The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 10, 1892, Image 3

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Col. H. Clay King's Sentence
,,,Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Lizzie Borden and Bridget Sul
livan Questioned.
ke and
'Both tlio method tnd results when
ISvrun of Fics ia takfi ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho tasto, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
ffijpiver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
la eflecturll';, dispels colds, head
isiches and fovjr.i and enrrs ha itual
Constipation. S'.'nm of Figs is the
?duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac
fcentablo to tho stomach, prompt in
Jits action and truly beneficial in its
VllfJUlO, JiUJIUli;U Ullll 11U1U LUU UiUSb
lir,1.1i, nnrl n,lln eil1a(nnnna i(o
w fevi onif jirnollntif minlifina tnmmonil ?f
to all and havo made it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Fig3 is for salo in 50c
nd $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druffeist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure itt promptly for any one who
wisuub iu iry iu o-o nut accept iiuy
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used In the
preparation of
tvhich ie absolutely
pitre and soluble.
It has more than three timet
I the etrenath of Cocoa mixed
with Starch. Arrowroot or
suar. uuu is xar luuro ecu
nomlcal, costing less than one cent a cup.
It Is delicious, nourishing, and easily
Sold by GrorersererjiTliers. .
yi, BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mais,
Beautiful book containing the latest vocal mu
sio, full sheet-rausio plates, handsome cover, In
ciuuing me iQiiowing gems, unaoriagea:
Afterwards, 40 I've Worked 8 Honrs, 40
y a i asi Asioep 4u i u msue ana wan, w
ndeT BO Love's Golden Dream 40
Mess Our Land & Old Orsan Blower,
1 mm
T Guard the Flag, 40 Over the Moonlit Sea, 40
I t in oia juauria, ee sweet jtaiie uonnor,
I liWary and John, 40 That is Lovo.
' Wo give this book to Introduce to you
A And KnoUT's Flavomnq Extbaots,
InrnsurpaisedforrURITYana STRENGTH
S Your grocer will give you a circular contain'
'Jng additional l'remium. List with full partlcu
;tars now 10 gei mem iree.
if ALBERT KRQUT, Chemist, Pkila,
Manufacturers of
pociefaj (f oodg
Of Every Description.
TFaas. Bnrfnes. Cans. Rnnnms. Rn.
M J ' I "-J
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited
ICO Q North Fourlh Rtm-l. l.ftoi. (i
dolphin. Tin ouh jihTitHun nfolo to oore vhar
IMC luimi juaiij Btiuursneu illj I all.
All effect nf Tfiutbfu) in lj,tr tin ftmiU Hload Pt
Jivulllt ltt'lli-i'( wurst cum 4 ui tiinju urei fruta mui la
ko lUilillB 1 w..nrt kIk i, i.r , tin rl Mi ml J nt. In atuni.
Efir 'iluoL Truth. exuodliij; mr f .nil ..( GmwkurT. IIM
uu irivmi iu i. Id, touDg auO. into lliffd, ntil thOM OftnUv
tUtixif oiarrikge. 1 IiuUrimihU l tu f. r M-icotiBo t'i
kulaattoutiniDouncebr Thtl iticr. uti .t ufull hj lfIaH.
tr. mmi curr( gum nmi uu tiia- eikf i hu i ihhi-hiki ui rvter-
0ay.TflBluex,O(ulO. SPKC'fAL IKl ILS fur duuooroi
'uiua only, B to T 30, Huiidny, 9 lo 12. Write or tU.
We. ititi uuflBntiuiied. were
entirely cared or rnpiureby
Hr. . I II Mavar kRl 1 rnli Ul
i ?fttladelDbla,.Pa.( h. JoneH Philips. Kennet
WflUre T. A. KrUz, tttatlagtou. Ph.:
aiUUDL A.LIO. l'LA KQV. H. If. Hhpr.
Imer. uviubury,iPa.; D. J. Dellett. 211 H. I2th
jtnu. ueaain. ra.: wm. uix, ibj Montrose 8t.
I Philadelphia; H.Ullowo, sol Kim Ht., Read.
Muauoii'inn, it. u. jvuwu ow Aim n,. ueaa
ing, Pa,; Ueorgeand Ph. Uuritart, 439 .Locust
ivmmuK, r, nuuu mr circular.
Act on & new principle
regulate the Uver,etomacli
luiu ooweis inrouan mi
tuna. Dr. Mais' I'nxs
tpudlly cure uUlousnesg,
torpid llvor and constipa
tion. Smallost, mildest,
fi&mnles free at druutdsts.
Dr. Bllei DtL Co., tlktut, laj.
201 N. Main St.. Shenandoah.
1 1.
lie Finest Stock of Beers. Ales. Ci?ars..4
.trer. or l.ur amu.., u. rulu .r ,kuT
cm, u.biutr, ul
iomm, u. ruiau r
full uv.cth, davti.niaa.i .
forUon f u. bod.f ' bln.l.,
aproTKnut ..
IflAO pr box, ObozM to $500. Wriiu.
'i.iia ...rr tn Do it., .quo r.'ixcM. lul u., ul
I'M UrV filuHuAL OO, J-klU4J,kU. r..
KoTinuhe ltilt tlmt Nntne One of the I'am-
ily Will lie Ar'rvitcil for the Murder--31
1.. Horilen Not Cluiely (juestloned
Ner-ons Stllte ilf tha Sm vunt. ,
Vm,. Rivfti, Muss., Aug. 10. Tho f ol-
uwiiiK Imlletm was Inst night given out
by Stats IJetectlro Seaver:
The iiitmest into the Harden murder
)efiu before Judge lilnlsdell at 10 n ra.,
District-Attorney Knowlton conducting
the investigation. Bridget Sullivan nnd
lizzie Borden were questioned separately.
The examination of neither was conclud-
d. llie inquest adjourned until 10 a. mi.
Wednesday. Nothing was developed for
This meagre report Is nil that Is given
out officially regarding the first day's pro
ceedings of tho inquiry.
First Bridget bullivnn, the servant
girl in the Borden family, was summoned
to tlie Central Police Station. She walked
down in compaiiy with nn officer nnd
talked quite freply on tho way.
She looked very much worried and was
quite pale as compared with her appear
ance last lliursuny luormug, wuen seen
ti . i. ... 1
Sho told the officer that it was very
hard to be watched so closely and to have
one s private nITairs torn to pieces, oho
was willing, however, to have the police
or any one else examine her every action
since the time she arose Thursday until
she was asked to go to tho Police Station
with the officer.
She did not care to talk very much
about the details of tho family relations.
Sho said that sho wanted to leave two or
three' times but she was urged to remain
by Mrs. Borden, of whom she spoke very
She was taken nt once into the Ulty
Marshall's presence and also Into the pres
ence of District Attorney Knowlton nnd
Medical Examiner Dolan. These men,
who with Judce Blalsdell and the two
detectives, are now handling the case, do
not .care to be quoted as having given any
opinion on the merits of the present state
of things, but they all agree that affairs
are at n critical point and action may be
taken at once.
Miss Sulllvnn was brought before tho
men to undergo a thorough examination
as to the facts before and nfter tho mur
ders as far as she knew them.
While the servant was in the court
room locked up with the omcers, air.
Morse was walking along through Main
street nnd down to tho banks closely fol
lowed by an officer.
. Miss Lizzie Uorden was urougut to tne
Central Police station in the afternoon in
a hack containing Marshal Hilliard, Offi
cer Harrington nnd Mrs. James W. Bing
Miss Borden was served with a subpoe
na summoning her to attend at an in
quiry at the Second District Court, to de
termine the cause of tho death ot nor
father and mother.
Mrs. Bingham was visiting Miss Borden
and consented to accompany her nt tho
request and consent of Marshal Hil
liard. The stopping of the carriage at tho Bor
den homestead was followed by the gath
ering of a great crowd. As Miss Borden
stepped in the people surged forward and
caused lively work for the policeman in
keeping them back.
The drive to tho station was very rapid,
and was through crowds of people on both
sidewalks. At the police station this
crowd was greatly augmented and the
police court alley was filled with curious
business men 'and loiterers.
Miss Bordonwas conducted through the
guard room on iho second floor where the
court sits. She was dressed in a well-fitting
suit of black covered with lace. She
paid no attention to tho persons around
her. Her face looked worn and worr;d.
Miss Borden was not examined very
closely nt yesterday's proceedings.
The analysis o the stomachs has not
been completed yet, nnd probably will not
bo for several days longer. It is tnid
that Dr. Wood wa3 called hero to assist,
If possible, in giving some information
which would justify tho officials iu serv
ing warrants. At tho present timo the
officers are in great doubt about how to
proceed. An officer, who is very close to
the head of the department, said this
morning, that be'had no doubt of the
ultimate urrest of some one in tho family,
but which one ho would not or could not
After tho adjournment of the investiga
tion Mlw Borden was taken in n carriage
to her home on Second street, accom
panied by Mrs. Bingham and City Mur
ihal Ilillifinl. The servant icirl will not
be returned to sleep in the Borden bouse
again. Her nerves are completely shat
tered. l!rlii Suit for Cruel Treutment.
Scraktow, l'a., Aug. 10. James Casey,
for sevan mouths an inmate of the Lacka
wanna Hospital, has nntcred suit against
that tnatitniiton, iu medical stall and
trustees, claiming $20,000 damages for
alleged cruel treatment. He also makes
affidavit that other patients were bar
barously treated hv the attendants und
claims that a Polander brought there for
treatment of n broken log became fren
sied with pain, and the male attendant.
111 endeavoring to buIbUiu him, choked
him so mat no uiea in 'JU niinutoj.
Death of h Mold Cure Patient.
Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 10. Austin
Madigun, a hack driver of Niagara Falls,
died very suddenly during the night.
Just previous to his death he stopped a
dog light in front of his house, and Im
mediately afterward weut to a closet and
tore the door off, and when his wife tried
to quiet hint lie-tore her dress badly. He
appeared to bo In a highly nervous btato,
Ho was a "gold ouro" patient.
Fullrd tu Prtiduce ltaln.
Council Gupvb. Kan., Aug. 10. The
Qoodland AVtlfioJal ltaln Company hav
ing fulled to produce an inch of rain ovor
nn area of 25 square miles in four days,
as per contract, qplokly slipped away
with their uppnratus. At no time during
their opeiations yras there u cloud of uny
description seen.
No Pardon for fair's.
TllENTOU, N. J., Aug, JO', The Court
of Pardons met yesterday but took no no
tion in the case of Alden Fales, the boy
murderer of Newark. This was due to
the action of tales' counsel In remqviii(j
me case 10 vue uuueu states uourt.
Tha Quneo'i Speech Mend In Until Ilnmel
Londo.v, Aug. 9. The organization ol
tho new House of Commons having been
completed the members wero summoned
yesterday to the House ot Lords, where
tho Queen's speech opening the session of
tho 25th Imperial Parliament of Queen
Victoria was read Tho address is as f ol
lowsi "Wo have to inform you by command o(
Her Majesty thnt the present Parliament
has been nssembled in obedience to the
terms of Her Mnjesty's proclamation of
June 28, 1892, by which tho late Parlia
ment was dissolved. Previous to that
dissolution tho business of the session
was completed, and it is, therefore, not
necessary that Parliament continue in
session at an unusual period of tho year
for the transaction of financial or legisla
tive business.
"It is Her Mnjesty's hope that when you
meet again, at the customary season, you
will again direct your attention to meas
ures of social and domestic improvement
in the path of useful and beneficent legis
lation. which has been so judiciously
followed in previous sessions."
No vote was taken on Mr. Asquith's
amendment that confidence was not re
posed in the present advisors of Her
Keir Hardie, the labor member, who has
been making himself conspicuous by his
oddities ot dress and behavior, was less
obtrusive, as he is beginning to compre
hend that his queer conduct has aroused
general disgust, instead of the admlra-:
tion he anticipated. Other labor mem
bers avoid him, and if he had any chance
of exercising any influence, it is utterly
BOn.?' i a.i jm i . , i
The Conservatives did not appear nt nil
npsnohilent. Thv flrpi nrpnnrine fnr An
earnest struggle, and mean rather to force
the fighting. The Liberals, on tho other
hand, prefer to do ns little talking as pos-
ble, and push the work as rapidly as they
U euther llepurc 1
. , ,
WAsnwoTOs, I). C Aug. 10. -For Hostern
New York, Eastern Pennsylvania and Now
jereey; l ull, iuuuiiuij' jJinnunu tmutYBrsi,
warmer, southwesterly wind.
1'or Western Nc York nnd Western Penn
sylvania: Fair, followed by showers, cooler,
southerly wind.
Vor New England: Generally fain show
era, warm en southerly winds.
Nrw York. Aug 0. Money jn oall easy
atlJ4a2por otm.
bomjs otxistxo pmons.
U.S. 2s. r , mo
U.S. 4s, r null
U.S. is, c ,., noji
' btOOKs clom'no.' '
Delaware Jt Hudson 138M
Ilo.uware. Liiciiuwunnai Western 137
trie Sb
brie uretcrroa uh
ljlko Shore l:HH
Now Jei-buy Central l.'lUVi
lteadlng UOiX
AVustern Union ,. UOM
New YorkOontral 113
ailXlH MAItKEt.
VTheut No. 2. nid winter. fi4W: Julv. 83
Aug, 8t4: Sept.. MX.
Com No. 2. uilxou, 03M: July, 50i: Aug
5!)Xi Sept., 00.
uaift'io. mixua. oujti uuue, ou; July.
354. Aug.. 39)1.
Creamery. State 1c Penn.. extras 23 o.a23ta
Crcamory, western, hrsta ..21 c.a22 o
Creamery, western, ouconus IU c.u20 o
btuto dairy, li.f. tubs, extras 18 cult) a
State taotory, full cream, (atiov,. nticaOcJi
BUte actory. full treuin, nno 8)40.4 n
State ruciury, uummou to tuir 7 c.;i 7j;o
State and Penn. now laid. choloclSlcu 19a
Soutlisrn, new laid, fuirto goou.. o-amia
Western, now laid, prime 17i4o.al7'Jo
Duck eggs. Mary Willi, per uozen...lti 0.11
Tho breath comes slow, tho pulso is taint, the
voice is no more heard,
Mortality, Is floating by on waters faintly
A life bangs In tho balance of coasoless, sway
ing time,
Eternity npproaohos with step and mien sub
lime. A world of ors and sorrows Is slowly passing
Hands held In farewell pressure, await the
word good-by,
A fount ot tears runs over, wbsre brooding
llenoe reigns,
A mortal lifo is ending its earthly Joys and
A rustle light of drapery, & hastily drawn sigh,
A life on earth is ended a soul goes floating by,
Out on a sea that opens upon a world unknown,
To which tho Journey thither must cvor be
Clark W. Ilryan, in Good Housekeeping.
He SHU Loved Her.
"Do you lovo me stlllf" asked the sweet young
Aa she stood by her husband's chair.
"X don't," he said, and a shadow dark
Crept over her forehead fair.
"No, I'm certain 1 do not love you stllli
If tho reason you wish to know, '
It is that 1 lovo to hear your voice
As around the house you go.
f I lovo to hear your rippling laugh,
As sweet as u songbird's trill,
And I love you better than over I did.
Hut I do not lovo you mm."
-N, Y. Press.
In Childish Days.
In f ajvoff,chi),dW days, when tender care
And mother-love were all the world I knew
Except tha one a baby's fancy drew,
Peopled by dreams, by visions quaint and fair
I thought, when I a woman's garb should wear.
My mother, playing In life's dawn anew.
Would be my child) whoso pathway I
would strew
With Joyss far whom all burdens bear.
I held her in my arms a little while;
A child she was, as helpless ub st birth,
A child too weary for the Jar of earth.
It was my Joy to win her Besting amllei
Oh, soon there fell a silence, breathless,
deep 1
Uy arms are empty, she Is fast asleep.
Mary T. Earls, la N. E. Usgaslaa,
The rhlllles Acnln Down the GinnL
Hrooklyilfl Alio
Philadelphia 0; Now York, 5.
BatterlesWoyhtngand Cross; Crane, King,
MoMabon and O'itonrke,
Plttsburir, IS: St. Louis. 1. "
Hntterles Kb ret and Miller. Ilawko and
Baltimore, 3: Brooklyn, 2.
Batteries -- MoMnhon and Itoblnson; Ken
nedy and Klnslow.
Washington, 8; Ilcwton, 3.
Batteries Abbey and JlcQuiro: Nichols and
Chicago, 0; Louisville, f.
Batteries Oumbert nnd Ktttridse; Banders
and Grim.
Clovelnnd, 8; Cincinnati. 6.
Batteries -- Young nnd Zlmmer i
Vaughn and Harrington.
Standing of the Clubs.
Won fit Ct
Cleveland. .15 0 .714
noston 14 7 .007
Brooklyn...l3 0 .Sfll
Vhllodol'a.. 12 0 .571
Now York..ll 0 .530
Ualtlmoro..U 10 .324
Wan foil C.
Chicago...., 10 11 .470
Pittsnlinr... 0 11
Cincinnati.. 12
Washinir'n.. 9 13
Ioutsvnio.. 7 14
St Louis.... U 15
.4 OB
chiet Justlca Turney was nominated
for Governor o Tennesseo by the Demc-
u ye3terday nt Neville.
J J '
Patrick Farrell, of Swampscott, Mass.,
died of hydrophobia yesterday. He was j
bitten by a rabid dog on May 13.
The Hon. James C. Normile, Judge of
Criminal Court. St. Louis, committed sul-
clde nt his residence in that city yes-
One more death and two new cases of
srnnilpOX wero reported yesterday at tho
Bureau of Contagious Diseases in New
York CltV
Henry Rudy was fatally and Frank
Hart seriously injured by the collnpse of
the floor of a new building in Lancas
ter, Pa., yesterday. 1
Charles M. Howe, a real estate broker
of Buffalo, N. Y., has gone to Canada,
leaving unpaid judgments against him o 1
several thousand dollars.
Gen. James W. Denver, of Wilmington, '
O., died last ovening in Washington, af
ter an illness of three days, from blood
poisoning. He was 75 years old.
Four alleged Garza revolutionists were
arrested near Rio Grande City, Tex., Mon
day. They are Juan Garza, Vicenta Far
cin, Felipe Salines and Catend Lizondo,
Mexican ranchers. j
Yesterday was nearly as uncomforta
ble in New York city as any of the days
of the hot spell in July. At noon the
thermometer stood at 80, whilo the hu
midity was as 00.
The American schooner Belle Bartlett,
has been seized at Port Hawksbury, N.
S,, charged with violation of the customs
laws in 1800 at Shipegan while under
command of another master.
Tho cruiser Boston will Join tha
Charleston at San Francisco and convey
a battalion of the Paclfio coast naval re
serve to Santa Cruz, Cal., for practice,in
steud of, as was expected, going to Hono
lulu. While working on the rock at tho quar
ries of H. H. Swoope at Mapleton, Va., a
premature fall of rock occurred burying
Bnmuel Bell and Beveral other workmen.
Boll was instantly killed, but the others
Coinngo was executed at United States
mints during tho month of July ns fol
lows: Gold, 85,000 pieces of the value of
$1,-110,000: silver, 1,012,000 pieces of tho
value of $500,000; minor coin, 1,000,000
pieces of the value of $10,000.
A gang of tramps raided six dwelling
atMaytown, Lancaster county, Pa., Mon
day night. Jacob Heistavs fired upon
three of them and two were wounded.
The villagers pursued the tramps to tha
Susquehanna river, where the latter as.
caped by swimming.
Edward and Willie Bennett, aged 7 and
10 years, were drowned near Trenton, N.
J., yesterday afternoon. The younger
one stumbled Into a pond and Willie
dove into the water to rescue him. Both
sank before their father, who was on tho
other side ot the pond, oauld reach them.
Austin Ii. Smith, an ex-civil con
stable, and Charles Bingham, both of
Boston, are under arrest charged wltu
swindling the Oonvoyancer's Title Insur
ance Company ot that city out of $7,500.
They secured tho money by getting an
unknown woman to personate a Miss
Mury A. Hayden, a property owner, nnd
forging her name to u mortgage and a
My drctor yi It aif jMiUy on the r to ranch,
1w or and Ic uiirHi, . n l i- n auiapi Ifutatlvr- XhU
All ilrUifflsLl .edit ULUJ.
anil f l.uj perpuckuifu.
'my oue unlay Lane's I umllr
doves the llowels each day. In
oracr (a bo
n althy, tuts is nf ccsaary.
mww& RE
Condemned in Onn Who Has Allowed a.
Wonuot'N Trurfl lo Swerve lllm Front
Dtltr A llrotlmi-nf IIih Murderml Law
yer tli.l Firttt to lteeetve tlio News.
MEMPrrre, Tenn., Aug. 10. Col. Henry
Clay King, wlic was to have been hanged
011 Friday next for the murder of Lawyer
I'oitou In connection with the scandal of
Ool. King and the widow of Gen. Pillow,
has iwcaped the gallows. Gov. Buchanan
lias commuted his sentence to imprison
nieut for life.
Great procure of all kinds has been
brouaht to bear on the Governor to spare
the lite of the eminent lawyer and gallant
oidier, and lie finally yielded. Theuews
wos a surprise to Col. King.
He expected to be hanged and despaired
of tho snecew of tile efforts that wero be
ing made' to save liiin. Of late he bus
been more cheerful.
Strangely enough, the first news of the
commutation was received in this city
by Frank PostOu. the brother of the mur
dered man. At 8:15 he received a telo
gram, which ran ns follows:
"I have commuted King's senteuco to
imprisonment for life.
"J. B. Buchanan."
Tho reason that tho Governor so
promptly notified Mr. Postou was that
the hitter had telegraphed to him that ho
would go to Nashville to-day, and the
Governor wished to save him a useless
journey. '
Mr. Boston was terribly taken aback,
Th'fe Governor had allowed matters to
proceed 60 far without giving any notice
of Ids intentions that the Postons felt as
sured that the sentence would be carried
out and their brother's murder avenged.
Mr. Poston at once carried the news to
the "Appeal-Avalanche" ami expressed
himself in a most bitter manner against
the Governor, saying at the same time
that his action wns a license to every man
to buckle on his six-shooter and go to kill
ing bis enemies, with the assurance that
he would not be hanged for it.
A reporter nt once rushed off to the Jail
hoping to be the flrbt to carry the news to
the :ml. iho prisoner has steadily de
clined to see reporters.
Hatiiiton ' m. the prisoner's son, had
received the ;il-ws by telegrapli from his
mother about the same time thnt Frank
Poston did.
Haughton got in the same car with the
reporter, nnd it vt-as he who carried the
news to his fnther.
Col. King had donned his nightgown
when Haughton was admitted to his cell.
The Colonel did not faint or jump for
joy. He preserved his equilibrium very
well, but gnve a sigli of relief.
When the news was heard on the streets
Gov. Buchanan was almost universally
condemned as a weak sentimentalist, who
had allowed a woman's tears and prayers
to swerve mm trom tits duty.
Grievance,, of 13nip!ayos of the llerwlud
White Mlnlnff Company.
Hootzdalb, Pa., Aug. 10. The two
thousand employes hero of the Benvind
Wliite Mining Co. quit work yesterday
and attended a mass meeting, at which a
paper setting forth their grievances was
drawn up and submitted to tho company.
The requests deal with tho better regu
lation ot the check weighmnn system and
an increase in mining of low grade coal.
The men have agreed to stay at work un
til Sept. 1.
The "Wage Earners' Journal," the offi
cial organ of tho Miners' Association,
practically advises a strike by calling on
the men to thoroughly organize and
fctand iirm for their rights.
To judge from present appearances a
strike in the entire district on or about
Sept. 1 seems inevitable
A striko at that time would be hard
on tho Berwind-White Company, as it
has just booked an order from the New
York Central railroad for 2,500,000 tons
of coal.
Mr. Borwind says he does not believo
there will bo any trouble, but if there
should bo it will bo firmly met.
l'orepuugli's Tut Wrecked hy a Storm.
Coiioes, N. Y., Aug. 10, About
4:20 o'clock yesterday nftenioon a cyclo
nic storm, preceded by a slight rain and
a dead calm, swept down upon this vicin
ity. Forepaugh's circus, which was giv
ing an exhibition, suffered severely. The
big tent and nil the other tents were
lifted from the poles and torn into shreds,
nothing larger than two feet of canvass
being left whole. The performance had
just concluded and the spectators dis
persed. Had the storm struck the tents
a few minutes earlier the loss of life
would have undoubtedly been frightful.
The loss on the canvass is $25,000 and on
goods $0,000. .
Th Discriminating Owmuliaii Canal Toll.
Washington, Aug. 10. Representatives
from the various lake ports of the United
States, including Duluth, Cleveland, Os
wego and Ogdensburg, were in conference
v ith the Secretary of State yesterday re
specting the terms in which the procla
mation of the President should be issued
under the joint resolution ot Congress
telative to the discriminating Canadian
canal toll, should it become necessary to
issue the proclamation by reason of the
failure of the Canadian government to
relieve American commerce from suou
Don't llelleve Head Committed Suicide.
PiTTSBuno, Aug. 9. The Coroner of
this county is of the belief that Martin
Heed, the escaped murderer, who killed
Deputy Sheriff Coyle last Saturday night
at Noblustown, did not commit suicide,
but wns killed by a shot fired from out
side the ice house In which ho wns hiding.
Fully 100 shots were fired at Heed
thtough the board partition. The Coro
ner is investigating. No one has, as yet,
claimed Reed's body.
Contract Labor Luw Violation.
Bobton, Aug. 10. John II. Wilson, of
the firm of Wilson Brothers, jewelers,
Tremout Row, is under arrest, charged
with violating the contract labor law.
It is alleged that tho defendant imported
trom Cunada, Ferdinand La Belle and J.
P. Mounier, watchmakers, who work
for the defendant's firm fur small nay
and long hours. Wilson is "icld m $2,000
(or trial.
A Handsome Polish.
1 cent a foot
ffi will pay for changing tho np-.
pearaneo of old Furniture so
completely that ltwill look like new.
i Good all the time. It removes
1 the languor of morning, sus-
t tains the energies of noon, lulls j
1 the weariness of night.
1 delicious, sparkling, appetizing:.
Don't be deceived If a dealer, for the lake .
of lareer vrofit. tells you some other kind '
Is "just as good "'tis false. No imitation
is as gooa as tne genuine hires .
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chappod Bands, Wounds, Burns, Etc
EemovoB and Provents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watet
The success of tlds Great Couch Cure b
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos.
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc
cessfully stand. That it may become known,
the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home
in the Uniled States and Canada. If you have
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
it will cure you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, nnd rehet
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for
SHlLOirS CURE, Price 10 ctt., 50 cts. and
$1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame,
use bhiloh's l'orous i'iaster, 1 nee 25 cts.
For sale by C. H. Hagenbucb.
For over two years my little girl'g life
was made miserable by a case of Catarrh.
The discharge from tne nose was large,
constant and very offensive. Her eyes
became inflamed, the lids swollen and
very painful. After trying various reme
dies, I gave herKSRffBH The first bot
tle seemed to KHg7g aggravate the
disease, but the symptoms soon abated,
and in a short time she was cured.
Dr. L. B, Bitciiey, Mackey, Ind.
Oar book on Blood and Rkln DUeaMs mailed
free. 8nn Srncino Co., Atlanta, Gu.
33 rt. SAN33EN'S
Will cat wither, tq4els st! tieilMts rtittltlnf trtm
TrUltlloD of trtn, arv f4re, ituiiH or indWeritie
a lamsl cxbftUMloo, drsloi, luhet, otrrou dtbliilr, )
UiuiaM. Uogiior. tbeutnuUm. kUnt, Uvtr tad bitdder eaia
plain U, ui& tack, IptbB;i, teUtio. iBfia( lll-liJih, ta
This rUetrlc bit coduIdi WVJrful f.rtmnU o?r aft
Ihtri. sad glrci . ourrvnl thtlta IbiUdiIj fall bj ibt WMrtf
erwt forfait f ft,O0MMh a't IU fur til of tba bov dim
aaarQT, TjLouuvaa !) beu cured ly thla mint Una
iDTtoUbtvitar alt ottatr reiatdlcv failed, and w(rf ass
dndaof Uttmoolali In tfalaajid everr ihcr atata.
Oar MWftfal Improfd ILtnitlV hlaPhlbORT U tt
(raatail boon artr oHf rad waak wan, I KICK W I . II ALL BUT a.
lUaltk aad Vlftruaa tlrtk I.VA1U ntU la 61) U Q
DAIB. Band far larf llutratad (anpbtalJi, tsaJad, Ctm
j mall, Iddraaa
fiivcvxsaxv laijMOTnia oo,.
No.OlO Broadway, NEW YORlfie