In Season ! "All kinds of Canned and Bottled Goods, Imported and Do mestic Cheese, Fine Groceries, etc., for the summer and pie nic season at SEVERN'S Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sis. SOLID and plated Silver ware, Gold and Silver Watches, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goods, Banquet,Parlor and Piano Lamps,unique in design with 75 and 250 candle power burners. All goods superior in finish and quality with rock bottom prices that withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly at Holdermaris Jewelry Store, The most prorresslye establishment In the county. Corner Mam ana Lloya Streets. Cumins Events July 22. Strawtorry and ico cream feetival, in Bobbins' opors bouse, under the auspices of Young America Drum Corps. Juno 22. Strawberry and ico cream fes tival in Kobbins' opera houeo for the bene fit of tbo Presbyterian church. Juno 23. Representation of a Japanese "Wedding by tbo Helping Hand Society in tbo Trinity Reformed church. June 28 Strawberry and ico cream festival, in Bobbins' opera bcuso, under tho nuspicos of tho yourtg peoplo of tho Welsh Baptist church. Jlulf Itntes to Uinalni, Neb. For tho benefit of delegates and visitors to the Independent Party National Con vention at;Omaha, Neb., on July lib, 1802, tho 1'onnsylvBLia Railroad Company will sell excursionitickols of tho iron-clad con tract form to Omaha, from all principal stations on its lines, at a single fare for the round trip. Tho tickets will be told from June 29tb to July lft, inclusive, and tho if turn coupons will bo good until July 16th inclusive, and going journey must bo com menced on dato of salo. lickots will be valid for continuous paseRge only in each direction. Wall paper and window shades at coit, Portz's. 21 N. .Main street. Half Iluteti tu Cincinnati, ). For the benifit ol delegate and visitors to tho Prohibition National Conveniion at Omcinnati,0., on June 29th and 30th, H92, tbo Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Cincinnati, 0 , from all'priccipal stations on its lines, at a jingle fare for the round irip The tickets will be sold Juno 27th and 28tb, good going only on date of salo as stamped on back, but not later than for trains leaving initial point of ticket Juno 28th. Tbe return coupons'will bo gicd to return on dBto stamped on back by agent at Cincinnati, but not good for return passage to initial point after July 6th. Coughing Loads to Consumption Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE I Good horses, nice buggies and responsible drivers are the essential things for a pleasant drive, which can always be had at my stables, 12 and 14 North Pear alley, rear of Luberg's hardware store. Horses taken to board. Undertaking in all its branches attended to with promptness. I3YAN J. IAYIK8. 23. 'W. "W"XXjX5DEI, DEALER IN Musical Instruments, SHEET MUSIC AND STATIONERY. The finest goods In the market at the lowest prices. All new goods. Cor. Lloyd and Jardin Sis., Shenandoah, Pa, H. J, M'GUIHE'S Sporting and Musical Resort ! Second St., GIRARDVILLE. Rest Wines, Liquors, He era, Ales and finest WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where be will be pleated to meet the wantt oi ms menu ana trie panuo la HverytkiBg In the Driakiii Lixe BLOWN TO PIECES. Twenty-four Saltan Killed by an Explo sion Near llnrdeaux. Bordeaux, June IB. An appalling ac cident occurred Yesterday Just outsldt the harbor of Blaye, on the Elver Qir-, onde, 24 miles northeast of this city. Lying off tbe harbor was the British stenmer Petrolln, commanded by CapU j Hubbock, which had arrived June 13 from Philadelphia. i Tho usual routine work was belns performed ou board, when suddenly there was a flash, a tremendous roar and the vessel was blown to pieces. , Huge fragments of the decs, nnd deck- j houses were carried upward to a great height. Tho river was strewn with wreckage from the Petrolln, and it was readily seen that the disaster was due to an explosion of gas that had formed from the petroleum forming her cargo. Burning oil was floating on the water. This drifted with the tide, and floating against several vessels lying at anchor near by, set them ou Are. Two or three other vessels were Ignited by the burn ing oil that fell on their decks or tarred rigging. The Patrolla was burning furiously, and the hoat was so Intense that it was dangerous for the many small boats that were launched to approach near to her. Dense volumes of stifling smoke hung over and around tho burning steamer. Some of tho more venturesome boat men heard cries for help and rowed as closely as possiblo to the Potrolia. They succeeded in picking up 18 of her crew, three of her engineers and the second officer. Some of tbe rescued men were severely burned. They were taken ashore as rapidly as possible aud physi cians were then summoned to attend them. The survivors said that there were 20 othors on board the vessel when the ex plosion occurred, and a search was made in the vicinity of tho steamer for them, but not a body was found, and It is believed that evory one of these 20 men perished. GRAND LODGE OF ELKS. Important Matters to lie Discussed llefore the Annual Meeting at Itufrulo. j Buffalo, N. Y., June 15. A conserv ative estimate of the number of Elks and tholr guests in attendance at the Grand Lodge and annual reunion here, is placed nt six thousand. It is conceded on all sides to be tne largest gathering in the history of the order, and the vis itors are enjoying themselves to the full extent of their opportunities. Qossip about tho hotel corridors indi cates that a feeling exists in favor of a national change in the present adminis tration. With ono or two exceptions new officers are contemplated. Louis ville wants several officers and several reforms. Among the reforms to be dis cussed is that the lodge and per capita tax to the grand lodge should be re duced, as the fund is considerably larger than there is any need for. The "Pro gressionists" oppose this. They want the present tax retained and the surplus regarded as a fund for tho building of a permanent Elks home. The latter sen timent is regarded in tho most favorable light. The fight for the Grand Lodge meet ing place will be hot. Tbe decision is likely to rest between Chicago and De troit. The former is favored because of the World's Fair, while it is argued on tho other hand that in view of the crowded condition of Chicago noxt yoar, Detroit will be able to provide better accomodations I The canvass for the chief office con- tinues active and Apperly of Louisville . is said to have a good load. Among the candidates for Grand Sec retary are Jume3 V. Cooke of Indianapo lis; Mr. Chauncoy of Grand Rapids: Mr. White of Chicago and Mr. Wolt of Al bany. CRASHED THROUGH A BRIDGE. Four Persons Killed and Six Hurt on Kentucky ltallrond. Middles coro, Ky., Juno 15. A freight entrinewith 10 loaded box cars on the K. C M. & G. L. Railroad wont through a bridge spanning Lonesome Hollow and fell 250 feet. Four persons were killed and six hurt. The north-bound passenger train, with over 100 passengers, was only saved by being behind its schedule time. Among the killed are if runic bargent, Fireman Henry Slater, Conductor Duck worth and Thomas Allen. Strike at Tonamtnda Settlod. TotfAWANDA, N. T., June IB. The strike 1b practically settled. The men have agreed to go to work. Tbey will form themselves into gangs and will work at 23 aud 25 cents per thousand, money to be equally divided among the men. Tha arrangomont was brought about last night by Arbitration Com mlssioner F. F. Donovan. This does away with the stevedores, a victory for the men. The lumbermen's association does not, however, recognize the men as a union. Newark' Stone Cutters' Strike Ended. Newark, N. J., June 15. The stone cutters' strike of this city has been ended and this morning a number of men went back to work. The strike was begun six weeks ago, when 300 men left their positions for an advance ot 5 cents an hour, making the maximum wages 60 cents an hour. The bosses succeeded in defeating the men by getting men from Detroit and forming a progressive union. Itlir Colliery Changes Hands. Fottbvilli, Pa., June 15. The pur chase of the William Penn colliery, one of tho most prominent operations of this region, has been effected by the Pennsylvania Railroad, the transfer hav ing been just consummated through its agents, Stlckney & Co. Tha colliery was the property of E. & Q. Mrooke of Birdsboro, and has an annual output of over 300 tons. Til Louisiana Senatorshlp. Baton Hocqi, La., June 15. The Joint Assembly mat at noon aud for the six teenth time ballottad (or United States Senator, without result. The ballot was as follows! Jouas 31, Qlbsou 23, Adams 'A Blanobard 22, Cutlery 17, Ma honoy 1, Bourgeois 4, Bolton 1. Aldrlch Ile-oUettd 8aator. Provipsmck, It. I., June 18. Hon, Kelson W. Alrlrtch was re-elected United States Ssnator yesterday. The rot wast Aldrlch 04; David S. Boxer, Jr., 39. , OVERRUN WITH' TRAMPS. All Sfnnner of Crimes Attributed to tha Idle Wanderers at Wllllmantlc Wilijmantio, Conn., June IB. This section is being overrun with tramps, uud reports are coming in daily of their many depredations throughout this vicinity. A mill was set on fire in Canterbury, a house burned In Packervlllo, two women insulted and a boy attacked by a tramp within a week. Tbe body of Frank Johnson wai found hanging to a tree near the Rhode Island line, uud he is supposed to have been murdered aud robbed by tramps. Vlirilnuce Committees are being found ed uud there is talk of stringing up eoino of tho nomads on sight. Ohio Demncrntio Convention. Columbus, 0., June 15. It is the field against Cleveland In the Demo cratic State Convention, and the indica tions this morning ure that the Held Is in tbe majority. The Held, however, Is not concentrated on uuy one man. Some of tho delegates favor Hill, others ex Secretary of the Navy Whitney, a few Gov. Flower, but the great bulk of the anti-Clevelund delegates are non-committal beyond the statement that they favor any man, East or We-tt, that stands a Show of carrying New York, but that they do not think olther Cleve- luu.l ni Hill 1. tiint man I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below tho Unco, and was cured sound and well with two and a half bottles of Other blood medicines had failed to do mo any good. Will C. Heaxv, Yorltville, S. C. T wrts trnnhlpfl frnm ehllilhnnflwlthnn Q7- (rrnvnttil enso of Tetter, nnd threo bottles uf cured mo pormanetiy. WALLACE MANN, Marntlllc. I. T. Our boob on Wood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swire Specific Co., Atlanta, lla. WANTS, &o. E STRAYED. From tho premises ot 11. Tzrkonowski. Cltlberton, a red cow. with largo horns. Suitable reward for return of same. C-1 4-31 LOT FOR SALE. A cry deslinule lot. 3Cx 140 feet, on East Coal street. Apply at 11EHALD offlco. J-28-tf OR SALE. A National Cash Register, worth PJ00. will he sold chean for cash. Apply at this office; 6-8-tf t ANTED. An experienced girl for general v r liouseworit. uooa wages paw. Wolf Levine, 31 North Main street. Apply to U-4-U DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tho Cather property, on West Oak street, for Bale. Will be sold whole or in parts to suit purchaser. Apply on the premises. 4-12-92 TTiOR SALE. 45 acres of valuable farm land ; under cultivation. In East Hrunswlck Township, adjoining lands of Peter Andrews andMathlasS. Richards. Cheap for cash on easy terms. Also desirable real estate In Shenandoah and Palo Alto. Address, M. M. Uurke. Shenandoah. Pa. 5-S8-tf VTOTICE, Notlco Is hereby given to all XI saloon-keepers and others not to give or sell intoxicating liquors to William R. James, I and all parties violating this notice will bo prosecuted to tho full extent of tho law. DAVin R. James, , William J. James, I Henjamin F. James. Shenandoah. Pa., June 9. 1893. fit "VfOTICE. Notlco to Justices of tho Peace, L Constables, and tho public : Hereafter tho Steward of tho P chuj-lklll County Alms- linlisn will nnv Tin prinatiililn ni ilnnntv tnr bringing any person not Insane or not entirely helpless to this Institution. Car fare advanced btrefundcde PeaCC In casoa ' Dcees8lty- THOMAU. TKACEY, JOHN HERGAN. R011ERT E11LING, Hoard of I'oor Directors. Schuylkill County Almshouse, Juno 1, 1892. 6-3-Ot AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY or com mission, to handlo tho new Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The quickest nnd great est selling no city ever produced. Erases Ink thoroughly in two seconds. No abrasion of naner. works llko magic. 200 to 600 ner cent. prollt. Ono agent's sales amounted to (620 In I Bixdays. Another 532 in two hours. Previous ' ovn.plrn.n nn, iinrnuLii-u T?i ...-ma nnri full particulars, address The Monroe Mt'g Co., La Crosse. Wis. x439 5-21-ly NOTICE. Loiters of administration on tho estate ot John II. Evans, late of tho borough ot Shenandoah, county of Schuylkill nnd state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Noah J. Owens, of said borough of Shenandoah, tu whom all persons Indebted to said estate arc requested to make payment, and those having cluims or demands will make known the same without delay. Noah J. Owens, f28-oaw-6w Administrator. PROPOSALS Will bo received by the under signed committee until Saturday, June 18, lh92, at 7 p. m., for the tearing down of tho White street school building and tho proper as sortmcntof tho materials for future use. PROPOSALS will also be received, up to tho same date, for the purchase ot tho said build ing, exclusive of the foundation walls, the tire escapes, the heating apparatus, desks and other like contents, the purchaser to remove the build ing and lcavo tho slto clear tor tho erection of the new building, II. J. MULDOON, Chairman, MARK 11URKE, JAMES O HEARN, DANIEL OGDEN, S. A. HEDDALL, Building and Repairs Committee. Shenandoah, Pa., June 13, 1KI3. 6-13-0t CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an application will bo made to tho Governor of Pennsylvania on Monday, Juno 27, 1H92. bvL. Hlass. C. Eherle. J. M. GUek. S. Sloyer, Z. T. Trout and J. I). Hoellman, under tbe Act of Assembly entitled, "An act to pro vide for the incorporation and regulation ot certain corporations, approved April 29, 1874," and tho supplements thereto, for the charter of nn Intended corporation to bo called "Granite Water Corananv." the character and obfect of which Is the supplying of water to tho public in me village oi uig juine uun, jiuticr town' shin. Schuylkill county. Pa., and tosuchnersons. partnerships and associations residing therein or udjaccnt thereto, as may desire the tame, nnd for these purposes to hat e, possess and enjoy all tho rights, benefits nnd privileges of said Act oi AHxemuiy ana supplements thereto. MCHENRY WILLHELM. Solicitor. Bio MINE RUN, PA., June 4, 1KI3. 5-1 21 1 M. P. Conry's Saloon, 3I South Main Street, Next to tho First National Hank, for fresh beer, puricr, men uuu icwi:ruuce unnas. Boarding fay the Day, Week or Month. "THE ELECTRIC" (John McNeil's old stand) East Centre St., Shenandcah, Pa, The finest, purest and best Doers, liquors, aiea, puncr, viars, m iub coumy. The nlace has been entirely renovated and lm proved. I'ollte attention and honorable treat ment to an. I. J. MULdlOlXANI). JOHN It. COYLE, Attorney -it-Law and Real Estate Agent, Office BeddiU'i Building, Shensndoaa, r. How is Your Blood? 6 Has now entered new territory thus making- it the best adver tising' medium in this section. In every town and patch along1 the electric it is read each afternoon. i IT PAYS THE MERCHANT 4 located in either i this or the towns along-the electric 4 road to Girard- ville to advertise in the Herald, because its circu lation is daily increasing- in these towns, especially Girardville, increasing-sales oc ctirrinir dailv in that place. The g Herald's influ- & eucc is increasing- & proportionately, jr OUR JOB DEPARTMENT ! Is the best in the region, and the class of work we turn out is not surpassed for the neatness of excu tion outside of the large cities. A trial will con vince you of this. 3 BEST MADE CLOTHING IN PHILA, Our contribution to Street Improve merits is tbo many Fine Suits that are dully seen oiiour thorouBbfares. Since Clotblug is so cheap, well-dressed men are the rule rather than the exception. The announcement of our Home' spuns last week created a great rush for these popular suits, just as wo an ticipated. Our Serges In blue and black are forging ahead rapidly. A. C, YATES & CO. Corner 13th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. M. A. HEFNER, 8 North Jardin St., Shenandoah. WAGONS uud CARRIAGES In all tbe latest styles, ot the finest make'and ut-oi iiuisa in lag -worm ior ine money, manu' juuburcu uy inu uooa wagon company. ELLIS, The Tinsmith and Sieve Dealer, has removed to the Cor. of Centre nucl JnrcJlu 8tH, Where he -will bo pleased to meet all his old as wen as many new customers as possiDie. uuuu worn ; iair price. Itoollne and Spouting neatly done. MANN'S RESTAURANT, 10( South Main St, Shenandoah. Finest Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars in Stock. Fresh Beer. Ale and Porter. Boarders kept by the day or -week at reason CARPETS ! REDUCED O-KBATLY OUUSSELS from 50oup. Table and Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums ' from 25o up. Window Shades, Rugs, jMatts,Curtaln Poles, etc., at low prlcts. The best line of Lace Curtains ever shown in town frMn $1.00 a pair up. T T PRTPF'S OLD RELIABLE, U U . JT IVlvjjLj O, NORTH MAIN STREET. Largest Assortment. LATEST STYLES Our Prices were never equalled before. Wo ecu carriages encaner innn in I'niiaucinma or elsewhere. Wo havo a full line of Hey" ood Carriages, and can furnish you any style for lebs than you Can Buy at the Factory. Call and sec for yourself. Wo mean iust what we say. Our prices will burpriso you. I. P. WILLIAMS & SON No. 8 South Mnlu Street, PUBLIC NOTICE Tho publlo are hereby notified that tho fol lowing provision ot the llorough Ordinance will be strictly enforced: ORDINANCE XVII. Section 4. That ilurlnc tho months of June. July, August and September of every year no dog nor bitch shall lawfully go at largo within the borough of Shenandoah, unless such dog or bitch shall have a strong muzzlo or shield of wire securely fastened over the nose of Buch dog or bitch, so as to prevent effectually any injury from biting; . and any bitch or dog running at largo In viola tion of the provisions of this section shall be disposed of as provided In fcectlon three (3) of this ordinance. Section threo (3) provides: That such dogs shall be Immed atelv taken nnd lmooundedi hv tho High Constable for a period of time not more than three days; duo notlco being given io tno owner n no can do louna, una u not then redeemed bv tho owners or owner, hv tho payment of the tax, (one dollar for each dog and two dollars for each bitch), and a fee of llfty cents additional for expenses Incurred, such dogs or bitches shall then be killed and burled. JAMES SMITH, Chief Hurgess. ANTHONY FL.YNN, High Constahlc. Shenandoah, Pa., June 1, 1892. A hat that Is not stvllsh 13 worthlt&s There are a thousand reasons way you shoula not wear It, and not ono reason why you should. It usu ally costs as much as a stvllsh Int. aud Is cot worth a fraction of the money. Wben vou buy a hat buy a good one, and If you really want a good one, try our tl hat. It will nil tho bill. ine same can De saia oiour necawear a nne tie for 20c. an v stvle. Ktraw hats from So ur to tl.50. Nlco lino of summer shirts at SSo; a big drive in boys' waists from SOo to 60o; largo lino oi minus ana vanses at lowest price. Dig oar gains In overalls and coats at xg South Main St., Shenandoah. Kllk and cashmern hntR renovated and made as good us new nt short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed or money reiunaca. ABRAM HEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA., Manufacturers of Of Every Description. Flags, Badges, Caps, Regalias, &c. -FINEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES.- Wrlto for catalogues. Correspondence solicited. GEO. W. HASSLBR, JOS North Jardin Street, SHENANDOAH, PA., House Painter and Paper Hanger All work executed promptly and at reasonable rates. Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed, as none but first class workmen are employed, WALL PAPER FOR SALE At retail or In jobbers' lots, jyj S. KISTLEIt, U. D., fltrSIGCAIi AND BVRQSON. Office ISO N. Jardia street, Shenandoah, Pa PRICES 1 THE HEYWOOD, FREE ass "x" an EXAMINATIONS! Our EYE SPECIALIST Will be In SHENANDOAH, OK WEDNESDAY, JUNE Ihi, AT THE FERGUSON HOUSE, From 8:3) a. m. to 5 p. m, Persons who have headache or whose eyes are causing discomfort should call upon our spec ialist, and they will recelvo Intelligent and skill ful attention. NO CHARGE to examine your eyes. Every pair ot glasses ordered Is guaran teed to be satisfactory. QTJasaSJKT c5b OO., Oculists and Opticians, 1010 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. A FIMSHOW If you want to see a fine display ol Boots ana ahooi, goto W, S. SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Hosteller's old stand,) Corner Conl uud Jardin Bts. CuHtoiu Vork nnd Repairing Douo in the best style. " We Study to Please I " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GROGERY LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK. Fish, Butter nnd Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, &c, &e Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store ! (Muldoon'a old stand) CORKER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. FORMER'S Saloon and Restaurant No. US N. WHITE STREET. First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tera perauce urinus ana uigars. x iuu uiu Wines andLlquora always on hand. II. 0. FOLMER, Prop. Caff n run ml and spend a pleatant hour. 'n.wpueuoqs "3MIS ujPHif ninos ICS -poipiios oScuoJiod ino JO uojiod v sjiodoy saojs jo puiy Ajoaj ujttop MOiq jouuuo pu(n doi Aouuiiuq fsog au Buuivday jooy uij BuiUDj jooy ui 'Suifnodg pup Guyooy uijj CHRIS. BOSSLEE'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 201 N. Main Bt., Shenandoah. Tie Fined Sloe of Been, ilti, Cw, to V ivy- i i Aatfir'i 'Wruiir