The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 12, 1892, Image 4

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    In Season I
All kinds of Canned
and Bottled Goods,
Imported and Do
mestic Cheese, Fine
Groceries, etc., for
the summer and pic
nic season at
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
Decuro Tonr Dates lleforo All the llest
Are Tnken.
Tho following dates aro already taken up
for tho season. Parties wishing to focuro
a day should write or call on O. A. Koim,
Uanagor, Shenandoah, Fa. f
" IS P. O. B. ot A., Mahanoy City.
" 13 O. U. A M. No. 110 Uloomsburg.
" lb Musical Festival.
16 Trinity Reformed Sunday school,
' 17 XTnlon Sunday Bchool, Gordon.
' 18 Hrformed Sunday school Mahanoy
t Church of Faith, Mahanoy City.
20 Evangelical Sunday school, bhenan
doah. 24 Harmony Lodge, I. 0.0. F., Ta-
25 Anniversary Phoenix Hose Com-
Tianv. Shenandoah.
" 0 Picnic of tho Daughters of Rebckah
or enenanaoan.
Strength and Health.
If you aro not feeling strong and healthy,
trv Bleetric'Bittors. If "La Grippe" has
loft you weak and weary, use Electric Bit'
tors. This remedy actB directly on Liver,
Stomach and Kidneys, gonily aiding those
oigans to perform their functions. If you
aro afflicted with Sick Headache, you will
find speedy and permanent relief hy taking
EloctriciBitters. Ono trial will convince
you that this is the remedy you need,
Largo bottles onlyl60c at 0. H. Hagen
"buch's Drug Store.
Coming Events.
Aug. 13 and 15 Ico cream and cako fes
tival in Franoy's hall, under tho auspices
of tho Salvation Army.
August 18 Entertainment and icecroam
festival, Ellengowan school house ; benefit
of Ellongowan Drum Corps.
Aug. 20 and 27 Ico cream festival, P,
M. school room, Shenandoah Y. P. A.
August 27 Picnic Ellongowan Combina'
tion Drum Corps, Ellengowan Grove.
Aug. 30 Ice cream festival and bean
soup lunch, Bobbins' opera house, benefit
"Widows' and Orphans Fund, Post 140,
. A. B.
Aug. 31 Ico cream foslival, Bobbins'
opera houso, Hopo Section No. 10, J. T. of
H. &T.
Sept 6. Picnio of St. Patrick s Band at
tho Shenandoah Trotting Park.
Buoklen'a Arnica Salve.
The Best Salvo In the world for Cuts,
Bruisos, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Foyer
Soros, Tetter. Chapped Bands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pool
lively euros Piles, or no payment roouirod,
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price la cents por
box. Eor sale by O. H. Hagenbuch,
Spectaclos to suit all eyes, at Ports'
book and stationery store, 21 North Main
etroot. m 4-28-tf
Electric Railway Change.
Hereafter tho electric railway cars will
leavo tho corner of Alain and Centro streets
atfi:30a. m,, daily, and every 26 minutes
thereafter until midnight, at which hour
4ii last car will leave.
Cool Shade
Can be found at Vermillion, O., and those
who wish to attend the camp meetings at
that place during July and August can
procuro excursion tickets via the Nickel
Plato from June 21st to August 23d at
special rates, t-aug-20
The St. Patrick's Usnd will hold a pic
nic in town on Labor Day, Sept. 6th. tf
Buy Keyttone flour,
n&mo Lkbsiq & Co.,
printed on overy sack.
Bo sure that the
Ashland, Fa.,
For Almost Nothing.
Max Reeso has just received a large stock
of tablets, writing paper, envelopes, otc,
purchased at an Assignee's sale and
telllDg them at 0 per cent, less than
regular prices.
Great Reduction lu Kates,
To Denver, Col., Helena, Mont., Ogden
and Salt Lake City, Utah. Ask Nickle
Plato agents for rates. lw-d&w
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb'
Good horses, nice bucrcries
and responsible drivers are the
essential tinners for a pleasan
drive, which can always be had
at my stables, 12 and 14 North
.fear alley, rear of .Lmberer'i
hardware store. Horses taken
to board. Undertakincr in a'
its branches attended to with
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
10 and 21 West Oak Street.
Bar stocked with the beat beer, porter, ilea,
whiskies, brandies, vines, etc Finest cigars.
Kstlog tar attached. Cordial invitation to all.
Interesting IILtory at -- .Former Schnjl-
Jilll CotmtUn.
Even? Colorado rjloneer now living
la known for tome accomplishment of
early davs. The deeds of tlie old set
tler during tne pam twenty years 01
his life, no matter Jhow startling tuey
rnav have been, aru regarded as with
out Interest alike by his companion of
early frontier time and ine puunc gen
erally. Each pioneer made some sort
of a lasting record while the stage
coach was In Its prime and the wagon
train supplied the necessaries of life to
the iniiuuuams in una state.
To Farley Christ belongs the dlstlnc
tlon of having traveled more miles be
hind a freight wagon than any other
citizen of Colorado. At least no one
has ever appeared with figures that
exceed those claimed by Mr. Christ.
and the distance covered by him Is
ureater than the circumference of the
earth bv several thousand miles.
Mr.Christ was born in i'ottaviiie, i'a.,
but us ho Is a prepossessing bachelor,
and still hopeful, he declined to state
even approximately when the event
r -
toot: niuce.
He was old enough, however, after
serving an apprenticeship lu a store at
Kcnuyliuil Haven, a lew nines ueiow
bis native town, to start West in 1858,
Ho was in search of health, and lie
wus abundantly rewarded, for to-day
he la halo ana hearty and well pos
sessed of vouthful viuor.
Without Having any deunite desti
nation In view. Mr. Christ reached
Plaltsinouth, Neb., a few weeks after
departing from Pennsylvania. Here
he remained several months, and in
1859, during tho Pike's Peak excite
ment, he decided to see the Bocky
mountains. jjm ne inoutrur. ne couiu
make the ex tenses of the trip lighter
by hauling Into the country a load of
Bo he nuTchosed an ox team and
wagon and stocked it up with flour,
The Hour cost him 90 cents per 100 lbs,
Alter thlrty-flve days' travel he reached
Central Ulty. iie lounu tne stocit o
. I . 1 . . In... 1 , , . i ' 11 n c.w
11UU1 lliuio fjicki,y iun. uuv vvuo niu"
prised when he received an ofler of $16
per nunureu lor uis siock.
All alone the road be encountered
returning emigrants, who told most
disheartening stories of the country
and advised him to turn back. Most
of them were without food and were
Butlerlne terribly. Hegavethem flour,
thanked them lor tnelr advice, hut
pushed on alone toward the moun
tains. He encountered numerous
bunds of Indians, but they were
friendly and no trouble was exper
fenced, Buflalo and antelope were as
numerous as the herds of cattle now
are. fceting tnat ins -money was to be
made in freighting, Mr. Christ Hume
d lately started buck to I'lattsmouth
and covered the distance in twenty
live days.
The proms or tliollrst load were in
vested in another wagon and a stock
of corn meal. The meal cost SO cents
per hundred and sold for $11 In Den
ver, clearing 54,000 for Mr. Christ.
Four or five trips in succession were
made wltu no startling incidents, but
each one was finuucially successful.
iiut In courso or time the Indians
became troublesome ant it was a com
mon occurrence to find murdered men
along the trail. At Plumb creek he
came across twelve men who had
been murdered by the Indians.
"I was always lucky with the In
dians," said Mr. Christ In speaking of
nis various exploits. "xuring my
forty trips across the plains I never
had any trouble with them, and I
never carried a gun. I have been in
the same neighborhood,with Weight
ier wno were mneu. "i remeniner
one instance very clearly. 1 was be
tween two trains or twenty-six
wagons each, with four wagons, and
about a half a mile separated us. We
camped at Cottonwood. The Indians
attacked the front and rear trains.
killed all the drivers, burned the
. i . i mi ,1 n ii .1 1 1 olnla li n i rA 1 1 . 'PI, la rf
course, was accomplished after a des
perate light, i supposed, naturally,
that I would be served likewise, and
was quietly awaiting tho attack.
"it was not loDg before i was Bur
rounded. I would not let my men
show any signs of resistance and the
chief signalled that we were not to be
injured. I invited them all into catnp
and made a 'feast' as they called it.
After the 'feast,' according to Indian
custom, all took seats lu a circle and
tne nine wus started.
"The Indians remained in camp all
night, and in the morning I made
them anotner least' anu started on
During one of my winter trips I
came across a band of Indians with
nothing on but blauKets. Tiiey were
not suflerlng from cold nearly so
much as I wus, and x asicea an oiu
buok how it was that he did not catch
cold when so much of his bare skin
was exposed.
" 'White man's face get cold ?' he
asked, and I answered no, ho said;
" 'Indian uu lace
"During the later years the guer
rillas supplanted the Indians. I was
making a return trip with three other
men and had several hundred dollars
in gold. A hand of guerrillas came
down on us one morning. As good
luck would have It. I was greasing my
wagon and It saved my money. The
guerrillas "held up my companions
llrtt.uud while, (be operation was
going on I slipped my purse Into the
grease box and hadn't a dollar in sight
when tiiey reauneu me."
The advent of railroads did away
with "freighting." and Mr. Christ
took una claim on Box Elder creek,
twentv miles east of this city, where
lin now resides. He does his own
cooking and has a reputation all
over the country for baiting oiu lasu
loned "flan lacks." He Is generous to
a fault and popular with all who
know him. Colorado Sn.
the MtWloM
Get Tonr Ticket KrVjr for
Everybody it going to Lakeside. Ten
thousand people will be there to hear tboir
frlonds from Columbia, Northumberland,
Luzerne and this county sing for tho many
prizes offered,
Will it bo a success? Well, yos. Why,
ith the big choirs from Shamokin,
Mahanoy City and Wm. Tonn, the Glee
clubs and malo parties from Shamokin,
Centralis, Ashland, Mahanoy City, Hazlo
ton, Potlsvllle, and little, but O, My I St.
Clair. 'How can failuro stop In.
Succosb 1 Well, tho wise pooplo will get
down to tho depot early and got on the
train bofore tho Feats aro all taken and get
upon tho grand stand as soon as they reach
tho park.
Prof. Clarko, of Philadelphia, who is to
abjudicate tbo competitions, writes that
from what ho has heard of the great festival
Lakeside will on Monday bo a regular
paradise for music-loving people,
Prof. Dan Thomas (Dan Gwmbwrla), of
Shamokin, Prof. Philip T. Evans, of Wm.
Penn, and Prof. Bees Bosser, of Mabanoy
City, say their choirs will make a lifo effort
to securo the $250 prize and Prof. Gcthen
Powell, of Mahanoy City, will lay low for
all of them in tho competition on "Ye
Breczos of Morning," for which $100 is
All theso organization aro excellent and
tho tinging of any one of them will be
worth double the prico of admission.
There are seventeen entries for the bar!
tono solo, fourteen for the tenor song and
eight for the soprano competition. Of
course the audience will not bo obliged to
lUten to all these competitors. Arrange
menU have been made whereby only tho
cream will bo given tne put) lie. The
preliminary adjudication will .look after tho
skimmed milk.
The competition on tho glee "Cure for
Fleeting Pleasure," between Pottsville,
St. Clair, Mahanoy City and Shamokin
will bo a pretty feature of tho festival,
Tho committee has engaged an expert
accompanist for the day and has secured
first class organ and piano for his ute, to
that thero will bo no cause for complaint
against thli part of tho arrangements,
(Jet to Lakeside Park early Monday
morning. The exercises will begin
promptly at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., giving
visitors from all parts ample time to reach
their homes at a reasonable hour,
The Und ot moASae and flowers rich also
la miners! and agricultural tesouroeo is best
resetted bv the 8.16 Grande western Railway.
See that your excursion tickets read both ways
via that road, which oilers choice of three
dlstlnot routes and Una most magctOcont rail
road scenery In the world. Send SSo to J.
Dennett, Salt Lake City, for copy of illustrated
hook, "Utah, a Peep Into the Mountain Walled
Treasury of the Gods." tf
Another Delightful Trip to Olen Island.
The success of the first Glen Island ex
cursion has induced the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company to run a second select
excursion to Glen Island, a resort hotter
known as the "Gem of the Sound," on
Wednesday, August 17b. It will be in
charge ot a tourist agont. it embodies a
ploaeant rail rido and a grand sail around
Now York, passing under tho Brooklyn
brldgo, up tho East River, through Holt
Gate and out into tho waters of the Sound.
Special train will loave Broad stroet station
at 7.00 a. m. Tickets will be sold at a rate
of 82.60 from Philadelphia. Half rates
for children.
Tho Switchback.
Trains will leave the Switchback flcnot.
Maucli Chunk, as follows ; 8.40. 10.10. 11.87 a. m.
and 1.00, 2.S0, a45. 5.35 p. m. On Sundays, 1.60 I
iaiti, m. i.eavo summit mil: V.4U, ii.iu,
i. and 12.35. 1.60. 3 20. 4.35. 0.15 T). m. Sun
days, 8.25 and 4.00 p. m. ,
Pure and tVliolcsomo Quality
Commends to publio approval the Call
fornia liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of
Figs. It is pleasant to the taste and by
acting gently on tho kidneys, livor and
bowels to cleanso tho system effectually, It
promotes the health and comfort of all
who use it, and with millions it Is the best
and only remedy.
Lane's Family Modlolno
Moves tho bowels each day. Moat, people
need to uso It.
Reduced Itates,
To the West yia the Nickel Plate. Special
trW.n of sleeping and chair cars, Aug. 6th,
, tbrotgh to Denver without change.
sly Carnages
Largest Assortment.
Our Prices were nover equallod before. We
seu carriages encaper man in jt'nunaeipnia
or eisownore. wo have a lull lino 01
Ueywood Carriages, and can
furnish you any style
for less than you
Can Buy at the Factory.
Call and see for yoursolf. We mean lust what
we say. Our prices will surprise you.
No., 8 South Main Street,
WANTS, &c.
TIT ANTED. Laundry girl. Good
II Inquire at Ferguson House.
wages. I
1?OR RENT. A good private houso, Franey's
J row. 8-ll-2t
WANTLD. An experienced girl as cook in I
a family of three. Apply at the Herald I
1T7ANTED. An exnericneed eirl for ceneral
VV housework. Apply at 301, corner Cherry I
and Chestnut streets,
8-10-1 w
1 J Tho Cathcr nronertv. on West Oak street.
for sale. Will be sold whole or in parts to suit
purcnaser. Appiy on me premises.
ORTJS8ELS from 60o up. Table and
L Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums
from 25o up. Window Shades, Rugs,
Matts,Curtaln Poles, etc., at low prices.
The best line ot Lace Curtains ever
shown in town from $1.00 a pair up.
WANTED Steady employment by a young
man SO years of ago; willing to work at
moderate salary. Aaarcss i: it., iitiiAi.u oi-
TOR SALE. 45 acres of valuable farm land
1 under cultivation, in East lirunswlck I
Township, adjoining lands of Peter Andrews
and Mathlas S. Richards. Cheap for cash on
easy terms. Also desirable real estate in
Shenandoah and Palo Alto. Address, M. M.
llurke. Shenandoah. Pa. 58-tf
U U JL XVJLvjJLj O, north main street.
What an Eminent Railroader Thinks
Reading ropulnr Truins.
Those who havo used the Boyal Blue
Line between Philadelphia and New York
well know that that lino Is deeorvedly
ccrcdited as being the Unost piece of rail
road In the country ; that its coaches are
tho most magnificent, and that its trains
are run more smoothly and are the fastest
the world. iTo those, however, who
have never used the lo al Bluo Line, th
following abstract from a letter written by
an eminent railroad authority to a gentle
man connectod with tbo Beading Bailroad
System, will doubtless prove Interesting.
After tho usual formal groetings, the letter
reads: "I havo just taken my ftrstrideon
tho Beading, having com,e over from Now
York this morning on your 11.30 a. m.
Boyal Blue Line train, and I cannot re
frain from congratulating you on being
connected with so superb a railroad, "Wo
made mile after mile in just CO seconds, and
the train ran as smoothly as though not
exceeding ton milos per hour. The ap
pointments wore first-clasB, and I never had
a better dinner or one hotter served on any
dining car." ,
Commendation from tho source whence
this came must havo been particularly
gratifying to the Bcadir g Bailroad officials.
It has alwr.js been the aim of the present
Beading management',to provide the very
bost for its patrons, and the servico on the
Boyal Bluo Line, as well as on other por
tions of the System, is conclusive evidenco
of success in that diroition. Tbat the dis
criminating public appreciate these efforts,
and recognize the fact tbat tho Boyal Bluo
Line trains are as advertised, tho finest,
fastest and safest in the world, is evidencod
by the constantly increasing business
that line.
mission, to handle tho new Patent Chemi
cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The Quickest andcrcat-
est selling novelty ever produced. Erases ink
thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of
paper. Works llko magic 200 to 600 per cent,
prollt. Ono agent's sales amounted to in
six days. Another 132 in tvo hours. Previous
exnerience not necessary. For terms and full
particulars, address The Monroe Mt'g Co., La
Crosse. Wis. X439 5-24-ly
Musical Festival
East Mahanoy Junction
Monday, August 15th
He It-Jected the Proposal to lie Set Free
if He Would Leave France.
Paius, Aug. 12. The report that Ed
ward Parker Deacon, now undergoing
a year's imprisonment for the shooting of
M. Abeille, had received and rejected a
proposal from tho iTencu government to
the effect that be would be set freo if he
would leavo France at once, is con
The idea in making such an offer was
to prevent the trial of the Deacon divorce
suit taking place in franco. J. no suit la
sot for Sept. !28.
The French authorities are much dis
appointed at the refusal, as their object
has boon, if possible, to prevent the trial
of Deacon's Bult against his wife for dl
vorco, and the exposure to the world of
the additional evldenoe going to show her
guilty of misconduct with H. AboiUe.
Tbey would like to expel Deacon from
the country after bis term of imprison
ment, but, as they have no ground for
auch notion, it is feared that it might
call forth a remonstrance on tho part of
the American Legation. Therefore the
attempt was mode to induce Deacon him
self to go as a condition or being liberated,
guapeoted Murderers DUcharged.
Piiilaoxlpiiia, Aug. 12. Mrs. Cather
ine Murphy and her husband William,
and tiugn iyjicn, wno nave oecn in cus
tody since Saturday on suspicion of hav
ing stubbed Mrs. Margaret Holoran, aged
iil years, who died in the Pennsylvania
Hospital Tuesday, have been discharged
by Coroner Ashbridgo. The evidence
shows that Mrs. Holoran, who was drunk
attempted to jump through a window and
fatally cut herself.
A Great Stock.
five thousand novels, the latest and best
Issuod, selling at'.25 cents other places, for
sale at Max Hesse's for 10 cents. The
finest playing cards in the market 6 cents
per pack.
" We Study to Please !
New Goods
fbyD. Jenkins) in Eng
lish, for choirs oi not less tnan w von
"Let God Arise'
voices ssou uo
Gnld mpdal tn ach leader.
If mum than three choirs comnete. second
nnzo iuu w
Mllltarv band contest "Grand Selection
From tho Bohemian Girl" (by Ilalfe) 100 00
Also gold medal to first leader.
Second prize 25 00
Glee "Yb Ilreczes of Morninu" fbv Gwent)
not less than SO voices 1U0 vu
Baton to tho second leader.
Male piece "Cure for Fleeting Pleasure"
fnv Menaeisonni ior not jess inan id
voices 60 00
Eaton to second leader.
Dor Wald" ("The 1'orcsi") Dy liaeser.
German malo niece for moro than 16
voices 50 00
Trio "Call the Voyagers" (Gwent) 15 00
For the best Encllsh no cm not cxcceaintr
IOO lines on "The Miner" 15 00
Tenor and bass duett "Ijovo and war"
(bv Cook) 1U uo
cornet soio (. nuti - iuu ji xiuiui'iuuer
Me," from uoneinian Ulri. music to uo
secured of Carl Fisher. No. 6 Fourth
Avenue. New York City 10 00
Tenor son? in A flat "Love Lies Bleeding"
(Dy rarson jticoj o uu
iiantone solo "dove's uueen" idv ad-
madoc) 5 00
Soprano solo "Longing" (by Millard) B 00
Second prize 2 00
vioun soio ior Doy or gin unacr id years
or age, witn piano accompaniment, "uiuo
Bells ot Scotland," No. li. by E. Mack.
To bo had ot J. E Ditson, Philadelphia.. 6 00
N. B. Competitors on the tenor sonc will not
bo allowed to compete on the baritone solo, or
W tf MO.
Northumberland, Carbon, Columbia and all
parts of Schuvlkill counties.
Names of all competitors must be in the
hands of the sccrotsry, w. j. watlilns, Shcn-
anaoon, ra , Dy August ist, ibki.
A hat that is not stylish 13 worthless. There'
aro a thousand reasons why you should cot wear
it, and not one reason why you shoula It usu
ally costs as much as a stylish hit. and is not
worth a fraction of the money. When you tuy
a hat buy a good one, and if you really want a
good one, try our tS hat. It will till the bill.
i no same can do earn or our in ecKwoar a nne
tie for 20c. anv stvle. Straw hats from be up to
(1.50. Nlco line of summer shirts at 26c; a big
drive in boys' waists from 20o to 60c; large line
ot trunks and valises at lowest price; big bar
gains in overalls and coats at
ig South Main St:, Shenandoah.
Silk and cashmere hats renovated and made
as (rood as new at short notice. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
Fish, Butter and Eggs,
Flour and Feed,
Potatoes, Green Truck,
Iav and Straw, &c, &t
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store!
(Muldoon's old Bland)
. iuu null juxuiii r tn, ,
Is the place where you find fresh and
btocfc Ale, Draught JPorter
Lauer's Celebrated Lager Beer
Always on tap and the best Rye Whisky,
Brandy, Gin and Wines. The best 6-cent
clear in town. Milk and all kinds of tcmner-
ance drinks.
34 West Laurel Street, Shenandoah,
OR SALE. Farm, 100 acres, house and bars:
cood water at the door: one and a half
miles northeast of Torhert's farm or cross.
roads. f8,000.
Small farm, three acres, house and stable.
Crop in ground. (800.
House on Plum alley, two stores, 11100.
Houte on WeBt street, two stores, 1800.
" Propertv on East Coal ntrent- Int SftrlNh
double block in front. (2,000.
Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com
panies represented by
120 S. JardmSl, Shenanooah.Pa
Saloon and Restaurant,
Leading Saloon In town.
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana
Where be will be pleased to meet the want
oi ms irienos ana tne pnouc in
Everything in the Drinking Line.
Centra and Whltn SI,.,
(Btckert's old stand)
First-class Eating Bar.
Finest Whiskeys in the Market .
ELLIS, The Tinsmith and Stove Dealer,
has removed to the
33 WeBt Oak Ot., Sliemuidonll,
Where he will be pleased to meet all his old as
well as many new cusiomera ua pucDiuie.
Uoodworkt falmrlce.
Rooting and Spouting neatly done,
Get ready for the
cold -venUier.
Stoves should be overhauled, new nnns
bought and everything pertaining to tho proper
heating ot your nouses should have, your atten
tion now. 1 am prepared to attend to all calls
wun promptness ana my cnarges are most
Roofs and spouting should bo looked after
now. uqu i ueiay until tno rusa comes.
Sporting and Musical Resort!
Rest Wines. Llauors. Deera, Ales and finest
brands oi uigars always on nana.
36 Cast Centre Street.
The best beer, ales, porter, whiskies, brandies.
wines ana nnesi cigarn u".
WM.;J. EVANS, Trop.
Wall Paper ana
Window Shades
To cIobo out stock for the season. When we
advertise bargains, we mean it.
IF1. 0". POBTZ'S
North Iflnlu Street.
Hot Weather Bulletin.
loo Oroam,
- AH Flavors,
Soda water,
Pure Fruit Flavors.
33icottol, Oo.1x.oq.
Confectionery, Eta
-wm.so3sr "v. otto
27 South Main Street.
JJ- S. KI3TI.ER, W. D.i
' mraioJAa and buxqeon.
Oaoe-lW N. Jsrdih street, Shenandoah, F