r THE fl ? jriiE Jj HERALD'S SUCCESS Is gratifying to Its Large Circle of Readers. HERALD'S SUCCESS Is gratifying to Its Large Circle of Readers. ALL THE HEWS TOn ONE CENT. j & ALL TIIE NEWS FOIl ONE CENT. M VOL. VII.--NO. 174. SHENANDOAH, PA., THURSDAY. JULY 23. 1892. ONE CENT. Here's News! Our Directory, Arrival. P.M. A.M, 2:2B 8:00 9:03 8:18 1:10 8:IW 9:45 It is fair to tell you that same two or three hundred women have been waiting for our Remnant Sale, which com mences to-day and will con tinue until every end of goods is sold. You .want to come early to get the pick of tliis offering. We can't quote prices, because being remnants no two pieces are alike every piece of goods less than ten yards, and all the odds and enas or the season "are yours for less than cost of manufac ture. f The lot will includo remnants of Cash Kere, Kllks, Challles, GinRbams, Batiste, Outing Flannels and all kinds of wash Dross Goods, also Nainsooks, Plaid and White Goods and Embroideries. Wo also otter as extra bargains one lot of -t.wuuuu.a wi uiuu usm ut CU, WOria lZftC. 1 nWui n.ra Ono case good Canton Flannel at Bo; and one bale yard-wide Sheeting at Bo, specially Manv other barp-nins will Tip added daily, so that this July jaargam oaie will continue to De attractive to our numerous customers. jte pop oppieE Shenandoah Offlco hours from 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Money riirtm Anil T?etolvw Tia- partmentopen from 8: 00 U. 1U iU I .W 13. III. the arrival and departure of mall trains. Mall Dcttinatlon. Departure. A.M. f. M. 7:l 9:08 1:25 1:25 1:25 12:28 1:10 , 2:26 1 8:18 9:03 9:50 9:08 9:56 9:66 (Phlla., Western and ( Southern States ( New York and East ern amies ana points on Li. v. L J. WILKINSON., HO S. STaln St., Slienandouh. Gwvin, Duncan and Waidley. I I A new and handsome lot of Toilet Sets, just in. pieces, some 11 nieces. Prices. $2.95 to $5.50. Call to see -them value will astonish you. This lot comprises the very latest designs come soon, the prices will sell them niiirl?. We cannot guarantee to dupli cate this lot nor to maintain these prices on the next. We have just opened a lot of Rogers' silver knives and forks. This brand of goods, as vou well -know, has no su perior in the market. Every piece guaranteed to your satis faction or money returned. Our price, $3,50 per set, 8 South Main Street. 8:18 2:23 f East-1 nd y 11. K. J j Asland. J- Oirardvllle. j- (Haven Itun, Centra-) j lla.Mt CarinelanaJ ( Bhamokln. ) j Pottsville. J- Mahanoy City. I 11:30 7:20 12:S? 3:08 8:00 12:K2 8:08 8:00 1:85 7;00 1:35 7:00 1:10 7:00 7:20 11:30 7:20 9:08 11:30 2:58 6;20 2:50 9:66 9:58 2:60 6:00 2:60 J Mahanoy Plane, Lost I 11:30 ( Frnckviltn. I 7:9(1 m. and 7:00 p. m., and a general delivery at 7:15 . u. uu u.iu in, vuuitiuuui ueuvenus una collections are made In the business part of Fire Alarm lloxnn. The following list shows the location ol tho alarm boxes "of tho Shenandoah Fire Department: LOCATION. IB Coal and Dowers streets. 15 Bowers and Centrejstreets. 24 Dridgo and Centre streets. 25 Main and Centre streets. 31 Main and Poplar streets. 35 Main and Coal streets. 42 Gilbert and Centre streets. 43- Gilbert and Cherry streets. 52 Chestnut and Coal streets. To send an alarm onen thn hnr. nun tho hook once and let- go. When an alarm i sent in the lire bell will sound the number of tno box and repeat the alarm four times. HOW TO LOCATE ALARMS. If the alurm Is sounded from hnr is thn bell will strike one. then cause nnd atrlltn which will Indicate thit thn flro i i t, 'Toilet Sets, just in. Some 9 j ylcInlty ot No-15 box- ETefy olarn k repeated When Baby wasslck, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Costoruv BIDS FOR THE x WATER WORKS STRANGERS FROM FAR AND NEAR IN TOWN. ANXIOUS TO PLUGK A PLUM They Moot tho Joint Committee But go Homo Disappointed as the Water Injunction Was in the Way. CARPET SWEEPERS, 12.50, J3.00, 13.5a At FRICKE'S, 10 Souih JardiifSt PIC-NIC GOODS. JflCilCS, Mixed JPtcJiles, Choiu CfiotVf Cauliflower, JPlcMed Beets, M Celery Sauce, M Tomatoes. Your Choice For 10c a Bottle. Sweet Piclclcs Vy llic Quart Very flue. SLomato Catsuji Superior Quality. Mustard dressing Jor Meats and Salad Pldcled Onions. PIclcles Natural Color 3 dozen lor 35c. FRUIT SXKTrjPS-Lemon, Orange, JPlneamrte, Hasp- very, Stratoberry and Vanilla 1'lavors. Moot Jieer Mxtract. Jamaica Ginger. Lmions. ' -' Kreucli Pruucs Lare nud very nuc. Cliippca Beef aud Summer Sausage. ( Luuclicon Ilcel-2 cans lor 25c. Sardiucs In mustard and Oil. Small Hams, Sltlmicd Hums. Salmon. Moor Oil Cloths and Linoleums. A targe Stock ol New Fall Patterns Already In Sloclc. Linoleum, two yards wide, lrom 75c up. THree Tliousaud Bushels Cliolcc Clean, Ucuvy, AVUlte Oats AT KEXTER'S ARMY of m?n ropre 6mting firms anxious to secure contracts for the proposed public water works invaded the town yesterday, the day fixed for open ing the bids. Tboy were from all parts of this state, some from New Jersey and New lork. and others hnrl journeyod from Pittsburs: and even from umcago jn early all of thorn expected that nothing was necessary to be done further than to open the bids and award the contracts. But great was their sur prise when, upon their arrival, thoy learned that thn town waa HivIHnrl nnnn the public water works question, that there was an injunction and the situation was anything but a harmonious one. Some who mado the dircovory commenced mak ing investigations And onn mnri thn rilo. covered that he and tho other bidders were dealing with tho joint committee said, whv that committee has no aulhoritv " However tho visitors remained UDon the ground to meet the joint committee. Those who did not go about making inquiries as to tno water situation, hirod carriages and drove over to tho proposed site of the works. In the ovenlncr tho loint committnn trim tne representatives ol the bidders in thi Council Chamber, among tho firms repro Sontodwere: R D. .Wood A (In. PMI delphia, Wilson, Snyder & Co., Pittsburg, wasmngion street itallway Uo.t washing ton, Ind Porter Manufacturing Co. Syracuse, N. Y., Deano titeam Pump Mftnulicturintr Co.. New York Oilv Gordon Sleam Pumrj Co.. Hamilton. N Y., The Eddy Valvo Co., Waterfjrd, N, f. . .1 -hr t . . - - . x., ooutn juaenme ana Jletal Works, Chisago, Hillpot and Ayres, Bound Brook, N. J., Holly Manufacturing Co., Lock, port, N. Y Boughen Engine Co., Cincin nati!, 0., Riter and Coney, Pittsburg, Bartlott, Hayward & Co., Baltimore, Md,, Addyston Pipe and citeel Co., Cincinnatti, O.. Cook and Read. Cleveland, fl . Mnrri. Taskerand Co., PhiladolphU, Donaldson iron uo Philadelphia, E O. Shaw & Co. Philadolnhia. Howard "W. Mirlrilatnn Philadelphia, T. William Harris, New York City, Tho Snow Steam Pump Works. Buffalo. N. Y.. Owen Patterson. Biltimoro, MJ Tippett and Wood, Phillipiburg. N. J., Crosby Steam Gauge and Valvo Co., EBoston. Mass.. Miche&l Pipe and Foundry Co , Burlington, N. Y. John B. Foley, Philadelphia, The George F. Blake Engine Manufacturing fin.. TJon, York City, The Bradford Pipe and Foupdry Co., New York City. Altor a dUcussion as to whether the bids could be legally opened with the injunction of tho water company pending the com' mitteo decided that it could not vhn Hnnn and the opening of tho bids was postponod until tne injunction matter can be deter mined, with the understanding that the bidders will roceivo ten days notice before tno olds are opened A discussion of water works in cnnnral followed. Ono member of tho joint com mittee arojo and stated, "I would like to hear something from somo of the visitlni. gentlemen about water works. We are green in the bmlnes (a very truthful statement) and perhaps thoy can give us a low Doiniers." Nono of the visitors took tho hint. Then another member arose and wanted some of the visiting gentleman to state whether or not, from their experience with water .works, something could not be done to procure an injuuetion against tho water company and tho press of town to nrnvnnt them from interfering with the affairs of tne Doroujn. This ridiculous question almost caused an outburst of laughter, ' What tho inter ference of the water nomnanv nnd nrnm with borough aSairs (if there were any) nas to uo wnn water worKs in Unlcago, Pittsburg. Now York. Balti more nr anv other place, was a rib tickler. 'Xhe visiting gentlemen very wisely al lowed the question to go by default. J. J. Franev. secrotarv nro tam. nf thn joint committee, asked to-day that, in jus tice to tho committee, the Herald state that, although nono of the bids havo been openoo, tne committee la positive that it can construct and complete public water LITTLE LOOALS That Cover Conslilentble. Ground In Tills Vlnlnltv. Pastime Park is now open every nlgbt In tno week. Electric cars run diroct to tho grounds which are lit uu bv olnclrioilr The peddler nuisance has become as groat as ever. When will Eist Centre street be put in passable order? Ian merry go 'round will bo in fu'l blast every night in tho weok at Pastime X'arK. Going to tho camp meeting at Lakeside? ut coureo. Steady work at the mines will make Shenandoan tho liveliest town in seven count! 03. Get your printing done at homo, Blackbarries havo appeared in the market. Don't let your horses ftmd untied and don't let them stand on the street crossings. It you want a nioe camnaiirn hndirrm either parly Mx Reese can supply you. ilia JNew York oaDers will sonn bn served every morning at 9 o'clock W hat has become of tho loni?.distanrn telephone Droiect? The introduction of stoam heat into town ought to reduce insurance rates. Work on the now Poncsv branch to Girardvillo will soon be commenced. Tho ohenanuoah contin cent in thn National guard is expected home this week. A new clotbincr storo will hn onnnnd Main street shortly. A nartv was hnrn yesterday looking for a large room and secured ono, we believe. The business men's Dicnie at Putima Park, which was to bo held this afternoon has been postpjned until next woofc 1JO not forget your eves, and do not for get that Queen & 0)., Oculists and Op ticians, ot Philadelphia, are ronrosentod in Shenandoah, Wodnosday, August 3, by one of thoir eye specialists. Ho will bo at tho Ferguson House. PETER TAKES W A GAIISTfG PEN WRITES rMTRBRwrwai ? ON TWO IMPORT A MT Hrm TwiQTS A RAP ON THE KNUGKPS "Tho Laborer ia Worthv of K Hire" An Appeal for the Dogs The Nonsensical Hydrophobia Theory. HE article in ysster-I-N. day's issue of the Ukrald concerning tho rumored deter mination of the Phil adelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Com pany to restrict its employes to the exer- bad shown no signs of rabies and had only objected to being inteifered with when eating, This haDDened several woob. r,,. child is all right and the deg is apparently well and happy. Now if thn H wi h killed, in accordance with the first impulse mat seoms to govern such cases, my friend, his wile and all tho fnmilo .nH ,!,;. . . j .UUI. Bv- quaintances would bo in constant dread lest the child should develop hydrophobia. Nothing, in fact, could hnvn hcon Y.tn utter folly than to put an end to tho ani mal which had merely obeyed a natural instinct, and whose death would have re- oved all evidence as to whether OF nnf ha ;as in a normal condition. 1 admit that uch a case it is wnll tn bun iha un8er """lint and careful observation for , tiM. U... T 1 .1 biuitr, uut x nnnn run limn will onnn .when every newanannr nr ntho count V dog's biting somo one will not wind up "u luu announcement, "The dog has beeiJx1104-" Pktkb. POLITICAL POINTS. cise of their power oflr.oeal, CountV' stilte u,11 National Themes U... .1 , ..I " fli.nat. I...... I enfranchisement so that the company shall be drawn loss frequently into nolitins created a furoro in town last night. Well, furore, or no furore, it is tlma a halt called to this company-political busine:s X- . 1 . I IT.. . j. esieruay vne herald received a re quest from a citizen asking credit for im provements he made to his property and p ace or business, and requesting that we predict that a chanee would add to thn popularity of the place and would be ap preciate- Dy tne public. Glancing at tho top ot tho sheet we noticed that the print Considered. TiA n fdefeated asrtiranta far nn. " v 1. 1 .11 j vi 1 1 -" " litical offices is unusually largo this year. rr... . ... Sthn Wn..,tU T :-t.i j.ne contest in V u' li1""""" district will be far moro interesting than Soma nrnpttoH It The Democntic caVaiaat0 for Senator m tho 29th district. OAJ- Arogood, is a brother of Harrv Arplod. of town. Sen- atoriieefer w 11 find 1." no -biow coach." Democratic in tha "Pete" Bowers, ona candidates for Parents Warned. A writerto the Ukrald comnlalna (hoi children are in the habit of congregating on tno crossing at Ooal aud West streets and insulting pedostrians. The writor savs tbey also throw stones and mud at tho poople who pass the nlaco. and that ha , a child about throe years old follow a woman for some distance, and as the child tormented the woman by pulling her dress a crowd stood at the corner InncM uuuu umragos cannot oe tolerated, no mtter how youne tho offender mav h out tne best method for tho iniurod nartlna to adopt Is to notify the parents of the fact If the parents are not disposed to afford relief after being notified tho iajurod parties will have more effective measurers at nana. Frmi-ih !ot..-n :. 11 1 wn hereabouts w. euua. no uuiitou luai IUQ print- ., 10 Ytvll KUUV ing of the notehoad was not our work, or anc nas many warm friends. tho work of any printing office in town; so, Cnris Magoo is heard from aiB'n' n6 while wo have always had a kindly feeling clines with great circumstancosV tbo secre- for tho party makinc the taryshin (before it wa inn,iAred) of tho marked "10 cents a line" unon the maroin Republican National mmmittoX- Tho of tho letter and put it on file. We have mention of Chris' name in connect00 with concluded that if our friend wants a notice tn06e ot national reputation rominY3 on& Iree of charge ho must appeal to tha out of-town office that does his printing. 11 may be true that wo cannot do lob work as cheap as some ueonle. and that tho glory we enjoy in running nowspaper is far greater than that which fell to tho lot of Columbus, but as all stars havo a back-ground we must insist nnnn something moro than flattory. We cannot afford to give a notice worth SI CO for the of the trick oi tho St. tr who gave the ronortera flvo dollar ,send over the wires tho rumor that she was fn' gaged to Samuel J. Tildon. Of coursoV1 was a fake, but it irivn hnr notoriety all the same, and that was ju A wnat she was pravintr for. Tt u ,.nn.i,i ' to suppose that the President is not bereft of his reasoning fnriilHna ami ti,n.r is safe to conclude that Mr. Mageo's namo Bata nf aullln. a nr.. nf . I n.aa nn 1 . t.j wu. p.irai onj- I v,u, otuuuaiv ur laCOLlOllslv mnn- inoro than our friend makincr tho renuMi tioned in conneotinn n., t. 1 i - . r icaifuuElulu . vwm. iu. Ji,uiiK wuiiu kwuii uu mp national committee tho 9i.. e nave no right to object to rumors in tho Pittsburg papers to the con people going where they like for their trary notwithstanding. printing, but we havo a right to ask value The President showed his good sense in iu. nruoi, vo Kivo. 'tv e are urea oi rn. I annointmir a 1'nnnooiironio m ovii. uur rates are ten i hjb ouprome bench. cents a line. ? ? ? ? ED. Hekald : Have we comnanv Ntorna In our miasi r i am lea to ask this question by a chureemado bv Luzernn Schuylkill county, especially Shenandoah, has uiuro oi mem than Luzerne and Laekawanna counties put tocother. Clvo in lli-ht Mr Editor. Buesav It always irritates me whan I' mad an account of somo one having been bitten by aaog, to see tho statement that the dog was at once shot or otherw se disnatnhnrl. Tl-l. . . . 1 uuavcomu do moro absurd ifor mv own part I believe that there is not mnnn siock to uu taken in the popular notions on It is said GO.nOO T I wwvu.u.o uu un franchised in Fhiladalnhia thi. r- non-payment of taxes. l'EHSONAI,. works for tho amount of tho increased debt. Best work done at Brennan's stnatn laundry. Everything white and spotlesi. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed. Fine photos, 60c. per doztm.at Kcagoy'i Wilbur F. Sadler. Jr.. Thomas S. Lewis, of S nrnnfnn ia Trial!.. f , . . " f Tioinui; Mrs, Frank Wentz. nf Tip1nn t,;,u,a inonas m town yesterday. Cashier J. R. Leisonriog, of HuzletoD, whs m town vestfiirinv . i f -j uuuui mat many ot tne cases commonly re- -miss ueorgia Lake, of Easton, is tho k.uou us uyurupuuuia are in reality cases guest ot aius Virgie Hollopetor ot what doct rs term false hydrophobia. Mioses Mame 13. Wasiey and Hannah mtus, wuou person is oitten by a eese went to bteelton yesterdav Anew .a ..n ur. r? , .1 l I T n . . s, uuBauipauuiiu uu inonus exnecti jutb. o. j. -riee anri iLnf.. m , , , , . . I . .. n. . nuuv WW sucn la me mrco ot the popular be e uape May to snend a l.riof that hydrophobia will eneuo. Pnrhnnoi Miasna T.1t.io ni m..L . nr,,, , ... It ... tJ.. , oxpecl" Id too Etronc a term to nsn. hut liarro. are thn oil net a nf Mt t - - i n-v jujm tJauiU IvUOfcO, iuey oreai u ana iook tor It, and tho first -Mrs. Margaret Powell, of South West acho or pain or unusual sensation h taken street, is so ill her friends foar she will not as a sympt jm of the dire disease recover. NOW. SUrniOtn that : mn l.oo ku. Ull.. W W T?,l .1 . . r kwuuiwu ii . iuira, ma prominent snoemor- uv a uuir luul is man nnnAArnnpo, in nnnri nnnntnt i't,-iiin e )Nn lntirnt-liiiia Tlldn.aA- 1 health ami eiinn... t U . . f . c , I I . I. nr . ... ' J . ,,, .M,,rvoo mmmior jew weeks i mo uKAj.ii ouice, and his daughter RnnorU that a lor .,.!.. e -n.ii.t. I ho T... . . .. , . ' u" URUsner, .nH iTn,...i., ....... . . :: . . " ymura&y. HUuH, ,u lumi wore sick mi, oay, wuuru mo uog's teem broke bis I ' '" led tO a fear that thov warn vlntima nflskln. Sllnnnan Inat n thn t I TIia Ti,.iu. . .... I rr.L. - . uo pieasant etlect and perfect safety with which ladies VttiltVl Ullb evening ana was lutormod that the sick- the man and his friends, in their anxiety 1,(lu,a laiatlvo Syrup of Figs, under all nos prevailing among tho classes named is and alarm, will worry the victim into a eonaitlns, makes it their favorite remody. not of a contagious character. It is con- nervous state that may actually give rise to To ot tbe truo and Renuine article, look fined to the children and U nf thn nhnln.. thA itnmmnnlv cmiit.) 1 it. for the namn nf thn nui;rn.Mt x,: w...... . --. ...j m..ur,o CJUJUbUlUB Ui Ijy- infantum typo. A Urge numbor of tho drophobia. But. on tho other hand. run. cases have proved fatal. pose that the dog has been allowed to live . 1 ! . aclosewatoh bointr. of course, fennt. nn oucisienfl Arnica Haitro. iui .j ...... .," . r' Tha lint flalvn i .h . ",'a"ulua'ue8UOWSno whatever Rr!a. Rhmb in 0.,. V,V" U1 J"n'hg aonormai, out goes about in , a,UBum, rover the usual way. eats and ilfln, .5 Wn,. r , , . "luuit w uu taken in tne popui L c.nbOIUDUb UIKUH 11V II H li l.A.nBIH 1.1--. 1 . , . . "-rt -.! .'viviio uim ivuuii wti iikvii i u,hA i . . i. . ,. . cothnrnH .11 ll, If .1 - -- - Mirni u uu, iiwiut) w mni mat IHerO IS gathered all the information our reSders Ln ,,nh thir.. t will lfnnro n v, u., n " . -1 "Poe, no ..... w uu ouuuk u jau, J The l'ienlo To-morrow. a he combined Lakeside excursion and pionio to take place to-morrow under the auspices of the Trinity Eoformod, Pres byterian and English Lutheran Sundav schools ol town, will bo well patroniaed. special tram win leavo hero at 8 a. m. The special tickets will also be good on the regular trains leaving hero at 12:33 and 2:48 p. m. lteturning, a special train Will leave lakeside at (3 p, m. fear that thov were - i . i ... . wvuitiuiu, na is I contagious diseases. A Hbbald reporter o often done, the dog hat been killed on marlo lnniiinn i i n 1ll.t . I t . i m . I evening ana was Jnformod that the Bick- the man and hit friondfl. in their ami " ... niv, i for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed near tho bottom of the back- I "K. Tliey Aro lliaiitl The two new cam rrntirr i..nA,i A j iiuu vu. vi me ojeiano snops mado thoir initial trips Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain Z Z LZZ' 1 h Z. , Vr th A8hland branch Tb Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and S , , lT?, ha.a,tJ,y a Uars are painted the regulation color ot tively euros Piles, or no rmvment ,nnMvl ..fL . ... UBU r0VBU """'"K 'fm ana look lino Tt is m.oraniA A. , . . J V . w " wrong witu mm won Id bo reassuring It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. itu .iv,t . .V . or money refunded. Vr.nn .. "TT."1." "u "'"aiot box. -Pnr..i h 7 ,7 ,r" JTv-Vu" wm wowtt oxiitin the case of tho man , . wuu naHn niiian. 7U..J., .1 . . , , , . x-ui-ou xjuys uuiy. i t uaj ui yv a;u ui a iriena ot i j vu W. lll ! , . j . . mini ,. ,!,,. f..ll l. 1.. .1-. . . PrOCUrO excursion tlnVnta oi. XH1.1 ,1 a mil kiyo u Buy iaay purcnasing a "uvcu "U"'J' ' vuu country, and V,, . , : ' ml. nf m,. I.JUt a .1 .i.i. C . .. . I mhnan llttln Km. 1 .:.. i , I t latO lrom June Slat tn A linnet Op1 t i1-' v. wu, inuioa uuu euuea wuicu sou at I "".vHv ...... wjf uwi uacu uuiun uy a aog. I , , - . - Jl 00 and upwards, a beautiful purso worth The U0K waa ordinarily good-natured, but ,pBt,al t-aug-20 9( nnnta l)nl..l Dl. in, XT .1. - I thn llttln fnllniu I..., .... - wiJiij, uiuic, ii nuriu iuaini w" fcMwuKunuoBijr aiiumpieu to streot, three doors abovo J. J. Prion's d Pat his hoad while tho don was i?nawtn a goods store 0-21-tf 1)0u0, Vexed at being disturbed at suoh a time, the dog snapped at tho lad and seized j , Cool riliiiflM Can be found at Vermillion, O., and thoso who with to attend thn mnm mAii. . that place during July and August can procure excursion tickets via the Nickel Hotter Lute Thuu liter. Max Reese has lust recelvnH la of base ball bats. Their arrival la lata hi.t they will come in handy lor the Republi cans to Knock the Domocratio ticket oyor A 3 rout Stuck. Five thousand novols. the latest and hnai ?old of 0,8 oheek' ThB wound bled freely, cans to k is,ued, telling at 25 cents other places, for . WftS not seriou'ana ' n' likely even the fonce, ruin a M n t 1 r . mt I v um ( w H Bbdii OILtlUUVIl HI1VH fH I llllnhni) I flnBstnlavinnar. in th .i,.. k had to be taken in it. When mv friend -uuy vfyon flour. r,ar n.v was Informed by letter of what had nn. nanio iisssio & Co f" I J L . ... . I J curruu, no was also told that they wore f"uvou ou every sack iu UOl mi!I mO Uleveland racea. T.nnr Inlnnrilnir tn bill ,1. A rr. . I .. n ..... ....v.- xt.-i r ru. uu-. UOUgmusf Leads to Oonaumntion " uc ' xiuie. oee wrote a most urgent letter bsc no- thnm v ,.,,, , .... .. : : Wickel Plate agents, mo id not on an? account to do n'TZT, wiu wp tne cough at Bo sure that tho Ashland, Pa., Is 3-3-3 taw