o fill Meet Prices OF ALL COMPET1TOKS, QUALITY CONSIDERED WHO GIVE "10 OZ. TO TOE FOUND. AND 4-PMS TO THE GALLON AT SEVERN'S. CLOLID and plated Silver ware. Gold and Silver Watches, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goods, Banquet,Parlor and Piano Lampsjuniquo 111 design with 75 and 250 candle power burners. All goods superior in finish and quality with rock bottom nricesthat withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly at Holdermaris Jewelry Store, The most progressive establishment In the county. Corner Mam ana Lloyo Streets. LOCALKTTKS. Flowers nro coming. lilossoms are fading. Oysters are getting watery. Sponges nro being made of lamb's wool. Now Is tho time for summer matting. The forest trees are coming out In leaf. The "spring chlcken"ls a very dcccptlvo bird. The robins are nesting and hatching out thetr young. The days aro now nearly fourteen and a half hours long. 1 The country looks like a great big promise of plenty. The coming summer promises to be as pro lific of picnics as usual. You've got to bo an early riser theso mornings to see tho sun rise. This Is the season of tho year when farmers don't want to bo bothered by agents. Tho days will continue to lengthen until Juno 21st nf ter which they will again shorten. Bu oklen'a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fovor Sores, Tetter, Chappod Hand!, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively euros Pilos, or no payment roquired, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refundod. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 0. H. Hagenbuch. Hall's for cabinet photos, 60c. per dozen, Coming Events. May 17 Strawberry and Ice Cream Fes tival. Bobbins' opera house, under the tupices of tho English Lutheran church May 18. Ico cream festival, undor tho auspicos of tho "Y," in Robbins' opera house- May 30 Picnic at Lalcesido, by Junior Class, nigh School. May 30. Excelsior Social Club straw berry and ice cream festival in Bobbins' opera homo. May 30 Picnic at Ellongowan drove, for the benefit of the Ellongowan drum corps. May 30. Basket picnic at Lakeside Pirk, East Mahanoy Junction, by the Junior Class of tho High School. May 31. Children's Concert, under the auspices of tho "Ym. Ponn Juvonilo Choir, in Wm. Penn M. E. church. Juno 11. Strawberry and ico cream festival, in the P. M. church hall, under auspices of Indies Aid of tho P. M. church. Juno 13. Strawberry and ico cream festival in Bobbins' opora houso, under the auspices of tbo young people of tho Eng. llsh Baptist church. Juno 14. Strawberry and ico cream fostival, undor the auspicos of tbo Ladies' Aid Society of tho M. E. church, in Bob bins' opora house. Finost photos, COc. perdczen.atKoagoy's. YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE I Good horses, nice buggies and responsible drivers are the essential things for a pleasant drive, which can always be had at my stables, 12 and 14 North Pear alley, rear of Luberg's hardware store. Horses taken to board. Undertaking in all its branches attended to with promptness. EYAN J. DAYIESi Just See What A DOLLAR WILL BUY AtJas. Thomas'. 13 cans of Tomatoes, 19 cans of Means, 64 dozen of Oranges, f pounds of Coffee, 16 cans of Peas, ' 7 dozen of Lemons, 22 pounds of Sugar, 30 pounds of Jelly. Remember, these are only a few of our prices. Also, have full lino of Oreen Truck, having just returned from the city. James Tliomat' CHEAP CASH STORE, Coal au a "West Sts. COUNTY 'ROUND. Important Decision Guldin and Comrey Win. Their Suit Other Inter esting News. Boforo tho court yostorday a potitlon of bondholders of Minorsvillo Coal Company, praying for tho appointment of Frank "Wernor as trustoo was presontod, vice Jacob Lawronce, docoasod. Tho P. & B. owns 815,000 worth of tho bonds and 'ho rost of the petitioners own bonds which, with tho P. & R., amount to 541,000. The court granted the prayor of the petitioners. The bonds wore issued when the company built tho Minersville furnace and which has einco been torn down. BONDS ArPHOVED. A petition for tho salo of tho real ostate of lionry Madgeburg, deceased, was also Mod yesterday, and an order grantod for tho sumo. Deceased fell from a scaffold in Ashland, and received injuries from the ellects of which ho diod. lie left a widow and one child. A bond in tho sum of (3,000 was approvod. The administrator is Frod Gronzo. The bond of W. J. Dailoy, treasuror of tho borough of Girardvillo, in ?16,000, with Margaret Dooloy, B. McCabo, Tat. Mc Olinn, J as. Donahoo, P. F. Haley, Mary Haley, Michael Horan, was approved. Bond of Henry Millor, treasurer of East Union, in 5,000, with John A. HauckandJ. O. Bichonderfer, was ap proved. DECISION REVERSED. The caso of Coroner Guldin and Sherifl Comroy, arguod at tho February tortn of Supremo Court, was decided finally by that body. Both cases are reversed and the facts aro as follows : These two cases involvod the question of tho fees under tho act of 18C8. Tho con stitution providos that all counties having over 160.000 population should bo classified and all officials and their deputies shall bo paid by salaries. Tho constitution also provides that neither the term nor the emoluments of an officer shall bo increased or diminished during his term of office. In January, 1891, it was ascertained that the DODulation of Schuylkill counly was 151,000, or at least was so cortificd by Su perintendent Porter, of tho Census Bureau. Guldin had sorved but one year in office when it was ascertained aa to tho census. Tho Commissioners, by and under instruc tions of their solicitor, refused to account under tho fee bill of 'C8. Under the fee bill of '08 tho Coroner's offico is one of tho bost paying offices in tho county. Under the act of 1876 ho is paid but 5500 per year, Guldin brought suit for his pay undor tho feo bill of 'C8. Tho decision of the court below in a written opinion by Judge Pershing, decided against Guldin, and for tho county. This meant a Iobs of 55,000 to 57,000 for the last two years of his term, Sheriff Comrey who had served two years of his term, retusod to como under tho act of 1876, and the county proceeded by man damus to compel him to come under tbo act. Both cases wero bitterly fought in tho court below and tho court following tho do cisioti made in tho Guldin caso, issued t mandamus against Comrey. Comroy and Guldin carried their cases to tho Supreme Court. Tho matter became a question of stato importanco and county officials in other counties asked to bo pormitted to be heard in tho Comroy and Guldin casos. This led to Goorgo 'W. Johnson, loader of tho Phil adelphia Bar, and Honry M. Palmer, loader of tho Wilkes-Barro Bar, taking part in tho argument in the Supremo Court. This decision affects District Attorney Koch also. RATHER BE RELIEVED. C. E. Breckons, Esq,, informed tho court yesterday that one of the murderers of Officer Mergethad securod tho services of Messrs. J. W. Whitehouso and D. O. Uonning, and as the threo prisonors wero jointly indicted, ho was of tho opinion that himself and Fergus G. Farquhar, Esq., who had been appointed by court, should be roliovod of the task of defending them.' Judgo PerBhing said ho would givo tho mattor his attention and made no order. JURYMAN BENT TO JAIL. Honry Johnson, of Girardville, will hardly bo placed in tho jury wheol again. Yostorday, morning during court ho made considerable noise by loud talking and big blowing in general. Judge Bechtel com manded him to ba brought before him. Ho was so full that it was with difficulty thut ho mado his way boforo his honor. "Whoro did you got tho whiskoy?" was asked him by tho judgo. Ho managed to mumble something about not getting any whiskey at all, but it was plainly evident that his tonguo hadbocomo so thick from the effects of it that ho was unablo to bo understood intelligently, and his honor directed tho sheriff to givo bim a cell in Fort Martin. SCREENINGS. Tho Bev. J. F. McGuiro has boon transferred from St. Teresa's church, Philadelphia, to the church of tho Holy Bosary, at Mahanoy Piano. Hen. Philip Breen, formerly a member tho Legislature from this county, diod in Philadelphia. Ho was in his 74th year. The Fostor will case which has caused considorablo comment was callod boforo Judgo Greon yostorday. It bids to con sumo, It is thought, tho groater part of tbo week. Tho argument for a new trial in tho caso of tbo Commonwealth vs. Harry B. Shaw, convicted of murder in the second degree for killing David E. Qulnn on tho Saturday of tho Knights of Pythias fair, was fixed for to-morrow at 3:30, In tho offlco of W. J. Wnltohouse, Esq. When Baby was tick, we gave her Castorfa. When site was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she hod Children, she gave them Costorta, Spectacles, to luit all eyes, at Ports' book andlitatlonory itore. F. J. 4-28-tf PASSING OF THE WHITEFISH. The Most Dcllcnto of Vrrsli Water Fish DUnppenrlnfr Through Illpgnl Netting. "Ycnr after year, and for manyycars, tho fish commissions of all tho states bordering' on tho great lakes have free ly stocked theso waters with, whitcflsh, nnd yet year by year tho catch of white fish diminishes," said a prominent buyer nnd shipper of lake fish. "Whcro do tho whitcflsh go? It isn't a difficult ques tion to answer. Thcro is no doubt that the efforts of tho commissions in stock ing tho lake with whitcflsh nro eminent ly successful, as far as tho experiments themselves aro concerned. Tho young fish thrive and grow even beyond tho expectations of fish culturists. Hut tho experiments with whitcflsh propagation liavo also proved that whitcflsh are ex ceptionally tender. They hug closely the shores of tho lakes, unlike most of the fishes of the lakes. Tho water thcro is shallow and warm. This important fact in tho nature of whitcflsh was known to tho native fishermen long be fore tho scientists began to investigate. These shallow reaches of the lakes have been for years unnumbered, and are still level with tho trap nets that tho observant fisherman uses. These nets, like tho eel weirs of tho rivers, nro no respecters of fish as to size, and tho half-grown whitcflsh aro caught by them In as great numbers as tho full grown fish are. "The half-grown whitcflsh aro not marketable, but that docs not deter the fisherman in talcing them. They aro thrown back into tho lake, but, being dead, that does not help them any. Every mllo of shoro between Buffalo and Chicago, one might truly say, has its thousands and thousands of young whitcflsh destroyed in this way every year. That is tho reason why the sup ply of this most delicate of fresh water food fishes is diminishing Instead of In creasing every year, in spito of the cost ly annual restocking of tho lakes. Thero is law enough to prevent this wanton destruction of whitcflsh, but if it is not enforced better in tho future than it is now, people will ask in vain at the markets for whlteflsh when the twentieth century comes in." N. Y. Sun. Venerable Pittsburgher (shivering) "Mary, bo sparing of tho natural gas and the coal." Mary "Shure, there's plenty more where thoy kim from Venerable Pittsburgher-' 1 You're wrong. Scientists say that in a few thousand years the coal will be gone and tho gas will go in a few years!. And Camille Flammarion says the sun will go out in less than a hundred thousand years." Pittsburgh Bulletin. Mr. Feeder "This vest wants to bo a little larger around the waist, Schnei der." Schneider- "Hut It fits you per fectly now, sir." Mr. Feeder "I know it fits all right now, but I am ordering this suit to wear at dinners!" Tho growing crops nnd vegetation generally were much benefited by the recent rains. Don't say thero Is nothing new under the sun when there nro sixty styles of new spring bon nets. It Is never too late to mend. This is why tho cobbler never has your boots done at the time promised. WANTS, &c. LOT FOR SALE. A very 140 feot, on East Coal IlEitALD offlco. desirable lot, 30x street. Arjpjgr at TIT ANTED. A strong boy to learn the ban VV ing trade. Apply at J. F. Ploppcrt's bakery, 29 Eist Centre street. s TOVE FOR SALE. A good, nearly new, cooking stove. To bo sola to maitoroom forarango. Apply at Heiiald office. 4-28-tf OR RENT. Lodge room, nicely furnished! also two offices. In post offlco building. Apply to I. Hobblns, Pottsvlllo. 5-10 tf J 71 OR SALE. An upright Knabo piano In 1 first class condition. Tho owner leaving town 18 mo reason ior sening. apiujt iu viu lam Burchlll, 3U West Line street. 6-16-1 w DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The Cather property, on West Oak street, for salo. Will he sold wholo or In parts to suit purchaser. Apply on tho premises. 4-12-fci TRIOR SALE. Cheap, a ono-horse spring V wagon with top. Also a two-seat surrey with extension top. Apply to Fred. Burkhart, 23 North Main strcat. 3-3-tf PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have this day sold out my in terest in me anenanuoaa jieuuy-t-ay oiuru, tradlni? under tho firm name of Smith & Swln gle. All claims against tho Bald firm will bo seuiea oy u. vv. soma, tuo remuimng inewuer of tho firm, and all accounts duo me to bo paid to tno saia u. w. smun. S. 11. SWINUijtS, Shenandoah, Pa., April 20, 02. l-27-4t-oaw no TO- M. P. Conry's Saloon, 31 South Main Street, Next to tho First National Bank, for fresh beer, porter, ales ana temperance annus. Boarding by the Day, Week or Month. FORMER'S Saloon and Restaurant No.llS N. WHITE STREET. First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tem perance urinns anu uigars. i me oiu Wines and Liquors always on hand. H. O. FOLMER, Prop. Caff around anil tpend a pleasant hour. "THE ELECTRIC" (John McNeil's old stand) East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest, purest and best Liquors, Beers, Ales, Porters ! Cigars, &c, In tho county. The place has been entirely renovated and Inv proved. Polite attention and honorable treat ment to all. X. J. lUULIIOLIANn. JJ- S. KISTLER, M. D., ' PHYSICIAN AND BUSOEON. Office ISO N. Jardln street, Shenandoah, Pa JTmilGUBON'B THEATRE, 1'. Jt rilEUUbUit, MAr.AU Kit, THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1892. ONE NIOHT ONLY. MARIE PRESCOTT In a magnificent production of H. Illder Hag gard's great play, " Cleopatra!" MAG NIFICENT COSTUMES, t Superb, new and elaborate scenery, Prices, 25c, 50c, 750 mid $x. John Whltcly, Manager. ABRAM HEEBMER CO., PORT CARBON, PA., Manufacturers of Of Every Description. Flags, Badges, Caps, Regalias, &c. AS-FINEST GOODS-LOWEST PRICES.- Wrlto for catalogues. Correspondence solicited. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING at the old reliable millinery store of ELLA McGINNISS, EAST CENTRE STREET, SHENANDOAH. The flneU and largest stock of HATS, DB03ST3STBTS AND MILLINERY GOODS Of nil kinds. Come and see the display be fore purchasing e.sewbere. 's Restaurant Cor. Main and Conl Sts., Hhensndo3b, fa. Regular meals at popular rices served at all times, adles' dining ana re freBhment rooms attach ed. Jiur stocked with the finest brands of cigars and fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. MANN'S RESTAURANT, 104 South Main St., Shenandoah. Finest Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars in Hock. Fresh Deer, Ale and Porter.' Boarders kept by the day or week at reason, able rates. BEST MADE CLOTHING IN PHILADELPHIA Oa this youth there are no flies, For we know that when he dies He'll gothroug-h the pearly gates, Because he bought that suit at Yates'. Ta-ra-ra-Boom! de-re. A. C. YATES & CO,, Corner 13th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. A Corner in Hats. Some hats are neither worth throwing nor taking out of a corner. A good hntlslght,dur fihlR. Khnnoiv nnri n nlpnkuro to the wearer: a bad bat Isn't worth powder enough to blow It into perdition, uooanatsnro nomoreeipcn Hlvn Ihnn Ymil nnpu. lint had hats are cxnenslvE at any price and sensible men couldn't bo paid to wear them. Our 13 bat Is a perfect gem, and there Is no reason to be without ono at this low figure The same Is true of our 60 Neckwear ana suspenders, uooa snirts irom zso up to All the newest things In gents' underwear, col lars and cuffs. Everything at rock bottom price, 19 South Main St., Shenandoah THE HERALD Has now entered new territory thus making it the best advertising- medium in this section. In every town and patch along the electric it is read each afternoon. IT PAYS THE MERCHANT located in either this or the towns along the electric road to Girard ville to advertise in the Heral,d, because its circu lation is daily in creasing in these towns, especially Girardville, in creasing sales oc curring daily in that place. The Herald's influ ence is increasing proportionately. I OUR JOB DEPARTMENT ! Is the best in the region, and the class of work we turn out is not surpassed for the neatness of excu tion outside of the large cities. A trial will con vince you of this. '? THE HERALD REDUCED GREATLY OltUSSEIiS from 50o up. Floor Oil Cloths and from 25o up. Window Shades, Bugs, Matts,Curtaln Poles, etc., at low prices. The best line of Lace Curtains ever shown in town from $1.00 a pair up. J J PRTPF'S OLD RELIABLE, U . U . JL JLVXVjXj yJ, NORTH MAIN STREET. m mm Largest Assortment. LATEST STYLES I Our Prices were never equalled before. We Ben carriages encaper tnan in i'miaacipaia or elsewhere, we have a full lino of Ueywood Carriages, and can furnish you any style for less than you ' Can Buy at the Factory. Call and see for yourself. Wo mean Just what wo say. our prices win surprise you. T. P. WILLIAMS & SON, No. 8 South main Street, GEO. W. HASSLER, JOS North Jardtn Street, SHENANDOAH, PA., House Painter and Paper Hanger. All work executed promptly and at reasonable rates, Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed, as none but first class workmen aro employed. WALL PAPER FOR SALE! At retail or In Jobbers' lots. Xl3IiMOVi.Xi t ELLIS, The TinFmilh and Stove Dealer, has removed to the Cor. of Centre and Jardln Htm, Where ho will be pleased to meet all his old as weu as many new customcra us jjvbbiuiv, Good work; fair price. Roofing and Spouting neatly done. BOCK BEER ! Lagor- Boor ORDER AT ONCE. Christ. Schmidt, Agt, 267 West Coal St,, We Study to Please I Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GR0GERY LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK. Pish, Butter nnd Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, &c, &o Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store ! (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. Specialties! The best Chimney Top yet discovered! The wind cannot blow down. Do you want tho best range money can buy f Then purchase the BROADWAY," Tin Roofing and Spouting done on tho shortest notice All kinds of STOVE REPAIRS. A portion of your patronage solicited. WM. R. PRATT, 331 South Jardln Street, Shenandoah, H. J, M'GUIRE'S Sportiog and Musical Resort ! Second St., GIRARDVILLE. Best Wines, Liquors, Beers, Ales and finest brands of Cigars always on hand. i nJLo PRICES 1 Table and Linoleums THEHEYWOOD, A ME SHOW If yon want to see a fine display of Boots ana Bhoes, goto W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mas teller's old stand,) corner Coal and Jurdln Btn. Custom Worli and Repairing Done In the best style. CHRIS. BOSSLEE'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 201 N. Main St., Shenandoah. The Finest Stock of Beers, lies, Cigars, ic