Both tlio method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho tosto, and acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constination. Svrun of F'ibb is the omy remeuy ot its mna over pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the moat healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it prbmptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, K1 NEW YORK, N.Y. Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc Removes and Prevents Dandruff. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP, Specially Adapted for Hard Water. Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies OB Other Clicmicals are used in the preparation ot W. BAKER & CO.'S BreakfastGocoa tvhlch it abtoluteli pure and soluble. It has more than three timet the strenath ot Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or 1 Sucrar. and ia far more pro. nomicai, coiuny use man one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easily DIGESTED. Sold tirCrorera eTerprhtrt.t iW. BAKES & CO., Dorchester, Mais. SHILOH'S r CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc cessfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for It will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price locts., so cts. and $t.oo. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Blaster, Price 25 cts. For sale by 0. H, Hagenbuch, niinTlint" We, the undersigned, were rlllr I I In I" entirely cured of rupture by U I I U 1 1 L Br, j, 15, Mayer. H31 Arch Ht., Philadelphia, Pa., 8. Jones Philips, Kenuet Square, Pa.; T. A. Kreltz, Hlntlngtrra, Pa.; E. SI. Hmall, Mount Alto, Pa.; Kev. 8. II. Sher. iner, aunbury.U'n.; O. J. Dellett. 2118. 12th rit.. Heading, Pa.; Wm. Dlx, IS2a Montrose Bt., Philadelphia: 11. L. Itowo. 800 Kim Ht.. Road, lug, Pa.; Ueoree and I'll. Uurkart, 439 Locust lit, Heading, Pa. 8end for circular. Act on a now principle regulate the Uvtr, etomoca sna boweli) through the tuna. Da. Milks' Pojs ipcallli cure LUlotuness, torpid liver and constipa tion. Smallest, tnUdoet, parent I SpclOB03,20,cts. ti&mples free at druiurlstfl. Ur. miei Hei, Co., Kltlufc (ad, J. GALLAGHER. Justice of the Peace, Heal Ettale and Insurance Jjeicji Office Muldoon's Building, Shenandoah, ra MEN WANTED To ttilt A 1'ukUltn Cure for tho effect of clf -abuse, :rl Kxec'M-. imllon.Nertuii llcLllltj, Uuoi Toiler, ImpoUncT, Jto. So .Ifreat U our faith la our Biwlfto w wUlMaa oi. VulOlunlh'. MedlttM Ad Mucli Valuable tr.furmatlon Ht li. Addrroa li. 31. CO., 886 liwaJimr, Ntw Yvrk. mm I ! 1 fl NEW YORK LYNCHING Summary Execution of a Negro Fiend at Port Jervis. THE VILLAGE POLICE POWERLESS. A Mnddoned Mob Takes Dob Lewis, Who Matte nn Assault Upon HI 1st McMalion, From the Jail, mid llangs Illm to ft Tree The Excitement Intense. Port Jervis, N. Y., Juno 8. Port Jervis Is in a state of tho greatest ex citement .still over the lynohlng last night by an excited mob ot a negro named Bob Lewis, a porter of the Dola waro House, on account ot a brutal as sault on Miss Lena McHahon. The crime occurred on the outskirts ot the village, near the banks of Never sink River, shortly after noon. It was witnessed by a number of young girls, who stood about fifty feet away, and also by two young negroes, who would have Interfered in the girl's behalf, but they were kept at bay by a revolver. Aftor the outrage was perpetrated Lewis fled, leaving his victim uncon scious und with injuries which will prove fatal. A posse of men started in pursuit and tracked htm for several miles along the highway as far as the racecourse, where all trace of him was lost. The posse was determined, however, and after much difficulty be was traced to Cuddcnbuckvllle, a Bmall village on the Delaware and Hudson Canal about nine miles from Port Jervis, where he was captured by Sol Carley, Duke Hnr ton and a man named Coleman. The fugitivo had boarded a canal boat at Huguenot and had reached Cuddenbaak ville when Intercepted and taken. On the way back to Port Jervis Lewis confessed the crime and implicated Wil liam Foley, a white man, who he claim ed was in the conspiracy to ruin Miss McMahon. Foley has been paying at tention to tho girl against the wishes of her parents, and the feeling against him is tsuch that should be be taken a fate similar to that which has overtaken Lewis would probably bo meted out to him. News of the capture soon spread through the town, and a large crowd of excited men collected about tho village lockup, uwaiting the arrival ot the prisoner. The words were quietly whispered through the crowd: "Lynoh blmt" Lynch him I" Tho suggestion spread like wildQre, and it was evident that the fate of the prisoner was sealed. On hlB arrival at the lookup he was taken in hand by the mob. The village police endeavored to protect him, but their efforts were unavailing. It was at llrst proposed to have Lewis Identified by his victim before hanging him in or der to make sure that be was the guilty party. With thiB object in view the mob tied a rope around his body and dragged him up Hammond and down Alain street as far as the residence of h. J. Fowler. By this time the passlonB of the mob bad reached a state ot uncontrollable excitement, and It was decided to dis pose ot him without furtber ceremony. A noose was adjusted about his neck and he was strung up to a neighboring tree in the presence of a howling mob of over 1,000 people. For over an hour the body hung sns pended from the tree, where It was viewed by crowds of people. Lewis is about 22 years of age and has resided in Port Jervis about one year. His parents live in Paterson, N. J, One Killed, Twenty Hurt. Rutland, Vt., June 3. In the wreck on the Delaware fii Hudson at Hydeville, conductor wood ot uutlana received in juries trom which he died. His death was caused by a fracture at the base ot the brain. About iil) persons were In jurea, none oi tnem latauy. The en gineer ot the train says that be can not explain the accident. The train was running at its usual rate and the track was comparatively new. Anenio in the DltculU. Little Rock, Ark., June U. A large quantltr of arsenlo lias been found in the biscuits eaten by the Wooten family and tbelr boarders, by which a number of persons were seriously poisoned. The colored cook, Edith Gordon, and her husband have been arrested on suspicion oi caving put tne arsenlo in the biscuits. The latter Is kuown to have boimut Rough on Rats from a druggist ths day betore tee poisoning. To Add Another Member to the Cabinet. Boston, June 3. The directors of the Boston Merchants' Association at meeting yesterday resolved to petition Congress to establish a Department of Trade and Commerce with a Secretary who shall be a member of ths President's Cabinet. A letter was read from Secre tary of State Blaine stating that com merclal reciprocity with Mexico is under consideration by the btate Department. American Victims' Testimony Wanted. Lo.ndos, June 3. The police author! ties have Informed the American Consul ate that in order to Justify the London rjollcu In nroceedlnu airalnst the swindler. William Lord Moore, who has been pro curing money from people in tne united States on the pretext of prosecuting tbelr claims to mythical estates, some of the American victims will have to come over to England as witnesses. Locomotives Ar Dutiable. Washington, D. C, June 3. Acting secretary bpaulding has decided that foreign locomotives used on railroads In the United States, are subject to duty ana nits caned tne attention of tne cus toms officers to the loose practice that has grown up on the frontier because of tne liberal construction heretofore given to tne law. Lllleyuiuu Wus an Kx-Convlcc Dunkirk, June I!. It has been learned that W. M. LUleyman, the book agent Kiueti oy a train on ruesaay, was an ex convict who had sorved twelve years In Auburn Prison. He had been living In l' reaouin lor the past fifteen months. Kriltor John Knox Dunlap Deud. Elizahktu, N. J., June 3. Johu Knox Dunlap, aged 41 years, has Just died at his brother's residence here. For eight years be was telegraph editor on the lloston "Transcript," retiring Jan. 1st sn accqunt ot Ill-health; Highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOIJJYeDf PORE Well Karned. Holer nyler I havo to be very eco nomical, now; I'm on a salary. Jack Lever You mean on allowance one lias to work for a salary. lielen Uh, I havo to work hard enough to get it out of papal Puck. fry ours Ir? Cottoierje." Our Meat, Fish, Oysters, Saratoga Chips, Eggs.Dough. nuts, Vegetables, etc. Like most other people, our f olksjormerly usetl lard for all such purposes. WherTit disagreed with any of the family (which it often did,) we said it was "too rich." We finally tried and not one of us has 'had an attack of "richness" since. We further found that, unlike lard, Cottolene had no un pleasant odor when cooking, and lastly Mother's favorite and conservative cooking au thority came 6ut and gave it a big recommendation which clinched the matter. So that's why we always fry ours in Cottolene. Sold by all grocers. N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICAGO, and 138 N. Delaware Ave., Phi I a. " We Study to Please I " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GROGERY LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK. Pish, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feod, Potatoes, Green Truck, liar and Straw, &c, &o Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store ! (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. ABRAM HEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA., Manufacturers ot $ocietiiJ jooiJ I 01 Every Description. Flags, Badges, Caps, Regalias, &c. WF1NEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES.-B Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited. FOLMER'S Saloon and Restaurant JV'o. IIS N. WHITE STREET. First-class Lager Heer, Ale, Porter and Tem perance Drinks and Cigars. Fine old Wines and Liquors always on hand. II. 0. FOLMER, Prop. Call around and extend a pleaattnt hour. Restaurant Cor. Main and Coal Sts., Shenandoah, Pa. Regular meals at popular prices served at nil times. Ladles' dlnlne unl re. frosbiueut rooma attach, ed. Bur stocked with the fluent brands o( cigars and fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. COFFEE HOUSE. MRS. CONNICIC IN CHARGE. A SQUARE MEAL AT A NOMINAL MICE, I Everything well cooked and clean. An elab I, orate Dill ot fare dally. Lodgings HDD, CONNICIC, 3 N, UnlU St, OHIT0LE1E Latest U. S. Gov't Report KTcrythlns Has Its Cso. On every horso will bo found, on tho inside of each foreleg, a dry, gray vrart about the slzo of a silver dollar, appar ently of no possible uso. It Is said that when tho weary, overtaxed nnimnl, sweating at every poro and covered with foam, can reach down and rub with his wet nose this always dry, hard substance, ho is Instantly refreshed with on odor like geranium. AT A PLEASANT XT MDRMINO t FFF1 RRlr.UT Ann new nnu my nuiv.rLb.MUN IS BtTTEK. My dewtor sys It ncl.i c'nrly on the stomach, liver and kidneys, i n ! h iilc-v-Kir.t Inxuliv. ThU urlnk Is uiado li rt,-. mid 1 prepared for U6e ns easily ta tea. l'lic.i ! All druggiau stli i; . t ,v . ui4 ler vv nuy one today. i,ancN J-'ninilr Me&U Ine tlovrn tho itor, nc!i da. In order to i dlthy, this i tiw .r M ORDINANCE ! An ordlnanco to provldo for a supply of water for the use of the Inhabitants of the llor ough of Shenandoah, and for the erection and maintenance of works, machinery, en gines and all other necessary apparatus for working, raising, conveying and Introducing into the Borough of Mionandoah nn abund ant supply of pure water for domestic of the Inhabitants and to protout property In sold borough from destruction in case of tire and fixing a time for the holding of a public election In (.aid borough forauthority from tho citizens thereof to increase tho bonded indebtedness for tho purposo afore said. He It ordained by tho Town Council of tho Borough of Shenandoah, and it is hereby op dalned by the authority of tho same. Sec. 1, That tho Borough of Shenandoah shall provldo a supply of pure water for the in habitants of said borough dnd erect and main tain all the works, machinery, engines andother necessary apparatus for the making, raising, conveying and Introducing Into the said borough an abundant supply of puro water, for the pur pose of furnishing and distributing to the in habitants ot the said borough a sufficient sup ply thereof for domestic use and to protect the property therein from destruction by lire, and the said Borough of Shenandoah is hereby uU' thorized to acquire streams of water and ada cent lands and rights of way to carry out the intent of this ordinance. Sec S. That Tuesday, June 11th, 1892. bo fixed as a day for holding a special election In tho said Borough by the qualified electors thereof for authority to Increase tho debt of the Bor ough for the purpose ot providing a supply of ater for tho use of the Inhabitants of said Borough of Shenandoah and the protection ot property In said borough from destruction In case of fire, and said special election shall be held at the regular poling places and by tho election officers In said Borough of Shenandoah in manner provided by law. THOMAS J. JAMES, Prest. Town Council, JAMES BMITH, Chief Burgess, Attest- T.J C04KLEV, Secrotary Town Council, FREE EYE 3HHI EXAMINATIONS I Our BYE SPECIALIST Will bo in SHENANDOAH, OK WEDNESDAY, JUNE Sib, JIT THE FERGUSON HOUSE, Prom 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Persons who have headache or w hose eyes are causing discomfort should call upon our spec ialist, and they will receive intelligent nndskill ful attention. NO CHARGE to examine your eyes. Every pair of glasses ordered is guaran teed to be satisfactory. CXJDEI3E33Sr cto OO., Oculists and Opticians, 1010 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. M. A. HEFNER, 8 North Jardm St, Shenandoah. WAGONS mid CARRIAGES In all the latost styles, of the finest mako and best finish in the world for the monoy, manu factured by the Cook Wagon Company. orSEND FOR CATALOGUE; COMBINATION BAFETIEtf, vitb KubtwrXln utw uumiu, bi iw af. m-roM run. rur lM-Wb.lkfi,HrU' frlOCi.. ' HHMt, VUewlcjiy 11U Ui.. bt klnah rienu' Of) Oft. . 1R Ou BUHacft imuof rMoiiMtts, H-uen Tint i"i yu vi Ei G. MEACHAM ARMS CO.. ST. L0UIS.M9 p M.HAMILTON, M.I)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Odce-sa West Lloyd Btreet. Bhenancos) Pa. THE NE ON GETTYSBURG'S FIELD Dedication of the High Water Mark Monument. MANY DISTINGUISHED VISITORS Governor l'uttlson Present With Large Party The President Cnitble to Attend Ex-Governor Ileuver the Orntor De scription uf the Monument. Q ETTTsnuito, Pa., June 8. Tho High Water Mark Monumeiit was dedicated here yesterday afternoon in the presence of an Immense throng largely composed ot Union veterans, in which the First, Second, Third, Fifth, Sixth, Eleventh I and Tvvel fth Army Corps, as woll as the artillery and cavalry, were well repre sented, together with the representa tives of tho Army ot the Potomac, the executives of this and adjacent States and others. Gov. Pattlson and party, numbering 200 persons, arrived early. Among the party were Mrs. Pattlson, Major-Oeueral Snowden, CoL Austin Curtin, Col. Charles Qreon and the members ot the Supreme Court, Captain Booth ot the United States Army, CoL Chambers McKibbln, Adjt.-Qen. -Greenland nnd staff, Private Secretary Tate and Quar termaster McClellan. Immediately upon the arrival the Governor and party wero taken to the High Water Mark Monument. President Harrison was expected, but Col. Iiachelder received a telegram in the morning from Private Secretary Hal ford, saying it President Harrison found it impossible to attond the dedi cation. Tho Marine Band, however, ar rived at noon. The exercises at the monument began at 1 o'olock. Rev. H. W. McKnight, ot the Pennsylvania Col lege, opened with prayer. Hon. Edward McPherson extended a welcome to the battlefield. Col. Bacheldcr told why the copse of trees was called the High Water Mark. Samuel M. Swope, of Gettysburg, un veiled and presented the monument to tho Memorial Association, and John M. Vunderslico, ot Philadelphia, received It. Ex-Gov. James A. Beaver delivered tho oration und James Jeffrey Roche, of Boston, read tho poem. Short addresses were also made by Gens. Schoflokl, Slo cum, Webb and Veasey and other prom inent military men. The High Water Mark Monument con sists of a broad marble pedestal, flanked on either side by o.innnn and surmount ed by a great open book of bronze, tho left page of which gives tho Dames of Confederate commanders involved ln that grand, mad charge, and on the right the numes of the commanders of tho Federal regiments which met, dis persed aud annihilated the enemy. Near by U a small monument that marks the spot whore Captain Andrew Cowan put his New York battery from tho Sixth Corps when the one that pre viously held the point hod been dis abled. In the fight Captain Cowan lost nil his commissioned and nou-oommls-sioned ofHoers and had to serve a gun himself. The monumont bears sn in scription that tells significantly what a "hell corner" It was during the charge of Pickett; "Double canister at ten yards." In all 670 monuments have been erected by the various States in honor ot their citizens who fought there. A POOR WOMAN'S GOOD FORTUNE. Now Wealthy, After Living in Want For Vears at l'asealc, . J. Passaic, N. J., June 3. Mrs. Gertrudo Kessler, a widow, who has been a charge upon the good women ot the Baptist Church tor years, and lived in an hum ble room on the top floor ot a Passaic tenement, has Just received a call from her brother, Andrew Kessler, whom she had supposed to be dead these twenty five years. Andrew brought the news that an other brother, Henry Kessler, who had died a year ago at Cleveland, had left 77,000 to be divided between them. Gertrude Kessler came to America from Germany thlrty-slx years ago. Her parents died and her brothers dls appeared. Then she married a man named Kessler, who was, however, no relative. He died some years ago. She has had a hard struggle with poverty, now happily terminated. Will Not Make an Investigation. Washington, June 8. The Press Com mittee in the case ot James R. Young, late Executive Clerk ot the Senate, and a brother correspondent, have decided that they have no jurisdiction In the case. Upon inquiry Into the charges that Mr. Young had been derelict in his duties as an officer in the Senate by making nublb executive business, the committee say all correspondents deny receiving such information from him. The committee, therefore, believe the charges unfounded, and decide an in vestigation Impolitic. A Thousand 3ten Ont of Work. PiTTSEuno, Pa., June b. An explosion of chemicals occurred iu the mixing de partment ot the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company, at Crelghton station, during the morning. The building burned rapidly, and within an hour the plant was almost entirely destroyed. The loss is estimated at from $50,000 to $o0,000. with an Insurance of $10,000. One thousand men will be thrown out ot em ployment until the works are rebuilt. Maisnchuietts Prohibitionist!. Worcester, Mass., June 3. The Pro hibitionist State convention yesterday nominated Wolcott Hamlin ot Amherst for Governor, Edward Kendall ot Cam bridge tor Lleut,eiittUt Governor, Samuel B. Shapleigh ot Boston tor Secretary of State, Robert V. Raymond of New Bed ford for Attorney General, W. D. Farn ham, Jr., ot Somervtlle for Treasurer, Alfred R. Evans ot Ashburnhaci for Au ditor. A Nuted Athlete Mead. Pottsvillk, Pa., June 8. Prof. A. O. Schalm, Instructor ot athletics for the Pottsville Y M. C. A., is dead, aftor an illness of five days caused by too violent exercise in his profession. Yachtsmen Invited to the Fair. Cuioaqo, June 8. The Executive Com mittee at Its meeting passed a resolution suggested by Collector of Customs John M. Clark inviting yachtsmen to visit the Fair with their boats. We Can't do it but aro willing to pay for learning how to mako ns good nn articlo as Wolff's Acme Blackinu of cheap material so that a retailer can profitably sell it ot 10c. Our price is 20c. Tho retailer says tho publio will not pay It. Wo say tho public will, becauso tliey will always pay a fair prico for a good article. To show both tho trade nnd tho public that wo want to givo them tho beet lor tho least money, wo will pay Reward For above, information ; this offer is opca until January 1st, lh93. WOLFI1 & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Pik-Ron Is tho nnmo of a paint which aoos work that no other pnlnt can do. Aeio wood painted with it looks like the nnlurat wood when It Is stained nnd varnished. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS will find it profitable to investigate. All paint stores sell It. Outfit that very properly contains a supply ol Root Beer which adds to the enjoyment of all the other dainties, and makes a picnic a picnic indeed. A 25 cent package makes $ gallons of this very popular beverage. Don'l be deceived if a dealer, fcr the sake of larger profit, tells you some other kind s 'just as good lis false. No Imitation Is as good as the genuine Hums'. E-JS-PIlESElNrT V trf Ji -?n -ra t.! -r! . Beautiful book containing the latest vocal mu sic. full sheet-music plates, handsome cover, In ciuaing mo lonowing gums, unauriugea: Afterwards. 40 I've Worked 8 Hours, 40 Ilaby's Fast Asleep 40 I Whistle and Walt, 40 Comrades. 50 Tjovh's Golden Droam 40 God Bless Our Land 25 Old Organ lllower, 40 to, i-reuy uose, mi uur L.asi waltz 4U Guard the Flag, 40 Over the Moonlit Sea, 40 In Old Madrid, 60 Sweet Katie Connor, 40 Mary and John, 40 That is Love. 43 We give this book to Introduce to you KRDUT'S BAKING POWDER And KitoCT's Flavoring Exthaots, Vn.mrpa.wd for PURITY and STRENGTH Your grocer will give you a circular contain ing additional Premium List with full particu lars how to got them frco. ALBERT ERODT, Chemist, Phila. IEWIS' 98 LYE (patented) TheffrtMffmaQlfurMf Lj-cmade. TnUkt other Lye, it Wing ft floe roler and ackl in a can with removable Hi, the contenti ar atwaj-i ready for u;. Will make thi bttt por rorae4 Hart Soap la TOinloawt vithoutboillxo. IT IS THE BEST for cleanilng wane pipe, dli inflating atnks, eloseti, a thing buttle, palntf, trees, etc, PKNNA. SALT M'F'G CO. Geu. Agi8..Pmia.tPa. Shenandoah Business College A Lnrg;e Attendance Dally. Room for a Few More. Tako advantage ot the present chance to secure a GOOD BUSINESS EDUCATION I For terms, &c, call at the College or address, W. J. SOLLY, Shenandoah. Pa. JOHN R. COYLE, Attorney-at-Law and Real Estale Agent, Office lleddall's Building, Shenandoah, Pa. VIGOR OF MEN EASILY, QUICKLY, PERMANENTLY RESTORED cL,iu, .NerTonanfMa, HcbUItr, and Tllaftoa am trrora r Later xcei, the reeslu ef rerwork. tchUMi, worry, eio. Full uenrifa, development aal ua given to tverj ortao and portion r Uu bodr. BJisrle, nataral njethoja. InitnuliaW tmruTtmeijl Vailart lmpoMtbU. 11.00 per boat etoiM for A(0. Written caaraDte to ewa vita ere j- ili boiee, rt-fmeMi. Bend ataop fcr booA. Mr-lacttinos and proof, eealed. Adinm, CITY iuX'iU&L 00 FblUdelphU, !. Xm. SANDEN'S ELECTRIC BELT UTCST PATENTS BEST IMPROVEMENTS. WITH EUCTRI MAQKET1C SUSPENSQU, Will anr without medtetna all Wealnaat rtwltlof from virtaaatloo of train, seiTa foreti, aiceuee or Indite rtUdo. a teiual txbanitlon, draloe, loetti, oeiveue dabilllt, aleep Uiioeea. languor. ibeucoatUm, kidney, llrer and bladder com rialnti.laict baek, lomcM". elatlea, geneial tllbaalth, eta. Thli electric bolt eontalna ttonderM iMproieaietite over aU other, and civet a turret that l loitantl felt f thi voire r or forfeit ft,UOU.OO, and will Cora all of the above dlee eea or bo par. Tboueande bare ben euro 4 y ttl tnervelouo Invention after U other remedial failed, and wo giro ban drcdeof tiMlmontale In tbliandorerr other atate One powtrfol Improved HKlTItfC 61 tPt.SMRY ! lb f reeled toon .'er offered weak men, (Kbit M ITIULL DfcXTM. llealtb aod t.rorouo Mrtnttb (.lAlUMtUi UIOUN DiY&. Bend for large Illustrated jejopbtete, eeaW&, frwe by mall. Jtddreii SAivsjnir nMOfrmo cjo, . NO.OIO arondwoy, HEW YORK Hires'