The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 01, 1892, Image 1

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ff THE jj
TH13 J
Is gratifying to Its
Large Circle of Readers.
ET Is gratifying to Its
Large Circle of Readers.
CuAt&uOofiuSz A jV r -Ar vfV
VOL. VII.-NO. 131.
Busy Store.
There is no store in Shenan
doah, and probably none in the
county, where such a grand as
sortment of fine dress goods
are displayed as we are now
offering; the great demand for
many of the most fashionable
colors is daily increasing and
many choice shades cannot be
We are showing a completo line of rich
English Drocades at 37Hc These goods can
not bo seen elsewhere and are the season's
choicest offerings. Wo show all the newest
shades of Dress Silk, Satins, Cashmeres,
Henriettas, wnuo ana printed Lawns, India
Linens, Embroidered Flounclngs, Silk Lace
Flounces, etc. The most completo stock of
stylish trimmings at lower prices than you
nannllt. innv
White Goods, Embroidery and Laces, hund
tnw ui ineiiy aiyiua, i'Al new unu correct.
We carry the largest stock of underwear for
men. women and children; every grade worth
(tllOUUUUID guiles.
Corsets at wholcsalo or retail, Our immense
Rtnclc of thpsn rnndq ennhlpa 11a in all nt fnt.
tory prices. Ladles' Jersey fitting summor
Our Second Floor
Is filled with our socclal linen nf Ann T.uro
Window Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Curtain
i-oies, wnuo Marseilles ljullts and Smyrna
jvut.. "wu uiou ui; iuuuu uu uiegum
stock of ladles' and misses' Spring Coats and
Wraps of every description. Infant's Cloaks
In cream or tan Cashmere, plain or embroid
ered. Also a full lino of Infant's lace, silk or
cashmere Caps. Our Cloak and Wrap Depart
ment Is the largest and most completo in this
region and we guarantco prices to bo lower
thnn nnv fnmrnHtrf
.j i . w . .
L. J. Wilkinson,
SO 8. Main St., Shenandoah.
WEDNESDAY, Juno 1, 1892.
Duncan and
Two-day special sale of
Glassware. Thursday and Fri
day of this week we will offer
gains. Note their regular
selling price and then our price
for this two-day sale:
JM !4 gallon pltchers.regular price S&a at 17o
100 vinegar lars Moat 15c
100 VlfiPfiir 11 11 m n
.20c at 13c
. Bo at n
100 doz. wineglasses
. Scat 2c
,15c at 10c
uu sugar dowis,
W opal glass butters
So class nltchprfl.
:mo at 13c
5c nt 45n
60 glass berry dishes
.250 at J5o
,10c at 7c
1 fill flnae aw rtlchnu
100 glass pickfo dishes,
2fio shell tumblers,
fiO rose bowls
60 nut bowls,
25 syrup Jugs,
.meat 6o
.100 at 60
.250 at 15o
.25o at 15o
.20o at 13c
It will bo to your Interest to make vour nnr.
- v iz.r wioaiw uiuhu yuur pur
chase, from this assortment early as these goods
positively cannot bo duplicated at these prices,
and this lot limited as you notice.
8 South Main Stre'et.
For Sale To-day !
Mne Quality
Another X,ot of
Just Received
Old-Time Graham Flour !
Made of Choice White WJieat, JOresh
nsnsw CARPETS.
We open to-day Velvet and Zapeatry Bruasela--new
styles and handsome patterns.
Special' Bargains in Smyrna Hugs.
At $2 anil Sa.50. Former price $3 and $3.50,
Extra sixes, heautiiul zmterns and CHEAP.
Our Directory.
rifflpn linnra frntn 7S1 n
m. to 7:30 p. m. Money
Order and Registry De
partment open from 8:00
a. m. to 7:00 p. m.
7 . r ouowing isascneuuie oi
tho arrival and departure of mall trains. Mall
matter for despatch must be in the office thirty
...... .j uw,w,v tiic viwu ,ii;u uciuvv
(Phila., Western 1
! and
( Southern States )
P.M. A.M.
A.M. P.M.
9:43 ( New York and East
J nm Mtntrta nnrl
( points on L. V. It. It
I . 1
1 Asiana. f 7:20
j GIrardville.
( Haven Run, Centra-1
j 11a, Mt Carmeland
( Shamokln. I
8:18 9:58
2:28 9:58
8:18 9:56
j Pottsvllle.
j Mahanoy City. j.
I Mahanoy Plane, Lost I 11:30 2:50
1 Creek and Shaft. 8:00
Frackvllln. I 7!n
2:26 9:58
Carriers make a general collection at 6:00 a.
m. and 7:00 p. m., and a general delivery at 7:15
-. v. n. nuuuiuuui nuiVtriCS UUU
collections are mado In tho business part of
uubiu.iuu. Ui. UUU w.W p. m
Fire Alarm lloxes.
. mo lOHOWlne list shows thn lnnotinn nt
tho alarm boxes of tho Shenandoah Fire
15 Coal and Bowers streets.
16 Bowers and Centre streets.
24 Brldgo and Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
34 Main and Poplar streets.
35 Main and Coal streets
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
52 Chestnut and Coal streets.
To send an alarm open tho box, pull down
tho hook once and let go. When an alarm is
sentln the fire bell will sound tho number of
the box and repeat tho alarm four times.
It tho alarm is sounded from box 15 tho Are
bell will strike one, then pause and strlko five
which will indicate that th dm ,.
vicinity of No. 15 box.;Everv alarm Is nnratH
four times.
Hoadacho cured by using Gregory's
Powders. 16 cents a package. Take no
other. For sale by druggists. 6-5-lm
Menls at all hours. Oysters
all Hummer at George 91.
ttcnociicr's 0stcr Bay, 11
West Centre street. 6 20 tf
CARPET SWEEPERS, J2.50, J3.00, $3.50.
At FRICKE'S, 10 South Jardm St.
Small Bales.
Fresh Sialic,
This Morula j;.
Ground and Mne
Three Held for Trial and Sent to
tho County Jail All tho Vic
tims are out of Danger.
Tho Hearing Last Night.
IG Frank and the
other Italian wanted
for doing the shooting
at tho trotting park on
Decoration Day have
Bkirped, and the indi
cations aro that they
will not become in
mates of thoFottsville
HI. Tho authorities
expected that tho two
men would surrender themselves this
morning, but it is now certain that thev
have gone. Yosterday afternoon lliir
Frank's wife supped out of town with hor
two children. She boueht a ticket for
Last nicrht 'Sauire MnnAhnn ouvn all
the Italians under arrest another h Pnrinrr.
Several witnesses who were at work yester
day and could not attend the hearing at
noon appeared and nositiveiv idontiflnr)
three of the Italians as being men who
were in the crowd that did thoshnntlnir
but the testimony showed that tho shooting
was aone by the men who are missing,
squire Jionagnan hold the three mn
identified and discharged thn rast Tho
three who remain in custody were taken to
roitsvino wis morning.
The parties who were shot are out of
daozer. The S&duekv hnv Rinrrhai.a
ard McAllister are confined to their homes
and will probably bo laid up for sometime.
11 is understood mat Uontractor K eknrt
will see that the Italians under arrest will
be projerly represented in court. It is
claimed in behalf of the Italians that hnn
...... - J V
and young men havo been n thn hhit n
running dumpers over tho banks at thi
strippings" and committlDir other denrn
uations. and that tho Italians wem inctlflod
in defending thn nrnnnrttr
' ' ' 1 -rf -
uut iriends of the prosecutors havo shown
conclusively that tho Italians stole tho kog
of beer from the parties who wore shot and
mat the victims were in the trotting park
wnen too snooting was done.
Will Attend the Institution.
A new Council of the Jr. O. U. A. M
will be instituted at Girdville to-morrow
ovening under very favorable circum
stances. Every town in the counlv will hn
represented, as well as Hazleton, Shamo-
kin and Mt. Carmol. The Council of this
town has engaged tho Grant Band to ac
company thom on the occasion, ,and will
leave hero to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock
via the electric road.
Special O Ulcer Arreatetl,
Thomas Teelv. a sneciftl offlnnr nf Tt,..
key Run, has been arrested and put under
Dan lor trial on a charge of assault and
false imprisonment made by one Simon
Yorgus. There was a fight at the lower
end oi Main street on the night of the 26th
inst. and Yercrus claims that whlln hn waa
standing on tho porch of his house Teoly
unjustly arrostoa mm as ono ot tho par
ticipants. Buoklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises. Soros. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Vavnr
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruntinnn.
tivoly euros Pilee, or no payment required.
n is guaranteed 10 givo periect satlslactlon,
or money refunded. Price 25 conts per
box. For sale by O. H. Haeonbuch.
A Serious ''ull.
A Miss Lutz. of Mahanov Gitv. who full
from a pole swing at Lakeside on Decora
tion Day, was more seriously iniurod than
at first supposed. Her nose is broken and
she sustained Internal injuries. There was
a report to-day that the young lady had
died, but investigation showed that tho
report was incorrect.
4rner Stone Laying.
On Sunday afternoon next, at 1:30
o'clock, the corner stone of St. Peter's
Reformed church, at Frackville. will bo
layod with improssive coromonios. Rev.
Robort.O' Boyle, of town, will preach, and
addresses will be delivered by othor devincs.
"Good Bye My Honey" schottlscho. Or
gan or piano. 10 cents. "Wilde's music storo.
Ilejiubllcuu Nutlomil Convention,
The Nickel Plato will sell excursion
tickets to Minneapolis for doleeates and
friends at very low rates and liberal lim &'
Tickets on sale Juno 1st to Cth. For all
particulars writo F, J. Moore, Genl. Agt.
23 Exchange street, Buffalo, N. Y.
The Nickel l'latn n flora Ita nntrnna iniuilal
rates to tho Republican Convention from
June let to Oth.
SDectacles. to suit nil nvm, at V T
Portz'e book and stationary store. 4-28 tf
All Arrangements Made for the Urnilun
tlrnr ExercUe.
Unusual interest is maniiested this year
in tho graduating exercises of the
public schools. The demands for reserved
and admission tickets are numerous and the
indications are that over? seat In thn thea
tre will bo occupied during the three ses'
Sd a nuPmC TLZ7Z"J"
tickets on sale at Kirlin's drug store to meet
tne demand.
To-morrow afternoon the lunlnr 1rs nf
tho High School will have exercises in the
inoatre and in the evening the graduating
oxercises of the Grammar School will hi.
hold. On Friday evenint? the 14th onnnil
commencement of the High School will be
Morris Morrison spent tho day
at the
county seat.
John Poff, of town, visited Mahanoy
City on Memorial day.
C. V. bmith and wifo spent Memorial
Day with Shamokin friends
George Seober. of "West Llovd
continod to his Jiouse through illness.
a. u. v;nee3oman. of Ph lade nM. roo
a visitor to town last nishton IbprI Wlncca
.Lincoln juooro. of East Lino street. i 11
smiles over tha arrival of a young
reterbcheetz. cf town, left to.da-ir fr,r
New York City, whero he will make his
future home.
aiiss .Minnie Coombe, of the firm of
rmk. (- ii.n n;. a !,i 7
viZr vetterdtv " 0' WRS t0Wn
Division Superintendent M. T. Shrefflnr
and Superintendent D. "W. PHcb. nf A.h
land, wero visitors to town last evening.
Clarence Uroubaugh, who has been
teaching in the public schools of Berwick
for the last term, is home now for the
Jirs. John D. Hughes, of North Whitn
street, is reported in a very critical con
dition, little hopes boing entertained for
uer recovery. This will be unwelcomed
new3 to her large circle of friends
Summer Art Clamps.
Mrs. H. Temrjest Jenkins, aftnr r
Study of tho system and couran nf inomn.
tion pursued in the etudina and art
ot i'ans, has decided. UDon thn snllritntlnr,
01 numerous pupils or tho art in this section.
to conduct summer art classnn nt. Kr niaU
during the months of June and July. Mrs,
uenkins caintincs havn mnt with T-n-t,
fiattoring sucooss. and hnr lllinila Tinvn alan
won mo lavoraoie comment of art critics.
itus Is an opportunity which all devotors
of tho brush should take advantage tn nrn.
cure me services or so efficient a teacher.
Mrs. Jenkins' terms for tho courso aro vory
roasonaDie. and tnose desiring fnrthnr m,,
ticuiars should communicate with or call
upon her at the studio, No. 1328 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia.
Our ITmnil f?iirni
From the Pottsvllle Journal.
Tho Pottsvllle Cadet, whn nT;;inA
in aiomoriai uay services at Shenandoah,
fltiaak In thn hlorhaof fn.n,. nr 1 f .l .
treatment thoy received at the hands of
"Wol?l Ttr- ri . i. . -,. m, .
,i awia j. ut, u, jx, x, xno tjadeis
mill nAnn. f - 1 iL . 1 . . .
-urjiuw iuu sinaness Dostowed
upon them on that occasion, and thoy in-
tnd tO rnplnm.atn mitt. V. n . .
.vv..wwu.w ni,u buu VUbUiauS SOUIO
When Truvelluir
Whother on pleasure bent, or hnninnc.
take on overy trip a bottle of flimn n.
Pigs, as it acU most pleasantly and effec
tively on the kidneys, liver and bowels,
preventing fevers, headaches and other
forms of sickness. For sale in 60 cents and
?1 bottles by all leading druggists.
Serious Cutting AITrny.
Yesterday morning a seriou slahhlno.
affray occurred at Centralia. Two young
men named Kano and Gallagher quarrelod,
and as a result the former is now lying at
ms nome dantrorouslv ill. hit nrw.ini
about a dozen knife wounds at the bands of
Uallagher. JJoth men were undor the
influence of liquor. Gallacrher i nnrW
arrost awaiting tho result of tho victims
l)os-curt DiuniiBiil.
While Jacob Kestor. of thn fJronH
Union Toa Coiripany of town, was driving
irora no. a to this town, he met with a
slight accident. Tho horse M,t
ened by an entrine and backnd Intn innilin.
vehiclo, upsetting the dog-cart and throw
mg air. tester out, Tno only damago
dono occurrod to the dog-carl, which was
badly wrecked.
Tlie Council.
The Borough Council should hold its
regular meeting to-morrow night, but it Is
understood that there will hn a
ment until Monday night to enable tho
Uouncilmen to attend the irraduatino- nr.
Itefuscil u New Trlul.
Tbo motion asklne for a nnw trlnl In fhn
case of Uarrv Shaw, ennvfotnti
in killing David E. Quinn, has been re-
msed oy Judge Pershing.
llargaliiB In Graduates' Hooks.
Chambers' Encyclopaedia. 12 lar
volumes, worth ?12, only J8.60. E. P
Koe'i works, elegantly bound, worth ?1,
for only 60c, at Max Reese's. This offer
holds good until June 5, 1892.
. 1892.
A Pew Remarks on tho So-Oallod
Official Tour of the Town
Only "Do Ate" Made tho
jUE spit-fire who acts
as local correspondent
for tho Republican
wrote yesterday: "It
is hoped by many that
the Herald will not
overlook the actions of
Council yesterday.and
give in its columns
this evening a full ac
count nf thft ant.lnn nf
the wholo fifteen in their inspection of the
town after the parade yesterday." Ho thon
proceeds to explain that tho" whole fifteen"
aian t inspect tne town.
Had tho Boroucrh Council mado annf.
flcial inspection of the town the Herald
would have had a reDresentativa on hand
to note what they did. It is true that "De
aiB arove aoout Monday afternoon,
hing cigars and conducted themselves
Ate" drove about Monday afternoon.
generally in a manner that would impress
a suangenwiin tne nonet that tbey were
the people." As with thines done hv "Dn
Ate" the newspaper men tho little man on
ttio string excepted were not notified of the
arrangements lor the tour. It has been
the custom for yoars for the street com
miuee to givo tnis nonce and make ar
rangements whereby a full renort nf nil
done could be secured for publication in
tho newspapers.
PerhaDS it would be well to stain far thn
benefit of tho peoplo that "De Ate" form a
majority on tho Borough Guuncil that is,
tney have a majority of one and by reason
of that maioritv thev are running thlnrj in
this borough as they see fit, irrespective of
tne ngnts and privileges of tho othor seven
members. Thev cot toeethor to arrant a
certain thirg and then give tho othor seven
memoerstne alternative or going in with
them, or stavinir out. Thn nrnopnt lnooi
government is practically an imitation of
aespouc rule, and it is bucU a good imita
tion that the country alone keens it fmm
being genuine. There is consolation in tho
thought that America is not a nest for
despots, and that the BeODle hava a mrmna
Dy which hide-bound dictators can
turned down.
Uy tho way. Derharis whnn "Tin At
make a report on their trip they will ox
plain why it is that men nrn nhlit-o.l t,
work all day breakine with hanimnrn Rtnnn
that comes from the stone crushor. If tho
Herald j9 correctly informed the cause is
i. i . u ,
I u w wu nbuue crusner is worn
I ri. .1 .1. 1. 1 f , . ,
I """ luaomuo is not aoing us worn
Properly, and that tbe stroot committoo has
i Kaon ranAafaln nn4lfi.A ,,t . I. n jni... Ti
I "wv" .ubmij uw.ugu ui lug 11
stone must be broken under tho nld.tlmn
system, why koep the crusher running
oyery day at tho expense of the taxpayers?
llano Hall.
TCnw Vftrl n 1 n n n
St. Louis...........""'. j) 0 0 0 2
0- 8
1 3
IlrnnUlirn o n n 11 n
Clnclnnati.................'o 0 0 0 0
Boston 0 0 0 0 0
Cleveland.. - .0 0 0 0 0
0- S
1 1
Washington.. o 0 0 l l
Chicago 1 0 3 0 1
S 0 0 4
0 1 x-13
Baltlmoro 3 0 0 1 0
1'lttsburg o 0 0 S 1
Louisville.... 0 0 0 0 0
Philadelphia. ...,1 10 0 0
.Special Meetlnc.
All members of Mai. Jennines Con
No. 367, Jr. O. U. A. M , and Comtianv
a with tun uniform, will meet at thn hn
on Thursday (to-morrow) evening, June 3.
at 0:30 o'clock, loavlnir at 1-m hn
proceed to Girardvillo via electric road! to
attend institution of nnw nnnnMi n..
- j
oruer oi councilor.
it TllOS, SaNQER. Hnn'y
Will Itu oiieii Soon.
U. S. ItOsbon. the uhntnorunhnr has
again leased the Robbini photograph gal
lery on "West Centre street, latnlr nrniiriinil
by Hall, and will open business thore In
the vory near future. it
Host Work done at Brennan's ctnam
laundry. Everything whito and spotless.
liaco curtains a specialty. All wort
Hut urn Thunka
Tho members of tho Excelnlnr HnMai
Club return their thanks to tho ladies and
all others who aided them In making their
losnvai a success.
"Wall paper and window ihadnn t m,4
Portz'i. 21 K. Main street. 4.28-tf
P AFX THE NFAVA rrrn nwr t-VT. W
w o
ft iAr iSttr wJW A A jh- jhf
Delivered by Miss Cullen at tho W. f. T.
County Convention.
Published by Itequest.
Tho following is a verbatim repjrt of the
address of welcome delivered at tho lait
Schuylkill county convention ol tho W. C.
T. TJ. by Miss Hattie A. Cillen, of town,
the county socn tary :
In tho name ot the W. C. T. U. of Shenan
doah, I bid you, delegates and visitors to our
convention, welcome. Solomon says, "Iron
sharpeneth iron ; so a man sharpeneth tho
countenance or his friend ;" and we believe
that what was true In his day, holds good now.
and that It is an inspiration to us all to meet
with each other in an assembly like this, and
learn of the progress each Union is making in
the several departments of work, as we labor
"For God and Homo and Native Land."
Methinks there is not one of us here in whoso
heart the deslro has not been felt, that our
County Convention represented as many Unions
as some others, tho reports of which we read
Allegheny, Mercer, and Philadelphia counties,
for Instance.
Uutweeach must till the land apportioned
us, work where God has placed us ; even If It
be in immoral Schuvlklll, where wo have not
only the avowed enemies of our cause with,
which to contend, but the on-looking, profes
edly Christian people with their wet bLmkets
of Indifference smothering the tire of enthusi
asm In the hearts of the timorous. God knows
the kind of vineyard given us to dross . He I
aware of the fact that we have sterile soil la
which to plant, and that there are "little foxes
which spoil the vines," and we know tho
ravenous Schuylkill county wolves. And, yet,
should we not feel that as we obey the com
mand, "Go, work In my vineyard," that we can
with assurance leave the results with God '
We can, at least, follow the advice of one of
our llulletlu contributors and keep "Holding
I trust that this convention will prove very
helpful to us all, and if any have come feeling
that their enthusiasm is waning, I pray that
their discouragements may Hce like "frost be
foro the summer sun."
A correct Idea of the magnitude of tho evil
wo arc lighting, and a strone detcrminMinn m
save souls from being ruined by the glided
attractions which finally end In tho over
powerng annetlte. stealing tha win nH-A. ,
resist what once would have been shunned by
mem, aro important factors In the success of
our work. And. vet. It seema tn mt, tha, v,
more vivid our conception of tho abounding
evil around us, tho more we feel our tter
weakness and entire dependenco upon God. It
Is then we feel llko obeying the Injunction ot
the poet:
"When we cannot see our way,
Let us trust and still obey;
He who bids us forward go
Cannot fail the way to show:
I hough the sea be deep and wide,
ihough a passage seem denied,
1 earless let us still proceed,
Since tho Lord vouchsafes to lead."
Again, I bid you welcome, and trust thn, ,h..
work of tho comlnc six months win o
rich harvest, and that at our next convention
we may have our ranks filled with new recruits
wno snau with us sow the good seed.
fao win wo gather strength and hope anew
or wo know God's patient love perceives.
Not what we did, but what wo tried to do.
And though the ripened ears be sadly few
He will accept our sheaves."
An Apptial for tlie Hebrews.
Editoh He ItALD : Stonninv hnrn fa a
low days I was disgusted on seeing how tho
iieorows aro persecuted and insulted by tho
Hungarians and Poles. I h
through a great part of the United States,
ana i nave nowaero seen tho Hebrews
abused and placed In such dangerous
positions as they are in Shenandoah. Wb-v
are tho Hebrews so given to abuse and
insult hero? I think it is the duty of all
truo Christian followers of fih rist tn Yin-
afirainat such an outraee. The dutv of thn
Shenandoah Enenikq Herald, the lead
ing paper here, is to oddoso such dia.
graooful movement : and thn uH Jtn
of tbo Shenandoah Justices of tho Peace,
ana the police force, to civea holninc hand
to the Hebrews, and do all
remedy tho evil and mako tho town freo
and comfortablo for ovory individual of all
nations and religions.
. L. Levin.
Shenandoah, Junol, 1892.
Captiviitine Characters.
Tho publishers of "Talna
Topics" havo evidently nrArtnd thnmanlvau
to infuse all tho freshness and fragrance of
the month of roses into No. i of tho series,
which has iut anooareJ. Tharn nrn manv
storios in which the captivating characters
aro placed in an environment of summer
scenes, with tho sea or mountains for a
back ground, and the ooetrv and wit of thn
volume all contain more or lea of the gay
and vornal spirit that distinguishes; naturo
In this saison of pleasurablo pastime. As a
summer book, "Tales From Town Topics,
No. 4," is a refreshment, and will add
materially to tho gayety of tho hot
weathor. Town Topics, 21 "West Twenty
third street, New York,
i:ieetrlo Hallway Change.
Hereafter the electrio railway cars will
loavo the corner of Main and Centre streets
at 6:80 a. m daily, and every 25 minutos
thoroaftor until midnight, at which hour
the last car will leave.
A lluri) OiiDortimU v
Is offered by tho Nickel Plato, as they will
sell tlckots to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at
remarkably low rate from May 30th in
June Cth, on account of the Conference of
tho Qorman Baptist Brethren.
Graduating nrosonta iuat receiv
ed, Endless varieties in WntnVian
and Jewolry at Holderman'a, Main
and Lloyd streets. 6-28-lw.
Best photographs and crayon at D&btBt