The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 06, 1892, Image 1

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jjf THE J
Is gratifying to Us
Large Circle of Readers.
I 1
i Is gratifying to Its
Large CircJe of Readers.
EuQuftVVar riV -riV jfy. rBt jSt AjAl jk j
VOL. VII.--NO. 161.
Special Sale.
Wash Dress Goods at
Bargain Prices.
Printed Bedford Cords, 8c.
These are the same goods that are adver
tised as bargains by other stores at 12io our
prico Is 8c. All the best styles now in stock.
American Challies, 4 and 5c.
The 4a quality we oiler Is equal to tho 60
grade of other stores. Our 6c lino embraces
all the newest styles of tho season.
Double width English Serges,
AT 10 C12XTS.
Wo show one hundred styles of this famous
wash goods, every color fast regular 15c
value; 8 yards make a lady's dress.
Fast Black Sateens,
Plain or Brocade.
We have the following grades 12'ic, 14c,
20c, 25c and 3TV4C Fast hlaclc India lawns and
plain white lawns In all grades at reduced
Remnants of
Embroidery Flouncing.
"We ofler our entire lino of dress patterns
of embroidery and all remnants at half price;
all widths for bothmlsses and ladles.
L. J. Wilkinson,
X9 8, Main St., Shenandoah.
Duncan and
A new and handsome lot of
jfToilet Sets,- just in. Some 9
nieces, some 11 nieces. Prims.
$2.95 to $5.50.' " Call to see
) them value will astonish vou.
This lot comprises the very
latest designs come soon, the
; 1 1 n it ,
i pucus win sen tnem quicit.
' We cannot guarantee to dupli-
!l Gate this lot nor tr tuaititniti
f these prices on the next.
We have just opened a lot of
Rogers' silver knives and
forks. This brand of eroods.
as you well know, has no su
perior in the market. Every
X piece guaranteed to your satis
faction or money returned.-
Our price, $3.60 per set,
8 South Main Street.
Chow Chow, ,
JPlbkled Beets,
lomaio Catsup Superior Quality .
i FRUIT STJtUBS-Lemon, Orange, TtneaP1le, Hasp
bery, Strawberry and Vanilla Flaim.
fJRbot Beer Extract.
LJamaica Ginger.
j Chipped Beef nud Summer Saugagc.
Luncheon Beef a cniis ior 35c.
Sardines iu MubI nrd and 'oil.
Siiinll Hams, Skinned Hams.
iJ Moor Oil Cloths
A LarKe Stock of New Fall Patteras Already In Stock.
Linoleum, two yards wide, iroiu 75c up.
Our Directory.
ffjppte P05tf OFFICE
Office hours from 7:30 a.
m. to 7;30 p. m. Money
Ordflr nnd Itceistrv De
partment open f rom8 :00
a. in, I0 7;uu p. m.
Followlnc U a schedule of
the arrival and departure of mail trains. Mail
matter for despatch must be in the office thirty
minutes Deroro mo time given below:
P.M. A.M.
1:40 4:24
8:00 0:03
(Phlla., Western 1
and J
( Southern States )
A. M. r. M.
( New York and East-
nd V
em mates and
( points on Xi. V,
1:2. 0:66
1:25 0:08
( Raven Run, Centra-1
Ha. Mt CarmclftndS-
Hhamokln. I
Mahanoy City.
I Mahanoy Piano, Lost 1
1 Creek and Shaft. (
Frackvillo- I
Carriers make a general collection at 6:00 n.
m. and 7:00 p. m., and a general delivery at 7:15
a. m. and 3:15 p. m. Additional deliveries and
collections are made In the business part of
town ai iu: is a. m. ana s:uu p. m.
Flro Alarm Hoxes.
The following list shows the location ot
the alarm boxes of the Shenandoah Fire
15 Coal and Bowers streets.
16 Bowers and Centre streets.
24 Bridgq and Centre streets.
25- rMaln and, Centre, streets.
34 Main and Poplar streets.
35 Main and, Coal streets,
4i-GUbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
62 Chestnut and Coal streets.
To send an .alarm open the, box, pull down
the hook once and let go. When an alarm is
sent In the ,flro bell will sound the number of
the box and repeat the alarm four times.
If the alarm is sounded, from box 15 the fire
boll will strike one, .then pause and strike five
which will indicate that the fire Is .in the
vicinity of. No. 15 box. .Every alarm is repeated
four times.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she bad Children, she gave th"n Castoria,
CARPET SWEEPERS, 12.50, 13.00, fXW.
At FRICKE'S, 10 South Jardm St
Your Ch owe
10c a Bottle;
Mustard Dressing jj or Meats and Salad.
Pickled Onions.
and Linolmi-ms
Baso Ball in and Out of Jail He
ooivos Attontlon Tho Pre
diction of a Democratio
HEY" ssy tho inmates
of the county jail had
a jolly time on the
Fourth of July.
Among tho pastimes
was a came of base
ball within tho prison
walls and ono of tho
players was Harry T.
Hall, formerly
photographer of this
place, but npw an inmate of the. jail under
conviction for arson. lie played short stop
and it is said ho ran the bases like a pro.
Speaking of base ball reminds me that
Shenandoah, although not figuring actively
in baso ball circles at present, is in a posi
tion ,to put a club of local talent in the
field that can give some, of tho. would-be
champions a defeat., A. club went, .to
Tamgqua yesterday. .and beat the famous
club of that place 'by a score of 7 to 6.
Heffron. and Fitzgerald formed tbebattery
for Shenandoah, and Fulmer and "Wagner
pitched and caught for Tamaqua, ,
"Lizzie ; Can I meet you at 10 o'clock this
evening up in' my parlor t Everything will be
ail ngui.
The above is a copy of a nolo' written on
a notehead of one, of the heading hotels, in'
town anl which accidentally .fell into the
hands of a ilzRALD . reporter. If the
writer of th,o.nqte,.or. the woman to whom
it .was, addressed, .wish ,to, regain possession
of or .she can do eo. My , only object
in publishing it is to warn such people
against allowing their clandestine corres'
pondence to beepme public property. The.
important feature of the , note is, that it
Beoms to confirm the reports that some of
our hotels are not being conducted as
respectably .as the proprietors pretend they
are, Lizzio-ten-o'clock-at- nightongag6'
ments are not tolerated at respectable
v resident ot town wno ugures prom
inently in Democratic circles, says this
ticket will be nominated at the ,Domo
cratic county convention: Congress, Hon.
James B. Iieilly; Judge, Hon. John Byon;
Coroner, Dr. Marshal, of Ashland; Poor
Director, William Derr, of town.
1 esioruay s herald reported an acci
dent to Lizzie Thomas, the ten-year-old
daughter of Widow Thomas, of West
Lloyd street, but the injuries were not re
ported as serious as they have developed,
Her tongue is badly swollen and all her
teeth are loose. Lizzie found a torpedo on
the street and bit it to see what it was nude
of. The torpedo exploded and the girl
has been sullering gret pain since.
I was reminded of olden times the other
day when I saw the veteran Coal .and Iron
Policeman Peter JCreiger strike a light for
his pipe.. Ereiger carries witty him pieces
of flint and punk. He uses them expertly
and can light his pipe without delay, and
without the expense attending the purchase
of matches. 80 far as I-know he is tho
only man in town .who is Independent of
the match trusts.
On the Fourth of July a group of
townsmen wore discussing the 'splendid
weather afforded for the day and Jacob
Bamberger's mind went back to thirly-two
years ago. lie said he distinctly remem
bered (bo weather conditions about the 4th
of July, 1859, as on that day the Sunbury
and Erie Railroad was formally onened
betwoen Williamsport and Lock Haven
and he, was one of the passengers on the
train. Tho Fourth fell on Monday that
yoar, as it did this year On July 1st and
2nd the weather was extremely warm. On
the morning the 3rd the sky became Very
black and there was a fall of heavy drops
of rain, which, however, lasted but a short
time, The weather then grew cold and
that night quilts wero resorted to for
bedding. On tho -1th it was so cold that
fire, wero called into play and stoves were
eagerly sought for. The weather did not
moderate until towards the closo of the
weok. The conditions of the weather
about the 4th this year are not unliko those
spokon of by Mr. Bambergor.
Politically speaking, I think the Demo
cratio party will have a choice stock of
boomerang on hand boforo the presiden
tial campaign ptoses., A hue and, cry has.
been raised against W. J. Campbell, the
new chairman of the Republican National
Committee, tho Democrats charging that
he Is counsel for the great Armour beef
trust. Thechargo is admitted and It Is,
equally true that Armour is an ardent
Cleveland man and be is trying to get
Campbell to resign from the committed so
that ho cannot work for Harrison's re-eleo
The dedication of the Polish cemetery
hereon Sunday makes the lUt of cemeteriot
connected with local institutions number
five. They aro the Old Fellows', which
includes tho O A, It lot, the Annuncia
tion, Jewish, Greek Catholic, Lithuanian
and Polish. Thry are all within a ston"
throw of each other and that pari of the
mountain Is now justly entitled to the
name "City of the Dead." The arrange
ments pertaining to the dedication of the
Polish cemetery .were such as indicated a
great Intorest on the part of tho peoplo ol
that nationality in the undertaking. The
ceremonies were preceded by a grand
parade in which all the societios attached to
tho Polish Catholic church and the War
saw Ouards and Koscluskos. The music
was furnished by the Polish, Lithuanian
and Annunciation T. A. B. bands. The
parade was a large ono and the organiza'
lions mado a fine appearance. The dedica
tion ceremonies . wero under the direc
supervision of R-v. J. A. Lenarkiewicz,
pastor of the local church,
1 notice that the Lithuanians, who
severed their connection with tho Polish
church and had Bobbins' opera houso as
their Placo of worship for sevoral month
past, havo now vacated the latter place and
are instaliofl in tho basement of. the church
they are.building at the .cornor of Chorry
and Jardin streets. The basement aflords
ample room, being 09 feet long and 53 feet clear. The pongregation will
hold, services in the place until the, church
u.anisned, when it.will boused for lodge.
ana otner meetings. In conversation with
a prominent-member of the ctngregation a
lew days ag? I asked,. "Wbat is thepum
bor ,of peoplo in your congregation
thousand V
"A.,,thpusand?. pshawl Wo haven't got
rqopa.enougb. iqr,them,aH now, but when.
the, churpt,is, reaojy . wo. will have four
t "Will you conduct a school in the base
mont?" -was asked.'
' "That I can't say.- So far as I am con
cerped J think. we have all the educational
advantages wo need in tb,o, public schools.,rer,pe has taught me that after send
ing children to the schools connocted with
churohes you find upon transferring them
to the publio schools that they must start
at tho, first class, so. that there has beon sq
much, time lost. I send my children, tq
tho publio schools and intend to keep thorn,
A stranger stood at the cornor of Main
and Centre streets on Monday intonsely
watching the people., no Boomed very
much intoreated in their movements and
nothing within sight escaped his notice. '.
approached him and oponed a conversa
tion. I learnod that tho stranger had
never been away from his homo in tha
southern part of the stato on
Fourth of July and the passing
panorama bofore him was a revela-
tipn. Ho looked first down Main street,
and then up; then along Centre street.
east and west. He expressed surprise that
the stores were closed and thought .tho
temptation to business men to keep their
Places, ppon when, the town was so crowded
must havo been great. Ho thought tho
people had a nice appearance and that
their bohavior was excellent, indeed1 tho
reports, ho bad heard before coming to the
coal region had so fixed his mind that the
appearance of the peoplo qujto surnrised
him. He marveled, that It, t09k but, fiyo
policemen, to preserve order in the, town
withilts mixad population of -over 16,000.
Our schools were equally surprising to
blm and, taking all In all, his opinion of
the coal region had undergone a great
change. Ho also spoke of the electric road,
a trip ho had over it, and tho heavy traffic
during the day. "The, people hava a great,
convenience . In it and the company a
bonanza," he concluded.
Buoklen'B Arnica Salve.
The Bpst Salve in the world for. Cuts.
Brulsos, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Foyer
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively euros Piles, or no payment required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Prico 26 cents, por
box. For sale by O. H. Hagenbuch.
For 30 Daj a Only.
Wo will givo to any lady purchasing a
pair of our ladies' fine shoes which sell at
jl.OO and upwards, a beautiful purse worth
25 cents. Peoples' Store, 121 North Main
street, three doors above J, J. Prico's dry
goods store. 0-21-tf
Reading AVeut Uutler.
A club of baso ball players who claimed
to bo the Pastimes of Itoading came to
town yesterday and played a game at the
trotting park against a picked nine, They
were beaten by a score of H to 9. At ono
time tho score stood U to 2, ' but the town
pitcher, Scanlan, slackened a little and
gave the visitors a chance. The game put
up, by (bo Pftstimoa was a poor one.
Best work done, at Bronnan's steam
laundry, Everything white and spotless.
Lace curtains a tpoclalty. All work
The Jurors Went Without Food
for tho First Twenty-Two
Hours How Some of tho
Ballots Resulted,
SO MUCH interest has
been manifested in the
result of the recent
trial of tho Kellys for
the murder of Police
man Merget a Hkii
ai.d roporter con
cluded tointerviow A.
J. Gallagher, of town, who was one of the
jury. Mr. Gallagher was seen at his place
ot business to-day. At first ho was not in
clined to talk,. but,ho finally said with some
feoling, "I don't wish to be locked up
again like that. Oh, yos, we were treated
all right, taking it as a whole, but during
the first part of ourconflnement I thought
we wore to be starved. And to increase
the discomfort wo were in a room just large
enough for a table and twelve chairs, and
there, was not.a strip of carpet or .oil cloth
upon the floor. It was, gloomy, sure
enough., We retired, at about .4 o'clock
Friday afternooq and shortly .after, topk a
ballot,.wbich resulted in one for acquittal,
threafor,second.degroo and eight for first
degree. ,
1 j.non we arguea, explained and per
suaded for about- two hours and another
ballot was taken. We then stood two for
second degree and ten for first. This re
suit practicalfy lasted until Sunday morn
Ing, when a ballot showed that, we. stood
six .lor second , degree, and .six, for- first.
From,that,tI'me, uotj.1 wo agreed wo topk
more Dallots loan we had previously
taken., Wo took pleyen in aU, and I tell
you, that an agreement pleased, .none more
than .
, "Hungry? Well, no, not towards the
end ; but iust think of it ? We had our
dinner at noon on Friday and had to
depend upon that until half past ten
Saturday morning, nearly twenty-four
hours. Well, I should say we wero hungry.
Wo had our meals pretty regularly efler
mat and wnat they gave us was good, but I
would just as soon eat my meals at home,
If I am summoned as a juror again I hope
tho sunt will be a shorter one."
The Viae Halting Committee Snys It Was
. Cnolco.
Editor Herald: In redv to th
of Chief Burgess Smith, in your issue of
last evening, in reforence to returning hia
acceptance of our invitation to participate
intnejr. u U. A. M. parade on tho
Fourth, we would say the samo was re
turnod in order that his wishes in the
matter of a choice might not in aoy man
nor be retarded by , tho fact that he had ac
ceptod an invitation from us nrn
vious to recoiving a, similar one from tho
otber paraoors. This fact did not prohibit
him, nevertheless, from participating with
us bad he desired to do so, for our invita
tion to him was not withdrawn. Not
knowing the time of the other parade, we
only desired to extend to the nhinf itnr
gess the Drlvilogo of Daradinir with tlmm
ne uemrea, wn(cn privilege no has right
fully exercised In parading with those of
nis choice. Thk Committee.
Shenandoah, Pa., July 6, 1892.
Whist Experts.
Upon invitation Messrs. Willlan Kni
man and L. J. Wilkinson, of town, mint
to Hazletpn last eyening and, played agame
01 wu st wim Kegtster Weaver and r Mr.
Smith, Our townsmep won the game and
then tried conclusions with two other imn.
------ T O"
tlemen. the result belncr a draw. Mmum
Noiman and Wilkinson say they received
royal treatment. It seems that whint
games between exports of difl'erent towns
aro abuut to boom.
Slr, l'raiitty'B I'mierul.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Ellen
Franey took ulace vesterdav. It
very largo one, prominent pouplo from all
pa,rts of the county being In attendance,
llequtom High Mass was celobrated in tho
Annunciation church, tho services being
profoundlv imnrofslvo. A slowinc triWn
was piid to tho deceased as a devout
christian and a faithful member of the
church. Interment was made In tho
Annunciation cemeterv.
The l.iidles.
The nleasant effect and nnrfant afni,
with which ladies mav use tho California
liquid laxativo Syrup of Figs, under all
conditions, makes it their favorite remedy.
to get the true and genuino article, look
for the name of the California Vic Hv run
Co, printed near the bottom of the pack
Buy Kexittane flour. Be sura that thn
name Lsbsiq & Co.. Ashland. Pa., is
prlnte.4 on .every sack. 8-3-Staw
Fine photos, C0c. per doion,at Eeagey'i
Terrible Itlot at the Carnegie Works Re
Special to Evenino Herald.
Pittsburo, July 0, 11 a. m.-The out
break of troublo at works of the Carnecio
stool works, Homestead, has taken place.
A despatch just received here states that
the strikers made an attack at half past
nlno o'clock this morning and twelve men
of tho Pinkerton force wero killed outright.
About sixty of tho Pinkertons are re
ported injured, many of them dangerously.
Thus far tho loss of the strikers is
reported at but six killed and twenty
Tho peoplo of Homestead are terror
stricken and it is hard to get reliable
The tearing down of the sheriff's pro
clamation seems to have given the strikers
renewed courage and they declare that
they will fight until every plank of tho
high fence surrounding the Carnegie works
is laid to tho ground.
Tho sheriff and his posso are openly de
fled. The Governor has been asked to call out
the militia.
A dispatch just received says the requetj
will be complied with at once.
John Hooks was made a smiling papa on
the Fourth,
William Oerther and wife are visiting
friends in Minersville.
W.- F. Sadler, Jr., went to Philadelphia
yosterday, on business.,
Mrs. Frank Stealer went to Steelton to
day to visit her mother.
Miss Mame B. Wasley returned from
Bloomsburg last evening..
Beni. Haskey went -to Pottsville this
morning to look after business interests.
Georgo Richards and .wife aqd .Bajtzer
Babb were among the Hazleton visitors to
town Monday.
Geo. H. Krick returned from Scranton
yesterday. Ha spept, his Fourth,, with
friends in that city.
Miss Nellie Finney, of South Whito
street, is entertaining her cousin, Miss
Blanche Bicb, ef Ashland.
William Trickett, dean of the law school
of Dickinson College, Carlisle, witnossed
tho parade in town on Monday. ,
Mrs. Evans and hor daughter, Miss
Carrie, and Miss Bessie Fauvor, of Milton,
who wero the guests of Mrs. Goorge Pil
linger, returned to their homos last even
Misses Amanda DeLong and Annio
Krebs, of St. Clair. Edward Fisher Anil
daughter, Lillie, of Wadesville, and
Thomas Reese and daughter. Mattie. or
GIrardville, wore tho guests of Mrs. Bf O.
unurcn, or bouth White street on Monday.
Klectlon or Olllcers.
The following are the officers of Anthra
cite Castle, No. 74, K. G. E., of town
elected for the ensuing term of six mlnthur
Past chief, William 0. Collins; noble chief,
John D. Kamsherj vice chief, William
Hall; venerable hermit, Charles A. Mararff'f
shall: master of records. E. D. Badd&lli
clerk o exchequer,, "William J. Seltzer;
keeper of exchequer, A. D. Gable: Sir
Herald, Samuel McOutcheon; worthy
bard, D. O. Hughes: worlhv chamr,nrUln.
William J Millard; ensign, Goorge Robin
son; esquire, Jphi? Hal); first,' guardsman,
Daniel Lauren second guardsman.
Smith; Trustees, P. D. Uolman, D. C'.
Hughes and Samuel McOutch eon: renrA-
septatlvo to the Grand CasUb, P. D. Hol-
Editor Morgan's Case,
Judge Green yesterday pronounced sen
tence in the case of Tally Morgan, editor
of Th People, a prohibition papor publish
ed at Scranton. Tho sentence was 51 flno
and costs. Mr. Morgan was convicted last
September of criminally libeling Charles
K. Steel, secretary of the Good Templars.
IH'lecates Aiipolntcd.
Governor Pattison has appointed dele
gates to represent Pennsylvania at tho
National Mining Congress to bo held at
Helena, Montana, on Julv '2th. next.
Among them are District Superintendent
Bradigao. of town, and Minn Inspeotor
McMurtrie, of Ashland,
A Uiatreased 1'umlly.
Constable Taliesin Pbillina and his wlfn
are sorely afflictod. To-day they buried
their Infant child and their three remaining
children aro confined to their beds by
A Ileautlful Compleiiqu,
Dorothy Paste m-oducea that Mr r,,l
lovely complexion so much admired. Sun
burn and tan disappear after a few applica
tions. Bent by mail frao from observation.
Price fl, Health and Beauty Specialty
Co., 412 Penn avenue. Pittsburir. P
Please mention this paper. U
Lane'si l?H.Tnllw MArilnlnn
, ; . T.V.W ,
ilOVOS the bowels each dav. Most nnnnU
need to use IL
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb'l