In Season ! I , L - All kinds of Canned and Bottled Goods, Imported and Do mestic Cheese, Fine Groceries, etc., for the summer and pic nic season at Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. SOLID and plated Silver ware, Gold and Silver Watches, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goods, Banquet.Parlor and Piano LampSjUnique in design with 75 and 250 candle power burners. All goods superior in finish and quality with rock bottom prices that withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly at Holdermans Jewelry Store, The most progress ive establishment lu the county. Corner Main ana Lloya Streets. Coming Kvents, June 11. Strawberry and iso cream festival, in the P. Al. church hall, under auspices of Ladies Aid of the F. 31 church. June 13. Strawberry and ice cream festival in Robbins' opera house, under the auspices of the young people of tho Eng lish Baptist church. Juno 14. Strawberry and ice cresm festival, under tho auspicos of tho Ladies' Aid Society of tho 31. E. church, in Kob bins1 opera house July 22. Strawborry and ico cream festival, in Bobbins' opera house, under the auspices of Young America Drum Corps. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton. S. D we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally termi nated in Consumption, four doctors gave me up.eaying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, deter mined if I could not stay with my triends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds.' I gave it a trial, took in all, eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a woll and hearty woman." Trial bottles freo at 0. H. Ha' genbuch's drug store, regular size, 60c. and 91.00. Conference ut Dmilmrds. Agents of tho Nickel Plato are authorized to soil excursion tickets to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, from May 30th to Juno Gtb, inclus ive, at special rate, thus affording its patrons a splendid opportunity to visit thoir friends in the West When Baby was rick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Cos tori. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough at once. Who Is Going? Tho Nickol Plato is offering oxtromely low rates to Minneapolis. Soo their agents for particulars. Buy Keystone flour, name Lessio & Co., printed on every sack. Be euro that the Ashland, Pa., is 3.3-8taw YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE I Good horses,' nice buggies and responsible drivers are the fisspn-tin.1 tliitirrc fnr a tilR.isn.rit f, x drive, which can always be had at my stables, v& and 14 JNorth Pear alley, rear of Luberg's hardware store. Horses taken to board. Undertaking in all l 1 J 1 1 j I 4 its orancnes attenueu to witn promptness. EYAN J. AYIBS. Just See What A DOLLAR WILL BUY AtJas. Thomas'. 13 cans of Tomatoes, 19 cans of lleans, bii dozen of Oranges, . 6 pounds of Coffee, IS cans of Peas, T dozen of Lemons, 2 pounds of Sugar, 30 pounds of Jelly. Remember, these aro only a few of our prices. Also, have full line of Green Truck, having Just roturned from tho city. Jame Thomai' CHEAP CASH STORE, Coal and Went 8(8. VIINUKKKUMADAJI O C1YDY.MIIKISII.AD Ar Yr Ynmdawecllc Tniwd John II. Kvniu Aclod o Ojrrlnfii Lliincrch YrKwiirllhlf 11 Unlit Y Owlrlfoimld Aincrlcnimldd. Yn gymnlnt ag lr Duw yr hwn ag y mao Anadl pod dyn byw yn ci law, au holl Jlyrdd yn clddo Iddo. Ynel ddoeth rhaglunlaeth. Bymud y flyddlon an banwyl frawd John II. Evans. Pendcrfynwyd yn gyntaf. Eln bod ynymostwng 1 drofn ddoeth y Pen-Lly wydd mawr cr lr orueh wyllacth hon eln suddo fel Cyfrinfa 1 alar dwys a phrofedigarth lem trwy gymeryd o'n plith yn yr awr In thyblem ir byd ysbrydol, y llyfarus ar ffyddlon frawd John 11. Evans. 2. Eln bod yn datgan eln colled drom ar ol person oedd mor hyddgsg yn rhcolau ac egwyddorion Ivorlaeth. Ac un a fu mor ymdrcchgar 1 godi a gwasanacthu y Gyfrlnfa ag sydd wcdl gwneyd dalonl anracthol 1 laweroedd. 3. Eln bod fcl cymdelthas yn ofidus oherwydd colli cymydog tawel. heddychol. A charedlg a pharod 1 wmeyd dalonl 1 bawb. i. Eln bod yn datgan eln cydymdclmlad dwysiaf a teulu cin ymadawedlg frawd, yn gystal ar holl, yn el profedlgaeth ddofn au galar trwmjpresenol, Gan el cyflwyno yn eln Dyuiunladau 1 ofal. Yr hwn sydd fiynonell pob cyswron yn mhob amgylchradau dyrus y byd hwn. 5. Fod Frcinlen Cyfrinfa Llancrch YjEwlgyn cael el gorchuddlo a Galar-Wig am 80 dlwrnod yn arwydd o alar ar ol gmadawedlg frawd John II. Evans. 0. Fod Copl o'r Penderfyjiiadau hyn, cael el cytlwyno lr teulu, ae el cyhoeddl yn y Drych, ar Herald ac ci cofnodl ar gofnodlon y Gyfrlnfa. D. O. PmicnAiiD, Joiin E. Davis, Jons J. Phillips, Pwyllgor, TWO NEW TRAINS. Iinprcncd Train Service on the Schiij'Iklll Dhlsluu uf Pennsylvania ItiillruuU. Two now trains, which greatly improve tho facilities of travel between this city and the cities of the Schuylkill Valley, have boon added to tho schedule of the Schuyl kill Division of the Pennsylvania Ruilroad, in effect May 22J. The train now leaving Philadelphia at 11 3" p. m. waek-dnys for Norristown will, on and after tho 23d inst, run thnugh to Reading, stopping at all principal inlormedinte stations, This will be a great convenience to those desiring to spend tho evening in Philadelphia. Anew evening train bos also besn plucod in ser vice betweon Pottsvillo and Philadelphia. It will leave PotUville at 7 03 p. in., Read ing 8 20 p. m., Pottstowu 8 63 p. m., stop ping at all principal stations, and arrive at Philadelphia, Broad street station, at 10 20 ,p. m connecting with tbo lute trains fur Now York, Washington, and points in the West. The present schedule presents the best service evor er joyed by tho residents i f the valley. Tbt of EOKlHh Army Nurses. Tho best-paid nnd tho moat-songh't. for employment in England U that of finny nurse. There aro threo ranks of these nurses and they aro under tho control of tho war offloo. Tho clnalfl- cation 1 lady superintendents, senior nursintr sisters and nursuur Bisters. The lady superintendents are stationed nt mllitmxy hospitals. Their pay Is bit hundred dollars a year, Increasing; by flfty dollars a year to ono thousand dol lars. The wages of a nurslnff sister are one hundred and fifty dollars a year, in- firo-ucIntT TitTr flnllnrs n. vreir until ! 'ton hundred and flftv dollars is reached, A senior nnrsinp; sister has ono hundred HoLhirs luidltlonnL Thev are snrmuod i with free quarters, fuel, light, and got an allowance for clothing, board and lodging. At the ago of sixty they are retired on pensions. No applicant is admitted under the ago of twenty-fiva and without threo years ccsporienco in 1 hospital nursintr. Father l)ucoy' Washington Visit. Wasiiinqton, June 1. The Rev, Fath er Thomas A. Ducey of New York, who married James G. Blaine, jr., and Marie Kevins, nnd whose vialt to this city caused quite a stir in political cir cles, has Roue to Baltimore. Father Ducey's visit, it is said, was tie result of the friendly omces ol secretary l kins, and through his intervention the publication of yoitiiif Blaine's letters to his wife have been suppressed. Father Ducey's visit to Baltimore is said to be to consult with the church authorities regarding the matter. Two llurned In a Furnace. Pittsbuko, June 1. Andrew Ludwlg and Peter Whalen, laborers at the Ed gar Toinson Stee Works, wero badly burned yesterday by gas and metal from the blow pipe of the furnace. Both men are badly burned about the arms and body. They were brought to this city and taken to the Mercy UofuI- tal. Ludwlg may die. Soiled for Itelng Undervalued. IIartfokd, Conn., June 1. The Col lector of Customs at Westnsld, Mass., has seized the noted stallion Perfection recently imported from Nova Scotia on the ground of undervaluation. His Talus in tho customs entry was placed at tlOO, whereas it is said the horse is worth very much more. l.outlunu Senatorial Contest. Baton Rouqe, La., June 1, The Louisiana Senatorial contest has not yet been deolded. The vote on joint ballot yesterday was as follows! Jones, 39; Adams, 20; Gibson, 24; CatTery, 17; Blanchard, 11; Boargram, 4; Mahoney, 1; Murphy, 1; Foster, 1. Tho West Shore Ticket Conspiracy Cass. Neweurqu, N. Y., June 1. Recorder McCreskey bos held Qiloply, Pender and Horton iu $500 bail to await the actlou of the Grand Jury In the West Shore ticket conspiracy case. Good Looks. Good looki are more than tkln (loop, de pending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organa. If the Liver be Inactive, you have a Bilious Look, if your stomach bo disordered you have a Dyipoptlo look; and If your Kidneys be affected you have a pinched look. Secure good health and yon will have good looks. Klectrlo Bitten Is the great alterative and Tonlo acts dl rectly on these vital organs. Cures IMinplei, Blotches, Boils and gives a good complexion, Sold at O, II. Usgeobuch'i Drug Store, 60c. per bottle. Fine photsi, COc. per dozen, at Ecagej'i. All Seats Taken. Tho chart openod Tuesday morning for the sale of rcsorvod seats at tbo commence ment exorcises Friday evening has been laid upon tho shelf. 'Every seat down stairs has been fold. There aro still loft a low dosirablo Beats for Thursday night. Waters' Weiss boor is tho best. Koilly sole agent. John A. 5-5-tt Call .at Holder-man's Jewelry Store for quality and quantity. Corner Main and Lloyd streots. WANTS, 5&o. LOT FOK SALE. A very no feet, on East Coal IlEltALD office. desirable lot. 30x street. AIJlIat IJiOR KENT. Lodgo room, nicely furnished; ; also two offices. In post office building. Apply to i. liODDins, i'ousviue. o-iu-u T OST. On tho 28th inst., a flftv-dollar bill. XJ A liberal reward will be naid for tho return of the same to tho Herald office. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The Cather property, on West Oak street, lor sale. Will be sold whole or In parts to suit purchaser. Apply on the premises. 4-15-93 I70R SALE. A desirable hotel, with all the 1; modern improvements, situated on cor. 2d nnd Ogden streets. Apply to J. J. Mc ii street, Girardvllle, P". 5-21-tf Laughlln, J. LOST. Between town and Turkey Run. a silver, single caso watch, stem winder and stem setter. Finder will please return same to tho Herald office. 6-l-ltD WANTED. A trustworthy, active nnd energetic man or woman to represent us in your section. Liberal compensatfon. Posi tion permanent if trial month is satisfactory. For full particulars addnss Eldred Johnson. Manager, 07 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City. 5-31-lt E STRAYED. From tho premises of Mike Lord, of Huckleberry alley, a red cow with a white breast and white hind legs. Points of horns turned In. Dig scar on left side. Bell and chain on neck. Reward of S3 for return. 5-31-3t EOR SALE. 45 acres of valuablo farm land under cultivation, In East Brunswick Township, adjoining lands of Peter Andrews and Mathlas.S. Richards. Cheap for cash on ensy terms. AIbo desirable real estate In Shenandoah and Palo Alto. Address. M. M. Burke, Shenandoah. Pa. 5-28-tf " ANTED Honest, energetic men to solicit V orders for Nursery Htock ; expenses and salary to men who can leave home and work steady . also commission to local agonts ; write for terms and territory. Address H. G. Chase & Co., 1430 S. Penn St., Philadelphia, Pa. 6-1-lm-cod NOTICE. Letters of administration on tho estate of John 11. Evans, late of the borough of Shenandoah, county of Schuylkill and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been granted to Noah J. Oivens, of said borough of Shenandoah, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, nnd thoMj having claims or demands will mako known tho same without delay. Noah J. Owens, 5-28-oaw-0w Administrator. AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY" or com mission, to handle the new Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The quickest and great est selling novelty ever produced. Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of paper. Works like magic. 200 to 500 per cent, protlt. One agent's sales amounted to 6i0 In six days. Another tS! In two hours. Previous experience not necessary. For terms and full Particulars, address The Monroe Mf'g Co.. La rossc, Wis. X439 5-Sl-ly SPECIAL v unnii 11 IV I Notice Is hereby given that the electors of the Borough of Shenandoah, county of Schuyl kill, and state of Pennsylvania, will meet at "" '. i-"", - their respective polling places on Tuesday, June 14th, A. D, 1803, between the hours of 7 o'clock a. m. and To'clock p. m., at which time and nlaco the said electors shall vote as to whether or not assent or authority Bhall be given to an Increase of tbo Indebtedness of tho said Borough for tho purpose of providing a suppiy 0t water for the use of tho inhabitants of said Borough of Shenandoah, and the pro tection of property In said borough from destruction in caso of lire. Said electors shall voto "debt may be increased" or "no lncrcaso of debt," as provided by tho Act of Assembly of sild Commonwealth, approved 30tb day of April, A. D. 1871, entitled "An Act to regulate tho manner of increasing the indebtedness of municipalities, etc.," and the supplements and amendments thereto. The said electors will meet In their several wards as follows Those of the First ward, at the public houso ot James Shields, Those of tho Second ward, at the public house of J. K. P. Schlefly. Those of tho Third ward, at tho public bouse of Israel II. Carl. Those of the Fourth ward, at the public house of Peter Hlloy. Those of the Fifth ward, at the publlo houso ot Henry Muldoon. ANTHONY FLYNN, Ilijrli Constable. Shenandoah, Pa., June 1, 1893. PUBLIC NOTICE ! Tho public aro hereby notified that tho fol lowing provision of tho Horough Ordlnanco will be strictly enforced: ORDINANCE XVII. Section 4. That during tho months of June, July, August and September of every year no dog nor hitch shall lawfully go at large within the borough of Shenandoah, unless such dog or hitch shall have a strong muzzle or shield of wire securely fastened over the nose of such dog or bitch, so as to prevent effectually any injury from biting; and anybllch or dog running at large in viola tion ot tho provisions of this section shall he disposed of as provided in section three (3) of mis orainance. Section threo (a) provides: That such dogs ihall be immediately tauen and li 10 Illeh Constablo for a period ot time not more than three days: due notice being given to ino owner u no can do tounu, ana ii not then redeemed by the owners or ow ner. by tho payment of the tax, (one dollar for each dog and two dollars for each bitch), and a fee of nity cents additional ror expenses incurrcu, such dogs or bitches shall then bo Killed ana burled, JAMES SMITH, Chief Ilurgoss. ANTHONY FLYNN, High Constable Shenandoah, Pa., Juno 1, lB'Ji. "THE ELECTRIC" (John McNeil's old stand) East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest." Direst and best Bears, llnuors. oies, purier, ciun, ftc, m lue coubiy. tub niaco nag ueea cnurciv renovaiea una im proved, Polite attention and honorable treat ment to all. 1. J. WIJI,HOLI.ANO. ot-SEND FOR CATALOGUE . COMBINATION BATITIKH, with HubUiTlrts ttiaA, Boya' uuia' 1 1 (W , t) M H-tAch.ltyi'A OlU' K 00.. 310(1 W-ltMk,hjaULtli' V) 0H. 14 0Q M-U.h, UU 1100- 40 00 Moih, VsWtuiJllOU). ft4 4f Ei C, MEACHAM ARMS CO.. ST. LOUIS, HO in m m prn II I I . H 33-ST33 EXAMINATIONS I Our EYE SPECIALIST Will bo In SHENANDOAH, 1 WEDNESDAY JUNE Ilk, JIT THE FERGUSON HOUSE, From 8:31 a, m. to 5 p. m. Persons who have headache causing discomfort should call upon our spec ialist, and they will receive Intelligent andskill ful attention. NO ciuiton tn ..nmi ,!,,, eyes. Every pair of glasses ordered Is guaran teed to be satisfactory. TJDEI3IJ3Sr cfc OO., Oculists and Opticians, 1010 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. A hat that Is not strllsh la worthless. There aro a thousand reasons way you shoula tot wear it, and not one reason why you should. It usu ally costs as much as a stylish hit. and b not worth a fraction of tho money. When vou tuy a hat buy a good one, and if you really want a good one, try our S3 hat. It will All tho bill, rno samo can do said oiour necKwear a nno tie for 20c. anv style. Straw hats from Be un to f 1.S0. Nice lino of summer shirts at 25cj a big drive In boys' waists from 20o to 60c; large line of trunks and valises at lowest price; big bar gains In overalls and coats at ig South Main St., Shenandoah. Restaurant Cor. Main and Coal Sts., Shenandoah, Pa, Regular meals at popular rices served at nil times, adles' dining ana re freshment rooms attach ed. Bar stocked with the finest brands ol cigars and fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. Q M. HAMILTON, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offloo 28 West Lloyd Btreet, Bhenandoss Pa. BEST MADE CLOTHING IN PHILA, There is as much deception lu Cloth ing its in horses ; neither should be purchased without a thorough exami nation. In our windows this week wo dis play a flne range of Gray Worsted Suits, made of foreign and domestic cloth, with prices plainly marked on each astonishingly low. More Hats and Caps for Boya and Children just in dainty headgear for little money. A, C, YATES & CO, Corner 13th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. M. P. Conry's Saloon, 31 South Main Street, Next to tho First National Hank, for fresh beer, porter, ales ann temperance annus. Boarding by the Day, Week or Month, MANN'S RESTAURANT, 101 South Main St., Shenandoah. Finest Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars in Stock, Fresh Deer, Ale and Porter, Boarders kept by the day or week at reason' aoie rates. ELLIS, The Tinsmith and Stove Dealer, has removed to the Cor. of Centre and Jardin Htm, Where he will he pleased to meet all bis old as wen as many new customers as puamuie, uooaworK) rair price. Rooting and Spouting neatly done. H. J, H'GUIHE'S Sporting and Musical Resort ! Second St., GIRARDVILLE. Best Wines, Liquors, Beers, Alea and finest Drama 01 uigira always on nana. FREE THE HERALD '1 Has now entered new territory thus making' it the best adver tising medium in this section. In every town and patch along the electric it is read each afternoon. IT PAYS THE MERCHANT 4 located in either 3 this or the towns g along the electric J road to Girard j ville to advertise 3 in the Herald, 3 because its circu 2 lation is daily in 2 creasing in these jj towns, especially J Girardville, in 2 creasing sales oc- 4 curring daily in 4 that place. The 3 Herald's influ J ence is increasing j proportionately. OUR JOB DEPARTMENT I 4 ! i i i i i Is the best in the region, and the class of work we turn out is not surpassed for the neatness of excu tion outside of the large cities. A trial will con vince you of this. THE HERALD REDUCED: "DBUSSELS from 60o up, Table and JJ Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums from 25o up. Window Shades, Ruga, Matta, Curtain Poles, etc., at low prices. The best line of Lace Curtains ever shown in town from $1.00 a pair up. J J PRTPF'S 0LD RELIABLE, U u U. 1 XVXVJJLj k-J, NORTH MAIN STREET. w Carriages Scarcest Assortment. LATEST STYLES Our Prices were never equalled before. We sen carriages cneaper man in i-mtaaeipnia or elsewhere. We have a full line of Hey wood Carriages, and can furnish you any style for Icbs than you Can Buy at the Factory. Call and see for yourself, We mean just what we say. Our prices will surprise you. I P. WILLIAMS & SON, No. 8 South main Street, GEO. W. HASSLER, 108 North Jardin Street, SHENANDOAH, PA., House Painter anil Paper Hanger. AH work executed promptly and at reasonable rates. Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed, as none but lirst class workmen are employed. WALL PAPER FOR SALE I At retail or In jobbers' lots. 3D. 77- -vsrix-aoEs, PEAI.Elt IN Musical Instruments, SHEET MUSIC AND STATIONERY. The flneBt goods In the market at tbo lowest prices. AU new goods. Cor, Lloyd and Jardin Sts., Shenandoah, Pa, " We Study to Please I " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK. Fish, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, &c, t Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store i (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. ABRAM HEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA Manufacturers of jocieiiij oodg I Of Every Description. Flags, Badges,, Caps, Regalias, &c. -WFINEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES.-? Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited. FOLMER'S Saloon and Restaurant No. US N. WHITE STREET. First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Porter nnd Tem perance Drinks and Cigars. Fine old Wines and Liquors always on band. H. C. FOLMER, Prop. Call around and spend a pleasant hour. 'mroputjnaus 'iodjjs uipanr ninog ij 'iLhj -?i 'mm. paipnoS eScnoajed jno.t jo nojuod v sjmdey eAofg o puiy Xjoij UMopAioiq touutsa pujii fojr huuiiijQ fsag au Buumday jooy uij Buiiuptj jooy ui '6uifnod puD Buyooy w jyj S. KISTLER, M. D., ' PHYSICIAN AND 8UXOEOX. Office 120 N. Jardin street, Shenandoah, Pa am Y I SI PBICES 1 THEHEYWOOD, A FINE SHOW If you want to see a flne display of Boots ana Hhoes, goto W, S. SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) corner Conl nnd jnrdlu Hts. Custom Worts mid Repairing Done In the best style. OHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 201 N. Main St., Shenandoah. The Finest Stock of Been, Ales, Cigars, Sc. i iv x m I