In Season I All kinds of Canned and Bottled Goods, Imported and Do mestic Cheese, Fine Groceries, etc., for the summer and pic nic season at Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sis. SOLID and plated Silver ware. Gold and Silver T ' Watches, Diamonds, Trecious Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goods, Banquet.Parlor and Piano Lamps,unique in design with 75 and 250 candle power burners. All goods superior in finish and quality with rock bottom prices that withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly at Holdermaris Jewelry Store, The most prosresslye establishment la the county. Corner Mam ana Lloya Streets. Coining Events. May 30. Excelsior Social Club 6traw borrv and ico cream festival in llobbins' opera house. May 30 Picnic nt EllonRowan Grovo, for the benefit of tho EUoneowan drum corps. May 30. Bisket picnic at Lakeside Pirk. East Mahanoy Junction, by tho Junior Class of the High School. May 31. Children's Concort, under th auspices of the "Wm. Tonn JuVonilo Choir, in Wm. Penn M. E. church. Juno 11. Strawberry and Ice cream festival, in tho P. M. church hall, under auspices of Lidies Aid of tho P. M church. Juno 13. Strawborry and ico cream festival in Itobbins' opera house, under th auspices of thu young peoplo of the Eng lish Baptist church. Juno 14. Strawberry and ico cream festival, under the auspices of tho Ladies' Aid Society of tho M. E. church, in Rob bins' opera house. Specimen Oases. 8. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., nu troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism! hit Stomach was disordered, hit Liver wai fleeted to an alarming degreo, appetite fell away, and ho was torribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on hii leg of eight years' standing. Used threo bottles of Electrio Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklon' Arnica Salve, and his log is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors tiid he was incurable. One bottle Electrio Bitters and one box Bucklon's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by 0. H. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Finest photos, GOc. per dozen, at Eeagoy't. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castor la. When she had Children, she cave them Castorla. Buy Keystone flour, namo Lkssio & Co., printed on every sack. Bo suro that the Ashland, Ph., is 3-3-3 taw Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at onco. YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE I Good horses, nice biunnes and responsible drivers are the essential things for a pleasant drive, which can always be had at mv stables. 12 and 14 North Pear allev. rear of Luberif's hardware store. Horses taken to board. Undertaking1 in all its branches attended to with promptness. EVAN J. DAYIES. Just See What DOLLAR WILL BUY AtJas. Thomas'. 13 cans of Tomatoes, IS ciwis ol lieans, 6 dozen ol Oranges, 5 pounds of Coffee, 10 can of Peas, 7 doten of Lemons, 'tt pounds of Sugar, 30 pounds of Jelly. Retnembor, thoso aro only a few of our price. Also, have full line of Green Truck, having Just returned from the city. James Thomat' CHEAP CASH STORE, Coal and West Sts. REGION 'ROUND, What Is Going on in the Different Coal Towns. MUs LtsMllo Evrus", who lost alfm'b, has just recovored f 2500 from tho Delawaro & Hudson Co. A Gypsy camp is located near Bcavor Meadow. Manus Brennan, aged 02 years, died at Lofty from miners' aithma. Tho now slope at Coloraino has boon comnletod. A tunnol will bo driven to tho Wharton vein at once. A Pottsvillo poddler was held up and robbed of 80 near Uazloton on t riday last. It is now proposed to build an opora hnusa and market houso combined in Hazleton. On Monday morning next O. O. Smith & Co. will put a gang of men to work on thoir contract for grading tho electric rail road botweon Mahanoy Piano and this place. They will start with fifty mon and as rapidly as thoy can bo procured tho number will be increased to two hundred, Tho contractor's agreement calls for tho completion of tho road as soon as it can bo done with that number of men. The work will be pushed as rapidly toward coraple' tion as is possible. The grading will bo dono and as last as possiblo tho construction gang will follow and lay the tracks, sot polos and bang wires: Tho trestlings will also be erected with tho other work so as to have it all completed at tho same timo. Mahanoy Tribune. Burgess Roberts, of Plymouth, has ro- ceivod a communication from Benjamin Leo. secretary of tho Stato Board of Health of Philadelphia stating that tho steamship Bolgonland, which recently ar rived at Now York, had on board sovoral cases of small-pox. Several of her passon gers, Huns, etc., by nationality, wero destined for Plymouth. In view of tho dozens of men of this nationality arriving daily at Plymouth and tho celerity with which they aro bundled off to boarding houses all over tho town, it is going to be extremely difficult to locato the men referred to and it is quite probablo that tho disease will soon show itsolf in Plymouth, The situation calls for tho utmost watchful ness by the physicians and health officers and tho first suspicious caso should at once bo isolated, Last night tho Kodak Man witnossed an act of generosity such as would mako this world a beatific heaven if all tho people wero similarly charitable. Six forlorn looking Hungarians were sitting in the smoking room of tho Union Depot, anxiously awaiting tho night Buffalo expross. They had an hour and a half to wait. To ono side sat a ponderous, pros perous looking personage reading a novel In appearance he resembled a high typo of travoling salesman. He, too, had an hour and a half roast, tho attendants told him His eyes gradually wandored from th book to tho Huns. He observed thorn closely. After several surveys of tb foreigners he walked to tho rostaurant and inquiied of the waiter what he'dtakoto feed tho lot. Tho prosperous looking man promptly planked down tho money. The waiter prepared sandwiches and coffee and led tho Huns to the countor, giving them to understand that tho fine man who had jusi paid some money was their benefactor. Tho crudo Huns courteously bowed and mumbled unintelligible thanks, which were quietly returned by their stranger friend, after which thoy fell to eating liko wolves. Dethlehem Times. Bo3t photographs and crayons at Dabl'a MEMORIAL DAY. General Order From Deportment Com. mnuder Taylor. Once more tho returning spring with its opening flowors resurrects tho momory of our fallen comrades and reminds us of the approach of our Bacred "Memorial Day." We soe them as they fall when moro than quartor of a century ago the flood-tido of death swept them from our march of the passing years, somo with tho dows of death not yet wiped away and tho flowers still fresh sprinkled with the tears of loved ones. Those of ub who remain aro but few in comparison with those who sleep beneath tho ground that shall echo with our solemn troad. Soon wo must commit this sacrod duty to other hands ; let us do it faithfully whilo wo can. It is timely and profitable wo should onco again ropair to the graves of our fallen comrades, and let the memory of their heroic deeds baptize us afresh with loyalty to their heroism and devotion to their country. Need I urgo upon you that each stop and action on that day bo so fraught with regard for the occasion and reverence for tho departed comrades, that we shall com. mand tho respect and commendation of every citizen throughout the nation. Let us reverontly and tonderly garland with Nature's purest and most fragrant gilt each mound where sleeps our comrade, and affectionately think of tho unknown and unmarked graves of our patriot brothers, ramomberiug that in this solemn mission wo havo tbo sympathy and prayers of the widow and orphan, and the blessing of a grateful republic. Arrangements will bo made by tho l'osts in this department for tho observance of Memorial day, Monday, May 80th, 189, Comrades are enjoined to soo that this sacred duty is porlortned in a solemn and revorent manner. l"ur Six Weeks Only. Fine cabinets, GO cents per dozen, for tlx weeks only, ltcmombor, wo are on the first floor and no steps to climb. Wo uiako a specialty of children's picturos. Keaokt, l'hotographer. fi-BMf 112 West Coal strcot, Mure ArrlvuW. Another largo batch, of Polanders arrived In town this morning. As ttioro is scarcity of farm hands in Berks county it would bo good policy for their frionds to send them down thero. The Inhabitants of a, cheese would outnumber me armies 01 me worm. SUNDAY SERVICES. Sermon by Itov, l'onlck in tho Methodist Episcopal Church. On Sunday ovoning tho pastor of tho Mothodist Episcopal church delivered the first of a course of Sunday evonlng ser mons on fools. Tho subject was "The Evo lullon of a Fool." Tho text was from Romans, 1-22; "Professing themselves to bp wiso they became fools." Evolution hns boen proclaimed as "tho last-born Benja min of modern science" By this thoory it is proposed to oust God from his universe and to account for its oxtstonco without him. But tho substanco of tho evolution thoory is. twenty-four centuries old. Buddha, tho Hindu philosopher, was its father. Darwin was its stop-father. Ono of its advocates justly deflnos it as "continu ous progressive chango according to certain laws and by moans of resident forces," But however mon may speculate, tho only changes of which man has any certain knowledge, and which are due to "rosidont forces" exclusively, aro not of a progros' slvo but retrogressive nature. So iar as mental and moral development aro con cernod the only product of evolution, puro and simple, with which wo are familiar Is tho fool. "When man beccmes so wise as to rely on resident forces exclusively, ,the process of "becoming" of which ho is thu sublect end in a fool every time. The moral fool sta.'ted with a sufficient knowl edge of God. Ho hold tho truth in un righteousness Bnd so tho "fool" simply "became" t. e. evolved. Tho brightest scholar in tho world tho man who is fullest of those resident forces which colleges aro supposed to bestow will soon bocomo a fool if he doponds upon "resident forces." Tho purest saint he who is most fully possessed of the fruits of spiritual culture will find if ho relies on resident forces tx clusiycly, that his "continuous progressive chilngo" will be downward and backward, Whatever may be tho rovelalions of the microscope and tho speculations of tho im agination tho facts of human history de clare in unmistakeablo language that mere evolutionary processes are downward and only downward and that continually , and that all upward movemenU are the result of intelligent effort, super-added to resident resources and reinforced by external in Ouencos. To see tho results of more evolu tion let a child bo thrown on resident resources. Let him caro lor himself from birth lot him oat what ho can get let him learn what ho can pick up let him read what coinps along lot him follow his own inclinations and what havo you gol? "Will he evolve upward or downward? Is not the world cursed with multitudes of such evolutionary monstrosities? We see then our dependence upon external helps and the importance of loyalty to the truth. It is only because men do not liko to retain God in their knowledgo "that they become vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart is darkened and, professing them selves to be wiso, that they become fools." The subject of tho next sermon of the course will be "Tho Theology of the i'ool." Best work dono at Brennan's steam laundry. Everything white and spotless Lace curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed. Mercantile Licenses. he number of peoplo In business, pay ing a mercantile llconso, in the big boroughs of tho county, is as follows : Pottsvillc 178 bhenandoah .....153 Mnhanoy City 131 Ashland . - - H Tainaqua w Mlnersville 53 Girardville 47 St. Clair 37 Good Bye My Honey" schottische. Or- gati or piano. 11) cents. Wilde's music storo. Go ami See It. Grocer Thomas, of West Coal street, is the proud possessor of a young devil-fish The curiosity camo on Friday in a barrol with other varieties of fish. It's worth going a long distance to seo. Headache cured by using Gregory's Take no 6-5-lm Powders. 15 cents a package other. For sale by druggists. Waters' "Weiss boer is the be3t. John A. 5-6-tl Keilly sole agent. WANTS. &c. L OT FOR SALE.- A very deslroblo lot, 30x 140 feet, on Hast uoai street. at 11EHALD office. 4-iM-tf OR RENT. Lodgo room, nicely furnished; man two omeoa. in dosi omce ouiiuin Apply to I. Robblns, Pottsvllle. 6-16-tf nnn KAT.R. An unriirht Knabu nlano In F first class condition. Tho owner leaving lOWu IS ino ruusun lur Bulling, nviny w i.i- lam Durchlll, 3U West Lino street. B-16-lw TV ESIRADLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. XJ The Cather propert; fnr nnln. Will bo sold W Anther nronertv. on on West Oak street, Will bo sold wholo or la parts to suit purchaser. Apply on tho premises. 4-13-P3 niOR SALE. A doslrablo hotel, with all the 12 modern improvements, suuaieu 011 oor. 2d and Ogden streets. Apply to J. J. Laugblm. J. l' sa street, uir rardvlllo, Pa. D-Sl-U M. P. Conry's Saloon, 31 South Main Street, Nost to the First National Hank, for fresh bcor, porter, ales una lempcranco annus. Boarding by the Day, Week or Month. MANN'S RESTAURANT, 104 South Main St., Shenandoah. Finest Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars in flock Fresh Ileer. Alo and Porter. Hoarders kopt by tho day or week at reason' ouie ruios. ELLIS, The Tinsmith and Stove Dealer, has removed to the Cor. of Centre ana Jurctln HtH., Where he will be pleased to meet all his old as weu as many new customers as possime. Roofing and Spouting neatly done. AMUSEMENTS. jTJIRRGUHOIu'B TIIEATHV, T, J. rEHOUHON, MANAGER, Return ot thofavorlto for ono cntlrowcek, commencing, MONDAY, MAT 23d, 1892. Clarence Bennett, Supported by his Metropolitan players In a rep- tho rotnantlo story ot French rovolutlon "The Dead Heart." Elegant costumes, appropriate music, magnifi cent scenery over low varus 01 wo finest. Change ot bill nightly. XTIccb, 10, 20 nutl 30 CcntH. Reserved seats on sale at Klrlln's drug store ABRAM HEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA., Manufacturers ot OI Every Description. Flags, Badges, Caps, Regalias, &c. -FINEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES.- Write tor catalogues. Correspondence solicited. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING at the old reliable millinery store of ELLA McGINNISS, EAST CENTRE STREET, SHENANDOAH. The finest and largest stock of HATS, B03ST3STETS AND MIXLINEIIY GOODS Of all kinds. Come and see the display be lore purchasing elsewhere. Saloon and Restaurant Jvo. 11B N. WHITE STREET. First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tem perance Drinks ana Cigars. Flno old Wines and Liquors always on hand. II. C. FOLMER, Prop. Call arottnd and 92end a pleaamit hour. JOHN R. COYLE, Attorney-at-Law and Real Estate Agent, Office UeddaU's Building, Shenandoah, Pa. BEST MADE CLOTHING IN PHILA. Tho popularity of our Clothing Is continually ou the rise, honest ma terial and moderate prices giving it an upward boom that la particularly gratifying, We might mention that we are also "way up" In Bummer Furnish- Ings especially in Negligee Shirts. Of these wo have an airy, breezy line, just right for the hot days. A, C, YATES & CO, Corner 13th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. A Corner in Hats. Some hats are neither worth throwing nor taking out ot a corner. A good hat is:ngni, qur able. Klinnolv find a nleuBUre to the wearcrt fl bad hat lBn't worth powder enough to blow It Into perdition. Good hats are no more expen sive than bad ones, but bad hats are eipenslve at ony price and senslblo men couldn't bo paid to wear them. Our 3 bat Is a perfect gem, and Lhprn tfe Tin rnnRnn in lin without one at this lOW figure. The same Is true of our 25o Neckwear and Suspenders. Good shirts irom xxs up to ti. All the newest thlncra In cents' underwear, col lars and cufls. Everything at rock bottom price SCA3XrXAltf, if) South Main St., Shenandoah THE HERALD Has now entered r0" Has now entered new territory thus making it the best adver tising medium in this section. In every town and patch along the electric it is read each afternoon. IT PAYS THE MERCHANT located in either & this or the towns P along the electric & rpad to Girard- j ville to advertise g i 4 tt ... , r in tiie xibkalD, because its circu lation is daily in creasing in these towns, especially Girardville, in creasing sales oc curring daily in that place. The Herald's influ ence is increasing proportionate!'. OUR JOB DEPARTMENT I Is1 the best in the region, and the class of work we turn out . is not surpassed for the neatness of excu tion outside of the large cities. A trial will con vince you of this. V r' i i i THE HERALD OF jSlIjZj REDUCED TRUS8EL8 from 50c up. -U Floor Oil Cloths and from 25o up. Window Shades, Ruga, Matts,Curtaln Poles, etc., at low prices. The best line of Lace Curtains ever ehown In town from $1.00 a pair up. T T PRTPF,(S OLD RELIABLE, U . U . JL JlXVjJj O, north main street. Largest Assortment. LATEST STYLES I Our Prices were nover equalled before. We sen carriages cneaper man in i-miaaeipnia or elsewhere. , We have a full lino of Ilcywood Carriages, and can furnish you any style for less than you Can Buy at the Factory. Call and see for yourself. Wo mean just what we say. Our prices will surprise you. i T. P. WILLIAMS & SON, No. 8 Sontn GEO. W. HASSLER, JOS North Jardln Street, SHENANDOAH, PA., House Painter and Paper Hanger. All worlt executed promptly and at reasonable rates. Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed, as none but first class workmen are employed. WALL PAPER FOR SALE! At retail or In jobbers' lots, 23. W. "W 3CXjX23, DEALEIl IN Musical Instruments, SHEET MUSIC AND STATIONERY. The finest goods In the market at the lowest prices. All new goods. Cor. Lloyd and Jardln Sts., Shtnahdoah, Pa. " We Study to Please I " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK. Fish, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, &c, &e Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store ! (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. Specialties! The best Chimney Top yot discovered! Tho wind cannot blow down. Do vol ou want tho best range money can buy t Then purchase tho BROADWAY," rasw Tin Roofing and Spouting done on the shortest notlcb. All kinds of STOVE REPAIRS. A portion of your patronage solicited. R. PRATT, r B31 South Jardln Street, Shenandoah, 'S Restaurant Cor. Main and Coal Sts., Bhenandoah, Pa. Kcgularmeals at popular E rices served nt all times, adles' dining ana re freshment rooms attach ed. Bar stocked with the finest brands ol cigars and fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. "THE ELECTRIC" (John McNeil's old stand) East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. Tho finest, purest and best Beers, liquors, ales, porter, cigars, Ac, In tho county. The place has been entirely renovated and in proved. Polite attention and honorable treat ment to all. P. J. MUI.IIOLI.ANIi. "WZEZEIKIS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where ho will be pleased to meet the want of his friends and the publlo In Everything in the Drinking Lino. M. S. KISTLER, M. D., FHYSIOIAN AND BURQKON. Office 120 N. Jardln street, Shenandoah, Pa CS - 3E1.XS3S. PRICES i Table and Linoleuma THEHEYWOOD, Main Street, A ME SHOW If you want to see a fine display ol Kools ana Shoes, go to W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) Corner conl nnd Jarrtln Sin. Custom Worlt uud Repairing Done In tho bett style. CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 201 N. Main St., Bhenandoah. The Finest Slock of BeeAIcs, Cigars, to,