Both-tlio method and results wlicn Syrup of Figs 13 taken; it is pleasant ana retrcsumg to U10 taste, aim acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches' and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and ngreeablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo mado it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for salo in 50o and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kf NEW YORK. N.Y. Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies OR Other Chemicals are used In tho preparation of W. LAKER & CO.'S BreaWastCocoa toliieh Is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than threetlmes I the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sucrar. and la far mora eco nomical, costing less than one cent a cup. It la delicious, nourishing, and easily DIGESTED. Sold h-Grocers everywhere. JW. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. mm 1 3!il lljlll.'Vl MICKEY SLINEY'S DEFENSE. Ho TVI11 Accuse Jim Lyons of th Hordci of Ills Jlrothor Hob. Naw York, June 18. Young MIohRBl Sllney, who U on trial (or tho murder ot Bob Lyons, the Cherry street butcher, will go on the witness stand to-day and, according to Lawyer House, will tell a straight story. It is pretty certain that the boy will stick to the first statement he mado to Inspector, now Superintendent, Byrnes, which was that the murdorer was Hob Lyons' brother Jim. Sllney, It is said claims that his "confession" was brought about by Jim Lyons, who said that if he (Lyons) should be convicted of the crime ho would be dUtnhorltod, but that If he was freed from any Im putation of guilt he would get consider able monoy, which he would spend freely in SUney's defense. He is said, moreover, to have prom ised Sllney a largo sum for making the confession," the points 01 which lie outlined. SUney's relatives are confluent of hi a Innocence, and ho expressed himself yesterday as sure of acquittal. WILL BE RECONCILED Depew Expects Harrison's Op poncnts to Fall In Line. HIS VERSION OF THE BATTLE. MEASURES AGAINST LEPROSY. The LoulslanuStnto Authorities Trying t Prevent Its Spread. New Orleans, June IB. The author ities of this Stato are about taking steps to prevent the spread o't leprosy, Tho disease has prevailed here from the ear liest days of the French settlers. There ura now 230 lepers iu the Stato and about thirty in Now Orleans. Tho new law which it is proposed to enact will provide that all persons afflicted with leprosy shall be confined in an in stitution isolated and used solely (or persons afflicted with the disease. The leprosy hospital will be situated in New Orleans neur the smallpox hos pital. 4 I Under the proposed law nny person found guilty ot harboring a leper will bo punished by fine and Imprisonment. The lepers in the settlement in the Bayou Lafourche are likely to oppose tho law, and living as they do In a swamp it will be no easy matter to enXore tho law against them. Ilusband No. 8 Also Ilangs Himself. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 18. Mrs. Kiev, of Albert street, Long Island City, can now boast that two of her husbands committed suicide by hanging. Tns woman's second husband was William Kloy, a carriage maker. He had been in ill health and had not lived happily with his wife for more than a year. Mrs. Kloy had her husband arrested a few day's ago for assault. Tho examination was Bet down for next Thursday, The charge preyed upon Kley's mind, and wheu he went homo Frlaay night ho flourished a knife and threatened to kilt his wife. The next day he was found hanging in his carriage works. V jw Jg TPH.33S333XTT Beautiful book containing tho latost vocal rou 3lc, full shect-muslo plates, handsome cover, In eluding the following gems, unabridged; Afterwards, 40 I've Worked 8 Hours, 40 ilaby's Fast Asleep 40 I Whistle and Wait, 40 Comrades, 50 Love's Golden Dream 40 GodlllessOur LandSS Old Organ lllower, 40 Go, Pretty Hose, 50 Our Last Waltz 40 Guard the Flag, 40 Over the Moonlit Sea, 40 In Old Madrid, 50 Sweet Katlo Connor, 40 Mary and John, 40 That is Love. 40 We glvo this book to introduco to you KROUT'S BAKING POWDER AndKnouT's Flavoring extracts, Vnsurpaned for PURITY and ST21EXOTH Your grocer will glvo you a circular contain, lng additional Premium List with full particu lars how to get them free. ALBERT KR0UT, Chemist, Phila. Money Domanded Under Threats of Death. Lyons, N. Y., June 18. Mr. and Mrs. James Tallman, of Savannah, are the rec ipients of the following communica tion: "Unless inside a, week a roll of bills amounting to $S00 is found under the tree at tho northern extremity of your farm you and your wife will be killed and your build ings burned." The letter was post marked South Butler. Several other anonymous letters havo been received In the same handwriting. Mr. Tallman is a wealthy farmer and a quiet citizen. Detectives are at work on the case. vigor of mm EASILY, QUICKLY. PERMANENTLY nE STORED.. t-kueat, JVtr-onanc-a, lellUtr ul trlla from rtj error er later notixi, Um result af trr-r ark, Jclufta, worry, eto. full itrennUi, davatoptMel ul bM fif en to tmy orian and portion of ihm bodr. Hipla, outrU neifcoda. ImmeJlat lmprtwcneelMca. rllr isa pir bo i j 6 boua for $5.00. Wrltua cwuu to w vllh ter tlx boxes. S0OO refercotM. Sand mubd lor boot. MrrtanktJc-Da and proo fa, tested. AddreM, VyM CITY AICCiUAJL CO i'liLudd.U., p RUPTURE We. the underslaned. were entirely cured oi rupture oy fit. T I MnvraH I ') 1 lU, Fhlladolohla, Pa., H.Jones Philips, Kennet nqu&re, ra.: . a. jireuz, BiAiingion, rn.: ;, M.Hmall. Mount Alto. Pa.: Kev. S. II. She r nier. suabury.iPa.: D. .1. Ddlett. 214 ft. 12th Bt.. llendtn., Pa.; Win.Dlx, IS2-J Montrose Ht., Philadelphia: H.U Kowe. 30) Kim Ht , tend ing, Pa.; George nnd Ph. llurttart, 439 Locust au, xieuaing, r-. oeua xor circular. Act on a new principle icgai&ia me uw, scom&ca and bowels through Iks tunes. Do. Mills' Pais speedily cure bllloaeneea, torpid liver and constlpi tion. Smallest, mlldext, surest! OOctosen.aScts. Samples freo at ruistB, Dr. alts Etl Co., Eiitut, lad. COFFEE HOUSE MRS. CONNICK IN CHARGE. A SQUARE MEAL AT A NOMINAL PRICK everything well cooked and clean. An elab orate bill of fare dally. Lodgings for travelers. MRH, CONNICK, 3 N, Mnltl St, EWIS' 98 LYE -WCESE- AH- s tflrOJIED patented ether Lye, It being a ta powder and p&oktd luaauiwiiuiuiuutiuit u, ID BOOieUia ftf rpMi lurnw. win BiKte in eripor fumed Hard IT IS THE BEST for cletbslnt wu pipes, dtlofectini slokif closet, wtiblog buttles, PiBNNA.' BAVT M'P'Q Oa Gen. Agi.,PhiIa.,Pa. omo Pa. M, HAMILTON, M. 1)., PHYSICIAN AND SURQE0N. 28 West Lloyd Btret, BbeuandoU v ays END FOR CATALOGUE cOMaLNATMH BAfrriM, ith KubbwTlrs . M-ln.k.IVrHUlrli'lliWIIOfJ t4-toch.llji,(.lrU l60lHai(hi ;xa-lut,twi'firu' W)U(i,zui Biach iHinlap IcoiJo, fln.1, Ttr . .. ,,,, .,.lrV. on flu (4 Ei C.MEACHAM ARMS CO.. ST. LOUiS.WO 1 MEN WANTED Trt teat 1'otltlvn Care for thfl oUticta of aelfhm To teat I'ouiivn vare lor tao outicu or seu-alaM. Karlr IIimu,.. Kmliwlofa. Ncrvou llcLllltv. Ti,Tnt 6nat Tower, IznpotancT, Bo Brret U oqr faith in and uctt VAinablft inrormAUon rur.E. AdOredt 0. il. CO., BSC llrlwI, MW YmCT lie Says Illnlne AVat Not a Candldat Ileportad Muvouient to Jllect the Maine Statoiman to the United States Senate, to Succeed Halo. CntcAOO, June 13. Before leaving hero last night Mr. Depew, In answer to a number ot questions, said: "You need anticipate no bitterness on the part ot I those who voted for other candidates than Blaine. Mr. Piatt will not oppose the nominee. The very manner In which the nomination came around will ' lead sooner than ever before to tho dy ing out of any dissatisfaction with It. "When people set out to knife a ticket i they also have something to gain. They may do so It through their revenges they see that they can dostroy their rival favorite, and thus make probable the future success of that favorite. "The opposition to President Harrison was concentrated on Blaine. Nobody believed for a momout that Blalue de dcslres to re-enter public life. A few voted for McKlnley, and McKluley him self was for Harrison. There Is no doubt that Clarkson, Piatt and Quay honestly believed they could nominate Blaine, But the Minne apolis convention tras run on popular principles. Clarkson and the other leaders who stood with him could not feel the power of the groat business In terests of the country. , "Harrison had scarcely any organiza tion to speak ot, and he had none of these great political leaders. But tele grams favoring him not manufactured telegrams, but the honest expression of business men came pouring Into Min neapolis, and thoy were very effective. "Whltelaw Reid's candidacy had noth ing to do with Blaine's defeat. In the first place he was not a candidate. I made up my mind, however, some time ago, to secure his nomination if it lay within my power. Every one knows my feelings toward Blaine. Had he not written that letter to Clarkson be would have bad my support. "More than that, If he had ntau early data announced his candidacy Harrison would not have been a candidate. Take the whole situation now, and with Cleveland as tho opposing candidate Harrison is probably stronger than Blaine would have boon. "Harrison had three elements of great strength. He was strong with the busi ness men. I do not mean the railroad men in particular. All administrations , are alike to tho railroads, but to tho manufacturer tho administration means life or death. Nine-tenths of the busi ness men of this country favored the re noinlnation of Harrison, und I believa that the laboring men who are depen dent upon the manufacturers and the business men felt the same way. "Then, too, he wus strong with tho old soldiers. There are -150,000 soldiers, and this element was distrustful of every other candidate before tho conven tion." . WHO WILL BE 8ECRETARY t Delleved that Depew tVHI no Offered tho Vacancy lie Denies the Itumor. Wasuinotow, Juno 18,-A batch of Important appolntmonts may be looked for from the White House In a short time, now that the convention excite ment is subsiding. The most import ant, ot course, will be the naming ot a Secretary of State. This must be done within a few weeks, for under a law a vacancy in the Cab inet occasioned by resignation or death can not be filled temporarily by an act ing Secretary for a period longer than thirty clays'. The President also has two coveted prizes in the army and one in the navy to bestow at this time by the appoint ment ot a Brlgadier-Qeneral, the Gover nor of tho Soldiers' Home, and the Judge-Advocate-Qeneral of the Nnvy. The vacancy iu the office of the Comptroller of tho Currency, a desirable position, will also have to bo filled. The President will also be asked to sparo a little attention to the pending two court martial cases in the navy, final nction iu these cases is very much destrod, as the action may result In re "moving a bar to a number of promo tions, and the officers who aro in line are naturally interested in tho outcome. The general tmprtsslou still prevails hero that tho President will offer the po- sltlon of Secretary of State to the Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, uf New York, nnd tho opinion is equally strong that -Mr. Depew will not care to take the plnce not that tho honor is not a great one, but that ha could not afford to sacrifice his present position of President ot the New York Central Kail road, with Its salary of $50,000 a year, and his other extensive financial interests, to accept a position of $8,000 a year, where ho would be practically shut out from paying any attention to his private affairs. Chicago, June 13. Chauncey M. Depew denies in the most einphatio terms that there is anything In the Cabinet talk about himself. "Either now or in the future f" he was asked. "Neither now nor In the future," re plied the chief orator of tho Adminis tration forces. A RDCTIOH AT TRALEE Irish Factions Engage in a Bloody Scrimmage. BROKEN HEADS BY THE SCORE. FIELD'S HIDDEN WEALTH. BLAINE FOR THE SENATE. Absconder Anderson Arretted. New York, June 13. A oablegrara from St. Thomas, West Indies, states that Louis Anderson, tbo defaulting clerk ot the Long Island Express Com pany, who decamped June i with a package containing $1,000, was arrested In at. Thomas, i'rlday, as ho stepped ashore from the steamer from New York. Anderson is 80 years old and married. He had boen in tho employ ot the express oompany for six years. Tho stolen money was recovered. DEL A s DON T ft Onrsi Cold.Oonihi.SereThrw.t.CrottD.Inl!ucttt Vhoopinp Cough, l)roncliltit sad Aithxaa. A ctrisU tare Iir t,OUBlimpi.n ia am lam, am uarm reiMi ia advanced stages. Cm stone. Yoo will ie tho pUnt effect after taking the first doee. y Usisrsr7Wbcr. tugs UuLss. tjau Shenandoah Business College A Reported movement to Have Hlnx Suc ceed Eugene llule. Auousta, Me., June 13. Has Blaine's political career ended! This is a matter that has begun to attract the serious at tention of his most devoted friends in all parts of the State. It Is discussed by many of his townsmen who do not want to see him retired from public life. Next winter the Maine Legislature will elect a United States Senator in place ot Eugene Hale, who will have bold the position 13 years when his present term expires next year. Mr. Blaine's name Is being mentioned for the place, und It Is alleged that a move ment will be started in his iutorest. Mr. Hale is also a candidate for re-election, and his plans have long been laid to get It. In Maine they have a custom of re turning men to both branches of the Legislature for a second term. Two years ago Mr. Hnle started his Sena torial light by securing the election of men committed to his re-election. These men will be returned this winter with others who will be pledged to the Ellsworth statesman's support. It Mr. Blaine should couseut to bo a candidate Mr. Halo would have au ad vantage ovor him at the outset. Mr. Blalue Is ignorant ot the movement that will bo started to send him to tho Sen ate. The movement is the outcome ot his defeat at the Minneapolis conven tion, and has been inaugurated by those ot his friends who do not want to see him shelved. Mr. Blaine's friends are in earnest in this matter. At the coming Portland convention on June 31, when the Hepub- licans nominate their candidate for Governor, it is said that a resolution will be presented recommending Mr. Blaine for Mr. Hale's place. Detective Pulmor's Sensational Tille Gets Llttlo Credence. Nkw Yobk, June 13. The story told by Frederick Palmer, tho private deteo tlve, that he knew where $530,000 worth of securities belonging to the bankrupt firm of Field, Llndley, Wleohers & Co., were hidden nway, Is hardly believed by Mr. Gould, the assignee ot the llrm, who is inclined to regard it as a fake. The attorney for Mr. Qould wrote Palmer a letter, promising him his ex penses and 10 percent, of what hu found, because tho assignee did not wish to leave any stone unturned in his investi gation of the allairs of the defunct firm. Mr. Palmer says the hidden assets aro in stocks and bonds of various western railroads, and also in packages of gold certificates. He says they ura in several banks in Massachusetts and Illinois, and that thoy were concealed last year from August to November. Palmer states that he got his first clue from a man iu the Hoffman House cafe in New York, who had been drinking heavily nnd who declared that the Field failure was a fraud and that ho knew where a lot of the securities had been hidden away. Palmer saw this man the next day when he was sober, and was given clues which he followed up successfully. lie stated that some ot tho creditors of the Field firm have arranged with Mr. Palmer to give him a lucrative com mission if he shall prove able to produce the securities. Famine Disappearing. Washington, Juno 13. The Depart ment of state has been informed that a ukuse was Issued by the Russian govern ment on the 1st (13th) ultimo, relative to the famine relief measures, it is un derstood to indicate that the famine is drawing to a close. It Is believed that a ukabu will be issued on July 1, possibly as early as June 1 (old style), permitting the exportation or all grain except rye. Tho authorities will be ablo to deal oasily with what temains of the famine, and the indications are that It will be un necessary to send further contributions of grain. Mrs. Quick May Yet Go to Jail. Albany, N. Y., June 13. Lawyer A. A, Guthrie, of this city, who U counsel for Mrs. Uuick In the suit of Uoorge 11 Tilden for blackmail, says that the state ment that Mrs. Quick pleaded guilty to blackmail Is not true. He says she simply pleaded guilty to the charge of sending a threatening letter through the mall. Tho case came to a close In East Chatham, and although no sen tence was imposed, Mrs. Quick may be sent to Jail any time if she persists in annoying Mr, Tilden. The Follce Clubbed the Hostile rartlei Apart After Hard -Work-Kdward Har rington Hit With a Stone and a Club-An Inoffensive Hand Almost Kxtcrmlnated. Dublin, June 13. William Redmond, Edward Harrington and Henry Harring ton were In Tralee last evening to ad dress a large meeting of Parnollltes. About 8,000 persons were present. They remained perfectly orderly until ths chairman DreDared to introduce the speakers, when it was npparent that tho meeting had been packed with anti- Parnellltes. There were loud shouts against Mr. Harrington and Mr. Redmond. The Parnellltes raised counter shouts and began cheering for ParnelL Two fights were started near the platform, and one of the disturbers was knocked senseless. This was the signal tor a general row. Several men came down from the plat form and tried to restore order, but In vain. Clubs and stones were plenty in the crowd and tho members of the oppos ing factions did not hesitate to use them. Alon wore thrown to the ground and trampled and struck, coats were torn from the backs of thoie trying to escape from the fights, and blows were levelled right and left without care as to whom thoy struck. Those on the outskirts pressed in to ward the platform to aid their friends until all were so tightly packed that even the most peaceably inclined ones had to join the fight in self-defence. The band, which began playing early in the disturbance to drown the disorder, was almost completely wiped out. A party ot antl-Purnellltes attacked the members with clubs, knocked down five of them, put the rest to flight, captured all tho Instruments and stamped them to pieces. When Mr. Harrington stepped down from the platform to help pacify the combatants ho was struck on tho shoul der with a stone and received on the back a blow from a heavy stick. He hastily returned to the platform. Aftor the fight had lasted ten minutes an extra force ot constables arrived and they broke through the crowd, clubbing the hostilo pnrtlt-s apart, and beating tbo leaders iinj temporary submission. Tho wounded .vere then carried away and tho meeting became quiet enough for tne snuuKurs to proceed. About 'JO men were severely Injured in the riot. Eighteen had broken bones nnd sevon were injured Internally by be ing trampled by the' crowd. I urea are in a arltlcal condition. About 100 men were more or less seri ously injured. Half of the persons present had their clothes torn or were scratched or bruised. The police re mained present throughout the meeting to prevent the recurrence of the disturbance. $10,000 will be paid for a recipe enabling us to make Wolff's Acme Black ing at such a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at ioc. a bottle. At present the retail price is 20C Thlt offer open until January ut., 1(9). Foe particulars addresi the undersigned. Acme Blacking Is made of pure alcohol, other liquid dressings are made of water. Water costs nothing. Alcohol Is dear. Who can show us how to make It without alcohol so that we can make Acme Blacking as cheap as water dressing, or put it In fancy pack., ages like many of the water dressings, and then charge for the outside appearance in. ttead of charging for the contents of tbo bottle? WOLFF & EANDOLFII, Philadelphia. Is the name of a paint of which a 25c. bottle) is enough to make six scratched and dulled cherry chairs look like newly finished ma hoganies. It will do many other remarkable) things which no other paint can do. All retailers sell it. PlmW WlNtl II 111 W5 OulEt that very properly contains a supply of lUUl Beer which adds to the eniovment of all the other dainties, and makes a picnic a picnic indeed. j 25 cent pacnagc makes 5 gallons of this very popular beverage. Don't be deceived If a dealer, for the sake of larger profit, tells you tome other lclnd Is "just as good "'tis false. Ko imitation li as good as the genuine Hires'. A Large Attendance Dnlly. Room for a Few More. Take advantage ot the present chance to secure a GOOD BUSINESS EDUCATION I For terms, lie., call at the College or address, W. J. SOIXY, Shenandoah, Fa, It will pay anyone In want of to tend 6a. to par postage on our bountiful Una ot over 100 matched lamMen at lowest prlccg. 1 Adore f. If. OAD V, M lugu BL, rroYldenoe, B. 1 WALL PAPER Canadian 1'resa Views. Toronto. Ont, June 18. Concerning the nomination of Harrison the "Km- nlre." the chief government orgau, avs: to uanauiaus tue issue is not imnortant. Whoever the Republican candidate may be be would be equally protectionist, equally American in senti ment and action, equally imuiiereni to the Interests or affairs of this Dominion, and whoever muy be the Democratic candidate, it is tolerably safe to say be will bo surely hostile to Canadian de velopment and British power as was ex- President (Jleveiana uuring uis term 01 office, or as President Harrison since that time has proved to be." The "Globe, Liberal, says: "It looks at this distance as if tbo President owed something to the officeholders." The "Globe" believes ez-Presldent Cleveland will receive the Democratio nomination and that his chances for election ara eood. The "Mail," Independent, says that the result Is worse than defeat to Blaine, Jlakine Itsadr for Chicago. Cuicaoo, June 18. S. P. Sbeerln, Becretary ot the Democratio National Committee! National Committeeman F. 0. Wall, of Wlsronslu; John Wallace, of Oklahoma, and !ereeant-at-Arms if. J. Brlggs have arrived here to arrange for the comlnc National Democratic Uon ventlon. Headquarters have boen opened at the Palmer House. l'titter's lllack Trunk. Boston, June 13. It has been decided by the United States Circuit Court 0 Appeals that the suit for possosslon ot a black trunk supposed to contain vnuablo papors claimed as private property by ex-1 'resident Asa r. Potter, of tbo defunct Maverick Bank, shall go back to tho lower court for a rehearing. The trunk is to remain in the custody ot the bank's receiver until a final de cision Is given In the matter. College lluat Crows at New Londuu. New London, Conn., June 18. The Yule crew have arrived here four days earlier than usual and went direct to their quarters where their racing shells and paraphernalia had arrived a few hours earlier by a steamer direct from New York, The fact that Harvard had been here a week in effective practice, hastened the Yale crew. Tb.s Columbia freshmen are also here and the Harvard freshmen are duo to-day. Exports und Import uf Specie. New York, June 18. Tho exports of specie from this port the past week were 1,'J50,1C0, of which 1 1,058,083 were gold and $291,183 silver. Of the total exports, 11.050.000 In cold and $207,415 In silver went to Europe, and $3,033 gold and $23,708 silver, went to South America, The Imports of specie for the week amounted $00,011, of which $11,405 was gDld and f 18,010 silver. Tlx Vamoois and Norwood to Itaco Nrw York, June 13. The long talked ot race betwetn the two famous steam vacbts the vamoose and the Norwood, oirnad reiDectivslv bv Mr. Hearst of Call' fornla, and Mr. Munroo ot this city, will probably talc pUca at the end si tne coming witx. Col. Xolk's I'unernl. Ralkioh, N. C, June 13. The remains ot Col. Leouidas L. Polk, President of the Farmers' Alliance, arrived hero over tlie Richmond & Danville Railroad from Washington In a speolal car tendered by the Richmond & Uauvillo Company. The remains were accompanied by the family, Senator Peffor, Dr. Maguire, ltepresentntlves StacKliouse, 01 bouth Carolina; .Otis, ot Kansas; Alexander, ot North Carolina; McKeigan, of Ne braska; the wife of Representative Simpson, ot Kansas, and several other Alliance friends including a number of Scecially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. 1 , .. .. T. ... .. 1 ! ., .. I 1 1 . m. yesterday. Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Ourea Ohnppod Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc Removes and Prevents Dandruff. Hard Times for These Children. Nkwaiik, N. J., Juno 13. Two small children were taken to the police statloa last night. They bad been without suf ficient food for several days. Their names are Maggie and Conrad Rittwie- cal. and their mother had left the house with a boarder 1U aays ago and nad not yet returned. Tho father, Gottfried, had been in jail several mouths but was released a week ago, and when he found his wife gone he wenton a sproo which probably resulted In hlsdeatn as n body, answering his description, was fouud floating In the Passaic Kiver near the Triton boathouso late yesterday. Wilson Fomulo College Commencement. CnAMBERSBtnta, Pa., Juno 13. Wilson Female College ot this city, where sev eral hundred female students are In course of training, will hold its an nual commencement exercises this week. The baccalaureate sermon was preached by the Rev. A. Russell btevenson of Schenectady, W. in tno falling Spring Church last exentng and was largely attended, many persons being present from all parts of the Cumber land Valley. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Couch Cure Is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All drugRists are authorized to sell it on a pos i itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue cesslully stand, mat 11 may Decome Known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the tjnited States and Canada. If yon have a Cough, Sore Throat, or iJronchitis, use it, lor it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S UUKli, Price iocts., 50 s. ana $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts. For sale by O. H. Hagenbucli. Serious Wreck 011 the I. St W. Younostown, 0., June 18. By ths spreading ot a rail a freight engine on the Pittsburg is Western road jumped the track just west ot here yesterday and ran down the bank Into the river, where it turned over, and lies with tho body of Knglueer James Gnrghlll under the wreck. Pat Ryan, who was riding in front of the engine, bad a leg cut off and died soon after, lioth are married. Three others were slightly injured. Doforo & Aftor Uso, rhotoKrapbed from lite. Cholera In l'ersla. London. June 13. Cholera continues to rugo In the province of khorassan, Persia, and the deaths number about 250 every day. The disease Is violent In action, and persons In apparently per fect health are suddenly seized and die almost immediately. Many have un doubtedly been burled alive. So far Europeans have been exempt from the disease. Memorial Services ut TItutvllIe. Titcsvillk, Pa., June 13 Memorial servlo es were held in all the churches yesterday and were largely attended. It Is estimated that 10,000 people were in the city from the neighboring towns of Warren, Oil City, Oorry, Erie and the small villages, who thronged the lire- swept district all day. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO," the woncieriui epanun Itemedy, la Bold with a Written Guarantee) to cure all Nerroua Ilia eases, each as Weaki Memory, Loss of Brain 1'ower, Ueadacbe. Waketulnees, Lost Man. hood, Kervousness, Las situde, all drains sal loss of power of tha Generative Oreaus In cither sex. caused by oiet-eiertlon, youthful Indiscretions, or the eicesslre use of tobacco, opium, or stimulants, which ultimately lead to Inllnnlty. Consumption and Insanity-. l'ut up Incuntcnlentf.itm to carrrln the vest poc- Jfn 11 a package, or e for &. wnu every .r written guarantee to cure or refund this money, oem ny man 10 auy auurrso. vuvn... .... in plain envelope. Mention this paper. Address, MADRID CHEMICAL Cu.. Erancn uniceror u.n. S&S Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE IN SHENANDOAH, PA., BY . C. If. Hacenbuch, Druggist, N. E. Cor. Main an! Lloyd St. DR. SANDEN'S LEGTRIG BELT ATEST PATENTS- 7KK&5W"H WKTII- CEST MAQNET1C IMPROVEMENTS. SBSKMMf. Shurtleff College UecelYei 10,000, Altox. IU., June 13. John D. Rocke 1 ..,! Ot.,.f1.( DaII.-. leiiar una pr-acm-u ouuiiniou. wuuc.-, of Upper Alton, with an educational endowment of $10,000. LATEST WtU sr without me -I el n- tU lVetVatii remit. m frori virtkStlon of brtio, erv rrci, ettet or iDdlicrctlon. Mtutl tiUustUm, duloa, loo, ctoui deMtUr, Imp ItuDeii, Unguor, rbnmi.tuu, kidotj, liv.r tad tUddtr com rlalsti, U lt, IuidUko, acUtiea, seDirtl lU-bi-ltb, tlo. thira, 11.4 (Itm urrflbt th.t U tatUntlx lilt by it varr r-t lontii .,uuu,uus n cur on ...fine .A. .il nthftp r.Mi.aa fatlad. and n tr bin ICrada ot tUota4 la ibla tod rerr otkr UU. Our rowerfsl lmrrv4 bLECTUlC MVI-MlBT li t (Mat-it bo, f Tar oflrd wk maa-. nUK WIYIULL BbLTH. llaaltb tact V - btrvBfllft liUtuiRlii- m u Dili, fiaod fat ara UcatraUd plUaia e , (r j ntkll, Addreta No.oTd roadwar. NEW VOIUC. il