The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 20, 1892, Image 2

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    Evening Herald.
II. C. ROY Etl, Editor nnd VuMlther.
H',ir. J. WATKtXS, Local Editor.
Tte JSVJ2XIXG HKRALDhata larger cir
culation In Shenandoah than any other paper
published, Hooks open to all.
DAILY, per year, - 83 00
Wkkklt, per year 1 M
Entered at the Postoltlce, atHhenandoab, Pa,
for transmission through the malls
as second claaa mall matter.
Republican State Ticket.
County Ticket.
' CONdHBSft,
1)15. L. A. I'LEXEU.
Senator Gorman has again an
nounced in unmistakable tones that
this Is and must be a Billion Dollar
(' ingress.
( ertaluly.
This is a Billion Dollar Country.
The Democrats are fond of prating
about Jellersouiau piiuclples of econ
omy. Jellersou frov-jnied on .3,000,(100 a
year exclusive of interest on the public
Shall this country go back to the
condition it was in in 1801?
Certainly not.
A billion dollars is a large sum and
it means uneKampled prosperity.
Our exports for the list twelve
months were one billion dollars.
Can we not aflord to spend on our
sehei 5500,000,000 in one year when
the nations of the world pays us twice
us much?
There is no Inherent objection to a
Billion Dollar Cougres. If the money
is wisely expended we shall be all the
better for It.
Boon wo shall be a Two Billion
Dollar Country. Then there will be
croakers who will talk of tho economi
cal expenditures of 1892.
The wise business man keeps all his
capital employed that he safely can.
So with tho uatiou. The more wo
epeud wisely the m ire the nation will
This is a Billion Dollar Country, and
our Demociatic friends had better
follow Senator Gorman's advice.
For our national prosperity let us
be thankful. Inquirer.
New Yokk Is the worst governed
and politically the most corrupt city
in the world. It Is controlled by
Tammany. Dick Croker is chief of
Tammany. Aud jet the immaculate
Richard has the trail to write for
publication this :
"Iteason, Intelligence, education and freedom
all concur In carrying out the destiny of a
Democratic form of government, administered
in constitutional and legal form In a republic."
Conohkssman Bailey, of Texas,
wauts u provision in the House Kules
by which the salaries of Congressmen
for such days us they are absent for
other cause than sicklies;, shall be
withheld. But the people of tho
country need not flatter themselves
that auyi such niwioure of genu I no
economy aud reform bb that will be
passed by the party of pretended
retrenchment and reform.
The treud of taste on thu part of
Btatesmeu in Washington In the last
few weeks Indicates that presidential
candidates must guard against their
rivals running In races as a counter
attractiou In the very crisis of a con
veotlon. Apparently a horso raeo
would empty a convention hall of
delegates. No charge to Hill and
Gorman for the suggestion.
Guaranteed Cure,
' Wo authorize our advertised druggist ta
Bell Dr. Kins'' New Discovery for on
iumptlon, Cougbi and Colds, upon thii
condition. If you are afflicted with
Cough, Cold or any Lung, ThroiA or Chest
trouble, and will ute thii remedy at di
rected, giving it a fair trial, and experience
bo bonotlt, you may return the bottle and
teiurn luo uumu aim
hay your money refunded. We could
not make thii offer did we not know that isscemingiy i08t ia not aliut out from
Dr. King-i New Diicorery could be relied ( Uoipi Tho peculiar thing in tho inlnls
on. It never disappoint. Trial bottle try of Mine. Appin is that tho collected
fre at 0. H. Hagenbuch' drug itort. no money for her work In the well-to-do
.Largo iIm 60c aad f 1.00. I circles. Julius Post, in Cliautauquan.
Makos an Affidavit A Most
Graphlo Story Told by a Well
known Lady Whloh 1b Con
firmed by Her Husband.
Much Inn been written of cases
where people have been brought to
life alter having been to till appear
atices dead. Many more instances
have occurred wheio persona have
been at death's door, given up to die
by those aiouud them, but who by
timely aid have beeii restored to life,
health aud loving friends. The ma
jority of bticli cases have occurred in
remote places ana so nave auracieu
but little attention save in the imme
diate locality.
A remarkable case of that kind has
been brought to light here In New
York that of Mrs. M. A. Brenslug
now living ut No. 137 West B27lh
street, the facts of which havt
hitheito been known only to a small
circle of friends aud the physiciane
who attended her.
I called at the above number to ob
tain ii lull ntiiteiueut ol the circum
stances aud was courteously xecelved
by Mr. Brenslug. 1 expiuiueu to mm
tlie nature of my mission aud was in
troduced to his wile.
Mrs. Breubing Is the mother of
twelve children, all of whom are living,
fcjlieis a line-looking, healthy woman
of about 60 years of age, and certainly
her appearance did not indicate that
she had had such a wonderful experi
ence. ' The circumstance you mention,"
she said, ''occmred a few years ago.
1 was suddenly seized with an illuets
for which I could uotucouut for up to
that time t ha-J never had any in
dications of disease in any way. It
was accompanied with the most un
usual symptoms. My body was in
coiibtaut pain, und very sensitive, so
that I could not bear the contact of
any but the lighte-t garment. I can
scarcely tell of the agony I sullertd
during that time. The physicians
who had been in attendance pro
uuuucud It to be acute Briuht'sdisease,
and after a time informed me that I
cou d not possibly live. At that time
It steme'l to me that death would be a
welcome relief from my suilerlngs.
"In a few days they tojd me that I
was slowly dying and my friends were
called in to bid me farewell, each one
thinking that it' win for the last time.
I was prepared to go, yet tho desire lo
live lor and witu my family was
strong within me. When a dear
friend called to see mo and told me of
a remedy which she thought might
have helped me had I but used it in
time, I saw in her words a ray of
"I was then almost iu the embrace
of death, In fact, I wus dyiug, yet my
husband sent for some of the medicine
and guve me a small quantity at once.
After taking a sesoud dose a peaceful,
lestful fee'iuc seemed to steal over me.
aud for the llrst time iu several dins I
"Tueciiaiice in my condition, for 1
was Improving, perplexed the doctors,
for they did not kuow then of the
medicine which had been givcu me.
From that time mv recovery was
assured, and I grew gradually better
until my health was fully restored.
l thank Uod," continued -Mrs.
BrenMng, fervently "that my life was
xpared, and through the agency of
Warners oate (Jure. It cured me,
aud I know that it will cure others.
I feel it to be my duty to tell the
whole world about it. for it may save
other lives."
"The statement of my wife." said
Mr. Breusiug, "is the exact truth, aud
1 am ready to swear tolu"
I accompanied him to the office of a
notary, where he made the following
Georire P. II. MuVay, Notary Public,
No. 2o8 West liatU Btrcet, New Yolk.
State of New York. Citvand County
of New York. Qeotee L. Breusiue.
Iieiiiir duly sworn, deposes and sasa
mat ne is tne iiuatmnu of Airs. M. A.
Brenslug, whose Htatemeut Is attached
hereto, and that said Ptetement is true
as therein set forth, (slcnedi.
Sworn to before me thlH 16th day of
I'enruary. mua. signed j.
G. J H. MoVAY, Notary Public.
N-w York county, rSeull.
Does any man or woman who reads
the above doubt its absolute truth in
every respect? Can the earnest grati
tude which both husband and wife
felt for the wonderful restoration in
health be doubted for one moment?
There are thousands of other ladies
and men who need aafclstauce as this
Judy did. The above is published in
the hone that it may bo the means of
showing them the way.
The Charitable and llenuvnlnnt Work
They Aro Doing In Kurope.
Not far from tho renowned St. Ln
zare, near Purls, a woman's prlwin,
live JImo. Dumas, who, continuing tho
work of Elizabeth Fry, has spent most
of her lifo among women prisoners, lias
won thum back from tho downward
path to a hotter lifo and oven thon con
tinued to act as their guardian angel,
Ab a witnc6 of how well she persevered
iu her task is the fact that in horoighty
hecond year she learned Spanish to en
able her to mako horsulf understood
among Andalusiun prisoners.
In a dlrterunt but equally bad part of
Paris is a woman who is like a lllnt
stono in whoso heart a vuby is sot. No
body knows hor in Paris. Yot perhaps
from no place in tho world nro so many
bilent blohslngs sent forth as from this
good Samaritan's walls. No sorrowful
, ,,,, nrm i.
)rn.n,n'i1i,n1. Rnii,rfrii,
Itusfflnn Pnii-SliulMs tho InntljrntnrH-
Alarm ut Conntntitlmiple.
Vienna, May 20. Dispatches from
Buclinrest say that tho Investigation nl
tho liustcbuk bomb nflnlr has taken a
sensational turn. The fourteen dyna
mite bombs wero not Intended for use
ngninst the Bulgarian Government, hut
against the Sultan, it Ib said. This
revelation was mado to tho Turkish po
lice by an Armenian arrested for com
plicity, ami Is supported by letter? pro
duced by him from tho Armenian revo
lutionary committees In Persia. These
letters also show that tho Itussiuu Pan
slavint party is the instigator of the af
fair. This discovery has created a panic
among the ofllclals In Constantinople,
ns, iu view of the recent Importation of
thirty-flvo bombs Into tho city ut the In
stigation of a Russian society iu Odessa,
it Is thought to prove conclusively the
existence of a Russian plot to get rid of
tho Sultan. A commission of Inquiry
has sat nt tho Ylldlz Klosli, and tho
guards around tho Imperial upartmcnts
have been doubled.
Several servants have been dismissed
and their places have been tnken by de
tectives, All strangers entering the
city are carefully examined and their
trunks und satchels are completely over
hauled. Orders for similar precautious
have been given to nil frontier guards, as
the Pun-Sluvlst conspiracy is said to
have agents throughout European Tur
key, who are Involved iu plots similar to
that at liustchuk.
House searches nro being conducted
nightly in Constantinople and mlmer;
ous arrests nro being made, although'
the secrecy observed by all ofllclals ren
ders It imposslblo to leurn the cx,tct
number. All meeting are Infested
with spies and most social functions
have been suspended, us the smallest
gatherings are regarded with suspfcloa.
I'urt of the Trouble 111 the Irlslt National
ist Tarty Amicably SetUuil.
Dun lin, Mny 20. The trouble in the
Irish Nationalist party ovr tho pur
chase of the "National Press" by tho
directors of tho "Freeman's Journal"
has been settled at a meeting o the par
tics to the squabble. Despatches had
been received from America Intimating
that the discord exhibited during the
past few days among tho Nationalists
was causing great harm and diminish
ing tho conlldeiice of the friends of Ire
land, and earnestly urging a settlement
of the affair.
At a meeting of the directors and
shareholders Mr. Gray moved that Mr.
John Dillon be appointed chairman of
tho "Freeman's" Joint Stock Company.
Mr. Healy, to tho surprise of those
not In the secret of the peace or armis
tice, seconded the motion, which wus
curried almost unanimously.
This result Is considered a Surrender
on the part of Healy, who had expected,
with the Influence of Archbishop Walsh
sustaining him, tobeabloto stamp out
idl opposition. In this he was defeated,
by the resolute course of Mr. John Dillon,
and the opinion is generally expressed
that Mr. Dillon's course may smooth the
way to a reconciliation of tho factions.
Great Dnilnigo nt Anbury l'ark A Schoon
er', Crew Saved.
Asnunv Park. N. J., May 20. Tho
terrific northeast storm that has been
raging along thf-5 section of tho coast
has caused great damage in many parts
of the beach and Sandy Hook. AtSquan
Beach a two-masted schooner came
ashore opposite the Beach Ilousa late in
the afternoon.
Some of the crew, discovering that the
vessel was going to nieces, jumped over
board and swam ashore. The high sea
and' tempestuous waves drove the vessel
on the inner bar, where she lies In
helnless shape and is fast breaking up.
Between Seabright und Shark Hlver
considerable damage to the shore front
is reported. At the foot of Ulielsen ave
nue. 'Long Branch, the blurt has been
further cut into, making thepassage of a
single vehicle on Ocean avenue extreme
ly dangerous. The southern part of the
bluff, which has recently been bulk
headed, successfully resisted the on
slaught of the heavy sea.
A Daughter to Sir. and Airs. Damrokcli.
Washinoton, May 20. James G,
Blaine has been notified that he was
uitnln a grandpa. He immediately tele'
graphed his congratulations. The news
came from the home of Mrs. Walter
Dnmrosch, Mr. Blaine's daughter, In New
York, where a. daughter was born, to
Mr. and Mrs. Damrosch yesterday after
noon. Dr. Frederick S. Dennis of OVJ
Madison avonue, if he family physician,
was in nttendancs, Mr. Damrosch is out
of town with his orchestra, but is ex
pected to return soon. Mrs. and young
Miss Damrosch were both doing well
this morning.
The Tope Aroust'H Trench UoyulUts.
Paiiis, Mny 20.--H Is reported that
the Count of Paris will shortly Issue f
manifesto in reply to the Pone's utter
nuces In favor of the Republic. The
Royalists are greatly alarmed by the
effect of the papal nttltudq on their ugl
tution, aud are seaklug for some meatus
to neutralize It. They have threatened
to reduce the Peter's Pence contributions
to the support the Holy See, aud thus to
retaliate on Pope Leo through the
Vatican treasury, and they also pro
pose, us far as possble, to Induct) the
clergy to Ignore the papal Instructions.
Terrible Hurl b ane In Mauritius,
London, May 20. Advices received
from Mauritius state that a hurricane
unprecedented in its violence passed
over thut island on April 29, causing
enormous damage to shipping, A mn
jority of the vessels nt the island were
blown ashore. The western half of
Port Louis, the oapltal, was devastated,
Signed the (Iranlte Cutters' 11111.
liAHUK, Vt., May U. il, tames o
East Barre; Coburn & Jones, aud George
Warley, have signed the granite cut
ters' revised bill to May 1, 1893. and
will renew work. The majority dealers
and cutters are opposed to leaving tti
matter to arbitration, and do not think
It could be settled in that way.
rhlludulphln Striken llettini.
. PniLAUEU'iiiA, May 20. The cutters
engaged on the new Reading Terminal
uepot, wim struct iuesday with the in
tentlon of remaining out until th
trouble In New England is adjusted,
nam returned to wort.
Thcro Ii nothing llko tho RESTORATIVE
MR1NP discovered br too crcnt BDCclallst.
DR. MILES, to euro nil nervous diseases, as
Hoadncho, tho niuos. Norvouo Prostra
tion, 8looploosne8B, Neuralgia, St. Vltum
Danoo,Flt3 nnd Hysteria. Jinny physicians
usoltln tbelr practice, nnd my tho results ore
wonderful. Wo have hundreds of testimonials
llko tUcso from drugslsts. "Wo havo novcrltnown
anythlnn llko It." Snow & Co., Syracuse N. Y.
Ajvery ooiua cgm oriugs worus ui yr.wau, u.u.
wnlf.lIlllKdnli.. Mirh. Thn hrflt collcr wo over
hnd." WooUworth & Co., Fort Wayne, Ind.
"Nervine sells better than anything wo over
hod." H. F. Wyntt&Co., Concord, N. II. Trial
IxilUf) and book or testimonium Teoaiaruggisis.
UH. MILES' MEDICAL CU,, KlKnprt.inu-
In the Iturough of Shenandoah,
For authority from tho citizens thereof to ln
crease the bonded Indebtedness to procure a
supply of water for domestic and other pur
poses, by tho authorities.
Notlco Is hereby given that at a regularmeet-
lng of the Town Council of tho Horough of
Shenandoah, held on Thursday, May 5th, 1892,
tho following ordlnanco was adopted:
An ordlnanco to provide for a supply of water
for tho use of tho Inhabitants of the llorough of
Shenandoah and for the erection and main
tenance of works, machinery, engines and all
other necessary apparatus for working, raising,
conveying and Introducing Into the Horough of
Shenandoah an abundant supply of pure wuter
for domestic uso of tho Inhabitants and to pro
tect property in said Horough from destruction
n cae of tire and fixing a tlmo for tho holding
of a public election in said borough for author
ity from the citizens therco! to Increase tho
bonded Indebtedness for tho purposo aforosald.
He It ordained by tho Town Council of tho
Horough of Hbenandoah, and It is hereby
ordained by tho authority of tho samo.
Ski:. 1. That tho Horough of Shenandoah
shall provide a supply of pure water for tho
Inhabitants of said Horough and erect and
maintain all tho works, machinery, cnglnos,
and other necessary apparatus for the making,
raising, convoying and Introducing Into tho
said Horough an abundant supply ot pure
water, for the purpose ot furnishing and dis
tributing to tho Inhabitants of the Bald Hor
ough a Bufilclcnt supply thereof for domostlo
use and to protect tho property therein from
destruction by fire, and tho said Horough of
Shenandoah Is hereby authorized to ncquiro
streams of water and adjacent lands and rights
of way to carr;- out the Intent ot this ordl
Sec. 2. That Tuesday, Juno 14th, 1893, ho
fixed as a day for holding a special election In
tho said BoroUgh by tho qualllled electors
thereof for authority to Increase tho debt of
the Borough for tho purposo of providing a
supply of water for tho uso of tho Inhabitants
of said Horough ot Shenandoah and tho pro
tection ot property in said Borough from des
truction In caso of lire, and said special election
shall bo held at tho regular polling places and
by tho election officers In said Borough of
Shenandoah In manner provided by law.
Tnos. J.James,
Trost. of Town Council.
James Smith,
Chief Burgess.
Secretary ot Town Council.
A resolution relating to tho same subject was
adopted at tho same mectlng,.und also at a
meeting of said Council held on Thursday,
April 21, 1893.
In accordance with the resolutions nnd
ordlnanco above set forth, notlco Is hereby
given to the qualified electors of said Borough
that a special election for tho purposo afore
said will be held on Tuesday, Juno 11th, 1893, at
tho places and by tho officers provided by law
for the holding of municipal election In said
Tho following statement is hereby mado as
required by law.
1st. Tho last ussossed valuation In the Bor
ough of Shenandoah Is two mlU.on, nlnoty.threo
thousand, six hundred and nlncty-one dollars,
Had. Tho amount of tho existing debt Is $10,
3d. Monies In the treasury, all outstanding
solvent debts and all revenues applicable within
ono year to the payment ot tho same, is $117,
4 tli. Tho amount ot tho proposed Increase Is
5th. The percentage of tho proposed Increase
Is4K percent.
Cth. Tho purpose of the proposed lncroaso Is,
ns set forth In tho foregoing ordlnanco, viz., to
provldo for tho erection of public water works
at the oxpense ot tho borough.
A Joint Committee of citizens and Council
havo Investigated tho sources ot a better and
cheaper water supply, and the probable ox
penso to bo Incurred In proourlng tho same.
and havo reported as the result of their inves
tigation: Water, puro and abundant, can bo
obtained at an estimated cost of 5,000. This
Amount added to present Indebtedness of the
borough would only make til per cent, on tho
last assessed valuation In said borough.
By authority of the Town Council,
Til 0. J. JAMBS,
Pres. of Town Counolha
Seo'y of Town Council.
James Smith,
Chief Burgess.
lOMuy If, im.
U'euLoisft, iServoutnt, lltbllllr. o4 iU from
ewlj trnn cr Utcr tiott, tb retulli t overwork
tcktririt, vorrr etc Coll PtrtDrth, dtfrlotmcot et ton
tfKO to crm or; to tod i-ortioo vfihn UmIj UimpU, fitlrU
Piothodi. ImmedUM IniijruT.-tutut ttn, Vtlfort lmpoMiLU.
tl-00 per bet, 6toiM for fl.oo. WriVtea iutiiim u lut
.iVi ViV. i , iwi i7, nuap ft fewi.
VMHH C1TV illUiiVAL DO., l'LilWelfAU,
Lehigh Valley Division.
MAY IS, 1893.
PlIM.!!.!, Cam
andoah forl'enn Haven Junctlon.Mauch Chunk.
L.ehighton, Slatlngton.Whlto Hall, Catasauqua.
Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaston, Philadelphia,
Ilazleton, tVcatherly, Quakakc Junction, Del-
?"?" "5nny Ut 8'87' 7'40, 9U8 " m"
For New lork, 5.67, 9.03 n. m., 12.53, 3.10,
.28 p. m.
For Hazleton. tVHUofl-tliirrn. Vhtt lT,vn.
Plttston, Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayro. Waverly,
Klmlra, Itochester, Niagara Falls and tho West,
10.11 n. m (3.10 p. ta., no connection for Itoches
ter, Buffalo or Niagara Falls), 8.03 p. m.
For Helvldcre, Delaware Water Gap and
Slruudsburg, i 67 a. m., 6.20 p. m.
r or i.ainuenviuo ana Trenton, a. m.
For Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 8.03 p. m.
For Auburn. Ithaca. Geneva and l.vons. 10.41
a. m.. 8.03 p. m.
ForJeanesvIllo, Lovtston and Beaver Meadow,
7.40. 9.08 a. m., 12.52. 5.2(J p. m.
For Audcnried, Hazleton, Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 5.57, 7.40, B.08, 10.41 a, m., 12.52, 3.10,
pi p. m,
For Scranton, 5.67, 9.08, 10.41 a, m., 3.10. 5.20 n.
For Hazlebroolt, Jcddo, Drlfton and Freeland,
57,7.40,9.08,10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.20 p.m. ,
TlV A.lll.ll nl.nMll.tllo nn T n., P.nnl. ,
7.44,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.10, 9li
y. ui.
For Haven Hun. CentraUa. Mount fTarmp! anil
Shamokln, 8.62, 10.15 a. m.. 1.40, 4.40, 8.00 p. ra.
For Yatesvllle. l'ark Place. MahannvCltvnrd
Delano. 5.67. 7.40, 9.08, 10 41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.20,
i.m, 9.24, 10.27 p. m.
Trams will loavo Shamokln at 7.55, 11.65 n. m.,
10. 4.3U. n. m. and nrrlvn nt. mmnjinrlnnh nt
05 a. in., 12.52, 3.10, 5.20 p. in.
Lcavo Shenandoah for l'ottsvllle. 6.50. 7.40.
,08. 10.41 a. m., 12,52, 3.10, 4.10, 5.20, 8.03 p. m.
Leave POttsvillo for Shenandoah, 0.00. 7.40,
05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.33,3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30
Lnavft Shenandoah for lTfit.tnn. 6 47. Tin O nfl
10.41 a. m., 13.62, 3.10. 5.20, 8.011 p. m.
i,uavo uazicion ror Mncnannoan, 7.30, U.13
LOO a. m., 12. 15, 3.10, 5.30, 7.03, 7.50 p. ra.
Trains leave for Ashland. Glrardvlllnand T.nst
Creek, 7.29. 9.40 a. in., 12.30, 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvlllo, l'ark I'laco, Mahanoy City.
Delano. Hazleton. Black Creek .Tnnotton. T'pnn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk. Allentown,
Ucthlehera, Uaston and New York, 8.40 a. m.,
it. IU.
For Philadelphia and Now York, 2.65 p m
For Yatesvllle. Park Place. Mahanor (Mi v and
Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.30. 2.55. 4.40 0.03 p. m.
i-,eavo iiazteton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30
ra.. 1.05, 4.37 p. ra.
Lcavo Shenandoah for Pnttsvllln. 5 50. 8.10.
30 a. m., 12.30 2.45 p. m.
ijcuvo fousviuo lor sncnanuoan, 8.30,
.oo, n.i.i p. ra.
A A. McLEOD. Pros & Gen. Mgr.
C. G. IIANCOCIC, Gen. Pass Agt.
l'hlladclnhla. la.
Houth Uethlehem. Pa.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via 1'hllariplnhla. week davs.
08, 5.23, 10.08 a. rc., 12.33 2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sunday,
08. 7.40 a. m. For New York via Mauch Chunk,
cek days, 5.23. 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2.48 p. m.
For Keadlne and l'hlladclnhla. week davs.
08, 5.23. 7.18. 10.08 a. m..l2.23.B.18.6.53 n. m. Sun
day. 2.0S. 7.40 a. m., 4.23 p. m
For Harrlsburg, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m.,
48. 5.53 p. m.
For Allentown, week days, 7.18 a. m., 12.33,
18 p. m.
i' or I'oiisviuo, weea aays, 2,u, 7. is a. m.,,
43, 5.63 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 7. 10 a. m., 4.2J p. m.
For Tamau'ia and Mahanov Cltv. week davs.
.08. 5.23. a. in.,12.33. 2.48. 5.53 n. m. Sun
day, 2.08, 7.40 ti. m 4.23 p m. Additional for
siananoy uity, week nays-, 0.58 p. m.
r or Lancaster uuu uoiumuia, wcck aays,
. m., 2. 18 p. m.
For Wllllamsnort. Sunbury nnd Lewlsbttrc.
week days, 3.23. 5.23, 7.18. 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 0.68
p m. Sunday, 3.23 a. in., 3.03 p. m.
f or ttiananoy 1'iane. wceit nays., a.-ja.
18, 10,08, 11.28 a'. m 12.33. 1.33, 2.48, 5 53, fi.48. 9.33
p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 3.23. 7.40 a. m., 3.03, 4.23 p. m.
ror uiruruvuie. ( uappanannocx station ),
week days, 2.08, 3.23. 5.23. 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. m., S.48, 5.53. 0.58, 9.33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08,
3.23. 7.40 a. m., 3.03. 4.30 p. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln. week days, 3.23,
5.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m.. 1.33, 0.58, 9.23 p. m. Sun
day, 3.23, 7.40 a. m., 3.03 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days,
7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00. 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Sun-
uuy, q.uu p. m., i.ia nigni.
Lsavo New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
4.30, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 3.45 p. m. Sunday, 7.00 n. m.
00, 0.00 p. m.. from Broad and Callowhlll and
8.35 a. m., 11.30 p. m. from Cth and Green streets.
Sunday, 9.05 a m., 11.30 p. m., from 9th and
Leave Reading, week davs. 10.05. 11.50
n, ra., o.Da, p. m. aunaay, i.i iims a. in.
icave j-oiisviuc, wcck aays, 3.4U, 7.4V a. m.,
u, 1 1 p. ra. sunaay, .u, 7.uu a. m., p. ra,
Leave Tarcaaua. week davs. 3.20. 8.48. 11.28 a.
m., 1.21, 7.13, 9.18 p. ia. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m.,
,OU p. UI.
Leave Mahanov Cltv. week davs. 3.40. 9.18.
11.47 a. m , 1.51, 7.42, 9.44 p. m. Sunday, 3.46, 8.17
u. ui., a.M p. m.
Leave siananov Plane, week at vs. s.40. 4 oo.
30. 9.35. 11.59 a. m.. 1.05. 2.00. 5.20. 0.20. 7.57. 10.00
p. in. sunaay, s.4, 4.uu. h.ct a. m., a.37, o.ut p. m.
Leavo Glrardvllle, (Rappahannock Station),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 0.38, 9.41 n. m.. 12.05, 2.12,
5.20, 0.32. 8.03, 10.00 p. m. Sunday, 3.47, 4.07, 8.33,
a. ra.. 3.41. 5.07 n. m.
Leave w iiuamspori, wcok aays, a tiu, .4,
n. ra., a.., 11. lap. m. sunaay, 11. ia p. ra.
For Baltimore. Washlnuton and tho West via
II. ti O. R. It., through trains lcavo Glrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It, R. R.) at
3 b.i, s.ui, 11.37 a. ra., a.ixi, D.43, 7.13 p. m. Sunday,
a.oo, e.03, 11.3 u. m., a.oo, D.43, 7.1a p. ra.
Lcavo Philadelphia. Chestnut street wharf
and i-outh strost wharf, for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Express. 8 00, 9 00 a m, 2 00, 4 00 p
m. Accommodation, 8 00 u m, 5 00, 0 30 p ra
Hundays Exnross, 8 00, 9 00, 10 00 am. Ac
commodation, 8 00 a m and 4 3 1 p m.
Returning leavo Atlantic City depot, Atlantlo
ana, Arkansas avenues, wecitaays express,
7 aw, v w a ra anu 4 uu, o uupm,
Accoramouauon, 4 ui, h iu a ra, ana 4 3U p m
Hundav8-Hxnress. 4 00. 5 45. 9 00 n m. Ao-
commouatipn, 7 au a in ana 4 ju p m.
A. A. MoLEOD. Pres. &Gcn'l Manager.
8 North Jardin St., Shenandoah.
In all the latest stylos, ot the finest mako and
oust iinisn in ino worm ior ine money, raaau1
lauturou uy me uook wugou larapany.
Edward A. Morgan &Co.
(Formerly Shaplra's Pharmacy)
107 Bouth JTain Street,
Prescriptions carefully compounded
uy registered pharmacists.
Procure one of our Chest Proteotora
3D. -Wl3LiX33,
Musical Instruments,
The finest goods In tho market at
, tbq lowest prices, All now goods.
Cor. Lloyd and Jardin Sis., Shenandoah, Pa,
first National Bant,
Capital, $100,000,00
A. W. Leisenrmg, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrmq, Cashier,
9 W. Yost. Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
Iaia on Havings Dcpaslls.
NOVEMBER 16, 1891.
Trains will loavo Shenandoah after the above
date for WIegan's, Ollberton. Frackvllle. New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvillo. Hamburg, Iteading,
Pottstown. Phunnixvllle, Norrlstown and Phli
ndelphla (Broad street station) at 0:00 and 11 45
a. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays. For Potts
vllle and Intermediate stations 9:10 a in.
For Wlggan's, GUberton, Frackvllle, New
Castle, St. Clair. Pottsvllle at 0:00, 9:40 a. m.
and3:I0p. m For Hamburg, Iteading. I'otts
town, Phocnlxvillo, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 0:00, 9:40 a. m.. 3: 10 p. m.
irains loavo I'-racKviuo lor unenanaoah at
10:10a m. and 12:14. 6:01. 7:42 and 10:09i. rn.
Mindays, 11:13 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Leave I'otisvuie for Shenandoah nt 1015,
11:48a. in nnd4:40.7:15and9:12n. m. Suniinva
at 10: 10 a. ra. and 5: 15 p. m.
L,eave t-nuaaeipiua (iiroau street station) for
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 5 67 and 8 33 a m,
lunnu, uupm week days. On Sundays leave
1 8 50 a m. For Pottsvllln. 9 23 a m. For vom
York at 3 20, 4 05. 4 40, 6 3. 0 50, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30.
9 60, 11 00. 11 14. 11 35 n m. 12 00 noon (limited ex
press 1 06 and 4 60 p m) 12 4 1. 1 35, 1 40, 2 30. 3 20.
4 (10. 4 02, 5 00, 0 00. 0 20, 0 60, 7 13, 8 12 nnd 10 00 p
m. 12 oi night. Sundays at 3 so, 4 05, 4 40. 6 35.
b ia e au, v ou, u a., a m ana 12 ii, i 40, 230, 4 02
(limited 4 50) 5 28, 0 20, 0 60, 7 13 nnd 8 13 p in and
12 01 night. For Sea Girt. Lonir Branch nnd tn.
termedlato stations 8 20 nnd 11 14 a m, and 4 00
pm weekdays. For Baltimoro nnd Washing
ton 3 50.7 20, 8 31. 9 10. 10 21), 11 18 am. 12 35 dim
Hed express, 1 30, 3 40,) 4 41. 0 5", 7 40 p m 12 0.1
night For Freehold only 5 00 p m weekdays.
or ij.uuiuoru oniyai 3U3, 4 ui, oiw anu 11 30 p
1. Sundays-ut3 50. 7 20. 9 10. 11 18 a m. 4 41 Ohr
40 p m, 12 03 night. Baltimore only 5-08. 1130
m. For Hlchmond 7 20 a m. 1 30 n ni nnd 12 n.1
night, nundays, 7 20 a m, 12 03 night.
Trains will leavo Harrlsburg for Pittsburg
nd the West everv dav at 12 25 nnd :t in n m
nnd (limited 3 00) and 3 10 p m. Way for Al
toona at 8 15 am and 4 10pm overy day For
PlttBburg and Alto na at 1120 a in everyday
and 10 20 p m week days.
irauis win leave aunuury ior Wllliam.spori
Elmlra, Canandaigua, Kochostcr, Buffalo am
Niagara Falls at 5 10 a m, and 113 p m week
days. For Elmlra at 5 30 pm week days For
Erie and Intermediate points nt510 nmdallv.
or Lock Haven nt 5 10 and 0 fifl a m dnllv 1
and 5 30 p in week daj s For Renovo at 5 10 a
ra. i a anu i .W p m week nays, nnd 5 10 a in cm
Sundays only. For ICano at 5 10 a m, 1 35 p ra
week days.
C. II. Puoh. J. It. Wood.
Uen'l Manager. Gcn'l Pass'g r Agt.
X Liirjjc Attcudauce
Room for a Few More.
Take advantage ot the' present
chance to secure a
For terms, &c, call at the College or address,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Ciflft North Fourth 8t,(
tb onlr touia Urma AmirHcu
ppeclfcUil ta tl United Uutei wbo Ii
tbla to cor OlOOd PolBOHi
Nervous Debility 4 Spe
cial Diseases ot bota me,
fekia Diiui. Hi-d BpoU PJn la thi
niokhtt, Plmplef, Eruptlooi, toft ot
hrd L'loert, fiwellltiM, Irriuiloni,
latlunmkUoDS tad Kaaoiagi,
tStXiCturei, Weak Dei od rlr
r lmt mmorr. wok linck. mt?&tal aailelT. 'KUney to4
tlsll. r Dlieu 1 &nd all Mumm renultlnf from Kcii,
li.lUr tk-, .rin rwork ItWcrnt fuel cured Id W 10
r lf t imof Ho nut lot hope, n itiatwr wbtl 4f
tuiD litem. Quack, FirollT or Iloiplul Phyiicla fcu WW,
Dr. TIIEEL eurti positively dcUotloa frou
tiUllnetl, OLD, TOUKOf MIDDLI iOID KD THOil COWTitl.Ttl"
m tut tint, rich or poor, wod So. tmp for bOOk
"TKUTH" fIIH Qnacki ondpr iworn UiUoioolal.
Hoitri, dkllr from 9 to 8, Kt' 6 to 9, Wrd, knrl BiU
tr'tn S u JO. BunilkT 0 till IS. VrtU rr call and be aarad.
for HrftMoti m Wedm. aol Saturday i'UJa. dallf Itnf.
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana
Where he will be pleaed to meet the wants
of Ins friends and the public In
Everything in tho Drinking Line.
Allorney-al-Law and Real Estate Agent,
Office Uoddall's Hulldlng, Shenandoah, I'a
Everything well cooked nnd clean. An elab
orate bill of fare Uatly. Lodgtligs
,'. fo'r.yejfrir'
omoe-za WettLloya Btreet, Hhenanaoak