a con
nection leaving Mt, Carmel at 7:45 a. ml,
stopping at all Btatl6n'. 'LeaVe' Tamaqua
at 8:30 a. in. Leave Foltsvillo at 8.15 a. m
Koturning, leave Lakeside at 030 p. m. for
Shamokln, Mt. Carmel, Shenandoah and
intermediate stations, and for I'otlsvillo at
7 80.
A Great Stock.
f ivo thousand novels, the latest and best
issuod, selling at)25 cents other places, 'for
sale nt Max Beese's for 10 cents. The
finest playing cards In tho market 5 cent:
per pack.
WANTED. Laundry girl. Good
Inqulro at Ferguson House.
WANTLD. An experienced girl as cook In
a family of three. Apply at tbo Herald
omce. a-iu-ii,
nTANTED. An experienced irirl for general
VV housework. Apply at 301, corner Cherry
and Chestnut streots. b-iu-iw
The Catber property, on West Oak street,
for sale,
will do soia wnoie or in parts to suit
Apply, on he premises. 4-12-02
"tTTANTED Arellablo voune man who has
YV had experience in driving a huckster
wagoaand assisting In grocery store. Must
como well recommended. Apply to Joe
Trevjella, corner of Oak and Jardin streets. .
FOR SALE. 45 acres of valuable farm land
under cultivation, in East Brunswick
Township, adjoining lands of Peter Andrews
andMathiasS. Richards. Cheap for cash on
easy terms. Also desirable real estate in
Shenandoah and Palo Alto. Address, M. M,
Ilurltc, Shenandoah. Pa. 6-28-tt
mission, to handle the now Patent Cheini.
cal InkEraslnt? Pencil. Thoauickestandcrcat'
est selling novelty overproduced. Erases Ink
thoroughly in two seconds. No nbraslon of
paper. Works like magic. 200 to 600 per cent,
prollt. One agent's sales umountcd to (020 In
six days. ' Another J32 in two hours. Previous
experience not necessary. For terms and full
eurucuiurH, uuurcBB xuv aiuuruu 1111 g w,
rosso. Wis. X439 5-24-ly
I East Mabanoy Junction
Monday, Augusti 15 th
Let God Arise" fbvD. Jenkins) in Eng
lish, for choirs of not less than 60 voices 250 00
If more than threa choirs comnote. second
prize , , 100 00
Military band contest' "Grand Selection
From the Bohemian Girl" (by Dalf e) 100 00
Also gold medal to first leader.
Second prize 25 00
GJee "Ye llreezes of Morning" (by Gwcnt)
not less tuan so voices iw w
uaton to the Becond leader.
Male piece "Cure for Fleeting Pleasuro"
Ibv Mendelsohn for not less than 10
voices 60 00
Uaton to f eeond leader.
"Der Waid" ("The .Forest") by Ilaescr.
German male niece for moro than 10
voices ................. 50 00
Trio "Call the Voyagers" (Gwent) IB 00
For tho best English poem not exceeding
100 lines on "The Miner" 15 00
Tenor and bass nuott "Love and War"
(by Cook) 10 00
Cornet sola (E flat) "You'll Remember
Me," from Bohemian Girl. Muslo to be
secured of Carl Fisher. No. 6 Fourth
Avenue, New York City 10 00
Tenor song in A Mat "Love Lies Weeding"
(by Parson Price) 6
uarnone boio
Queen" (by Ap-
Soprano solo
"Longing" (by Millard) !
becona prize
Violin solo for boy or girl under 18 years
of ago, with piano accompaniment, "Iiluo
Hells of Scotland' No. 0, by E. Mack.
To be bad ot J. E. Dltson. Phlladelnhla..
N. 11. Competitors on tbo tenor song will not
do uuowea to compete on tne Daritone solo,
Vic- versa.
Competitors from Lackawanna, Luzerne,
Naribumueriana, uaroon, Columbia ana a
nartB of Schuylkill counties.
Names of nil competitors must be In the
hanas or tne secretary, w. J. watkins, Hben
auaoon, i-a., oy August jsi, io;u.
Saloon and Rcstauran
. J, Ml . .1., tfil , ,
i 'Leading Saloon'ln tort n;
Cenlm and WhUn fits.,
(Dlckert'e old stand)
First-class Eating Bar.
Finest Whiskeys in the Market.
Get' ready for the
cold wcutlicr.
Stoves should bo overhauled, nnv nnu
bought and everything pertaining to tho proper
heating of your houses shou'd have your atten-
iiuu now. x uiu preimrcu to atiena to ail cans
with promptness and my charges are most
Roofs and spouting should be looked after
uuw. uuivi ueiay until tne rusn comes.
Musical Festiva
i tew
f 1 111 i.i
largest Assortment.
i i ... 1 ' : . v . '
Our Prices were nevor equalled before. We
ecu carnages cneapcr man in I'nuaaeipma
or oisewncro, . vo have a full.llno or,
Ileywood Carriages, and can
furnish you any style
for less than you
Can Buy at the Factory.
Call and see for voiirnelf. Wnmeui limtwhat
wo say. Our prices will surprlso you.
i. 1
"So. 8 South
DRTJSSELI3 from 60o up. Table and
Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums
from 25o up. Window Shades, Rugs,
Matts,Curtaln Poles, etc,, at loWprifc'es.
The beat line n't Lace Curtains ever
shown in town from fl.od a jjair up.
A hat that Is not stylish 13 worthless. There
are a thousand reasons why you should sot wear
it, ana not one reason wuy you snouia. it usu
ally costs as much as a stylish hit. and is cot
worth a fraction of the money. When you buy
a nat duv a crooa one. ana 11 vou reaiiv want a
good ono, try our 13 hat. It will fill the bill. same can oe saia oi our in ecKweara uno
tie for 20c. nnv stvle. Htraw hats from 6c urj to
(1.50. Nice line of summer shirts at 25oj a big
drive In boys' waists from SOo to 50a; large line
ot trunks and valises at lowest price; big bar
gains In overalls and coats at
ig South Main St., Shenandoah.
Silk and cashmere hats renovated and made
as cood as new at short notice. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
. - . V , , Oin
Is tho place where you find fresh and
Stock Ale, DranfJit Porter
Uuer'8 Celebrated Lager Beer
Always on tap anl tho bolt Rye Whisky,
Ilrondy, Gin and Wines, h'be best 5-cent
cigar in town. Milk and all kinds ot temper
anco drinks.
Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com.
panics represented by
120 S. Jardin St., Shenanooah,Pa
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand
Where lie will be pleased to meet the wants
of his lrlenas ana the publio ta
Everything in ilio Drinking Line.
, ELLIS, Tbt Tinsmith and Store Dealer,
has removed to the
33 West oak Ht., HUenatidonli,
Where he will be pleased to meet all' his old as
wen as many new pusionjuru as possiuie.
Good work i fair price.
Rooting and Spouting neatly done.
Sporting and Musical Resort !
Beat Wines, Liquors, Beers, Ales and finest
Drauas oi uigarB mway oa nana.
36 HaHt Centre Street.
The best beer, ales, porter, whiskies, brandies,
wines ana unesi cigars always on nana.
VM.;j. EVANS, trop.
ItZalii Strfcct,
. ,
O., north main street.
" We Study to Please I "
Old Stand. New Goods
n.tiiin. i i
Fish, Butter and Eggs,
Flour und Feed,
(Potatoes, Green Truck,
. Hay and Straw, &c, &
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Stora 1
(Muldoon's old stand)
K) ill! U
34West Laurel Street. Shenandoah.
F'OR SALE. Farm, 100 acres, house andbarn;
good water at the door; one and a hall
miles northeast of Torbert's farm or cross
roads. 58,(XX).
Small farm, three ncren. hmiRn nnri statin.
Crop in ground. 1800.
House on Plum alley, two stores, J1100.
House on Wist street, two stores, !800.
Pronertv on East fTnnl utrnpt' lnt sfl-riv
double block in frqat. 3,000.
Wall Paper ana
Window Shades
To close out stock for the season. When we
advertise bargains, wo mean lu
re1, cr. pobtz's
North Mnln Street.
Hot Weather Bulletin.
Ico Oroam,
All Flavors,
Socket Vvator,
Pure Fruit Flavors,
33i'oacl, 01x.g9.
Confectionery, Eto,
27 Sautli Blniii Street.
jyj B. KISTLER, 11. D.-,
' enraiciAN and burgeon,
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Office ISO, N. Jardin street, Shenandoah, Pa
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