The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 16, 1892, Image 3

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Both tlio method and results when
Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho tasto, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and ngreeablc substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Fig3 is for sale in 50c
and 1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. I)o not accept any
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chappod Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
'Specially Adapted (or Use in Hard Water.
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used In the
preparation ot
tchtch it absolutely
pure and soluble.
It has more than three timet
I the strength ot Cocoa mixed
with 8tarcb. Arrowroot or
' Suzar. and la far morn errw
nouucai, coning less man one cent a cup.
It is delicious, nourishing, and easily
Sold by Crorers ertrynhtre.
tW. BAKES & CO., Dorchester, Mais.
The success of this Great Cough Cure is
-without a parallel in the history oil medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue
cessfully stand. That it mar become known,
the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home
in the United States and Canada. If you have
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
it will cute you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief
is sure. If vou dread that insidious disease
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for '
SlUUUU'S UUKE, Price iocts., so cts. ana
$t.oo. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts.
For Bale by 0. H. Hngenbucl).
nilriTlinP We, the undersigned, were
llllr I llHr entirely cured of rupture hy
'U1 I UIIU Ur. J, u. Mayer, 31 Arch Bt.,
Philadelphia, Pa., K.Jones Philips, Kennet
Hnuare, Pa.: T. A. Krettz, Hlatlngton, Ps.j E.
M. Hmall, Mount Alto, Pa.: Hev. H. II. Blier.
roer,'a.: D. J. Dellett. Hit 8.12th
Ht.. Heading, Pa.; VVm. Dlx, 182-J Montrose at.,
Philadelphia: 11. U Howe, SOU Elm Ht., Read
ing, Pa.; George and Ph. Uurkart, 139 Locust
Ht., Heading, Pa. Bend for circular.
Act on a new principle
recolato the liver, etomacb
and bowels through the
nervet. Da. Hues' Pnxa
speedily cure bUloopnees,
torpid liver and constipa
tion. Smallest, mildest,
enrostl opdoses.aScts.
tiamplea (roe at druniosts.
Ur. Olio Bod. Co., ClUut,lxl
Justice d the Peace, Rea! Estate ni Insurance Jpncj,
Office Muldoon's Building, Shenandoah, Fa
To test a 1'o.lllt " Wo for the elltvtl of BelrtraM.
Kuril l.zcewa. lmlJonLNri oui DrbllttT. Louof
&vxual 1'ower, Impotnry, 0. Bo frnutls our faith in
our Hctno we MnJ one Full Mouth' Medicine
eJld tfucu Voluablv Information FJtri Addrou
tt. 31. CO., tmliJri.ii.lwuj, Any VorlT
1141 Hi I I I I
n a hi
HIM 1 1 III Kll
m Jin n
A Terrific Collision on tlio Big
Four at Clovos, 0.
A Defecliva Switch in Maryland Causes
the Death of Three.
The Injured In lloth Accident! Number
Over Thirty A Ileuvy lUIn Storm Wi
Ilnglng lVhan the Ills Four Kxprell Col
llded A Change In the Schedule Mar
Have Canted the Wreck List uf the
Ullled-Home of the Hurt Mar Die.
Cincinnati, May 10. A (rightful col- j
llsion occurred on the Big Four road i
near Cloves yesterday resulting In the
death of Are persons and the Injury of
twelve or fifteen. Ths regular Sunday
accommodation, which usually loaves
Aurora for Cincinnati at 8:30 a. ni.,
started an hour earlier owing to a chnnge
in the schedule which had just gone into
effect. The train consisted of a combina
tion baggage car, a smoking car and
three coaches.
When near Cleves tho engineer of the
passenger engine saw a freight train ap
proaching, but too late to prevent a col
lision. The freight crew had forgotten
about the change in tho schedule and
supposed tho track was clear. The two
engines came together with a terrific
the killed:
W. 0. Edwards, engineer, Greensburg,
William IIiggs, engineer, Lawrence
burg, Ind.
David IIeywood, conductor, Indianap
olis, uggj
HmAM BnUCE, fireman, Qreensburg,
Philip Qiueben, baggage master, Law
renceburg. lloth engines were battered into shape
less masses and rolled off the tracks.
The cars behind were smashed into
kindling-wood, and the track for 100
feet torn up.
Telegraph poles were thrown down,
and it was two or three hours after the
wreck before word reached this place.
and a special train was sent to the scene
from Cincinnati. In tne meantime the
people from the little village and from
tne surrounding country bad gathered,
and in the frightful storm were doing
all they r.ould.
Several of the Injured are seriously
nurt, two, It is thought, fatally.
Three Killed and Many Hurt by u Collision
lu Mnryluml.
Haoerstown, Md., May 10. The fast
train on the Norfolk & Western Rail
road, composed of one sleeper, two day
coaches, a baggage and an express car,
was wrecked 12 miles south of here yes
terday morning by jumping the track
and dashing Into three loaded freight
cars which were standing on a siding.
Conductor Hays was killed instantly,
and ten passengers were seriously In
jured, two of whom are dead. All these
were in one of tha day coaches. Those
In the other cars only sustained a severe
shook. Several legs and arms were bro
ken, and one passenger has to have a leg
The injured (all men) were brought
back to Uagerstown, where some 11 at
the Hotel Hamilton and some at the
Baldwin House. One coach and one
freight car were smashed to splinters.
Yesterday afternoon a jury was empan
eled and declared the accident due to a
defective switch.
Five of the llodles Recovered.
Boston, May 17. Superintendent
Bradly, of tho Farm School at Thomp
son's Island, reports the finding of the
bodies of five of tho boys drowned April
10. All the bodies were floating in the
water off City Point, and all buve been
positively identified as follows: Frank
Hitchcock, aged 10 years; Charles II.
Craves, aged 17 years; William Curran,
aged 17 years; Albert A. Packard, aged
10 years. Hitchcock's body will prob
ably be taken away by friends, but the
others will be buried on Thompson's Isl
and this afternoon.
Crushed to Death.
Toledo, O., May 10. A wooden bridge
over a deep cut by which the Lake
Shore Railroad reaches the Union Depot
gave way as two electric street cars were
crossing it and fell upon a freight train
that stood below. The freight train
supported the bridge for a time, thus
saving the five persons In the street cars
from instant death. Frank liennat, a
motor man, was caught between the
two cars as they went down, and was
crushed to death.
, Killed Uy a Cave-In.
Elizabeth, N. J., May 16. Two Ital
ians were burled under tons of earth at
the Division street crossing of the New
Jersey Central Railroad, by the caving
in of an embankment in a cut where tha
street was being depressed under the
tracks. Frang liavello, one of the men,
was taken out dead, and Giovanni Lom
badlo, the other man, is fatally injured.
Several other men were slightly injured.
Misfortune Cautes hulclde.
Milton, Pa., May 16. John T. Rose,
living in Pipers, an addition to Milton,
committed suicide because bis house, a
small frame building, was sold at con
stables' sale. When It was opened the sui
cide's body was found in a corner of the
room with his head almost blown off,
It Is known that he said that If the
house was sold from him he would kill
Auatrlu'u Gold taudurd.
Vienna, May 10. The cur
rency reform bills In the Relchsrath
propose to convert Into gold stock at
reduced Interest the untaxed S per cent,
paper rente, and establish a gold stand
ard, the krone beti2 the unit, divided
into 100 hellers. Two kronen will equal
In value the present Bllver florin.
Plating Work Humeri.
Philadelphia, Pa., May 10. Flames of
unknowu origin broke out lu the plat
lug works of Ledlg & Way, rear of $12
248 North Eighth street, aud destroyed
property valuod at between $73,000 aud
$100,000 on which there is an insurance
of only f 35,000. The works employed
110 men.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
ABSOMffElOf pum
X Wtae mother Opinion ou Utiles und
Every young mother starts on her
natural careorwith nfullsotof theories.
She wears thorn lileo armor and it often.
fairly clanks as sho moves, and it is
armor of proof that is, it is proof
agulnst every weapon eavo the keen
lance of experience.
Ono twenty-ycar-olu wiseacre has a
theory that babies aro over-fed (so they
are, moro than half the time), and sho
allows her poor little lamb only flvo
minutes for its meals and wonders that
it does not grow fat like Mrs. Smith's
baby. Another has a theory that tho
little bodies are kept too warm and her
baby shivers under a thin blanket, with
its poor little pink toes all cnrleil up
and turning purplo with tho eoldj a
third believes that warmth is the ono
thing needful, and her child swelters
in heavy flannels through tho hottest
I never shall forgot how a certain
very famous phvsiciau came to seo mo
one very hot day in August and found I
mv babv wearinir a flannel petticoat, '
and, moreover, wrapped in a flannel
"What have you got this child so
swathed up for?" demanded Dr. William
of tho nurse. "Flannel on a day like
this? Tho child should have nothing
on but a slip. I wish I had nothing on
but a slip!"
I started in mother-llfo with as fine a
set of theories as most people and I
have been shedding them ever since.
When I look at my eldest daughter and
remember tho things I did to her I
marvel that she is alive and well. How
tho "sweet little cherub that sits up
aloft" must have shuddered when ho
saw that poor baby taking her noon
tide nap out of doors in her carriago all
winter long!
All my friends stood round in atti
tudes of horror and dejection, but I pur
sued my way with tho intrepid imbe
cility of youth. Wrapped in a great
quilt with just enough space left for
tho puro air to enter, sheltered from
tho wind by a thick hedge, that little
carriago stood out day by day, from Oc
tober till May, with Hrownie, the faith
ful St. Ilernard, lying beside it.
Brownie never said what he thought,
but ho probably felt that I was not to
bo trusted with tho child. When it
stormed of course tho carriago was
brought in and trundled in tho house,
which the house being small and many
cornered, was not convenient. And
well the child lived, and it would per
haps bo hard to find a more healthy
girl than sho is to-day, but whenever
sho has a touch of the neuralgia, which
is her one ailment, I think of tho little
carriage behind the hedge and beat my
breast and say: "Sijeunnetse tavaul"
By tho time -my second baby came
had learned a little more; by the time
tho third appeared I knew enough to
regard tho first as a brand snatched
from tho burning, and to become restive
when any ono broached a new theory,
When my seventh baby smiled in my
face she found me with hardly a theory
left, but ready to give my whole self to
tho lovely work of keeping her well
and happy. I did not take her up when
ever sho cried; neither did I let her cry
herself and me into fits, becauso I had a
theory that babies must not bo taken
up. I fed her when sho was hungry,
even if oh, treasonl it was fifteen min
utes before tho proper time. I did not
weigh her overy week or every month;
in fact, I did not care in the least what
sho weighed so long as her flesh was
firm and hard and her color good,
took her out in good weather and kept
her at home when I thought tho wind
too sharp. And she is as robust and
rosy-cheeked as her oldest sister, and I
do not believe sho will have neuralgia
when sho grows up. Laura E. Rich
ards, in Chicago News.
Things llaro and Antique That Aro Highly
Flat wall vases and fan forms in royal
Berlin ware are among tho now import
A new white faience in dishes, card
receivers, candelabra and lamps is or
namented with orchids, tho cotelyea
being tho variety chosen,
White lilacs, snowballs and hyacinths
in relief with green foliage aro intro
duced in a now ware. Ornamental fruit
dishes havo the spreading legs arranged
with arbor wire and underneath is a
sprawling or peeping cupid.
The demand for pieces of faience,
fancy bronzes and bric-a-brac knows no
abatement. Grown men and women
bending over' and seriously considering
and buying what, except for their ox-
pense, would bo children's toys, aro
among tho sights of tho town.
Snow-drop glass it is called. It is of
a beautiful green tint with modeled do
signs of white snow-drops with palo
green calyxes as ornaments. Tho tall,
flaring cylindrical vasos aro particular
ly handsome Tills dosign is found,
however, in a number of forms.
Quaint and old-fashioned nro pot
pourri jars with perforated lids for per
fuming drawing-rooms and boudoirs,
A doliclous potpourri is that with tho
odor of tho wild rose, delicate and sub
tle Among tho daintiest of boudoir
writing table ornaments nro tho mlnla-
ture Dresden china lamps. Jowelors'
It will pay you to take a walk or drive Into
the country. It Is looking raagnlUcently,
Advtee Is a most useless tblug. A wise man
doesn't need It, and a fool -won't have It.
lie Is a mlss-guldod youth ho does every
t alng bis sweetheart usks him to do.
A tcaspoonful of alum will make
clear four gallons of muddy water.
Boiling tho water is necossary to re
move disease germs when a farm pump
or a town reservoir has a bad name.
A Tonle for tho Hair. A good tonic
for the hair is salt water, a teaBpoonful
of salt to a half-pint of water, applied
to tho hair two or three times a week.
Tho oifect at the end of a month will bo
surprising. Ladies' Ilomo Journal.
Chloride of lime is an infallible pre
ventive for rats, as they lleo from its
odor as from a pestilence. It should bo
thrown down their holes, and spread
about wherever they aro likely to come, I
and should be renewed once a fortnight. 1
-Tomato Soup.-Stew ono can of to- !
to effervesce, then add a quart of boil
uu " ioui.i... i "'
ing milk, some rolled crackers, salt and
pepper to taste, and a generous lump of
butter. Let it boil for a few minutes
and serve. Housekeeper.
Savory Potatoes. To ono pound of
mashed potatoes add a quarter of a
tcaspoonful of salt, ono gill of sweet
inilk, half an ounco of grated cheese,
and mix well. Place tho potatoes
smoothly In a small, well greased pie
dish, sprlnklo over them one ounce of
finely grated cheese and a tablespoon-1
ful of butter in small pieces. Hake In
a brisk oven until it is a golden brown
and serve very hot. Ilorap,
Chocolate frosting. Take the whito
of two eggs, ono teaspoonful of light
brown sugar, a quarter cako of choco
late and half teacupful cold water.
Boll tho water and sugar until it
threads when raised up with a spoon.
Pour this on tho eggs after beating
them to a froth and stir rapidly.
Flavor with vanilla, then add the grated
chocolate and stir until nearly cold,
when spread it on tho cake. If for '
layer cake put it on the layers and top, '
or on tho top and sides of a plain loaf.
Orange Judd Fanner. j
Prince of Wales Cake. Black part
Ono cup of brown sugar, one half cup
of butter, ono half cup of sour milk,
two cups of flour, ono cup of chopped
raisins, ono teaspoonful of soda dis-1
solved In a littlo warm water, one
tablespoonful of molasses, tho yolks of
three eggs, ono teaspoonful each of
cloves and nutmeg. Whito part One
cup of flour, ono half cup each of corn
starch, sweet milk, and butter, ono cup
of granulated sugar, two teaspoonfuls
baking powder, tho whites of threo
eggs. Bake all in four layers, and put
together with icing, Springfield
(Mass.) Republican. j
Apples in Red Jelly. Choose largo '
apples, peel them and take out tho cores:
put into each apple two cloves and fill
them up with powdered sugar. Place
them in a pie dish, add more sugar, the
julco of one lemon, and two teacup fuls
of water. Bake for about half an hour;
lift tho apples carefully so as not to
break them, place in a dish to cool.
Strain the liquor in which they havo
been stewing into a lined saucepan, add
to it the rind of 0. lemon, and one table
spoonful of gelatine that has been dis
solved in cold water, and if not sweet a
little more sugar, and six cloves. Boll
till quito clear, cool with a littlo cochi
neal, and strain the jelly through a
double muslin into a bowL Let it cool
a littlo and pour it over the apples
which have been previously arranged
In a deep glass dish. When quite cool
put on the top of tho apples the white
of an egg that has been beaten to a stiff
froth. Housekeeper.
It Cirri Coldt.Ooarhi.SorsThroat.Oreap.TitflneBiA,
Whooping Couh, Bronchi til kqI Asthma. JL cmJ
mrfl fbr Conmmption la fint mm, n1 t surt relUf la
advanced itagei. Uaottonoe. You will aee tho ex
cellent effect after taking the first do, &U 17
ttkltra tTirjwbcrt. Lug 0 uuu tal $1.09.
Edward A. Morgan & Co.
(Formerly Bhaplra's Pharmacy)
107 South RTain Street,
Prescriptions carefully compounded
by registered pharmacists.
Procuro one of our Chest Protectors.
Finest brands of clears always on hand,
The beat temperance drinks.
Details of Another riot Against
Russia's Ruler.
A Qiantity of Explosives Stored Beneath
the Monarch's Bleeping Boom-
The Mine Mould Have linen Set Off the
Next Time II o Occupied the Chumber.
The Conspirator Had Due a Tunnel
Over Three Hundred Yard Lone
French Detectives Discovered the
Berlin, May 10. Details of a plot to
kill the Czar have reached here. A week
ago two French detectives nrrlved at the
Gatchtna and began a careful investiga
tion of the palace, one in the disguise of
a coachman and the other In that of an
assistant cook.
Two days after their arrival they re
ported that the whole palace had been
found to be undermined, that the under
ground chumber beueath the Czar's
Bleeping room was already half filled
witu explosives, and that tho Nihilists
back oI llle Plot would have started the
explosion doubtlessly the next time the
2? S dlslove
0r their Dlot.
The undermining had been done by
means of a tunuel which led to a hill not
three hundred yards from the paiace
and which must have been the labor of
many months. Suudcs, picks and bor
ing tools were found near the entrance
In the side of tho bill. This entrance
was concealed by a large rock, around
which the sod was laid so carefully as
not to betray its frequent disturbance.
The plotters must have worked at night
and have left before daybreak, as all the
surrounding country is carefully
ihe plot was known in a
general way
to exist, yet the Czar's police were un
able to discover Us details or even to fix
its location definitely. The cellars and
grounds of the Gutchlna palace were
carefully examined, and upon finding
nothing the detectives decided that the
conspirators had not yet begun to act.
The Paris detectives were then sum
DUcuvery of u I'lot by Vhlch Several Con-
lr-i. llopt-d to nwcut-e Liberty.
Columuus, O., May 10. Through the
assistance of two trusty prisoners tho
Warden of tho State Penitentiary dis
covered a plot by which at least five, but
probably more, desperate prisoners were
to have escaped from that institution
last night.
Two were to walk out by the aid of
forged passes, relying upon tho inabil
ity of the new guards recently put at the
outer gates to recognize them, and the
others were to cut their way through
the roof and lower themselves by means
of ropes to the ground. They had a key
that would unlock a whole range of
In one of the shops an incendiary de
vice was found by which, it is supposed,
the buildings were to be fired last night,
and in the excitement escape would be
effected. A candle was arranged so that
when it burned it would fire a lot of
waste. Upon this waste a large box was
piled, mating a very comuustlhle pile.
One of the prisoners had $113 in his
possession, and the prison authorities
are puzzled to know where be got it.
To Inveitlcate the Tux Laws.
Albany, N. Y., May 10. Pursuant to
the concurrent resolution of the Legisla
ture providing lor the appointment of
joint committee of the two houses to in
vtstlgate the State system ot taxation
and to revise and modify the tax laws of
the state, speaker Hush, of the Assem
bly, has appointed Messrs. Qulgley,
uuenther, uassln, strananan and Ulf-
ford, the latter being president of the
state urange, as sucn a committee on
the part of the Assembly. Tha Senate
committee is composed ot Senators
Ahearn, McClelland and Coggeshall
The expenses of the committee are lint
ited to $0,000.
National Art Congress.
WAsniNOTOif, May 16. An art con
gress to be held under the auspices ot
the National Art Association, begins Its
sessions to-day In tho Columbian Unl
verslty. It will be presided over by
Daniel Huntington, president of the Na
tional Art Association and ex-president
ot the National Academy of Design.
Many speakers distinguished in art,
architecture, science, education and pol
itics have promised to discuss the best
way to improve and advance the popular
taste in art throughout the country.
Abandoned Ulf Divorce Suit.
Yankton, S. D., May 10. II. C. Bor
stel, ot New York, ex-United States
Consul at Pernambuco, Brazil, who has
been here for three months and who had
applied for a divorce from bis wife.
abandoned his suit upon learning that
his wife had filed an answer aud would
demand alimony. The local newspapers
nave been showing up Jiorstel's career
since be came to Yankton, and that
said to have hastened his departure.
Convention of ltallroad Telegraphers.
Chattanooqa, Tenn., May 10. Four
hundred members ot the Order ot Rail
road telegraphers are In the city to at
tend the annual convention of the Order.
The convention will be in session four
days. The principal question to be de
elded is whether the membership shull
be composed ot commercial and railway
men jointly, uther Important meas
ures will also be taken up.
I.leut. lletherlngton's Future.
DcBUQUK, Ia., May 10. It is reported
that Lieut. Uetherington will be assigned
to duty at a (Jovernment iron works
Pennsylvania and will settle down there
with his wife. His father stid this
morning! "I kuow nothing of his luture
plans, nor of any particular service
which he may bo assigned."
To Trot Tor $10,000.
Dbs Moines, Iowa, May 10. Allerton
and Deluiarch will trot here next August
for a purse of $10,000 and 00 per cent, to
go to the winner and 4u to the loser.
All the contracts have been signed,
When you ask for a bottle
of Wolff's Acme Blacking
see that you get the genuine.
The real ait.cle made by us
cannot be bought for less
than 20c. a bottle. It is good
material and worth its price.
There are imitations offered
claiming to be "Just as good"
for less money. Don't buy
them. If the " Just as good "
has any merit it ought to sell
without invoking the aid of
comparison with our Acme
WOLFF & HANDOLPII, Phlladolphif .
is the name of a paint luch doe work
that no other paint can do. Ghm minted
with it looks like colored glass. A 10c
bottle of I'ik-Hon will d( crMe a market
basket full of glassware. All retailers cell it.
Outfit that very properly contains a supply of
'lltrll nrlrlc in tti.nin.rm.ftt r11 .1 .t
. .v. w.tjwjr.Mtiit ui mi iuc UUlCr
dainties, and makes a picnic a picnic indeed.
o u:m jiutKage maKes 5 gallons ol this
very popular beverage.
l)on t be deceived If a dealer, for the tale
of larger profit, tells you some other Und
Is just as eood " 'tis false. No Imitation
is as good as the genuine Hires'.
it is a seamless shoo, with no tacks or wax thread
to hurt the feet; tnado ot the best line calf, stylisU
and easy, and because we make more shoes of thit
grade than any other manufacture It equals band
Bowed shoes ousting from $1.00 to 5.00.
cc uinicnuiup iianu-flpivpdt mennestcaii
shoe ever offered for $5.U0; equals FrencJi
Imported shoes which cost from $3.0) to $U.U.
vu iinnu'scwrii ucu shop ono caiu
wTa stvllsh. comfortable and durable. Tha beat
shoe ever offered at this price t same grade as cu
CO 50 l'olico felioe i Farmers, Railroad Men
XJ w nntl Irfittppr.irripniftll wear them! flnncalt.
seamless, smooth Inside, heavy threo soles, exten
sion edge. Ono pair will wear a year.
K?n tiu uuv cm i iiu ut'uur bdimj eTeroucrea u
SDmZm this nrlcet one trial will convince LhoM
who want a shoe for comfort and service.
CO 3 nmI cUU worltliiKtimn'fl shoed
if) mm are very strong and durable. Those who
have given them n trial will wear no other make.
Qnucl i?UL" una ,i semxu uwi urn
DU lO worn bvtnebovsevervwhere: thevull
on their merits, as the increasing sales show.
QHjne ciiiuu iinnuMfweu sow, oesc
1m Cl U ICO lionnola. vervstvliah:eaualaFronrJ
Imported shoes costing from $i.w to $6.0.
ljntllc' '-I.50, S.OU nml 81.75 shoe for
Hisses are the best fine Dongola. btyllsh and durabla.
fjniuion. oee mat . i. uuuKias- uuuo aua
price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe.
Insist on local advert! ed dealers supplying yon.
V, I,. JlOlUiLAS, llrochton.niass. Soldby
Xortli Itlfiln St., SliennndoaU
Xorth JSmrrick Street, Xear Coal,
&Jiennndoihf ikf ,
Of all kinds promptly attended to.
Special attention elven to
W. E. Smith & Son.
Largest and oldest reliable purely cash ccm.
panles represented by
120 S. Jardm St., Shenandoah, Pa.
98 LYE
The ttrongeu u4 prtt h emtA. t nltka
ether Ltv, it being Boa rowier n4 pcktl
In KChu wltbreiuuvftbl HJ, the content irt
twa rdv fur u). Will mke th .f por
fume I Hard Soap iuWiniaaUHwitkimt baling.
IT 13 THE BEST tar oleaailug wurc it.t,
dlilnremlng ilnkt, cUtwti, vaiblug boulta,
paiau, tret'i, euj.
Cea. Asm., inula., l'a.
K?Q Worth Fourth 8t.,
tha on tr genuine German Atairteaa
ielaUil Id tblntu-d Hiaua bf U
abla to cur- OlOOd Poison,
Norvoua Debility wd Spe
cial Diseases of twta
fciin Dlaw Kd Bpota Palt.1 to lh
lUotihttt I'lmple. Kmpuont toft oi
fiard Mem, bwtlungn, Irrktallaui,
lutiammattoui and Bnnntsfi,
tirumrea, Weaine a&4 Canv
fl-flT, ii memory, weak back. mcnUl anxiety KMser aud
'MivMtr Uluuii ail 4 alt DtteaiM reauUiug from fcicriiti,
h 'Im-rutluu ur Uvtrwork. Ent cuncur.4 In 4 to 10 flajij
fvKu. at unci- Do not loia hop, no matter bat adw
Ulug t' 'or, guaok, raoJIj u Btwpltal Pt-yitoitn hu railed.
Dr. THKfc.- currt positively wttfcoat detention frou
bUflOOM Ot -Oena. M-TXN.I s9$D am VHOl COVtlMrLAVtM
Waruda fit or poor, amid U. itamp fcr bQOk
TKUTH" "I ftC Quack under iworn teadmorllaJi.
llovaidiiir from t to I, I.T i ft to 9, Vad. aad BU
Xr i(M 10. BuDdar 9 t!i tt. WrtU ir call and tot aarad.
fur Rror&Ma aa M'vda. u-i kUtordajr J'Uia. Oalir Ttacav