The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 04, 1892, Image 4

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    In Season 1
All kinds of Canned
and Bottled Goods,
Imported and Do
mestic Cheese, Fine
Groceries, etc., for
, tlio summer and pic
nic season at
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
Miss Nollio Gorman, of Glrardville, was
in town tbis afternoon.
Mrs. Harry BeyrBnt, of Stoellon,is visit
iiiK frionds in town.
Frank Mover, commercial aKent, of
Drehernvillo. was in town yesterday.
Ueorgo Litutoy, of Springlield, ALass., a
pencil pusher, is in town and called at tho
IIkuald offico yesterday.
Charlos AVooloy, son of ox-Postmaster
"Wooley, is lying very low with consump
tion at bis homo in Philadelphia.
n. Steinberg has severed his connection
with L. Goldin's store on South Main
street to accopt a position in Wilkoa
M. Marks, of Wilkes-liarro, and one of
the best hustlers in the business circles of
that place, was in town yesterday.
Supt. Weiss, of tho Public Schools,
was in town yostorday.
Mrs. William Eckor, of Kowarfe, N. J.
is visiting frionds in town.
Turo nml Wholesomo Quality
Commends to public approval tho CM-
fornia liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of
Figs. It is pleasant to tho taste and by
acting gently on the kidneys, livor and
bowols to cleanse tho system effectually, it
promotes the health and comfort of all
who use it, and with millions it is tho best
and only remedy.
Benare Yonr Dates llefure All the Hest
Are Taken.
Tho following dates are already taken up
for the season. Parties wishing to secure
a day should write or call on O. A. Keim,
Manager, Shenandoah, Pa. :
" 4 English Lutheran Sunday school
Mahanoy City.
" & P. M. Sunday school Shenandoah.
" 6 English Baptist Shenandoah.
" 9 M. E. Sunday school Mahanoy Plane.
" 10 St. James Lutheran Ashland.
" 11 Evangelical Sunday school Mahanoy
1S-P. O. H. ot A., Mahanoy City,
13 O. U. A. M. No. 140 Bloomsb
15 Musical Festival.
10 Presbyterian Sunday
school Maca
noy City.
17 unioi
llan Sunday school. Gordon.
1& Reformed Sunday school Mahanoy
19 Church of Faith, Mahanoy City.
20 Evangelical Sunday school, Shenan-
6 Picnic of tho Daughters of Rebekah
of Shenandoah.
Ulectrlo KuUtvay Change.
Hereafter tho electric railway cars will
loavo the corner of Main and Centre streets
at 6:30 a. m., daily, and every 25 minutes
thereafter until midnight, at which hour
tho last car will leave.
The St. Patrick's Bind will hold a
nic in town on Labor Cay, Sopt. 6th.
tf Buy Keystone flour,
name Lessio & Co.,
printed on every tack.
Bo sure that the
Ashland, Pa., is
3-3-3 taw
I'or Almost Nothing.
Max Reese has just received a large stock
of tablets, writing paper, onvolopes, otc,
purchased at an Assignee's sale and is
selling them at 60 per cent, less than
regular prices.
Cool Shade
Can be found at Vermillion, O., and those
who wish to attend the camp meetings at
that place during July and August can
procuro excursion tickets via the Nickol
Plate from June 21st to August 23d at
special rates, t-aug-20
Coining Kveuts.
Sept 6 St. Patrick's Band picnic.
Aug. 31 Ice cream festival, Bobbins'
opera house, Hope Section No. 10, J. T. of
II. & T,
Aug. 26 and 27 Ice cream festival, P.
M. school room, Shenandoah Y. P. A.
For SO Days Only.
Wo will give to any lady purchasing
pair of our ladies' fine shoos which iell at
31.00 and upwards, a beautiful puree worth
25 cents. Peoples' Store, 121 North Main
street, three doors above J. J. Price's dry
goods store 0-21-tf
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb'i
Good horses, nice buggies
and responsible drivers are the
. essential things for a pleasant
drive, which can always be had
at my stables, 12 and 14 North
Pear alley, rear of Luberg's
hardware store. Horses taken
to board. Undertaking in al
its branches attended to with
J-. Xj. PLATT'S,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt'g)
10 ami 21 West Ouk Street.
Bar stocked with the best beer, norter. ales
KhiBkips. brandies. wlneB. etc. Finest cigars,
Eating bar attached. Cordial invitation to all.
(CbnKnued from Firtt Page.)
Think ot the millions spent to prevent it,
yet the Baltimore and Ohio is here. Take
the Bolt Lino controversy. The money
wasted in opposing the Belt Lino was
thrown away. Take the war upon the
Boading terminals tho long, weary, costly
war. In spite of the lavish disbursements
to prevent it, tho Terminal grows into
majestic forms of iron and stone on Markot
street, and tho Pennsylvania is wlsoly fol
lowing with a noblo building, in a spirit of
commendablo business omulatiou.
Philadelphia has as doop an interest in
the falluro of this wretched, despicable
business of "conquest exhaustion" aa she
ever hBd In tho building of tho Pennsylva
nia. Tho Intorost is the same. Tho
Pennsylvania has dono good work. Let
her keep on doing it and all good go with
her. Philadelphia sees that the Heading
has likowiso done good work. Philadelphia
haB In the Uoyal Blue, between Washing
ton and Now York, one of tho beBt trains
in tho country. Sho has a second lino
direct to Buffalo and tho Lakes. Sho has
another system to tho seashoro, as hundreds
of thousands will gratefully acknowledge
in thtso harsh, baking days. She has swift
and special access to tho Lehigh and
Schuylkill valloye, with their assurance of
boautllul homes. Tho Philadolphlan may
go to Hartford, Boston, the Berkshire Hills,
to the rocky coasts of Malno and tho
Oanadas, without that tribute to discomfort
involved in shambling and dragging about
Now York. Tho pilgrim to Chicago,
because of the Beading system, may go by
way of Niagara and return by way of
Wost Virginia and soo tho wonders of tho
wondorland. These are tho results of
business foresight, the outcome of a spirit
of enterprise, tho development of a policy
that would keep pace with tho gigantic
strides of a great city. President Boborts,
in bis address at tho annual meeting of tho
Pennsylvania stockholders, dwelt upon a
prosperity which enabled him to expend in
the state alono a million dollars a week,
No citizen grudged President Boborts i
penny of this. It was assuredly a pros
perity that tho growth of tho Beading has
not disturbed. It Is in tho nature of theso
onterprisos that one should help tho other
that they should develop new wants, new
ndustries, now sources of pleasure and
recreation, now channels of trade. There
is room on tho soa for the Cunard, the
Inman,,the French, Gorman, Italian
jships. Why grudge Philadelphia
another trunk lino? And more especially
why in the interest of those to whom in
vestments aro property in its most sacred
form, indulgo in theso legal wars of "Con-
ouost by Exhaustion." Nothing is con
quered, and exhaustion is in the ond quite
apt to fall upon innocent stockholders
whoso money is wasted in prosecution of
Gummero and other suits liko tho' barron
proceeding which failed at Easton on
This war of "Conquest by Exhaustion"
is not merely between two companies, the
ono striving to follow tho World's and
have the other "eaten up by its own
lawyers," but a war upon values. It in
volves an eminent poril. It is easy to fire
prairie, but how hard to govern tho
flatno:? Capital, and especially capital of
tho poor investor, over sensitive, grows
moro so irom day to day. The capitalist
sees Wall street on one side and tho an
archist on the other. Ho knows they moan
to wreck him tho anarchist, because pos
sessed by the spirit of ignoranco and sin
Wall, street because in the ruin of others is
Bwift gain. Ho sees his property assailed
by duross, menaco, misrepresentation, and
competition meant to destroy. Against
theso ho may defend himself. But whero
is his defense, where is the security of his
investment when ho reads that property is
to be deliberately "conquered" by in
numerable and exhausting processes of
law ? To him the asylums of justice are to
become the arsenals of anarchy and dos'
truction. It is surprising that distrust
should sproad; that foreign investors should
be weary of securities of inherent value?
Tho railroad war is a war upon property,
The means proposed by the enemies of the
Beading would, if unchecked by public
opinion, destroy any interest in the land,
Conquest by exhaustion is simply anarchy
under the pretext of equity and law,
Judge Schuyler, of Northampton, has
summarily put an end to the Gummero
experiment. Others remain, and in the
best interests of tho city, of property and
justice, they should bavo as swift and con
dign a fate. Phila. Star.
Coughing Leads to Consumption
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at
Camp Meetings at Vermillion, O,
Excursion tickets on tale via the Nickol
Plate from June 21st to August 23rd at
very low rates. Tickets good returning
until August 26th. taug20
lleduced Kates,
To the West via tho Nickel Plato. Special
train of sleeping and chair cars, Aug, 6th,
through to Denver without chango.
Best work done at Brennan's steam
laundry. Everything white and spotless.
Lace curtains a spocialty. AH work
New Collieries.
The Sbamokin Herald says that in loss
than one year the new collieries now in
contemplation by the Union coal company
will be in the last stages of completion,
The Mid Valley company will also bo
ready to start work on the new colliery up
tho valley. Thotbrco collieries will add
about 6,CO0 more people to this part of the
county inside of two years. - The plants
will bo fine containing the latest Improved
machinery and appliances. Tho oastcrn
portion of the county is rich in tho choicest
of coal and the supply is seemingly inox
Lano'a Family Modlolno
Move tho bowels each day. Most; peopl
nood to use it.
Pungent Paragraphs on Affairs of Local
HE communication in
yesterday's Herald,
signed "Examlnor,"
proved a tickler. Some
smiled, others scowled,
and a few looked pifz
zled after reading tho
letter. The latter class
of pooplo wondered
that such a state of
affairs could exist, but when they becomo
bolter acquainted with tho power behind
the throno of tho prosent borough govern
ment thoy will be able to Bee through it all
without tho aid of glasses. Tbo present
condition of tho borough's affairs ovon
causes a smile to pass over tho weathor
boards of tho shanty that covers tho stono
The Borough Council will moet this
evening. The meeting should be an inter
esting ono. Tho street committoo and
supervisor will toll how much it costs to
take away tho stones that wore recently
put on tho strcots ; tho fire apparatus com
mittee will tell about tho fire alarm system
that doesn't alarm i and quite a lengthy
discussion is expected on tho alleged ex
orbitant charges of tho Herald for
advertising the special election. Taking
tho progrnmme as a whole, the Herald
subscribers may oxpect somo interesting
reading matter tho next few days.
The Democrats of town need not go into
hysterics over tho movement to divide the
wards. Tho step is taken to give evory
legal votor in tho town a chance for fair
representation at the polls. The Bepubli
cans rannot accede to tho linos for division
drawn by tho Democrats, because thoy aro
drawn on strictly partisan principles ;
consequently the former must intistupon
tho adoption of their proposed lines or, for
somo hope of salvation against Democratic
gluttony, ak that tho original report of the
viowors bo adopted.
What, hoi Who stole tho documents
relating to the proposed division of the
wards? Wo will stake a handful of "pi"
tho thiof was not a Bepublican.
It is certainly a piece of great injustice
that at least three hundred voters of this
town should be deprived, of their right of
franchise at tho next election by reason of
a thief going into the Schuylkill county
court houso and stealing tho documents
that provided for the division of the wards.
Who stole tho papeis? Don't all answer at
A gentleman of Pottsville prominontly
identified with affairs of the county, whilo
talking about the proposed division of the
wards of this town yesterday, said : "All
the work must he done over again. Every
bit of it, because of those papers having
been stolen ahem, I should say mislaid,
lost," or something liko that.
A Million Frionds.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, and
not less than ono million people have found
Just such a friend in Dr. King's New Dis
covtry for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. If you have never used this Great
Cough Medicine, one trial will convince
yon that It has wonderful curative powers
in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs.
Each bottle Is guaranteed to do'all that
claimed or money will be refunded. Trial
bottles tree at O. H. Hagenbuch'i drui
itori. Large bottles 60a. and J1.00.
A Great Stock.
Pivo thousand novels, the latest and best
issued, Belling at 25 cents other places, for
salo at Max Beese's for 10 cents. The
finest playing cards in tho market 6 centr
por pack.
A Visit to the West,
Could not bo made at a hotter timothan
now. Ask Nickle Plate agents for rates.
Base Hall.
Thero will bo a game of base ball at the
Trotting park to-morrow afternoon at 3
o'clock, between the Shenandoah and New
Boston clubs.
Buoklon's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
BruieoB, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bhoum, I'ovei
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poet
tively cures Piles, or no payment required,
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price va cents per
box. For sale by C. H. Hagenbuch.
Half Kates via the Illinois Central Aug. SO,
Sept. 27 and Oct. Sfith, 1X02.
Tho Central Route will sell excursion tickets
to tho Agricultural Regions of the West.South'
west and South, at one fare tor the round trip,
from stations on Its lines north of Cairo, on
August 30th and September 17th. A third ex
curslon will be run to the South and Southwest
on October 25th. Your local ticket agent will
give you full particulars In regard to these
Harvest Excursions; arrangements can also be
made in this connection to visit tho desirable
Railroad Lands for sale by the Illinois Central
in Southern Illinois on obtaining special per
mission to do so by addressing the Company'
Land Commissioner at Chicago, Mr, E.
Skene. In addition, a few weeks before tb
first oxcursion date, your local ticket agent will
be able to furnish you with a special Folder,
Issued by the Illinois Central, which will glv
you particulars of theso Harvest Excursions In
such form as will enable you to plan your
journey at home. Should you not be within
call of a railroad ticket ngent, address A. II,
Hanson, O, P. A., Illinois Central R. It., Cblca.
go, 111. 8-4t
Tho landjof sunshine and flowers rich also
In mineral andXagrlcultural resources la beet
reached bytho Jllo Grando Western Railway
Sco that your excursion tickets read both ways
via that road, which odors choice of three
distinct routoannd the most magnificent rail
road scenery In the world. Send 25o to J. II,
Bennett, Salt Lake City, for copy of illustrated
book, "Utah, a l'ctp Into the Mountain Walled
Treasury of.the Gods." tf
WANTS, &c.
XT ANTED. Girl for general housework.
VV No children. Apply at 81 South Jardln
street. 8-2 3t
QALESMAN "WANTED. Valuable commls
O slon oSercd. NO 00 weekly offered by many
of our agents. Samples free. P. O. Box 1371
New York. 8-4-1 w
171 STRAYED. A small red cow with white
11 belly and loner stratcht horns: a scar on
ono of tho hips. Finder will return to John
Rodgers, 813 East Centre street, Shenandoah,
and receive Toward. 7-27-6t
The Cather nroncrtv. on West Oak street.
for sale. 'Will bo sold whole or in parts to suit
purchasor. Apply on tho premises. 4-12-02
T70R SALE. 45 acres of valuable farm land
J under cultivation, in East Brunswick
'ounshlD. adlolnlne fands of Peter Andrews
andMathlasS. Richards. Cheap for cash on
easy terms. Also desirable real estate In
Shenandoah and Palo Alto. Address, M. M.
Burke. Shenandoah. Pa. B-88-tf
WANTED. Corresponding agents in every
town to Inform us of Dartlcs Intending
opening or refitting saloons by tho largest
Saloon Fixture Manufacturers In the world.
Good man can moke f.V'00. Tho Rothschild
Bar Fixture Co., 1158 Broadway, corner 27th
street. New York. 7-27-eod-7t
mission, to handle tho new Patent Chemi
cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The quickest and great
est selling novelty ever produced. Erases Ink
inorougniy in two scconus. no nDrasion oi
paper, works liko magic. 200 to 600 per cent,
proilt. Ono agent's sales amounted to KEO In
six days. Another $32 In two hours. Previous
experience not necessary. For terms and full
nartlculars. address Tho Monroe Mf 'e Co.. La
Crosse. Wis. x439 6-24-ly
mm i b cs - i i
East Mahanoy Junction
Monday, August 15 th
Let God Arise" fbv D. Jenkins) in Enir.
llsh. for choirs of not less than 60 voices M50 00
old medal to each leader.
If more than three choirs comDeto. second
prize 100 00
Military band contest "Grand Selection
From tho llohemian Girl" (by Dalle) 100 00
Also gold medal to llrst leader.
Second prize. 25 00
Gleo "Ye Breezes of Morning" (by Gwent)
not less than 30 voices ,..100 00
uaton to tho second leader.
Male pleco "Curo for Fleeting Pleasure"
(Dy Aienaeisonnj lor not less man is
.50 00
Baton to second leader.
uer wala" ("The Forest") by llaeser.
German male niece for more than 16
voices - 50 00
Trio "Call the Voyagers" (Gwent) 15 00
i' or tne oesi jsngnsn poem not exceeding
juu lines on "mo Miner"
Tenor and bass duett "Lovo and War'
15 00
(by Cook) 10 00
uornet boio nat) " lou'u uememDer
Me," from uobemlan Ulrl. Music to be
secured of Carl Fisher. No. 6 Fourth
Avenuo. New York Cltv 10 00
Tenor song In A flat "Lovo Lies llleedine"
V uy rursun jrncei ow
Baritone solo "LBve's Queen" (by Ap-
madoc) , ,. 5 00
Soprano solo "Longing" (by Millard) 5 00
Second prlzo 2 00
vioun soio lor Doy or gin unaer is years
ox age.wiin piano accompaniment,"uiue
Bells of Scotland." No. 6. bv E. Mack.
To be had of J. E. DItson, Philadelphia.. 5 00
N. B. ComDetltors on tbo tenor sonir will not
be allowed to compete on the baritone solo, or
vice versa.
Northumberland, Carbon, Columbia and all
parts of Schuylkill counties.
Names of all competitors must be in the
nanasoi tne secretary, w. J. waiiuns. snen
unuooii, ju , uy August isi, lev.
Hot Weather Bulletin.
Ico Oroam,
All Flavors,
S3oc5Lz "Water,
Pure Fruit Flavors.
33x0vc3., Oal5.cs.
Confectionery, Etc.
27 South Main Street.
Sporting and Musical Resort
Best Wines. Llauors. Beers. Ales and finest
oranas 01 uigars always on nana.
ELLIS, The Tinsmith and Stove Dealer,
has removed to the
33 West Oulc 8t Hlienmiclonli,
Where he will be pleased to meet all his old as
weu as many new customers as possiDie,
uooawKi lairnnco.
Roollng and Spouting neatly done.
Auorney-at-Law and Ileal Estate Agent,
Office lleddaU's Building, Shenandoah, Pa
Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com.
panics represented by
120 S. JardmSt, Shenanooah.Pa
8 North Jardin St., Shenandoah.
In all the latest styles, ot the finest make and
ucofc uuiitu in me worm jonne znuuey, muuu1
jaciurua oy tne uook wagon uompany.
Saloon - Restaurant
Bickert's Old Stand,
A First-class Eating Bar Attached !
w Mm
Lnrjrcst Assortment.
Our Prices wero nover equalled before We
sen carnages encaper tnan in I'nnaaeipnia
or cisewncre. wo navo a run line or
Hcywood Carriages, and can
furnish you any style
for less than you
Can Buy at the Factory.
Call and see for yourself. Wo mean lust what
we say. Our prices will Burprlso you.
No, 8 South
K I I I I I -1 -L.-- ' '
OUT1 uXiXj
"DRTJ8SEL8 from 6O0 up. Table and
Floor Oil Cloths and LinoleumB
from 25o up. Window Shades, Rugs,
Matts,Curtaln Poles, etc., at low prices.
The best line ot jace Curtains ever
shown In town from $1.00 a pair up.
U . U jl 11.jLj
A hat that Is not stvlish is worthless. There
are a thousand reasons whv you should not wear
it, and not one reason why you should. It usu
ally costs as much as a stylish hit. and Is cot
worth a fraction of the money. Wben you buy
a hat buy a good one, and It you reaUy want a
good one, try our ti hat. It will fill the bill.
xne same can do saia or our Necitwear a nne
tie for 20o. nnv stvle. Straw bats from 5o ud to
tl.50. Nice line of summer shirts at S5c; a big
drive in boys' waists from 0o to 50c; large line
ot trunks and valises at lowest price; big bar
gains In overalls and coats at
19 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Silk and cashmere hats renovated and made
as cood as new at short notice. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
308 North Jardin Street,
House Painter and Paper Hanger.
All work executed promptly and at
reasonable rates. Perfect satisfac
tion guaranteed, as none but first
class workmen are employed.
At retail or In Jobbers' lots.
Saloon and
JVb. 11B
First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tem
perance Drinks and Cigars. Fine old
Wines and Liquors always
on hand.
II. O. FOLMER, Prop.
Calf orciiwd and tpend a pleat ant hour.
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana
Wbere be will be pleased to meet the via
of his friends and tbe pnbllo In
everything in tho Drinking Lino.
jy 8. KISTIjER, M. D.,
rJiraioiAN and bvbqeon.
Office 120 N. Jardin street, Shenandoah, Pa
Centre and White Sts.
main Street,
11 I I , l , I I.L.-VI 1N
G - 1.l.3DDE2&.
old reliablJ
)Dj north main street. I
" We Study to Please I "
Old Stand. NewGoc
Fish, Butter and Eggs,
Flour and Feed,
Potatoes, Green Truck,
nay and Straw, c.
er's Cheap Cash Slot.
(Muldoon's old stand)
34. vvesi Laurel street. nena
M . . j : a
Small farm, three acres, houso and
Crop in ground. auo. nn Vnat ctrnot o4ao Willi
aoaiDie Diocu in jrom. t-,wu,
Wall Paper ana
tar 1 n
winaow oni
To close out stock for tne season. 1
advertise bargains, wo mean
Norlli main Strc ,
36 Eont Centre St
The best beer, ales, porter, vbisk ,
wince and finest cigars always