The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 21, 1892, Image 3

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r - - - - - T7 - - i -
lioirnetiioa anu results when
ofFigs is taken; it 13 pleasant
xemeljr 01 its kind over pro-
, phasing to me insto ana ac
lejto tlio stomacli, prompt in
Excellent qualities commend it
and Iiavo tnauo it tlio most
irSemedv known.
fujr'of Figs is for salo in 50c
lsbotUes by all leauintr drug-
SAny- rehablo druggist who
not have it on hand will pro-
. it . . a .
itj promptly lor any one who
h to try it. Do not accept any
iLBfiRT KROUT, Chemist, Phila.
Three Tlrotlicrg Candidates for United
Slates Senator lit Ono LeRlolatnTC.
The recent death of Ylllnnl Sauls-
bury, chancellor of Delaware' trad for
two terms a United States senator, re
calls some remarkable .Incidents In tho
hlstory.of his little state, says tho Buf
falo Courier. It scorns to bo thd rul6
that small states should bo ruled by
families. For many years tho Snrnmics
contested tho control, of Rhodo Island
with Drown, Ives & Co., and in tho samo
way for a long tho Saulsburys disputed
with thohouso of Bayard tho leader
ship in Delaware. Although the Sauls
burys did not hand down political hon-
HuSsy y!5nMM5lfiM ors trom. father to Bon, as tho Bayards
Wit VvmKMJ dld( Ul too wero an oW famll ' on1
tho Into chancellor had in his possession
title deeds to tho ancestral farm, which
went back two hundred years. His
).. . .1 ; . 1 ,1 lutuur, u lurinur, was u prominent man
fegudg to tho tasto, and acta in Kent county and had been its sheriff.
eiiprompiiy on uio luaneys, vninni wn9 d,,! in niawnrn ni
udiBowcls. cleanses the
iectUallV. Uisnela COldS. head- law In Georgetown. Sussex countv. and
nndlfovers and cures habitual 6oon obtained such a hold upon the peo-
tation. Svrtin of Fins ia the pie through lils good looks, remarkable
' "i. , ,:... . J - 1 , i mi 1 . 1
iuuiiuu), uuuiuut yrutury uiiu iiupuiar
manners that at twcnty-nlno ho became
attorney general of tho state. Nino
1 i ! - 4(4a 1 1 II:
"T 1 . i i,.,c:l ! :t ytura inter, a 1000, no was eiecuHi to
.onjand truly beneficial in its (hoUnlted states senate, and when his
nrenarcd onlv from tho most s.i 1 1 ' ,t.i
V and agreeable substances, its a prominent part in the senate and was
a stanch union man, but ho drank so
hard that ho becamo a national scandal;
the exhibitions of tholato II. II. Rlddlc
bcrger never attracted one-tenth as
much attention as did thoso of tho bril
liant Delawarcan.
In tho meantime ono of his brothers,
Gove Saulsbury, a physician, had be
como speaker of tho Delaware senate of
nino members, and by tho death of tho
republican war governor, William Can
non, had succeeded in 1803 to tho chief
magistracy, tho ofilco of lieutenant gov
ernor not existing in Delaware. In
1805 ho had been elected governor. Tho
Delawaro legislature consists of three
senators and seven representatives from
each of tho thrco counties, and when
the time camo in 1870 for tho election of
a United States senator at tho expira
tion of Willard's second term, fourteen
Wore for his reelection, fifteen wero for
Gove, and ono for tho third brother of
tho family, Ell, a Dover lawyer whose
public services had been confined to a
singlo term in tho legislature. Nobody
but tho three brothers was even men
tioned. Finally Eli got another voto.
A delegation went across Dover green
to his office to see if ho would accept.
At first ho would not hear of It, but at
length ho was persuaded, and in ten
minutes had been elected by a combina
tion of New Castle and Kent counties,
Sussex standing stanchly by Willard.
Willard warmly welcomed Eli as his
successor, and tho latter served threo
terms, and when ho finally retired in
18M pulled down tho democratic con
trol of tho legislature with him, malting
way for Anthony Uiggins, a republican.
Gove returned to tho practice of medi
cine in Dover, where he died in 1801.
In 1873 Willard was appointed chancel
lor of tho stato by his brother-in-law,
Gov. Ponder. A promise to abstain en
tirely from drink was first obtained
from him, and this was kept except for
ono or two lapses of which people gen
erally did not hear. He worked hard
and is said to have made an excellent
chancellor, though very infirm physi
cally during the last, portion of his life,
his legs having been paralyzed for
many years. IIo was tho seventh
chancellor which the state had in ono
hundred years. Ex-Senator Eli Sauls
bury is still living in Dover near his
brother's house, but is In poor health.
Vi hen he passes away the power of tho
Saulsburys will probably bo as extinct
in Delaware as that of tho Claytons,
although thero is a second generation
which lias cut some figure at tho bar.
and in politics. Of tho three brothers
Willard was the youngest, having been
born in 1820; Gove was.born iuA815,and
pol!tIsrfcsites of tlio dayt Vat fn nil Its utter
ances it Is merely a development of ono great
principle, tlmt wlmti-vor governments and
laws can do for u pimple must be done for all
future Democratic supreme
complishmcnt of tho objects
"It only remains for mo to ;
and fortbeno.
ich we have at
" Wo bolle 0 thata Bovenrmrnt administered
Infills spirit In such a country as ours, will
secure a larger measure of f reodom ami pros
perity to tho pooplo than bos heretofore been
posslbloln tho world, and tliat It will tie an ox
amplo Rnd an Inspiration to all mankind.
To mako and keep such a (rovcruinent to
guard with jealous care tno rights 01 equal
citizenship to bear, our freedom safely along
tho march of our material progress, in
linrmnil lw flit, tnlc.litv M(rnMe thai, mlnlaldi
MEMORABLE SCENE IN MADISON ijo that progress this Is the high and glorlouli
Nearly 2O,000Enthusiastlc Dem
ocrats Witness the
fnl.ko the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used In tho
preparation of
tchleh is absolutely
pure and soluble.
It has more than three timet
I the atrenuth of Cocoa mixed
Willi Starch, Arrowroot or
1 Sonar, and is far moro eco-
il. costlna less than one cent a cun.
delicious, nourishing, and easily
Sold by Ororersererywhere.
, BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
EinaS S 353 3XTT
Ittful book containing tho latest vocal mu
lill shcet-muslo Dlates. handsome cover, in
ug me louowing gems, unaoriugeu:
icrwards. 40 I'vo 'Worked 8 Hours. 4C
r's Fast Asleep 40 I Whistle and Walt, 40
trades, BO Love's Golden Dream 40
1 Bless Our Land 25 Old Orgun mower, 40
lllrotty riose, W Our Last Waltz 40
a; rthe Flag, 40 Over tho Moonlit Sea, 40
'Madrid. f0 Sweet Ifatifl Hnnnnr. 4b
40 That Is Love, 40
4)1 I I 1,1 IS II
fir ii
Mr. Cleveland nnd Sir. tevenson Officially
Informed of tlio Action of the Chicago
Convtntlnu Address of clialrmnn Wil
son nnd Response of Mr. Clnvelanil An
swer of Mr. Stevenson to tile NottQcatlon
Speech of Mr. White Mrs. Cleveland
Also Comes InforaBhnre of the Ilon
ors "Reception at the Manhattan Club,
New Youk, July 21. The first de
cisive Run of the Democratic campaign of
1892 was touched oft last night in Madi
son Square Garden in the presence o a
vust assemblage. Tho huge auditorium
was packed from pit to dome, and, as the
placo holds 10,000 persons comfortably,, it
i estimated that almost twice that num
ber were present.
The occasion that brought this vast
throng together was the notification cere
monies of tho two leaders of the
Democratic party Grover Clevoland and
Adlai E. Stevenson.
As early as 0 o'clock the crowd began
gathering about tho doors, and at 7:80 p.
m.', when they wero flnnlly opened, tho
streets about tho Garden were filled .with
a pus ling, struggling, perspiring mob,
which flowed into the auditorium with
the roaring sound of a cataract. Nover
had the Garden held such a crowd nor
more enthuslnsm been displayed. The
space room wn,s economized to the utmost
decree, the enthusiastic Democrats stana
ing, after the seats were filled, in lines so
dense that ureatuing uecame (iimcim
Tho Garden was profusely decorutcd
At to you, In nd.
tho people, without precedenuoot section or vnnco of a nioro formal response, t
grndes of citizenship. sage, that I obey the commanir Tinilliirnnt
anu connuentiy untlcipuio tirnl n,,,Y in in
and earnest presentation of our cj" T' "'l
suro n popular endorsement of thr n"lon OI
tno body you represent."
Thero was one more burst of conf.'utl,nfg
applause asGovor Cleveland took lV8 ,
nnd then enmo tho speech of notlfW , '
maile by Stephen M. White of Caliris;-" '
toAlllnl E. Tlio vnlee, of lno
lini UlUIl-U Ul UIU li 1 tl H 1 1111 iiusiuaa, nn- I I" , " VPTV
harmed by the ralghtv agencies that minister California orator was powerful, and of";
duty of the Domoeratlo party.
It Is a dangerous thing for a political party
to continue 1U e jlstence after tho work which
oallod It Into being has been accomplished. It
will Inovltatily pass as tho iiolltlcal organlta-
Hon against which we contend has already
passed, Into the nervine of the groat nreclill In
Uirtsls wlileh overywhere strlvo to soeuro po
litical power for their own uilvantnue. Of tho
preiont policies of that pnrty it may truly bo
said that they all tend to-tho centralization of
wealth in Xavorod qlasses. Against iioth ten
dencies wo light as against enemies of our freedom.
"In this great contest ydur party has sum
moned you to bo Its leader. Tour years ago In
thomld-curccrdf aservlcothat well deserved
the hlghost honors your countrymen could bo-
stow, as we feel suro that It will receive tho
highest encomiums that history can award.
you wero struck dbwn because as a Democrat
you could mako no terms with those who wish-
ed to' plunder the people's treasury, or those
who sought to perpetuate tho passions of civil
strife. Your countrymen will right that
with flags and bunting, the colors of which DUt f r th(jJ own and of the j.
were urougui into strong renei uyiue urn-
llant light from 3,000electriolamps. This,
with the sea of bobbing heads and upturn
ed faces, presented a memorable scene and
one never to be forgotten. Previous to
the exercises C.ippn's hand discoursed
strains of sweet music to which the huge,
perspiring crowd listened1 in a philosophi
cal tnunner, at tho same time endeavoring
to keep cool by swinging fans and hand
kerchiefs. Tho platform was placed at the Fourth
avenue end of the building. Over it was
an immense sounding board. In the cen
tre of this wero two national flags placed
transwlse, and over these, written In in
candescent lamps, were the words "Cleve
land and Stevenson."
I Tho platform had a seating capacity for
760 persons, but it had a thousand on it
before the central figures, in one of the
I juil John,
I'e-Blve this book to introduce to you
Jms raking pnwnFR
pote'(I?or VUitrTYana SttjtENOTJl
you a circular contain
List with lull partlcu
nr trrocer will clve
tdditlonal Premium
how to get them free.
Manufacturers of
. said
Of Every Description,
"lags, Bacfgps, Caps, Regalias, &c.
cite for catalogues. Correspondence solicited.
most brilliant tableaux I ew York has seen
in many months, appeared. The crowd
was a pntient one, despite tho heat, re
lieving its feelings every .few minutes by
rounds of nnnlauso as some familiar flo
You tiro probbbly not aware, sir," uro appeared on the platform. At first
tno lamer, "tnat last year my ciunco, during those periods of entbusl-
"And nOw.sir.we put Into your band. the
commission of which wo uro bearers. It ts tho
highest honor your party can bestow. It Is
the gravest call to duty your fellow Demo
crats can make. Hut wu believo we can assure
you that thero are no ' weak, wcarv or di
spomlent Democrats' lntheranKsof our party
to-day, and that with tho people's cauo as our
cause -wo doubt not you will lead us to a
victory in which the principles of our party
shall gloriously triumph, ii nd tho welfare 'of
our country shall bo mightily promoted."
Hon Nicholas M. Bell, of Missouri, then
read the letter of notification ?rom the
notification committee. The crowd, when
the Democratic standard-bearer stepped
forward to make response, again lost con
trol of their enthusiasm. The din was
deafening and long sustained. Finally
Mr. Cleveland began to speak and the
storm suddenly abated. IIo was listened
to thereafter with much attention and
plaudits only came when his utterances
pleased his bearers, tie said:
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen :
" The message you deliver from the National
Democracy arouscb within me emotions which
would be well nigh overwhelming, it I did not
recognize here assembled tho representatives
of a great party who must share with mo the
responsibility your mission Invites. I Bud much
relief in the reflection tnat 1 have been se
lected merely to stand for the nrlnclDlcs and
purposes to whlo iny1 party Is pledged. Anil for
the enforcement and supremacy of which; all
wh6 havo any right to claim Democratic
fellowship, must constantly and persistently
syllable was distinctly beard through?
tho vnst hall. lie said:
ilfr. Stevenmni
Tli., n.m.l,.lli. Tlat.. H..nMn vmi1
" " ' " ' 1 Ml .J 11 VJtllll.ll.fl 1
worth and popularity, hassolectod you as ltrJ
candidate for Vico-I'residont or tho uniteij
states, and this Committee, in obedtenco to
the instructions of the National Convention
by which it was appointed, is present tonotify
you of your appointment
'Tho circumstances attending tho confer
ring of this honor are such as to augment the
gratification which, In any event, would ao
oomimny the discharge or tho duty which wo
nre here to perform. The ureat organization
In whose battles for the public welfare you
have borno so conspicuous a part, has emphat
ically manifested Its unfaltering approval of
tho cnllght' tica and progiessive administra
tion with which you were forfour youm prom
inently identified.
Candid in our platform: rejoicing In the
cliaractcr and statesmanship of our chosen
lenders, conscious of tho honesty of those upon
whoso suffrages we must rely, we are prepared
and anxious to meet tho isue. We have
nothing to fear and can havo nothing to
Ihe unanimous expression of the commit
tee will bo presented by Hon. Nicholas M.
Bell, its Secretary."
Adlal E. Stevenson listened closely to
the speech of Mr. White and to the offi
cial notification read to him by Mr. Bell.
'He then stepped to the extreme edge of. tho
platform, and bowing to tho thunderous
applauso which again belched forth, ho
aiu, in clear, ringing tones;
Jfr. Cnalrman and QentUmen:
"I cannot too earnestly express ray appreci
ation or tue honor conferred upon me by too
great delegated assembly which you officially
represent. To have been selected by the
rational Domoeratlo Convention as Its candl
date for high Ofilco is a distinction of which
any citizen might well be proud. I would do
vlolcnco to my own feelings, sir. should I fall
to express my gratitude for thecourtcous terms
In which you have advised me of the result of
the deliberations of tho Convention,
Distrusting my capacity fully to meet the
oxnactations of thoso who liave honored mo
by their confidence, I accept the nominations
generously tendered. Should the action of tho
Chicago Convention receive the approval of
tho people, I shall, to tho best of mrhumblo
ability, discharge with fidelity, the duties of
the importnli : trust confided to me."
Itefereni'rii.i. Uen made In terms of com
mendation to the Domoeratlo odmlnistra
tion. Identlrl il hi some measure In all Im
portant biai '.h of the publlo service with that
almiulstratloii) I am gratified to know that It
uas in ao marked a degree received the iu
dorsemeut ol tho Democratic party In its
National Convention. ! am persuaded that
intelligent discussion of the Issues involved
In tho pending contest for political supremacy.
will result In victory to the pnrty which stands
for honest methods In government, economy
In publlo expenditures, and relief to the
Deonlo from the burdens, of unjust taxation.
In the contest upon which wo now enter
we make no appeal to the piwlons, but to
the sober judgment of the people. We be-
Hove that tho welfare of tho toiling millions of
our countrymen is bound up In the success of
rim nartv. lli?wnt occurrences III
neighboring stute have sadly empnaslzed tno
fact that a' high protective tariff ailords no
protection, and tends In no way to better tho
condition of those who earn their bread by
dally toil.
"Uellevlng in the right of every voter to
cast his baUot unawed by power, the Demo
cratic party will steadily oppose all legislation
which tnreatens td Imperil that right by tho
Interposition of roderal bayonets at tho poll3.
"In a more formal manner; nxrearter, ilr,
Chairman. I will indicate by lottcr, my accept
ance of tho nomination tendered to me by tho
National Domoeratlo Convention, and it will
glvo expression to my views touching tho lm
portant questions enunciated in its piati orm.
At the conclusion or Mr. btevpnson'i
'Never has a great party. Intent upon the' oneeeb.' (Iluitrmnn Wilson declared ' thn
promotion of right and justice, had bettor in- I ,-., o,iiM,.nn.i wmi v,
OU.1UVO wr cuuri imui is now piusuiiicu mus. I , j,injn dlevelaml ejime
When you ask for a bottle
of Wolff's Acme Blacking
sec that you get the genuine.
The real aiticle made by us
cannot be bought for less
than 20c. a bottle. It is good
material and worth its price.
There are imitations offered
claiming to be"Justas good"
for less money. Don't buy
them. If the "Just as good "
has any merit it ought to sell
,,.:it. i : i r
, wiuiuui uivuKiiig uic am oi
rnmn5i.!eiti 1 1 i 1 1 , .-mi.- A r.
wiuiuiMU tVlbll UU1 HVllll
LFP & H ANDOIiPH, Fhiladolphlr.
t iamo of a paint which doos work
that no Y'lcr Paint can do. Glass painted
with it l"ur"3 11KU cuiuruu giats. j. iucv
bottle of PlK'ltoN will decorate a market-,
basket fullt,ffiIasswar0 Au rctaiIers sell it-
1 --IIpJ lr
l 'ill
When "old Sol" makes?" '" sIzzIe-
Drink Hires' Root,""
When dull care,makes life''"16'
Drink Hires Root t;eer
When you feel a little dry, v i,nnwu,,v
When you'recross ,and don'tk",w wny-
When with thirst the children'"'
There's a sweet relief to try
Drink Hires' Root Beer
A s; cent Package makes fv& eallons"
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burna, Etc
Removes and ProvontB SoudrufZ.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watefc
daughter spent fifteen hundred dollars asm, one would Imagine tho whole audl
on her dress?" "Yes, I am," said the encewns composed of-men, but after the
mr. iir .l vnM trnuliled aea lmd nettled, the fairer Rnx
jiLmny uiuu, uumj. inuiijtuuri 17 i i iii i tueir wages must increase wtiue a3 they listen,
do it over a year ago, when we lirst bo- scenes are enacted In the vory abiding-place of
camo engaged." Cloak Review.
'Turning ourcyesto tho plain people of tho
land, we sco them burdenod as consumers with
a tariff system that unjustly and relentlessly
demands from them In the purchase of the
necessaries and comforts of life, an amount
scarcely met by the wages of hard and steady
toil wliile the oxactlons thus wrung from
them, build up and increase the fortunes of
thoso for whoso bcnuflt this injustice is per
"Wo see tho farmer listening to a delusive
story that nils his mind with visions of ad
vantage, while his pocket is robbed by the
stealthy hand of high protection.
"Our worklnu men nre still told the tale, oft
repeated lu spite of Its demonstrated faLslty,
that the existing protective tarllf is a boon to
them, and that under Its benofleont operation
for honors, which showed her great popu
larity. Several thousand persons gath
ered around where she was seated ana
cheered her repeatedly. She looked mar
vellously becoming In a costume of gray,
her face wreathed in smiles for the honors
paid her distinguished husband and herself.
Thero was a reception to the candidates
at the Manhattan Club, after tho notifica
tion meeting at thu Uarden,
To Condrier Shlras' Confirmation.
Washington, July 21. A meeting of tho
Judiciary Committee of the Senate will ba
The success of this Great Cough Care 1
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc
cessfully stand. That it may become known,
the rropnetors, at an enormous expense, are
?; North Jardm St., Shenandoah.
To Enforce Reciprocal Halation.
Washington, July 21. The House Com
mittee on Foreign Affairs has ordered a
favorable report on the bill introduced by
Ur. Curtis, of .New Yorlc, to enforce re
ciprocal commercial relations between tho
United States and Canada.
Itn'all the latest styles, of the finest make and
uuofc unisa in ine worm lor me money, manu-
mcitirea oy me uook wagon uompany.
We. tho underslaned. were
entirely cureq oi rupture oy
Phlladelnhla. l'a.. H. Jones. PhlUna. Kennel
iJaU'ire. I'i.: T. A. Krellz. HUtlnirtnn. Pa.: K.
BU.Hmall. Mount Alto, Pa.: Itov. S. II. Biier-
troer. Munburv.iPa.: D. J. Diitt. qiih. 12th
it... iicutuiuic. rtt w in. jjix. mm AiiinLmsB ml .
Philadelphia', 11. h. Rnwe. 809 Elm Ht., Head., l'a.; George and Ph. llnrtcart, 439 Loousl
miu, iwttuiug, i tk. oenu tor circular.
ra liver m
Act on a new rrinclnln
reeolsto the liver, domic h.
and bowels through tht
nerat. Vu. Mass' Pais
ipttdltv curt biliousness,
torpid liver and constipa
tion. Smallest, mildest,
L-estl CpdoneB,25cta.
mnnleit troo at draeglsta.
Or. fillu Bel Co., ElUut, Int.
201 N, Main St., Shenandoah,
.-The Finest Stock of Beef8rAlci, Cigars, 4c
summer costumes, smiles and the inevita
ble fan.
Mrs. Cleveland and party entered a box
about 8 o'clock and this gave tho crowd a
chance to give vent to somo of their pent,
up enthusiasm. Quiet had scarcely been
restored when a mighty chorus of cheers
broke out, and there was n universal
waving of hands, arms, hats, handker
chiefs and fans. Then John II. Bowers,
escorting Adlul E, Stevenson, appeared.
Mr. Stevenson gracefully acknowledged
tho plaudits with a bow. Gov. Flower
and Gen. Sickles were the next arrivals
and they were also vigorously applauded.
Among those who occupied boxes were
Gov. Flower, Lieut.-Gov. Sheehan, Mayor
Grant, Comptroller Meyers, Commissioner
Gilroy, William O. Whitney, tho Manhat
tan Club, the Stock Exchange nnd the
Consolidated Exchange Campaign Clubs,
Orlando B. Potter, Congressman Bourke their fellows.
iiiate win oa ii ' ci. nm. TTr i,
held Friday for consideration of the noml- ftlffSIn;,,d flnd Canada. Bit vouhave
hlfh protection, that mock the hopes of toU
and attest tho tender meroy tho workirifrman
rccolves from thoso made selfish and sordid by
unjust government favoritism.
"Ours is not a destructive party. We are
not at enmity with tho rights of any of our
citizens. All are our countrymen. Wo ate
not rekessly heedless of any American Inter
ests, nor will wo abandon our regard for them:
but Invoking tho love of fairness and Justlco
which bclontrs to true Americanism, and unon
which our Constitution rests, wo Insist that no
plan of tariff legislation shall ho tolerated,
which has for its object and purpose a forced
contribution from the earnings and Income of
tho mass of our citizens, to swell the accumu
lation oi a lavoreu lew; nor will wo permit a
pretended solicitude for American labor, or
any other specious protext of benevolent care
for others, to blind tho eyes of tlio people to
selfish schemes of thoso who seek through the
aid of unequal tariff laws to gain unearned and
unreasonable advantages at tho expenso of
nation of George Shlras, jr., to be Associ
ate Justice of the Supreme Court. There
are at present but two Republican mem
bers of the committee in the city Messrs.
Mitchell and I'lat t anu if the case should
assume a partisan phase, an adverse re
port from the committee is probable, as
nono of the absent members of the com
mittee are expected to return to Washing
ton before the adjournment oi Congress.
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
it will cure you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping CJpugh, use it promptly, and relief
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for
SHILOH'S CURE, Price locts., So cts. and
$1,00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 2$ cts.
For sale by O. H. Hagenbuch,
if Lw ANU MY UUMrLEXlUN 13 bfcl lLlt.
My doctor says It acts Ei'ntly on the stomach,
liver and kidneys, nuan n pleuuant laxatlvr. This
drink U uudu f rum ln-rb-t, unit Is prepared for use
iw tasliy a WJ. ft w eft'!,..!
AUurugCtsts Ult ul .'A utitl (I.111 pftrj).w:Ku
lluy one to-day. i.uho'm 1'iiinIIv .HViHi-Ino
ti allhy, this ts necessary.
It will Hay
nnyono In
wont or
' to send W. to bay libstafce dn 6nr beutlf ul llseett
oTer-UJOinathei ample at loweat prices. i
Jddrc&rrfiu UAttX, to uuh bu fravidvoBO, K.B.
eoq North Fourth at.,
DuO tel. Untta, PmLAUSLriii
the onlr gtoula Ucnnftn Amwlsu
'StQilll la 0a Vnluiil Sulci wbo n
bit, w nit Blood Poison,
"Nervous Debility "4 Spe
cial Diseases b hi,
Skin plieuei. KidSpotiPftloilaUii
teuui-soreThrout Mouth,
Blotehci, rlmplct. Eruptlana, ion 01
h4 Vlarr, SwelllucB, inlutleoi,
lQHanDiUoat aad KniuiUn.
SulolurM, WeikDMl 04
4aosri'lfllfiKirr, wet t, racstal tmlftT. KI4By
llWr hlKua, nd ll PImum mulllDl (tow J
Imlliarctlon r Orerwork. Keorol cei eund lo 4 to I0ol
ivlkf 4 oot. Do not looo hop, no motwf b
tlil?i Pnoiur, Quuk, rusilT or UO'ptul Fl'TtlcUn ha Wll.
Pr. TUtcn. turoi positively lll' ortcslliio. Iron
tuilacii, no. tov, Kium aoid in Tof coTii.riiTa t
M4nniA0B. rfofc or .poor, aetid lo. aioiop ir bQoK
"TkUTh oipiMlaf Qoocka 'Btiilor iworn Uounioololi.
HovBt. dollr'ltOm 1 , Koico krt, Wod-oad Sai.
Kt'ki to 10, Sandv t till 11. Wrlu or coll old U oovod.
Fjr JUfertoeao cut WolA, Bod'Sotuidifirbll. del) TIOBB.
Cockran. I'olice Commissioner Martin,
Benjamin Wood, Henry Villard, Fire Com
missioner Purroy, Frederick K. Coudert,
Perry Belmont, IS. Ellery Anderson, S. D.
Babcock, Kvan Thomas and Police Justice
The concert pitch of enthusiasm was
struck at 8:15 o'clock when Mr. Cleveland
entered. Mr. Cloveland looked impressed
with tie magnitude of the gathering and
the wondrous scene it presented as each
and every man and woman stood on their
feet applauding In the most enthusiastic
manner. He bowed his thanks again and
aguln, but the din and noise continued for
many minutes, and the Secretary of the
Notification Committee, Nicholas M. Bell,
Anally arose in despair and entreated tho
crowd to be silent. It was, however, a
fruitless task, and nothing was left but
to begin tha exercises. Colonel Wilson of
West Virginia approached the rostrum,
and Grover Cleveland roso to listen to the
speech of notification. Mr. Wilson said,
In purt:
Mr. Cleveland:
" Wo bring- you, to-nlvht, a message from tb
Democratic party. Wo come as a Commute
from Its National Convention represontlnif
every Uuniooratlo constituency In tho country,
to ivo you olllclal nntmoatlon that you have
been chosen as its candidate for the oftiue of
Fn'sldeiH of the Vnltod Plates.
"We are also churned with the duty of pre
senting- youho platf onn of principles adopted
Dy iDki cunventiou.
"Wo havo also assumod in our covenant with
hose whoso support we Invite, tlio duty of
opposing to tho death another avowed sehemo
of our adversaries, which under the culso of
protecting thu siitTrago, covers, but docs not
conceal, u design thereby to. perpetuate the
rowr of a party of raid to trust Its cuntlnu
Mice to tho uiitrnmmclcd and Intelligent votes
of the American jwople. Wo are pledged to
resist tho legislation Intondod to oomplete this
"I shall not attempt to specify at this time
other objects and alms of Democratio en
deavor which add inspiration to our mission.
True to lis history and 1 to creed, our party will
respond to tho wants of the people within safe
linos and guided by enlightened statesman
ship. To tho troubled and Impatient within
our membership we commend continued, un
swerving allovlance to tho party whose prln
ciples, lnull times past, have been found suf
ficient for them, and whoso aggregate wisdom
and patriotism, their experience teaches, can
always be trusted.
"In a tone of partisanship which befits tho
occasion, lot mo 6ay to you as equal partners
In tho campaign upon which to-day enter, that
the personal fortunes of thoso to whom you
have entrusted your banners are only Im
portant as they are related to the late of the
principles vney represent ana to taa party
wrucu iney leau.
"I cannot, therefore, forbear remlndlo g you
and all thoso attached to tho Democratio party
or supporting the principles which we profess,
that defeat In the pending cainpatg'h, followed
by the consummation of the legislative
Dead from Ills Injuries,
PnoviDENCE R. I., July 21. Anthony S.
Haswcll ot East Providence, a retired
New York business man, who was lured
from his homo Tuesday evening to that
city by two unknown men under the pre
tense of looking at some land, and taken
to a retired spot off Olney strcot and there
beaten and robbed of $-100 and a gold
watch, died this morning. The assailants
have not been arrested.
Thu Ameer's Troops lleaten.
Bombay, July 21. The troops of the
Ameer of Afghanistan have been badly
beaten by tho Hazara tribe near tho Indian
frontier. The Ameer has lately been en
deavoring to subdue this and other small
... 1 .J lil 1. i
irillCH wuuse luueiicuuuiicu, tiimuugu nut,
guaranteed, is respected by the British In
dian Government. The Hazara tribesmen
lav in ambush for the Afghans, and killed
a large number of them.
Relieved me oi: a severe lilood trouble.
it nas also caused my hair to grow out
again, as it had been falling out by the
handful. After trying many physicians
in vain, I am so happy to find a cure in
S. S. S. O. H. Elbf.rt, Galveston, Tex.
SCI IPP? Hy forcing out perms of dis
casoand thejioisouaswcll.
Cj; CP-It Is entirely vegetable and harmless.
Treatise on lilood and Skin mailed free.
Bwht Specific Co., Atlanta, Oa.
A Six Club Lcagitri Now,
BiNonxMTON, July 21. The Eastern
Baseball Association met at the Arlington
Hotel in this city and held an all-night's
session behind closeddoors, President C.
il. wmteoi jNew xors occupying tuecnair.
Utlca was dropped, El ml r a was shut out
after a sharp struggle, and a Blx-team
league was formed with Troy, Providence
and Binghumton, and Buffalo, Rochester
and Albany,
Robbed h Vanderbllt Cottace,
Bab HxKbon, Mo,, July 21. Georga
W. VamlerbUt's cottage was broken into
Kome time during the night uml a large
quantity of silver plate and other valua
bles stolen. A man wboh as been, lurking
or wit hoot medtetnt) all VitaVbeu ruiUIng frm
Trtix.v.loa f brln. lerr foioti, iimimi or IctdiaerelUEs,
ftl IXVftl fttUSftloD, ifiDI, lotkM, ptfTOHldtbilUr. Utp
ItiiBt. UDuor. rbeuuttUia, kUntj, lif tr ud bUddr cia
?!Iuti.Urc lick, lumbtso, tclatioft, iiDir&l lll-fa)tb, eta.
hUfltctrl: tit contloi nundfrf IpriMrBtt ovr tl
ctlttn, tod (Itci m, current thfct It latttotlj fH by tb wtirer
r tttrMt iftoOOO.OO, o4 it 111 W fcll of tbm abTt dU.
iir HptT. Thouitodi bi,T btn euredbj tble inkiTkieu
lnvratltvotfitr ll oititr rtm4Je rMe(J, ma wslft bu
drdi t titim6altvU in ibli bd vrrr ether tt.
Our po.rful uprTd HtTKlO hl'hKkHOUT tl &
(rtkteii boon Tr shrd wtkk men; INI.K Wl. IliLL DKLTH.
nciifinoi our on nu lvmi coniennviate. ana uo, i . . , . n . " v..: . lt.t . : .t.m i
This iMtoiix contains I companled by .uh other inoldo'iita ,6t thefr ?ilJ"rZA;
orm contains i comiianieu uj uu ouim niviuuuin yt viitur i . .i.....r u'A i.- J .
tull and emllalt declaration of the Dosltioii of i success as miltht moro firmly fli their twor. uuo . uu
Vto Natiooai Dtiiaooratto party on the gtcat would jrint a most discouraging outlook for on. suspicion. -
Ho.010 Brondwoy, NSW VORtCi