The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 09, 1892, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
S. O. HOYEJI, Editor and I'ubltaher.
1PJT. .1. WATKINS, Loeal Editor.
27ijn Elf. ,VG HERALD hat a larger cir
culation in ahenandonh than any other paper
publithed, llookt open to all.
Daily, per yeftr,...............-.. . J3 00
Weekly, tier year - 1 60
Entered at trie Postottlce, at Shenandoah, Fa,
for transmission through the mails
as Hoennd class mall matter.
Republican Stato Ticket.
County Ticket.
Thousands of Immigrants come to
the United States every year.
Why, do you think they come here;?
In order to earn starvation wages, to
be deprived of their earnings by "Tnr-ia-monopolUt,"
to be taxed for tho
beneiltof the "robber barons ? "
No, they como hero btcauso exper
ienceathome, under the Blavery of
tho Europeau wage-system, has
taught them that only in this country
of hluh wacea and prosperity, of
contentment and Protection, is tho
laborer worthy of his hire.
Only in this land of "taxes" has he
an adequate scope for the exercise of
the faculties with which nature has
blessed him, only here cau he own
bis own home, furnish It in comfort
and educate his children to be good
and patriotic citizens.
Immigration Is thus the best possi
bio tribute to tho benefits of Protect
ion, a mute but eloquent index of
American Progress under the Amer
Can system.
Immigrants did not flock here In
Freo-Trade periods. They remained
In their own countries, because the
pauper staudurd of wages which Free'
Trade entails was not a sufficiently
strong Inducement to bring them
here. Pauper wages can be earned
just as well at home as abroad.
But when Protection ugaiu tri
umphed, when our mills ami factories
again hummed with life anil action
when plenty again blessed the laud
then the masses of Europe again
knocked at our doors and asked us to
share with them our abundance.
Immigration we do not advocate,
Restrict it, if you please, prohibit it If
you can. But never lose sight of th
fact that immigration would not
trouble us If we wero poor.
"When Free-Trade begins the gates
of Castle Garden will awing outward
Instead of inward. Under that system
Immigration stops. Emigration takes
Its place.
A aiQANTio wall paper trust, with
n capital of 120,000,000, has been form'
ed, officers elected and everything
ready to start the business under tho
new arrangement. The capital is said
to be about 05 per cent, of the entire
capital invested in the business in tho
United States.
The New York Sun, Democratic,
says "Homo of our weaker niluded
Democratic brethren seem to be under
the impression that the Homestead
aflalr is going to help the Democratic
ticket. How? None of them cau
tell. Just to the extent that sedition
murder and lawbreaklng have been
encouraged and applauded by pre
tended Democratic newspapers like
the World, and pretended Democrat lo
leaders like Senator Palmer, and their
expressions shall bo accepted as
Democratic utterances, the Homestead
affair will Injure the Democracy.
"The Idea that men engaged In the
ellort to run the Carnegie mills by
violence are going to turn in for tho
Democratic ticket, because the pro
prietors refuse to surrender the control
of their property, is too preposterous
to talk about."
Next year the discovery of Amer
ica will be celebrated in every way that
patriotism cau invent. Not only are
wo to be furnished with a special Issue
of half-dollars by tho Treasury, com-
memoratlug the event, but tho Post-
Office Department also has decided to
sell a complete set of jublleo postage
tamps during the year of 1893. The
stamps will have appropriate engrav
ings, and the only portrait to appear on
them will be that of CUiistopher
la the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. l'aul
Jl'y, August SO, und September 37.
Where the grasses aro kissed by the wand'ring
And o.n field urn rich with the eolden cram:
Whero the schooner ploughs through the
prairie seas, . ,
Tn Itn rinatlnml nnrt on tho western Plain;
Whero homes may never bo sought in vain.
And hope Is tho thriftiest plant that grows;
Whero man may over his rights maintain.
And land is as ireo as me winu iaai uiuna.
For lurther particulars apply to tho
nearest ticket agont, or address John It.
Pott. District Passenger Af?cnt, 480 Will
iam Street, "Willlamsport, Pa. tf
A Sunset
On Great Salt Lake Is but ono of tho match
less spectacles to be seen In Utah. A now
book "Utah, a Peep into a Mountain Walled
Treasury of the Gods," Is now Issued andjean
be had postpaid by sending 25 cents Jto J. H.
Dennett, salt Lake City. It Is oxpectcd that
tho Knights Templar and others visiting
Colorado tho coming season will -extend tholr
trip to Utah, via tho Rio Grande Western
Itallroad In both directions. That road affords
cholco of three distinct routes and tho most
magnificent scenery In tho world, Equipment
uneoualed In the West. Two trains daily
across tho continent. tf
A Littlo Girl's Experience In a
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Treecott aro koepors
of tht) (jov. IilKhtl'Ouso at band Jleach,
Mich., and aro blessod with a daughter,foti
years old. Last April sha wa9 taken dom
with Measles, followed with a aroaC.JI
eoURh and turning into a Fovor. Doctors
at homo nnd at Detroit treated her, but in
vain, oho crow worso rapidly, until Bho was
tnero "handful of bones." Thon Bho
tried Dr. King'B Now Discovery and after
tho uso of two and a half bottles, was com
plotoly curod. Thoy say Dr. King s Now
Discovory is worth its weight in gold, yet
you may got a trial bottle free at (J. JI,
Ilagonbuch's drug store.
The Switchback.
Trains will leave tho Hwltchback depot,
Mauch Chunk, as follows : 8,40, 10.10. 11.37 a. m.
and 1.00, 3.20, 3.45. 5.35 p. in. On Sundays, 1.60
and 3.25 p. m. Leavo Summit Hill: 9.40, 11.10,
a. m. and 12.35, 1.50, 3 20, 4.35, 0.15 p.m. bun
days, 3.25 and 4.00 p. m.
Tho land of sunshine and flowers rich also
In mineral and agricultural resourcos la host
reached by the Itlo Grande Western Railway.
Seo that your excursion tickets read both ways
via that road, which offers cholco of three
distinot routes and the most magnificent rail
road sccnory In the world. Send 25o to J. II.
Dennett, Salt Lako City, for copy of Illustrated
book, "Utah, a Peep Into tho Mountain Walled
Treasury of the GodB." tf
A Groat Stock.
Flvo thousand novels, the latest and beet
issued, selling at 25 conts other places, for
saloat Max Koose's for 10 cents. The
finest playing cards in the market 5 conts
per pack.
A Visit to the West,
Could riot bo made ut a better time than
now. Ask Nicklfl Plate neents fur rates.
Will Itow nt Ontario Hindi.
Rochester, N. Y Auk. 0. There U
every probability thut Haitian and O'Con
nor Mini lIuHincr and Guudaur will row at
Ontario Iteacli on or about August 27 for
the international double scull champion-
snip. Arrangements aro now being
pUHheil. Ned Haitian Is expected bore
himself to-morrow.
New Yurie Cltj's Nw Apportionment.
Nbw York, Aug. 0. Tho Police Com
mhslonerH Uavo laid out the city's elec
tion districts under the now apportion
ment, despite the fact that Judge Itum-
eey says it is unconstitutional. Under
this now arrnngitiuui't the districts n urn
ber 1,1137, as nuaiitBt 487 heretofore.
The plague of breaking lamp
chimneys is abroad in the land.
mere are two sons oi cninv
nevs: brittle and toucrh. Ninety.
nine in a hundred are brittle.
The worst are imported from
Germany. The best are Mac-
Two sorts as to workman
ship; fine and coarse. The
fine are Macbeth's "Pearl-top"
and " Pearl-crlass. Tho coarse
are rouo-h and out of urc-DOr-
tion; misfits and misshapen:
they do not make a good
draft: thev smoke.
Two sorts as to glass ; trans
parent and gray. "Pearl-top
and " Pearl-glass" are clear, fine
and tough not tough against
accident tough against heat.
Call for "Pearl-top" or
"Pearl-glass" chimneys.
TitUbunrh.r, On, A. Kacjutr 09.
Clews Followed Only to Come
to Naught.
An IiHitieat Will Probably l,o Mold This
Week Emma nml Lizzie Ilorclnu J'rni-trnli-il
The Clothing or the VlutlliH Due
Up and Kxmnlnetl.
Falt. RiVEn, Mass., Au3. 9. The
daughters of the murdered Mr. and Mrs.
Iiorden nro beginning to realize tho nw
fulnesn of tho suspicion resting upon Miss
Llzzio nnd cannot control their feelings.
The inmates of tho house nro all suffering
from nervous prostration, Tho police aro
no nearer to a Kolutiou of the crime than
they were Inst week. It seems as if this
wero one of those mysterious murders
destined never to bo cleared up.
Tho clothes worn by the victims, nnd
which were burled in the yard, were dug
up yesterday afternoon nnd spread out on
the grass for tho Inspection of Modlcnl
Examiner Dolnn. Ho picked from several
parts of the clothes a quantity of hair
from Mrs. Borden's bead, which ho placed
in two lots and took it with him to Ms
He would say nothing as to tho cause
of resurrecting tho clothing, but after
making his examination he ordered It to
be placed in a shoe case nnd burled four
feet below the surface of the lot.
Yestcrdny's prolonged senrch did not
result in any clews, nor did the ofllcers at
the conclusion feel that there was any
cause for expecting mora developments.
Portions of the chimney were dug away
by a mason and the barn floor was torn
up. Marshnl Hllllnrd said the search
was of value, In showing that whoever
the assassin was his tracks were com
pletely covered from view.
To-day the police havo been at fover
heat and havo succeeded iu running down
seven out of nine clews.
Dr. Dolnn will probably ask for an in
quest during the week, as soon as he has
an opportunity to formulate a complaint.
Tho theory that tho murder was commit
ted by a man who was seen sitting on tho
garden fence half an hour before the mur
der was discovered has been exploded.
Thu Statement That It Will Ilnpeilo tho Is
suance of Klrctlntl Notlu8 Ulrtlctlleil
Albany, Aug. 0. Secretary of State
Rico ami bis assistants ridlculo tho idea
that the decision of Judge Kumsey ol
Rochester will impede tho issue ol
notices to County Sheriffs or County
Judges that the terms of office of Assem
blymen expire nnd that such now ones
shall bo elected.
The situation so far as that office is con
cerned is contained iu the following
"In only one county has the Hoard of
Supervisors refused to apportion accord
ing to tho new law, and that is Monroe.
A notice will bo served upon Monroo
county that tho term of office of threo
Assemblymen expire nnd must be filled.
"Now if tho apportionment is declared
void and wo go back to tho old ono tho
notlco will remain good, for the old appor
tionment also calls for threo Assembly
"In other counties whero tho chnnges
have been made tho Secretary of State
will Issue notices In accordance with tho
action of tho Boards of Supervisors.
"The Secretary of Stato has nothing to
do with tho boundaries."
Cannot Do Considered it Seizure,
Washington, Aug. 0. Tho views of
State Department officials most familiar
with tho Samoan troubles of the past con
tinues to bo that the occupancy of tho
harbor of Pago Pago by Great Britain as
a coaling stntlon cannot be considered as
a seizure. Uno of theso ofllclals said to
day: "It Is not necessary for England to
scizo tho harbor In ordor to establish a
coaling station. Under treaty stlpula
tlons England has a right to locnto t
naval depot wherever she pleases on i
Samoau shore."
Charges Attulnet uu luapectnr.
Washinoton, Aug. 0. Charges have
just been filed at the Tronsury Depart
ment against Ueorgo Jnkc, appointed on
Saturday by Secretary Foster, an lmml
grant inspector, in place of Mr. Evans,
who was removed because no was not
citizen. Mr. Cake was appointed at tho
instance of the Ulass .Manufacturers As
sociation of Pennsylvania, nnd the charge
preferred 1 that ho has duplicate wives
in Pittsburg and New York. Acting
secretary Nettleton has Instituted nu in
Mora Couiplnlnts from Nnvnssa.
Washikoton, Aug. 0, Complaints still
oontiuue to be received at the State Depart
ment of the inhuman treatment of the
men at work iu the guano works in tho
island of NavaMn. 1 he Xeanwrge, which
1 now on her way to Honduras, ha there
fore been ordered by Acting Secretary
Soley to stop there and her commander,
A. S. Crowninshiehl, has been directed to
mnko a thorough Investigation into tho
treatment of the men, how fed, clothed,
Unconfirmed Nominations.
Washinoton, Aug. 0. The three noml
nations which were left unacted upon as
the bennto adjourned, and which accord
ingly wero virtually rejected were Geo.
W. Miller, to be Collector of Internal
Revenue for the 23d District of Pennsyl
vania; James Hill, postmaster at Vicks
burg, Miss., and Edward J. Day, of Mo
nett, Mo., postmaster.
Adlal Stovemnn In Intllnuapnlli.
Indianapolis, AUe. 0. Hon. nnd
Mrs. Adlal Stevenson have arrived here
from Louisville. Mr. Btevunson has
business here that will keep him for
several days. Just when ho will leave
and where lie will go from here have not
been delinltely determined.
II r. Whltefleld's Succmnr,
Washington, Aug. 0. The name of
Marshall Cushlng, private secretary to
Postmaster-General Wanamalcer, Is prom
inently mentioned as a probable successor
to First Asslstaut Postmaster-CJeneral
White field, who is soon to retire.
Jto Comproraf Ik Iron Hull Case,
Indianapolis, Indi, Aug. 0. The efforts
to compromise the Iron Hall litigation
hT proved fruitless and negotiation
hve been broken off. Th cos will
to. uu Thursday naxt. ,
To Their Industry nnd Knterprlsn Wo Om
It was to tho Arabs and tho Jews that
wo probably owo tho discovery of Amer
ica. ' From tlicra tho Spaninrds and
Portuguese learned all that thoy know
of civilization. Tho Arabs from the
ninth to tho" twelfth century wero the
rulers of tho sea, tho founders of
European commerce. Etlrlsl, the Arab
historian, describes tho harbors of
Almcria, In Spain, filled with
the ships of tho East and of Lisbon
(Eschbona), tho center of wealth and
trade. Two Jlohnmmednn travelers, or
onu, who visited China In tho ninth cen
tury, found its ports frequented, by the
vessels of their countrymen, who sailed
around tho coasts of India. Edrisi,
again, describes tho China seas un
known to Oreolc nnd Romans, and tho
Chinese ships as the finest of their kind.
Tho ntlvcnturous Arab Bailors were
found on every sea. It is from them
that Portugal and Spain learned tho
art of ship-buildiniLr, as most of the
other hi-ts. In 1400 tho Spaniards every
where clothed in Arab dress, Imitating
tho Arab manners, ruling- Arab horses,
and tho kings surrounded by Arab
guards. Splendid Cordova and match
less Granada still ruled tho taste of the
peninsula. Even tho chief terms of
business anil of naval affairs, of
police nnd finance, tho Spaniards bor
rowed from tho Arabs. Tho maravodl,
an Arab coin, was used in the time
of Columbus to express all their mon
eyed transactions. It was nt Lisbon
that Columbus first planned his voyage,
liut long before, when Lisbon was a
nourishing Arab city, intelligent ami
splendid, Edrlsl relates that an expedi
tion was sent out from Its port to ex
plore tho dark and unknown ocean.
Tho commanders wero brothers known
as tho AlraagTurlns, or tho Wandering
Brothers. They must havo set sail be
fore tho year 1150. Thoy crossed
the Atlantic, it Is said, visited un
known Islands, and discovered new
lands. After a weary voyage of many
months they returned In safety. A
street was named after them In Moorish,
Lisbon, called the street of tho Alma
grurins. Possibly the attempt might
havo been renewed, and a Moorish city
night have sprung up in Cuba or Ilis
paniola, nt Philadelphia or Now York.
Hut wxm tho conquering Christians took
Lisbon, and checked its ndvanco in
knowledge. For many centuries it was
given up to war and chivalry. At length
it revived the Moorish instincts ot trade
and commerce. Lisbon became the cen
ter of discovery, and Columbus learned
in IU. traditions, perhaps, tho story of
tho Almttgrurins. Eugene Lawrence,
in Harper's. Magazine.
"Well, my little man," said his
grandfather, "why didn't you go out
with the sailing party vostonlayY" He
cause," answered the littlo follow, "my
mamma went along, and I heard papa
say that there was a spuukin' breeze in
the bay. N. . bun.
Vor llriithlng lioivns.
A bit of old crape Is the best thing
for dusting one's gowns. The ordinary
brush used for tho purpose is death and
destruction to silk, passementerie or any
of the soft materials in uso nowadays.
Slick every particle of dust off with tho
crape, whoso corrugated surface will
make the job an easy one, and then, if
there is a good deal of beading used in
tho trimming, lay between sheets of
tissue paper, whero nothing will rub
against it; for passementerie with some
of tho beads missing or witn, tne gloss
gone, is tho most distressing spectacle
imaginable. If a brush must bo used
get a soft camel's hair ono, and
with a light, quick motion as sparingly
as possible. Household.
"Now, my littlo man, describe your
symptoms." "I haven't dot any sym
tims, I dot a pain." Harper's Young
Some ono has written of "Ten Min
utes With a Tiger." Five minutes is
long enough. Picayune
The Zouo System on Hallways
English railway companlos will
senrcely bo inclined to nilopt tho zono
thrill system after the oxperienco of tho
Cork, Itlackroek & Pussngo railway.
Tho company decided to inako a trial of
this method of fixing faros ti year ago.
Tho number of passengers carried b3' it
wus incraused under the system by 28,
SM, but the uggrogato rooeipts from this
tralllc wero nearly fl.OOO less. Of tho
increabe 17,075 were in distance under
eight miles, while tho inereased returns
from the same wore only 8210 in excess
of tho regular receipts. Tho road is to
ttlve the system a further trial, but?
legislators who are anxious to foist such
a scheme upon American railroads
would do well to consider this experi
ment, English railroads como nearer
American in point of general conditions
than Austrian, and so a trial of any par
ticular system by them lias more sig
nificance for us. Hoston Journal.
The American 'people aro rapidly becoming a
raoo of uorrouiwreck,aiul tho lolluirhigBiiBgests
the bcit remedrt Alphonso llempulwr, or Duller,
l'a,, sircars that when hid aon was ppeecliless from
HL Vitus Dance, Dr. Miles' Croat Restorative
Nervlnocurodhlm. Mrs. J. It, Millor.of Valpar
ahK.lnd.,J.l,TaTlor,uf Lnjnuiport, lml., each
glned20 pounds from taking It. Mrs.II. A. (lurd
uer.of VUtuI. Ind.,wi cured of 40 tow convul
sions a dar, and much headache, dtulneu, tacit
fJ.'A?' netou .Prostration, by ono bottle.
Daniel Mr era. llrookljn. Mich., ujt hit daughter
jru i cured of Inunltx of ten ycara- standing. Trial
botueaaodfluobock of marvelous cures, KIIE13
at drucguus Thla remedy contains no opiates.
Dr.Mllos' Medical Co.,Elkhart, IndU
Lehigh Volley Division.
MAY 15, 1892.
, . . rassenijer trains leave Shon
infloah for Perm Haven Junction.Mauch Chunk.
Lchighton, Slatlngton, White Hall. Catasauqua,
MlentOWn. ItPthlfhcTn f.-MMtnn. i'Mlnrinlnhta
liazleton. Weathcrly, Quakako Junction, Dol
mo. and Mahanoy City at 6.57, 7.40, 9.08 a m..
12.53, 3.19. 6.20 p. m.
For New Ynrlr. RRT. OK a m. 19 fin Sin
S.2op. m. '
i'or liaiioton, AVIlkes-llarre, White Haven
I'ittston, Laceyville, Towanda, Sayre, Woverly
tlmlra, Kochestcr, Niagara Falls and tho West
10.41 a. m., (3.10 p. m., no connection for Hochos
ter, Uuflalo or rlagara Falls), 8.03 p. m.
I' or Uelvldcrc, Delaware Water Gap and
stroudsLurg, 5.57 a. in., 5.20 p. m.
i-yi Luiuuenvuio ana Trenton, a. m,
I 'or Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 8.03 p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva nnd Lyons, 10.41
i. m 8.03 p. m.
li'nr.l.nnnDHIIn T tt......,ru..H
f.40. 9.08 a. m., 12.52, 6.20 p. m.
For Audenried, liazleton. Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 5.67, 7.40. 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10,
5.20 p. m.
i' or scramon, 5.57, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 8.10, 5.26 p.
For IlaZlebroolf. .Tfl.lrtn. TlHflnn tin PVuHnnil
5 67, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.53, aiO, 5.20 p. nt.
r or Asnianu, Ulrnrdvillo and Lost Creelt, 4.27,
7.40, 8.52, 10.15 a. m.. 1.00. 1.40. 4.10. 0.33. 8.10. 9.14
p. m.
For Itaven Hun, Contralia, Mount Carmcl and
Shamokin, &62, 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.00 p. m.
For Yatcsvlllo, Park Placo, Mahanoy City and
"' v.-ra, iu.h a m., is.d::, o.zo,
.03, 9.24, 10.27 p. m.
Trains will leavo Shamokin nt 7.56, 11.55 a. m.,
3.10. 4.3U. C. m. nnd nrrlvn nt khnnnndnnti nt
9.05 a. m 13.53, 3.10, 6.20 p. m.
Leavo Shenandoah for l'ottsville, 6.50, 7.40,
9.08, 10.41 a. m 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 5.20, 8.03 p. m.
Leavo l'ottsvillo for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.40,
.0j, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.33, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30
Leavo Shenandoah for liazleton, 5.67, 7.40, 9.08,
10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 6.20, 8.03 p. m.
Leave liazleton for Shenandoah, 7.30, 9.15
11.00 a. m., 12.45. 3.10, 5.S0, 7.05, 7.58 p. m.
Trains lcavn for AHhtnnd. ntrnrflvtlln ntiil T.nt
Creek, 7.29, 9.40 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m.
Delano, liazleton, Illack Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Hothlehom, Easton and New York, 8.40 a. m.,
p. m.
For Philadelphia and New York. 2.55 n, m.
For Yotesville, Park Plaeo, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 2.65, 4.40 fl.1 p. m.
Leave liazleton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11. SO
a. m., i.ud, 4.S7 p. m.
Loave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 8.40,
w.m ... 111., ,miW uU JJ. IU.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
U.IU.,1.03, D.1D p. Iu.
A. A. MoLEOD. Pros & Gen. Mgr.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa,
South Bethlehem. Pa.
NOVEMHEIt 16. 1891.
Trains will leavo Shenandoah after the above
date for Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackville, New
i.uue, ni. uiair, j'oitsviiie, uamDurg, iicaatng,
Pottstown. Phamlxvllle. Norrlstown and Phil.
adelphla (Uroad street station) at 6:00 and 11:45
a. m. udu i;u p. m. on wecK aays. f orfotls
vlllo and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
For Wlggan's, Gilborton, Frackville, New
uastio, st. uiair, l'ottsville at u:oo, 9:40 a. m,
and 3:10 n. m. For Ilnmbunr. Readin?. Pntts.
town, Phoonlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 8:00, 0:40 a. rn., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackville for Phennndoah at
iu:ioa. m. ana 12:14, b:w, 7:42 and 10:00 p.m.
Sundays, 11:13 a. m. and 5:10 p. m.
Leave l'ottsvillo for Shenandoah at 10:15.
11:48 a. m and 4:40, 7:15 and 9:42 p. m. Sundays
at 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m.
Loavo Philadelphia (Broad street station) for
Pottsvllle nnd Shenandoah at 5 67 and 8 35 am,
4 10 and 7 0U p m weok days. On Sundays leavo
nt 6 60 a m. For Pottsvllle, 9 23 a m. For Now
York at 3 SO, 4 05, 4 40, 6 35, 0 50, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30,
9 50, 11 00, 11 14, 11 35 am, 12 00 noon (limited ex
press 1 00 and 4 60 n m) 12 41. 1 35. 1 40. 2 30. 3 20.
4 00, 4 03, 5 00, 0 00. 8 20, 0 60, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p
m, 12 01 night. Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 6 So,
8 12. 8 30, 9 60, 11 35 a m and 12 44. 1 40, S 30, 4 03
tumiiea-i ou; a aj, o ai, u wi, 7 13 ana Hia p ui ana
12 01 night. For Soa Girt, Long liranch and In
termediate stations 8 20 and 1114 am, nnd 4 00
p m wueuuays. I'or uaminore anu washing'
ton 3 50, 7 20, 8 31,9 10, 10 20, 11 18 am. 12 35 (lim
ited oxprcss, 1 30, 3 48,) 4 41, 0 57, 7 40 p m 13 03
ntgnt i' or I'Tcenoia only 6 00 p m week days.
jvoruaiumorooniynizu3,40i,b08nml 11 so n
Sundays ut 3 50. 7 20. 9 10. 11 18 a m. i 41. 0 57
7 40 p m, 12 03 night, llaltimore only 5 08, 1 1 30
p m. For lUchmond 7 20 a in, 1 30 p m and, 12 03
nigm. nunaays, 7 ai a m, 13 03 night.
Trains will leave Harrisburir for Plttshuri?
nnd tho West every day at 12 25 and 310 am
anu lumiieu dwi ana avj i in. wayiorAl
toona at 8 15 am and 4 10 p m every day. For
Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 20 a m every day
uuu ludjpui weeK uays.
Trains win leave sunDury ror wuuamsport,
Elmlra, Canandalgua, ltocbostcr, IJuaalo and
Niagara Falls at 6 10 a m, and 1 35 p m week
davs. For Elmlra at 5 30 n m week davs. Far
Erie and Intermediate points at 5 10 am daily
For Lock Haven at 6 10 and 9 50 a m dally, 1 35,
and 5 30 p m week days For ltcnovo at 510 a
m. 1 35 and 5 30 n m week davs. and 5 10 a m on
Sundays only,
week uavs.
i'or ltnno at 0 10 a m, 1 3d p m
C. II. Puan,
Gen'l Manager
J. R. Wood.
Gen'l Pass'K'r Agt
time table in Erracrr mat 15, 1892.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
uo, o.j, iu.uo u. in., .40, p. m. unaa
2.08, 7.40 a. m. For Now York via Mauch Chunl
WCUtl UiiyB, o.mO, t.ia u. iu.. .40 p. IU.
For Heading nnd Phlladelnhia. week davs.
2.08, 5.23, 7.18, 10.08 a. m.,12.23, 2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sun'
day, 2.08, 7.40 n. ra., 4.23 p. m
For Harrlsburg, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m..
2.48,6.53 p.m.
For Allentown, week days, 7.18 a. in., 12.33,
2.48 p.m.
For l'ottsville, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m., 12.33,
2.48, 5.63 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.23 p. m,
ForTnmaq'iaand Mahanoy City, week days,
2.08, 5.23, 7.18,10.08 a. M.,12.33, 2.48. 5.53 p. m. Sun'
day, 2.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.33 p. m. Additional for
Mahanoy City, week days, 0.68 p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.18
a. m., 2.48 p. m.
For Wllltarasport,.Sunbury and Lowlsburg,
week days, 3.23, 5.23, 7.18. 11.88 a. m., 1.33, 6.68
p m. Munu.iy, a.'ii a. m., J.iu p. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week ilays, 2.08. 3.23. 5.53.
7.18, 10,08, 11.28 a. m., 1S.33, 1.38, 2.43, 6.53, 0.48, 9.33
p. iu. nuiiuiiy, .:, a. m., 4.23 p. I
For Glrardrtlle, ( llappahannock Station
week days, 2.08, 3.23. 5.23. 7.18, 10.08, 11. S8 a. r
12.33,1.33, 2.48, 6.63. 0.68. 9.33 n. m.
Sunday, 2.03,
3.28. 7.40 a. m.. 3.03. 4.30 rj. m.
For Ashland and Shamokin. week days, 3.38,
5.23, 7.18, 11.26 a. ra., l.SJ, 6.58, 9.28 p. m. Sun'
aay, no a. in., b.wj p. in.
Leavo Now York via Philadelphia, weekdays,
i.w. l.ou, v.uu, i.ou i. m., nigm.
day, 8.00 p. m.. 12.15 night.
Lsave Ni
few York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
m., 1.00, 3.45 p. m. Sunday, 7.00 a. m., e.40 n. m., 1.00, 3.4 p. m. Sunday.
T.Ml.Ah o. nh , ,7,' in Z Z
4 00, 6.00 p. m., from llroad ami Callowhlll nnd
0.00a. m., 11. ou p. m. jrom wn nnaurcenstrcota,
bunaay, g.oa a m., 11.30 p. m , frm 9th and
Leavo Heading, week days, l.SS, 7.10, 10.05, 11.50
. 1 ui., D.DO, 1.01 p. m aunaay, 1.33, io.48 a. m.
Leave i'ottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m..
i.ju, 0,11 n. m. aunaay, 2.4U, 7.00 a. m.,2.05p.m,
mitanua, week aays, 3.20, 8.48, 11,
u.t (.,(, 1.1a, u, m.
2.60 p. m.
Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m.
.Leave Mahanoy City, week davs. 140. 9.18.
11.47 a. m 1.61, 7.43, 9.4f p. m. Sunday, a40, 8.17
at. iu,, 0.1 l), ui,
i.eave aiananoy 1'iane, weok ays, z.40, 4.00,
6.30, 9.35, 11.69 a. m., 1.05, 2.00, 5.20, 6.28, 7.67, 10.00
i'-Muuuuy, m.ilt u, m,, o.ot, u. u
Leave Glrardvlllo, (llappahannock Station
weeks days, 2.17, 4.07. 6.30. 9.41 a. m., 12.05. 2.1:
5.20, 6.33. 8.03, 10.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.33,
a. m.. 3.41. 6 07 n in
Leave Williams port, week days, 3.00, 9.15, 1 1.65
a. m., 3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For llaltimore, Washington and the West via
II. & O. It. It., through trains leavo Gtrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & H. It. It.) at, o.ui, 11.CT a. ra., 3-nu, o.i;, i.ia p. m. bunaay,
o.oo,p.m, 11. a. m.., o.i, p. m,
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
ana iouin street wuari, lor Aiianuo uity.
Weekdays Express, 6 15 excursion 0.451, 8 00,
9 00, 1045u m. 100 LrUtturduys only 1 301. 2 00,
300, 170 minute flyer 330J, 4ti, 6 00, quo p. in.
Accommodation, a uu a in, 4 in, & 30. 0 30 n m
Hundavs Express. 6 15, 7 00, 7 30, 8 00,, 8 30,
v uu, vjv, lujua w., a ;w p m. Accommoaaiion
8 00 a m and 4 45 d m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, Atlantlo
anu ArKaas uvonues. v eeuoaya-.7 uu, 1 sj,
sou.vuu, iuuu a m. ana mt, 4 yo, .5 iiixcur
sion d ujj, q ou, 1 w,vau p rn.
Accommodation, 4 10, 5
o m.
5 60, 8 10 a m, and 1 80
xundays Express, 3 30. 4 00, 500, 6 00, 6 30.
7 00. 7 30, 8 00. 9 30 p m, Accommodation, 7 30
O. (1. IIANCOOIC, Gen'l Pass'r Agt
a. A. mvuxjv, a res. aucu i Aia&ager
first National Bank,
Capital, $100,000.00
ft. Lciscnring, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier,
S W. Yost. Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dully From 9 to 3.
Paldou HnvlugH Deposits.
Cocrrlibt, U93.'..
win bo in SHENANDOAH,
from S so A. M. to 6 P. M.
Persons who have headache or whose eyes are
causing discomfort BhouM call upon our Hpeclallst,
and tney will receive Intelligent and skillful at
lention HO CM ARCH lo examine your eyes.
Every pair or glasses oruerod Is guaranteed to be
Oculists nml Optlclnua,
Wonderful Spanish
Itemedy, la eoll with a
Written Ouorontee
to cure all Nervous Ills
eases, such as Weak
Memory, Loss of Iiraln
Power, Headache,
Wakefulness, Lost Man
hood. Nervousness, Los
sltude, all drains and
loss of power of the
Generative Onrans la
Dcforocfc After Uso
rhotosraphed from life.
over-exertion, youthful Indiscretions, or the excessive
aseortouocco, opium, or siimuianm, wmcn uiumuieij
lead to Infirmity, Consumption and Insanity. I'nt up
In convenient form to carry In the vest pocket. Price
11 a rockoge, or 0 for 3. With every to onler we elve a
wruien Kuarnmee id uuiu ur ioiumm i,
monej. Sent bj mail to any address. Circular free
In plain euveloiie. Mention thWi paper. Address,
MADRID CHEMICAL. CO.. Branch Office for U. 8. A.
353 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL,
C. II. Ilagenbueh, Drugglit, N. H. Cor. Main and
Lioya &ts.
North Emertck Street, year Coal,
Glienandoah, Ta.
Or all kinds promptly attended to,
Special attention given to
W. E. Smith & Son.
Tb9ttrongettulvur$tthrtm,it. UaVY
eUer Lye, Hbvtbg ft Do powder and ptcktl
lofteanwItbreaioTftbla lid, the contend art
kiwi rea'lf Urut. Will maka tht but por
fume4 HaM Soap la 20mlnutt wUXoutbodinm,
IT IS TUB BKHT for oleaottnf aaia pipe,
dtilofeollng aloki, oIvKta, wathlog bolUat.
f oluti, troei, eu,
Oou. AgLg., Phtla., l'a.
Everything well cooked and clean. An elab
orate bill of fare dally. Lodgings
lor travelers.
MRU. CONNICK, 3 X, Main Ht,
Merchant Tailor,
S. E. Cor. CentreTjand Jardin Sis.
Cloanlnir and repairing promptly and neatly
attended to. a lvo me a call.
Saloon and
JVo. 11B
Flret-class Lager Ilecr, Alo, Porter and Tern,
perance Drinks and Cigars. Fine old
Wines and Liquors always
oa hand.
' II. 0. POLMEIt. Prop.
Call around and tpend a plea$ant hour.
8 North Jardin St., Shenandoah.
In all the latest styles, ot the finest make and
best finish in the world for the money, manu
factured by the Cook Wagon Company.
vtr-rr w.irss u.-wr aaaav