The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 11, 1892, Image 4

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    In Season !
All kinds of Canned
and Bottled Goods,
Imported and Do
mestic Cheese, Fine
Groceries, etc., for
tlio summer and pic
nic season at
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
SOLID and plated Silver
ware, Gold and Silver
Watches, Diamonds, Precious
Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti
cal Goods, Banquet,Parlor and
Piano Lamps,uniquo in design
with 75 and 250 candle power
burners. All goods superior
in finish and quality with rock
bottom nrices that withstand
all opposition victoriously.
Repair work executed neatly
and promptly at
Jewelry Store,
The most progressive establishment
In the county.
Corner Main ana Loya Streets.
Tho manatee rs of tho Lakosido Improve
ment Company object to tho criticisms that
havo been mado upon thoir mannor of run
ning Lakesido Park. In reply to tho
charge that their terms are so exorbitant
that no socioty can mako money by taking
a picnic thero they point to tho fact that
thoy aro under vory hoavy exponso, tho
season is short and what may appear to bo
unreasonable oxactions is roally the cost of
providing tho public with tho conveniences
which Lakosido offers. Tho company has,
purchased tho property of Gus Roth for
510,000, to bo paid in ton yoars, and must
mako a big sum of money oach year to
mako good thoir contract, and pay
penses. IVt- Weekly.
Quoon & Co.. the woll known firm of
Oculists and Opticians, of 1010 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, aro represented in
Shenandoah Wednesday, July 80, at the
Ferguson House, by ono of their specialists
on the oyo. Persons whoso oyes require
caro should call upon him, Ordors taken
for ropairs, duplicate glasses, otc.
A small pox scare aroused tho authorities
of Shamokin to a high pitch, A carefu
investigation showed thero was no truth in
tho rumor.
Col. Kobort J. Ingorsoll will locturo in
Shamokin on Au.sust lO'.h.
Now Try This.
It 'will cost you nothing and will surely
to you good, if you havo a Cough, Cold, or
ny trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs,
Dr. King's now Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed
Klve relief, or money will be paid back.
Sufferers from La Grippo found it just the
ihlni and under its use bad a speedy aii
eerfeot reoovory. Try a sample bottla
ur oxpenio and learn for yourself just how
Kood a thing it is. Trial bottles froo at O.
IL Uagenbuch's Drugstore. Largs sUe
lOo. and f 1.
Coining Events.
July 1C Raspberry and ico cream festi
val, Robbins' opora house, for tho benollt
of tho Sons of Veterans Light Infantry.
July 18 Ico cream fostival and bean
soup lunch, Robbins' opera house, under
auspices of AVomons' Roliof Corps.
July 22. Strawberry and ico cream
festival, in Robbins' opera houso, under
tho auspices of Young America Drum
O rps.
Sept C St. Patrick's Band picnic.
Electric ltiilln-uy Chungs.
Hereafter tho eloctric railway cars will
leavo tho corner of Main and Centro streetf
at 5:30 a. m., daily, and every 26 minutes
th or oaf tor until midnight, at which hour
tho last car will loavo.
New Management.
Tho bakery locatod at 27 South Main
street, formerly ownod by H. S. Beholder
is now conducted by Wilson Otto, who
'will be pleased to havo friends and the
public generally call and sea him. G'22-tf
Good horses, nice buggies
and responsible drivers are the
essential things for a pleasant
drive, which can always be had
at my stables, 12 and 14 North
Pear alley, rear of Luberg's
hardware store. Horses taken
to board. Undertaking in all
its branches attended to with
M. P. Conry's Saloon,
SI South Main Street.
Next to the First National Dank, for fresh beer,
porter, ties nu temperance annus.
MhtUh by thi Dy, WMk tr MMth.
The St. Patrick's Bind will hold ft
tf nic in town on Labor Day, Sept. 6:h.
Huckleberries Wanted.
"Wo are now buying huckleborrios and
expect to do so throughout tho season.
Nothing but good sound berries wanted.
Goodman & uno,,
No. 33 West Centro street,
7-0-10t Shenandoah, Pa.
Will be n Success.
Tho raspberry and ico cream fostival to
be given in bobbins' opera house on Satur
day next, commencing nt 3 o'clock p. m.,
is an assured succoss judging from tho largo
number of tickets already sold. Tho Sons
of Veterans havo many frionds In town
who will assist them in making the affair a
financial success.
Cool Slmilo
Can bo found at Vermillion, O., and thtso
who wish to attend tho camp meetings at
that place during July and August can
procure excursion tickets via the Nickol
Plato (rom Juno 21st to August 23d at
ipecial rhtos. t-aug 20
An Kxiunple.
Four Hungarians, moro or less undor tho
influenco of liquor, creatod a disturbance
on an electric car at Glrardvillo last night
One of them attempted to strike motor
man Leckio on tho head with a bottlo.
Threo of them were arrested and woro fined
85 each by a Girardvllle justice. Doing
unablo to pay thoy woro committed to jail
Tho fourth man got away.
ltc-uniuu or class or 'oo.
Tho mombers of tho class of 1890, of
tho Shenandoah High School, hold a re
union at tho residonco of Charles N. Bed
dall, on Saturday evening. All participating
had a most dolightful timo. Thoso present
woro: Misses Annie Clauscr, Emma
Waslev. Ellin Connolly, Nollie O'Dara,
Gertie Hess, Olivo Liwis, M'iry WcGuin
noas, Libbio Cuvunaugh, Manio B. Boyerj
Messrs. Jamos Fiizerald, Jerry O'lloarn
Thomas Shea. Thomas Boll, Harry AVasloy,
Charles N. Beddall and Richard Ogden
The Sad Story of a Well-Known Sporting
New York, July 11. The removal of
Ed Jnmcs, the old sporting editor, to
Bellevuo Hospital, suffering from insanity ,
was a sad shock to his many friends.
To those whoso recollection of affairs in
this city go back about 80 years, the namo
of Ed, James is connected with tho erratio
life of Adah Isaacs Menken, the actress.
Ed James is believed to be tho first man
thnt mnde the writing of pugilistic events
and matter a specialty. He contributed to
the "Clipper" long before he became, in
1859, tho sporting editor of that paper,
and It was through v rank yueon, tho pro
prietor ol tho shcot, that ho uecamo ac
quainted with Adah Isaacs Menken.
Tho actress was at that time tho talk of
New York, Handsome in form and figure.
dashing, vivacious, talentod with both pen
and pencil, it was littlo wonder that she
had almost every man who had ovur met
her, at her feet.
Originnlly her namo had been Adah
Isaacs. Then she married a Captain Men-
ken, of Now Orleans; James Barclay,
prominent gambler: John Heonun, tho
prize fighter, nnd "Orpheus C. Kerr'
(Robert C. Newell) tho writer. With none
of her husbands did she llvo happily for
any length of time, and the formalities of
n divorce were dispensed with when she
had tired of them.
It was while she was in tho height of
her Now York success, when hor per
formances, of "Mazeppa," woll calculated
to show oil her splendid proportions to
the best advuntage, was boing given
nightly to crowded houses, that James
mado her acquaintance, and became in
fatuated with her.
He followed her all over tho continent, it
Is said, saw how tho crowned heads bowed
beforo her, and then when she was in tho
heigth of success, ho caught cold in his
oyes and had to remain behind to havo
them attended to. He visited tho most
prominent oculists in Europe, but they nothing for him.
In the monnwhile after a long series of
splendid triumphs, Adah Isaacs Menken
had died In poverty In Paris. James
heard of her death when far away.
Ho hurried to the French capital.
Bought out tho grave, unmarked and un
cared for, in Pero La Chniso Comotory,
nnd over it erected n handsomo monu
ment. Then, henrt-brokon nnd almost
blind, he returned to America.
In the year louo, he hold his position as
sporting editor of tho "Ulippor.". Ills
eyes became somewhat better, but nt last
tho constant btraiu upon them became too
much, and ho was forced to turn his at
tention from writing to the sale of sport
ing goods.
He occupied a small olnce m tho "Ullp-
per building nnd did a prosperous busi
ness. Three months ngo ho sold out, and
a week or two thereafter broke down with
nervous prostration, which has resulted
in tho loss of bis reason.
John Glensou's Sentence for Sliootlnjr
Junius iiuly. ;
Wnms Plains, N. Y., July 0. John
Glonson, tho war veteran, who was con
vioted of murder in tho second degree, in
having shot James Daly, n grocer of Port-
choster, was sentenced by Judge Dykmnn
this moniing to life Imprisonment In blng
Sing Prison.
When ho was asked if ho had nnythlng
to say, ho told the court that ho did not
think ho had n fair trial.
Judge Dykumn told the prisoner that he
was lucky in escaping with a sentonco of
Imprisonment for life, Instead of being
sentenced to die in the eloctric chair.
Gleason was immediately taken to Sing
Sing by Under Sheriff Pugsloy,
Mrs. I'arnell Wants Her Son's Froporty.
New York. July 11. Mrs. Delia Par-
nell has applied for lettors of administra
tion upon the ostnto of her son. It ap
pears that the widow has taken up letters,
but has taken no measures to obtain pos
session of his property in this country,
The mother says he owned no real estate,
but that he has nbout in securi
ties. She wants hor counsel, Lawyer
Byrd, appointed administrator of ths
Lane's Family Medlolno
Mores tho bowels each day. Most people
ngd to use it
Election of Officers.
The military company of tho Sons of
Veterans will hold an election of officers
this ovening.
For Almoat Nothing.
Max Reese has just received a largo stock
of tablets, writing paper, onvolopes, etc.,
purchased at an Assignee's salo and is
selling them at 0 por cent, less than
regular prices.
A runner Citizen Dead.
Benjamin F, Uackott, a former citizen of
this borough, died at Latrobo Inst woek.
Deceased en'.ietod in tho war of tho re
bellion and served until discharged March
21,1805. Ho was married to a Miss Lizzie
Thompson at Jeddo in 1807. Ho was a first
cousin to Bon. Hnskey, of town.
On Duty Again.
D. J. Conners, who was n member of the
paid polico force of town until tho last
organization of Council, was on Saturday
mado a member of tho O. & I. polico force,
succeeding a man named Titus, of St
Clair. Conners went on duty immediately
after his appointment. Ho is in Liouten
ant Daniels' division.
The Hand l'hotogmphcd,
Tho Grant Band was photographed yes
torday afternoon by Photographer William
A. Koagoy, tho object being to present oni
of the pictures to Prof. Zoilz, tho loader ol
the band, who will loavo for Germany in
tho near luturc. Tho band desires to thanl
Superintendent Buird for the uso of bis
A Narrow Escape.
George Harlor, who boards at Weoks'
hotel on South Main street, had a narrow
oscapo from very serious, or fatal, injuries,
oarly yesterday morning. In a fit o
somnambulation ho foil from a roar second
story twindow of tho hoiel into th
yard. His right foot recoivod a doep cut.
and tho right sio of his body and head,
and his right arm rf ceiyed painful bruises
Columbia's Anniversary.
Tho members of Columbia H. & S. F.
E. Co., No. 1, of town, celebrated !u
twonty-second annivorsary by taking thoit
wives and sweethearts for a day's outing at
Lakesido. About two hundred citizens
not members of tho company.accompanied
them on a special train to tho delightful
Twclvo Conches Were lllleil With Horry
l'lcnlcers This Morning,
When tho special train loft tho Roading
station this morning it consistod of twolvt
coaches and two cars for provisions, games,
etc. Tho coaches wero filled with happy
mon, women ana children, aU Intent on
having as good a timo possible beforo the
train roturnod. Tho Methodists aro great
on giving succosstui picnics nnd this one
to-day will livo long in tho memory of
thoso who wero there. Lakesido is such an
admirable placo for public gathorings and
quick as tho special reached there the
grounds wero soon occupied by Shamo
From adjoining towns a few invited
people woro also there From tho momon
of atrivnl tho pleasure commenced
diversified manner. The lake was quickly
occupied by joyful boating parties, whil
many thronged its boautiful banks. Up in
tho grovo swings woro put up, hammocks
adjusted, baso ball matches instituted an
numerous pretty lanes invaded. Th
bicyclist sported on tho Barncsvillo road
and daring young mon broasted tho deep
wators of a largo mill dam, a milo distant
from tbo park. Old folks busied thorn
selves preparing for dinner and on all sides
contentment and joy prevailed. Shamo
kin Herald.
Bpoolmon Oases.
0, H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., wu
troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism
kit Stomach was disordered, hit Liver was
affected to an alarming degree, appotitt
fall away, and he was terribly reduced i
teih and strength. Three bottles of Eleo
trie cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrlsburg, 111., had
a running tore on his leg of eight years'
standing. Used three bottles of Eloctrio
Bitten and toven boxes of Buoklen1
Amies Salve, and his leg Is sound and
veil. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had
Ave large Foyer sorei en his leg, doctors
aid he was incurable. One bottle Electric
Bitten and one box Buoklen'f Arnica
Ealve cured him entiroly. Sold by O,
Hionbuch, Druggist,
Rest photographs and crayons at Dabb'
The Gibbons Funeral.
Tho funoral of tho lute Kdward Gibbons
took placo yesterday aftornoon from th
residence of his mother, on East Centre
stroot. Tho remains woro interred in th
Annunciation cemetery. Tbo pall bearers
wero James Quinn, Martin Durkin, Tho?,
Koiily and Michael Lally, of town, an
John Dully and John Cordon, of St. Clair.
A coroner's jury has decided that Gibbons'
d nth ws accidental.
My doctor ears It acts gently on the ktomiicb.
liver and k'doei 3, una is a pleasant laxative. TbU
drink l uxado from herb, and In prepared for us
All driiciniiLa ifclTil at tAic. am
fl.u per pantatfe.
Buy one to-day. June's 1'amll
It Medicine
la order to be
Uutcs ibe iioweia eacn U ay,
healthy, this Is aeeeasary,
(TUOCflQIE Tn all form., Pnlltntlon,
rjldeij)lu 1'ntnin Side, Shoulder and
At-ni.Nhort IJrenlh, Oppression, Anthmrj,
Htvnllen AnUlen. "Weak and Hmothcrlnc
NpcIU, Drops j-, "Wind In Qtumnch, etc., ora
A now discovery by tho eminent Indiana Special
1st, A. F. Davis, Bllvcr creek, tor tnklng
four bottles ol MKAKT CUltE felt better
thnn ho hod for twclvo jenrs. "For thirty years
troubled with Heart Dlscasoi two bottles of
DR. MILES' HEART CURE cured mo.-Lcvl
IXfran, Buchanan. Mich." 13. U. Btutnon, Wnys
Bullion, ua, nas laEen vit. mimo- n clmk i
CURE for HearttroublowllhRrcat results. Mrs.
1.0 Bar, Fltchbure, Mich., waslll for 15 years with
ITnnrt TliKpnAn. bud to hlro houso heln. lived on
liquid food i used Dr. Mlloa' Heart Curo and
all pains Iclt Hers constant use cured fier. i mo
Illustrated book FllEU nt druggists, or address
Dr.tnnos' medical co.,tiKiiairt,inci.
WANTS, &o.
WANTED. Ten girls at the Schuylkill Hat
and Cap factory. Apply at once. 7-11-tf
OST. Between Kalbacks' and Yosts stores,
J on Main sticct. a rlntr and with setting.
inner will incase return same to the licitAbu
omco. 7-ii-si
I I The Cathnr nronertv. on West Oak street.
lor salo. Will bo bold whole or In parts to suit
purchaser. Apply on tno premisos. i-i- v.
TJTOR SALE. 45 acres of valuable farm land
under cultivation, in Enat Urunswlcit
Townshln. odlolntne lands of Peter Androws
and Mathlas S. Richards. Cheap for cash on
easy terms. Also desirable real estato In
sncnanaoan ana i'aio iuio. uurues, ii- iu
llurko, Shenandoah. Pa. 5-28-tf
J mission, to handlo the new Patent Chemi
cal ink erasing rencn. rne quickest nnu great
eat aelllnc noveltv ever produced. Erases Ink
tnorougniy in two scconus. o noraaion oi
paper. Worlis like magic, aw to &uu per cent,
prollt. Ono agent's sales amounted to W30 In
six days. Another 132 In tvo hours. Previous
experience not necessary. For terms nnd full
ariicuiars, auuress uno juonroe jui g i;u., iu
rosso. Wis. x439 5-24-ly
SOTICE. Letters of administration on the
estate of John II. Evans, lato of the
ough of Shenandoah, county of Schuylkill
and stato of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been
granted to isoan j. uwens, oi saiu uoruugnui
Shenandoah, to whom all persons Indebted to
said estate aro reauestcd to make pavmcnt.
and those having claims or demands will mako
Known tno same wnnoui aciay.
6-28-oaw-Cw Administrator.
"OUOPOSALS. Proposals will bo received up
X to July is, 1KB, inclusive. lor painting in
side nnd outside of Mahanov Plane school build
ing (two coats of paint); building contains six
rooms. S stairways; also for calsomlnlng six
rnoms nnd two stalrwara.
Tho commlttco reserves the right to reject
any ana an bias.
uy orucr oi
7-9-3t Committee.
rtlilfl for furnlshlm? the material and ercctlni
ttcpntv lail hlnclis of miners' houses at Yor
Farm colliery will bo received until noon, July
Plans nnd specifications can bo seen nt tho
company s omco in j-ottsviwe.
Tho right reserved to reject any nnd all. bids,
m e f. i L-mnii ir.i tpv i nil. rn
Sealed nronosals will do received until July
!0tli. 1S92. Inclusive, for the erection of Public
Water Works for the iiorougn or Fhenanuoan,
Pa., to consist of th6 building of two reservoirs
twn eomnound duplex condensing numnlng en
lines, engino uoute, etc., iiiteen nmcsui pip
ng, more or less ranging in sizes of from
twelve to four Inches. Also, digging for and
laying Eame, steel or wrought iron can be bid
for. Also proposals will bo received for tho
erection of a system ol reservoirs, steel or
wrought Iron tanks to be nullt, probably, In
stead oi ono reservoir.
All plans and specincations ana iurtner par
ticulars can no seen and had at the olnce of
Archie U. Lamb, Shenandoah, Pa.
Proposals will bo received both for to take
tho whole contract or in suu-oivisions as fol
Engines, engine nousc, etc., in one. l-iping
In one, digging ana laying samo in ono, reser
voirs in ono.
Uonds will ho required In all cases for the
faithful performance of tho work.
The committee reserves tho right to accept
or reject any ana an bius.
All communications to be addressed to
Chairman of Sub-Commlttce.
SnENANDOAn, Pa., July 1, 1892. 4t-aw-Jy20
Wall Paper and
Window Shades
To close out stock for tho season. When we
advertlso bargains, we mean It.
Norlli Main Street.
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
10 and 21 West Oak Street.
liar stocked with the best beer, porter, ales,
whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars.
Hating bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all.
Merchant Tailor,
S. E. Cor. Centre and Jardin Sis.
Cleaning and repairing promptly and neatly
attended to. uive me a call.
Saloon - Restaurant
(the leading saloon in town.)
Bickert's Old Stand,
A First-class Eating Bar Attached t
Largest Assortment.
Our Prices wero never equalled beforo. We
ecu cumaKCH encaper tnan in i'nliaacipma
or elsewhere. Wo havo a full lino of
Heywood Carriages, and can
furnish you any style
for (ess than you
Can Buy at the Factory.
Call and see for yourself. AVomean lust what
we say. Our prices will surprise you.
No. S SotitU
"ORUSSELS from 60o up. Table and
Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums
from 25c up. Window Shades, Rugs,
Matte, Curtain Poles, etc., at low prices.
The best line ot dace Curtains ever
shown In town from $1.00 a pair up.
A hat that Is not stvllsh is worthless. Thero
aro a thousand reasons whyyou should not wear
It, and not ono reason why you should. It usu
ally costs as much as a stvllsh bit. and Is cot
worth a f rac Hon of tho money. When you tuy
a bat buy a good one, and It you really want a
good ono, try our fl hat, It will 1111 tho bill.
i no Hamo can do gaia 01 our iecKwcar a una
tlo for "He, any style. Htraw hats from 6o up to
f 1.50. Nice line of summer shirts at 25o; a big
drlvo In boys' waists from 20c to 60c; large Uno
of trunks and valises at lowest price; big bar
gains In overalls and coats at
ig South Main St., Shenandoah.
Silk and cashmere hats renovated nnd made
as good as new at Bhort notice. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
108 North Jardin Street,
House Painter and Paper Hanger.
All work executed promptly and nt
reasonable rates. Perfect satisfac
tion guaranteed, as none but first
class workmen are employed,
At retail or in Jobbers' lots,
Saloon and
JVi). US
First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tern
perance Drinks and Cigars. Fine old
Wines and Liquors always
on hand.
II. O. FOLMER, Prop.
Call around and tpend a pleatant hour.
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand
Where be will bo pleased to meet the wants
01 ms menus turn mu jmuuv iu
Everything In the Drinking Line,
jy B. KISTLER, M. D.,
raraiciAN and buboeon.
Offloe ItO N, Jardin street, BnenftBdoan, P
Centre and White Sts.
Mniu Street,
We Study to Please I
Old Stand. New Goods
Fish, Butter and Eggs,
Flour nnd Feed,
Potatoes, Green Truck,
Hay and Straw, &c., &oJ
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store
(Muldoon's old stand)
Our Serges will enable you to keep
cool. They are In blue, black ana grey,
and rango lrom ?10 to $25. The $14
sultls a happy medium and very popu
lar, combining style, durability and
everything requisite forcomfort.
A breezy line 01 JNegnge emus,
White and Fancy Flannel Coats.Blaok
and Fancy Alpacas, at moderate cost.
Everybody is getting onto our Hath
iug Suits before long everybody will
bo getting into them.
A. C. YATES & CO,,
Corner 13th and Chestnut Streets,
Sporting and Musical Resort !
Best Wines, Liquors, Beers, Ales and finest
brands ol Clears always on hand.
36 Cant Centre Street.
The best beer, ales, porter, whiskies, brandies,
wines and finest cigars always on hand,
W1I.;J. EVANS, Prop.
1 I 1 X Hl 1 js