H A f i n M W VMHw W In Season ! All kinds of Canned and Bottled Goods Imported and Do mestic Cheese, Fine Groceries, etc., for the summer and pic nic season at Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. SOLID and plated Silver ware. Gold and Silver Watches, Diam6rids, Precious Stone3, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goods, Banquet,Parlor and Piano Lamps,unique in design with 75 and 250 candle power burners. All goods superior in finish and quality with rock bottom prices that withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly at Holdermans Jewelry Store, The most procresslTe establishment In the county. Corner Mam ana Lloyo Streets. Coming Kveuts. Juno 11. Strawberry and lee cream festival, in tho I'. M. church hall, under auspices of ladies Aid of tho P. 21. church. June 13. Strawberry and ico cream festival in Robbins' opera house, under the auspices of tha young people of tho Eng lish Baptist church. Juno 11. Strawberry and ico cream festival, under the auspicos of the Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church, in Rob bins' opera house. July 22. Strawborry and ico cream festival, in Robbins' opera house, under the auspices of Young America Drum Corps. Pronounced Hopeless, Yot Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton. S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on sty Lungs, cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption, four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, deter mined If I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. I gave It a trial, took in all, eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at 0. H. Ha genbuch's drug store, regular size, 60c. and 11.00. llret llarto'n Daughter, Bret Uarto's young daughter, MIsb Jeesamy Harto, will mako her litorary debut in tho July Ladies' Borne Journal with a most entertaining description of "Camp Life in tho Adirondacks," in which it is claimed every evidence shows itsplf of inherited litorary tendencies not unlike those ovidoncod in Bret Harto's earlier work. Miss Ilarte is a girl still in her teens, and has artistic as well as literary proclivities, as one of the illustrations accompanying her first article shows. Call at Holderman's Jewelry Store for quality and quantity. Corner Main and L!oyd etroots. Waters' "Weiss beer is the best. John A. BeiUy sole agent. 6-6-tl Who U tiolug? The Nickol Plate is ofl'ering extremely low rates to Minneapolis. See their agents for particulars. Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the narae-LKSsio &- Co.,l Ashland,- Pa., is printed on every sack, 8-3-8taw YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE! Good horses, nice buggies and responsible drivers are thp. essential things for a pleasant drive, winch can always be had at my stables. 12 and 14 North Pear alley, rear of Luberg's hardware store. Horses taken to board. Undertaking in all its branches attended to with promptness. EYAN J. IAVIKS. Just See What A DOLLAR WILL BUY AtJas. Thomas'. 13 cans of Tomatoes, 19 cans of Peas, IS can ot Ileans, 7 dozen of Lemons, 6H dozen ot Oranges, 23 pounds o! Sugar, C pounds ot Coffee, SO pound ot Jelly. Remember, these are only a few of our prices. Also, have full line ot Green Truck, having Juai returned " Jame Thomat' CHEAP CASH STORE, Coal an 1 Weit (itu. TWO NEW TRAINS. Improved, Train Service on tho Schuylkill Illusion of I'dimjUanm linuronu. Two new trains, which greatly improvo Jho facilities of travel between this city and tho cities of tho Schuylkill Valley, have been added to tho echodulo of tho Schuyl kill Division of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, in effect May 22J. The train now leaving Philadelphia at 11.87 p. m. week-days for Norristown will, on and, after thoi23d Inst, run through to Reading, stopping at all principal intermediate .stations, This will bo a groat convenience to thoso desiring to spend tho ovening in Philadelphia. A new evening train has also boen placod in ser vice between Pottsville and Philadelphia. It will leave Pottsville at 7.05 p. m., Bead ing 8 20 p. m., Pottstown 8.63 p. m., stop ping at all principal stations, and arrive at Philadelphia,' Broad streot station, at 10 0 p. m connecting with tho late trains for New York, Washington, and points In tho West. The present schedule presents tho best service over onjayod by tho residents of thb valley. Of Interest, to Haulers. Geo. O. Richards, coal hauler of. Maha noy City, entered suit at the office of 'Squire Wo. A. Davis, against David Herring, who is employed as a timbor man at Primrose colliery, to recover a claim of $2.75, money earned by hauling coal. The justice istmed an execution against James Wynn, superintendent of Primroso col liery, garnishee, and an attachment of wagos earned. Arguments by tho attorney. for garnishee, ensued as to tho right of the justico to issue an attachment in the caso, but tho justice gave judgment in favor of Richards for tho amount and co ts, on tho ground that the claim was one for wages, and that wages were attachable for wages The superintendent paid the claim and costs. HERB AND THERE. Richard Oleary, of Mahnnoy City, spent last evening in town. Prof. A. O. Schalm, of Pottsville, died yesterday after a week's illness, Bridget, eleven, year old daughter of Jamos McCool, of Jackson's, foil and broke one of her arms. J. C. Bender, of Pottsville, salesman for Wanaraakor & Brown, clothiers of Phila delphia, was in town taking ordors to-day. The Wnite-"Wstson four.round contest came off at St Clair last night, but was stopped by the authorities in the third round. It is said the men will have an other "go," to decide tho numerous sido bets. , When Traveling i . i. . i Whother on pleasure bent, orbusinoss, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup oi Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ' effec tively on the, kidneys. Jiver and bowels! preventing fevers, headachos and other forms of sickness. For sale in 60 cents and fl bottles by all loading druggists. 1 When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla. when she was a Child, sho cried for Castorla. . When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she bod Children, she gave them Castorla. UNFAIRLY TREATED. tho Left Hand Insists Sho Is Not Properly Treated. This curious llttlo extract, which reads somewhat lllto a riddle, comes from a letter written by Dr. Franklin to tho American Museum. Tho learned doctor Is speaking on a subject 'about which thero is a great diversity of opinion. Ho is arguing tho causo of tho left band, and contends that sho Is, entitled to equal consideration with tha right That sho ought to bo equaUy instructed, In order that If anything should happen to ner sistorj sho might bo as competent for useful employment as the right would bo If deprived of tho assistance ofUioloft "Thero nro two sisters of us, and tho two' eyes of man do not resemble, nor are capable of belnc on better terms with each other than' my sister and toy mI .J,i' 11. . r r. uuw iu. uiiu ijuruauty oi our parents', who make the1 most injurious distinctions between us. From my. .In fancy I have been led to .consider my sister as a being of more elevated rankv Nothing was spared In her education, while I was suffered to grow up without the least instruction. She had masters to teach her writing, drawing and other accomplishments; but If by chance I touched a pencil, a pen, or a needlo, I was bitterly rebuked, and moro than onco I have been beaten for being awk ward and wanting a graceful manner. It Is true my sister 'associated imp with her upon some occasions, but she always made a point of taking tho lead, calling upon mo only from necessity, or to figure ot her Bide." But in splta, of Dr. Franklin's argu ment, tho left hand has nover vet taken equal placo with tho right, and, for many reasons, It seems hardly probable mat aoo ever will Good Looka Good looks are more than skin deep, do pending upon a healthy condition of all tho vital organs. If tha Liver be inactive, yon have a Bilious Look, if your stomach be disordered you have a Dyspeptio look, and if your Kidneys bo affected you hava a pinched look. Secure good health and yo will have good looks. Electrlo Bitters is the great alterative and Tonio acts dl rectly on these vital organs. Cures, Pimples, Blotches. Boils and gives a good complexion, Sold at O. II. Hagenbuch'i Drug Store, 60c. per bottle. .Mliincnnnlls. . , . Tha Niekel Plato often Hi rmlrnnn mpf-lnl rates to the Republican Convention .from june Jittotiin. Spectacles, ' to suit all eyes, at F. Portz'i book and stationary store. 4 28 Fine photos, CQc. per dozen.at Kwgej's WANTS. &o. LOT RIt S"ALE. A very desirable lot, 30x 140 feet, on East Coal street. Apply at meiuld office; 4-88-tf IpOIt JtENT. I.odgo room, nicely furnished; also two offices. In post offlco building. Appiy 10 i. uouDins, i'ousvmc. d-io-ii T DST. On tho 28th Inst., a flftv-dollarblll, JD A liberal rpward will be paid for tho return oi inu samo 10 mo iu;ii aiu omcc. DESIISAI1LE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tho Cather property,, on West Oak street, for sale. Will bo sold whole or In parts to suit purtuusur. iippiy ua iuu premises. i-is-va r?OR SALE. A deslrablo hotel, with all thb 2d and Ogdcn streets. Apply to J. J. Mfr Latfchlih. J. P.. 2d street. nfrardirtlliv Pn. S-21'tf f "IT7ANTED. Hv II rcsmpctuhln mMdlfl-nfM VV lady, a situation as house-keeper. Iter fcrences given If requested. Apply at the rcsiuum.'u ui jura. Williams, iNO. -ll wesi E STRAYED. From tho premises of ilikd Lord, of Huckleberry alley, a red cow with a white breast and white hind legs. Points of horns turned In. Big scar on left side, llcli and chain on neck. Reward oft3 for return. ' O-Ol'Ob EOR SALE. 15 acres of valuable farm land under cultivation, in East Brunswick Townshln. adlolnlnir l.ihds of Peter Andrews andMathlasS. Richards. Cheap for cash on easy terms. Also desirable real estate in Shenandoah and Palo Alto. Address. M. M. Burke, Shenandoah. Pa. 5-28-tf TTT ANTED HnneRt. priprirpfif. tnon insnltHt vt p. . salary to men who can leave home and work nt,n fn. n-ma nn.1 . 1 . Tl ri Chaso & Co., H30 S, Penn St., Philadelphia, Pa. u-i-im-eou TOTICE. Letters of administration on the Xl estate of John H. Evans, late of the borough of Shenandoah, countv of SetinrlVill and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Noah J. Owens, ot said borough of Shenandoah, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known tho same without delay. AOAII J. UWENS, 5-28-oaw-flw Administrator. NOTICE. Notice to Justices of the Peace, Constables, and tho public : Hereafter the Steward of .the Hchuylkill County Alms house will pay no constable or deputy for bringing any person not lnsano or not entirely hellllCSS to this Institution. Cur fnrn nil by Justices of the Peace, In cases of necessity, lili 1WIUUULU. THOMAS J.TIUCEY, JOHN HEROAN, ROBEKT EllLING, , . Board of Poor Directors. Schuylkill County Almshonse, June 1, lew. 8-3-6t AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY or com mission, to handle the new Patent Cheml- tui iuk urusing i-uncii. i no quickest and great est selling novelty ever produced. Erases ink thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of paper. Works liko magic. 200 to 600 per cent, profit. Ono agent's sales amounted to fE0 in six days. Another $32 in tvo hours. Previous experience not necessarv. For terms nnr fnii particulars, address Tho Monroe Mf'g Co., La Crosse, Wis. X139 5-21-lv A hat that is not stylish iswsithlf&s. Thero are a thousand reasons woy you should not wear It, and not one reason why you should. It usu ally costs as much as a stylish hit. and Is not worth a fraction of the monev. When vou tuv a hat buy a good one, and If you really want a good one, try our 12 hat. It will till the bill. i no same can ue saia oi our iseckwear a line tie for 20c. anv stvle. htrnw hats from ha up to Jl.fiO. Nice Hue of summer shirts at 23cs a big drivo In boys' waists from 20c to 60os large line of trunks and valises at lowest price; big bar gains in overalls anu coais ai ig South Main St., Shenandoah. 'tHioputsuoqs '103JIS uipjof mnos ics poipnos -83CUOJ) wl Jnoi jononiodv 'SJjDdpy aA0$ Jo puiy AjeAj UilOD AlOiq 10UUB0 PUI41 cojl rfauiuiifQ issg oij; - - 'Buumdaypoy uij 'SufUoj jooy 'uix Suynods'pw Suljooy uij PUBLIC NOTICE I The public are hereby notified that the fol lowing provision of tho Borough Ordinance will bo strictly enforced: ORDINANCE XVII. SECTION 4. That durlnc tho mftnths nf June. July, August and September of every year no dog nor bitch shall lawfully go at largo within tuu uuruuuu ui Bucuanuoun, unless Bucn uog or bitch shall have a strong muzzle or shield ot wire securely fastened over the noao of such dog or bitch. SO ns to prevent GfTeetimllv nnv injury from biting; and any bitch or dos running at large In viola- UU" UI IW piUVIBlUWB Ul IU1S Ht'UllOn SU&U DB disposed of us provided in section three (3) of this ordlnanco. Section three (3) provides: That such dogs "shall bo Immediately taken and impounded; by tho High Constable for a period of time not more than three days: duo notice belnz aiven to the owner if he can be found, una ft not then rcdeemod by the owners or owner, by the payment of tho tax, (one dollar for each dog and two dollars for each bitch), and a fee of fifty couts additional for expenses Incurred, such dogs or bitches bhall then bo killed and uurieu. JAMES SMITH. Chief Burgess. ANTHONY FLYNN, High Constable Shenandoah, Pa., June 1, UW, ELECTKIC" (John McNeil's old stund) East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The.Jlnest, purest and best Beers, liQuors, 1 ne place bad been entirely renovated and Im proved, i'olue utteutlon and honorable treat r. j. mui.nou.ANn. jyj S. KISTLER, M. D., rUYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Offlce-lSO N. Jardln street, Shenandoah, Pa i i r', i . i 'i i J I t.t". SPECIAL SALE 25c: "VVe have just placed in our store a large refrigerator, at . great expense, in order to han dle Butter and Eggs, and all kinds of Green and Smoked Meats. By this arrangement our ' patrons may feel assured that when they purchase these goods from us that they will always be strictly fresh. BEST MADE CLOTHING IN PHILA. There is as much deception in Cloth ing as in horses ; neither should be purchased without a thorough exami nation. In.our windows this week we dis play' a .line range of Gray Worsted Suite, made of foreign and domestlo cloth, with prices plainly marked on each astonishingly low. More Hats and Caps for Boj-b arid Children just lndalnty headgear for little money. A, C. YATES & GO,, Corner 13thaid Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. M. P, Gonry's Saloon, ' .31 South Main Street, Neaft'to the First National Bank, forrroshheer, .porter, alea and tcnipcranco drinks. Boarding by the Day, Week or Month, MANN'S RESTAURANT, 104 South Main St., Shenandoah. Finest Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars in Slock. Fresh Beer, Ale and Porter. Hoarders kept by tho day or week at reason' able rateu. ELLIS,, The Tinsmith and Store Dealer, has removed to the Cor. ot Cciitre and Jnrcliu BtH', Where he will he pleased to meet all his old as weu as many new customers as possiuie. Good work; fair price. Rooting and B pouting neatly done. H. J, H'GUIEE'S Sporting and Musical Resort ! Second St., GIRAKDVILLE. Best Wines, Liquors, Beers, Ales and finest uruyua 01 vnttra always on nana. . t We are now .offering- our patrons a genuine bargain in ,lhe.hapeof a Qlass Oil' Can, encased in wood fibre jacket, filled with onegaljon' of oil, for the extreme low price of 50c. "We are constantly adding to our already large stock of Groceries, Canned Goods, etc., and are selling them at r6i trsiEi Heady-Pay .-.vtj m 1 South Main Street, . SHENANDOAH. . ... CARPET REDUCED: "ORUSSELB from 60o up. Table and , .Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums from 25o up. Window Shades, Rugs, ' ' Matts,Curtaln Poles, etc., at low prices. The best line of Lace Curtains ever shown In town from $1.00 a pair up. - i i T T PT?TP17'Q OLD RELIABLE U U JL JLVXvjJLj O, north main street. flw warn Xhrjrest Assortiucnt. LATEST STYLES I Our Prices were niier equalled before. We sell carriages cheaper than In Philadelphia or elsewhere. , we have a full line of Heywood Carriages, and can furnish you any style for less than you Can Buy at the Factory. Call and see for yourself. We mean lust what we say. Our prices will surprise you. T. P. WILLIAMS & SON, No, 8 South Main Street, GEO. W. HASSLER, 108 North Jardln Street, SHENANDOAH, PA., House Painter and Paper Hanger. All work executed promptly and at reasonable rates. Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed, as none but Unit class workmen are employed, WALL PAPER FOR SALE! At retail or In Jobbers' lots. 3D- W. WILDB, , : ptiMJlllIH- , - Sruslcal Instruments,' SHEET MUSIC AND STATIONERY, The finest goods in the market at the lowest prices. All new goods. Cor, Lloyd and Jardin Sit., Sfitnandoah, Pa, pr-1 r. PRICES 1 the Heywood A FIfflSHOW If you want to tee a tine display ot Boots ana Bhoes, goto W. S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller'a old stand,) corner coal aud Jardtu Hts. Custom Work and UcpalrJuK Done In the best style, - OHRIS. BOSSLER'S' SALOON AND RESTAURANT 261 N. Main St., Shenandoah. The Finest Slock of Been, Ales, Cig&n, Se.