Evening Herald. PUBLISHED DAILY, SUNDAY EXCEPTED JT. a BOYEIl, Editor and rublUher, W3T. J, irATKZXS, Zoeat Editor. ALL TH E IMF.WS FOR ONE CENT The EVENING IIEItALDhata larger cir culation In Shenandoah than any other paper published, Books open to all. SUBSCRIPTION rates: DAILY, per year 113 00 Wekklt, per year, 1 60 Entered t tUe PostoSlce, at Shenandoah, Pa, for transmission through the malls as seeond olass mall matter. OUR CANDIDATES: FOIl ritESIDBKT, 15ENJAMIN HARRISON, OF INDIANA. ron VICE TOESIHDNT, WHITKIjAW REID, Or NEW YOIIK. Republican State Ticket. judoe or snriiBME oouut, JUDGE JOHN DEAN. ooNonnssMrv.AT-i.AnaE, MAJ. ALEXANDER MoDOWELL, GENERAL WILLIAM LILLY. County Ticket. CONGI1B8B, HON. CIIAULES N. DRUMM. JUDGE, RICHARD II. KOCH, district attohnev, j. Harry james. COIIONEIt, DR. L. A. FLEXER. DI11ECTOK Or THE TOOK, JAMES U. LESSIG. 29Tn'SENATOIlIAL DISTniOT, LUTHER R. KEEFER. 1ST LEGISLATIVE DISTIIICT, JOHNJ.COYLE. lIUItD LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT, JOHN W. KERSHNER. 4TII LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. 3EORGE W. KENNEDY. BAMUEL A. LOSCII. SAMUEL S. COOPER. BILLION DOLLAR CONGRESS. The comparison of appropriations of tills session of Congress with thoso of the first session of the last Congress, made in the Housj on Thursday by Mr. Ilolman, aud which called forth a statement in rebuttal for the Republi cans from Mr. Henderson, of Iowa, ahowa that the total appropriations, regular and permanent, for the present session, are 5435,887,777, while those of the first session of the, last Congress were $541,230,67.2. Deducting from these amounts the regular and de ficiency pension appropriations, tlife appropriations for the first session of the last Congress exceeded the ap propriations for this session by 33, 291,010. The statement shows that the Fifty-first CongreiB, at its first session, appropriated $31,611,054 for the navy, while this Congress has so far appropriated $23,476,773. The de ficiencies appropriated for by this Congress amount to $14,441,121, as compared with $38,099,746 appro priated for by the Jlrst session of the last Congress. Mr. Holroau estimates that the amount of revenues for the next fiscal year will be $455,330,350. Sir. Henderson, in his statement, shows that the regular and permanent auuual appropriations frovldedfor by the House in the first session of the Fifty-first Congress aggregated only $443,322,877, while in the present ses alou of the House there has been ap propriated $484,887,777, making the appropriations for thb House for this session exceed those of the House for the first session of the Fifty-first Con gress by $42,409,111. He makes a sep arate statement concerning pensions, which shows that the House in its present session has appropriated for this purpose $142,499,398, as against $164,550,383 appropriated In the first session of the last Congress, making the total appropriations for this ses slon to exceed those of the correspond ing Besslon of the last Congress by $22,050,990. Mr. A. E. Stevenson, of Bloom lngton, III., who was selected as Mr. Cleveland's running mate, lives In the memory of the poople as tho most untiring, worker of tho official guillo tine In American history. He was First Assistant Postmaster-General under Cleveland, and is charged with about 60,090 oAlclal decapitations dur ing the four years that he held tbe fate of the postmasters of the country In his hands. A very large proportion of -the dismissed officials were veterans tha widows of veterans, There would have been less complaint if he had replaced thtse with Democratio veterans enough of whom could have been found to have succeeded ifcair Itepnblloin comrades. But Mr, Stevenson neyer overflowed with af fection for ' those 'who wore' tbe blue, and an honorable discharge from the Union army did not have much weight with him In deciding an ap plication for a postmastership. A letter from some ward or township boss as to the applicant's efficiency "among the boys" counted for a great deal more, and now he gets his ro ward. TiieN, Y. Sun says some of our contemporaries have tumbled Into the error of supposing that the new eleo toral law will make It easier for the Democracy this year's light In New York city. This coufldeuco is mis placed. It arises evidently from lg mranco of the termb and conditions of the new law, under which this year's presidential election in New York will be governed and directed. Fur from assisting the Democracy, the new ballot law will operate to tlir benefit of the Kepubllcaus. Gen. D. E. Sickles warned the Democratic Convention bcforo Mr. Cleveland's nomination, that he didn't know an ex-soldier lu the state of New York who would vote for him And no man knows more ex soldiers than Gen. SicklpR. A Million Frlendis. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million peoplo have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Golds. If you have nevor used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convinct yon that it bat wonderful curative powers in all dlieaies of Throat, Chest and Lungi. Each bottle is guaranteed to do-all that It claimed or money will bo refunded. Trial bottles tree at 0. H. Hagenbuch's drug ttora. Large bottles 60c and f 1.00. Lano's Family Medicine ,Movos the bowels oach day. -Most pooplf nuod to U90 it. I'lagi mill Hunting, Wholesale and retail, at Jinx Refto's, West Centro street. A nico lino of silk flHgs. Also, a largo lot of cheap fireworks for tho wholesale trado, Just received. Call early beforo all are gonu. Cheap for cash. BASEBALL RESULTS. Plttsbnrgs Down tho Giants In a Tcu Inulitg Game. AT PITTSDnnO. nttsburff 0 00122211 2-11 Now York. 0 20 220021 0-9 Ilattorlos Terry anil Minor; Crano and Doylo AT CLEVELAND. Cleveland 1 0 0.1 1 0 0 0 0-3 HOStOU O O O J 0 O 1 0 04 llntterios Cunny and Zlmmor: Stivutts and Bc'Uuctt, AT LOUISVILLE. Louisville 0 0 0 !l O 0 0 S 1 0 Philadelphia 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 8 Ilattorlos Sunders and Dowsa: Keefe and Clements und Cross and Woyhlng. AT CHICAGO. Chicago 0 0000200 13 uuitimoro i uuoooiOx-7 Ilrttterlo Ilutchlntnn nnd rritfrldirn And Scurlrcr: Cobb und Qunsou. AT ST. LOUIS. St. Louis i 00000040-5 uroowyn 1 0100020 04 SIlatterlcs-Gttlvln and lluokloy; Foutz and alley. STAKDIKO OP TUE CLU11S. Per TTon Lnt Ct Boston 40 18 .710 IIrooklvn...30 21 .011) Vhlladorn, 4U 84 ,0M Clnclnnuti..:i4 !iU .607 Clovclond..UJ 28 .Ml l'ittslurir..33 34 .483 rer n'on XiOJt Ct Washlnir'n.30 34 .40U Ctncaim....87 33 ,4fi8 Now Yorlt.27 30 .42U be Louis. ..20 3G 41(1 Louisvllio .20 3!) .400 liultlmore..l7 40 .270 I'm turn Lcaguo. At Troy-Troy, 8; Syracuse, 1. At Blmlra-Eluilra. 0: lluiro o. H. At JUinghamtou Illnghamton, 12; Roches- $200,000 FIRE. Three Men Die In u Conflgration at Wood' luml, cal. Woodland, Cal., July 2. A Are in the business portion of tbe town, caus. ed a heavy loss and was attended by several fatalities. W. M. Portor, superintendent of the Woodland WaUr Work?, was killed by foiling walls, and an unkuoivn man was burned to death la the Jackson lilook. Oeorca Tobias Inhaled flames and Is dead. The Are broke out In a barn in an alley back of tbe main street. The blaze made rapid headway, aud before anything could be dona was devouring me iiacKsoa uiock. The Exchange Block was next at tacked by the flames, and owing to the soarclty of water burned rapidly. The block occupied by the Exchange uoioi una me ueatner Ulock were part ly burned. The losses aggregate fully $200,000, on which there Is Insurance amounting to nuout uuu tunc sum. Would vou rather buv lamo- chimneys, ono a week the year round, or one that lasts till some accident breaks it ? Common glass may break or not the minute you light your lamp; if not, the first draft may break it; if not, it may break lrom a mere whim. Toucfh class chimneys, Mac beth's Pearl-top" or "Pearl- glass, almost never DreaK trom heat, not one in a hundred. Where can you get it? and what does it cost ? Your dealer knows where and how much. It costs more than common glass: and may be, he thinks tough glass isn't good for his business. riMburgb, Fa. Gio. A. Jtxcwrx Co. IT WILL BE ANi OPEN MILl The Fight at the Homesteac Works Developing. TO BE A LIFE AND DEATH STRUGGLE Latrtt Move of Cnrnrcle's New 825,000, 000 Organization Thirty Thousand Me Idle In rittNbun; Kmployos of th Homestead to lie l'nld lu l'ull. PiTTSBtmo, July 2. "Hereafter th Homestead Steel Works will be operated as a non-union works. We shall not re cognize the Amalgamated Association o' Iron and Steel Workors In our denllngi with the men. Tho mill will be an opeq mill, where a 11 men may work record less of their affiliation to a labor organi irttlon." The foregoing plain statement leaver no doubt as to the company's Intention regarding the light at Homestead, and narrows the light down to a life and death struggle, so far as the Amalga mated Association Is concerned. 30,000 MEN IDLE. Kffect of tho Dispute Ovtr Wages In l'UUlmrs. riTTsmir.o, July 2. Tho only addi tional signatures received to the Amal gamated Association wage scale are thoso of the Scottsdale Pennsylvania lion & Steel Company and the Coving ton, Ky., Steel Company. There are beyond doubt more idle men In Pittsburg and vicinity to-day than there has been at any one time for the past 15 years. The omployes of all the Iron mills ex cept the sheet mills are walking the Btreets, and the wheels ol the great manufacturing concerns of l'ittsburg which were so busy are idle. With the various Iron nnd glass plants Idle, tho South Side presents an odd ap pearance. It Is a complete shut down. Evcry mill has suspended nnd there are 30,000 men idle lu that pare of Pitts burg. At nearly all of tho iron mills in the district millwrights and mechanics are at work making necessary repairs, and nt some, at least, the shut down is known to bo temporary, as the manu facturers have assured their employes that work will be resumed as soon ns repairs and stock-taking are completed. WILL BE PAID IN FULL. Four Thousand Men to Receive Their Slunoy aud a DUchurgu. Homestkad, Pa., July 2. A notice has been posted ut tho entrance to the Homestead Company's olllco enjoining all employes, from tho highest to tho lowest, that they will bo paid oS in full. About 4,000 men in all will receive their money and also notices of dis charge. Barring the fact that the crowd of workmen may be noisy no demonstra tion is anticipated. A member of the Advisory Hoard of tbo locted-out men said to-dny: 'Mr. prick's statemeut .that only 28Q Jnijn were affected by the new scale is a mistake., livery man In tue mill suffers by it, and wo can prove, it.i The general reductlous In alt departments range from eight to ten per cent, and in some as high as 40 per cent." Vhlle It cannot be exactly estimated yet, the loss to the Curuegie Company every day the mill is idle is very heavy and amounts to thousands of dollars. In case the firm falls to recede from its present determined stand there will be great dunger ot being unable to fill the government aud World's Fair con tracts. The compuuy is under a $500,- 000-bond for the completion of a lurge utuouut of armor pinto, und unless tue old men ure taken back or new men Becured there is a probability of the government demanding a forfeiture. WILL EMPLOY 40,000 MEN. Tho Cul'lieglu htuol Coinuuny, Limited, Aildu tu 1U Already lliiuiuutte- l'lunt. Pittsbuiio, July 2. The extouelvd op erations in iron aud steel formerly con ducted under the firm names of Carne gie Brothers & Co., limited; Carnegie, l'hipps & Co., limited; Allegneuy hue- sermer Steel Uo., ana tut? keystone Bridge Compuuy ut tbe Edgar Thomson Furnaces, the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, Duaquesuu Steel Works, Home stead cSteel Works, Lucy Furnaces, Key Btone Bridge W orks, Upper Union Wills, Loner Union Mills, Beaver Falls Mills, Scioto Ore Mines, Larimer Coke Works aud Youghlogheuy Coke Works will ba currkd ou by the Carnegie Steel Com pany, limited. The general offices of the nen firm will be lu this city, witu brunch offices in all the principal cities ot tho United Status. None of the details of the transaction will be mado public by the Arm at pres ent, aud they will wait until tho trouble at their works is settled beforo filing the papers ol record. 'ihe cupltal stock will be $25,000,000. The company will have in its employ upwurd ol 4U,UUU in n. One Hundred and l'lfty Quit Work. St. Louis, July 2. As tbe result of a refusal to sign tha jchIq adopted by the Amalgamated Association in session for a week past at Pittsburg, Pa., tho beat rs, rollers and puddlurs employed by the Ilelmbacher Forge & Holliug Mills Company, ucmbering 150, have quit work und the mills have been snut down. Union nolllne Mill Clusei. Cleveland, July 2. Tho Union Roll lug Mill has closed, and It .Is impossible to tell wheu it will reopen. The mill usually shuts dowu for repairs during the summer, but the present suspension Is due to the trouble between tbe manu facturers and .the Amalgamated Asso ciation ot Iron and Steel Workers. Another Shut Down. Lakcabteu, Pa., July2. At m.idnlght the Susquehanna und Columbus Iron Companies ot Columbia shut down (or an Indefinite period, Fully 500 men re thrown out of work. It was stated that Uiakhut down was tor tbe purpose ot g soma repair. 1 1 Prohibition Defeated. AoorBTA, Ga., July 3. Prohibition has boon defeated, here, by the adverse majority of over 1.400, being fully tw to one, NEW8 OF THE DAY, Mackerel in great numbers and largi size have been struck on tho ooast ol Maine. D. M. Howell, a well known resident of Stockton, Cal., charged with passing counterfeit money, has been held in thi sum ot 115,000. Artioles ot incorporation ot the Balti more & Ohio Conneotlon Railroad Com pany have beon filed with tho Illinoli Secretary of State. Passed Assistant Surgeon Victoi Means hns been detached from the Navj Yard at New York and ordered to tin Naval Hospital nt Norfolk, Va. John Bock, nn insurance agent, ol Flint, Mich., Is missing, together witl $7,000 belonging to the Union Central Life Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio. ' Frank Smith, charged with the mur der of Wollman during the late rus tiers' troubles, has arrived at Cheyenne, Wyo. He denies tho charge, and sayi ho can prove an alibi. Kansas farmers are having groat trou ble in securing sufllclont bunds to bar vest the enormous oropi in that State. They are offering from $3 to $3 per day, with board, wages never known to pro vail beforo. rilceitlcHRnrifs, Ricii nnd Nervons lEeatJaclic, Bncliacho. IHzzlnPss,9f or. bid Fenrs, Hot linslics, Tfcrvoup ! Npepsin, Dullness, Confusion, II.VK tcrln, 11 ts, St. YltiiH' I.moe, Opium lEnblt, t)rmnl(ciinoH, ct c, m-o curnl by Dr. Miles' Jtcstorntivo Nervine. It does not contain opiates. Mrs. Sophia C. Urownleo, DcLand, 11a., suffered with Epilepsy for CO years nnd testifies to a complctocuro. Jacob retro, Ella, Oregon,' had been sufferlnfr with Nerv ous Prostration for four years, couhl not sleep, rjothlnu helped him until ho used Dr. Mlloo' Ro otoratlvo Nervine; ho Is now well, l'lno hooks Free nt druEglsts. Dr. Mlloo' Norvo and Liver Plllo, GO doecs for 2.' cents tiro tho beet romcdy for Biliousness, Torpid Liver, etc., etc Dr.rillos' Medical Co.,Elkhart,lnd. TEiAi iioxxxs ram:. DR. THEEL, r,oc North Fourth at.( DOO tel. Green, 1'HiLAUBLrniA, tba only reDulo (ienum Amerlou frfciiim in tb United Xixtet wbo U bi to cur Blood Poison, Norvo ua Debility Spe cial Diseases of bkla DUcue. lt.4poUFilniU tb 6tme,SoreThroat A Mouth, BlotcbM, Ilmplc, ErupUoai, toft ot, bril I'lcer. Swelling!, Irrttttlona, JaflirnmftUoni and RaoDl&Kt, titrlaturti. WetkntM n3 Pr)j II-mt, lost memory, wik tacit. menUl 'amlrty, Kidney oa ruii.T D1cmm an4 iv plsfMM .reiulilng from Ecwm T 11 cr ttci or Ororwork. Reef nt cuci cnrM la 4 to 19 "J1 1 r-Hf onoe. Do not V hr(1 mttet wbt dfen thin Po-Mor, QoMk, Family or llorltl PhyilHao ba faUM. 1. THl'.EL cures positively ltt""t detention Iron t UltneM. OLD, YPtTMQi IPDt AdKD M TKOtl OOntilTUTDII Mir uat rirri or poor, : "TKUTH" cportni 6h Itauni. rtitllf from to' S, 1 na za. iwmp ror do OH k nnilfr tworo Ustlmoblua, I, KT'tf 6 to . Wrt, and BU rv't 10. Puudtr 9 till IX. Writ or tall and t iaTd. Ynr Rcf-renoe i trod. u?d fluturd Ula. dally TLce. Chlehetr'a EneUnh Diamond TlranA. tf-ffUS Half fienulne A Orljrttiul Arc, aJway rUittl. ladic, aik VrmcpiX for OiUketter' Jtoalith Dto-, tiumdJtranJ la Itcil vtd Ooui rnetallio boiei, acaied wuu biu nbboa. Take no other. J?tfudanaerovi ttibtfiiu- tion m4 imitation. AtDroggUti,orieni4e. id iiaropt tor ntrucai&ri, iciiimomw ana 'ltellef foi Itadlect" in Utter, by return Ol uh iv.uuu it-iiiuwmui, am JVper. Iflietnr (,'hemfciil Csv.Slti.llann Niu.im. EASILY. QUICKLY. PERMANFWTI v nrcmnrn t ftatncM, JServouaMCM, Debility. Aid til rrom Ally erron or lawr ciceaMi, tbt molu r Tarwork. Ickneaa, worry, eta. Vull itreiistb, dTlopmat a4 loB flren Co rery ornn and portion f tho body. Bimpla, oatwal petbodi. Immedlau improranoot tMi, PaUara lmpilbl. t.00 per Ui) 6 boi for 5 00. Wrltua gaaraaloo to aar with trery ati boiea. KMiO rerrt&et. Bond itaap far k. iplanatlontaairrooh, ataUd. AddraM. lkN CU V iUUiWAU OO rblUidphla, Pa. Hess' Livery Stable, xiB N. Xtlnrkct Alley. NEW BUGGIES AND UAltNESS, SAFE HORSES Finest turnouts In town. Would bo pleased to receive a sharo of tho puouo pauonago. B.33MOVAIj I ELLIS, Tb Tinsmith and Stove Dealer, has removed to the 33 West O .. It Ht HlteunuctoRli, Where he will be pleased to meet all his old as wen us many now customers as possible. uuuu wgru i luir price. ItooHng and Spouting neatly done. SALOON AND RESTAURANT 36 East Centre Street. Tho best beer, ales, portor, whlsltoys, brandies. wmua uuu uuusv ciurs uiways on nana. WM. J. EVANS, Prop. FIRE INSURANCE. Laxsostand oldest reliable purely cash com panles represented by 120 S. Jardm St., Shenanooah, Pa. "THE ELECTRIC" (John McNeil's pld stand) fast Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. Tbe finest, purest and best Beers, liquors, nico, pun?;-, uiurs, a.;., m iuo county. Toe place bas been entirely renovated and fm. proved. Polite attention and honorable treat ment, to an. , P. J. NULHOttAKD. It will pay any ono in want of WALL PAPER to und. 6c. to par noiUge on our bekntlful lwot Addceu r. U. 0XIV. Ulnh Bt, 1'rortdMM K.t; Mervoys Prosiraiion Iff BEADING JUL SYSTEM. Lehigh Volley Division. AIUtANOEMENT OP PASSEN GER TllAINS. MAY 15, 1892. inaoan forPnnn trnvnn Ttinirtn -it 1. vnrfinwn' iJft.l!Won' Whlte Hail.Catasauqua; lazlcton. Wcathorlv. Ouaknkn .Ttmnl.nn. ni. itio and Mnhrtnnv Pltw nt KeT t An n no I. M 12.52. 3.10. 6.a) -" ,FOpr Now York, 5.67, 9.03 a. m., It62, 3.10, m f ,0, "a?Ioton,yllkcs-Darre, Whlto Haven, 5 "?'nl,Lafeyyllle. Towanda, Sayro. Wavcrly, m K lit0Poh?Ster' Niagara Falls and the West, iu.41 a. m., (3.10 p. m., no connection for Koches- er, uunaio or Niagara Falls), 8.03 p. m. For Uolv dnrn. nln,..o"i,'.i. 4 a roudsburg,5:67a.m:r5.2ap.m.ul,i' For Lambertvlllo and Trintnn. a (is n. For 1'unkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 8.03 p. m. if or Auburn, Ithaca. Geneva nnd Lrnn. in 41 i, m 8.U3 p. m. . 0IV,S1,nesvl!!,2LovlstonandBoavor Meadow, .40, 9.08 a. m., 12.52, 5.20 p. m. For Audenrled. Hailntnn Ktnoirtnr t.. cr Yard. 6.57. 7.40. o no m ,(, ,., ,n .2U p. m. . ' ' ' or acranton, 5.57, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 8.10, 5.26 p. For Ilazlebronk.Jn.1iin nrtf,nn i.nin .57. 10.41 u. m . 1 s- .1 in K ' - E ?y?Ra' Q'rardvlllo and Lost Creole," 4.27, n48.6J, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.10, 9.14 For Itaven Run, Centralla, Mount Carmcl and bhamqkln, 8.52. 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.0) p. m. For Yntpsvlllo, Park Place, Mahanoy Qty and Delano. 5.67. 7.40. 9.03. in ii n m nn i03, 9.24, 10.27 p.m. ' ' ' ' ' iranis win loavo Shamokln at 7.55, 11.65 a. m., J.10. 4.30. r.. m. and ILrrll-n nt ClmnaAal, nt t.05 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 5.20 p. m. , kmZ'. Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.60, 7.40, J.08, 10.41 n. m 12.52, 3.10, 4.10, 5.20, 8.03 p. m. Lcavo Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 000. 7.40, 11.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 6.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30 Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 5.57, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10. 5.20, 8.03 p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.S8, 9.15 11.00 a. m., 12.13, 3.10, 5.30, 7.05, 7.60 p. m. Trains leave for Ashlnmi. nir,iMviiio nun T.oai Creek, 7.29, 9.40 a. in., 12.30, 2.15 p. m. ror latosvino, Park Place, Mahanoy City. Delano, Hazleton, Ulack Creek Junction, I'enn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allontown, Uothlehom, Easton and New York, 8.40 a. m., 12.30 p. m. For Philadelphia and Now York, 2.55 p m. For Yatesvlllo. Park Ilap.n. Mnhnniw (ntv nil Delano, 8.40, 11.3a a. m., 12.30, 2.55, 4.40 H.V'V. m. Leavo Hazleton for Shenandoah. 8.30 11.30 a. m.. 1.05, 4.37 p. m. Lcavo Shenandoah for Pottsvlllo, 5.5(J 8.40, 9.30 a. m., 12.30 2.45 p. m. Leavo Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 8.30 10.40 a.ln.,1.35. fi.lop. m. j a. a, 01O1.KUU, I'res & ucn. Mir, C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass Agt Phlladelphla.Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHKR. AssUQ. P. Ai Kouth Hethlehem.Pa. JENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. BCIinrLKlLL DIVISION. ' NOVEMBER 15, 1891 Trains will loavo Shenandoah after the nmvn date for Wlggan's, GUberton, Frackvllle.Uew Castlo, St. Clair. Pottsvlllo, Hamburg, ReaJing, Pottstown. Phconlxvllle, Norrlstown and Jnll adclphla (Broad street station) at 0:00 and 1:45 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays. For Puts vlllo and Intermediate stations 9:10 a.m. For Wlgcan's. Gllborton. Frackvllle. lew Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvlllo at 0:00. 9:40 1 m. and 3:10 p. m For Hamburg, Reading, Pitts- town, pnoenixviiie, Norrlstown, Phlladelihla at 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 3:10 p. ra. ! irains leave rracuviuo ror nenanaoat at 10:40a.m. and 12:14. 5:01. 7:42. and 10:09 nm. hundays, 11:13 a. m. and 5:40 p, m. ieavu i-oiisvitie lor anenanaoan ai itio, 11:48a. m and 4:40. 7: 15 and 9:42 n. m. Siindiva nt 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m. i ijoavo i'nuaaeipnia (uroaa street stationiior Pottsvllle ond Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 m, 4 10 and 7 0Q p m week days. On Sundays lave at 6 60 a m. For Pottsvllle, 9 23 a m. For lew York at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 515, 0 50, 730, 8 20, 130, 9 50, 11 00, 11 14, It 35 a m, 12 00 noon (limited press 1 00 and 4 50p m) 12 41. 1 35, 1 40, 2 30, 20, 4 00, 4 02, 5 00, 0 00, (1 20, 0 50, 7 13, 8 13 and 10 O p m, 1201 night. Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 35, 8 12, 8 30, 9 60, 11 35 a m and 12 44, 1 40, S 30l 02 (limited 4 50) 5 28, 0 20, 6 50, 7 13 and 8 12 p m Ind 12 01 night. For Sea Girt, Long Branch aniiln termcdlate stations 8 20 and 1111 am, ahdt 00 p m weekdays. For Baltimore and Washig. ton 3 60. 7 20. 8 31. 9 10. 10 20. 11 18 a m. 12 35 nm. lted express, 130, 3480 4 41,.857,.7 4,0 p m 103 iiibui.. e ui c i uuuuiu uiiiy o uu p m wcck uiys. For Baltimore only at a 02. 401,608 and 11 8 p m. Sundays at3 60, 720, 9 10. 11 18a m, 4 41.W67 7 40 p m, 12 03 night. Baltimore only 5 08, 1 30 p m. ror uicnmono. Tuuam, isup m ana 1 Ui night. Sundays, 7 20-a m, 12 03 night. Trains will leavo Harrlsburg for Plttsbrg and the West every day at 12 25 and 310im and (limited 3 00) and 3 40 p m. Way for U- toona at 8 15 am nnd 110 p m every day. ".'or Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 20 a m every ay uuu iv m u in weoK uaya. Elmlra, Canandalgua, Rochostcr, IlutTaloLind Niagara r aus ai o iur a m, ana 1 p ra wen days. For Elmlra nt 6 30 p m week days, Tor Erie and Intermediate points at 6 10 am atly T.nr.1. Umrnn n, K Id n.1 RU. n n'k . V. UVVn. ..(.,1.11 U. U IV UUU B U-J U IU UU II 1 , Ol, and 5 30 p m week days For Rcnovo at 6 0 a. m, 135 and 5 30 p m week days, and 5 10 an on Sundays only. For Kane ut 5 10 a m, 1 33 , m week days. ; C. H. Pugh, J. R. Woo, Gen'l Manager Gen'l Pass'g'r .gt PHILADELPHIA & READING R. It. 1 TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 15, 1892. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Phlladelnhta. week dvs. S.08, 5.K3, 10.08 a. m., 12.3.) 2.48, 6.63 p. m. Surlay, 2.08, 7.40 a. m. For Now York via Mauch Chnk, week days, 5.23, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2.48 p. m. -For Heading and Philadelphia, week ,ovs. 2.08, 5.23, 7.18, 10.08 a. m., 12.23, 2.48,6.53 p. mi Sun- d.lv. '2 OH. 7.4(1 n.. m.. 4 3 n m f For Harrlsburg, week days, 2.08, 7.18 'i m., For AUentown, woek days, 7.18 a. m.i2.33, 2.48 p.m. j For l'ottsvlllo, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m,2.33, 2.48, 5.53 p. ra. Sunday, 2.D8, 7.40 a. in., 4.23 1. m. TCr... HI. .n n ..n n m, A . ... , ,,1 ' 2.08, 5.23, 7.18,10.08 a. m.,12.33. 2.48. 5.53 p. rSsun- day, 2.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.23 p. m. Addltlont for Mahanoy City, woek days, 0.68 p. m. j For Lancaster nnd Columbia, woek dayi 7.18 a. ra., 2.48 p.m. For Willlamsport, Sunbury and Lewlturg, week days, 3.23, 5.23, 7.18. 11.28 a. m., 1.3 6.58 p m. sunaay, a.-s a. m., 3.03 p. in. ; 1irtH Mnhnnnn lllnno ...nl, An j tQ intlu 7.18, 10,08, 11.28 a. m., 12.33. 1.33, 2.4S,5.53, 64, 9.33 p. ra. aunaay, z.ua, j.'j. 7.40 a. m., s.uj, 4.'p. in. rur uiraruviiiu, For Ashland and Shamokln. week davi a.23. 5.23, 7.18, 11.2& a. m., 1.33, 0.68, 9.23 p, mV Sun' aay, 3.23. T.4U n. m.. a.ra p. m. TRAINS FOIt SHENANnOAIIii Leave New York via Philadelphia, weoklavs. 7.45 ft. m., t.SQ, 4.00, 7.3Q p. bl, 12.15 nightf Sun- uuy, u.w p. JU., 1m.io uitjiil. Lsave New York via Mauch Chunk, weeklays, T nn ..n U.I I. nl nlil ...nn1 . .1 n .. ., ..7,'nA. uvula Jt uiiMuciiJuiu, m-ui. uujd, i.iu, JU.ua. m. 4.00, 6.00 p. ra., from Broad and Callowhli and 8.35 a. m., 11.30 p. m. from Vth and Green Stpnts. Sunday, 9.05 a m., 11.30 p. m., from 9k and Green. Leave Reading, week dys,, 10.0, 11.60 a. m., 6.55, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.35, 10.43 a. l. Leavo Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40.. m., 12.30, 6,llp, m. Sunday, S.40, 7.00 a. in., 2 p. m. Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 1.28 a. m., 1.21,7.13, 9.18 p. ra. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 1. m., 8.60 p. m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 4( 9.18, 11. ti u. ui., i.di, j.-t., v.n y. in. ounuay, a. , s.n a. m., 3.20 p. m. Loavo Mahanoy Plane, week de vs, 2.41 4 00, 6.30. 9.35. 11.69 a. m.. 1.(6. 2.06. 6.20. 6.26. 7.S1 in a1 P. m. Sundar. 2.40. 4.00. 8.27 a. m.. 3.37. 5 0 n m Leave Girardvllle. (Rappahannock Stlon)l weeks days, 2.47. 4.07, 6.36, 9.41 a. m., 12 01 2.12 5.26, 6.32, 8.03, 10.06 p, m. Sunday, 2.47, 4.0, 8.33 a. in.. 3.41. 5.07 n. tn. ' ' ,4K,i Leave Willlamsport, week days, 3.00, 9.t 11.55 n. ra., 3.35, 11.15p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. in. For llaltimoro, Washington and the Wot via II. & O. R. It.. throUL'h trains lnnvn rirr,1 Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & 11. R. t.) at .do, o.ui, ii.i u. ju., 0.00, o,z, Y.ia p. m. audav. on am Urn. . Urn 1 ... a... j , 0.1111, o,v, (.. u. iu., u.inj, U.-I. 1. id 11, ui. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION Loavo Philadelphia, Chestnut street vbarf uuuruuiuBirwt wuurj, iur Aiiantio uuy . Weekdays Express, 515 excursion 0 fc. 8 00. 9 00,1015 am, lop t-nturdaya only 130! SCO, aw, iiuiuiuuiuuju iiu, D uu, UUVQ ra Accommodation, 8 00 u m, 415, 5 30, 0 SO o h Hundays Expioss, 5 15, 7 00, 7 So, 8 00 8 30, vw, v uw, IV ov 1. w., II ill. rtliCOOimQCltlOn( 8 00nmnnd4 45 pm. T Returning leave Atlantld City depot, Atantlo anu Ariiu.a8 uvenues. w eenaays 7 ue 7 30. 8 00. 9 00. 10 00 a m and 3 15, 4 00, 6 30 licur slon 0 001. 6 30. 7 30. 9 30 n m. 1 Accommodation, 4 10, 6 60, 8 10 a m, ant 4 30 p m. Hunri.Dl Pyiloco Him 1IV1 RIV1 AVl.nA 7 00. 7 S, 8 00. 930 p m. Accommodatloi, 7 80 Huinuiiswuiu. a O. nANCOOK.aen'lPass'fgL K JL MuLKOD, Pres. &Oen't Muaaeei First National Bank, i 'Hi I.I,,,., TIIEATRIJ BDILDIKO, SHENANDOAH, PENNA.i Capital, $100,000.00 (f. Vlf. Leisenrmg, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leiscnnnq, Cashier, 1 W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally Front 9 to 3 1 w 3 PER GENT. INTEREST ! Pntd an Havings Deposits. s SPllsnox- and. Xiagoi 23oor ORDER AT ONCE. Christ. Schmidt, Agt., ' 207 west uoni Ml,, S-tHCE3ST-A.3STJDOA.I3:. Shenandoah Business College A LurKC AttcuUiiuce Dally. Room for a Few More. r, Take advantage of tho. present chance to secure a GOOD BUSINESS EDUCATION I For terms, &c, call at the College or address, W. J. SOLLY, Shenandoah, Pa. FREE 33-52-33- EXA.MINATI0NST Our EYE SPECIALIST Will bo In 8HENANDOAII, QN WEDNESDAY, JULY Eth, AT THE FERGUSON HOUSE From 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Plnnfl Tl.ll n imra linn rn ftt n nhna. r.,. causing discomfort should call upon our apeo lalist, und they w ill receive intelligent and skill, ful attention, NO CIIARQE to examine your eyes. Evorypatrot glasses ordered Is fiuaran. teed to bo satisfactory. TJ3E:3E3Kr x&s OO., Oculists and Opticians, 1010 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. SHENANDOAH BOILER WORKS! North Emerleh Street, Near Coal, bhenandoah, I'a. BEPAIRIKTQ Of all kinds promptly attended to, Hpeclul attention given to 11 ' ; 1 STEAM FITTING, &C. l W. E. Smith & Son. LEWIS' 98 LYE (patented) ' Tbt itrongttt aud purtMt mtd. UolUf ether Lye. II Utlug a flat powder and pck4 In a can with renuThbl 1U, tht ouatecti art alwajri rttdr for um. Will mak tat hut por futuod Hard Soap Id SOtaloutei vrtthQutboUina IT IS TUB BEST fur oleaadag wait pipea, dl i Id feotlng ilnkl, cloaeu, waihlog botUa patDU, ireci, cut. COFBBJHOUSB. MRS, CONNIC1C IN CIIAROE. A SQUARE MEAL AT A NOMINAL MICE. ' Everything well cooked and clean. An elab orate bill of faro dally. Lodgings , for travelers. R'lg,CONNf Cir.,j X. Mllllt Nt, MEN WANTED fo teat aT-oltlio Cure forth elliyU ot teilimM. i K.rlr fiHUN, lJnlBlon.flreulllillUr.uiMpt ! Boiud l oner, ImpoteacI, 0. Bi. ert If our Ulth U our Hpectflo its iillluiiil odkVuiOI colli". MedlOm ti. M. CO.. B6Uit4r,JiewVrk,