The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 10, 1892, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
JI. C. 130Y1ZII, Editor and iiiMi7te r.
mt, J. II'ATKIA'S, Xocal Editor.
TheSVEXIXQ HERALD hat a larger cir
culation in Shenandoah than any other paper
published, Ilookt open to all.
Daily, per year
Weekly, per year,.
.. 1 SO
Entered it the Postofflce, tit Bhenandoah, I'fl,
for transmission through the malls
as Keeoml class mnll matter.
Watek for lire purposes free of
charge la a thorn in the sides of the
Eveuy reasonable 'nun will admit
that a corporation can conduct a plant
cheaper than a borough or city can.
Public water works could not sup
ply water for protection against fire
cheaper than the water company
offers it free of charge. ,
IiANsroHD, not long ago, invested
several thousands of dollars In a public
electric lltrht plant. It has now sold
the plant to a company for 55,000,
Let the public water works boomers
paste this in their hats.
The Joint committee insists that it
can establish public water works for
the amount of the increased indebted-
ness asked for, but there are scoreB of
voters in the town who cau figure as
good as the committee, but they can
not iret down to within thootlng
distance of that figure.
No Clue to the Slayer of the
Pretty Domestic.
Some members of the joint com
mittee and Council are flghtiug on an
income of .30,000 on an investment of
$93 000. Whew ! That looks nice on
paper. But the beautiful picture is
marred by the absence of any assur
ance that $95,000 will put the plant in
operation. Don't count the chickens
before they are hatched.
lTlssildby some that the special
election is a mere bluff to squeeze
additional concessions from the water
company. If this is true the bluff is
an expensive one for the borough.
The wisest and most economical plan
would be for the borougli authorities
to accept the otter now made by the
water company and shut down on the
expenses the town is now being put
It is said that the joint committee
and Council, in case the public water
works are established, will elect a
superintendent for three years, but the
appointment of engineers, firemen
uud other employes will bo for terms
at the will of Council. What lively
times the people will have each year.
The spring elections are already made
lively enough by tho scramble for
appointment as police, nuperviaor,
town clerk, etc.
One of the arguments made by the
Joint committee agulnst tho accept
ance of the water company's proposl
tiou is that If tho borough has its own
plant It cau put in additional fire
plugs. This Is a weak argument in
tho face of the fact that tho water
company has in no way qualified its
oiler aud states plainly that it will
"give the borough free water for fire
protection," If the company had
oiiered water for ouly the plugs now
in use the argument ot the boomers
might have some weight, but as the
proposition stands it falls flat.
Goiiman, the Democratic) Senator
from Maryland, says that the man or
paper that promised a reduction of
expenditures by the Democrats below
$500,000,000 "was deceiving the peo
ple." No doubt. And they were all
in It. The truth is plain enough now
for even Gorman to reveal it.
A Hemml Offered by the Mayor of Perth
Amlioy-fipeclnl Offlrors Sworn In to
Join in thtt Search-Tlii Young Woman's
Desperatu Struggle for I.lTe ami Honor.
Peiith Amboy, N. J., June 10. Mayor
Pierce, of this place, bus issutid ft printed
circular, which has been posted in con
spicuous places throughout the town,
ana In adjacent towns in the county, of
fering $500 reward for tho apprehension
of the murderer of Puullne Andorson,
the pretty domestic who was found
Wednesday ninbt, near WoodbrldR"
Juuction, with her throat out and her
head beaten to a pulp.
Mayor Pierce has sworn In a dozen
special officers, who will search the
woods for suspicious characters. Sev
eral tramps were seen on the railroad
tracks near the scene of the murder a
few minutes before the girl was killed.
All suspicious characters will be ar
rested. Tho two men who were arrested in
Jersey City ou suspicion o having been
concerned in tho crlino still protest
their iunocence. When arraigned they
de.'cribed themselves as John Kearney,
aged 40, a shoemaker, and James Dev
lin, aged 4.8, a laborer, both of Phila-
dolphin- , , ,
They said they came from Philadel
phia in search of work, but refused to
make any further statement. The two
men are now locked up in separata colls.
Their clothing will bo minutely exam
ined for traces of blood. The men will
give no information as to why they
were in Perth Amboy, where they were
seen on Wednesday, and where they
boarded a freight train for Jersey City.
Miss Anderson's body was found early
In the evening by Signalman Max
Probst, whose stution on the Jersey
Central Railroad Is not far from Wood
bridge Junction. Probst was on his
way homo, and took a short cut through
a patch of woodB. He first found some
parcels which had been dropped by the
youjg woman, and then saw evidences
of a struggle on the damp earth. A lit
tle further on he came upon her dead
The young woman's clothes were all
torn aud disordered, her face was cui
and bruised, and biiero was a deep
gash in her throat from which her
life-blood had ebbed to form in a big
pool about her head. The features
were distorted as if in fear and agony,
and there was a mark upon the fore
head as If it had been struck with a
blunt weapon. The cut in the throat
was a jagged one and so deep us to
almost sever tho vertebras. Probst at
once notified the authorities of Wood
bridge nnd Perth Amboy of his ghastly
The victim was a servant in the
family of C. W. Boynton of Manvers,
a hamlot near Perth Amboy. Mr. Boyn
ton is tbe proprietor of Boynton's
Tteanh. Scawaren. Miss Anderson was
a handsome, well-rouuded woman of
28; a faithful servant, but with no
Riiitors so far as known. She was a
Danish woman but spoke Eugllsh flu
ently. Her paronts live in Charles
street, Perth Amboy and she had been
to visit her mother and do some shop
ping in Perth Amhoy.
bhe left her roomers nouso ut uuuuv
2 o'clock. At 4 o'clock she was seen
In the Main street ot Perth Amboy
with parcels in her hands. It Is claimed
that she was In Perth Amboy even an
hour later than this before she set out
to walk to Mr. Boynton's house by way
of the railway track, which leads for
three-quarters of a tnlio tnrougn me
woods. She turned from the track, ap
parently, to avail herself o the short
cut through tun wooas, anu wu-a tw
gaulted there.
Miss Anderson could not be suspected
of having any large sum of money about
her to tempt the lawless, and indeed
sbe had only a little change wherewith
to pay her faro home In the event oi nor
being delayed in Perth Amboy till after
An iron hoon from a whiskey barrel
has been found near tho place where the
body was discovered. It is possible, but
not probable that tho girl s throat may
have been cut with this. Coroner Burk
now has th boop in his possession.
County Physician Douahoe, of New
Brunswick, after an examination of the
body, said if outrage was the motive for
the crime that so far as he could judge
the young woman had successfully de
fended her honor.
Red Bank. N. J June 10. Chief of
JTolice Walsh last night arrested three
Oramps on suspicion of being concerned
tn the Perth Amboy murder. A hearing
Will ba given the tramps to-day.
dor. Slower at Auburn Hearing retltlans
of ConvJot.
AuDonx, N.Y., June 10. 3ov. Flower
yestorday interviewed the convicts in
the prison who petitioned him for execu
tive clemonoy. Among tham were Ban
All, oommonly known as "Jack the
Kipper," Jock Welsh, the prison In
corrigible; Joe Elliott, the once famous
forger, who, besides his orlmlnat record,
enjoys tho distinction ot being one of
the only two men who over succeeded In
escaping from tbe Turkish government
prison In Constantinople; Byron Day,
the burglar; Kourko, the train robber;
Wyman, the life man, who was exoner
ated of the crlino for which he was con
victed by Newman in a deathbed con
fession some mouths ago, and nearly all
the Ufo men in the institution.
Of the large number ot men interview-'
ed hopo ot executive clemency was held
out to only four or flvo, although His
Excellency promised to take a large
number of cases under advisement. A
ftao of $250 was remitted in one case and
one man wus pardoned outright.
This was William Mead, a young New
Yorker of good family, who Is dying of
Wnsaa BBS
Lohlgh Valley Division.
MAY 15, 1892.
Pnsnpnffp.r trntnfl1rtvvn Khpn
nndoah forl'enn Haven Junction.Mauch Chunk,
rat National Bank,
ivcnignton, blatlngton.Whlte Hall, Catasauqua, I
Allcntown, Hcthlehem, Huston, Philadelphia, QMPNANnDAM D IT M M A
Hazleton. Weathcrly, Quakako Junction, Del- t-'ClNlNA,
uno una ivinnanoy uuy at 6.57, 7.40, u.oa a. I
3.1U. O.M p. IE.
is a difficult problem with
many people because but
few articles of food agree
with them. The doctor says
and the result is unpalata
ble focd. The reason the
physician objects to grease
is because lard is the article
most used, and every phy
sician knows that hog lard
in any shape is unhealthy
and indigestible.
Every one interested in
pure find healthful foodhails
with joy the new product
which is composed of pure
cottonseed oil and pure beef
suet nothing else not
even salt. It is better than
cither lard or butter for all
cooking purposes, and one
pound of Cottolene will do
as much as two pounds of
lard or butter, and it costs
less than either.
Every housekeeper that
tries Cottolene will find in
it just what she wants.
Beware of imitations get
the geniunc of your grocer.
138 N. Delaware Ave., Phila.
ti-jmf twtrji
There lsnothln? llko tho RESTORATIVE
MERVINE discovered by tho great specialist,
DR-MILCS, to euro all nervous diseases, as
Headache, tho Dluos, Norvouo Prostra
tion, Glooploosnoss, Neurnlcia, St. vitu3
Danco.Flts and Hysteria. Many physicians
uno It In their practice, nnd say the results are
wnnrtrrfnl. VTn hnvn hundreds of testimonials
like those from druggists. "Wo liavo novcrkuown
anything like It." snow s uo., uyracuso, n. i.
"bmpt hnttln Hold brines words of Drr.l30." J.O.
Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich. "Tlio best toiler wo over
fcnav' Woodwortu ft Co., Fort Wayne, Ind.
"Xcrvlno sells hotter than anything wo over
had." H. r. Wy.itt A Co., Concord, N. H. Trial
t ottlo aud boot of testimonials JFrceatdrugglste.
DR. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart.lnuV
i-or vatei
In tho Jlorough of Shenandoah,
For authority from tho citizens thereof to In
crease the bonded Indebtedness to procure a
supply of water for domestlo and other pur
poses, by tho authorities.
Notice Is hereby given that ot a regular moot-
lng of tho Town Council of tho Borough of
Shenandoah, held on Thursday, May 5th, 1892,
tho following ordinance was adopted:
An ordlnanco to provide for a supply of water
for tho use of tho Inhabitants of tho Borough of
Shenandoah and for tho erection and main
tenanco of works, machinery, engines nnd all
other necessary apparatus for working, raising,
for domestic uso of tho Inhabitants and to pro
tect property In said Borough from destruction
In caso of liro and fixing a tlmo for tho holding
of a public election in said borough for author
ity from tho citizens thereof to lncreaso tho
bonded Indebtedness for tho purpose aforesaid.
Xto It ordained by tho Town Council of tho
Borough of Shenandoah, and It Is hereby
ordained by tho authority of tho same.
Notice Is hereby fgiven that the electors ot
Sen 1 Thn, ihn n,-irmmh nf Shenandoah week davs. 3.23. 6.23. 7.18. 11.23 a.m.. 1.33. C.&3 tho Borough, of Shenandoah, county of Schuyl
kill nnwiiln it simnlv nf rmrn water for the P m- Sunday, 3.23 a. m., 3.03 p. m. kill, and stnto of Pennsylvania, will meet at
shall proUdo a supply or puro water ior tnc For Mahanoy I'lano. weok days. 2.08. 3.23, 5.53. ,,. rpanp-tivn nnWn on Tmwdiv
inhabitants of said Borough and erect and 7.18, 10,08, 11.28 a.m., 12.33., 3.48, 5 53, 8.13, 9.33 tuelr resPect" Polling places on luosdaj,
maintain all tho works, machinery, engines, p.m. Sunday, 2.08, 3.23. 7.46 a. m., 3.03, 4.23 p. m. Juno 14th, A. D. 1802, between the hours of 7
and other necessary apparatus for tho making, ,vSd?'?rX1 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m., at which timo
j... .. )c?y S5' -'.r?'.?--?'.!-18' lu-u; u-.-s HV and nlaco the sa d electors shall vote
raising, euuvuyiug uuu iuuuuui.,ug ilu 1 iz,f,i.ois, .io, D.t3,, ti,M p. ua. ounaay, .uo, 1 . . n
Killed Herself Uecame of a Scandal.
Eondgut, N. V., June 10. Mrs. Al
lie Stone, a widow, whose name has re
cently been unpleasantly connected
with a scandal at Marlborough, In which
her father-in-law, Chester 1'. Stone, was
aliened to be the parent ot her child,
committed suicide by shooting. The
story implicating her received wide
publicity a few days ago, and worried
her. StoDo was at one time considered
a pillar of the local ouurch and a lead
ing Prohibitionist. Mrs. Stone was
about ner work as usual when, seizing a
loaded revolvor, sho retired to her bed
chamber, seated herself on the bed and
sent a bullet into ner ueau. out uicu
in about half an hour.
HsaiMul, Agreeable, Cleansing.
b?.Dped Eaude, Wounds, Burns, Etc
Homovos nnd Prevents Dan&ruffi
pocially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
It Should bo In Every House.
J. B. WUon, 871 Olay St., Sharpsburfr,
Pa., lays he will not bo without Dr. KUjc'i
New Discovery for Consumption, uourm
ni Colds, that it cured his wife who was
threatened with Pneumonia after an at
tack of "La Grippe," when various other
remedies and several physicians had done
her no good. Robert Barter, of Cooks
port, Pa., claims Dr. Klntff New DIi
eoTery has done him more good than any
thing he ever nied for Lunr Trouble.
Vothln like It. Try IV Free trial bottles
at O. n. Hagenbuch's Drue Store. Large
bottles, 6O0. and 1.
Nw York Yacht Club Ilesatta.
New Yobk, June 10. The wlnuers in
the New York Yacht Club Ilegatta yes
terday were the schooner Alert, Com
anche, Marguerite, Viator aud the new
40-foot aloop Wasp. The latter sailed
very fast, but she had 10 minutes and
83 seconds start on her class competi
tor, the cutler Clara, so the tact that
the latter was beaten 1 hour, 00 minutes
and S3 seconds Is not to be taken as A
criterion of the uew boat's actual speed.
Tho public are hereby notified that tho fol
lowing provision of the Borough Ordlnanco
will bo strictly enforced:
Section 4. That durlne tho months of June,
July, August and September of every year no
dog nor bitch shall lawfully go at largo within
the borough of Shonandoah, unloss such dog or
Kfti-tt kiiftli have a strone muzzle or shield of
wire securely fastened over the nose of suflh
dog or bitch, so as to prevent effectually any
(nfirv from liltinlf:
and any bitch or dog running at largo In viola
tion ot the provisions of this section shall be
disponed of as provided In section three (3) of
thlH nrdlnancfl.
section thrco (31 nrovldos: That such dogs
shall be Immediately taken and Impounded by '
the lllgnuonsiauio lor penuu ui umu uu,
more than thrco days; due notlco being given
10 the owner 11 no can 00 iouuu, unu it nui.
then rodeeraed by tho owners or owner, by the
payment of tho tax, (ono dollar for each dog
and two dollars for each bitch), and a fee ot
llfty cents additional for expenses Incurred,
such dogs or bitches shall then bo killed and
Chief Burgess.
High Constable.
Siiknandoah, Pa., Juno 1, 1892,
; and introducing into the Borough of 6 23, 7.18, 10.08 a. m.,lS
. . day, 2.08, 1.40 a. m., 4.23 p.
an an abundant supply of puro water por Harrlsburg, week
Tor Now York. 6.57. D.tH a. m.. 12 R2. 3.10.
6.26 D. m.
i''or uazieton, wilRcs-narro, White Haven,
Pittston, Laccyvlllc, Towanda, Sayro, Waverly,
Elinlra, Kochoster, Niagara Falls and tho West,
iu.41 a, m., (j.iup. m., no connection tor Kocncs
tor, Buffalo or Niagara Fallal. 8.03 o. m.
For Bclvldcre. uclawaro Wator Gan and I
btruudsburg. 5.57 a. m., 5.20 p. m.
i' or i-mmoeriviue anu Trenton, a. m.
For Tunkhannock. 10.41 a. m.. 3.10. 8.03 n. m.
For Auburn. Ithaca. Geneva and Lrons. 10.41 1
a. ra 8 03 p. m. I
or .j cancsvuio, t,ovis ton ana ueaver wcaaow,
,.-iu, n. m., rj.o-, d.-o p. m.
For Audenrlod. Hazloton. Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 5.57, 7.40, 0.08, 1U.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10,
0.-0 p. m.
For Scranton, 6.57, 9.03, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 6.26 p.
For Ilazlebrook. Jeddo. Drlfton and Freeland.
6.57, 7 40, 9.0S. 10.41 a. m., 12.63, 3.10, 5.20 p. m.
For Asniund, Ulrardvlllo and Lost Creek, 4.27,
7.40, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.10, 0.14
p. m.
l-'or itaven nun. uentrnn.i. Mount uarmoi ana
Shamoltin, 8.52. 10.15 a. m., 1.40. 4.40, 8.00 p. m.
l or vatcsviiio, l'ark l'lace, Mananoy city ana
Delano. 5.57, 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 12.53. 3.10. 5.26.
3.03, 11.24, 10.27 p. m.
Trains will leave Shamoltin at 7.65, 11.65 a. m.,
2.10,4.30, r- m, and arrive at Shenandoah at
v.on a. m., 12.52, 3.10, n.20 p. m.
Loovo Shenandoah for PottRville. 5.50. 7.40.
9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 6.20, 8.03 p. m.
jji'uve j.'oiisvuio ior nnennnuoan. o.uu.
9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 6.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30
ioavo sncnanuoan ror liazioton, 0.47 , 7.4U, v.ub,
iu.i a. in.. i-.:j, 3.1U. 0.20, 8.03 p. m.
Lcavo Hazloton for Shonandoah. 7.30. 9.15
11.00 a. m., 13.15, 3.10, 6.30, 7.05, 7.58 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland. Olrurdville and Lost I
Creek, 7.29, 9.40 a. in., 12.30, 2.45 p. m,
1 -or 1 atesvuic, i'aric l'lace, Mananoy uity,
Delano, Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Pcnn
junction, Maucn unuiiK, Aiientown, 1
Uaston and New York, 8.40 a. m., I
For Philadelphia and New York. 2.55 n m
For Yatesvllle. Park Place. MahanovCitvand I
Delano, 8.40. 11.35 a. ra., 12.30, 2.55, 4.40 0.03 p. m.
Leavo Hazleton for Shonandoah. 8.30. 11.30
a. m.. 1.05, 4.37 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 8.40,
9.30 a. m., 12.30 2.45 p. m.
.Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.30
a.m.,1.40, 0.1a p. ra.
a a. MomuiJ, pros at lien. Mgr.
C.G.HANCOCK, Gen. Pass Agt.
Philadolnhia. Pa.
South Bethlehem, Pa.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, weok days,
.-!, a. m., i.a.i o.ra p. m. sunaay,
Z.U3. a. m. f or jnow vorit via Aiaucn ununit,
week davs, 5.23, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2.48 p. m.
For Heading ana pniiaaeipma. week aays,
I, 6.23, 7.18, 10.U8 a. m.,12.23, 2.48,5.63 p. m. 5Un-
davs. 2.08. 7.18 a. m..
S.48. 5.53 u. m.
For Aiientown. week davs. 7.18 a. m.. 12.33.
i. ia p. m.
For Pottsvllle. week days. S.08. 7.18 a. m.. 12.33.
2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.23 p. m.
ForTuman-ia and Mahanov Cltv. week days.
2.08. 5.23. a. in..l2.33. 2.48. 5.53 n. tn. Sun-
uay, s uts, 7.40 a. m., 4.23 p. m. Aaaitionat ior
Mahanov Cltv. week davs. 6.58 n. m.
r or Lancaster anu uoimnDia, weeic aays,
a. m., ii.-io p. m.
For Wllllamsport. Sunbury and Lowisburg,
Capital, $100,000.00
Vf. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrinq, Cashier,
5 W. Yost. Ass 't Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
Pnld ou Hnvlnjcu Deposits.
Pilsnor ctxxca.
Xiagor Boor
Christ. Schroidt, Agt.,
207 West Coal St,,
as to whether or not assent or authority shall
be given to an lncreaso ot tho indebtedness ot
tho Bald Borough for the purposo of providing
a supply of water for the uso of the Inhabitants
of said Borough of Shonandoah, and the pro-
vote "debt may be Increased" or "no increase
of debt," as provided by the Act of Assembly ot
said Commonwealth, approved 20th day of
April, A. D. 1874, entitled "An Act to regulate
e-ilfl TtnrrtiifTli nn nh-.inri.ant nunnlv nf nuro 1 3.23. 7.46 a. m.. 3.03. 4.30 D. m.
, .iTn ,nCo of f,iti,tn nnri riu Vov Ashland and Shamoktn. week days, 3.23,
water, for tho purpose of furnishing and dls- . . - .. . . a ' s '
trlbuting to the Inhabitants of the said Bor- aay 3.23 7.43 a. m 3.03 p. m. .
ougu a sufficient supply thereof for domestlo TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH:
,nfl mnmiwi Ha mnmrn ihm-nin from Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days,
mum . .w.UVH l4X.n m t) im m t IH ntnlit Clin. n,lnn t 4n -..(,. t.-.r.l.
ctllIlCS .ISLr-riS totrueuon in caseiot flre. Said electors shaU
streams of water and ad acent lands and rights 4.30, 8.4o a. m., 1.00, 3 45 p. m. Sunday, 7.00 a. m.
, , ,.,., ,Ma nprti. Leave Philadelphia, weekdays, 4.10, 10.00 a.m.
of way to carry out tho Intent of this oral- i m am p m frm jJroad anJ CalIowM11 nnQ
nance. 8.35 a. m., 11.30 p. m. from 9th and Green strcots.
sm 0 Thnt Tnradav. June 14th. 1892. be Sunday, 9.05 a m.. 11.30 o. m., from 9th ana
" ? f0Ltt 1! & Reading, week days. 1.01140 Z SES! S! " anl Trt
ine saiu uoruuga uy vuo quuwuuu. uiuvw,. a, m., d.kj, 7.D7 p. in. aunaay, i.m, a. m.
thereof for authority to increase tho debt of Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 ia. m.,
the Borough for the purpose of providing a '-rovo Tarraquarwoo'k' dayV,T20,' mK u.S a!
supply of water for tho use of tho inhabitants m., 1.31, 7,13, 0.18 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m.,
of said Borough of Shenandoah and tho pro- S.50 p. m. .,,,. ,,n om
tectlonof property in said Borough from des- ' Yp. m. Sunday, io, 8.17
tructlon in caso of lire, and said special election n. m.. 3.20 n. m.
ar polling places and Leavo Jiananoy Plane, weoic aeys, .w, 1 .
in n.H I nnroiioh of -30, 9.35, 11.59 a. m.. 1.05, 2.06, 5.20, B.S0. 7.57, 10.00 0f
in said Borough ot p m Sunday, 2.40, 4.00. 8.27 a. m., 3.37, 6.01 p. m. ,
T,eavo uiraruviue, tuappaiiaanocu duiuuui,
weeks days. 2.47, 4.07, 6.30, 9.41 a. m., 12.05, 2.13,
5.20, 6.32. 8.03, 10.06 p. m. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.33,
a. m., a.H. dmi p. m-
shall be held at tho regular
by tho election officers
Shenandoah In manner provided bylaw.
Tiios. J.JAMES,
Prcst. of Town Council.
James smith,
Chief Burgoss.
Secretary ot Town Council.
A resolution relating to the samo Bubject was
r - . I II . 1 . ..... . 1 . ., .... am n ,,
a. m., 3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.16 p. m.
For Baltimore, wasnington nna xne west via
B. & O. It. It., through trains leave Glrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P, & R. R. It.) at
3.65, 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.60, 5.42, 7.13 p. m. Sunday,
3.55, 8.03, 11.27 a. m., 3.50, 5.42, 7.13 p. m.
Leave Philadolnhia. Chestnut strcot wharf
ana ouui street v, uari, ior Auunuo uuy.
2 00, 4
municipalities, etc.," and tho supplements and
amendments tbercto.GThe said electors will
meet in their sovoral wards as follows:
Those of the First ward, at the publlo house
of James Shields.
Thoso ot the Second tho public house
of J. If. P. Schiefly.
Thoso of tho Third ward, at the publlo house
Israel II. Carl.
Thoso; of the! Fourth ward, at'jthe public
house of PetcrfHlley.
Th030 of the Fifth ward, at;tho publlo house
of Henry Muldoon.
HigH Constable.
Shenandoah, Pa.,. Juno 1, 1892.
Weekdays Hxtiross. 8 00. 9 00 a m,
adopted at the same meeting, and also at aim. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 5 00, 6 30 p ra
meeting ot said Council held on Thursday,
April 21, 1892.
In accordance with tho resolutions and
ordinance above set forth, notice is hereby
given to the Qualified electors of said Borough
that a special election for the purposo aioro
said will bo held on Tuesday, June 14th, 1892, at
the places and by the officers provided by law
for tho holding of municipal election in said
Tho following statement la hereby maao as
reouired by law,
1st, The last assessed valuation in mo uor-
Sundavs Exnross. 8 00. 9 00. 10 00 am.
coramoaauon, uu a m anu nipn.
Keturnlnc- leave Atlantic Cltv denot. Atlantlo
ana Aricausas avenues. wecKoays uxpross,
7 30, 0 00 a m and 4 00, 6 30 p m.
Accommoaauon. 4 oiuam. nna idunm.
Hundavs Express. 4 00. 5 45. 9 00 n m. Ac
commodation, 7 30 a ra and 4 30 p m.
A. A. MoLEOD, Pres. &Oen'l Manager.
NOVEMBER 15, 1891.
Trains will loavo. Shenandoah after the above
ito for Wiuean'R. Gilberton. Frackville. New
thousand, sir hundred and ninety-one dollars, Castlo, Mt. Cialr.Pottsvlllo, Hamburg, Roadlng,
inninm Pottstown, Plucnlxvllle, Norrlstown aud Phil-
(t-,us,0Ji.) ndelnhla (Broad strcot station) at 0:00 and 11:45
2nd, Thoamountof the existing aobl is wo,. a. m;and4:15p. m. on woekdays. For Potts-
670.87, vlllo and Intermediate stations u: 10 a. m,
3d. Monies In the treasury, all outstanding SUNDAYS.
SOIVentaODlsanaaiirovcuuusupinuiumonnmu mmn'i nillinrtnn. Frnckvlllo. New
Oor. Main and Coai Sts.,
Bbenandoab, Pa.
Regular meals at popular
prices served at all times.
Ladles' dining anl re.
fresbment rooms attach
ed. Bar stocked with the
finest brands of cigars
ana mncy annua.
Leading Restaurant in Town.
Memorial Library Dedicated.
AnsoxiA, Conn., June 10. The Caro
line Phelps Stokes Memorial Library
was dedicated yesterday and so was the
memorial fountain to Anna JSewell. At
the library dedication exercises were
Miss Stokes, Dr. Lyman Abbott, Charles
Dudley Warner. Anson Phelps, Mrs.
William fcV Dodge, Henry K. SUlea and
-ntv, v, tamer Morgan. .ssauu
Doforo&Aftor Uso.l
TristtcrrnriM frnmllfe. I
Wonderful Spanish
Hemeay, iaia wuu a
Written Guarantee
to cure all NerTous Dit
f-ascs, such as Weak
Memory, Im of Brain
I'nvur. Head&ch.
Wftkefulncis, LontMau
liood, fierrouBneutULs-
ittirlf. alt dratDl aud
loss of power of tho
Gene rat lvo Organ ia
one year to tho payment of tbe same, la t37(- j castle, St. Clair, I'ottHVille at 6:00, 0:40 a.m.
jom nnd 3:10 n. m For Humburir. HoacUntr. Pottn-
4"tU.' The amount ot the proposed Increaae ia jfelfy3o p?10'' 1UIUdell)Wa
805,000. 1 Tralns'loave Frackville for Mhenandoah at
6th. Tho percentage of the proposed lncreaso 1 10:10a. m. and 12: u, o:ui, ana iu;wp, m,
. ... . I Htinrinvn. 11:13n.. m. and 6:40 n. m.
IS 4 4i Percent. I T TJ.a.Hlln Channnrlnnri nt
6tn. Tho purposo ot the proposed increase is, jj.18ai m nnd4:40,7:l5and0:p. m. Sundays
asset forth in the foregoing orainanco, viz., to at iu:4u a. ra. ana d:io p. m. i
provide for tho erection of public water work, S'
nt tne expense oi wu uoiuubu. i 4 in and 7 tw p m weoK aays. tm aunaays loavo
a Tnint nnmmlttr-n nf citizens and Council nt 8 HI a m. For Pottsvllle. 9 23 a m. Kor Ne7
have investigated the sources of a better and fCTftt'S
pensotobo Incurred in procuring tho same, 4 00,4 (B, 5 00. 0 00. 6 20, 6 50, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p I
V . . .i. v,- . m. 1201 ntaht. Sundavs at 3 20. 4 05, 4 40. 5 35.
ana nave repurivu us mo rcouu, vu .UVv- 30, U 50, 11 35 a m and 12 41, 1 40, 2 30, 4 03
iigauon; uiuripuro uuu uuuuui,, wu MV l (llmltou 4 oU) o zo, u u, u du, 7 ia anu Qi.pni ana
hnnAr1 nt an aollmnlnd Mat nf ItClt 000. Thffl I 1' D1 tllyht. VtiT Spft Girt. Lift 01? llranCll &nd In
amount added to present indebtedness of the f BOILER WO R KS !
borough would only make 4Si per cent, on the ton 3 50, 7 20, 8 31, 0 10, 10 20, 11 18 a ra, 13 33 (11m- l- v I i I It w .
... r . e,her KI ctaSca Ly
nertlon, youthful Indiscretion!, or the "!
uu of tobacco, opium, or ttlraulanu, which ultimately
lead to Infirmity, Conumptlon aud Insanity. Put up
In convenient form to carry In tbe ve i.ket. Price
II a PackM. or 6 for ti. With every 15 order we civ. a
monej. Tieut by mall to any addreu. Circular free
la plain enrelope. Mention Ibii paper. Addreu,
MADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch omceforTJ.S.A.
til Dearborn 8trt, CHIUAUU, ilu
C It. lUKenbaeu, DrugglJt, N, S. Cor. Mala and
Uoja u.
eoq North Fourth St.,
Duo bel. U(MQ, rMIL4bKLr.U.
tbe ddIt gea.lD Oermaa Amtri.u
St-MUll't la U Vatt4 But, wb. u
u u eon niood Poison,
Nervous Debility u.i Spe
cial Diseases tm mi,
Kkia Dlieuai. 1U4 Spota Palm la taa
iKJotLSoreThroat Mouth,
Dlotaboa, rlmplea, Ernptlooi, ttl ot
bard Uletra, SwtlliDta, IrrltadODa,
IaUamnaUooa and Baant&la,
birtetutce, Wfakaeat and Sarly
oar. Ion ratmon. weak katk, mesul amlalr, WJaey aw
Illa-i-l.-r Mtcat.t aol all Dliaaaea rcaultlai pom
lnHir-Ut.o or Ot.rwort, Raoaot caa eorad In t to 10 "Jl
r- lUf al once. Do not loia tor, oo natter bai Ma.
llalne noew, Quart, FamllT or Uoapllal rbjiMaa baa lallaa.
Pr. IUECI, carta positively Hal deKouaa "
bailntsa. old, vouk., miodlb aoao tn vaoaa eortiitriam.
liittnoi riob or poor, tend lo. atamp for bQOK
'TIJUTHM etponlof Qaacka oadcr awom UadmooUla.
Matt. Raj t,m 9 to , ' to . Wrt. and Sal.
Rv'iia e lo 10. Sandar 9 till 11. IVrlia or eall atld ba fatad.
VM Refrrtnota a- Woda. and 8alorda nlla, dally TUaaa.
ltcd express, 1 30, 3 40,) 4 41, 0 57, 7 40 p m 13 03
nlirht. For Freehold onlv 6 00 n m week davs.
I v ov iiaminore ouiyaiu, -i ui, ouo ana 11 au p i
m. sunaays ut 3 ou, 7 su, v iu. 11 is a m, 4 41, 0&7
7 40 p m, 12 03 night, Ilaltimoro only 6 08, 1180
p in. v or iticiuuunu tuuui, iouij iauuuiiu
nigui. nunaayB, jajnra, rjiu nigni,
Trains will leavo Harrlsburg for Pittsburg
and tho West every day at 12 35 and 3 10 a m
and (limited 3 00) and 3 40 n m. Way for Al-
toona at ia am ana 1 lu 11 m every aay. ror
1'ittsburKund Altoona at 11 20 a nt everyday
ana luiupm wcck aay.
atiHuo wttt ivu to fiuituui y tur t, iitiumoiJui
Elmlra, Canandalgua, Kochoster, lluHalo and
Nlaeara Falls at 6 10 a m. and 133 D in weolc
r.rrAo( nn nMt rollahlB tinrelv cash com. daYs- I,,or Klmtra at 5 30 p m week days. For
Uirgest ana oldest rename V"'7 C"B ooln Erie and intermediate points at 6 10 a m dally.
last assessed valuation in said borough.
Uy authority of the Town Council,
Pres. of Town Council,
T. J. Coaklbt,
Seo'y of Town Council.
James smith,
Chief Ilurgcss.
May 1C, 1832.
Forth EmerMt Street, Kear Coal,
Slienundoah, l'a.
Of all kinds promptly attended to,
Special attention given to FITTING, &C.
W. E. Smith & Son.
panics represented by
for ltJCK Jiuveiiutotu uuu voau-iuuaii;, uu, 1
nnd 5 30 p ra week days For Renovo at & 10 a I
m, 1 35 aud 6 30 p m week days, and 0 10 a ra on I
Sundays only. For Kane at 6 10 a m, 1 35 p in
Mn n . 1... r, ot L lau.PnaiL J. It. WOOD.
IXU 0. uarain o t, onenunaoaii, ra. i oeo-i Maiigwj Genu Pass g-r ai.
It will pay
uinnt rf
to tend Ba to pay poatoae on our beuutlf ul line of
over 1U0 man-hod aamplea at lowcat price. ,, -
Addreu r, UyOAS V. M Ulh Bt, ITovldoaoo, U. L