In Season I All kinds of Canned and Bottled Goods, Imported and Do- fntestib)!OHe,eso, Fine 'Groceries, etc., for tlio summer and pic nic season at Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. LAKESIDE. IN BAD COMPANY. TTloldlmr Has a Dynamite Soare on a Bound Steamboat. Becure Tour Dalin Before All the Best Arc Taken. Tbo following dates aro already taken up for tho season. Parties wishing to secure day should write or call on O. A. Koim, Managor, Shenandoah, Pa. : n BtaU Stateroom and In Afterward Bobbed of It by the Molt Dm plcoblo Trick KTer riayed on a Wlilte Ulan. tcorvnianT. 1892.1 Tho train was bearing mo rapidly from Boston to a mattress on tho gallery deolc of a sound steamer. I could not help regarding that mattress as my ultlmato destination. Tho steamer would cor-' talnly bo very much overloaded. There had been a convention In Uoston, nnd delegates from all points south wero going home my way. This would have been tho cose If I had selected soma other wav. Conventions always dis perse on tho day when I talco a journey) and tho roturnlng throng never even hears of any other route than that which I solect. As to my remembering to engage a stateroom, tho chanco that tho president of tho company will put an entire steamer at my disposal Is bet ter than that. These melancholy thoughts wero In terrupted by tho voice of a man who August. 11 Evangelical Sunday school Mahanoy unv. 19 P. 6. . of A.. Mahanoy City. 13 O. U. A M. No. 146 Bloomsburg IB Miiftlcnl Featlval. 10-Trlulty Reformed Sunday school, Tairaqua. 17 TInton Sundav school. Gordon. 18 Heformed Sunday school Mahanoy city. 1&-Church of Faith. Mahanoy City. 20 Evangelical Sunday school, Shcnan- dnflli. 21 -IJartuouy Lodgo, I. O. O. F., Ta- 3 Anniveisary Phoenix IIoso Com- minv. Shenandoah. EO Fientc of the Daughters of Kobekah of chenanuoan. Bucklon's Arnica Salve. The Host Salvo in tho world for Cult Brulsoe, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Kheum, Foyer Soros. Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi lively cures Piles, or no pajmonl required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale by 0. U. HaKenbuch. Coining: llvcnta. Aug. 13 and 15 Ice cream and cake fes tival in Fmnoy's hall, undor tho auipices of tho Salvatic n Army. August 18 Entertainment and ico cream festival, Ellengowan school house ; benefit of lillongowan Drum Corps. Aug. 20 and 27 Ice cram festival, P, M. school room, Shenandoah Y. I. A. August 27 Picnic Ellongowan Combina' tion Drum Corps, Ellengowan Grove. Aug. 30 Ico cream festival and bean soup lunch, Kobbins' opora house, benefit "Widows' and Orphans Fund, Tost 110, O. A. It. Aug. 31 Ico cream festival, Routine' opora house, Hopo Section No, H. & T. Sept, G. Picnic of St. Patrick s Band at tho Shenandoah Trotting Park. ENTRANCE OP THE SUSPECT. hnd dropped into tho seat bosido mo in tho smoking car. llo saia: "It's dreadful stato of things over in Eu rope, I replied that It was pretty bad over here, and likely to bo worso during tho night, "Hut I mean this dynamlto business," said he. "I've just been across tho pond, don't you know." At tins point ho infused into his lan guage a small quantity of that accent which one will pick up In London If lio is not particular about his associates, and then closed with a few words which would not be understood in Paris, though they wero apparently of French origin. Having thus gracefully brought tho conversation to n point where no , .1 . 1 ,J ,. ,. ... r... 10 T T of cuultl rciiauuuuij muuujjuiitg 11 uu hkuu tensivoly, llo had spent over uvo clays in Paris and know the city thoroughly. lie had boon there when tho anarchist excitement was at its height. Evidently ho had a dynamlto story, and I know that nothing could koep him from tolling it. But for a few minutes ho played around tho edges of it, as a woman toys with a secrot which n gag couldn't restrain her from divulging, but which is too deli cious to bo hurried. Dy and by ho got down to business, It appoars that ho had had tho extreme pleasure of witnessing ono ot tho i'arls- ian explosions. Ue had not been in vltod, but had dropped in accidentally It was dreadful. A man standing close beside him had been hit by a flying brick. Of course, it might havo lilt him self Just as conveniently. Ho had picked up the brick and had brought it homo in his trunk, llo appoarcd to entertain a high opinion of its delicacy and dlsoro- I.. ... 1 . 1 At- - .1 KIcctrlo Itallwny Chance. tion. Alter spending ai icngta ui mo Hereafter tho eloctrio railway cars will wise anu wonuenui work oi rroymenco loavo tho corner of Main and Centre streets m preserving mm. wnuo permuting- in .( r-RO. . nv. rfilv. nil fiverv 26 minutes olucr gentleman wsusiam u cuuipuuuu thereafter until midnight, at which hour any chance. A big uniformed man with a loud voice stood inside the purser's window and called the names. He gavo every man two calls, and If he did not nrmear his default was recorded. I un derstood this quickly, because the first throo or four men wero in tho bar when the performance began.and-mlssed their opportunity. Then an luea sirucit mo. i wonia wan till the next namo was called pneo in vain, and at tho second call 1 would re spond to anything from Smith to KaUcnynrnmcr. it hnppcned to bo John Brown. I camo up smiling, and tho wicked game worked with that greasy smoothness which is bo painfully common and so discouraging to tho good. In my stolen stateroom a t ow minutes later I felt heartily ashamed of myself. This sentiment mingled with the emo tions which had been excited by my companion on tho train; and I could not help reflecting that if any man really deserved to bo blown up, I was tho individual. At that moment there was a cautious knock at tho door not an ordinary knock, but ono with a certain moas xired cadence, as of a signal. Something tolfl mo what was coming. I folt that it was what my wifo would call a judg ment. While I was trying to decide whether to admit tho visitor or to slide centlv out of the stateroom window and swim for the Connecticut coast, tho door (which I had not locked) slowly opened, and tho head of tho man with the pointed beard was thrust cautiously in. Tho remainder of his physical be ing followed soon, and I perceived that he carried the small handbag. "You aro John Hrown, said he, In a solemn tone, and ho mado a peculiar sign with ono linger. My nerves wero in such a condition that I actually imi tated that sign, though I would havo given Beven hundred dollars not to do it. "Ah," said ho, as if roliovod. "Woll, hero's tho stuff," and he indicated tho handbag. "Take it away," I gasped. "No weakening now," ho replied, Btornly, "or you are lost. It Is harm less If you handle it properly. Lift the bag thus" accompanying his wonts with appropriate gestures "and it is safe. But if vou wish to blow tho vessel Into fragments, grasp the bag in any other manner than that which I have shown you. I now leavo tho substanco with you, but flrst glvo mo tho key of tho stateroom so that if you aro arrested I can recover the property." no took tho key from the door and departed. A few minutes later 1 emerged from under the bedclothes in the berth, whither I had withdrawn while" ho was showing tho iniquities of tho bag. I felt safer under tho clothes, but tho suspense was too great. Uow should I get rid of that dreadful thing? If I informed tho boat's captain ho would doubtless seizo tho bag, and OUta. The lana;of;Bunshtno nnd flowers rich also in mtneraland agricultural resources la best reached by tho Rio Qrando IWestcrn Railway. See that your excursion tickets read both ways via that road, which offers choice of threo dlstlnot routes and the roost magnificent rail- thclworicu jSend. 2Sa lo.J.U.. Bennett, Salt Lake City, for copy ot illustrated book, "Utah, a Pecpltnto tho Mountain Walled Treasury of tho Gods." ..,-' tf A Great Stock. Fivo thousand novels, tho latest and best Issuod, selling at 25 conts other places, for sale-at Max Kerse's for 10 cents.- The finest playing-cards in tbe market 6 cent ner pack. The Switchback. Trains will leavo the Switchback rtenot. Mauch Chunk, as follows : 8,40. 10.10. 11,37 a. m. and 1.00, S.2U, 3.45. 6 35 p. m. On Sundays, 1.50 nnd 8.25 p. m. Leave Summit 11111 : 9.10, 11.10, a. m. and 12.33,1.60, 3 20, 4 35, 0.15 p.m. Sun days, 3.25 and 4.00 p. m. WANTS, &o. ITT ANTED. Laundry girl. Good V Inqulro at Ferguson House. wages. e-iu-ir TTiOIS RENT. A good private house, Franey'i row. 8-ll-2t WANTLD. An expcrlcncfd girl as cook In a family of three. Apply at the IlKnAi.u 810-tf WANTED. An experienced girl for general housework. Apply at 3U1, corner Cherry anu unesmut streets. b-iu-iw LOST Four weeks ago. ricked setter dog pup, ward for return of same. A black and white Will pay a fair re IS. J. Yost. QALESMAN W ANTED. Valuable commis- yj sion oircrca. ssj uu weekly offered by many of our agents, New York. Samples free. 1 O, 13ox 1371 8-4-1 w T-VESIRAHLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. XJ Tho Cather property, on West Oak street, ior saio. win do boiu wnoie or in pans to su: purchaser. Apply on the premises. 4-1S-03 WANTED Steady employment by a young man 20 years of ago; willing to work at moderate salary. Aaaroes i,T. it., herald of. tlce. LOST. A black cow with left horn partly broken. Tho cow 1b supposed to bo In ltlngtown. Liberal reward will bo paid for its return to Mrs. Robert Slddall, 335 H. Jardln street, bncnanuoah, l'a. 8 9-3t Baby mm Xirsrcst Assortment. LATEST STYLES! Our Prices wero never equalled before. We sell carriages cheaper than In Philadelphia or olsewhoro. Wo havo a full lino of Uoywood Carriages, and can furnish you any style for less than you Can Buy at the Factory. Call and seo for yourself. We mean Just what we say. Our prices will surprise you. THEHEYWOOD, J. P. WILLIAMS & SON Ho, 8 Soutli Main Street, CARPETS I OIF jQJXmUm OR.A.I13S. reduced: T)ItU8SELS from 60o up, Table alid JJ Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums from 25c up. Window Shades, Hugs, Matts,Curtalu Poles, etc., at low prices. The best line ot iince CtirtaltiB ever shown in town from $1.00 a pair up. PRICES 1 J.J. Strongth and Health. If you aro not leelingstrong and healthy, try Electric'Bitters. If "La Grippe" has loft you weak and weary, uso Electric Bit ters. This rtniody acts directly on Livor, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those Mgans to. perform thoir functions, If you ro afflicted with Sick Headache, you will nd speedy and permanent relief by taking ilectric.Bitters. One trial will convince ou that this is tho remedy you need, jargo boltlos onlyGOc. at O. H. Hagen- mch's Drug Store. Spectaclos to suit book and stationery stroot. all eyes, at Porlz's storo, 21 North Main 1 28-tf last car will leavo. Cool ftlindo Can bo found at "Vermillion, O., andthosa who wish to attend the campmoetinf?s at that placo during July and August can procure excursion tickots via tho Nickol Plate from June 21st to August 23d at tpocial rates, ' t-aug-20 l'lcnlc. The St. Patrick's Bind will hold a pic nic in town on Labor Day, Sept. 6th. tl fracture of tho bridge of tno noso, my new friend discussed tho general sub ject of dynamiters. Tho stories that he told mo wero really dreadful; and, .com ing from an eyewitness, they impressed mo deeply. Do said that dynamiters sometimes carried tho deadly stuff in ordinary hand bacs. lie pointed to one in tho Buy Keystone flour, name Lkssio & Co., printed on every sack. Bo suro that the Ashland, Pa it 3-8-3 taw l'or Almost Nothing. Max Iteeeo has just received a largo stock of tablets, writing paper, envelopes, etc., purchased at an Assignee's salo and is I selllne thorn at 50 por cent, loss than I regular prices. Best photographs and crayons at Dabb't YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASEI NOT LOADUD WITH DYNAMITE, raclt nearly over our bonds which ho Enid was about tho propor thing, "if tho owner of it." Jio wlilsporea "is that follow with tho pointed wins- 11 Good horses, nice buffcries and responsible drivers are the Uers. l beiiovuho is ono of thom. pssptifinl i liitirra fnr n nlpnsniif came over in tho steamer with mo." drive, which can always be had TlLTi.TJ? at nty Stables, 12 and 14 North to board tho steamboat I imagined her Jfcar alley, rear Of LiUberg S to bo freighted with nitro-glycerino. Itnrflwarr'Kinro ITnrono tnlfnn But tllO question of a stateroom ten i a TT.-.1 : 11 1 poraruy uivertou ray uiougnia, iu uuaiu. uiiueiiaitiuir in itii - n. i Bn,,u. r,,,.- it a UlUlilllca ilklCUUCU IU Willi promptness. EVAN J At the DAVXKS. (Formeily Joe Wyatt'a) SALOON : AND : RESTAURANT, 10 and 21 West Oak Street. Bar stocked with the best beer, porter, ales, whlnkles, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars. gating Dar atiaccea. uiraiai inviiauon to au. Bur's oiuco und was told that none wos to bo had. Howevor, I put my nama on tho "waiting list," in order to take my chnnce of getting a room which had been engaged by mall or wire but would not ba taken. On this line theso rooms aro disponed of after dinner. Tho applicants gather about the purser's of fice about 8 o'clock, and the names aro called oil from the list. I was on hand at the propor time, but not with hope, for I had been told that my name was about fiftieth on the .list, and that only the first dozen bad EbTRAYED On July !th, a red cow with i whlto face and red rings around tho eyes; white belly and legs from the knees down. End oftallcutoff. Itcward will bo paid for return to Adam Dear, Wm. Pcnn. 8-9-3t r?OR SALE. 15 acres of valuable farm land 1J under cultivation, in East Ilrunswlck Township, adjoining lands of Peter Andrews and Mathlas S. Klchards. Cheap for cash on easy terms. Also desirable real estate In Shenandoah and Palo Alto. Address, M. M. llurke, Shenandoah. Pa. 6-23-tf WANTED. Corresponding agents in overy town to Inform us of parties intending opening or rellttlng saloons by the largest Saloon Flxturo Manufacturers In the world. Good man can make o,(00. The Itolhschild liar Fixture Co., 1168 Eroadway, corner S7th Btrcet. Now York. 7-S7-eod-7t AGENTS WANTED ON BALARY or com mission, to handle tho now Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The quickest and great est selling novelty ever produced. Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of paper. Works like magic. 200 to 600 per cent, profit. Ono agent's sales amounted to JffiM in six days. Another (32 in two hours. Previous experience not necessary, For terms nnd full particulars, address The Monroe Mf'tr Co.. La Crosse, Wis. X439 5-21-1 y SECOND GRAND Musical him THE SLEEP OF THE JUST. never come down out of tho slcy to ro- ceivo tho praise duo to his eournge. Also, I should go up with him. To lift tho bag in any way oxcopt that ono which I had forgotten, was death. It seemed easier to remove myself. I withdrew from tho stateroom, keeping as far from tho bag as possiblo, and ollmbed to tho stoamer s hurricane deck whore I made my bed In the long boat with a tarpaulin for my coverlid and an iron grappling for my pillow. How-1 cvor, oven such comforts as thoso did not Induce sloop. I oxpocted to bo. blown up, and my only hopo was that tho longboat would cotno aown Heal flrst. so that I might eventually be" found in a fair state of preservation. Morning camo in tho courso of six or. eight years, and I perceived that wo wero approaching jnow Yorit. i hnu never thought much of tho town, but 1 was glad to seo it again after having nbandoncd hope. I folt like tho ship-. wrecked sailor who was washed ashore at Asbury Park, N. J., nnd who nftor- ward denied, in a letter to Mr. Bradley,' that ho had over said that he would rather havo boon drowned. Soon I could soe on my right hand tho gTeat city whoro my homo was waiting, mo; and, on my left, uiocicwoll's island, whero the ponitentlnry was waiting for the man with the pointed board. And. tho thought of my homo romlndod mo that I had loft a bundlo containing, eight yards of dress goods in my state room. How could l face my wuo with out it? A friond in lioston had bought' it to match something for hor, nnd thero was no such thing as a duplicnte in Now York. I thought of my wifo and tho littlo brown handbag in tho stateroom, nnd I decided to run such risks as woro Involved in tho bag. Tho onvlous may look upon tills as a choice of evils; I call it heroism. I cropt softly to tho stateroom door I listened, and tho sound of laughter come from within. "Jlmmlo, old boy. it was tho slickest Alng I over did," said the voice of tho, r an with tho pointed beard. "I saw him get filled up with dynamlto stories? on the trntni 1 hoard tho reference to my bag; I know thut ho got tills state room by passing himself off for some-' body clso. I was something like sixtieth on tho waiting list, and wo should havo nad to sleep on tho floor sure if I hadn't scared that long, queer thing out of hero." I did not wait to hear more. I pushed the door open with violonce. Tho littlo brown bag was on tho floor open. It contained a soiled collar, a whisk broom, a pint flask and a paok of cards. uowABD Field inq, LAKESIDE PARK, East Mahanoy Junction Monday, August 15th T.nt find Arlsn" fhv Tl. Jenltlnal In Enc- liBh, for choirs ot not less than 60 voices 8250 00 Gold medal to each leader. If moro than three choirs compete, second prize 100 00 Military bond contest "Urnna selection lTom tno tioacmiuu uiri t uy umivj . Did medal to first leader; .106 00 , 25 00 Also gold medal Second brlzo.... men "Ye lircfizea of Morninit" (by Owcnt) not less than 30 voices 100 00 Eaton to tho second leader. Malo piece "Cure for Fleeting Pleasure" (In- Mendelsohn) for not loss than 10 voices 60 00 Eaton to second loader. "Dcr wald" ("The Forest" ny iiaescr. flprmnn mule niece lor more tnun in voices 60 00 Trio "Call tho Voyagers" (dwent) 15 00 For tho best EuBlish poem not oxceedlng 100 lines on "The Miner" 15 00 Tenor and bass duett "Love nnd War" (by Cook) 10 00 Cornot solo (E flat) "You'll Remember Me." from llohemian Oirl. Music to be secured of Carl Fisher. No. 6 Fourth Avenue Now York City 10 00 Tenor song In A flat "Love Lies llleedlng" (uy rarson I'ricc; d uu Baritone solo "Lovo's Queen" (by Ap madno) 6 00 Soprano solo "Longing" (by Millard) ..... 5 00 Second prlre 2 00 Violin soio ior uoy or gin uuuer 10 years PRICE 'S. OLD RELIABLE, NORTH MAIN STREET. We Study to Please I Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GR0GERY LINE skck. A hat that la not stvllsh is worthless. Thero aro a thousand reasons wbyyou should notwear it. ana not one reason wnv vou snouia. it usu ally costs as much as a stylish hit. and la cot worth a fraction of the money. When vou tuy a hat buy a good one, and If you really want a good one, try our J2 hat. It will 1111 the bill. rno same can do saia 01 our n ecKwear u uuo tlo f or 20c. any stylo. Btraw hats from 6e up to 11.50. Nice line of summer shirts at 25c; a big drive in boys' waists from 200 to 60c; largo line ot trunks and valises at lowest prlco; big bar gains In overalls and coats at 19 South Main St., Shenandoah. Silk and cashmere hats renovated and made as good as new at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Fish, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, ic, &tj Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store",! (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. TO THE PUBLIC. THE -:- CAMBRIAN -:- HOUSE I AT Cor. Centre nnd Jnrtlln Sts., Is tho place where you nnd fresh and Draught Porter Lauer's Celebrated Lager Beer Always on tap and the bost Ityo Whisky, Brandy, Gin and Wlnos. Tho Dcst -cent clear In town. Milk and all kinds of temper ance drinks. BENJAMIN lticiiAitua, prop. JONATHAN HOUSER. rlCONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF HOUSES AND REFRIGERATORS ALSO REAL ESTATE AGENT, 34 West Laurel Street. Shenandoah. btoclc Ale, FARMS BOUGHT AND SOLD. FOR SALE. Farm, 100 acres, house andbarns fmnil ivnl,r at thn dnnr: fine nnd a half miles northeast of Torbert's farm or cross roads. 8,000. Small farm, three acres, house and stable. Crop In ground. 800. House on Plum alloy, two stores, 51100. House on West street, two stores, 1800. Proncrtv on East Coal street; lot 30x160: doublo block In front, (2,000. FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com panles represented by 120 S. JardinSt, Shenanooah.Pa of ago, with piano nccompanlmcnt,"Bluo Bells of Scotland," No. 6, by K. Mack. To be had of J. E. Dttson, Philadelphia.. 5 00 N. B. Competitors on tho tenor song will not bo allow cd to competo on tho baritone solo, or vice verta. Competitors irom Lackawanna, Luzerne, Northumberland, Carbon, Columbia and all parts ot Schuylkill counties. iamua ui uu tumiJuiuurti musi uu in too hands of the sccrctnry, W. J. Watklns. Shcn- andooh, Pa , by August 1st, 1W1. Scheider's Saloon and Restaurant, Leading Saloon in town. Centre and Wlilte It:, (Btckert's old stand) First-class Eating Bar. Finest Whiskeys in tho Market. JOHN It. COYLE, Allowy-al-LaW and Real Estate Agent, ' Office BeddaU's Building, Shenandoah, P WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stano 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where ho will be pleacedto meet the wanU or ms rrienas ana we puduc in Everything in tho Drinking Lino. ELLIS, Tbe Tinsmith and Stove Dealer, has removed to the 33 "VVcHt Onlc St., Hliciinuclonli, Where ho will bo pleased to meet all bis old as well as many now customers as possible. uoodwork; fair price. Rooting and Spouting neatly done. H. J, M'GUIRE'S Sporting and Musical Resort Second St., GIRARDVILLE. Best Wines, Liauors, Beers, Ales and finest Dranas ot uigars uwuyo uu uuuu, SALOON AND RESTAURANT 36 Kant Centre Street. The best beer, ales, porter, whiskies, brandies. wines ana Quest cigura uiwoya uu uauu, WM.IJ, EVANS, Prop. Wall Paper ana Window Shades AWAY DOWN PRICES! To closo out stock for tho season. When wo advertise bargains, wo mean it. ALL LATEST NOVELTIES BOOKS AND NEWSPAPERS :f. cr. pobtzs Nor Ui Slain Street. Hot Weather Bulletin. Ioc Oxotrtxy All Flavors, Soda Water, uro Fruit Flavors. Br ocicl, Oaltos. Confectionery, Etc "WILS03ST -V. OTTO 37 Soutli Blnln Street, jJ B. KISTLEK, M. D ' rnraioiAN and burgeon. Office 120 N. Jardln street, Shenandoah, Pa