The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 13, 1892, Image 1

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    Tim jj
Is gratifying to Its
Large Circle of Readers.
Is gratifying to its ,
Large Circle of Readers.
VOL. VII.-NO. 141.
Busy Store.
There is no store in Shenan
doah, and probably none in the
county, where such a grand as
sortment of fine dress goods
are displayed as we are now
offering; the great demand for
many of the most fashionable
colors is daily increasing and
many choice shades cannot be
We are showing a completo lino of rich
English Brocades at 37V4c. These goods can
not bo seen elsewhere and aro the season's
choicest offerings. Wo show all tho newest
shades of Dress Silk, Satins, Cashmeres,
Henriettas, whito and printed Lawns, India
Linens. Embroidered i-iouncings, suit L.aee
Flounces, etc. 'J he most completo stock of
stylish trimmings at lower prices than you
usually pay.
White Goods, Embroidery and Laces, hund
reds of pretty styles, all new and correct.
AVo carry the largest stock of undorwear for
men. women and children; every grade worth
having at reasonable prices.
Corsets at wholesalo or retail. Our immense
stock of these goods enables us to sell at fac
tory prices. Ladies' Jersey fitting summer
vests at c. each.
Our Second Floor
Is filled with our special lines of lino Lace
Window Curtains, Chenlllo Curtains, Curtain
Poles, White Marseilles Quilts and Smyrna
Kugs. Hero will also be found an elegant
stock of ladles' and misses' Spring Coats and
AVraps of every description. Infant's Cloaks
in cream or tan Cashmere, plain or embroid
ered. Also a full lino of infant's lace, silk or
cashmere Caps. Our Cloak and Wrap Depart
ment is tho largest and most complete in this
region and wo guarantee prices to bo lower
than any competitor.
L. J. "Wilkinson,
XO 8. Main St., Shenandoah.
Think what it cost to manufacture Baking
Powder f Did you ever think how baking pow
der is sold? Did you ever think thero must bo
a large profit in it somewhere? The manufac
turer of a certain baking powder pay out nearly
a million dollars or more a year advertising
their powder, trying to mako people believe it
is the best made. Their baking powder is sold
at 600 per pound. The retailer makes his profit,
the jobber makes his profit, the manufacturer
makes his profit, and tho consumer pays for all
inese anu mo newspaper uuverusing aiao.
What does it cost to manufacture tho powder?
Other manufacturers give away 85 or 30 cents
worth of china, glassware, toys, hardware,
books, etc., with every pound of baking pow
der. Again tho query, what docs it cost to
manufacture tho powder can you think it out?
You don't need to. Girvln. Duncan & Wald-
ley havo a few words on the baking powder
question. Until September 1 we will sell Penn
sylvania Baking Powder at TEN CENTS per
pound. It doesn't concern you whether we
mako or lose on it we want to get it Intro
duced. On and after September 1st our prico
win not exceed 15c per pound.
Wo are not going to pay a million dollars to
advertise it; we aro not going to glvo away any
premiums with it wo aro going to sell it, every
pound guaranteed, to our customers. If it does
not give satisfaction, bring it back and receive
your money.
Why do we say this? Wo expect it will pleaso
you. Why should you pay 35 or 40c profit on
every pound of powder you buy?
Don't forgot wo strive to glvo our customers
the advantage of lnsido prices at which we buy
all srgrts of goods.
Gimn, Duncan & Waidley,
8 South Main Street.
. Mne Goods in Season.
Croaae A Blackwell Chow-chow and Blckles,
Tomato Catsup,
Pickled Onions and Pickles in small bottles,
Mustard Dressing for salad and meats.
Sweet Pickles by the quart,
Luncheon and Corned Beef,
Condensed Ml7cbest brand,
Chipped Beef and Summer Sausage,
2few England Baked Beans,
Oat Hakes and Wheat Makes,
Norway Bloater Mackerel,
Extra large, luhite and and fat.
JBresh Creamery and Dairy Butter,
We open this week some new styles in Moauette and Body Brus
sels Carpets.
One Car of Choice Heavy White Oats,
Fifty Bushels of WHOLE RYE.
Two Cars No. i Timothy liny.
One Car Baled Straw.
One Car Fine Middlings,
v. &
il on. jrull i
Submitted by tho Slicnnmlonli Water nurt
Gas Company.
To the Frestdent and Member) of the Borough
Wo hereby reassuro you and the public at
largo that our offer heretofore mado was given
In good faith. We hereby repeat the propo
sition, viz: That tho Water Company will
cancel the judgment obtained in the suit
against tho Borough, pay tho costs of suit and
walvo its right to claim for water supplied the
Borough for Are purposes for tho past two
years, and give tho Borough free water for fire
protection; provided, the Borough abandons
tho proposed new water works, and that an
agreement to that effect bo entered into. Tho
foregoing statement having been read and dis
cussed, it was unanimously adopted by tho
Directors of said company.
T. II. Beddall, Prest. P. T.
Attest: J. O. Uoads, Seo'y.
At a Tegular meeting of the Shenandoah
Citizens' "Water and Gas Company, held at
their office on Friday, June 3, 1892, tho
following resolution was adopted :
Jlesolved, That tho above offer, submitted by
this company to the Town Council, to furnish
water for lire purposes, etc., free of charge,
remain oncn until after the special election on
Juno 11, and that If the proposition to increase
tho borough debt bo defeated, tho offer still
remain open until accepted by tho boroueh and
an agreement containing Its provisions shall bo
enicrcu mio.
T. It. Beddall, Prest. P. T.
Attest : J. O. Roads, Sec'y.
directors :
S. D. Hess. Dit. J. S. Callen.
Buoklon's Arnica Salvo.
Tho Best Salvo in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever
Sores, Tettor, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi-
tively cures Piles, or no payment roquired.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 23 cents per
box. For sale by 0. H. Hagonbuch.
A Trip to Omaha and Keturn.
Tickets will be on sale June 80tb, 30th
and July 1st good to return until July 15th,
at. tho rate of one fare for the round trip.
Ask for and see that your tickets read via
Chicago .Milwaukee & St. Paul railway,
Send to John It. Pott, D. P. A., "Williams'
port, Fa., for map, tirao table and full
information, furnished free. G-13-10t
Strawborry and vanilla ice cream at 31,
L Kemmorer's, G-ll-3t
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, sho cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, sho clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
CAKPET SWEEPERS, 12.60, J3.00, 13.60.
At FRICKE'S, 10 South Jardm St.
Disturbances of tho Peaco Wore
Numerous but Thoy Wore Not
of a Very Serious Charac
ter Moro Warrants.
AY day in town gen
erally brings with it
abundant businoss for
the justices, police and
constables, and Satur
day was no oxcept'on
to tho rule. From
noon till midnight tho
town was filled with
peoplo of other places
and tho electric railway did a tremendous
Thero were a number of exciting scones
arising from disputos and whon tho police
and constable retired for their much-needed
rest the occupants of cells in tho lockup
numbered nine. Thero were a number of
cases that endod upon tho conclusion of
bearings by tho payment of fines and costs.
None of the parties who figured in the
disturbances were seriously injured and in
nono of the cases woro knives or pistols
Ono of the most interesting cases hinged
upon what appears to have been an un
provoked assault upon a Jew by two Po
landers. This case has been sent to court.
It hinges upon the alleged persecution of
the Jews by the Polish peoplo.
'Squiro Monaghan had four casos Satur.
day night, but that number cannot bo
taken as a criterion. About twenty war.
rants lay upon his desk this morning and
thoy will bo served to-night.
B. J. Tost spent to-day at Lakeside.
Jacob Hentz was a town visitor on Sun
Folix Strouso, Sr., of Pottsyille, spent
to-day in town.
Daniel Snyder, of North Jardln street,
is confined to his bed through illness.
Miss Jonnio Williams, now of Shamokin,
is spending.a few days in town with friends,
William Symons, of Belleville, N. J., is
the guest of Thomas Sanger, of North
Main street.
Tho young son of Chris. Dougherty, of
"West Centre stroot, died yestorday after a
bnof illness.
Hicliard Oden, a student at tho Lohigh
University, is homo spending his summer
vacation with his parents.
Jamoa Hughes, of Philadelphia, after
spending several weeks in town with his
parents, returned homo this morning.
Dr. and Mrs. Stein yesterday paid a visit
to Mr. and Mrs. Miles S. Biggs at their
country retreat in tho Catawissa Valley.
ClUlilren Sing aud Speak.
Children's Day was observed yosterday
in the Ebenezor Evangelical church on
West Cherry street. The floral decora
tions of the church were beautiful and the
exercises woro of a most appropriate char
acter. Ono of tho notable features iu the
morning was a speech by tho pastor In the
Pennsylvania Dutch dialoct. In the
evening (he regular children,') day services
were held, among tho pleasing features
being a fan drill,- The church was crowded
both morning and ovening.
To Cleanse the System
iJtloctually yet gently, when costive or
bilious or when tho blood is impuro or
sluggish, to permanently cure habitual con1
ttiption,lto awaken the kidneys, and liver
to a healthy activity, without irritating or
weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds
or fevers, use Syrup of Figs.
Have just received 100 pairs of laaies'
fine shoes, which will be sold at $1 per pair.
People's shoe store, 121 N. Main street.- lw
Mine Foreman's Certlllcates.
The Board of Examiners of tho sixth
district, appointed to examine candidates.
for tho position of mine foroman, met in
Pottsvilleon Saturday for that purpose,
and the following miners from this town
appeared before them : "William "Williams,
William Bainbridgo and Jacob Bender.
The board holds another meeting to-day,
when the sessions will probably close.
Many Noteltles.
The young poopto of the English Baptist
church of town, will hold a festival In Hob
bint' ppora house this evening. Many
novelties will be on exhibition, and a good
time will bo had by those who attend,
Died From ills Injuries.
Joseph Selebls, r. Polandqr residing on
"Wost Centre street, died this morning In
great agony, He was a victim of a prema
ture explosion of gas In Shenandoah Oity
colliery on Friday last,
Buy Ifeystone flqur.
name Lzssio & Co.,
printed on every sack.
B.6 sure (hat the
Ashland, Fa., Is
Ke'. l'owlck's Siiml.'iy Kveiilnfr Discourse
on tho Aliot o Subject.
The thomo of Sunday evening's dis
course in the Methodist Episcopal church
was furnished by Prov. XlV-8, "Tho folly
of fools is deceit." No one wants to bo a
fool, and fow think they are fools. Utuallj
men are fools pnly becauso thoy are
deceived. Deceit is tho raw material upon
which folly feeds, We hear much about
the wickedness of the human heart, but not
so much about iu deceitfulnoss. "We are
told that "the heart is deceitful above all
things" and again wo read of tho deceiva
bloness ot unrighteousness" and "the
doceitfulness of sin."
From all this we learn that sin beclouds
tho intellect so far, at least, as a jusi
apprehension of spiritual truth is con-
corned. Three stages of spiritual blindness
are described in tho word, which account
for tho folly of fools who exclude God
from their thoughts, viz : what we may
call the original, the ethical and the
judicial. "The natural man roceiveth not
the things ot tho Spirit of God, neither
can ho know them for they aro spiritually
discerned." Again, "If our gospol is hid
it is hid to thorn that aio lost, in whom tho
God of this world hath blinded the minds
of thorn that believe not." Again it is
said of thorn that rrcnivo not tno love of
tho truth : "For this cause God shall send
them strong delusion to bolievo a lio that
thoy all might be damned who bolievo
not tho truth, but have pleasuro in un
righteousness." God hardened Pharoah's heart, but not
until after ho had repeatedly hardened his
own heart; then ho was judicially hardened
by God as a penalty for his own folly. It
is eternally true that when men know God
and gority Him not as God, their foolish
heart is, darkened and God gives them
over to a reprobate mind. These things
show us the peril of trifling with the truth
of God and of tampering with the con
science. A "single eye" is the price of
moral illumination. Jesus himself laid
down the law of spiritual insight when he
said, "ho that is willing to. do, shall know.1
"We also learn from these things that
men may sinceroly hold false views and
conscientiously persuo wrong practices,
This is sufficient to account for the strange
freak of the Now York clergyman who
wants the churches to promote the cau3o of
temporanco by going into tho saloon bus!
ness and conducting it upon christian
principles. Such a suggestion has been
impossible but for the deceivablenes3 of
unrighteousness. This also explains how
it was that good men could ever
justify human slavery. It is also
sufficient to account for the hellish inquisi
tion without assuming that evory inquisitor
was a friond incarnate. Those men may
havo been conscientious In tho belief that
thoy woro right, but they wero neverthe
less doluded. Many of tho strange incon
sistencijof life result not so much from
nypoensy as irom iuu aoceiuuiness oi sin,
But it ought over to bo remembered that
wo aro responsible for being deceived. The
cause is clearly revealed and tho euro is
within easy reach. Our moral notions are
our own product, and if thoy aro not cor
rect it is our own fault. As to essential
saving truth, absoluto certainty is attainable
by the wayfaring man though a fool. Un
aided human vision has never been able to
discover the deep things of God, "but God
hath rovealod them unto us by His spirit."
And "He that is spiritual judeeth all things
yotho himself is judged of no man."
They Nuuied the Baby.
Tbos. Randolph Beddall, Men., James
Jackson Dougherty, of "Cash Register"
fame, and Elmer Blaine "Wosley, leading
citizens of Shenandoah, and "fishormen"
of national reputation, spent Sunday in
Pottsville. Theeo gentlemen, with a few
other friends, woro called together to dq
cide upon a namo to ba given to a bright
and Interesting little lady which arrlvod at
McKornan's "Office" during the past
woqk. Mine Ho3t McKernan was the
happiest man in town, and royally entor-
tained his guests. The Shenandoah dele
gation on their way to take tho 4:16 p. m
train home wero questioned as to what
name had been choson, but none of thorn
could remember. Miners' Journal.
Injured at a Dull Game,
Michael, '.tho 11-year-old, son of Con
stable Toomey, attended a base ball game
at Ellengowan and met with an accident
that threatened to result seriously. One of
the players lot a bat fly from his bands and
it struck Toomoy above tho right eye,
knocking him sonseless. The boy was car
ried to his home in this town and he re
covered his senses just before be arrived
there. Two ttitcboi were put in tho wound
and to-day the bov was doing well,
llltten by a Dog,
The two-year-old daughtor of John
Boeves, of South Jardln street, was bitten
yosterday by a dog owned by John L,
Lewis, of South "West stroot. The child
was bitten in three places, tno of tho bites
being in the faco. Arrangements wero
made to havo the dog shot.
Tho latest stylos of collars and ties at the
People's store, 121 N. Main street. 0-7-lw
Headache cured by using Gregory'
Powders. 15 cents a package. Take no
other. For tale by druggists. 6-5-lm
Its Reception by tho Publlo Not
Very Flattering to tho Promo
ters of the Incroaso
of Debt.
fg HE estimate of oper
lfp ating expenses of the
proposed new water
works, givon in the
circular issued by tho
joint committoo, con
tains an item of $1 300
por year for fuel. Tho
citizen who knows
nothing about the
probable quantity of coal required to gen
orato steam for 6uch a plant as is proposed
to bo erected, will probably accopt tho esti
mate as having been obtained from a com
petent source and as being nearly correct,
A littlo investigation, however, pictures it
in Buch a way as to let tho wind out of it
and exposes tho ignorance or duplicity oi
the committee.
Engineer "William Hilton, who is known
as one of tho most oxperinced men in tho
region on matters of this kind, was seen by
' Herald representative this morning and
asked what amount of coal would, in his
opinion, bo required to furnish steam to run
tho proposed pump. Mr. Uiijton took the
joint committee's circular and alter looking
up the boilers which it is proposed shall bo
used, gave it as his .opinion that tho three
1C0 H. P. boilers can not bo fired with less
than ten tons of coal per day. "And if tho
boilers aro worked to their full capacity,'
ho said, "twice that amount will bo re
It is not easy to sco how coal of any kind
can bo dolivored at the proposed pumping
station for less than three dollars por ton,
but conceding that it can be had at two
dollars per ton, tho figure of the joint
committee, the cost would bAtwonty
dollars ($20) per day, or eovon thousand
throe hundred dollars (7,300) per yoar,
Assuming that tho remainder of tho
estimates and statements in tho joint com
mittoo's circular aro as reliablo as the
estimate for fuel, tho probable cost of the
plant would bo about 8500.C00, and tho
operating expenses about $15,000 a year.
A facetious citizon speaking of tho joint
committee's circular, in tho Ferguson
House, yesterday, said that it had all tho
oar-marks of a groon goods circular, ox
copt the "Confidential" warning at its
head. "Oh, no,". he said, "they can'
flim-flam mo."
Eight tons of coal per day aro roquirod
to fire two 100 h. p. boilers at tho power
station of tho eloctric railway, yot tho
joint committee propose to firo three 150
b. p. boilers with about 1 tons of coal
day. Evidently tho joint committoo'.
ostimatcs need revision.
Tho Sunday News, which has been the
champion of tho joint committee and the
boomers of the new water works scheme,
was silent yesterday. But one artlclo
touching upon tho project appoarod in its
columns and that was a strong ono appealing
to the peopl e to vote against the increase of
.debt. Tho boomers bave'been argued to a
stand from which they canneithor advance
or retreat.
Tho estimate of $10,500 for reservoirs, is,
in the opinion of experts and mon who
havo had experience in the businoss, just
about sufflciont to build the dam at the
pumping station and a respectablo frog
pond on tho mountain,
The joint committoo's circular reminds
us of what the Dutchman said about
"Webster's dictionary. "It is pretty fair
reading, but somehow or other it docsn1
hang together."
ior instanco, the committoo proposes
first to contract the entire job, and a littlo
latter on makes a bid for tho votes of the
workingmen of the town by telling them
that they aro to have steady employment
and good wages in the construction of tho
works, How is the committoo going to
control the labor that will do the work If it
is to bo contracted ?
"Water that 'assists' tho health of th
peoplo," is what tho joint committee calls
the liquid that it proposes boiling in
roservolr from eight to ten days before
being distributed for consumption. Thero
isn't much doubt about such water "assist
ing" the health of the people Into disease
and decay.
The assurance that the $95,000 of bonds
which tho joint committoo proposes
issuo will bo firs pffered to the people
Shenandoah is quite comforting. The
poor dovil of a tenant who first has to pay
his landlord for the water he consumes and
thon pay n "water tax" in addition, w ll
find consolation in the reflection that tho
interest oa tho bonds, which ho is com
pelled to pay, is going to local bondholders.
Thore is ono sentence in tho Joint com
mittees "stump speech" which tonanls and
axpayors should cut out and paste in their
bats. It will be found in tho lust Dara-
raph. Hero it is : "It matters not whether
you are a tenant or tho owner. It has to
come out of tho property, and must bo
paid directly or indirectly by the tenant."
There is tho whole story in a nutshell.
Fhe rent sharks and rookery owners had at
iho movement to saddle the immenso debt
upon tho borough, do not proposo to pay a
singlo dollar of either tho principal or in
terest. 1 et thoy have tho nerve to tell tho
tenant and the man who owns his own littlo
home, that "it has to come out of tho prop
erty and must bo paid directly or indiroctly
by the tenant,"
No intelligent and impartial reader of
the joint committe's circular can resist tho
ooncluMon that the committee's arithmetic,
like its estimates, is sadly in need of
revision. Tho coramitteo figures that
$D5,O0O, tho amount of tho proposed in
crease, added to f-10,679.87, the prosont
indebtedness of tho borough, or a total of
$135,679.87, would be il per cent, upon a
total valuation of $2,093,G91.00. According
to Brooks' arithmetic, which is ono of tho
standards now, outsido tho secret sessions of
tho joint committoo, we find that $135,579.
87, is a fraction less than 05 per cent, on the
assessed valuation of $2,093,091.00, or
within a half of 1 por cent, of tho limit to
which the Indebtedness of tho borough may
bo incroased for any purpose.
A Huilffct of News by it Writer Well Known
to our Itenders.
Now that a hot spell has set in the citi
zens realize the filthy condition of tho gut
ters In many s'.roots and alleys. Some of
tho places are in a disgraceful state and if
the borough authorities do not awaken to a
sense of duty very soon diseases will surely
secure a foothold.
M. D. Mastellor, formerly of this town
but now of Beaver Valley, Columbia
county, was a visitor to town to-day and
paid a visit to tho Herald sanctum. Mr.
Mastoller has a warm spot in his heart for
Shenandoah, and when he visits hero ho
never fails to hunt up his friends and ox
ton d to thom tho hand of good fellowship.
He is engaged in tho manufacture of boots
and shoes at Beaver Valley and has
established a large business.
Aside from a nice lump of moat or a well
developed bono there is nothing more
tompting to a vicious dog than a lottor car
rier. Not a day passos without a complaint
from somo member of the local force and
tho dogs seem to havo determined to koop
tho ball rolling a3 long as tboir days last.
But now tho carriors havo tirod of the
nuisanco and each ono has armod himself
with a "pop-gun." On Saturday a largo
dog jumpod at Carrier P. D. Holman on
"West Cherry street. Holman quickly
drew his revolver and fired at tho brute.
The ball entered the head and caused in
stant death. Peoplo who value dogs they
may own should not fail to muzzle them as
the borough ordinanco requiros.
A number of our town people took
advantage of the splendid weather yester
day and drove ovor to tho Catawissa valley.
Carriages wheolod over tho mountain all
day and at every farm could be found somo
of our townsmen enjoying tho hospitalities
of the haymakers and their good natured
wives. Among thoso wbo vfsitod the
valley woro Mx. and Mrs. George S. Roh
land, Charles Girvln and lady, "William
"Waters, Thomas A. and Sanford A. Evans,
Josoph Glossraan and wife, "W. J. Watkins
and wife, John Brown and wife, of Yatej
vflle, and Georgo Davidson.
Letter of Thauks.
"Watkin "Waters Post, No. 140, G. A. It.,
of town, has roceived tho following com
munication :
Gentlemen: At a recent meoting of tho
Pottsville Cadets, I was directed to express
tholr sincere thanks to the Grand Army and tho
peoplo oi Hhcnandoah (or thplr kindness and
hospitality shown to our company. We havo
been to a great many towns In the county slnco
we organized, but at no place had we a better
t'mo than at Shenandoah, and our trip to your
nlty will long bo remembered by our boys.
Hoping wo may bo of service to you again at
( .no future tlmo and to return the kindness,
I remain, yours,
Edwin d. Strouse,
Lieut. Pottsville Cadets."
Pottsville, Juno i, im.
Hand liadly Injured.
John Dove, of West Oak stroot, had his
right band badly lacerated while at work
in Kohinoor colliory, Ho will not bo able
to resume work for sever il weeks.
Wholesale Prices.
Fire crackers and cannon crackors at
wholesale prices at Max Jlooso's. Prices
same as in New V'ork and Philadelphia.
Best work done at Brennan'a steam
laundry. Everything white and spotless,
Laco curtains a specialty. All work
If you wish to purchase a noat fitting
hoe of the latest style call at the People's
eboe store, 121 N. Main street. 6-7 lw