The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 18, 1892, Image 1

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    -J 1
r TUE 4
Is gratifying to us
Is grotlfylng to Its
Larfje Ciir'clc of' Readers.
Large -Circle of Readers.
K At.r, -niE'NEwsrdnONEcxxr.
KO. 171.
7 in 1 lataf m vhvbi m .mj
Here's News!
It is fair to tell you that
some two or three hundred
"women have been waiting for
,our Remnant Sale, which com
mences to-day and will con
tinue until' every end of goods
is sold. You want to come
early to get tlie pick of this
offering. We can't quote
prices, because being remnants
no two pieces are alike every
piece of goods less than ten
yards, and all the odds and
; ends of the season are yours
' for less than cost of manufac
ture. Tho lot will lncludo remnants ot Case
mere, frMlks, Cballlen, Glnphnms, Batiste
Outing Flannels and all kinds ot wash Dree
Goods, also Nainsooks, Plaid and Whlt
Goods and Embroideries.
We also odor ns extra bargains one lotot
Remnants of Blue Drill at 80, worth 121io.
Ono cose extra heavy Canton Flannel at
8c, worth 100.
One case good Canton Flannel at So; and
one balo yard-wide Sheeting at 6c, specially
Many other bargains will be
added daily, so that this July
Bargain Sale will continue to
be attractive to our' numerous
SO S. Main St., Shenandoah.
Duncan and
A new and handsome lot of
Ifoilet Sets, just in. Some 9
pieces, some 11 pieces. Prices,
$2.95 to $5.50. Call to see
them value will astonish you.
This lot comprises the very
latest designscome soon, the
prices will sell them quick.
We cannot guarantee to dupli
cate this lot norto maintain
these prices on the next.
4 We have just opened a lot of
Rogers' silver knives and
forks. This brand of goods,
as you well know, has no su
perior in the market. Every
piece guaranteed to your satis
faction or money returned.
Our prlco, t3,50 per sot,
8 South Main Street.
Mixed Pickles,
J, "yffhow Chow,
v Plcltled Beets,
Celery Sauce,
Swctt PlcUlcB toy llic Quart Very fine.
lomato Catstip Superior Quality.
Mustard Dressing for Meats and Salall.
Pickled Onions. , , i
Pickles Natural Color 3 d ; : '
hery, Strawberry and
Moot Jteer JExlract.
Jamaica Ginger.
French Prunes I.ErRfe and very flue.
Chipped Beei and Suiniucr Sausage.
Luncheon Itccf a cano tor 25c.
Sardines in niustnrd and Oil. '
Moor Oil Clotlis
A. Large Stoclc ot New Fall
Linoleum, two yards
Three Thousand Bushels Choice Clean, Ilenvj , White Oats
Our Directory,
j!e pot officii
Office hours Irom 7:?0o,
m. to 7130. p.m. Monyf
Order and Registry De
partment open from8:00
a. m. to 7:00 p. m.
fiYtllnwtncr Is a schedule of
the arrival and departure ot mall trains. Mall
matter for despatch must bo In the office thirty
minutes before tho time given below: '
Arrival. Destination. Departure,
(PLUa., Western 1
and Y
Southern States)
P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M.
. A. M.
1:40 0:45 ( New York and East
8:00 -i em States and
( points on li. V. 11. K.
Asland. j- 7:20
j Glrardvllle. J-
( Raven Run, Centra-1
Ua.Mt CnrmclandV
( Bhamokln. )
! Pottsvllla. I 7:20.
( ) 11:80
( 7:20
i Mnhanoy City, y 0:08
1 J U:30
J Mahanoy Piano, Lost t 11:30
) Creek and Hhal t. (
:25 0:0
S:18 9:00
2:20 0:58
X:18 0:50
2:26 0:66
i Frackvllle. ) 7:20
Carriers make a general collection at 6:00 a.
m. nnd 7:00 p. m., and n general delivery at 7:1
a. ra. and 3:15 p. m, Additional deliveries ana
collections are mad6 In the business part of
town &i iu; io a. m. ana -: w p. m.
Fire Alnrm lloxes.
The following list snows toe cation ot
tbo alarm boxes of tho Shenanuoah Firo
location. .,
16 Coal and Dowers streets
16 Bowers and Centro'streets.
24 Drldgo and Centro streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
84 Main and Poplar streets.
35 Main and Coal streets.
43 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
62 Chestnut and Coal streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pull down
the hook once and let go. When on alarm 1
Bent In the fire bell will sound the number ot
the box and repeat the alarm four times.
If the alarm Is sounded from box 15 the tire
bell will strike one, then pause and strlko five
which will Indicate that the fire Is in the
vicinity of No. IS box. Every alarm is repeated
four times.
When Baby was Kick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When sho hod Children, she gave them Castorla.
At FRICKE'S, 10 South Jardm St.
Your, Choice
10c a Bottle.
Orange, Pineapple,
Vanilla Flavors.
, '
Small JJnm.4, Skinned lining.
and Linoleums.
Pntternn Already In Stock.
Yk-lclc, lrom 75c up.
Tho Eleotrlo Railway Did a Tre
mendous Business and tho
Now Park Branch Worked
Very Satisfactorily.
N assemblage such a;
attended tho opening
of Pastime Park, near
Wm. Penn, Saturday,
is seldom seen down
tho valley. Notwith
standing picnics went
held Biraultaneouily
at Turkey Kun, Lost
Crook, Raven Bun
and Girardvilie, people flocked from al
theso points and othor places, includtUK
this town, to Pastimo Park to ehareiin
pleasure affordod by the picnic of the
Grant Band.
Pastime Park is a success. It is a beau
tiful placo molded by nature for a pleasure
resort Its location is suporb. One stand
tag upon the immense dancing platform
can have n splendid viow of the valley.
Looking from the main line of tho olectrh
road ono is led to ridicule tho assertion'
that nature has afforded any shade for the
park, but closer observation shows that one
of the prettiest groves of maple, oak and
chestnut trees , is just whore the park is
locatod. To the west of tho dancing plat'
form thore is a natural terraco upon which
people may ba seated and watch the evoju
tions of ,tho dancers.
The electric railway branch connecting
the park with tho main line was also
opened for tho first time Saturday night,
The branch is about two-thirds of a mile
long. One car was. tun and it made regular
connections with all cars on the main line
going east and west. Tho track is a -little
'stiff" just now, but will bo made peilect
in ft fow days.
Tbo structures now upon the grounds are
tho 8toim carousal, tbo rrjuvenaud Colum
bia dancing platform and several refresh
ment stands. Others will bo added in
time. For tho 6hort period which the
management has had to moke nccommdda.
lions tho work already dona has been
Enough for tho park. Now for the pic
nic. It was one of tho most delightful af
fairs the band hasjaver held. It was also a
splendid financial success. Tbo electric
railway was taxed to its utmost capacity to
get the pooplo there and cars from ail
points wero literally packed. One car that
loft hero at 10 p. m, carried 1S0 passengers.
The people clung to the back and sides of
the cars as flies cling to n molasses barrel.
They were not all men and boys by a long
Bhot. ' Young women were on hand in
large numbers and did not loavo a six-inch
space on tbo car stop unfillod. It was one
of the greatest nights for traffic the road
has yet had and the band had a large pat
ronage from the crowd.
The Union Cornet Band, of ContraliB,
and tho Liberty Band, of Wm. Po.m, were
in attendance. Both played eeveral selec
tions, tho Union band playing on the
dancing platform under tho leadership of
Prof. Zaitz, who is tbo instructor of that
organization as well as tho Grant Band.
The music discoursed by both bunds was
oxcellont and the Grunt Band extends its
inanKB to mora, xno dancing musio was
furnished by tho Schoppe orchestra of ten
pieces and was of tho usual excellent
Buoklen'a Arnica Salvo.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt ltheum, Feyoi
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skia Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no payment required
It is guuranteod to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For salt by O. II. Ilagenbuoh.
ltlght Klndor Talk.
The executive committee announced by
Chairman Davis is not received with satis
faction in all the districts, moro particular
ly as thore are so many now men appoint
ed. Ve are not ready at this time to ques
tion tho wisdom of bis choice. The moro
fact of their being new men Is not sufficient
to condom n them, and If they turn in and
conduct a successful campaign, there
'should be no room for complaint. Those
who wanted to get on and didn't, can con-
solo themselves by the fact that thoy aro
thus roliwod of lots of hard work. Maha
noy Tribune, Am
Vur ao WiyOijIy,
Wo will givo to lady Jmrohaslng a
pair of our ladiosJ fine shoos, wbioh sell at
SI. 00 and upwsr'di.Voeautlful purso worth
25 cents. Poopl' Bt0r0l21 North Main
stroot, tli reo doors above J, J.
Prico's dry
goods storo.
Coughing Leads to Consumption
Kotnp'f, Balsam will stop the cough at
once. '
Fino photos, 00c. per doton,at Keagey'i
Majority of Over Sixteen Hundred on the
First llullot,
Special to tho IIhualli.
Pottsvills, July 18, 2:S0(p. m. The
Democratic county convention met at 11:43
o'clock this m 1 li ning and was called Iv
order by. County Cbairman'Marr,of 'Ash
4and. -.
J. J. Monaghan, of Shenandoah, was
made permanent chairman.
J. B. Klino, 8. Krebbs and J. T. Mc
Louglilin were madq secretaries.
John Rattigan, of Mill Creek, nominated
lion. Cyrus L. Pershing for .ludee.
John Dolphin, of Mahauoy City, nomi
nated Hon. John "V..lyon.
Porshing was nominated on the first
ballot, the result bolng :
Porshing 5.1KV4
Pershing's majority lfiMH
' Tho convention adjourned at 2 p. m. for
recess amid great enthusiasm. Tht
Pershing men wore exceedingly jubilant.
The balance of the ticket will probably
be this: Congress, James B. Roilly; Dis
trict Attorney, Jamos "W. Ryan, Frack
vllle i Coroner, Dr. Marshall, Ashland;
Poor Director, "William Dorr, Shenandoah.
The Injunction Suit Against the Ilorough
Holds l'lio.
The injunction case of the" Shenandoah
Water and Gas Company against this
borough was before the court at Pottsvple
this morning for argument,, but D. , C.
Honning, Ejq., counsel for tho company,
asked for a postponement of thirty days
ponding the fixing of a date for argument,
Tho court granted tho request; This seems
to bo an indication that the caso will not
be arguod before September.
Botough Solicitor Pomoroy then offered
a bond of ?10,000 in behalf of the borough,
tho intention being to secure ox-Stnator
Torbert against damage arising out of the
borough taking the stream and property
thoy want for the proposed public water
D. C. Ecnning, Esq., who is also Mr,
Torbort's attorney, objected to tho bond,
Tho court took tbo bond. An argument on
it will probably be made when the injunc
tion caso cornea up.
lorxnal Announcement of the Competl.
tlons mid Prizes,
In another column of the Hekald will
be found 3 formal announcement of the
competitions to take placo at tbo great
musical festival to hold at Lskeside on
Monday, August 15, and the prizes to be
awarded. The festival will be on
grander and more expensive tcale than last
year and it is expeoted at least 10 000 peo
ple will be present.
The prizes offered are ample and the con
dltions aro such as to admit competition by
all who take an interest in suob festivals,
As a musical event tho affair will be a fuast,
Prof. Clark, of Philadelphia, has been on
gnged to1 make the abdications and Iiev,
Fred. Evans, also ot the Quskor city, will
be tho conductor.
Paritcular attention is called to the notice
in tho advertisement requiring that the
names of all competitor,) thall bo in (ho
hands of, the secretary by August 1st.
Side Issues.
Delightful weather.
The streets aro in bad condition,
Tbo editorial excursionists are home
After this woek tho political campaign
begins in earnest.
Tho display of Aurora Borealis, on Sat
urday night, was beautiful.
The ranks ot the Republican Marching
Club are filling up rapidly,
Nearly all the Demooratio politicians of
town uro )n Pottevllle to-day. ,
The School Board will moet in the Super
intendent's ouico to-morrow evening at
7:80 Vclook.
Gibson's Challenge Accepted,
John Donohoe called at tbo Hkiuld
office this morning aud Informed the
sporting odilor that ho will accept the
oballongo of William Gibson tb fight boloro
the Coney Island club for $500 a elda and a
purse. No limn or placo was ipeolfled for
making arrangements for tha fight
Tongue Almost Severed.
Wendell, the four-year-old son of Tbo.
R. Phillips, of South West street, mot
with a painful accident yesterday aftor
noon. Whllo climbing a fence he fall.
Ono of tho picket strusk him under the
chin and forced his toetb almost through
tho tongue.
Just received a large, new stock latest
designs in wall paper and window shados at
Portz's. 4-88-tf
Tho St. Patrick's Band will hold a plo-
nlo In town on Labor Day, Sept. 6th, tf
n. "Hnrnlrt" 'Rnrw-irfrni- "OTM
uouia uiean KomiDg fromi
Them Learned That it Waa
Quite Sorlous.
jjjj HIS town was thrown
into a stato 01 great
excitement this morn
ing by a report that
there hod boon an ex
plosion of gas in the
vL Ellengowan colllory,
that tho slope bad cavod in and twenty
men bad been killed. A Herald reporter,
accompanied by Clayto. Folmor and B. R.
Severn, drovo to tho colliery and found
that the report was true eo far as it related
to an explosion, but that tho location and
results' were exaggerated.
From, what the Herald report or could
learn only ono man was a victim of the ex
plosion, and he suffered by being closed in
a beading. His name is Gustavo Miskell
and he boards on Popular street, in this
Miskell worked in btoaBt No. 16 of tbo
west mammoth gangway. His "butty"
was not out to-day.
When tho reporter and others stood at
the bead of the shaft Insido Foreman
Brown appeared and ordorod everybody
away. "You aro on tbo company's
grounds," said ho.
Tho ref ortor advanced and said, "Mr.
Brown, Shenandoah is in a state of ex
citement over a report that thero has been a
torriblo explosion in those mines and
have corao to learn thejruth."
"There has been an explosion, but no
body was hurt. There is a man inside,
closed in, but ho is noither burned or hurt."
"How do you know ?"
"I was in thero half an hour ago and
was talking to tho man."
"Did you seo him J"
The roporter waitod until it wa3 time to
make his return to tho Herald hoping
that Assistant Superintendent Brougball
would come out of tbo mine but ho did
not do so, "
After rocess for dinner the breaker started
up and work went on, including hoisting
out of tho shaft, as if nothing had hap
pened. It was said that this was done to show
the explosion had no serious results.
Miskoll's brother was at the bead of the
shaft aud begged to bo allowed to go down
and help rescue bit brother. He was told
that Gustavo was all right and ordered off
tho grounds with tho rest. He left declare
iug that ho would seo if thero wero not sc mo
moans by which ho could learn moro of his
Tho Hbrald reportor mot, at somp, dis
tance from tbo shaft, a Polo who bad loft
the mine. He said that the explosion was
moro serious than tho bosses cared to make
known. Ho said" tho explosion occurred in
a breast, but he did not know which ono,
or how It oocunad. Tons upon tons of
coal wero started, ho said, and sovoral
tlnibore In tbo gangway wero bjown our.
The wholo place was choked up, Miskell
was not burned or hurt, ho believed, but
closed In a heading. He feared tho man
would bo eufi'ooated. ,
A report was started that two other moo
were closed in with Miskell. Their namo
wero given as Flanlgan and Broderiok,
but this report was modifiod by a statement
that they wore inside trying to get Miakoll
Up to tho time tho Herald went to
press no additional particulars were re
ceived and tho result teemed to bo as al ready
loarood by tho reporter, that Miskoll waa
doomed to ruffooalion and the tnino was
badly damaged by the oxph sion.
A' Great Stock,
Five thousand novels, tho latest and beet
issued, selling at 23 conts other places, for
sale at Max Reese's for 20 cents. The
finest playing cards in tbo market 5 cents
per pack.
Buy Keyttone flour;
name Lessio & Co,,
printed on every sack.
Re sure that the
Ashland, Pa., is
Interesting Itemn Concerning Different
Sections of the Jteglou.
Whito Haven has decided to have public
electric light works.
It is rumored that Gordon Is to have a
stocking factory backed by Philadelphia
It is said that after August let all tbo
chair cars run on tbe Lshigh Valley rail
road will be remo7ed and Pullman cars
run in their stead. Tbe Roading runs Pull
man cars on all its system, and the rumor
is likely well founded. Tbo rate on Pull
man day coaches is fifty cents for ono
hundred miles, while for Valley chair cars
it is twenty-five cents per hundred miles.
Tho Ashland Patriotic Order of True
A merlcans and friends will picnic at liaKo-
sia ys to-morrow.
rVeather has Increased the salaries of its
intermediate and primary school teachers.
Th Ingersoll-Sorgeant Drill Company
of NoVV York, will remove its works to
EastonA The National Switch and Targot
Works, Vow in South Easton, will movo to.
a Bito arija Jt'hirig plant. 1. ho
two cotnpi'I'S have a capita":7.,lC'"'J-
8t,250,0C0 sTind their works will cov . .,r
acres. Tbeyci wl" employ upwardr of oqq
hands, with p Wects of largo ad diliot)8 to
tho force. A
Tho Ashland Record says h xff n.
mol prize fight W,as a fBke to
Uf- If thn tv,l!
who stopped the m VU was . ,,. ,
slow for theso fast tin3
During Wednesd jy BfBrnonni. ,,
storm at Freeland oW vHn.n .-.1
his wife stood ii the side door of their
residence when lightning struck tho build
ing, shattering u considerably and killed
Mrs. Malijbi. Friends and neighbor
rushed to; their assistance. Medical aid
was Euurnonod. and in tlie meantime a
trench was dug and the V;oman placed
there'.n, and covered with earW this being:
proposed by a bystander as bringing back
111a in men cases. All this was W no avail
as the woman was dead. Hor btdy turned
black immediately,
Ashland supply of water ha3 ru, eo joW
iuh uuruugn autocrines navo givem notice;
that great caution must bo oxercisedgllinst
waste oy consumers.
-mo ivvuuij-urst anuuai meeting ox thfl
nun, nuovo uazieiun, mrnxrnrrasiiej
August 3d and contihuo until the 11th.
William Auman, of Ashley, has t,hr
reputation of being tho oldest locomoty
engineer in service. He began railroad
as brakoman on tho Reading in 1812. I-
KpntfiTiihnr Un . . . . .
"w .uuu, ua was prumuitu engine
uu una punou mo tnrottle continuojisl
the LikIIos.
.u jjicuouui eiiBut ana poriect sa
wnn wnicn ladies may use the Oalifori
1: t.Jl n -
"4"iu laxative ayiup of i)'igs, under all
conditions, makos it thoir favorito remedy.
To get tho true and genuino article, look
for the namo of the California Fig Syrut
Co. printed near tho bottom of the pacl
In Itusiness Agnlu.
Benjamin Richards again took chargo of
tho Cambrian House, at the corner of
Centre and Jardin streets, to-dav. After
the recent sheriff's sale at the hotel tho
licenso of tho place whs transferred frprr
I. H. Carl to Mr. Richards, who installed
Girl as manager. To-day Mr. Richards
assumed full control, H will mako sev
eral Improvements in the place and intetds
to make It as popular as in former days.
Cool Shado
Can be found at Vermillion, O , and those
who wish to attend the camp meetings at
that placo during July and August can
prpcuro excursion tickots via the Nickel
Plate from Juno 21st to Auirust 23d at
special rates. t-aue 20
ftlnst be I'ublisheil.
OUrgynifn are reminded that the Dresent
laws require them to publish marriages in
at least one newspopet Failing to com
ply With this re nuiremeht cot several min-
irtew into serious trouble in the central
part of tbe Mate recently.
, 'lliiohleberrlog Wanted.
We are now buying huckleberries and
Mpeot to do so throughout the Beason.
Nothing but good sound berries wanted.
Goodman & Bro.,
No. 38 West Contrn street.
7-0 10t Shenandoah. Pa.
Best work done at Bmnnan's steam
laundry. Everything white and spotless.
Laoe ourtalns a specialty. All wort
Prompt Asalatauco.
Tha thanks ot the electric railway com
pany are due Charles Hodman and Wm.
Whalon, englnoernnd fireman, reswclive.
ly, at tbo Kohinoor colliery, for astiitanco
Saturday evening By their promut as
sistance a delay to ono of tho cars was con
siderably curtailed.
A Ijirge Funeral.
The funeral of tbe late Edward Brepnan
took placo yeetorday from the family resi
dence. Tho attendance wh very largo.
The remains were Interred In tho Odd
Fellows' cflmotory.
Take tho Nickel Plato for Cleveland
races July 26, 20, 27, 29 and 20th. 7-10-td