The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 25, 1892, Image 1

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Is gratifying to Its
Large Circle of Readers.
Is gratifying to Its
Large Circle of Readers.
k jV W -v -Jt.. rfjf ftrirWflt jfkjkjJS
r iW A- A Jtr -fl. A A Jfc- Tfhr
VOL. VII.--NO. 125.
Wilkinson s
Special Bargains.
This week marks the Sixth
Anniversary of our business,
and we cordially invite our pa
trons to call and examine the
special bargains we will offer
at this anniversary sale. The
store has grown from the
smallest to the largest, and
our new location affords ample
facilities for displaying our im
mense stock.
This week wo offer 65 pieces of yarfl-wldo
Dross Goods formerly 16c, now 10c; also 200
pieces Bedford Cords and French Outing
Cloths, worth from 12tf to 18c, all to go nt
10c per yard all these aro new goods bought
for this special sale, and cannot bo equalled
In the region for price or quality. Every
color Is guaranteed fast and every shado Is
now and correct.
Wo also offer one casoyard-wido Bleached Mus
lin at 8c, regular 10c quality! 50 pieces of
Checked Nainsook at 6c, reduced from 10c.
Thirty pieces Plaid White Goods extra
line quality at 9c, marked down from ISHc.
Extra-wide Table Linens
Plain white, bordered or Turkey red, nt 23o
per yard. Linen bureau scarfs, 2 yards long
with knotted fringe, 25c each. New and at
tractive stylos of lino Laces and Embroid
ery at less than Usual prlceB. Kid Gloves
in tans, brown3 or black at BOo. Silk gloves
and mitts from 15o up. Silk ribbon remnants
In all shades and widths at 10c per piece.
These are only a few of our special bargains
every department Is a storo In Itself, and
prices are always lower than you expect.
L. J. "Wilkinson,
SO S. Slain St., Shenandoah.
MONDAY, May 23, :
Duncan and
Wo havo Just received the largest and best
selected stock of handkerchiefs ever shown
in this vicinity foreign and domestic. For
quality we make tho bold assertion that no
otner merchant can touch us on our 5 and
luc values lor either ladies, gents or child,
ren. Theronre embrncedln this hnndlrer.
chief lino a gent's handkerchief f or lOo which
sens ior sa at other places.
Stationery Specialties.
Pen and Pencil Pads,
Buy one of our Be "Niagara" pads, best
thing ever gotten up for tho money. Best
Pocket Memo's, Counter books, &c. Finest
thing in paper and cnvelopos Is our "Ly
coming Mills," 15o a box,
Sewing Tables.
75c and (1, very nicely finished and strong,
Handsome wasto baskets, all sizes,
A lot of Brass and Japanned
Bird Cages. Just in.
8' South Main Street.
For Sal To-day !
Mne Qiialiiy Small Bales.
Another Lot of Fresli Made,
G-ilt-Edge DAIRY BUTTE A !
Just Received Tills Morning:.
Old-Time Graliam Flour !
Made of Choice Wlilte WJieatj Xresh Ground and Mne
7Pe open to-day Velvet and lapestry Brussels-iew
styles and handsome patterns.
Special Bargains in Smyrna Bugs
EIAt Salancl $2,50. Former price $3 mid 3,50,
JExtralZ8e8,lbeaxtt1ta' patterns and VJ2HX CMjEAF.
.H' V.t Ml
Our Directory.
jin pot" office
Office hours from 7i30o.
m. to 7:30 p.m. Money
Order and Iteglatry De
partment open from8:00
a. m. to 7:00 p. m.
Followlnir fs a schedulo of
thn nrrivjil ntid ilpnnrtitrn nf mill trains. Mall
matter for despatch must bo In tho office thirty
mmuies c-cioro tno time given dciow;
P.M. A.M.
1:40 4:24
8:00 9:03
1:40 9:43
1:23 0:50
1:23 9:08
1;25 9:08
2:20 9:50
8:18 9:50
2:20 9:50
8:18 9:50
2:20 9:50
A.M. P.M.
I Phila., Western 1
( Southern States)
I New York and East
1 East-1
. U. It. i
orn States and
I points on L. V,
Raven Run. Centra-
! Ua.Mt Carmeland
I Hnamoitin,
Mahanoy City.
I Mahanoy Piano, Lost
1 Creek and Bhaft.
Frackvlllo. r
Carriers mako a general collection at 6:00 a.
m. and 7:00 p. m., and a general delivery at 7:15
a. m. and 3:15 p. m. Additional deliveries and
collections are made In tho business part of
town at iu:is a. m. anaz:uu p. m,
Flro Alarm Hoxes.
Tho following list shows tho location of
the alarm boxes of tho Shenandoah Firo
15 Coal and Bowers streets.
16 Bowers and Centro streets.
21 Brldgo and Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
34 Main and Poplar Btreets.
35 Main and Coal stroots.
42 Gilbert and streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
52 Chestnut and Coal streets.
ToBcndan alarm open tho box, pull down
the hook once and lot go. When an alarm Is
sent In tho fire bell will sound tho number of
tho box and repeat tho alarm four times.
If tho alarm is sounded from box 15 the firo
bell will strlko one, then pause and strike five
which will lndlcato that tho Ore is in the
vicinity of No. 13 box.cEvery alarm Is repeated
four times.
Electric ltunnlug Time.
Tho olectrio cars now leavo the corner
of Main and Centre streets at 6 a. m. and
leavo at intervals of 45 minut03 there.
aftor uctil 11 p. m. This Echodule will
bo subject to a change from day to day, as
tho work of putting in the turnouts pro
grosses. The minors will find tho early
morning cars convenient.
CARPET SWEEPERS, J2.60, 83.00, J3.50.
At FRICKE'S, 10 South Jardin St.
Rev. Andruchowiez Arrested on
tho Ground That Ho Illoffally
Took Away Church Property.
Trustees Also Arrested.
T would seem to tho
ordinary observor that
the Greok Catholic
church congregation
in this town had suffi
cient li ligation in tho
courts to last it for
many years to como,
but tho supposition is not realized,
A few days ago the trustoos of tho church
got together and looked over the assets of
the church aa left by its late pastor, Kev.
Constantino Andruchowiez, when ho left
tho town on tho 20th of March, last.
Among tho things found missing werojtwo
cometory deeds, doeds to tho lots upon
which the churches in town and Kingston
s'.and, insurance policies on the sai(
churches, threo clocks, a chalice, a lot of
platos, a censor, a lot of books and a lot of
pictures, together with a lot of etc., etc.,
all valued at $4,600.
Diligent search failed to disclose tho
goods in town and tho trustees concludod
that Rev. Andrukowicz had taken them
with him when ho left. Lawyers Hollo-
peter, of town, and Schalk, of Pottsville,
were callod upon for advice and the trustees
were informod that they had a ,'ground for
an embezzloment suit. Accordingly the
trustees had a warrant issued by 'Squire
Shoemaker, and Constablo Phillips, of
town, was deputized to place Kev. Andru
cnowlcz unaer arrest. Tno priest was
brought to town from Luzorno county, and
his friends furnished bail for a trial of tho
case at court.
Upon his return homo Kov. Andrucho
wicz concluded that he was a victim of a
conspiracy and ho swore out warrants for
tho arrest of the ton trustoos who entered
the suit against him.
Yestorday Isaac Phillips, a constablo of
Honeybrook, camo to town armed with
warrants for tho trustoes. "With tho assist'
ance of Constablo Phillips, of town, ho
succeeded in placing all tho trustoes under
arrest and they furnished ball in tho sum of
300 each.
The trustees of tho church claim that tho
suit of Kov. Andruchowiez is only a bluff.
They say that tho priest was about to leave
tho country and tho only way in which
they could koop him within thq jurisdiction
of tho court to account for the missing arti
cles was to causo his arrest on tho charge of
Continued Success.
Ci&ronco Bonnett and his company gave
anothor excellent entertainment in Fergu
son's theatro last night before a largo audi
ence. Tho play was a romantic Mexican
drama entittlod "The Koyal Slave" and it
was magnificently produced. Mr. Bennett,
who is an actor of remarkable .ability, was
warmly applaudod for his interpretation of
the leading role and tho company gave him
excellent support. The play is a strong one
and the audionco evidenced lis appreciation
frequently during the evening. Mr. ,Ben
neti .affording tho theatrical patrons an
opportunity to witnoBS some of the best
performances of tho season at popular prices
and they are taking' advantage of it. To
night tho powerful Russio-Amorican play'
entitlod "Ivan's Oath' will be produced
with beautiful special scenery,
Worthy or Recognition.
Tho watchfulness of our paid police force
was demonstrated early Monday morning.
One of tho oloctric light wires broke and
fell upon tho railroad trostlo at tho Penn
sylvania depot and the ignition that fol
lowed ultimately set tho bridge on fire..
Ono of the polico discovered the flro and,
with tho assistance of anothor membor of
the force, put it out and removed tho
broken wiro.
Wlieu Traveling
"Whether on pleasure bent, or businoss,
tako pn every trip a bottle of Syrup 01
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effec
tively on tho kidneys, livor and bowels,
preventing fevers, headaches and other
forms of sicknoss. For sale in 60 cents and
$1 bottles by all leading druggists.
l'lcnlo at miungoireu.
Arrangements have boon made for a
monster picnic at Ellangowen on Decora'
tlon day. Among the attractions will bo a
foot raco for $25.
Nickel Plate tells Decoration Day ox
cursion tickets, May '28th and 80th, at one
faro for tho round trip, good returning
until June 2nd. d&w-tf
' Meals at all lioura. Oysters
all, .imtuiucr at George 91.
Sciociicr's Oyster Bay, xi
west centre street. 5 20 tr
Interesting Items Concerning Different
Sections of the Iteglon.
N. B. Matbias, an aged citizen ol Maha
noy City, died at that place yestorday.
Deccasod leaves a wife and seven children.
John Fulton, formerly of Glrardvillc,
died in Chicago on Saturday. Tho do-
ceased was a son of Foreman David Fulton,
of the former place.
Pottsville has two saloons run by Folan-
ders, and the county seat papers aro kick
ing. C. O. Burket and and Mies Emma
Mauror, both of Ashland, wore married on
Joseph Oough, formerly engineer at the
Logan colliery, has accepted a position as
rope splicer at Mahanoy Plane.
The employes of the Logan colliery at
Centralia aro busy trying to prevent tho
spread of a flro that bu9 started in one of
the culm banks.
The committeo of tho Gwilym Gwont
monumental eisteddfod committoo met in
tho Cambro-American rooms, Pittston, on
Saturday. Tiie members of the committoo
from Wyoming and Lackawanna valleys
were all present. In consequence of the
approaching heated term and tho difficult;
in getting choirs to rehearse, it was resolved
to postpone tho eisteddfod from July 4 to
Thanksgiving Day.
Tho Panther Creek Valley Power and
Light Company, recontly organizod, has
purchased the oiectric light plant in
Lansford. The company agrees to furnish
the borough of Lansford with 27 arc lamps
at 82 each per annum.
Hszleton has put the long distance tele
phono into use.
Tho Grand Lodge of tho Koyal Arcanum
have set apart Juno 23rd as a dav of (ren
oral observance of that order, June being
the month in which tho order was founded,
The local lodge is making arrangements
Tho loss by reasop of tho flra at Lansford
on Saturday last has. been figured at $5,000,
It was caused by a defective flue.
The Schoppo orchestra has been engagod
to furnish tho music for tho "13" social
club of Mahanoy City on the evening of
May GOth. r
Tho Ashland base ball club will play at
Mahanoy City to-morrow aftornoon.
Tho change mado by the P. & R. com'
pany at Ashland in making its depot tho
patsongor station has rosulted in what may
bo called an omnibus ' cincb."
Tho "Washington Firo Company, of
Ashland, is making a largo hand-ball court,
The Union Coal Company will erect two
breakers between Shamokin and Mt. Car
mol in tho near future.
A madened Hungarian .at Shamokin
plungod into a crowd of young mon at
Shamokin and stabbed an innocont party,
Tho following item clipped from the
Sunbury Daily has caused considorablo
merriment in town. It is an excellent
sample of journalistic imagination -. "Far
mor Kulp, of Shamokin, caught a wild
cat in Centre county and gavo it Tom
Larkin.tof tho Larkin House, at Shamokin.
Tom soon tired of the dangerous feline and
when Pat King, of Shenandoah, asked for
it Tom gavo it to him and ho took it to his
home. On Saturday aftornoon with sev
eral friends Pat wont to the barn whero
tho cat was kept and in order to show how
tame tho cat was roleased it from the cago
in which it was con fl nod. The cat at once
sprang at King and boro him to tho floor,
scratching and biting him. After a hard
struggle Pat's friends got him away from'
(ho dangerous beast. Jle is in a critical
condition and may die. Ono of tho cat's
fore legs was broken in tho struggle and it
was killed to end its suffering,"
A strangled infant female child was
found by the Shamokin police, and a coro
ner's jury has failed to ,bringout a clue, to,
tho, guilty, parties, The authorities, havo
also failed to glean satisfactory evidonco
regarding the.chijd found in a store box in
an Ashland cometory,
East Franklin colliery, sear Tremont,
which had been idle since March last,
resumed operations to-day.
Thomas Sharp, of New Philadelphia,
was covered by a fall of coal at Eagle Hill
colliery yestorday, and was suffocated
beforo his body was taken out.
Mrs. James R. Deegan is dangorously
ill. Hor frionds aro very approhonslvo re
garding her condition.
A gamo botwoen tho Mahanoy City and
Tamaqua base ball clubs will bo a Mem
orial Day attraction at Mahanoy City.
Shamokin people aro circulating a peti
tion to have tho wards of the town roduced
from six to four.
A firo ip Freoland yosterday dnstroyod
throe dwellings owned by "William Kugans,
David Ilanlon, Sr., and Patrick Uanlon.
Buoklen's Arnica Salvo.
Tho Bost Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Foyer
Sores, Tettor, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no paymont roquired.
It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction,
ormonoy refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by O. II. Hagenbuch,
Headacho cured by using Gregory's
Powders. 15 cents a package. Tako no
other, For salo by 'druggists. 6-5-1 m
Best photographs and crayons at Dabti
Additional Collieries Put in Oper
ation But tho Working Time
for all Remains tho Same.
A Boomloss Boom.
UNNING for itoms
relating to tho pro
frV "4l' r oaDie poncy ot tno
U?3&gr& o.&
piper is like seeking
bears at Kappahan,
ifv sftrf n0CK- "eports 01 mil
jWSLp time at tho colliorles
A have furnished abun'
dantammuni.ion for pross correspondents,
but aro liko toy balloons go up oasy and
break soon. Dilligont inquiry by the
HKjtATjD reporters has failod to bring to the.
surface any hopo for an early brightening
of the coal trade horizon. Truo, the P. &
li. company is making preparations to
increaso the production, but tho minors at
tho working collieries have no hope for
pecuniary benefit. Collieries that havo
been idle for somo time, past aro being put
into operation on tho same basis upon
which the other collieries are being
operated four days a week and nine hours
per day. Tho now order is what may bo
termed a curtailed bjessing.
One thing is, certain, if tho P. & R. O. &
I. Co. doos not make provision for more
steady and better working time in tho
near future, as Josh Billings often re
marked, "Somethingjinust bust."
Tho Influx of immigrants adds no cheer
ful color to tne perspective view.
Tho prices of coal in New York havo
been raised and the people tbero are all
worked up over tho outrage, but we havo
failed to seo an item In any of the papors
regarding the miner. Nono of tho papers
have oskod if tho wages of tho minor has
been raised, Of course, we all known, tho
minor is not "in it" at present.
To Minneapolis VI11 Pennsylvania Kull
routl. For tho benefit of delegates and visitors
to tho Republican National Convention at
Minneapolis, on Juno Tth, 1802, tho Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Minneapolis, from all princi
pal stations on its linos, at a single fare for
the round trip. Tho rate from New York
is 31.50; Philadelphia, 529.75; Baltimoro,
28.50; Washington, 28.50, and other sta
tions in proporation. Tho tickets will bo
sold from June 1st to 5th, inclusive, and tho
return, coupons will be good to leavo Min
neapolis or St. Paul from Juno 10th to 25th
inclusive, 1892. A choice of rout03 west of
Chicago may bo made.
llnse Hall.
Boston...... .....0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 24
Now York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 03
.Sccpnd, game :
Boston .. ...0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 x 10
Now York 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 &
ualtlmoro 0 0 2 3 2 0 0
Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 1 2 0
Cleveland ..0 0' 0 0 '0 2 0
St- Louis ,-..0 0,0.0 0 0 0
0 0-7
1 0-5
0 0-2
0 0-O
Drooklyn..........0 2 2 0 0 5 5 0 121
Washington .1 0 0. 002100 4
To Gettysburg via l'eims j 1 vnnlil ICallroail.
On Thursday, Juno 2d, 1892, tho ''Hijrh
Watermark," Monumont will bo dedicated1
on thq , field qf Gettysburg. This, monu't
ment marks, tho highest point within tho
Union lines roached by Pickett's troops in
tho memorable charge of Juiy 3d, 1861.
Tho monumont has, boon erected under tho
auspjees of tho Battlefield Memorial As
sociation, Tbo dodicatory ceremonies will
bo highly interesting, consisting of
speeches, poems, music, and military ex
ercises. A largo number of veterans, both
officers andfprivates.i will bo gatherod pn
tho historic Hold and tho occasion will be a
most momorablo ono,
For the benefit of thoso desiring to at
tond, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will, on Juno IsOnd 2d, sell oxcurslon
tickets from all principal stations on tho
lines to Gettysburg at a; single Jare for the
round, trip. Return coupons will bo valid
for use until June 4th, inclusive.
Tho (irariutite?,
Tho Fourteenth Annual Commence
raent of tho Shenandoah High .School,
class of '02, will be hold In Ferguson's
thoatre on Friday, June 8rd. Tho pro
gramme of tho oxercises tooms with bril
liant foaturos. It is remarkable for the
numerous themos of national importance.
Tbo class this year is tho largost tlat has
graduated from the school. Tho Grammar
School exercjses will bo hold on Thursday
evening, Juno 2nd; and the junior oxer
ciaos of tbo High School will bo held at 2
p.itn. on Friday! June j3rd,
Fino photos, COc. per Keagoy'i
Sirs. John I.. William Honored by Her
Mrs. John L. Williams, who is about to
movo from town and join horhusband,who
was recently mado Genoral Superintendent
for tho Union Coal Company, with head
quarters at Shamokin, was tondored a sur
prise party last ovcnlng by her friends, at
her rcsidenco on South Jardin street. An
excellent supper cappod with fruit and ico
cream was served and games and vocal and
instrumental music mado tho evening pass
very pleasantly.
Tho climax of tbo surprise was the pre
sentation to Mrs. "Williams of a handsome
chair. Mr. J. J. Franoy mado the pre
sentation address and Mine Inspector
Stein mado a brief, but very graceful ac
knowledgement in behalf of tho recipient.
Among the guests present wore :
J. I. "Williams, J. J. Franoy, J. J.
Bradigan, William Broughall, "William
Stoin, John "W. Morgan, Thomas S.
Koborts, John Senior, P, J. Ferguson,
Noah J. Owens, John G. Davis, Albert
Hoover, Arthur Trozise, J. H. Pomeroy,
Thomas L. "Williams, Thomas Baid,
Robert Glover, Henry S. Jones, David
Evans, Thomas Broughall, C. O. Williami,
John Higgins, Samuel A. Beddall, Archio
Howes, of Clinton, Iowa; John J. Price,
Grant Fielders, John Stein, Clyde Glover,
Mrs. Grant, Mrs. J. P. "Williams, Mrs. J.
J. Franoy, Mrs. J. J. Bradigan, Mrs. J.
"W. Morgan, Mrs. Thomas S. Roberts, Mrs.
John Senior, Mrs. J. H. Pomeroy, Mrs.
N. J. Owens, Mrs, Albert Hoover, Mrs.
Arthur Trezise, Mrs. Thomas L. Williams,
Mrs. Robert Glover, Mrs. Honry S. Jones,
Mrs. Thomas Balrd, Mrs. Dove, Mrs.
David Evans, Mrs. John J. Davis, Mrs.
William Broughall, Mrs. Thomas Brough
all, Mrs. S. A. Beddall, Mrs. J. Higgins,
Mrs. J. J. Price, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs.
Kerslako, Mrs. Kerns, Mrs. James Wil
liams, Mrs. Connick, Mrs. Woods, of New
York; Misses Jessie, Agnes and Sarah
Stein, Mary Pomoroy, Emily Jones,
Priscilla Parry, Sallie Senior, Mary
Shollenberger, Ruth Williams, Salli&
Lewis, Ida Lewis, Kale Glover.
Oscar Yost spent yestorday afternoon in
John Wyatt and family have removed to
P. J. Ferguson wont to Pottsville to-day
to attend to legal business.
The John L. Williams family will movo
to Shamokin on Juno 1st.
Anthony Reynolds is now in charge of
the new shaft at Indian Ridge colliery.
Division Superintendent Schrefiler is
confined to his homo at Ashland by sick
noss. ' Mrs. Georgq O'Donnell presented her
Siusband with a bouncing baby, and Georgo
s all smiles.
Roo Fulkerson is a guest at the Fergu
son House. Mr. Fulkerson is looking after
the local intorosts of James W. Queen ifc
Co.-, of Philadelphia.
W. J. Lloyd, tho well known caterer of
town, is now employed at the Palace
theatre restaurant in Girardville, which is
conductodby "Jim" Jacoby, also a woll
known Shonandoahite.
fl. P. Mellet, 'Squiro Monaghan, J. E
Reilly and another equally good looking
Shenandoah gentleman, drove a tandem
(earn through town Monday andfho turn
out from end to ond had a sporty look.
Ashland Telegram.
Little Locals.
It is now necessary for a school director
to take tho oath of office beforo he can loir all v
serve in that position, according to the Act
of April 10, 1891.
,Tho scholars' who graduate this term from
tho High School aro busy.
The streets .upon which prushod stone has
been dumped present a pleasing appear
The Memorial Dav committoo is work
ing hard. The exercises will be of a vory
Improssivo character. .
Decoration Day Excursion
Rales on tbo Nickle Plate, May 28th and
3Qth, one faro for round trip. Good until
Juno 2nd. d&w-tf
"Good Bye Mv Honev" schottische. Or.
gan or piano. 10 cents. Wildo's music storo.
Should be SatUlled.
A drummer who visited town last night
Baid, "Tho peoplo of this place will find a
pumping water system a whito elephant on
thoir hands. Constant improvement and re
pairing of machinery and political dicker
ings for positions will soon tire tho people.
I understand tbo town Is now supplied by a
gravity system under tbo control of a com
pany, and if tho people are wise they will
lot well onough alone."
Bost work done at Brennan's steam
laundry. Everything whito and spotless.
Ls.ce curtains a epoclalty. All work
. Excursion tickots at one faro for round
trp via Nickel Plato, May 28th and SOth,
Docor&tlon Day. d&w-tf
Wall paper and , window, shades at if.
rortz's, 21 n, Main street 4-28-tf
' Bpectades, to ' cult 'all'eyea, at F,, J,'
j. urui. d uvvk nuu.iiaiiunury siurs. a-zo-i!